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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1924)
Prices on Wheat Climb to Record High on Monday ''|»eeulati\e Bin mg of Fu tures Devc’opiit in More Ag gie ive f a-liion; ( «ru Uou ii ; Oats Off. 1 ■ ' ■ -I. I K1 HUN. * ,! r • *f *ff torrCNpuiident. 1 —'s-u uiudvr buying 4 *i ••»I«1 i.i more a * » ' • * .o', twin/ {jjitj prices rlimb 'il '■ « • .or toe season. Tne !'!!'h • "» ■ . !i In the world situation <»» . .i> i.»ly be loro the trade by *U '.till, of Winnipeg and un ted upturn hi 'Liverpool early. i«._ >v< s. of i .i.i d Suites grain coii .in ,1'ilv* rale. • h> ed i - 'o higher, corn was < down. oai* were *4c *o C8c off, - ■ * .i d <• to 2'4e higher. 4 V i Mg sales nnd what appeared *° ■> In* d hedging stayed the early -t*v "f ,h market to move up. Despite ‘i -r iioaa here and at Winnipeg j>. l i.vtpool mhlcs were ihnrp W“-i ; h r. This ; - the reason for the Or t tvv io buy and on the bulge much idenes, <iood hu - ‘ fh»-' i <t Uil to foreign account was again *«r» •’ ne. il o.i the dip and prices moved ; y f t v. urd. • ••uhonnl confirmed export sales of • ■ ,i'Ot» bLahcls wheat with some eati ng. i ranging s high a.i 2.5OO.OO0 • h’s’ ..: ..ji* Kales w'-rt. 500,000 bushels, l/. eipuol closed 1 to 1’4 pence up. Con opened higher But met henvy uh II hip ;il**. . In the la*t hour prices o . «! hi If their loss. There was a •i. ..i:.nd for cunh corn and the basts vrlpsed strong despite the better move ment of old ron V£iitn from the Interior. Tie extent of damage frost did to corn \v»rt probably be determined today. Th» c !#!.>? e supply for the week Increased •t*0.*ii)0 liu^ndr. “Tlafi encountered too much profit tak i'ig to maintain advances and the close 'VU5 lower The increase of 9.80H.U60 bkpOiela in the visible supply for the week prove a d'pre King Influence. Export, and speculative buying of rye I i.i noth* and this grain shot up rapidly. Thy trade figures that it will not be •flirty weeks before the entire surplus in tii* I’nitcd States will he under contract .or shipment to Europe. Provisions were firm. Lard was 2%c to 5c higher, and ribs unchanged. I*lt Notes. luiily information is being received from various source# thnt the crop sit uation on the continent is bad and Is getting worse. Rains and cold weather at harvest time cut down yields, nnd ac • orfljng to grain men bark from Europe, the crops are sprouting In the shock nnd ill not make human food. The ron :-b»ten*v with which Euiope in bu/lng ■vLc it and rye in North America plainly shn • that the supply situation abroad 1 is tight. Winnipeg closed 3 Sc to 4’Ac higher. Germany was credited with taking Manitoba wheat and generally n better. II ‘idr was noted. The movement of wneat in jhinada Is not showing any tmprove in nt io speak of. Report* from Win nipeg have it that pool Interests are mar keting very littie of their grain, and that Put few farmers who are satisfied witn present prices are moving their grain wp.frv roads perrpit. fh visible supply of wheat showed an Increase of less than 1,000,000 bushels. »'on .doring the heavy movement g?n *:i|! that still prevails this was en couraging to the bulls. In fact. In the out h west stpclf* decreased Estimates hi r it that to date 65 per cent of the tv.varan wheat crop has already left the farm*. Sentiment in wheat is uniformly bull ish. Many grain men figure, however, r 1 • t prices are getting to the point where reactions may he expected. Boms argue i hat foreigners may overbuy themselves ami resell later. Hut every report from Europe would indicate that the need or g*alo la great. The surplus in India and Australia will probably be tak**n with c**e this year. end aside from the \ngentlnc. North America must supply Ifiivutp* with the great bulk of Its rc 1,-wlrement. (UK .KH» I'rtICES. Bv L’pdL.s Grain f.i AT, R. 12. Ar Open. ■ High. I Low. • Close. | Sat. —7 '■ ■ ---;-. l>p* 1 1.7* ' 1.37*. 1.3414 1.37 74 Do, 1.:!»*»; 1.41*4* 1 4844 1.40 7, 1.SJ54 L. :* *>1-41 1 1.38*4 ...1 ;■ ! 441,! 1.46*4 1.44<* 1.46H 1.44 ' 1.4I14 1.4414. 1.4 4 *4 *>, t | I I j Sip*. 1.14 ; 1.15*4 1-131, 1 16*4 1.14*4 I>. !.!•; 1 1.18 1.165, 1 175. 1.1654 1 17*.l i .1.17*41 i.-l 1.31 *4 1 1»74* 1.3154 1.1*14 1 1.3114! (' imi;i Sop, l.i 1 ", 1.13%! MI 1.12% 1.11'i D.. 1.' : 1.12 I l.l»R% ' 00% 1.10% 1.1 a : 1.!'»% 110% M. • * l it %13%! 1.10% 111% MIS. I 1 12%' 1.1.7% 1 Dais ! • » * Ac,*. 4 % .4P%1 .48%! .48% .49 Lkc * 4 .53*1 .32 72%! ”.52% . .51: %i.! .52%! .52"* .*i*i I .57%! .56%' • »*%! .57 .56% .. l.AUl I S.'.i., 1390 14.00 ,U.S7 114 00 11395 Dec. 113.70 *13.76 '13.76 113.70 13.C5 Riba j I I ; S’ 119' 11.90 111.90 1 1.90 11 90 < urn nnd 44 heat Region Bulletin. • the 48 hours ending at H * ni. M'.-Hlay: Preclpl* Vu4i«n>\ High. Low. tatmn. \ ‘ I.Mjii, Clnur . 59 21 0.00 A»'i»*,i nt floar... 67 31 o. o It 11 Bow, * bar. 59 !•> O.oo t Ui.ibu-«. part cloudy.. 70 27 O.Ou Culbertson, flear. 71 '8 o.'io I’alrhury. clear . 64 1'9 0.00 Puirmo’it. clear . 6° 29 o.oo Grand Island, clear... . 61 ?7 0.00 IT. rtington. clear. 62 30 o.or. Hastings. clear . 61 34 0 00 Mobil* ge, clear . 63 33 0.00 LI acid ft. clear . 60 34 0.C0 North Loup, clear. 63 24 0.00 North Plalte. clear. 64 32 0.00 Oakdale, lear . 55 25 0.00 Omaha, dear .. 57 40 0 00 O'Neill, clear . 42 29 0.n0 Rtif Cloud, clear. 64 26 0.00 Tekatnah, dear . 62 84 0.00 Valentine, clear . 58 32 0.01 New York I*ro«l !»«•♦. New Yotk. .Sept. 29.— Rutter—Firm: re < pis. 4.048 tubs; creamery higher than • icnr •,m%©394. creamery extras (92 s cp r e). 3 6c; do. firsts (88 to 91 -score), *t» 7%< ; packing stock, current make. .' i a. 2. 27% c. '♦ipH1*—Irregular; respite. 4,948 rases, r.esh gathered extra firsts. 46© 49c; do. r le«4s. :(9*b 44c; do. seconds and poorer. 3bM*!6": nearby henn-ry whites closely .e.rcted extra*. 6 7 © 71 c; neaiiby and n .rr ly western hennery whites, first to airfare extra 52©C6c; nearby hennery urr-rtts. extras, f»r>•»4* ; Pacific coast tv; extras, tl©«2%e; do. firsts to • xtr;* firs'*. !»• © OOr; refrigerator extra I’f-ats. 37'" 7%« : do. firsts. 2r©3r,%c. <r.h€«se Irregular; reci»lpts. 16.110 lbs . xthte. whole milk, flats, fresh, fancy to %.acy specials. 21% ©22c; do. average ah, 20* . ©21c; slate, whole milk, flats, cbl. fan”;/ to fancy specials. 21%©22%» ; do. average run. 20% ©21%: state whole milk twins fresh. fancy, 21©2i%c; do, a crags ran. 20©20%c. foreign Kxelinnge Kates. Following are todny’s is tea t,T »x • hr.i’Ke sc compared with the pat valua tion. Furnished by the Peters National hi. uk : Par Val. Today. V)ft ii. . . .20 .000016 HlC‘ ol .1*5 O48o (*;.*.*• da .100 1 00 I ( ||0* Slovakia ..20 .630* nesir.mrk ...27 •1<3» ••upland .. 4.66 4 46 France .193 .0 •*.. 0 .19 5 .0180 lWlj.193 .0442 •Ufo-Sla.’la .'0 014'. s'frrwsy .27 1416 Sw><1en .j? Sutherland .!**» 191*» New York I>r.v Good* York. Kept. 29—Mutton goods uarket —a firm but oulet today, the ob 4^r At.* e of the Jewish holiday lessening he attends nr* In the trade. Higher i .to#* were ask'd for goods and yarns rh.e American Woolen company adv»nr»d j , ,,f enisled wool goods, the nrodur'e ,.f shout 10 of the company’s mills, from , to 30 cents a yard. due. It Wfls stated, io *ihe sustained high cost of raw wool ’od th r* * cipf of fair aired orders for wjru/ Printed silk attracted more Inter i_ ; prlng nnd f HI floods In lighter •du.its than fill offerings also were be c sampled Continued demand for • SHMiC'i sweater* anti heavy knit under iNir for Immediate shipment was noted Chh »)K» .«* »"<l Hiller r«UW»». ?Urnl,h,)l l.y c.nrir. 1. florH, 11-7 :<i.l rnrn '•! ll.» 'V).rl(l h.lH<71n>_ ————— K(|0^ 1 i I Or-. nigh. I l ow l cti.w ~ | _ | ,,H r’lir ■ >:■ ■ KU ;r.*4 »«*. <*'. ’ IlMTTF.n _ * T 4-^rs. t Tip an. 111 y lT Low. I floss. * • "8. nr "• " ” • K UIMM « Ity I’r.Milire •f• tlp » fty, ^rpt 29 —All ptodtl'f r, i'i.eis unchangeil. B(r, firsts. Hr, selected. 4 • Hollar ftesiiieo. 19©4lc, packing Poultry Hens 70* rooctcr*. 12« st-rk, k•- Iti. tuoilsrs. 12r he u loss K- Vail#/ Cabbltrc m«l r.Ma* lloo©ll* | Omaha Grain * ■—— —. ... ■ —> Cash wheat sold on th# tablci toduy at unchanged prices to le higher There was a continued .good demand dm bulk of the suieH were mud* at the ful advance. Receipts v ero 232 curs. torn was In fair demand at prlcei ringing from 10 54c lower. Recelpti \\ ero hi oars. Oats sold 4c lower. Receipts were 9 oat's. ltye v/ns cjtioietl :c higner and barlej about unchanged. r'liKAT. No l hard: 3 cars. $1.31; 1 car. $1 30 5 cars, $1.29. No. : herd: 1 car. $1.32; 1 car, $1.31 1 i wr, 11.10; 3 cars, *1.29; 1 car. $1.2*4 .: cars, $1.,“; cars. $1,27 4; 1 car, $1.2# 2 cars, $1.26; 1 car. $1.25. No. i hard: 1 car. $1.35: 15 cars $1.27; 1 car. $1.26- 2 cars. $1.26*4; curs. $1.26; 1 car, 12.44 4 1 car. $1.24 l cur, <1.23. No. 4 hard: 1 car. $1.27; 1 car. $1,26 4 9 cars. $1.26; 2 curs. 51.25 4: 3 cars $1.25; l cur. $1.24; l car. $1.22. No. 5 hrad: 1 car, $1,254; 2 cars, $1.25. Sample: 1 car, $1.25; 3 curs. $1.24; 1 car. $1.23; 1 car, $*.-0; 1 car, $1.18, l car,- $1.17. No. 1 northern spring; 2 cars, $1.44; 1 car, $1.4.1; 1 car, I1.40- l car, $1.37; 1 car, $1.36. No. 2 northern spring: 1 car, $1.43; 1 car. 14z; 1 car. $1.41. No. 3 northern spring: 1 car, $1.36: 1 car, $1.31. No. 1 mixed; 1 cor, $1.32; 1 car. $1.24. No. 2 mixed; 1 cor. $1.25; 1 car. *1.24; I car. $1.23; 1 car. $1.21; 1 car, $1.2 0. No. 3 mixed: 1 car. $1.36; 1 car. $1.20. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.24; 1 car, $1.23. Sample: 2 cars. $1.19. CORN. No. 2 white: 1 mi* $1.01. No. 1 white: 1 car, $1.03. No. 4 while: 1 car. $1.01. No. 5 white: 2 cars, $1.00. No. b white: 1 car, ll.Ou. No. 2 yellow: 3 cars. 1.04; 1 cur, $1.03; 1 car. $1 02. No. 3 yellow: 1 car, $1.04. 2 cars, $1.03; 1 car. $1.02 4 4 6 cars. $1.02. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, $1.01; 5 cars. $1.00. No. 5 yellow: 1 car. 99c; 2 ears. 98c. No. 2 mixed: 1 cur. <1.02. No. 3 mixed: 3 carr. $1.01. • No. 4 mixed: 1 car. $1.00; 1 cur. 99 4c. * GATE. No 1 white: 1 car. 47c. No. 2 white: 1 car, 47 4c; 7 cars, 47c. No. 3 white: 2 cars, 46 4c; 26 cars. 46c. No. 4 white: 1 ur. 45 *4'-; 1 car, 4 5 4cc; 7 cars, 46c. Sample: 1 car. 45c; 2 cars, 42c; 1 tar. 41c. RYK. No. 1: 1 cur, $1.06. No. 2: 2 cars. 1.05 4. No. 3: 2 cars. $1.05. BARLEY. Sample: 1 car. $1.77; 1 car. $1.74. I>nlJ.v Inspection of 4«n»ln Received. WHEAT. Hard winter: No. 1. 10 cars; No. 2, 34 cars; No. 3, 14 tars; No 4. 15 cars; No. 5. 6 cars, sample, 11 cars; total. 90 cars. Mixed: No. 1, 5 cars; No. 2, 2 cars; No. 4. 1 car; total. 8 ears. Spring: No. 1. 1 car; No. 2. 2 cars; No. 3, 2 tar*; No. 4. 1 car; total, 6 cars. Durum: No. 2. 1 ear: total. 1 car. Hard spring: No. 1, 1 car; total, 1 car. Red spring: No. 1, 1 cur; total. 1 car. CORN No. 2. 8 cars; No. 3. 10 cars; No. 4 7 cars; No. 5. 6 cars; No. 6. I car; total, 32 ears. White: No. 2, 2 cars; No. 3, 1 car; No. 4 2 cars; total, 5 cars. Mixed: No. 2, 8 cars; No 3, 4 cars; total. 12 cars. OATS. White: No. 2. 5 cars; No. 3. 45 car.*: No. 4, 8 cars; cample, 1 car; total. 09 cars. RYE. No. 1, 3 cars; No. 2, 1 car; No. 3. 1 car; total, 5 cars. BARLEY. No. 4: 3 car; sample, I car; total. 2 cars. CHICAGO RECEIPT/ Weak Year Carlots— Today. Ago. Ago. Wheat .116 150 60 Corn .250 152 9m Data . *• 4 144 83 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS. Wheat .511 38’. 191 Corn . 27 38 18 Oat a . 27 28 17 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS Wheat . 230 28! 14* Corn .138 8 2 138 Oat* .108 bS 14C OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS Week Year Receipts— Today. Ago Ago Wheat .232 15". 64 Corn . 64 82 4 2 Out a .. 9* 7'! 31 Rye .... *. 10 6 7 Barley . 1 5 2 Week Y*»ar Shipment#—.. Today. Ago. Ago Wheat .159 105 42 Corn . 69 63 27 Oats . 27 8 20 Rye . S 2 4 Barley . 2 2 9 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Week Year Bushel*— Today. A^i. Wheat and Flour. 1.293,000 232.000 On til . i 11,06 . NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS Week Year Cnrlot*— Today. Ago. Ago Minneapolis . 979 851 7*2 Duluth .1.621 941 115 Winnipeg .1.232 '.09 2.210 UNITED STATES VISIBLE Bushels— Today Wk Aro. Yr Ago. Wheat 8 1.f.49.000 8OA19.0OO 03.031.900 Corn 6 040 O0O 5.00O 000 2.052.000 D|»tB . 48 078,000 30.198.000 10.S14.000 ft ye 13444.000 14.941.000 1S.1M8 000 Barley . 4™40.o00 4.064 000 3.250.000 OMAHA STOCJCr Bushel*— Today Year Ago Wheat .4.572.000 3.360.000 Corn . 49.0OO 76.000 Oats .1.045.000 1,1 8 0.0«>0 Rve . 68.000 92.000 Barley . 12.000 77.060 Minneapolis (train. Minneapolis. Sept. "9—Wheat—Cash No 1 northern. 11.87#/1.40; No 2 dark northern “prlng. < h*>lce to fancy. 11.49*/ 157. good to hoi. c. *1 4.1*/ 1 48 ordi nary to rood, tl 19‘*#11 44. No. 1 hard spring fl 41461.57; No. 1 dark hard Montana, on track. 9l.364M.60; arrive. 81.360M C<»; old September. Si ; new September, fl 35 ; December 11.38; old Ms'/. 91 4.1% new May. II 43*i Corn—No. 3 yellow. I! 04 Vi• Oats— No. 3 white, 45 Vic Bariev—71 #1 15c. R Y e—No 2. *112(31 ?2«„. Flax—No. 1, |2.23 4* 2.26. Kansas City Coeh Grain. Kansas Pity. Sept. 29. — Wheat—No. 2. hard S 1.2941 1.43; No. 3 red. 11437/146; September. $1.10 **ked: December. 91.32,i asked; May. 11.27 \ asked Corn—No. 3 white. SI o?V«: No. 2 yel low. fl.10: No. .3 yellow. *1.09: No 9. mixed, fl 0601.07; September. 11.07 1 asked December. $2.02 split bid; May, |$1.04V4 split asked. Hay—Unchanged to $1.20 higher: choice alfalfa. *23.504$ 24.50; No 1 timothy. 916 50fj 17.00 ; clover mixed llrl$tt $JG 00#r 1C.SO; No. 1 prairie. 111.50f2 12 00. ( blrngo CmaH Grain. Cbl< ago. Sept 29.- Wheat—No. 3 red, SI 40. No 2. hard. f1.$94H.38 8« Corn—No. 2 mixed. $1.11 *41 12; No. 2, yellow. 11.12 ft 1.13 Data— No 2 white. SO$4ff51*«c; N . 3 white. 48*4 #7 49 *ic. Rye—No 2. $1.15. Barley—*0 #f #1 • Timothy Hr*'! tl 75466.35 Clover Heed—ll5.60fM5.50 nibs— $12.26. Bellies—$13.62. Visible Grain Supple. New York. Sept 29 -The visible supply of American grain show* the following change* in hgshels: Wheat Increased 740.000. corn Increased 950.000. oat* Increased 9.088.000. rye de creased 1.444.000. barley Increased €23.000 Hi. Ijnnlm Grain Future*. Ki. Louis. Hepf. 29 -Wheat—Close September. 11.37; December. $1.40. Corn—September. till. De< ernb*r. 11.0 9 Vi. Oat# - September . 50 Vic. Kansu* (Tty Li restock. Kansas CRy, Hepf 29 (Unfed Stales Department of Agriculture)- Cattle—Re ceipt*. *46,00* head; < olves. 8,000 bend; grain-fed steer* «nd yearlings mostly steady; early top long yearling* $1075. bent heavy ateer*. I9 60, little done on grassers. undertone steady; gras* cow* alow. *t*ad\ to weak: other she stock »'e#rty; bulk cows. $.1 40<O4 5«t; gra*. helfete, 14.-00 40 6 00; canner* and cutters. 92.4003.25; bull* and 'i»Ive* steady; bologna* mostly |3 30#f3.76; ton veal*. $10 00; bull', medlurnwelght end heavy calves. $3.00<b 7 00; alockers anil feeders steers alow, steady; hulk early a«lg*. $4 75 49 7.00; t«|j sto<kers. $7.50; stock rowi end heifers dull tending lower; calves, steady, bulk. $4.t64$«.7r» / fl Oja—Receipts. 8 000 head; mo»tlv 15c to 2f»c higher to shippers; top. $10 25; big packers going slow; fe-v ssles 6 • to 10c hjrher; early top. $»95: bulk desirable 180 to 360 pound nvciuges, $9 904910.20. packing sows. $8.73iff 9.00. stork pig* steady $7.60#* 7 75 Hheep and Lamb* Receipt*. 19.000 head; lamb*, nteady, top westerns. $13 00 others. $! > 76 ft 12 «f nstl < - « t ’ $5 fed clipped. $11.16. no sheep sold early F,*«( HI | .oil Is Live* lock. Fast Ht I.ouls, III, Wept. 29 -Hogs Re ■ elpts. 11.000 head, market Isigdy 10* higher then Hatur/lay's beet time; tine load, tin flo; bulk 140 to .100 pound aver age* $10.*. .if 1 *■ mo. mo to lift-pound. $D* 00U10 60 good llo to |10 pound pig" $9.0049 9,7'' . Ilgl.rer j igs $ i pi(i H 16 bulk packing sows. Cattle Itecelpls, 9,009 head; native beef ateer* *t*ud t»» ?6c higher, the «d* *««•* showing first In lightweight" bulk. $8 004(9 50 western s'eei*. 1*1 to 1$*' low er. at I4 40«i( V, gi.iss heifer * not mu' low top vee let m. $10.50; bulk, $1 0 00. other kinds steady; sums miw|, $* BW4# 4.It . laiin is, $ 'Mi / 60 bologna bull.. $ I 5 0 "| ! 00 Hheep Receipts 1,008 bead, fat lambs • Iron* other classes steady tin flHctly good Ismb* op sales, bulk 112 •t»#l3 0". cull* IT ftO rnuttnit fi' m $ 4 no f/1 6 00 , • *nn*r and eull e e», $l non-ion \(-— , i Omaha Livestock | V--! ! Omaha. Kept ?9 HtetlpU were1 Cattle IItigs Sheep Monday eatlnsftte. ..21.000 6.000 23.700 Same day lent week 2 1.9—: .'*.189 34.544 Same day " wks og<*.27.1 73 7.098 40.934 Seme dy 3 wks ago. IS.7:2 6.473 32 2m ; Same tly \ehr ago.. 16,813 6.434 22.jj12 **Httle-— Receipts. ‘21.000 head. With 11 be rr ! cattle racalDla fully as man. a I on Inst Monday. th« market opened out rather slow with prlcea In much the same notches as toward the close of last week. Desirable corn fed beef was In fair demand around 110.00 © I 0.50, hut grass beeves were scarce and dull. The market for cows and heifer; was steady to possibly a shade easier than last F . i - uay and stockc.s and feeders were gen erally steady i^t about last week's 25c decline. Quotations on Cattle—Choice to prime fed beeves. $ 10.00ffi. 10.8;.. good t*X choice bee 'os. $9 25© 9.85: fair to good beeves. fR.60©9.25: common to fair beeves. 17.50 11 f r.O; choice t-» prime year ling *10.40 ©11.00: Rood to choice yearlings. $9.5'iff/> 10.25: fair to good yearlings. *8 50ffr 9.50; common to fair yeurlingcs. $7.50© 8.50; trashy warmed up yearlings. $5.50©/7.00; good to prime fed heifers. $8.00© 10 00: plain to good fed heifers, $5.50© 8.00: good to prime fed cows. 85.60© 7.50; common to /rood fed cows. $3.50© 5.on: good o choice grass beeves, $*>.85 ©R. 00: fair to good grass beeves. $6.00© 6.75* common to fair grass beeves. $5.00ft 5.75 Mexican steers. $3.25©4,f*o: choice to prime grass heifers. S6.00fr6.75; good to choice grass heifers. S 1.76 © 5.75: fair to good grass heifers. $3.75© 4.73: choice to prime grass cows. $4 60© 5.35; good to choice gra*s cows. *4.00© 4.60; fair to pood gra « cows. *3 10r.» 4.00; cutters. $2 75 $.1.36; runners. $2.25© 2.60; veal calves. 15.00© 10.00; heavy and medium calves. $4.00©, 7.54): bologna bulls. $3.00,© 3.60; prime heavy feeuom. 57.754/8 40; good lo choice feeders. $6.00© 6.75; fair to good feeders. 8ft.tin#* 6.76; common to fair feel ers. <4 7.ri©'5.75; good to choice stockers, $>i.90© 7.60; fair to good stockers. $5.75© I. 95; common to fair stockers. $1 76© 5.75: trashv stockers. $3,604/ 4 76: stock heifers. $3.50© 5.00; stock cows, $2.60© 3.40; stock or h e - $4.on©7.25. IIKEF STEERS. Mb. A . Pr. No. Av Pr. 36 .1282 $9 50 29. 951 $9 60 40. 803 9 60 31. *79 10 10 37 .1033 10 10 57 850 10 25 40. 1291 10 25 21.1027 10 49 °1.10*a 10 30 2*. 991 10 60 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 20 . 780 9 60 48. 936 10 40 50. 956 10 40 CALVES. 1 . 250 9 50 WESTERN’ CATTLE. NEBRASKA J. M. FARRELL. No. Av lJr. 7 2 feeders . 819 $'.50 C. T GRAHAM. 50 feeders . 883 6 75 LYNN GRAHAM 1* heifers ..>. 738 5 00 12 heifers . 85 4 4 25 NEBRASKA. 4 5 feeders . 1023 7 00 60 feeders .. . 96* 7 15 14 calves . 371 6 75 10 feeders . 887 K 75 5 heifers . . *46 5 00 22 cnlveg . i*n * 60 44 calves . 248 7 50 WY< >MING DIAMOND BAR CATTLE COMPANY. I 13 feeders . 896 7 25 W. H. FAWCETT 17 feeders . 876 6 65 THE OHIO CATTLE COMPANY. 49 feeders .101.1 7 15 Hogs—Receipts. *>.200 head. Light sup plies for the opening day of the week coupled with higher trends elsewhere and a broad general demand resulted In ft mostly 10© lie unturn in both the shipper and packer division. Bulk of all sales was made at $8 20 4/10.00 with top. $10.00. HOGS No. Av. 8h. Pr. No. Av Sh. Pr. ■8 34* $* 90 26..303 70 $* 95 II. .314 260 9 00 41. 311 9 05 50. . 47 1 10 9 10 27. .2*6 9 15 67. 290 9 20 65..103 40 925 34 298 40 9 40 74..240 40 9 50 8T..216 40 9 60 41.191 40 9 75 43.. 213 9 80 lit.,154 10 00 30.. 212 1010 Sheep and Lambs—Receipts. 90 ftOO head. While total arrivals were fairly moderate only shout 25 per rent ran tn ! fat r‘tuff and prices on thes« classes ruled, 'strong, while trade in feeders and aged sheep was largely on a steady basis Quotations on Sheep and Lambs— Lambs, good to choice $12 50© 13.10; lambs, fair *o good. $11 3 0 jj 12.50: fee-! ing laenbs $11.on © 12.$o : wethers 15 00© 7 50: clipped lambs, fed. $ l o. 75 f? 11.00 : yearlings rang" <7.00© 10 00; fat ewes. 84.2K©6.00; breeding ewes, yearlings ex eluded. $5,504/8.00; feeding ewes. $4.00© 5.50. FAT LAMB? No Av. Pr 225 Oregon . 72 $12 *5 FAT EWES. 156 Oregon . . .106 4 00 Receipt* and disposition of livestock at the Union stock yards. Omaha, Neb., for 24 hours, ending at .1 p. m September 29. RECEIPTS—C AII LOT Hrs. A Cattle Hogs Shp. Mis. c M A St P Ry . . . « 2 J Wabash R R . 2 1 Mo Par Rv . 3 U P R R .11 n 14 M 2 C A- N W east . 3 2 C A N W west.242 34 20 C St P M «■ O . 16 .1 C T4 A Q east . .. 6 c rt A Q west .29* 12 * .1 •' n I A P east . r» 1 C R T A P treat . . . 31 C O W R R. 1 1 Total receipts .7 30 90 113 10 DISPOSITION HEAD Cattle Hors Sheep. I Armour A Co. 10*2 4*4 14*5 •Cudahy Park Co .... 1 1 7* 1 1*7 2743 Dold Parkin? Co ... 3*7 1050 Mqrrls Parking Co . 724 *22 4*1 Swift A oC.1056 873 2467 Hoffman Bros .... 13 . ... Krnneth A Murray . . 71* Omahe. Parking Co 17. .... John Roth A Sons ... 43 . .. 3 urphv J W . .. . 1020 Lincoln Packing Co 204 . Anderson A Son ., 144 Menton V S A Hughes 59 . . Hulls J H 37* i Cheek W H . *7 . Dennis A Francis 43* j rills A Co . 247 Harvey John . 12* Munt7lnger A Oliver t: .. Inghram T J . 5 . 1 Kellogg F O . . 661 . 1 Kirk oatrlck Bros . 206 . . | Krebbs A Co . 274 j f*nn?rnan Bros ... "4 . . .... Luberger Henrv S .137 . Mo-Kan C A C Co... 24 . Neb Cattle Co . 9* . Root J H A Co . 161 . Rosenstock Bros . 596 . Sargent A Finnegan.. 296 . SmRey Bros . 115 . Sullivan Bros . 66 . Wertheimer A Degen.. 1276 .... . .. Other buyers . 181* . . . 15696 Total . 1 1976 6452 22*54 Chicago Livestock. Chi* ago. Hept 29 —Hogs—Receipt* 24. 000 head: desirable grades fnlrlv active: 10 ft 20c higher Others slow light re < eipts top. 110 70. good and choice 160 10 2l0-poun<! weight. 610 10 o 10 80. bet - ter 140 to 150-pound aversg-s mostlv. 19 60ft 10.00- desirable weighty butcher*. 810 20910.46: pricking sows, largely 1*70 ft 4 10: malorltv good and choice strong ve|ght slaushter nigs I* 78.4/ 9 25: heaw V eight hogs 810 00 <it 10.45 : medium. 110 16ft 10 TO; light 19 104/10 65; light light. I* :'5ft 10 45; packing hog-, smooth I*9nft9;>0; packing hogs n.ugh. $0 4 0 4.90 slaughter idge. 6*1604.60. Cattle--Receipts. 19.000 head: better grades fed steers and yenrllngc. * 10 4c ISc higher others uneven; steady to strong; action brisker than lute la ft week: ton yoarllngs. Ill 50; handy weight upward to 6112*- plain rough h*nvv ■deers mostly stale kind cashing at I* 2r’f»-9 60: latter proces taking well fleshed arrivals: choice heavier held above 110 50 yearlings and handr weight steers getting flr*»t call generally: in between grades fat she stock slow-, c. m oaratlvely narrow demand /or weight, Kosher enwr. desirable beef heifers stronger: bulk bologna bulls. 14 00ft'4 ■* - venlers uneven; wink to 25c lower, bulk ’«> packets Jll 00ft 11.25: several chol e lots. 611.50: outsiders buying sparingly; stackers and feeders unevenly higher: run !neIufles about 5 500 western grass ••rs; feeder dealer* taking kind sultatdn for further finish at 95 26©6 to mostlv. Sheep artd I j» tribe—Receipts. aO.ooO head active; fat lambs steady: sorting moderate: bulk desirable natives 612 50 ft 1.1 00. few to outsider*. Ill 26: culls mostlv. i9 60; good to choice rangers. $l?75ftl:tOO ties! held above 618 26: ■ibeep steady bulk fat ewes 14 76ftfi 50: feeding lambs active full* steady; good to choice offering 612.60011.00. Sioux 4 IIv Livestock. Rioux City. In Sept 29 cattle Re ceipts. |0.1100 head; market glow, killers steady, strong Stockers steady, weak; fat cows and heifers. $5.00010 60, rannera and cutters 12.0006.00; crass cows and heifers. $1000100; veals. $4 00ft II no. bull" $3 00 Ip t 00 feeders. $5 MUi 7 fill stockera. $6 00497 00; stock yearlings and • alves. $4 0‘tu 0 7.00; feeding cow* end heifers. $1 000 6.9* Hugs Receipts. 4.000 head, market 10c higher top fin tut bulk of sales. 9 60. lights $$ 60010 00; but. be. s $9*00 9 90 mixed. $1.1009.00; heavy packers. $*7609 16, stags $6.6007 00; native pigs, $6 600*.60 western pigs, $7 500*00. Hbeep— Receipts. 3.000 head. market r teady. <M Joseph I Iveelnck. Ht Joseph. Mn Hept 29 Tattle M.oop heal unsteady to J6c b.wei bulk ..f « aft|e IC.76ff»O10; top. $10 26. * •• ■ end heifers $*;'/ ©• no cal' e*. $4 o>. , 11 no stock ei s and feeders $6 0007 7 Hops 1000 head 16 to 26c hlgbr. tot. 10.25, bulk. $9 66010 16 ?Hi sod Lamb*' Receipts * oun head -hong to 16c hlgb r. lambs 119 00 tf 1.1 00 ewes $• ■506 i’6 I Hilo* h Mhi iHilutl. Nil tin dent 29 Via* «h. • eiileinb l ft’4 IT1* U. tobei. $ •< * v •< 1 $ f 76 *« . I»ecembg|- I ’ L May, $ >• 1 i bii a*o roultrr t ’ll M a so. kept if P'lijltr Alive Mei higher, I os Is, I702.»- . springe, i costers. 4 Weakness Shown in Stoc k Market; Prices Decline Movement Irregular, Leaders Make Gains hilt Fail to Hold Them; Money Rate Ri>e Is Gause. !!> KM KAMI HI-II.I.ANK. I nlvcraitl Service Financial Kditor. New York. Sept. 29.— There was evi dence of weakness in the stock market today. A few of the leading issues, among them l*. S. 8t eei,. Atchison. (len cral Electric and Fast Iron Pipe, moved up in the morning but couldn’t hold their gain.-. The coppers, oils, nugars and some of the utilities groups were weak. Throughout the day the movement irregular. Shortly after noon the mar ket started dowjvard. As prices de clined the selling became more active and with comparatively few cxeeptinna the '/hole list was affected. A partial • xpla nation of the weakness came with t; announcement of the rise in call money rates to .1 per cent. Along with the poor reports regarding the oil Industry was a rumor that one of the large companies would have to do some new financing More announce ments of cijts in nrires of crude In the mid -eminent territory didn’t improve sentiment. As to copper, prices now are hack to; about the lowest level of the year, both for domestic and export, while demand is not good. Transactions totaled 846,700 shares. Kails de< lined on an average half point and Industrials nearly a full point. Foreign exchange slightly lower. It begins to look as If some of the esti mates made early in the season of the verv high prices to which the grains would go were not so extreme as they seemed at the time. Wheat on Monday went to the h-tgliest of the year for all opt ions did tye Apparently some persons have faith that the wheat « roy next year will also command a verv fine, price for duly, 1925 wheat sold in Chicago at 11.33*4. Not America hut Rurope was respon sible for tic pronounced advance today. Reports were that the storm damage in France was not only greater than sup posed hut had extended north and east and t ha t the grain fields of the Ruhr Valiev also were affected. Led by Liverpool and with large buy ing for export wheat rose steadily de spite a lot of profit taking With rye It was the same. (’om and oats lagged, corn closing T*c to t ki c down and oats %c down. Lard was from 2 to f* point# un The trade estimate*, that 2,500.009 bush els of wheat were taken for export dur in" th# day. Winnipeg was verv strong Co*top was inclined at first to ro low er. but an offset soon came when news was received of generally poor weather over the entire heir. Coffee continued Its wild upward flight, closing 19 to 5i* points up. Sugar was dull and from 3 to 1 down. | New York Quotations | Nev York Stock Exchange quotations furnished by J. H. Harho & Co., 2-4 Oma ha National Hank building. Sat. High Low Close Clone. Agriculture Ctfbm .. Ajax Rubber . '*% 9% 9% _9 * Allied Chemical .74 72% 72% "4% Aiils - Chalm#re . 6C \ 60% 60% 60% Am Heet Sugar.• • 40% Am Ilk 8h Fdry . S2 American Can ...130% 128% 12*% 129% Am ‘‘nr A- Fdry.1% 167 Am Hide & L^nth . 1* 11% Am H rtr I, pfd .64% 64% *4% «4% Am Inter Corp . 26% 26 26 26% Am Kin OH. 21% 20 20 21% Am Koeoinotlve S'1'* 79** 79% 90% Am Kadtotor .. 11*% 117 117 118 Am Hh <v Com .. il 10% l'*% 11% Am Smelting .71 73% 73% 73% Am Smelting pfd.103 Am Steel Found . 37% 37% 37% 37% Am Sugar ... 46 45% 45% 46 Am Sumatra * 7% Am Tel k Tel 127 *. 1 27 % 127% 127% An, u. 164% 160 160% 162% Am Water W A B123% 116% 116% 125 Ain Woolen . 56 % 56% 66** 66% Anaconda . 36% 35% 35% 37% Awnjclat 1) O _120 117 \ 117% 119% Asaoriat Oil . 26** 2*% -4% 2*% Atchison . _D«9 107% 107% 107 % Allantic C#*a»t 1/ 135** 133% 14 136% Atlantic Gulf A W. 16% Alla* Tack . 6% Atlantic Refining 88 *7 87 89 Auetin-NI'hola . 25 -4% 24% 25 Auto Knitter . . 2 % Baldwin ... 123% 121% 1:1% 121% Belti A O ... 63% 62 % 62% 63 Bamedall •'A'*... 1«% 17% 17% 18% Beth Stl . 41% 42% 42% 43% Roach Mag .....28 27% 27% 2*% Brook-Nfan Ry 2 4% 2 % 21 % 23% R Manhattan pfd *9% 4* ** f9 ->% Brook • Edison Co.lSo 119 119% 119% Calif Park . 92% 92% 92% 92 Calif Pet . 22 21 % 21% 22 Cal A. Ari/. Min . *• ** 61 % Canadian Pac ...148% 148 14* 148% Central fKath. . ... )4 14% Cent Heath pfd . . 4H 47 47 47 % Cerro de Pasco... 45% 45 45*4 44 Chandler oMtora . 37% 36% 36% 36% Cheaa & «»hio... 85% 85% 85% 15% Chi Ot West .. 7% 7% 7% 7% Chi AN W . 62% 62 63 «2% C M * St P 13% 12 12 13% Chi Ot W pfd 22% 21% 21% 21% C M A St P pfd . 21% 20% 20% 21% C R r A P 34% 33% 53% 34% C St P M A O Ry . . . 4 4 Chile Copper .... 32% 31% 31% 32% Chino i . 19% . 19% Cluet t-Pea bod v .. .. 67 57 % Cluett-Pea pfd.. . . .\ln4:» Coca-Cola ..77% 76% 77 76% Colo Fuel At I 43 W 4-% 42% 4» Columbian car ... 41% Co]iimbla Gaa . 42% 4.% 42% 42% Congoleum . . 45% 44% 44% Cone Cigars . 19% r.-% Conti Can .. 69% 5*% 5* % 1 * \ Conti Motors .... 7 6% 7 Corn Products ... 34% 36% 35% 36% . ‘osdsn .. It* 13% Crucible .. 56% 5 5% 5.* % 56% Cuba Cane 3 ... 14% 1 % 13% 14% C Cane S pfd... 44 6.% 62% 6’% Cuba Am Sugar.. 32 31 % 31% 3 2 Cuyumel Fruit.... 63 *2 62 52% Daniel Boone. .. 12% 12% 12% 12% ‘Davidson Chem.. 49% 44% 47 41% Delaware A Hid 128% 127% 128 129 % Dome Mining. ... 15% 15% 15% 15% Dupont D<* Nam .134% 131% 131% 113% Eastman Kodak.110 Erie. 2*% 27% 27% 27% Klee Stor aHt.... 68% 68% 68% 68 Famous Pis vers 13% 82% 82% *3% Fifth Ave Hus L. . .11 Fi«k Rubber 9% 9% 9% 9% Fleisehman's Yeast 73% 73 *3 72% Freeport Tex. .. *% 8% Gen Asphalt. 42 4 1 % 41% 4: «>en Electric 262 % 257 % 257 % 361 % G**n Motors . 61% 60% 60% *1 Gold Dust 38% 39% Goodrich. 31% 30% 30% 31% Gr North Ore .... 29% Gr North Rv ©M *4% 6 3 43% 64% Gulf State* Steel 73% 73 72 73 % Hartmann Trunk. .33 37 Haves Wheel. .. 35% 35% :>5% 35% Hudson Motors... 28 27% 27% 28 Homeatsk Min Co 44 Houston Oil . 73 71 % 71% 72% HUPP Motors 14 13% 14 14 Illinois Can* 110% 110** 110% 11'7 % lilin Cent ntd ... .1I°% BIG SALE ALL STYLES OF Glasses This is tjie time to Rive your eyes what they need. Cross eyes staightened with special ground jcbsses. Satisfaction guaranteed. $ f>.00 Glasses_$2.50 $10.00 Glasses. . . .$5.00 $15.00 Glasses. . . .$7.50 Dr. McCarthy 16th and Dodge 5th Floor—Douglas Bldg ^ KEEP POSTED Important developments contained In this week's market review regarding the following securities: J U. I* Rubber * Seaboard Air l.ine Kelly-.S|»» ing Held Mean ait Seaboard 4.<*«»«!> car l ire S, O nf Kanaas A|a« Rubber Awnitaii Into Flak Rubber National lllifiiit Muttint 4>|| Beechnut Parking Writ* lor free enpy. P.G STAMM & CO. Iltalaii in .Stocks and Bond* 3S South William St., New York i !n*pir»UAn. ?*»% "4% 24% 2§% Inf Eng Com Corp 31 29% 30% 29% Int Harvester 96% 94% 96% 94% Int Mere Marin#. .... *% 9% int M M pfd. 40 38% 38% 40% int Tel A Tel. 83 % 94% Inter Nickel ... 19% 17% 17% 18% Int Paper . 6° Invincible oil .. . n% 13% u% I* .lime* Tea . 16% 16% 16% 16% Jordan Motor .... 31 30 35 31 K i• Southern ... 21% 21% 21% 21% Kelly Spring . .. 19% 18 18 18% K.-nnecott . 47% 46% 46% 47% K./atone Tire ... 2 1% 1% 2 Rubber . 11% 11 11 11 Lehigh Valley ... 60% 59% 69% 60% Lima Locomotive. 60% 60 60 60 Loose-Wiles ... 73% 72% 72% 72% Louis A Nashville. . . 99 98% Mark Truck .100% 9H% 98% 100 May Dept Store. . 96% 96% 96% 97 Maxwell Motor A. 62% 60% 60% 61% Maxwell Motor B. 19% 1*% 18% 18% Marbf.d . 34% 34 34 34 % Mex Seaboard . ... 23% 21% 21% 23% Miami Copper ... 21% 21% 21% 21% Middle States Oil. 1% !% 1% 1% M K A T. 16% V* 16 - 16% Mo Pacific . 20% 20 20 20% Mo Pacific pfd... 58 56 % 66% 58 Mont-Ward . 36 36 35 35% Mother Lode . 7% 7% 7% 7% Nash Motors .158 152 158 161 NaMooal Biscuit.. 76% 74% 75 74% National Enamel.. 20% 20% 20% 21 National Lend ...168 156 156 157 % NY Air Brake. 43% 43% NY Central .107% 106% 106% 107% NY <: A StL. 115 115% NY NH A H. 25% 24% 24% 25% North American... 34% 34% 34% 34% Northern Pacific . 65% 66% 65% 65% N A W By .126% 124% 125 125% Orpheuni . 21% 21% 21% 22 Owens Bottle . 42 42 % Pacific OH . 47% 46% 46% 48% Packard Motor ... 14% 13% 13% 23% Pun - American .. 62% 52% 52% 53 Pan - Am B _ 52% 61% 61% 62% Penn R R . 45 44% 44% 44% Peoples Gas .104% 104% Pere Marquette .. 61 60% 60% 61 Phil Co . 50% 60 60 50% Phillips Petrol .. 32% 31%. 31% .72 Pierce - Arrow . 1C% 10 1U 10 Poatum Cereal .. 64 63% 63% 64 Pressed Steel Car . 45% 46 Pro A Refiners . 26 #26% 25% 27 Pullman .130% 129% 129% 130% Punta Alegre Su 53% 58 53 54 % Pure Oil . 22% 22% 22% 22% Hallway Stl Spg .129 127% 127% 126% Ray Consolidated 12% 11% 11% 12% Reading . 62% 61% 61% 62% Keplogle . 11% 12 Rep Iron A Steel 46 45% 45% 46% Royal Dutch N Y 41% 41 41 41% St lajuis A 8 F . 30% 3h 30% 30 St Louis A S W . 43% 43% 4 3% 43% Schulte Cigar St 109 106% 10»% 106% Sears-Roebuck ...104 103% ]03% 103% Shell Union Oil .. lb% 1$% 16% 16% Simmona Co .... 27 26% 27 27 Sinclair Oil . 16% 16 16 16% Sics* - Sheffield \ 73% 73% 73% 73% Skelly Oil _1.. 18% 17% 17% 18 Southern Pacific .96% 95 95 95% Southern Rail _ 69% 6S% 68% 70% Stan Oil California 57% 56% 67% 57% Stan Oil of N J .. 35% 35% 35% 35% Stewart - Warner 58 57 % 57% 57% Stromberg Carb. 68 Submarine Boat*.. . 9 9 Studebaker . 42 41 % 41% 42 Texas Co. 40 39% 40 40 Tex. Oulf Sulphur 8J 80 80 8! Texas A Pacific.. 37% 36% 36% 36% Timken Roll. B... 36% 34% 36 V* *5 Tobacco Products. 67% 67 67 67 % Tobacco Prod. ‘‘A”. 92 Trans. Oil .. 4% 4 4% 4% Union Pacific- 1 41 1 40 140 % 140% United Fruit _ 209 207 207 209 U. S. Cast Irion P 114% 112 112% 113% U. S Ind. Alcohol 71% 70 70 71 % U S. Rubber. 35% 34% 34% 35% U. S. Rubber, pfd. 88% U. S. Steel.109% 107% 107% 10»% 1 S. Steel, pfd.122% 122% Utah Copper .. 77 77 % Vanadium . 24% 24% 24% 25 Vivaudou . 10% 10% 10% 1 r. % Wabash . 15% 15 15 15% Wabash ‘•A" . 43% 42% 42% 42% W*-st#*rn Union ...113 112% 112% 112% Wr»?it'house Air B. . 96 94 % West’hous# Elec.. 63% 63% 63% 63% White Eagle Oil.. 24% 24% 24% 24% White Motors. 65% 64% 64% 65% Wool worth Co. ..112% 111% 111% 112% Willys-Overland . 8% 8% * % 8% MMIyt-Over. pfd.. 69 68% 68% 68% Wilson . 6 Wilson, pfd . 18 17% Worthington Pump 4'% 42% 42% 44% WMgley Co. 4 1 42 4 3 41% Yellow Mfg. Co. 52 52% Yellow Cab T. Co. 4€% 46% Saturday total sale*. 4 44.400 shares, to day's 2 p. m. sale*, 675.200 share*. New York Cotton. * Quotations furnished by J. S. Bache A Co. 224 Omaha National Bank building Phones Jackson 5187. 5188. 6189. Art. j open. ! High. ! lyiw. I Close ) Sat. Oct 25 40 26 05 25 30 21.80 35 40 Dec. 24 50 2 5 20 124 35 34 90 34 50 Jan 34 4 1 25 25 34 43 34 90 24 30 Mar. 24 75 * 5 46 24 70 125 IS 24.75 I>e- 24 ~o 25 30 i?4 35 24 90 >24 50 New York Metal*. New York, Sept. 29 —Copper—Quiet; electrolytic, spot and future* 13c. Tin—Firm: spot and future*. 4* 12c. Iron—Steady. No. 1 northern. 20 5" 0 22 00c; No. 2 northern. 20 00192100c; No 2 southern 18 00© 19.00 Lead—Steady; spot. 8.00c. Zinc—Easier; East St. Louis spot, 6 15c. Antimony—Spot. 11 ?6e. New York Miter. New Y^rk. Sep*. 29 -Bar Silver—70c. Mexican Dollar*—52 %r. New York Bonds . .. ... .—* New York. Kept 10. — Stiffening money rates turned bond prices reactionary to day After an early period of f mines*. In which several foreign and railroad It (t<a«a established new 1*34 high price*, the market yielded to offerings Induced by the scarcity of time funds und the rise In call money from 2 to 3 per cent. Liberty bonds, as usual, were the llrat to react to the tightening of money rates Although the situation was believed to ho only temporary, due to the shifting or funds to meet month-end requirement*. It checked Institutional buying of &ovarft niMit obligating*. With th* absorptive capacity of the market thus limited, prick* eased off. .... The unexplained accumulation of Mexi can government issues revived today established *everal 1024 high records in this list. Other features ot the foreign dealing* were the buying of Brasil Cen tral railway 7s and of new Belgian 6%s. which again ecllpeed their previous high mark. Railroad lien*, which were strong In the e.irly dealings, declined later In the day as money rates were marked up. Frisco Income 6s led the entire market, in activity, but after selling up to 76%, fell hack to 7o for a net losa of rnofe than a point. Similar movements took place In a variety of other Issues, includ ing Seaboard. Kaly, Northern Pacific and Ptre Marquette bond*. Profit-taking caused recessions of 3 and *» points In the Brooklyn Union Gas issues. Offerings of a 02O.fiOO.0mj loan for the Paris, Lyons A Mediterranean railroad, the largest system In France, will be made by bankers tomorrow Priced at 93%, the 7 per cent bonds will yield 7.JG per cent to maturity, to September 15. 19 58. Proceeds of the sale will be used to retire floating indebtedness and to pay for Improvement. I’, 8. Ronds. High Low Close 250 Liberty 3%a _10U.30 100.27 100.27 23 Liberty Ihi 4%s.102.1ft 102.15 100.17. 314 Liberty 2d 4%s .101.21 101.18 101.10 306 Liberty 3d 4%a 102.8 102.4 100.4 899 Liberty 4th 4%s 102.21 102.15 102.17 170 U K Gov 4 «48. . . . 106.5 105.30 105.31 Foreign. 25 Anton Jur M W 6s 82 Vi 82% 82% 17 Argentine G 7s ...102% 102% 101% 42 Argentine Gov 5e.. 94 92% 98% 53 Austrian g I 7s 95*4 95% 3t% 11 C Bordeaux 6s 88% 88% 90% 36 U Copenhagen 5*4*. 96 95% 90 .16 C (Her Prague 7%s 81% 91 01% 4 City of Lyons 6s... 88% 88% 84% 12 City Marseilles 6*. 68% 98 06 3 City Kd Janeiro *s 94 94 44 5 Czechoslovak It Is. 100% 100% 100% 20 Dept Seine 7s . 94% 94V* 04% 10 Dominican it 5%* 92% 92% 92% 13 Do in Cun 5% pc 29 104 1 04 104 12 Dotn Can 5s 1972 101% 10.1% 100 % 6 Dutch East In 6m .96% 45% 90%, 187 D E Indies 5%s 63 00 89% 80% 8 Framerican 7%e 95% 95% 95% 41 French Rep 8s .107 106% 107 20 French lieu 7%s 103 102% 102% 131 Japanese 6%s.. 92% 92% 92% 6 Japanese 4a . .. .82 81% 81% 2 Kina of Bel. 8s 104% 106 log 14 K of Belgium 7%s.lll 110% 110% 36 K of Denmark 6a 101 100% 1*0% i K of Italy «%s. 100% 100% 'A - 15 K of Nether 6s 72 97 % 97% 9<% 8 K of Norway 6* ’43 98 % 94% 9"% 41 K herb Cr SI 8s 89% l*% 89 M K of Sweden C» ..305% 105% 106% 109 Paris - Lyons - Med 6s 81% 8 1 % *1 % 17 Rep of Bolivia 6a 9.1% 92% 90 9 Re of Chile 8a '41 105% 105 DH% 7 Rep of Chile 7t 94 97% 9t% I Rep of Colon* 6%# 99% 99% 94% 24 R*-D of Cuba 5 % a 96% 94% 90% 10 R of El Sal a f 6s.103 103 101 8 Rep of Finland 6s 88 S7% 80 1 St of Queensla 6* 103 % 103% 101% 5 S of R Gr do H 6s 96 95 95 0 S of S Paul., s f 8a 100% 100 100% 2 Swiss Confed 8s. 114% 114% 114% 43 Swiss Gov 5%s 46 98 % 94% 9|% 14 4 I'KofOBAI 5 % s ’29110% 110 li$% 40 UKofQBAI l%* ‘17 105% 101% 49 c S of Brazil 0s 97’* 95% 90% 77 U S of B-C Ry El. *4% 62% t4 homestlf. 4 4 Am Asr C 7%s 07 96 % 46% 37 Am *”hain s f 6s. 97 96 % 47 8 Am Smelt 6a . 103% 1«3% 101% 21 Am Smelt Sa 54% 94% 94% 45 Aineg Sugar 6s ..100 99% 49% .12 Am Tel A Tel 5 %e 103 102 % 10* % 14 A T A T rol tr la. 101% 1*1% 101% 14 A T A T col tr 4a 97% 97% 9t « 15 A \V W A E 5s 91% 91% 91 % 67 Anacoitda C 7s ’*.6..10u% 49% 99% 45 Ana Cop Cs ’63 98** 97% 90 65 Ar A Co of D £%s 92 91 % 92 25 Associated O 6s 100% 1*0% 100% 15 At T A S F gen 4s 90 89 % 99 12 A T A S F adJ 4« st *-% 83% 03% 47 At Cgjst L 1st 4s 93 % 91 91 15 Haiti A O 6s 103 % 102% 102% 6 Belli A Ocv 4 % *. 49% *9 89 % 13 B m It I A <» gold 4s.. 87% *7% 87% 5 B T P 1st A r 5s 10“ % 100% 1*0% 28 Beth Stl con 6s A. 96% 9b 96 • Beth Stl 5%s 87% 67% «T% 13 Brer Hill St! 5%s 96 96 $6 4 B-Edison gen 5a A 100% 1““% 10“% 152 B-.V Tran s f 6s 8«% fcf* 00 7 Calif Pet 6 %s 1*0% 100% 1*0% 5 Can Nor deb 6% a. 116% 116% ll*% 210 Can Pac deb 4s... **% 79% 86 *1 Car C A O 6a ' 106% 10»% 29 Central of Ga 5%* 99% 99% 99% 10 Central Leather 5*. 100% 100% 10«% 41 Central Par gtd 4a. 8*% 88% 80% 21 C A O cv 5a. 9V% 98% 44% 35 c A O cv 4%*. 46 % 96 % 9“ % 74CAA3%h ..45% 44 4t*=» 9 ( B4kQ rfg 5s.. ..102 101% 101% 42 C A E I 5a.7.1% 7: 72% 212 Chi i»t Western 4* 608 % £ I % I» CM*mr ey 444*... »•% }• {• ill cM*aiP <■*« V+* 551* 55S 114 •• 'J- 1*% 7JS '}> i» ( a N W rf* :■*. »«V »»> 24 <'hlr**n Art in.... JJJ* >9 It!* 61 I n f * P rf* 4*.. «2‘4 }JJ4 **■» l 1,'THMi: s* 11% H% ” • »1 |* jl w I i* 77 % 71 77% * COtAfll! >*«'».. 101? 101, 10»^ 1 Clc-v Un Term &a..lft0% 109% 7 ilnf oMs*!. ?f|>.r ! !l#»H 1J0V* 1004 16 Co hi row us 98% }J^4 JJ'P » C c Of Md 5*.**% II II 4 Con Power 6a.•• •• JJ 2 C C flugar dOb Sa..l00 100 100 2 fubnn-Am Sag ia..lM 108 108 huh t-nr 4 a. 89% ;• *; 27 D & R G rfg 6g-4«% 41 46 11 D A II O con 4e 81% 8]% ,U% 2 Detroit VAX. rfg eg.106% in«% lj«% 4 Detroit U. Ry* 4%* 82% 82% *2% r» Dupont de N. 4%s.J0H% 108 JOJ 22 Du<|ueene 6*.105% 106% 106% 10 Kant Cuba 8. 7%a. .106% 106 106 63 Cmp O. A F 7%* 96% 86 86% 12 Erie pr Hen 4s 71% 71% 71% 107 Kile gen. Men 4s 69% 69% 69% 21 Fisk Rubber 8*_105% 105 105% 1 Gen. Elect, deb 6*. 104% J06% 104% 67 Goodrich 6 %*.100% 89% 100% 36 Goodyear T. 8*. *31.106% 106 106 21 Goodyear T. 8«, *41.117% 117 117% 77 G T. By. of C. 7*. 116% 116% 11«% « G. T. By. of C «8..107% 107% 107% 58 Gt. Northern 7* A. 108% 108% 108% 36 Ot. North. 5%8 A. 101% 101% 101% 6 Hershey Choc. 6i.. 102% 102% 102% 28 Hudson A M. 5s A 87% 87 87 % 49 Hu4ison A Man. 5s 67% 67% 67% 62 Hum. O. A Jl 6%■. 100% 100% 100% t 111. Bell T rfg. 5s 87% 97% 87% 8 111. Central &%•...102% 103% 102% 15 I C C 3 L A N 5* 96% 96% 96% 6 Ilndltnna Steel 5s..l02 101% 102 35 lnt. Ilap. Tran** 7s. 88% 87% 87% 12 lnt. Rati. Trans. 6i. 67% 67 67 45 lnt. Hap. Trans. 5s. 64% 64% 64% 230 Iht. A Gt. N. *rj 6§ 60% 58% 68% 38 lnt. A Gt. N. l*t 6*101% 101 101% 48 lnt. Merc. Mar. 6e 88% 88 88 % 7 lnt'1 Paper cv 6* A 87% 86% 87% 28 K r Ft H A M 4» 81 % 80 8; 80% It K C P ft I< lif. 95 84 % 9 4% 16 K C Southern 5*.. 88% 89 89 2 K C Terminal 4s 84% M% *4% 1 Kan (j A Elec 6s. . . 99 «9 99 b Kelly-S Tire ft*- 99% 99 99 8 Laclede O of S L 5 % • 96 94 % 94% 15 18 ft M S db 4s '31 96% 96% 96% 17 Liggett A MS*... 98% 98% 98% 5 Louis A N unied 4s 94% 93% 93% 3 Louisville G A E 5s 92 91 % 92 3 Magma Copper 7s. .118% 118% 118% 4 Marati flugar 7%f 99% 99% 99% 4 Market St Ry 7a... 9-% 98 98% 16 Midvale Stl cv 6s.. 88% 88% *8% 2 M St J'oefl 8 M 6 %r . 85% *5% 85% 12 M KAT pr In 6»C.101% 101% lui % 15 M KAT n pr In 5s A 86% >6% 86% 138 M K A T n adj 6t A 65 M% 64% 35 Mo Pacific 1st 6s.. 98% 97% 97% 87 Mo J’aclfic gen 4* 63 62 % 62% 9 Mont Power 5s A 94% 98% 98% 7 N O Tex A M Inc os 93 92% 93 11 N T On deb 4s .108 107 % 107% 39 N Y Cen fgAnp 6s 99% 99% 99% 2 N Y C A Ft I. 6s A . 103% 103% 103% % N T Ed rfg 6%s . 113 113 113 505 NTNHAH Fr 7s... 86% 85% 86% 7 NTNHAH 6* 4« 77% 77 77 7 NY Tel ref 6* '51. 107 106% 106% 2 NT Tel gen 1 %«. . . 97 97 97 20 NT W A H 4 %s 64% 54% 64% 5 K A W cv 6a _125% 125% 126% 14 No Am af 6s 97 94 % 96% 7 No Par ref ts.107% 107% 107% 29 No Pac new 5s. 97% 96% 94% 7 No Par pr Hen 4*.. 8€% 85% 85% ? No S' Pow 1st 6* 94 93% 94 4 N W Beir Tel 7s ..108% 108% 101% 2 O A C 1st 6*.101% 101% 101% 3 Ore flho Un** rfg 4s 97% 97% 97% 1 O-TV R R A N 4h 83% 82% 83% 12 Parific GAE 6*.... 93% 93% 92% 13 Penn TAT 6s *52 92% 92% 92% 5 Penn R R 6%s. 110% 110% 11*% | 12 Penn R P. gen fs 103% 103% 103% j 21 Penn R R gen 4%* 94% 54 94 % i 64 Pare M*rq rfg 5* 97% 97 97 20 Phila Co rfg 6s... 102% 102 102% 7 Phila Co 5 %s _ 95 94 % 95 I 9 PAR CAI 5s 100 «9i4 100 14 Pierce-Arrow as . 86% 86% 16% j 1 Port RLAP I*t 4s 94% 94% 94%, 5 Public Service 5s 104% 104% 1^4%, 4 Puma Alegre S 7* lo«% 1om% io*% jo Read gen 4%* 92% 93 * 92% 16 Rem Arms s f 6s 94% 94 94 % 20 Rep I A Stl 5 %•. . 91% '91% 91% 4 Rio O W rn| tr 4§. 74% 74% 74% H R I A 4 L 4%s 83% «2% 83 15 StLIMtAS rfg 4s 92% 92% 52% 24 S t LI M • A S 4 * R A G • l fc4 83 % 84% lol SLASF pr lien 4s A 7! 7«% 70% 70 St LAS F adj Ct 81 % «0% 60% 26 pr j. a S V Inc 4s 76% 74% 74% 41 St L S W con 4s ftl% 86% •«% 7 St P Un Depot 5s l oe % ioo% 1*0% 4 4 S Air Line con 6s ft3% 82% 82% 13 • S A*r Line adj in. 6* 44 64 3 4 Se* A Line rfg 4t 57% 57 57 82 *dn Con Oil col 7* to 99 99 7 5In Con 011 4% 84% 84 84% 24 Sin Crude Oil I%*.100% 160% 100% 1 Pin Pine Line 5* 84 84 84 17 South Par CV 4s *7% 9“% *7% 11 South Pac rfg 4* fo *9% 89% 45 South Rv gen «*'.10?% 107 107 57 South Ry gen 6# !«’% 103 103 2 Sooth Rv con 6* ..100% l*a% lon% 36 South Ry gen 4* 75 74% 74% 3• S Dei! Tel rfg 6s 96% 96% 94% 7 Tenn El«r rfg 4* . 9* 97% 97% 14 Third Ave *4.1 ' § 60% 49 49 7 Third Are rfg 41 50% 56% 56% 1 Toledo Edison 7a 108% 105% 1P«% 8 4 Union P*c 1st 4* 91% 92% 92% 17 Un Par rv 4* 99:., 98% *9‘. 11 U S Rubber 5* 84% «4% «4% 62 V S Steel « f S*. 105 1«4% 1M% 7 Va-Ca Ch 7%s w w 31% 2\ 31 29 Va-Car-Chem 7s... 61% €1 €1% 34 Virginian R> 5s 96% 56% 96% 1 Wabash lit 5* .!•«% 100% 100% 2 Warner Su Ref 7s. 101 1®1 111 6* West Eler 60 96% 9*% 9«% 1 West Mary lit 4* «4 «4 64 11 Meet Pac 5s . 91 90% *o% 20 West Union 6%s .112% 111 111% 16 Meat Lie*- 7s .109 If>«% 1C^% I W..I "hor. «»-- »»* •] * 1 t» Wrk«rlf*-*P* *’ 1'. J«H 4* Will*. <Jv 1*1 *'«• !•' 9‘,,k 1 I WII* * l'o ■ f i1** 5J'* **> It Wllcon * l o l*t ** *;* ■ .* Wilton * ro ** «• JJ, * 6 Toun. Sh * T «... *4'. *5!* ,J Total tale* of bonds today ’• r# $3 331.66*. compared with $« $7i».*on m*v ious day and $13,474,060 a year ago New York. Sept. 29 -Following ia h« official list of transaction# on the N*w York Curb exchange, giving all bond? traded In; , w . Domestic Bend*. High Low Close 1 AIMed Packer *" .. 71% 71% * l'N SI Allied Packer »s . ** *6 **' . 3 Aluminum 7a '26 ..163 *4 163% 1*3% 15 Ani C A El 6s 95% 96% 96% 10 Am Ice Co 7s ....1*2% 1*2% lr’»!j 3 Am P Sc Lt ft a 94% 94% 94% 1 Am Roll Mills Is 10(4% 1*6% 106% 3 Anglo Am Oil ?%s 1*2 102 I*? 7 Aslof S H ft %s 66% 85 *•* 1 Atl G Sr W I 5s . 57 67 6« 4 IJeth Steel 7» '35... 1*1% 1*3% 1*3% 5 Cities Rrrv 7s C... 98% 98 98 % 8 i|n 7s P.. .. 97 ®*j % 9 4 4 Con Gas Balt 5%s 1*? 102 102 4 do fts. 54% 64% o4% 2 do 6 % s.108% 163% 168% 1 Cudahy Pack 6%s. 8ft % lft% 8ft % 2 Deere & Co 7%S...1*3% 103% 1*3% 2 Det City Gas is. ...102% 1*2% 1*2% 7 Det Edison 6a ....102 3*2 16? 7 Dunlap T A R 7s . $5% tj 9 4 Fed Sugar Cs ’33.. 101 3*1 101 2 Oslr, Robert 7s . .. 99% ®®% 99% 4 Gen Aaphalt 8s ..106% 10a% 10.% 16 General Pet ft».100% 1°*% 10* % ft Grand Trunk 6%a.l*i% 107% 1*. % 1 Gulf OH 5« .®8 98 98 7 Is Va! R R 6s ... 99% 99% 99% 2 Manitoba 7s .1*0% 1 Morris A Co 7%a 99% 99% *9% 11 Nat Leather 8a ...101% 1*1% 1*1% 11 N O Pub Ser 5a.... 87 8ft % *1% 6 N States Pow 6%s 97% .97% 97% 22 do ovt ft % a. 101 % 101 % |*l . 14 Ohio Power 5a B . 91% 91 91-s, 14 Park A Tilford 6a. 97 96 9 Pub Serv N J 7s... 1*8 1*<% 1 17 Pure Oil ft%a. 95% *'% 1 Shaw sheen 7a ..1*4 1*4 1*4 77 Sid Gat, A K 6%a . 106% 104% 1 4 1 St Oil K Y 7s ’25. 1**% 1*0% 1**' 1 do 7a ‘28.1*6% 1*5% 1*5% 2 do 7a '3*.1*3% 1*6% 1*6 . 9 do 7« *31.l*ft % 16$ 1 4 do ft % a. 108 . 107% 1 17 Swift A Co 5a.95% 95% 9 11 I’n El L A P 5 %k 97% 97% 97% 1 l'n Oil Cs! ft* '2ft.. 101% 1*1% 101 16 Vacuum OH 7* ..l*ft% 1*6% 1** fc 2 Web Mills ft % a 1*4 104 D*4 Foreign Bond*. 5 Great ron Elec Te . 92 91 % 9i‘. 4 King Neth 6> '72. 96% 9C \ 9 % 7ft Mexico Gov 5a ... 11 10% Ji 1* Mexico Gov 3a . . . 6% 6 • 1J 1 Rum an 5%a 14% 14% 14 % 1 SoJvay A Co 6s .1*2 1*2 1*? ft Swiss 5%* . . 161% 161 % 1‘ : % Chlesg'* Storke. Quotations furnished by J P Bar!,# f Co . 224 Omaha National Bank bu . in* JA $187-8-9 Bid. Ask'd. Armour A Co III pfd. 79% Armour A Co Del pfd.... *9% 9 Albert Pick . 19% 19% Basstck Alemits . 32% Carbide . ft8 ft* «. Edison Co .133 133% Continental Motors . ft% Cudahy . 65% €5% Daniel Boone . 12 12 - Diamond Match .116% 31*% Deerp pfd . 75 7ft 2 Eddy Paper ......15 Bid Libbv . 6% 5% Nations! leather . 2 . } % Quaker Oats ...28ft Reo Motors . 16% Swift Sr Co .1*4% 1*4% Swift International .28% -1% Thompson . 45% Wahl ... 21 f hfrsgn Produce. Chicago Sept 2® —Butter — E« *; creamery extras. 261935 %c: star-da"." I4r *xtra first#. 23%fir24%c; firsts 51 ©22%c; «err>nds. Z*026%< Eggs—Unchanged: receipts. 1*."' rases first#. 3«C41c: ordinary firsts - ©35c. _ »w York Poultry. New York. Sept. 2® —Poultry— I e nominal Dres*ed Irregular c fc:-.-»-c 24 *i 27c. fowls 2*© 39c; frozen fc« - 21 n 12c old roosters. 15 0 21c; turkey - 26© 45c ADI ERTISEMENT. Public Service Corporation of New Jersey Dividend No. 69 on Common Stock Dividend No. 2$ on Cumulative Preferred Stock Dividend No 7 on 7%- Cumulative Preferred Stock The Board of Directors of Public Sen c« Corporation of New Jeraey ha# declared dividends at .he rate of 4% per annum on the i% Cumulative Preferred Stock, being $2 per share, at the rate of ’ % I ~ annum on the 7% Cumulative Pre ferred Stock, being $1.7$ per share: and fl per share on the non par value Com- ^ rr.on Stock for the quarter ending Septem ber 26, 1924 Dividends are payable Sep tember 36. 1924. to stockholders of record September 13. 1924 T W Vfcn Middieswprth Treasurer. " ' ■■ ™.~ FUTURES I We Solicit Your Orders for. Grain or Provisions for Future Delivery in Chicago and All Other Markets PRIVATE WIRES to All Important Markets OMAHA OFFICE PHONE, AT Untie 6312 LINCOLN OFFICE PHONES .20 OMAHA KANSAS CITY CHICAGO Updike Grain Corporation Experienced ^ Efficient Reliable NELSON B. UPDIKE, SR., President 1 - — ' » \