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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1924)
Today A If et Fight. An Air Fleet's IT'orfc. Heng Him Twice. Rules for Girls. By ARTHUR BRISBANE _/ New York will enjoy a “wet” campaign for the governorship, both republican and democratic candidates, A1 Smith and Theodore Roosevelt, being on record in favor of beer as against absolute prohibi tion. Americans will watch with in terest young Theodore the Second, following in his father’s footsteps. The original T. R. went to the New York legislature, so did his son. The original T. R. ran for governor and was elected. His son is now running for governor. Whether he will be elected or not remains to be seen. The postoffice shows that by using connecting railroads the air mail service can save time and money to business men. The sav ing in time from New York west is six hours to Milwaukee, Minneapo lis nine hours, St. Paul 11 hours. Denver 21 hours, Ogden, Utah. 16 hours, Los Angeles 41 hours, Spokane 19 hours, Seattle 19 hours. The flying mail will undouhtpdly save money and time for American business men. An adequate flying navy, useful in peace times, ready to tight in war, might easily save the country 8100,000,000,000 and national humiliation by protecting our cities from enemy air fleets. This country’s business is to pre pare an adequate air fleet, the big gest, fastest, the most powerful in the world. The man responsible is the presi dent of the United States. He will be blamed if a fighting fleet come3 through the air and finds us unpre pared. Something new in murder is the Hight poisoning case, the clergy man in cold blood saying to a woman, “Here'* arsenic, I will poison my wife, we shall be mar ried. The prosecutor declares that in spite of his being a clergyman, an attempt will be made to hang him. If it were possible, he ought to be hanged twice, once for the murder, and once for disgracing the clergy. The woman, Mrs. Sweetin, will not be hanged, of course. She was the victim and tool of the mur derer. He had a double hold upon her. “Long sleep, at least eight hours, no tobacco, only one cup of tea or coffee in the morning, seven hours of outdoor exercise weekly,” such are rules for girl athletes in the Boston university. Why not for all girls? Every young woman is in training for a job more important than the 100 yard dash or the long jump. Long sleep, wise living, arc important in winning races. They are 10 times more important to good mother hood. And that is the young wo man's only job of importance, whether she likes it or not. Civilization won't yield to im morality without a struggle. The police of New York are protecting and purifying the stage. In one cast stage sailors were told to stop their cursing. In another ladies were ordered to put on more clothes. “Down with nudity, obscenity and profanity,'' is the motto of the police morality squad. The question is: t an you make people moral or decent by law? Morality starts from the inside out, not from the outside in, usually. The learned German, Prof, von Frisch, patiently studied honey bees for 12 years and now an nounces his discoveries. When one discovers an unusually fine place to collect honey, he returns to the hive and begins a violent dance. Then the other bees swarm out to get their snare. Twelve years is a long time to study bees, but Darwin studied earthworms for 30 years, calculat ing the rate at which they build up fertile soil. We should be grateful to our an cestors that invented and perfected speech. Imagine being obliged to dance to let people know that you have discovered a new oil well, or gold mine. A general council of the Presby terian church announces disap pointing figures as regards increase in membership. This is officially attributed to religious controversy about the Rev. H. E. Fosdick. The Presbyterians will make this year a great evangelistic drive for new members. Wrangling among clergymen certainly discourages church at tendance. “To convince others, be yourself convinced,’' said the great est Greek teacher of oratory. If clerygymen appear to lack convic tion the laymen ask “What's the use?” John W. Davis’ managers are promising him that the “negroes are drifting to the democratic ticket.” That makes old Abe Lin coln smile in his celestial home. He knows how the negroes are going to vote. (Copyright, 19:4.) PASTOR. 40. GIRL. 14, ELOPE; MARRIED Bv lntcrititthinnl Now Seryi'-r Nowata, Okla , Sept. 26.—Residents of Nowata are tip In aims todav over the reported elopement of Uev. Joseph K. Yates. 40 years old, with pretty Georgia Fields. 14 year old Sunday school pupil In Pr. Yates' church at Aluwee. A. W. Fields, father of the girl, has sworn to a complaint charging the minister with abduction. According to the complaint, Pr. Yates, divorced only a month ago, took the girl away In an automobile two weeks ago. A state wide search Is being con dueled for the pair. "He wields smite strange power over her,” the father declared when he obtained the warrant lor the minister. ■Tleoigla never disobeyed her father and mother before. The pastor never had courted her, never had asked our permission to unarrv our daughter and apparently! enticed her into his car and speeded away. "I shall do all In my power to place him In the penitentiary under the atate laws relating to abduction." A note, delivered to the parents by a small hoy, reads: ' •'This is to notify you that Oeorgia and 1 have been married a week. We had a special license issued in Ten ncssee and were married secretly by my brother, who has a right to marry anywhere In southern Methodism Telegraph us In Muskogee after >■ o'clock. If you forgive us we wil return home Immediately." The note, delivered yesterday, *8u the worried parents the first Inform ; Hon about their daughter. Jansen School Dedicated. Jansen, Sept. 26.—The new mode, i standard school house in District I . was dedicated Wednesday. Super!n (emlent W. H. Morton of Ueatrh schools and Kva P. Shuman, county superintendent of the Jefferson eon ty schools, were speakers. The pi gram Included a basket dinner In th school basement. About 200 Wet present. To imitate a thing is to admit that it is the leader. Kraft Cheese is imitated. While this flatters us, it may disappoint you, un less you look for the Kraft label* 4 varieties: American, Pimento, S-miss and Brick, sold by slice, pound or loaf Five Varieties in Tins |-- —-1 i □ Is ALL fou Need! Just $3 down and $3 per month are the special terms h ftgmi ' III I'II Is n 'fnmpMf UOle House '££5: FIRST AMONG CLEANERS For your rugs the Premier is a Double Action Cleaner. The motor-driven brush picks up lint or litter and shakes loose, by its vibrating action, the internal dirt or grit; then suction, strong and powerful, draws up every particle from the lowest depths of the rug. Our special offer now makes it possible for every family to own this marvelous household servant. Take advantage of this special offer and get your Premier today. A Motor that needs No Oiling The Premier motor needs no oiling. The motor Is parked in lubrirant and la ball-bearing. The Premier always runs with perfect smoothness. Pl2T ALLOWANCE During this sale we j make an allowance of $12.50 on your old elec tric vacuum cleaner j Here is your opportu nity to get rid of the old cleaner at a profit. J Call AT lantic 3100 for an Appointment j ' to Show You the Premier in Your Home Nebidskd □ Power S. —I Cowest Prices P^ \%2 North ^ 16th Fancy No. 1 Choice Beef Choice Beef Choice Rib Choice Veal Picnic Ham* Pot Roast Chuck Roast Boiling Beef Shoulder Roast ^ 124c 8c 10c 5c 124c choice Cut Round Steak, IT j per lb. 1DC VEAL CUTS '-.oicest Veal Shoulder Roast . . . 12 V2C* loicest Veal Legs, Va °r whole. lfit4 j i Choicest Veal Loins .15C Choicest Veal Chops.18£ Choicest Veal Stew . Fresh Kiled Spring Chickens, 97/» per lb. £lC PORK PRODUCTS Fresh Spare Ribs. i Fresh Pork Shoulder.15<* ! Fresh Pork Loin Roast..180 Fresh Neck Ribs.5(* Fresh Pig Tails .11^ Fresh Pig Snouts .2£ Fresh Pig Ears. 6<* Fresh Pig Feet . Fresh Pig Hearts . 5C* Fresh Pig Liver .5^ GENUINE SPRING LAMB Fancy Forequarters.14tf Fancy Hindquarters ..22<* Fancy Lamb Chops.25<^ Prime Rolled Rib Roast, per lb. ... Mail and Express Orders Killed Promptly | 4 Anton C. Anderaen’a Dairy Bancroft Dairy Blaclcitone Dairy Cedar Creat Dairy Center Street Dairy Central Park Dairy Knud Chriatenaen’a Dairy Niela Chriatenaen’a Dairy Clifton Hill Dairy Clover Leaf Dairy Eagle Dairy Eagle Sanitary Dairy Elgin Dairy Elmwood Dairy Fairview Dairy Florence Height Dairy Fontenelle Dairy Foreat Lawn Dairy Graaaland Dairy Great Weatern Dairy Green Valley Dairy Grobeck'a Dairy Alfred Hanaen’a Dairy Highland Dairy Hillcreat Dairy Hillaide Dairy Ideal Sanitary Dairy Irvington Sanitary Dairy Kenwood Dairy Keyatone Dairy Keyatone Sanitary Dairy Lincoln Ave. Sanitary Dairy Meadow Lane Farm Dairy _ MEMBER. OMAHA MILK PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION I These Omaha Dairies are Members of the Omaha Milk Producers Assn. Melrose Hill Dairy Nebraska Dairy North Benson Dairy Old Reliable Dairy Peony Park Dairy People’s Dairy Pleasant Hill Dairy Pine Lane Dairy Producers Dairy Puritan Sanitary Dairy Purity Dairy Ridgewood Dairy Rock Springs Dairy Sanitary Dairy Skowgaard Sanitary Dairy G. E. Sorenson’s Dairy Jens Sorenson's Dairy Spanggaard's Dairy Spring Lake Park Dairy Standard Dairy Star Dairy Sterling Dairy Sunny Hill Dairy Underwood Dairy Universal Dairy Walnut Grove Dairy Washington Dairy West Ames Dairy West Benson Milk Farm West Dodge Dairy West Dundee Dairy West Lawn Dairy Wilkemar Farm Willow Valley Dairy Above framed Members of Omaha Milk Producers Association Are Producers and Distributors of High-Grade Raw Milk You take no chances with this milk, for it is pro duced under the most sanitary conditions. It is free from sediment, low in bacteria and high in butter fat. Milk produced bv the OMAHA MILK PRODUC ERS’ ASSOCIATION is under the CONSTANT! IN SPECTION of the CITY HEALTH DEPARTMENT. It is tested regularly and must come up to city health standards. Our members are selected among the best dairies, ami are not engaged in any other business. They give all of their time to the production of High-Grade Raw Milk Each member invites you to pay a personal call at his dairy and observe its up-to-date methods. The object of this association is to pledge each dairyman to put forth his best efforts in order to fur nish the homes of Omaha with RAW MILK that is SAFE, CLEAN and HEALTHFUL.’ The Sign Is on the Wagon )| Instant suds with Crystal White! I Energetic, long-lasting suds that 1 cleanse thoroughly and quickly. For 3 dishwashing, laundry and all kinds 1 of cleaning all over the house, Crystal | White is unsurpassed. I Because Crystal White is a pure I vegetable oil soap it will not injure I the finest, most delicate fabrics nor I will it redden or roughen the hands. I PEET BROTHERS COMPANY I KANSASCITY SAN OANtllCO Li Bdi or Chip Form for Your Convenience INDIVIDUAL I ATTENTION 3 Complete satisfaction with < i very purchase. Our de- ^B * livery service costs you nothing. B Tor the name of your ^B nearest HANDY SERV. B »CE STORE, phone HA. j 325. _ Omar CAKE aad PASTRY Flour ‘“’C 34c j Awarded First Place by Leading Domestic Science Experts ■ . ■■!■■■■ ■■■ ' ■ "" 11 " ' ' "* MILK ’et or Carnation Cans 49c DATES Dromedary Per Pkg. 22c NAVY BEANS Michigan 3 Lbs. 27c SUGAR ine Granulated Lbs. 89c CHIPSO large Pkg. 2 for 45c DROOMS Each 79c Broom SALT Morton’s Free Ruling 2 for 25c bran flakes 3 for 25c SARDINES 3 Cans 35c PEANUT S—Chocolate Coated. P Fresh Jumbos, 07a E Special, per lb.Ulv E CARROTS—Home Grown, OA* | Crisp, 3 lbs.Evw ■ RUTABAGAS—New Home -JQ^ & Grown, 5 lbs.W ORANGES Sun-Kist, 00* r Thin Skinned, doz.vuw ■* SWEET POTATOES-South- OQ* * era, Fancy, 3 lbs. Euv ^ FLAME TOKAY GRAPES—Large j Clusters, Unusually OE* '!< Nice, 2 lbs. « FRESH FIGS—8-oz. -IQ* j Pkg., 2 for.1 ? FIG NEWTONS—“Iten’s,” CQ* , 3-lb. caddy.www p GRAHAM CRACKERS— QQ* i “Iten’s.” 2-lb. Pkg.i I BUTTER "Golden Rod" and "Idlewilde" Lb. 41c r __ __________________________ GEM NUT Margarine SSg Lb. 25c f Puritan MALT ■»■ 59c FLOUR $2.05 [ ^gD ’ Always comes to you CLEANWRESH The new package preserves all of the 1 Goodness and Purity of the nut meats and milk churned into this delicious spread. Try this new table delicacy for your next meaL Your family will enjoy it Houseaprons. Curling- Irons, and other useful premiums sent free for RICH NUT cou pons. (One with every pound.) m I Distributed b<v Paxton-Gallagher Co Cfcurnod by Harrow-Taylor Putter Co., | Kansas City, Mo. i