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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1924)
Nebraska Apples Moving to Market r Extra Train Run lo Pick Up Shipments—Crop Less Than Last Year. Brbwnvllls, Neb., Sept. 26—Apples slarted to move here today, and the railway put on an extra train, which will run dally tor the next 10 days to handle the increased volume of business from thla vicinity. Three carloads were loaded here today for . , Sioux (,'lty, Klaie and Crete. Jona; 4 i ha ns and Crimes (’olden are the 't i varletlea Moving at pr esent, and the shipments will Increase daily. The heaviest movement will be reached Irt about a week, when other varletlea will he Included. W'lneanpa will move later for winter and holiday trade. The crop this year Is expected to make about 90 carloads, Kant year 101 cars were sent front this station. The price thla year Is about 25 per cent higher than last season, on ac count of the shortage "f the crop unit the Increased price of cooperage. Shubert, Neb., Sept. 26.—Apple shipments at this station and at Verdon, south of here, In the heart of the upple raising territory of south eastern Nebraska, started today, the railway running an extra pickup train. Three carloads were shipped from here Thursday ami flvs will lie loaded today, the varieties being mostly Jonathans and Crimes Odd ens The dee’lna'lon was weatern Ne braska, points. The movement la ex pected to Increeae her# daily for 10 i!avi or ao. Wlnreape will he shipped later, being barrelled and sent to eastern rlties for fancy trade, mostly to Kansas City, I'hlcago and Minne apolis. It Is estimated that from 100 to 125 carloads will move from here this sea son, as against 153 cars shipped last fall, the decrease being due to a failure In the cre| this year caused by adverse weuiber conditions In the spring and at blossom time and to u late froki. Nemaha Neb., Sept. 23.—Forty five cailoedt of apples are figured tv be shipped from thle station Snip ment will start next week end con tinue for about a week. The crop la about 75 per cent of what it was last year here. Shipments will be made to Nebraska points, as In former sea sons, from here. The grape movement from here and anil the Brownvllle vicinity, the ren ter of the vineyards in this territory, ig now over. Five thousand baskets were shipped from here and 25,000 from Brownvllle, moving by freight and express, ljist season over 50,000 baskets of grapes were shipped. The decrease was due to late frosts and cold weather Hite In the spring. Peru, Neb., Sept, 26—The annual apple crop In this vicinity hag started to move. Three carloads were shipped Thursday, and two more today. By next week the movement will he on In full swing, none of the orchards hardly being mature enough ye .. ' '' -1--—--— : . t T*Uphen< In aT 7175 Omaha’* Beat Food Market* THE HOME OF QUALITY PRODUCTS Come Once and You Will Coma Always j Legs of Genuine Armour’* Shield Small lean fresh Spring Lamb, narrow lean Pig Hams, per lb. Breakfast Bacon, per lb., 2814? Per ,b > 27Vs? 22Vs? Fancy Fresh Tender Juicy Fancy Young Dressed Spring Pot Roast, lb., Veal Roast, lb., Chickens, lb., 1114? 15? and 1214? I 28'/s? - - -Best cut* fancy Fancy Fresh V Lean Pig Pork Beef Shoulder Dressed Young < Roast, lb., Roast, per lb., Hens, per lb., 16*4? 1614? 2514? *' 2-oz. Shred- 48-lb. 48-lb. Large Maca bottle ded sack sack pkg. roni or Kamo or Wheat, Pillsbury Puritan Oatmeal Spa Advo per pkg. Best Flour, 23? ghetti, Vanilla, H* Flour -81-89 -~ 4 pkgs. Extract - 81-98 Sl"aH extract Dr - Rpd Dot p](g ^?? ^ ■ Price’s Early Sifted 10? Diamond Baking June Peas, - ( arna" Shaker Powder, Sifted per can, 2V*-lb. t'oa Salt large Peas, 171.4? can Milk, per box, size, can 12V*c 3 cans Spinach 3 cans 10? 22? doz.$i.48 50? 21? 25? Waldorf No. 2 Country Del No. 2*4 No. 2*4 Toilet <anH r*en,,e- Monte pXe J*" Paper, m»" Mtlb* hr.nd .Pn”C* dozen, Pd,rd c°"h »»" Cherries fUl Cberncf; ran Peaches, 2 cans caT1 *1,uu 25? 12*4? ran 30? 81.00 29? Colorado ^dahya ,U„> * Peaches, OtU Delicious ' box, $1.39 - Y'* Homs AH Good - * Bacon ,. Colorado '"Iwlfctt* Cookies, } Kiefer TMl»“ per lb., $ Pears, 1 bu. $2,39 _ *** *■* Extra fancy Head Lettuce, each.12' i* and 15* Fancy California Tokay Grapes, basket.53* Extra fancy Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs.25<* Early Ohio Potatoes, per peek ..20* Sunkist Oranges, per dozen . 20* Fancy Evergreen Corn, per dozen ..17 Vi* Fancy Concord Grapes, per basket ..29^ Fancy Jonathan Apples, market basket .-.-69* Fancy Grimes Golden Apples, market basket..... 69* Fancy Hollindale Celery, large statks, each.,.,. -12V2* Saturday Spe- Guaranteed Country Assorted rial only— Eggs, per dozen. 28 Vtt Kraft, Amer- Central Xtra Quality ain,J * ican, Brick Butter, per lb., 39Vi* Soups, per and Pimento Extru fancy Country can, 10* Cheese, per Butter, in 2-lb. rolls, Dozen. $1.15 lb.. 34* lb., 37Vi* f^m ^rnmrnm Pearl White Soap 1 The Big, New Bar \ I The Omaha Bee Market Basket Page Does Your Name Appear in These Advertisements . Head the Saturday Food Bargains on this page, read every ad as your name may appear in one. Alhambra Grocery & Meat Co. 1812 No. 24th St. We. 5021 Let Us Serve Your Table. j Fresh Line of Vegetables and Meats at All Times. 1 SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY 10 lbs. Gran. Su*ar, 93< I Kitchen Klenzer.51 10 bars Pearl White Chicken, lb.34# Soap for .. 39<* I Chuck Roast, lb,..12MR* You’ll Like Our Meats The Omaha Bee Market Ba.ket Thi. Week Awarded to Frank Degon, 2524 Charle. St. FREE Baskets of Groceries to Women of Omaha _ _i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiuiMiimiiimnmimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimii Omaha Bee Market Baskets are awarded each week to the women whose names are printed in the food advertisement. There is someone’s name in each ad. Fol low these ads every Friday and watch for the winners’ names. If your name appears, simply call at the store and the basket is wait ing for you free of charge. Contents of the Free Basket* This Week Free basket* of groceries given in each neighborhood—read your grocer’* ad for money-*aving specials for Saturday shopping. RADUZINER'S R. KULAKOFSKY A CO. 1 lb. Butternut Coffee .$ .50 1 lb. Advo Coffee . t .50 1 American Beauty Macaroni.10 Butternut T»». 25 1 Pancake Flour.IS 1 Skinner Macaroni.10 1 Kelloeir Flake* .13 1 Bet.y Ro.a Bread.15 1 Campbell'* Bean. .IS 1 Advo Jell .10 1 Kdgemont Cracker.30 1 Quaker Oat».IS 1 Campbell'* Soup .12 2 Cryatal White Soap.10 1 Cryatal White Soap.05 l Fancy Crackera .IS $1.50 $1.50 . w anUNBi att CEO. I. ROSS CASH GROCERY . • W. ROSENBLATT , Uen'a OrMhmm. . $ .1$ l? nB# % .* « 1 Quake- Oet. .I* } U;llo*5 Br,n .1 lb. Advo Coffee .SO ! .M 7? 1 Kimo Pancake Flour.IS Advo Mayonnai.e.•» , Heine fat.up .20 Lu\' ' ru, * .°? 1 Bet.y Bol» Bread .1$ 1 Bet ay Roan Bread.18 2 Cry«f«l Whitt Soap . .10 $150 ALHAMBRA GROCERY AND MEAT CO *' 1 lb. Butternut Coffee ... $ .50 FLORENCE MERCANTILE CO 1 kellofg Flake* .10 I Betsy Kosa Bread .$ .15 l Quaker Bread .15 1 Iten'a Tracker* . 35 l Skinner Macaroni .10 1 Advo Flour. .30 6 Cryatal White Soap .25 1 Quaker Oat a. 30 l Takhoma Hiaruit*.15 Grape Fruit . .... ••«•$#**••..30 l Kamo Pancake Flour.15 2 Pearl White Soap §#•!••$$•«•*.. .10 l Kitchen Klenaer .05 $1.50 $1.4$ I" b FLORENCE MERCANTILE CO. 5*01 North 30th St. Phone KE 0440 SATURDAY SPECIALS Cha^ 4 Sanborn Coffee, 60o Fresh Country Eggs, doz., 40c* value .45c* Nuroa Butterine, lb. ... , . 22c* 10 lbs. Sugar, C. 4 H ..85c* CS Iba. Pillabury Heft Flour, Old Ohio Spuds, peck...25^ per *ack. 32.10 3 Loaves Bread, 10c size, 25c 5 Bars Sweetheart Soap. 23c* We Give S. 4 H. Trading Stamps With Eeery Purchase This Week’* Basket Awarded to Mrs. I.. T. Keiff, 8515 N. 36th St. Pearl White Soap The Big, New Bar You’ll Like Our Store Says Raduzlner Htratta* our o<hcr lila our way of only avlliag th* h*«t and of atriving all th* tima twBt' • tha b*at io aorvieo. SATURDAY S SPECIALS Buttar, Danish Piunryr (fin# flavor) T*a#, Chat* A Sanborn * fin* brand#. .... in Sgc ‘t-lb rgn for 4At * Choir# Voal MtoaU, u*r lb ISc MSceronl. Anirilcatt Hrauty. rholce St„r Pot Kl„., go, t pk*«. for . *Sc (hole* Short tut Steak, lb Me Sugar. Pure I ene. 1# Ibt. for »4c Heme, Armour . Star. It lo 1 !• Ib« Sees, P * II. 10 her. for ... «4c per lb. fur . *71 «c f hie weeb'e Omaha Bee Meibet Beehet awarded le M>>. C. S. Blch.rdeen. *414 Nerlb Flfty-eielh Stint RADUZINER,fif8ceriMind M{ilt 5810 Military Aee. W A Inut 6004-5 • ' Pearl White Soap The Big, New Bar I R. KULAKOFSKY CO. Kc 0375 24th and Ames Ave. Ke. 0399 j SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Blue Bell Flour, 48-lb. sack ...$1.80 No. 1 Creamery Butter... •!•*..... .36c Spring Frys, per lb.•..29c Fancy Elberta Peaches, per box.$1.45 Sweet Potatoes, per market basket....48c All Brands, tall milk, 6 for.59c Thin Week’s Ba.-ket Awarded to Mrs. Cazanouffh. 2620 Templeton Avenue Pearl White Soap I The Big, New BarI I GRAHAM CRACKERS^ f°l School Lunches cMake Healthy Kids! I. W. ROSENBLATT 40th and Cuming St». Phone WA lnut 3700 Apples, eating and cooking, basket ...38c Oranges, per dozen.23c Crab Apples, per basket.45c 10 Bars Flake White Soap, with 2 bars Jap j Rose free ...48c | Monarch Pork and Beans. 9c Monarch Catsup.23c , 4 Puritan Hams, half or whole, lb.29c | This* Week's Basket Awarded to ! Mrs. A. Liedowitz, 3122 Myrtle Avenue Pearl White Soap The Big, New Bar SFRl'E this delicious shortbread with |.tm at tea time—or anv time. It's a treat for faded palates. LORNA DOONE SHORTBREAD In packages or bv the pound at grocers’ NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY "UnMda B^era" USE BEE WANT APS THEY BRING RESULTS I