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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1924)
- Senators Defeat Boston Red Sox, 4 to 2, to Win First Major .league Pennant Marberrv Plavs J J Part of Hero in Deciding Game O Bay State Sluggers Drive Zaoh riry From Box Early in Contest; Peck. Harris' Fielding Features. OSTON, Sept. J9 — ! j . first . American | J J league pennant by defenting tlie Kcil ’ Sox here today, 4 j to t, and earned the / right to meet the ~ New York Giants in the world's scries, which Is to open in Washington Satur day. When the last Itostou player was out in l!ie ninth in ning, ami the vic tory of tlie Sena tors was assured, a Washington won its crowd of 19,000 Iloston fans cheered tlie visiting team as it came from the field. Clark Griffith, the setcrmi owner; Stanley Harris, the "boy ze* manager," and Walter Johnson, fa mous pitching ace, who wifi take part in his first world's series after 10 years in the hig leagues, were ap plauded In turn. * Fred Marberry. relief pitcher of the Semi tors, who held Boston scoreless for the last, six Innings today, will be named the heto of this deciding game. He has acted as relief pitcher in all three games played here in this series and has worked in 50 games for Washington this sea-son. Left hander John Zachary was none too effective in the first three InningR, but Marberry stopped the Red Sox. Washington made its bid early for tlie victory flint would give it (lie pennant regardless rf what tlie N’eu York Yankees do in their double header against Philadelphia tomor row. Off Curtis Fullerton, in the first with two out, Rice singled through short, stole seeond and went all the way home when O'N'eiU's wild throw caromed off l^e's glove. In the sec* ond tlie Senators made two runs. Peck singled and scored on singles by Rnel and Zachary. Kurl scored from third on I Jehold's single to right. These three runs off Fullerton were enough as the events proved, hut the Senators added a fourth iff John Quinn in the eighth* Inning. Stanley Hands doubled against the. left field fence and went home on a clean single by Rice. Boston had all its chances early ia the game. Singles by Williams and Wamby let the former home in the first. Veach scored in the third. He singled. Boone was hit and Joe Har ris bunted. Ezzell's harsh grounder off Zachary's glove let Vcarh score Throughout the game Peck and Hr nlry Harris played wonderfully. In the Inst half of the ninth, with me out. Harris picked up Pinch Hitter Clark's grounder, tagged stcond anil with a quick pivot and throw, almost without locking, got the ball to Judge in time to double up the batter and retire the side. snore: WASHINGTON (A) BOSTON <A» nb h.po.a.e. ab.h.po n p. TzUboM rf a 1 3 0 OWII'm* rf & 1 S H'ri* 2b 4 1 s 4/n Wamby b 3 1 2 I o Ricr rf 4 2 0 0 0 V< :trh ?f 4 2 0 0 0 On-Mn If 1 ’ 1 a a , f 2 I , 1 u Judge 1'n 4 1 12 t lid H Is II) .. 1111 0 TUliege .".h 4 0 1 a 1 Wzzelt SI. 4 0 1 " P p gh 6* 4 3 ft 5 ft ! •» * 4 1 Rnr| e 4 2 4 1 ft' 1"Neill r :: a 2 | 1 Ztiarv p '• 2 1 2 0 fieri™ p '. ■ '• xTnylor ft ft ft ft nzl.eving I n ft a a M'lierrv p I ft II 1 ft Quinn p 2 0 a I a __-zClerk 1 1 ft 0 *1 Total* 36 12 27 14 1 TT-.T- , Totals 32 3 27 lu t for Zachary In fourth XRailed for Fullerton In second. /Halted ter Quinn In ninth. Score by inning*: .*««««,» , Washington .221 211 Host oft ■ • j ’ °£ ' ,J Funimary- Kuns llarrl Do *•. F Riirl VHK'h Tv • I ' * * Tla-rl- Stolen Iwiae: Hire Saarlfbo bit* Marberry. .1. Ilarrla. Wamby. IF" i hie playa: Peck l« s Ilarrla to Judge: S Harris to Judge; Wamby to J llarrie. Zachar; to Rlaegr Left on lia*i;» "»«' litgton. 6; Boaton, S. Baae* on balle: Off Zacharv. 2. Struck, out: 11} Za-hary, 1; hi- Marbirry. 2. Rita: t iff Zachary. 5 In three inning*: off Marberry. 4 In *lx In nlngs- off Fullerton, r. in two Inning*: "if Quinn. S in aerrn Inn Inge, lilt by i; Kdjc.l ball' By Zachiwy. Boon* \\ Innlnic vlt* her- Marb*rrv. I,ostinjr plU-n*r; Fullerton T’mplres: Connelly and Owen#. Tim*: t: White Sox Win Season Final h Chicago. Sept 2*.—Chicago heat 1«* trolt in a farcical game today which closed the aeaaon hare. The score waa is to 6. Detroit player, loefed throughout the game. Manager Cobb ivaa not prea ent, having gone homo Sunday night. 8'0DETRC)IT lAl CHICAGO (Al ah » e ah h p * a e Jone. 3b 2 " " " Arcon rf :i 1 : " " Manu.h cf 12"" Klah rf 1 " " " Wlngo If i. 2 I 0 " Hooper rT 112 a " H'mann rf 2 1 ID" M'liart 2n : i . i " BuM?" e* -.2211 Collin. 2h I. Prail It. 119 0 n nancy 11, i :: a » c G.h «»r 2b 4 I 4 4 " Kalb If .11'. Man Ion c 2 n : o I Knnn 31. a l ii " Woodall 44 S I 1 . I M't" la" *'• J " 1 1 • Hot wav p n o n I a crou.e c - ; a » XWhltehlll II"" OGra.kl < 2 1 I | 1 Johnson p : 2 II I 9 It ship p a I ft Total. 34 1 4 24 t| » Total. 3S 1 7 27 7 2 x Hatted for Holloway In third. (4com by Inning*: ... ... u. riel roll 904 "19 "00— ! Chicago M?'** 2«»- "* Nummary Rum* Manuah. V\ logo. »l»* i liunn. Wood nil. Whltehlll A *•« hd»n< on « 2). Klnh lloo^r. Mor*hart. Collins Dau cy it). Falk (2). from-* <Jrabow»kl, Blnnkamshin Two him* him Wlngo <-» FnlU (2). Manunh, Burk*. Klah rht*< b*»< hit* Koouer Collin*. Woodall. Falk. run Blanktimblp. Btolgn t Collin* Mor»hiiri. Fnlk. Danny • 2 > / rifin* hit* Clancy. Arohd*m*oii. II^IIiismn•• Double piny: Burk* to (Jvhi n**r to Prntt Left on ban**-: Detroit. 9. Chicago. Rim** on ball*: ' *ff Holloway, ; off Blnnkeu phIn. 2: off Tohrtfon. 1 .struck out: Ft\ Hollowav. 1: by Ml>»nk#*r"*hlt' 3 lilt* Off Hollowav ' In 2 Inning "ff .h nn »nn 12 in 6 Innlnm Luting plU’hm Hoi Iowav I’lotdr* * HHdobrand, Morlarty and Ortnsby. Time 102. Spalla Retain* Title. By Aaaocliited I’rfM. Milan. Italy, fiept. -8. Ermtno Hpullit. heuvy weight < hamplon boxer of Europe, today retained hi* chum plonRblp by outpointing l’let Van derveer of Holland tn a 20 round bon t.______ Cuticura Soap Best for Baby t WESTERN LEAGUE. G. AB. R. H. Pit. Miller. SI. Jowph.MI 552 108 214 .388 Lellvelt. Tu I mi . 153 586 124 225 .383 Lamb. Tulsa.Ifi6 662 149 259 .374 Washburn, Tulsa.167 649 183 242 .372 Glnglardl. Den. .161 635 ISO 234 .309 NATIONAL. Hornsby, St. l/s.143 536 121 227 .421 Wheat, Brooklyn.141 566 91 212 .375 Young, N. York. 133 525 112 187 .355 Cuvier, Pitts'gh 117 466 94 165 .354 Rousli, C'ineln’ti. 121.483 87 169 .350 AMERICAN. Ruth, New York 152 528 143 200 .379 Jamieson, Clev’d 143 595 98 213 458 Collins, Chicago.. 150 534 106 193 .349 Falk, Chicago. ...137, 320 70 181 .348 Hassler, Detroit. 124 377 43 131 .347 VALLEY ELEVEN DEFEATS SPORTS Valley. Neb.. Sept. 29.—The Valley LegP n football team romped over the Omaha Sporting Goods team of Oma ha here this afternoon and took the measure of the visitors by the score of 2it to 0. Valley’s touchdowns came as a result of end runs and forward passer. The clean playing of the Visitors made a good Impression on the fans and the Sporting Goods team will probably play a return game at some later date. Next Sunduy Valley plays tlie West Side Athletic club of South Omaha. Jeffries in Movies. Los Angeles, Sept. 29.—Jame* J. Jefrrles. former world's heavyweight champion, has followed the example of his hard hitting successor, Jack Dempsey, and gone Into the movies. Ho is enacting the role of a black smith in a film comedy nenrlng com pletion here, it was learned today. | Games This Week High School Football M1**01 HI VALLEY. NUt III (lit) . Illfnoia mriln-vt Nrbniakrt at Lincoln. Ml«*oiirl mjalnM < 1»Io«bo Ht ri»lc«*o. Ml coiuln HKuliift Ame* at Madiaon. LunMUM against Oklahoma Ajrglrs fit I.J yy relief. Oklahoma nfalnnt Central Teacher* at N rmi'ii. M'ii4hinf(ton nualnit l)nir> at St. Lniiln. Lml.e a(fnim»t l tab I . at Salt I^iUc r rlnncll uBiannt ( ornfll (Iowa) at firln w-l. Homan* \kbIcb aijuln*t Washburn at Ti peku. I STATE CONFERENCE. Saturday. ( otnera BBulont Dcuiif at ( rftf. V.'h.v no uguinnt »bruka Central at -nr. 4 li iriruit uBain*t Colorado Mine* at fV i i.•(!«». IVru Normal Dimlnit Tarklo nt Torklo. WESTERN CONFERENCE. M. Ulfpin uBUimit Miami at Ann Arbor CV.|« ::rr • atfalnft kltraouri at CblcwBo. V\ lai onrln :*uin»t Amce at Madtauu a! nn cant a uKainat North Dakota at uncapoll* Purdue against Ohio State at Coluiti bf" Iowa .iBOlnut Houthweatern Teachei* » ..-Uionvi nt Iowa City, Northw eattrn aKalnat South Dakota n* Ky nnaton. Indiana Dfl’auw m 111 -<>mi d llltilf *ruooL. Columbua at Albion. Lexington nr v Wannfta at II!b Sprin*. Nri'la ‘Dor' at ■ mb. , «\«ntral City nt Broken Bow. t'mahu at Icatrbe P.trh'on Pico nt Plattamouth. ■> m-Pti it North Platte • vi d Mt Fxpfer. tiu> ..od »* roll*Re VieYv. H . * I'driiatit r ! ;tf Tcuitfn**h. . i . fi<;tj i.i Sutton, l o. • r l?’ Plnn» at Frcmonf ’ - i I b* » York C m! UorhcnburB. i v * • i • * n t (•'nn^v*, I* ♦•Jtiud ft DUJdc H u k. / u - ti-r-nd Inland, at Hebron. • *-? iu t ' • j.!m •'h Kearney. I,;: i iv i t B« trie* < re:ei' < I. '*■ ' M j* }f.»Kfjtitfe. * , mil ■ Crclu ton ' f»*»pi»h’;b r,t\ nt Auburn. i -'tinl t”*v nt <jp« eola. Peru at Verdon. i.ivunna »it Ulbbon .*» ntan a» David City. •^’hiiyler of I.elBh fi-tnev ft Jule*burB Colo orrlll at M< .ttabluff. Tckumah af Walfhlll Waboo nt W**t Point.______ Lamb Breaks Record as Oilers Defeat Omaha TuIm Outfielder Pole* 100th Two-Base Hit of Season; Washburn Collects 48th Home Run. Tulsn OklnSept. 29—The Oilers .made it two straight over the pennant winning Omaha Buffaloes here today. 0 »n 7. I.ymai L:\mb h<t hi* 100th two-bian hit of the season in the third Inning, aet ting a world* record. Washburn hit hi* 48th home run of the year Jn the first Inning. Score; OMAHA. An. r. ii. ro. a. k Thompson. 2b .4 l 1 8 3 0 O’Neill as .4 1 I 1 I 0 fTIIcnx 8b .4 I I 0 2 n Robinson rf \.5 I 1 3 0 0 < Ullop 1b .4 O « ft I 0 Hone tv It*, cf . 4 ft 2 5 0 0 Icn-han If .4 2 1 8 0 o J.npt’V c . 3 1 I 0 0 alack p . .4 0 0 1 I 0 Total*.SO 7 8 24 » 0 TULSA An. r. h. ro. a. i: 3 Hat In If . 4 2 2 4 0 0 . Wiphhurn I 3 1 0 ! Bavin rf .4 0 18 11 Lamb cf .4 0 2 4 O 0 Lcl'vclt lb .4 0 O 4 1 0 Ftp ey c .4 1 0 JV O ft Wtimrt 3I» 8 2 2 0 1 ft nipiiln ** 4 2 2 ft 2 0 Tesur p ..4 1 2 0 2 0 Total* 36 tf 14 27 7 2 Swire by Du ngs: Omaha . 004 101 010—7 Tulsn . 100 2«3 30a—0 I Nummary—Tw«-bn*n hlfnt Robinson, Lnmb, An«tln (2). Home run*: Wnahburn. Ltiebhc. Stolen br*e: ThomiiKon. (sacrifice hit: Austin. Dtuble play: Mack t«» O’Neill to Ftillop. Left on In es: Omutm, : Tulsn. 0. Rivtca on halla: Off Mack. 4: off ’*>*ar, ft Struck cut: By Tcor. 5; l»\ Mack. Hit by pitched bell: By .Mack. Cases. I mpircs: ClOffnev and Hnye*. Time: 1:8*' Witches, Bears Divide Honors R* ‘its. Kan.. Sent 29-—Wichita and broke even In the double-header ’’ ’ ’es’d th« Westftfn league Reason **» fil v Wichita won the fir*:. 12 ■ 4. n f ii ’ * nJn'*-ifinin~ frame that w ■ !v rt-l in Hi minute*. The Inst went 10 • :>tries *rd was won by Denver, 8 to 4 Tb« scores: F'rm* r'mc: DENVER (W) WICHITA (MV) ab h po.a e Ah h.po a c. Berger 3h 4 0 0 1 ft Smith <f f* 2 8 1 0 O’lardl If 5 3 2 0ft Butler *b 41110 pnche lb ft ft 7 3 ft Payne rf ft 3 1 0 0 • ‘‘Brlen cf ft 0 •; o ft Beck lb 5 2 5 0 0 t'rleht 2b 4 2 1 1 1 Brown 2b 5 3 2 3 ft Wbnllng e 4 0 1 o ft nil’sp'e If ft 2 3 0 i Hinkle rf 4 2*0 « Cnrgan ** 53812 Begley R* 4 2 2 1 0 Wales C 4 2 4 0 •' V’rhela p 4 2 3 2 1 p 4 1 0 1 1 Total* 39 It 24 H 2 Total* 42 19 27 7 3 Score by Inning*. Denver . 002 000 101— 4 W ichita . 11* 30*-—1 - Nummary—Rune- Hinkle (?>. Begley <1). Smith. Butler. Payno <2), Be. k. Brown. Oill*rple (3*. Conran. W ale*, i Jolly. hit* Bay no (2), Brown, ('organ. Waha (2> Oinglardl (2),’, Hinkle. Begleys Three-bas* lilt* Smith.. Horgan. Home run: Berk. Sacrifice hB Butler Stolen base* Butler. Jolly. Stru. !; out: By Jollv. 2; by Voorhie*. L Bt»e» r.n ball*; Off Jolly 1 Left on Wichita. 8: Denver, 9 Umpire*. Collin* und Fitzpatrick. Time. 0:15. Second ram* DENVER <W> WICHITA (W» — s e. ah h po.a.e Hinkle 3b 5 0 1 2 2 Smlth cf 4 2 0 o r. O’glard! If 5 1 3 0 0 Butler 3b 4 2 1 3 2 Roche lb 4 011 2 0 Bayne r( i ft 4 0 n m’Brlen cf 5 3 4 ft ° Be< k 1h 5 114 0 1 Knight 2b ft 3 3 2 OH', wn lb ft 1 1 3 0 Whaling : 5 1 ft 1 ftOill e le If 3 0 2 0 o Brown rf 5 1 1 'I 0 Fortran m ft 1 3 5 2 Begley aa 4 6 0 3 2 Walea 12410 Fre’man p 5 1 1 4 OCampb ll p 4 0 2 80 Total* 43 9 30 1 4 4 Total* 37 9 30 18 & Score by Innings: r»-nvcr .0|2 ftftft ftf.O 4—* Vv" i chit a ’. *00 100 ooo 0—4 Seminary-—Runs: Hinkle. Oinglardl, hr «?). O’Brien (2). Knight. Smith, •rr. *«e«k. F.illesnle Twr»-bn*e hit*: Walt*. Cllnelardl, O’Brien (3). h» Sncrlflce hit*: Bmler Payne. 'Pie (2). Wild pitch: Freeman, ut k out Rv Freeman, ft' by Ctnip * Base* on balls off Cainohell, 2; F'-c-rien. 1 left on hare*: Wichita* 1 in Denver. 7. Time: 1:30. Umpire*: •ns and Fitzpatrick __ Mi'RPS: VINT0NS WIN BALL GAMES Although the rhlllv winds blew lhard and furious around T.eague liark ■•rst.. ,l.iy afternoon, 600 fans saw the 'our amateur tennis stage a double header. The Vinton Merrhants, win ners of the Gat'S City league, sur rsed the small gathering and hand ad the Woodmen of the World, run I nr.; up for the Metropolitan league j, 3 to 1 defeat In the first game theSvturphy Dld lte. city amateur k-hampione. trimmed "Banty” Me | Keague's All Nations, by the score of j7 to 8. * FRIENDS ALL NOTICE HOW WEIL SHE IOOKS Mrs. MueMberger S aye Words Cannot Describe Her Suffering Before She Tried Tanlac Treatment. "Before taking Tanlac I only weight : r«l lli lbs. anil was so run down and | weak I couldn't do my housework. , But ] now weigh 164 anti am strong nnd wot), Just as my friend* all say | I look," 1* the striking statement I of Mrs. Mary Muohlberger. 803 8. | .Millwood Ave., Wichita. Kan. "Words Just can't fully describe uhat I suffered from indigestion i ^mothering spell* nervousness, head ; Hi hes, dlzzineHH anil backache. I had no appietite, could eat no meat#*, nnd the least exertion would wear me oue. 'But Tanlac has .lone entirely away with all this Indigestion, nervousness and worry, and now my health Is ss fine as 1 could ask. It cerntalnly Is a remarkable contrast between my condition now nnd two years ago and Ttinlae has my unstinted praise." Tanlac is for sale by nil good drug gists. Accept no substitute. Uvcr 40 million bottles sold. Tati lac Vegetable I’llla for can atlpntlon: made and recommended by the manufacture™ of Tnnlar. Ad vertlaemi-nt. 4» ii* I'.n Mi' % Good Tiling - HUNT Mint IT. Hand your name ami addr*** plainly written together with 6 cent* (and tlua •lip) to Chamberlain Medicine Co, He* Mr,men, Iowa, and receir* In return a trial naeliag* containing Chamherlain'l Cough Kemedy for rough*, cold*, croup, bronchial, “flu" and whooping rough*, and tickling throat! Charubeilain'a Hlom ach and I.ieer Tablet* for (touiacb Irma blea, Indigeauon, gaaay pain* that crowd the heart, biliiwuncaa and mnalipalinn; Chamberlain'* Hal**, needed in arery family for hurna, acalda, wound*, pile*, and akin aflecliona, theae taluad family 1 median** foi on hi A oauta. Lieut miaa IL Kills Colds+Quick! Guaranteed Relief in 5 Hopra Why hang onto a Head Cold for 4 week when l>r. f’lntt'a Rlnei Pra aoriptlon la guaranty to knock If In 6 houra or It coat a you nothing. fHnax gefa at the inirmal < .m*e in 1* hhtml arid removes It. Ho every face #r.. * quick Vou cun have a t lul treatment, free. t*y writing to the Clint, at I .m l*on# t or lee. Cleveland, Clllo. and eendlng IA cents to novel* packing and pontage hut you taka no rlek In getting the 91 package direct from the dealer. On * tla In thla tv ». * All Hand lnu«al«t» Copyright, lilt, kv the t'llalwal J.ahor* |f»rl*e co, Cleveland Ohio | Pilots Senators to First Pennant \ Stanley Harris When the Senators defeated the Red Sox, 1 to ", hi yesterday's game it r;»ve baseball fans of the country something to talk about. With the victory Washington won its first pennant in organized ball. Piloted by "Bucky” Harris, tile youngest manager in the major leagues, the Senators were contenders for the pennant from the start of the season and only by playing top-notch ball were they able to nose out the New York Yankees. Two Missouri Valley Teams Will Help Big Ten Open Season Saturday Ilt'ACIO, Sept. 29.—The Big Ten conference will open officially next Saturday with Purdue playing Ohio State nt Co lumbus and the other members of the association meeting nonconfer ence teams. Two Missouri Val ley teams figure In two of these con tests, Nebraska playing Its usual lead-off role with Illinois, while Mis sourl meets Chicago. Purdue already has one victory over Wabash, but this Is Ohio State’s first game. They have most of their good men hack front last year and are expected to cause trouble to other conference teams. Minnesota will meet North I to - kota. a team defeated last Saturday by Wisconsin. 25 to 0, and the re huIt in expected to kIiow whether the Gophers have developed a bark field and wing men to muteU their veteran line. Wisconsin meids Iowa State and has still another minor opponent before meeting conference elevens. Michigan, switching to a new team for Its opening game—-Miami instead of Case—also has one more easy op ponent, and then six conference games on Saturdays, the toughest of the "Big Ten" schedule. Indiana, with a 65-to-0 victory last Saturday, meets Depauw lor a furtiier seasoning before facing con ference teams. Northwestern, with its line ques tion still unsolved, goes against ■South Dakota, and Iowa will make Its Big Ten debut against South western Teachers of Oklahoma. Notre Dame starts Its widespread campaign with Lombard, and after meeting another minor team next week will take on the Army at Prince ton on successive Saturdays in the east, followed by Georgia Tech, Wis consin and Nebraska. ILLINI-HUSKER GAME SATURDAY FEATURE CONTEST; OMAHA HIGH TEAMS IN ACTION NEXT FRIDAY Creighton l niversity Idle After 20 to . \ ictory tKer Mid land—Two State Conference Schools Open Season I^at urday—Central Meets Be itriee. By "WAG.” R B R A 8 K A ' S university, col lege and high ► chord football teams will get off to a flying Mart this week end w hen near ly every eleven In Cornhusker land trots Into pigskin combat, laist week-end sa w the open ing of' the schedule for Creighton uiji T—Hi Mlliliilr verslty and sev eral high school teams, but the big "blow out" does not come until Satur day when the University of Nebraska and the University of Illinois pry the lid off the 1024 season at Lin ooln. The Husker-Illlnols game is by far the most important gridiron content in this vicinity this week. Illinois and its great plunging back field man, “Red” Grange, defeated Nebraska last year and the Huskers are out for the well-known revenge. Will they get it? Some think they will. Others say no. Lit tle Is known of Nebraska's strength. Reports from early practice at Lin coln favor a good team one day and a weak eleven the neat. What a team does on a practice field anil what the same team does in a regu lar game are different. Nebraska 1 foetball teams are known to fight and fight hard and when Illinois bucks up against the best C'oaeh Dawson lias to offer Saturday we opine that "Red” Grange and his teammates will find It a pretty hard matter to push over touchdowns. Creighton university opened its sea son lust Friday by defeating Midland at Fremont, 20 to 7. Conch "Chet" Wynne of the Bluejays noticed many weak points In the offense and de fense of the eleven. Creighton is Idle this week, but on Saturday, October 11. plays Lies Moines at the Omaha ball park. Two state conference schools open their season Saturday when Cotner and Doane play at Crete, and Wayne and Nebraska Central play at Wayne. Nearly all the state high schools play this week-end. Right here in Omaha we are more or less inter ested In the ups and downs of the four high schools—Central, Tech. South High and Creighton I’rep. Central opens at Beatrice Friday. Coach Sclunidt has what appears to be another strong combination at Central and should defeat Be atrice. From Beatrice the Purple of Omaha will go to Lincoln, where on Saturday they will witness the Nebraska-Illinois grtiru Terli open* Its scliedlll** against Abraham Lincoln of t'uiinc’l Muffs on the new Terli field. The 1021 Omaha championship football team should will over the Iowan*. Tie same team that won the champion ship for Tech last year is not on the field this year, but eunuch regu lars are back so that Coach Drum monel has the “heart" of another strong eleven. South High plays Thomas Jefferson In < 'ouncil Bluffs. Coach I' Wot • South Is having trouble this season. The Packer coach has green materia) with which to work into a strong combination. . . The Creighton Preps play at Platte mouth and should win. although little Is known of the strength of both teams. Creighton Prep, however, ha a heavy line and a fnsl haekfleld They have shown up well In practice DRAKE BULI DOGS DEPART TODAY Dps Mclnes, la., Sep.. 21*—W uh only two practice periods on their home field remaining before they' em mark upon the 1,200-mile trip, which will take them to Salt Lake City and the first game of the seasftn. the Drake Pulido-* will he put thropgh strenuous workout Tuesday by Coach golem, golem has intimated he will name the lineup for the Utah game today at the close of practice. It has been decided that 25 men will be taken to Utah. The squad will leave lies Moines early Tues lav over the Rock island. They will stop at Colorado Springs Wednesday for practice and a sight seeing trip. Hain Halts Program of National Riflf Assoriatiun Camp Perry. O., Sept. 2S —Ram prevented todays program of th‘ National Rifle association. Firing of the United States team In the Inter national small bore match for the Dewar trophy was itostponed until to morrow. Gen. James A Drain, nation -1 com mander of the American Ixmon and first president of the association, pre sented trophies and medals to his winners of matches already decided. Eve y set vice was represented. R.iin Prevents Sunday Game for First Time j in Last Nine Years Cleveland. O.. Kept. “X.—-For I lie first time in nine years rein today prevented an Xnoiiiun league Sunday biicelrill enire in till** rip. tile final game of the ‘■.'son In tiveen the < ! v land and St. Ixiuls tliila being cmrellrd. If v. s the srirttG t ine in It y 1-1IM flint II Sunday game lias It: ii r *llr I' off. end during this reriod not n holiday was lost on the liM'i - grout’d . Although r*ln ;V| n 0:1 these occasions. it al v, y . tit n: id rp * rffleiently to |ier in it play. e. large tarpaulin spread over t!;e inf'eid lenv ug it dry. Many of tin- Imll'iis and Itrowits | pn■pared to leave immediately for tlirir home* while < fhers got ready to eorrte in barnst- ruling trip*, v__' Whist Club In Plav al Elks’ Puilding The Oninh-i Whist vino will piny i * games this w inter Sri the memorial loom on the ei.rond floor of Trie Elks' building. I. i .al w hist player*, will meet in this room each Friday' eve ^ ning for regular play, i With a new 1 ora tit n and a Urge entry list the club expects to enji another successful et-ison. A V audeviile—Photoplays n A P.ecord-Breakiag Show w CUNNINGHAM AND BENNETT REVUE ‘ M Syncopated Sens** ion. Cast of 12 [T1 Carve t 4 Vic*u* H L.APF.ARL 3 a “ ■ " LILLIAN j Dorothy^Bcrgcre GCNNE 41 4 Arthur Hiy* ' M On the Scret n fi ELAINE HAMMER3TEIN in “Drums of Jeopardy'* ’I Complete performance follo^fn* ptrade Wednesday Evening j N N J SO 0 w W j COLLEEN MOORE CONWAY TEARLE f/('ll iM 11 I O^sha’* Greatest Fashion Sho%» HERZBERG’S I STYLE REVUE On IVAN D. MARTIN S NEW YORK MODELS Assisted ty Singers, Dancers and Entertainers * j !s 4 b:g scenes ; J I--? New*-Orchestra—Or?*n , | l 1 I f-r* irO'C Hnnfarlaa r LJtn O Oerhe*trn ~~ iVuirry *n«l j Bnullfi ai.4 l*n*a%trr ! Hen*MMf_ I The M**ter Jnrct»*e ENRICO RASTELLI Vmre nn<l I htan +■ rrrrtl _I Nwlry. - 2 i * oHrn amt Jnl n**»n'* SURPRISE PARTY Wednesday Ni‘Tht Show Starts Ri^ht Alter the ET TCTRIC PARADE m s FREE! j1 S BABY DOLL S Tare? and Style Pevue B g Empress Pt'siic farcer ^ TUES. EVE., SFPT 30 I Call at Stv're (o** r Frpf Ticket* ^ — <— y » rr;v . _ >\r-W St tinf hnt .frlUfcU1 M.aL V c4 > 4 5 Tt« krt« nn •a!> -l m a * r», .»e» vv 5! *, «| ,*>n MM.« w* »Vt M;l* \% '»« t’.t »rat% ,«l i . . m n.n * NEIGHBORHOOD rCATEF I LOTMtOP • • 14tk mnd let Nan# . J«m*« Kltka.s^ .a«4 l -a t pt In ’'Lav*’* ' ** BOl I FVA9tn SS4 an4 j BfH> t a*4 !*••%* M» "’.'•t la "T4f laeiat In'* GRAND *#tk m+4 R%** Ra-fcara l a ’<»•» lane** 1 »*rto ) In IK. M*«h —I I ^ Soles and Taps will give you DOUBLE the WEAR and DOUBLE the COMFORT of any other sol ing material you have ever worn. Tougher and more durable than leather—they posi tively ADD MONTHS MORE WEAR to new or old shoes—no matter how hard you may be on them. Outwears Leather 2 to 1 S £1” Think what this means to you! For those romping. feetgive un mine, harrl-on-shoos-youngstors—solos that will usual foot freedom resist the hardest kind of play! For dad—mother *n<* outwear leathei and the rest of the grown-ups soles that will make - to 1. walking a real pleasure and show an ACTUAL SAVING for the whole family. Put Panro to the teat! Take your old shoes to your neighborhood repairman today and say-—‘‘resole them with Panco". rntico comes in whole soles and taps. Moth have their good points. Your re pairman will tell you about them. Ask hint - NOW. If possible buy 'em If not, insist thet rjfe with Panco Soles the first resole be and Penco Heels PANCO ’J4' are made from the same durable material as Paneo soles and taps, reinforced witK heavy plugs or nobs that assure you of double wear double safety and double comfort in walking. Ask for them by a name. THE PANCO CO., Chelsea, Mass. I ,nc Secrets of a Wife Matinees, 35c; Nights, 50c GAY WITH GIRLS LOADED WITH LAUGHS A Musical Comedy Hit! LAU This Week Emftre»» Pl»y*r» with c»*t of 32, “Two Old Focls" A Daring Photcp!iy of Broadway's White Lights “3 O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING” Complete Performance After Parade Wed. Ere. 4 rT r.T.T v NOVV 1 w yj- ^ v - SHOWING | “RECOIL” A story of wicked Monte Carlo , where Beauty is sold to the Highest Bidder. Comn!«ti Show Toworros Before Pored* 1’s‘tts aid Two Complete ■ J*how » A11 *f Patode. (SHOWING “WELCOME STRANGER" * rjj/; Omaha is enjoying every foot of this clever photoplay. — mF Cpmp'fH 5hnw Tomorrow Before fm* Parade Passes and 1 '»«* Complete 1 -• v iki/l/iA> J ‘ 4 Omaha’s I un Cents* ^ ' *y# Mat and Nits* Titdar t*utpnaely Ro»kni for AS Pen VS*«* Bitl' » * U . GTOK SiiS IS* ‘u*:; Golden Crook ft At’tV iNORl’* ill , .1 ifiMKMIh Curtain Rim Alter Pe‘fcd<-« !*•»» u*t»H