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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1924)
I Your Every Purchase at Orkin - tt m HPfc) We Will Not Be Undersold I If Bros. Is Guaranteed Satisfactory 10" ml ^^ g—t Conant h p fl J Atld II H Ho 1C l T 1,1 ># **** found«l*®n *h* Orlru* Brother* policy, that the ||j , By thi. we mean .imply! That If your purrha.e prom in the lea.t UayMOV [[ l|B^ I II II l[ |ll 11 |(i 1 nO h**'* "" '*,lirh w* hu* m#,«h“"di,#’ 0llr r",K b,,^in* ,nd fr | un.atl.factory, we Invite it. return for ca.h refund. No .ale U com- ^ ca«h telling combined with a determination to under.ell et all time. I plete at Orkin Bro». until the cuitomer ia antirely tati.fied. ^ ^ ^Oft ^ M t ~ * prAttlt ' ‘ LC BOS make, tha fulfillment of thi* policy pooible. I Ljl H| L Saturday Apparel Shoppers Cannot Resist These Va!ues [ C~3 • i||| 1 Your Dollars Will Bring You More Style, More Quality, More Value Than You’ll Encounter Elsewhere I Compare These ©ra Startling Values Vpl Whether you contemplate the immediate purchase of a coat or not, this value i demonstration brings you a ™ splendid opportunity to com pare and learn the true strength of Orkin Brothers wonderful offerings. Saturday—Hundreds Will Buy COATS And if you are a shrewd shopper, in all probability you will make your selection from these marvelous values Saturday. « Nothing in the city to compare with them. j 240 AH Wool $ Some with fur collars, others with big snuggle collars of self materials. Coats ■ that are warm, practical and full of good style. EVERY COAT IN THE LOT IS WORTH DOUBLE. Reindeer Brown New Blue Gray Penny Taupe Plain materials and jaunty plaids; all sizes to 44. If $10 is your coat price, be here Saturday. Luxurious Fur-Collared C( tats We believe you will find it difficult to duplicate these coats for less than $35 in Omaha today. They are the last word in good style, and well made. Blocked Polaire Novelty Coatings Fine Velours Camels Hair Polo Cloth Look where you will, compare to the limit, you are certain to proclaim these as Omaha’s greatest coat values. f Richly Befurred Coats Vhat a thrill is in store for vomen who appreciate really ine Winter Coats. What a wonderful buying opportunity his event affords. 1 \ Veloria Suedette w Velnewvo Lucette Mokine Novelty Weaves Lustrosa Ormandale Compare This Value! Select Quality Muskrat Coat $98 This identical coat is sold in practically every city in the country at no less than $150. Fashioned from prime, soft, flex ible skins, cut extra full, attrac tively blended, full silk lined. Limited quantity of these Coats at this unheard-of low price. Im mediate selection is urged. Pleated Wool Crepe Skirts $^59 £^0 Worth to Fine knife pleated, well made, shown in tan, gray, navy, rein deer. All sizes. Select yours early Saturday. Three Never-to-be-Forgotten Values in I Dresses assembled here through a series p of extraordinary purchases. Dresses that || you could not hope to duplicate elsewhere fP j in Omaha at anywhere near the prices & j we quote. < K 300 Smart New jjj I Autumn I Dresses I YOU WOULD WILLINGLY PAY $15 FOR THEM 1 They are dresses that are crowded with B good style, and such a variety from which B to choose; clever combinations of fabrics B and colors. You must see them to appre- P ciate their true style. P Crepe de Chines Canton Crepes H Bengefile Wool Crepes m All-Wool Tweeds R All sizes to 44. They can’t last long at ff this ridiculously low price, so be here I| early Saturday. fe I Clever New Silk MATERIALS ALONLARE WORTH MORE THAN WE ASK FOR THE COMPLETED DRESS. IKW j Every new color; the styles are as chic as one N might desire. ^ j. Satins Cantons Crepes Georgettes / vT Satin-Back Cantons Charmene / 1 E Crepe de Chines / I f | Select from sizes 14 to 44, there is a style / / I I that will meet your fancy. / V I I Scores of Autumn’s Smartest New Frocks H ui Truly beautiful Dresses, in such a va- k\~l\ riety that pleasing you is indeed a sim* tj li pie matter. Each dress involved is a f/ /|F value beyond comparison. f Poiret Twills Poiret Shec j j Flannels Satin-Faced Canton* [/ Heavy Crepe de Chine V Charmene Georgettes Crepe Elizabeth Orkin Bros. Is Dress Value Head / quarters / The*r three striking j ; J lot* give overwhelm ing evidence of this I fact. If you want [ value* extraordinary, jt then Orkin Brothers i* your shopping cen ter. So unusual arc these big \alues that you will find it to your direct interest to be here early Satur day. ■■■■■■■■—I