Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1924)
^—————■»—WM - , - ■ . — - ... 1-_... ____=^=__!_=_=_=_MaBW_= The Nebraska’s 39th Anniversary and Golden West I Commemorating the west’s returning prosperity to the extraordinary in value and a distri with an event that will save thousands of dol- bution of Gold Piece Souvenirs that will return f lars for the patrons of The Nebraska Clothing to Nebraska patrons many thousands of dollars Co. Wonderful special purchases will contribute in actual cash! Nebraska Clothing Co. invites its patrons to a Real Celebration GOLD PIECES FREE JL jS&lf Plus Wonderful Values! Plus Amazing Selections! Every Man and Young Man ^ . Should Attend The prosperity celebration offers an exceptional opportunity to secure quality clothes, the finest values that America produces at real savings. YOU CHOOSE FROM THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF THE SEASON’S Quality Suits and Overcoats Prosperity Celebration Feature Values at $35 and *50 f AND OTHER WONDERFUL SUITS AND OVERCOATS AT s $20 to $65 Boys’ Suits and Overcoats *10 *12H *15 AND OTHERS AT $18.00 AND $20.00 Supply everything the boys need in winter clothing and furnishing goods. ___i_ * SPECIAL NOTICE—The Gold Piece Souvenir* are distributed as follows: : Ask for a transfer when you begin purchasing—buy in any or all departments. One $2.50 gold piece is given absolutely free with cash purchases amounting to $25.00 or more. One $5.00 gold piece given absolutely free with individual cash purchases of $50.00 or ipore. L. r Every Woman and Miss Should Attend The Prosperity Celebration offers a wonderful opportunity to secure women's wearing apparel at Nebraska's lowest in the city prices. THIRD FLOOR OVERFLOWING WITH ALL THAT'S NEW IN WOMEN’S Fall and Winter Coats and Dresses * Feature Values at $19= to $49= WONDERFUL SHOWING OF HIGHEST GRADE PLUSH AND CLOTH COATS AT $59.50 to $98.50 Mid-Season Trimmed Hats *10 $12= *15 AND OTHER LOWER PRICED MILLINERY IN THE DOWNSTAIRS STORE Women's Hand Macs Ideal Christmas Gifts $3.95, $5.00, $7.50 and Up Buy Men’s Holiday Gift Furnishing Goods Now! in the prosperity celebration choose from the most wonderfully attractive selections ever assembled bv anv store between Chicago and the coast. • • At e/i S Shirts and Mens Gloves and Mens Mufflers and Men's Sweaters and Men's Bath Rohes and Men's Smart Hats Aten's and Women's Neckwear Mittens Reefers Sport Coats House Coats and Caps Umbrellas (Men's and Women’s Men’s and Women’s Men’s Union Suits and Men’s Flannel and Traveling Goods Holiday Slippers 2-Piece Underwear Work Shirts Men—Your Winter Shoes 1 Don’t overlook your footwear needs buy in the Prosperity I Celebration—Sclz $ Six famous .$♦) Shoes and Oxfords Arnold I Glove Grip Educators l)r. A. Heed t'usliion Shoes and other J nationally celebrated Shoes and Oxfords are here. 1 JMnln Floor—North t I I Men's Hosiery Men's Full Dress and Silk or Wool Tuxedo Suits ____ Women s and Children s Shoes Winter footwear time and the Prosperity Celebration make buying easy. Women's new Satina. Patents and Tan Pumpa— Rillikena for boys, children and grown-ups. “Zippers’’ and four buckle Overshoes. Main >«»r(ta m m ■ j... 1 k