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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1924)
Your Christmas Store Your Christmas store is ready. Almost as if by maptc it has turned ijito a gay^'col orful gift shop, brimful of a thousand possibilities for gift list names. You have much to do, much to prepare for the coming great holiday. We know * that and we are prepared to assist you in every way pos j sible. Here are any number of gifts that “they” will love to discover Christmas morn ing. Every floor of this great store, every department has j ready for you gift sugges tions by, the score. Make i your purchases now while there is yet leisure for se lection. Arpund the Store i % t The home loving woman loves gifts for her home and on this big Seventh Floor are scores of pieces in fur niture that will thrill her with the joy of possession. A console table with mirror above, a handy gateleg table in walnut, a Coxwell chair, a Windsor rocker—you can end any number of gift problems in this section. You May Buy on Easy Time Paymonta Like to many flagt waving the Spirit of Christmas, are the dainty kerchiefs they show for gifts. Finest lin ens with hand embroidered corner pieces; imported | squares from France and Switzerland, exquisite ker | chiefs with corners of real | lace—there couldn’t be any i thing nicer than a lovely handkerchief. Priced from a quarter to two and three dollars. R Large enough to curry nil V your Christmas wishes are Bff the beautiful beaded bags K they show on the Main !r Floor. As gifts they are y ideal—useful and decidedly m fashion-right. Not expensive, SL either, some as low as 1.89, ST others 6.00, 12.50, 19.60, |ff with the very handsomest, ^ handmade imported ones, up df from 25.00 to 30.00. M What hostess wouldn’t sac gT retly glow with pride to be !• able to serve hey luncheon |ff or tea, with some of the & beautiful Czecho-Slovakian Sr glasware they are showing W on the Fifth Floor! Or a Iff set of Bohemian sherbets with plates to mutch. A , ' handsome gift and surely y not expensive, for they are Intruly imported. For a really handsome gift —a hatbox or over-night bag for her, a filadstone or traveling bag for him. Could more per ome won is on the verythlng ih in lug > expen 5.50 to as ... _,— ■ _ Women's Pure Sill( \ HOPRSALE HOPRSALE HOPRSALE HOPRSALE Hose J 75c Box Women's Lawn f .25 Embroidered I 50c Set of # 1,000 Mens 98c j 95 Value Handkerchiefs < Linen Towels- I Narcissus Bulbs Pelt Slippers ^ 3- 3 t 39c 59c 29c 69c, L j % ' ^ I ^ In attractive shades of blue, brown, gray, ^ ». w£ Of fine lawn, with hemstitched border and black, etc., with firm buckskin soles. K^uaUljf jfl fancy initial. In a g-'ft box. A delightful gift towel, for Consisting of a pretty SUe. 6 to 14 ft . .. .. . .. bowl with narcissus bulbs — js they are daintily embroider- wjth mogS( an pavked in while qu.ntitie. Full-fashioned and semi-iasn- n While quantities last. ed and are of all pure linen. neat gift box. While i»»t. We reaerva ioned — in black and shoe We reserve the right quantities last. We re- the right to limit shades. All have double soles, to limit purchases. While quantities last. We re- serve the right to limit N o j lj-Jj gp|jce<l heels and lisle gar- JS No C. O. D.s or mail serve the right to limit purchases. purchases. No C. O. D.t C. O. D.s or mail | pR orders. % No C. O. D.s or mail orders. or mail orders. orders. tops. JB Basement Mala Floor—West I Third Floor | Eighth Floor ■ ■ ' * wry Friday—A Special Offering of : | „ 5,000 Silk Undergarments^!? AQ j )■ —Chemise, Bloomers, Matched Sets and Night Dresses JqUHLj <r g ^ of Superior Quality Crepe de Chine and Georgette I sv\ Every garment is of the usual Brandeis The colors include Roseleaf, Apple Bios- Lace trimmed or tailored styles, j| TV j standard of quality, workmanship and som, Nile, Maize, Spray Blue, also White with hand embroidery, intucks, a ilj / attractive designing. * ■—iniw hemstitching, antique g [V Most unusual val- pattern, real filet ' A 1 \ ues at this ex- and Irish laces A j | ceptionally and ochre J* l\ | low price. laces. A H m j Jx Third . A ■( H Floor A f K The Daintiest of Feminine Gifts - -Toiletries ~ At Special Prices Most Desirable _ Cutyc Miniature Dj.r ku. 2 Pi.e. s.t- Manicure Set SrvttSS.,.1.69 *«'•' 49c Golli wojfK Miniu ture Lionet te Toilet Wate' mill Paco Powder— 2.50 3-Piece Toiletware Set In plain or decorated Ivory, amber and ahell finiah. Values to 10.50 4.98 Mein Floor—Writ I * Boys’ Shecplined Coats 7* »1500 Six** • to 18. Bearerlx-ed warm collar*. Other* with fur collars—sweater sleeves. Boys Christmas Ties Knitted and *ut\ ^ Sf' ■Ilk tie* In good'v looking color com-' »• hinatlon*. IiiIqq Chriitmaa boxes. lOOC' ^ K ourth Floor ^ Christmas Gifts of Linens All Linen Scarfs Extra heavy Italian linan scarf*, trimmed in imitation cluny lace. Size 18x54. 4-Piece Turkish Bath Sets S Set include* one large bath rug. one large ! bath towel, one guest towel and one wash 4 <Qt) cloth; pretty color combination*. Excel- ' TeyrO lent gift* in boxes. Damask Luncheon Sets Set include* six 16-inch napkin* and on# cloth, your choice of size* for square, oblong or round table— blue and pink and white with blue or pink border. Very pleasing gift*. Beautiful Hand-Embroidered Madeira Napkins 12-Inch A QC 13-Inch CQC Size, Doz., Size, Doz., Oev'O Heautiful hand embroidered design*. Eyelet* and spray patterns of unusual beauty. In nice gift boxes. Main Floor—Writ A A H hen in Doubt Buy a Glove fy Bond or Merchandise Certifi- A cate for a Christmas Gift A O--O & All Gift Jewelry Engraved FREE! g 9 % g Special Sale of I Busy - our 1 The Ideal Gift to Make for Christmas Stamped similar to accompanying illustrations in Ijisy Daisy, French Knot and applique work. They nre attractively fashioned of mi ^ bleached muslin, finished with colored rick rack braid. A clever «tyle that fits any site person. I cry Specially Priced r i Third Fleer k- . ....