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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1924)
Cheese Factory to Be Opened in State Dairy Farmers Plan Outlet for Produce at All Times of Year. Special IMepatch to The Omnlia ttff Obert, Neb., De:. S.—As the result of a recent visit to northeast Nebras ka, and consideration of favorable locationa by a number of Wisconsin dairymen, plans are under way for the eatabllahment of a cheese factory on the Gilbert Halverson farm, a few miles south of here. Most of the farmers in the locality of the propesd factory have large herds of dairy cattle, and for this rea eon it is believed that a flourishing and prosperous business will result from the project. The factory, a building about 30 by 30 feet in size, already is being erect ed, and the farmers interested In the proposition will rent It. If the plans that wore discussed originally are carried out, a rheese making expert from Wisconsin will have charge of the factory. It is claimed that the dairy busi ness in northeast Nebraska is increas ing. due partly to the fact that many farmers are feeding less cattle for market than usual on account of the high price of corn and partly to the fact that there is an increasing demand for milk and cream. How ever. going to the extreme in dairying would result in overproduction and no profit. It is believed by establish ing a cheese factory and allowing farmers to shift from feeding for fat tening to dairying and from selling cream to making cheese, the prices will be stabilized and a fair profit realized on products from grain feed ing in whatever capacity. ---- \ Farmer Traps Raccoon Weighing 36 Founds V_/ Beatrice, Dec. 3.—Frank W’illlams, farmer living eight miles northeast of Beatrice on Bear creek, caught In a trap on hia farm w'hat he believes is the largest raccoon captured in this section of the state in years. It weighed 36 pounds. Mr. Williams re ports that during (he past few months he has not only caught a number of raccoons but mink and possum as well. Every piece of delicious spotless factory of our organization is an artist. JOHN 6. WOODWARD 4 CO. ‘"Oie Candy Men" Inner-Circle Candies - - -— I __S_ - ■ | The Daily Cross Word Puzzle By RICHARD H. TINGLE!. ^ _I___1 - Horizontal. 1. To seize suddenly. 4. Coal product. 7. Sun reflector. 10. One of Jupiter's loves. 11. Haircloth garment worn in the Levant. 12. Italian river. 13. In addition. 15. Relatives value. 17. Leader in child’s play. IS. Finish. 1!). Zoroastran diety (posT) 21. Queen of the gods. 23. Exclamation. 24. In addition. 25. Within. 27. An Irishman. 30. Rotating piece of machinery. 31. Shaped like an L. *■ Vertical. 1. Later stone age. 2. Others (Latin). 3. Mental prejudice. 4. Russian ruler. 5. In the vicinity of. B. Seizing living prey. 7. A truncated gable. S. Siberian river. - — 9. Pedal digit. 14. An Indian tribe. 16. Relating to (suffix). 19. A cheer. 20. Bow of vessel. 21. To sharpen. 22. Cape on the Massahusetta coast. 26. Either. 26. Bachelor of Arts (abbr.) 29. Not (prefiex). STYLE WITHOUT 1519 1521 EXTRAVAGANCE DOUGLAS ST \ Starting Thursday—In the Most Phenomenal Sale Omaha Has Ever Known 1000 Beautiful Crisp New HATS Secured in the most sensational purchase ever consummated by this organization Hats that should sell at *15 *125# *10 $75# Choice Thursday • ^ 1 ’ e % I We appreciate how seemingly impot- Hats—Hats—Hats. Our Immense third sible such a sale at this might appear floor is crowded to capacity with tho 1 to the woman who it not familiar with most wonderful array of truly beauti the Herzberg merchandising policies. ful, distinctively styled hats. Hats oa But we promise you the greatest hat which tha trimmings alone are worth values in our merchandising history. far more than the price wo quote. Materials Style* # Failles Bengalines Fells Tyrolean Crouns Turbans Satins Metallic Brocades Rolled Brints Capelines Straw Combinations Off-the-Face Pokes Taffetas Large Dressy Hats Hundreds of Advance New Spring Creations • Beautiful, crisp, new spring hats, delightful in their freshness. Hats that one would not hope to secure at this daring low price. They are here, here in assortments that are positively bewildering. Never before and we believe never again will such a millinery sale present itself to you. A Millinery Sale Omaha Women Will Remember for Months to Come Every hat i> a quality hat, a real style success. They are trimmed with flowers, ribbon bows, lace, touches of * straw and pom poms. Hats for the miss and the matron, with plenty of hats for the woman who requires a large head siza. p i We cannot urge you too ' ** ***** Extra salesladies, extra Strongly to plan on an early Runt Black Cranberry Henna wrappers, extra cashiers attendance. Sale starts Copen Rose Melon Broun and extra space will be de promptly .t 9 a. m. Sand Pheamnt Wood Etc. vo““d to thl* ENTIRE THIRD FLOOR DEVOTED TO THIS WONDERFUL SALE ! *, v - Children Must Have Good Shoes i\ idow Vi a«h<*rwoman Unahle to Buy Footwear for Girls; Your Gash Needed. Betty and Elsie are two little girls whose mother, a widow, takes in washings to support them. They are bright children. Betty has 'oal black hair and large dreamy eyes, and she wants to he an opera singer. Elsie Is fair and vivacious, rhey are good students in one of the ower grades. The mother's ilWef task In life Is to ’eed and clothe these Utile girls, and ;lve them a home. This fall she was — not ship to buy them any new ahoea, and, alm'e they are normal youngsters who play hard, they wear out shoes quickly. Peril lo Health. So they go to school each day with thin soles which have not yet caused them discomfort, but which will be dangerous to their health when the snows set In. The mother is anxious eyed, Her only hope is The Omaha Bee s Free Shoe Fund, which came to her aid so providentially last year. Who is going to send in the money so that Klsle and Betty may have new shoes this winter? The fund, started only this week, Is growing slowly hut surely. it will bring comfort to hundreds of needy school children this winter. No mat ter how snail the donation, It will be welcome. There are lots of Elsies and Bcttya In Omaha. Previously acknowledged S t'nltcd 11)1/it,,is HsHoclution. 10.ou (icorge It. Tliummfl. S-t'tl Total . * «■«*» ————— Ain I KTI*fcME>T. » KTI-EMI M Kellogg’s Bran delights father by bringing health to children Poor littlo kids—they needed br»n badly. But they wouldn't eat ordi nary brans. They didn't like them. Most folks don’t. Then iheir father tried Kellojtc'* Bran, cooked end krumbled. What a difference! lie tells the story in bis letter: "Dear Sir*; I with to ex pres* my appreciation of your krumbled bran, w hich I have uaeJ for my children thi* *ommrr. We had a great deal of trouble with them through constipation, and bran had bear, the most satisfactory rem edy but they’ could not be induced to take the old varieties . . . because they disliked them so. They enjoy the krumbled bran and consider it an essential ingredient of their porridge. No one whose children have not been troubled In thl* way can appreciate the relief there is in having their bowels move regularly." (The original ui this letter is on file at the Kellis? Company, twua t Creek. Mich.) Constipation is n dangerous disease. It should not be neglected. But do not try hallway measures in seeking relief. Kellogg's Bran is ALL brae. And it takes ALL bran to be lOOCi effective. Kellogg’s Bran is guaran teed to bring permanent relief, it eaten regularly, in the most chroni • eases. If it fails, your grocer will re turn your money. Eat two tablespoonfuls daily—in chronic eases, with every meal. Eat. it with milk or cream. The flavor is delicious. Sprinkle it on other cereal-. Cook it with hot cereals. Try it in the recipes on every package. It will bring you health. Begin eating it to-day. Made in Battle Crock. Sold by ail grocers. __ Suggestions for Appropriate Christmas Gifts A Windsor Chair In Mahogany Soma new and different designs in the attractiva Windsor style chairs. They are in a highly polished mahogany. CHAIRS, $5.85 ROCKERS, $6.15 Bridge Lamps Complete With Shade $6.75 Floor Lamps Complete With Shade $11.85 Spinet Desks A piece of furniture ■■ ■ every women loves— J1 | UC • handsome mahof- ^ I m ~ ■ any spinet desk and P I I w lr chair to match. Name Your Own Terms Cedar Chests GENUINE RED TENNESSEE You Reach the Heart of a Woman When Your Gift is a Cedar £0 7C Chest You are ffivinf her security for her most M beautiful clothes; perfect protection from moths. You have many and very different chests to ^ ggmm choose from, but all are lined with aromatic OT ^ M M M red cedar ar.d priced moderately. Send her a cedar chest. Console Phonograph *56 Plays All Records ■1 | Polychrome k * mirror free li I with each Phonograph $1.00 Down RECORDS “• ,m ,Ko,'|,■ 2 for 15c only - „ , .. ■ ■ . . '■ ■ - • i *ffinmswick Phonographs $-1 Annin We are for the Bruns- I jn( K wick and have them at all prices ® ^ W W ■ ■ in every finish and model. Suggestions for Appropriate Christmas Gifts il y s y 6 3 a This Sewing Table Complete in Every Detail j \ very great convenience i* this , fully equipped tewing table, at every woman Icnowa. In ma hogany, highly poliahed, for $16.85 FREE! With every purchaae of furni ture of $25 or over Toya for the kiddiea are free. We have the largeat aaaortment we ever have had and our pricoa are al waya the LOWEST. Polychrome Mirrors Beautiful art wallflj ^ mirror*, very u*eful.*P ^ fill practical gift*. at Buffet Mirrors Vary large mirror ind* m/g mgg beautiful polychrome**^ ^ fiai»h. Extra special. Name Your Own Terms 8-Piece Dining Room Suite A large buffet, 6 chairs and oblong table offers you an attractive suite, at only $7650 $3.00 Down 3-Piece Living Room Suite Covered in fine quality velour-a very fine suite and a gift all can enjoy. *89so $3.00 Down j STATE ! mth and dodge Furniture Company mth and dodge I FSASCM KILLS \ COLDSj k Or Your Monty Bock Z] >v ASK EOR THE A4 PURPLE BOX^CS __1-- - , —• /jrTnnpk I Quiik HiUefi A pleasant effactiv* syrup. I V 15c and 60c stia* And rxttrnally, u»e PISO’S 1 hr oof and l hast WHEN in NEED OF HELP nn OMAIIV HI.I » \.\i AIM. \»V KKTIHI MKNT. HEAD OFF THAT COLD Head off croup and cold# before they reach the danger point. Prevent develop ment of Irritating coughs, throat and lung (rouble. Hot quick relief Lees CRRO LYPTIJS an emulsified creosote--I* pleas ant to take and Is guaranteed to gRe al most Instant relief lees f ItKO-LYPTtm Is an effective • omblnatlon of creosote. the greatest Known henllng sgent and other healing elements recognised by the medical world. The pleasant healing fumes of I m i C1UCD I.YPTUR enter the lunga and pre vent pneumonia germa. Soothe* sntf heata (he Inflamed mtmbranrs of the throat. Hellevea ihtonio coughing and restores normal breathing.'s fit ICO 1 YPTl'R is guaranteed bv a money back pledge to relieve colds . hron ohtal aethma. chronlo nd acute branch! tie whooping • cugh and croup Your money refunded If you aie not sstlsfiad after taking Ices fllKO I.YPTLS according to direct lone a large bottle, lit at all druggists I0 HI K. \V \\T \|1S 111(1 Nl< KKM I TS / 4 \