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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1924)
Rainfall Sends Wheat Prices to Lower Close Reports From Nebraska. Kan sas and Oklahoma Lead to Pressure on Chi eago Market. B- tHVKI.ES .1, I.EVDEN. I'nltfrhnl >en iro Muff Correspondent. Chicago. May 27.-Well scattered rain fall oxer dry areas of the winter wheat belt In Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma led to continued rcall/.ing sales and some pressure today, prices working to a lower close. The reactionary trend In Winnl peg was also depressing. The market received good support on the dips, hut it lacked pep on the flurries TVheat closed ■'* '<i 1%< lower, corn was *4C **c off. oats were un»*hanged to '»c higher and rye ruled ’ t ® h»c down. Export business failed to liven as manx anticipated. Liverpool responded fairly veil to the strength of North American markets on the previous day by ad xaneing Kg to pence There was little change In the world statistical Informa tion, so that the appreciable readjustment of supply and demand, which really seemed to be the basia^f the recent up turn. was forgotten. / Heavy buying of September and duly corn continued. The bulk of the buying was credited to local cash Interests. The demand has been concentrated for several days and has been regarded as “short" corn. Eastern shorts also have been cred ited with a great deal of this absorption. Cash corn premiums were Irregular, with the inquiry only fair. Oats closed independently firm. Cash Interests were good buyers of the May do livery, which imparted steadiness to the deferred months. Rye trailed other grains lower. There was a better class of buying In this pit. but the volume of trade was not suf ficiently large to offset the reactionary tendency of other grains. Provisions were irregular. Lard was 6c lower and ribs were „’^c higher. Pit. Notes. For several days private reports riser intimated that crop prospects In Germany xx ere poor Semi official information to day reiterated as much The outlook Is for smaller wheat end rye yield# than n year ago and last year's crops were not large Drouth reports esme from South Afric#. and attracted som* attention. Otherwise the outlook for crops in Europe appears satisfactory. Various estimates are confirming a sizable decrease in the acreage sown to wheat, over the prairie provinces of Can ada One authority places the total area at 2b.250.000 acres, compared with -1.571 noo acre# last year. Conditions In Canada are favorable now. but the season is late, and no doubt pleasant weather will be needed more later on. Stocks of wheat in this country are still decreasing at a fairly rapid rate. At Minneapolis for three days the reduc tion was 275.000 bushels. At Kansss t ity for ope day the decrease was 157.000 bushels The primary receipts were light *♦ 451.000 bushels, against 675.999 bush els last x ear The changes in the domes tic nituation hardly suggest a burdensome carryover this year. This should be kept in nxlnd when crop prospects glimmer. Farm bloc leaders apparently are bent on getting some sort of so-called farm relief measures passed According to the Washington news, the boosters of the McNary Haugen bill are about reconciled to the'fact that it has no chance of be coming law and are turning their atten tion to other propositions. The stock mar ket reports claim that the tendency to pass farm relief and railroad legislation at the moment is having an unsettling effect on business Speculative markets xvill probably show more activity after congress adjourns. CHICAGO CASH PRICES. Uv T'prt Ik. Grain rnmpmv . Alltrtli- 6312. Art. Oprn I Higlv' Clear. 1 X'-a. Wht I I I nJ May , 1 96’.; 1 66%, I.MJkJ 1**U juir ' i»«% i »»*! i »7v 1 25b I t OR \ ' 1 ! 1.07 "4 I 1 94 % t 1 ongi 1 b»*4 156s, 1 b*y 1 ;;s ! | na \! 1.99 ; 199 ** Dec. 1 11L Lit L j MftV 1107* ^ MIS May 67 \ 67*i -67 *V 47**' -6* ,‘fulv 1 .69’* 66L 59’, Sept:. .71’! -TIL .70*, ( .70% TIL May 7 * L ’ . 7 S S . 7 71% *6 1 " S July :??>* 77% .T6V 77V 77% «-«h. |j!;. -’«*•; .77% Par. .69%: .69’. .69’. 69% 69% data ' * M.v <6% 16% .466. ■ 4 6 6, 1 46% Julv 4 4% 44% 44% 44% 4<% I .49% -49% .49% .49% 49% Oar* .41%: .41%, .41% .41% I -41% jJw 19.37 19 3 7 19-,; 19,92 11(4 37 t Sen) 19 67 19 47 10 62 I" 62 10.67 Riba . „ ' .. .Tuli 9 7” 9.77 1 9 72 19 72 4.79 Srpt. 9 6 2 rs; 9«2 9 t; 9 4" F.a%i M. l/xnis Livestock. Ea*-t T.ouis. III.. May 27 —Hogs — Receipts, 2ft.nnft bead, early hog market slo” . 5r to Ibc lower to butchers and shippers, late*- trruje mode rat el y aetixe to packers, several loads best hen \ butch rrs. $, 45 : bulk 199 pounds and up. $7 "■’> ®7.49, lighter kind*. *7 2o® 7 30; light Tigl ’s and pigs little change 140 to HO. pound average*. X* 50® 7.2** 110 to 139 pound pin* $5.75 ® 6.25. bulk packer hOx* s $0 3C 'll 6 35. tattle Receipts. 5 000 head common native steers and low priced Te\a*x>< sleady; other nntix-e« 15c to 2oc low-er. Tuvans 25c 1ov.*r light yearling* and heifers and beef rows steady; can ne>« and bologna lull* un.-banged light vealera opened at $0 50® 10 00. rioted r1 S3.90® 9 2 5 : bulk t.a'ive 9 7 6 5ft 9 25: Texans, $7 00® 7.75: top Texan* t; no, yearling* and heifers. Xs %o® a .75 iom, f oo^ 6,?5; canners. $2 25® 2 75 . bull; . *4 25® 00 Sheep end Lambs Receipt*. 3 500 head, fat lambs fairly active, steady to strong ■dime spring lambs 2-5r higher, bulk gc«»l t'ative Springer*, $15.75016 00, culls, 19.50 no «11 1 cf | good or • bic.t• -e clipped lambs on sale bulk. $17 r>9® 13 75. eheep unchanged. t6 50 for good light ewes. 0* her* $5 59 0 4.00. f orn and Mhssi Region Bulletin. Corn and "heat region bulletin fc - the 74 hours ending at R a m . Tuesda; IDgh Ron Rain Ashland cloxjd X 6 4 10 0 4c 4uburn. * loud- 7 5 5? 0 12 Broken Row. cloudy 67 4 6 a Oo Columbus, cloudy 6 I <0 0 47 Culbertson, cloudy 73 ->0 0 no Fslrhurx. cloud v 76 52 1 26 Fairmont cloudy 63 47 « 31 Grand Island, ceded' 6? 0 non ffartington. pt > lotid 66 < 5 000 — HsstlOgs. cloud- . . 69 50 0 on Holdrege, cloudy 72 0 0 00 Lincoln, cloud- .65 4 9 0 37 North Loup, cloudy. 7" 0 0.1 North Platte eolud 6? 4* 0 00 Oakdale cloudy 65 44 0 10 Omaha, cloudy . » 3 61 040 O'Nall!, clear ... .69 *?. 0 00 Teksmah, cloudy 5 9 4% 0 35 Valentine, part cloud; *0 42 n-n0 Kansas f ity <«rnin. Ksn*** ntv .Max' "i - tVhsst- No 2 h.-rd »1A2®1 1». No 2 red, $10*, Xfav 9«*4c: Jul* 97’,c split bid. September. $1 co^, split bid asked Torn—No 3 white. 16® 77c; No 2 vel low. 7«®76'4jc. No 2 yellow. 77®77’,c, No 2 mixed 73 H ® 73*4c: May. 72 ’,c asked Tul. 7."Sr split _**ked, fleptem h»r 7?*»c split asked Hay—Unchanged Minneapolis Lraln Minraaroij* Msv 27 Wheat Oaah Vo 1 northern. $M 5 ’» ® ! ®014 . No ] dak northern aprlog choice to fancy $1 19’,®! 25’, good to Cpotre |1 22 's® 1.23*4; ordinary to good $1 17%®! 21’, f'orn—Vo. 3 yellow. 72%®72Lc Oafs No 1 white, 4 4 6* ® 4in Bar Je- 5* fj 74c Rye-No 2 6 4>^®65r Flax—No 1. 92.37 H 0t|1% M l/ouis firaln. gt l.oula May 27.-r-fWheat Future* M»v, 11.97%; July, I19V% Porn—Msv, 79c; .T ij 1 y, 7 7,/4®77Se. Oft ta—May, 43 %e I Hlraio fttr»cks. Fhlcsgo s' ocks b|d and aak furnished h’- .7 P Rarhe K Fo, '’24 r'maha Nations bank hulldlOg Phon* .f A 6167 3* 49 Btd Aske<* Armour A Fo 711 pfd 73’4 74 Albert Pick 1* 13U Basslck Admits , 30i{, 39’^ Fafbldft .453 5*6, Edison font.126»4 * 7 27 Font I Afotors . 6 6 ’1 Cudahy .57 Daniel Boone .2 "’A ?2\ Diamond Match ... 1 1 * >A 1I71 Tieere pfd ... 6] 62 Eddv Paper . 15 25 Libby . 4 Natl Leather .. 2 S 2S Quaker Oa*s . ..259 Reo Motora . 16 16*4 Swift A Co .1*1% Swift Tntl . 1 * Ta Thompinn ... 0% JJ ,-.hl . 36*i 366 Wrl*l.v .3«% T.llow Mf* r» 46 46 1. T.ltow f »h . 41% 43 Nni, Tnrk Prndur*. N.W Tnrk M.y 37 Bntl.r «I •• dy |.«>i -ipt■ 16,357 tuba Vggg — Irregular: recelpta. 55.692 c*»»t I hee»e Firm; rer»»tptp. 59 293 Ytounda Ri,is whole flats fresh fanev 16*4®17’,c ■ ta'- w hots milk flata. average run 16’* ® 1 6 Sr. New York Lot fort Fultiree. New York. Mav 27. -Fottou future opened ateadv; July 29 69c; October efaac; 7>eremher, 26 29c; Januarv, 26 9.,r March. ?6 17c fhlrafn Ponltrr f'hlraao Ma 2< - Poultr fjlxe high Ir, fpwla ‘,4®24,*e. broilers, 3«®44 ttalMi. 34o. __ t — r > I Omaha Grain V --/ Omaha, May 27. Rsralpt* of all kind* of grain xvers light today in lino with the usual Tuesday run. Rcccipta of wheat. 2o cars, and sold Un changed to lc lower, generally lower: demand alow «'orn alow at prices around V under yesterday; receipt*, 24 cars t'ats sold at prices unchanged with ye? terday However, the demand was very limited; rerelpta 12 cars. Rye and bar ley nominally unchanged, no receipts. Omaha farlot Sales. WHEAT. No 1 hard; l car, $l 04; 1 car. $1.93. No. 2 hard: 1 car. $1 08: 1 car, $1 Ofi. 1 car. $1 03; .3 cars. $1 02; 5 care. $1.01%; i car. $1 03%; 1 rir, $1.02%; 5 cara, fl.OI, 4 curs. $1.01. No. 3 hard: 1 car. $1 04. 2 cara, $1.00%: 1 car, 99 %r No. 4 hard: 1 car. 9r%c. No. f» hard: 1 car. 9;?< No. 5 spring. 1 cat (smutty), 92 %c. No. F. mixed 1 car (smutty), 92%c. Sample mixed. 1 car. 90c. CORN. No. 2 white: 1 car. 75 %o. No. 4 white: 1 car, 73c. No. 0 white: | car. 71c No. 3 yellow: 2 cars, 74c. No. 5 mixed: 1 car. 7 0c. No. 6 mixed: l car. «9r OATS. No. 1 while: l car, 47%r. No. 3 white; 5 cars. 46 %r. Dally Inspection of Grain Recalled. WHEAT. Hgrd: 7 cara No. 1. 15 cars No ** I 1 cara No 3, 2 cara No. 4. 1 car No 6 5 cars special Mixed: I car No l, j rar No. 3. 1 car No 5. t car special Spring: 2 cars No f». Total, 81 cars. CORN. Tallow: 3 cars No. 2, 12 cars No 3. 14 cars No 4 2 cara No. 6. 6 cars No. 0. I car special. White; 2 cars No 2. 14 cars No. 3, 6 cara No. 4 4 cara No. f>. Mixed- 1 car No. 2. 4 cara No 3, 1 car No. 4 1 car No. 6. 3 cara special. Total, 74 rare. OAT? White: 70 para No. 3, 5 cars No 4 6 cars special. Total. Total, 41 cars. OAT? 1 car No 2. Total. 1 car. BARLEY 2 cara No. 7. 2 car- special. Total. 4 cars. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENT? (Csrlots) Week Ye*r Receipls— Todas Ago. Ago. Wheat . 2 5 38 8 Corn . 2 4 14 26 Oats . 12 15 9 Parley . I Shipments— Wheat . 40 -4 Corn . 4t Oats . 3 4 26 Rye 2 1 1 Bariev . 2 PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHI PM ENTS < Bushels » Receipts— Todav. Wk. Ago. T» Ago Wheat . 451 000 886,000 875.OO0 Corn ... . 609.000 351.000 544.001) Oats.6*3.00 586.008 494.000 Shipments — Wheat . . .. 490.000 356,000 662 000 Porn ■ .1.351 000 513 000 428 000 Oats .... 511.00 46*.ooo 452.000 EXPORT CLEARANCES Bushels— Todav Tr. Agc< Wheat and Flour. 9.ooq 7 75.ono Oats 200.000 CANADIAN VISIBLE Bushels- Todav Wk. Ago Tr Ago Wheat .... 20,69*.ono 24.069.O00 32.451.000 Oats 7,450.400 7.925.000 6,*63.000 CHICAGO RECEIPTS Carlots Todav Wk. Ago Tr Ago Wheat . 36 "6 4 1 Corn .215 *.5 Oats 113 *4 120 KANSAS CITY RECEIPT? Csrlots-— Todsv Wk. Ago. Tr Age Wheat . 45 43 Corn .. . 14 7 53 Oats * ST. LOUIS RECEIPT? Carlots- Todav Wk. Ago Tr Ago Wheat . 54 58 Corn . 95 49 Oats . 71 57 4 3 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS Csrlots / To lav Wk A go. Yr Ago Minneapolis 75 114 Duluth . 86 109 15; Winnipeg . 1 480 *40 New \nrk Sugar. New York. May 27—Raw sugar **• weak a l new- low levels early today. * ut rallied and was firmer at the close Sales included 1 7.000 bag* of Porto Rican at 5.02c. 41.000 bags at 4.96c and 1 *,000 hags nt 4 99c. nl-o 2* 300 bag* Cuban at 5 02c and tons Philippines af 4 99.*. all prompt and June shipment. The spot price was 5.02c, duty paid Follow 1 ng 1 he changes In the spot mar k e t. raw sugar futures were at first weak, with extreme net loase* (.f 2 to 8 points, attended by trade selling. The decline was regained in the late after, norm on reports of higher spot prices, which attracted active covering and final quotations showed 6 to * point* net ad vance. July closed *t " 45c Septemhe I 59c; December, 3 38c, March, 3 l*r, all hid Ref• ned sugar was dull and unchanged •1* 6 80r to 6*5r for fine granulated. es terday'- decline having failed to attra'< buv I r*g Inte* est Refined futures were nominal. ( nffee Futures. New Tor'. May 27 ' off*»e futures *d vanced further today on reports of con tinued firmness of Brazil mi demand, which appeared to come partly from the trade Market opened V 3 to 3* points higher and sold 37 to 40 point- net high'*'-. July advancing to l3.o;,c and December to 11 91c. caused slight reac tion- from these figures, hut the close was 30 to 32 pent- higher Sates were e-timated at 29 000 bags Closing quotations, July 12 Mr ?ej temher. 12 24 *. Ocfriber. 12 1 nr . December. II *2c . March. 1 1 59c Spot coffee moderate demand; Rio <a H%0]4%r. Dry I inode. New York, 'lav "7 Cotton goods *ia tk et held Stepdv today, but wero Jess S' the in the gray cloth division Tarns were steadier with the demand un changed Burlap markets ver* quiet Raw silk suffered a further decline fm lowing severe dentine* since Friday < er pel and floor rover'ng merchant- repo1’ fail trade quiet Wool good- W*S* steady with dre** good- *nd leaking* dull -waiting 'lie results of a threatened strike next t* eeU Knit goods were dull and unchanged fills ami Rnsill. Savannah. Ga . May 27 Turpentine Steady S1 sales, ’on bhl« receipt*. I 1.042 bbis , shipments. 8 bbl* . stock, 6,416 hhls Rosin-- P*1’ m . sales, 1 517 ra«k*. re ceipts. 2.934, shipments 2 9*2 casks; slock 67 214 ca.ks Quo'# R, $1,95; I $4 9 . .1 in N. $’ 0 , /, r. 1". M $4 9 T $195 "7 5 on K, 4 05 % 5 1" . M I.IIMT 15 n. f. 1... V. G . t r’ . w \\ and X. $ 6.5 0 ft 6.68 f hktfn Pittatoes rb|csgo, Msv 27 Potaloe- Firm on old sto.k -*hU on n»v re.e,p(e 46 cars total United P»a»es shlpmen'a, 347 cars Wisconsin sacked round whK#®- 49<f| 150, bulk ft.8*9 I 65 New: Alabama and Louisiana sacked Bliss Triumph*. No. 1. $2 50^ 2 75; No 2 $125471.35. New York 4 otton 1 Bkito* New York. Mav 27.-— Cotton future*, closed stegdv Jut'. 29.67c; Ocfobe* 24 43(026.6*0 ftecernber, 25 flO # 25 9f.r , January, 25 74 9f 25 95r; Me re If. 25 *6r. Dulutli H10 Duluth Minn M a v 27 —Gloss fla> Mar "47% Juh $2 89%. September *2 15 % October $"19 N. Y. Curb Bonds I Vm_> I New York AT ay 27 Following 1s the official list of transactions on 'he New York curb exchange. giving *11 bond traded in Domestic Bond 7 Allied Packet 8s 64% 6* 60 14 Am Gas A El 6a 9 4% 94% 94 •, 3 Am Roll Mills 6s 99% '*9% 99% I Ana »'upper 6s ...101% 1 0 | % 1 " I % 4 As film Mdse 6%* 80% *0% JO', 3 AG Gulf A W I s 61% 51 % 51*. 12 Ret h Hr 7s, 1935 103% |»3% 103% I (‘an Nat Rv eq 7s 109% DiP% 109% 4 Ult le- Herv 7- U 9.', 04% 91% 9 Con Gas Hall 7a. 109% 109% 109% 4 Con Textile 8s 7.(% 71% 73% 8 Cnn V A Mag 4%*. 92 92 9" 1 Deere A, Co 7%* 93% 99% 99% 3 Dei Cl tv Go* r* DM% 101% IMS 15 Dunlap Tire A II 7* 92', 9 2 92 2* Diiq Lt 5%s mi 101 100% 101 5 Fed Rugat ha 'V 98% 98% 9»% 4 Fisher Rudy 6s ’25.101 Vi loi DM r. do la 2l ill dm i"i 7 do 6- ’28 . 100 % jnii% J00% 1 Galr. Robert 7* . . . 95 95 95 1 Galena ?lg 011 7s. 104% ] 04 % DM % 5 Gulf 011 5s . 9% 9 , % 9 , % 3 Inter Mat. |i 6 %a . 94 % •• 4 9 4 22 Lehigh V llarb 5*. 99% 99% 99 % 4 I, McN A L 7* 98% 98% 98 % 1 Llg Winchester 7s D'4% D'4% D'4% 1 Morris A «"o 7%e . TI % 9 1% 94 % 3 Natl Leather 5s . 56% oh 96 1 N O piib Her 5s 86 14 3;, 14 *f, % 3 Ohio Power 6s B* 87% *7% *7% 2 Phil El 6- , 1 nr, mg 105 7 Phil El r.%* 101 % joi% inx% 41 Puh Herv N J 7- I'M'* |A|U 1 oV Pure Oil 6%a 94% 9 4 94 4 ('«l Edison - 9|% 91 % 91% •1 Hi on 1 ion dm % ioi% • drt 7a '26 . I 04% 1 (».[ % D«r% do 7s '72. lOr.t^ 10f> % 105% 1 do "a "28 . 104 1 nr. 106 l do 7s ’29 .... .104% 104% D»6% ! I • do 7s '31. DM % DM % 107 % 1 dn 6 % - .106% D>6 % 106% ’ 1 Hun »m 7s V'o% ion% 100% I * v writ 1 A t'o Is. 8" »v, 11 9 1 II El I . * p ft % S % *. , •• . % , i n nil Co 1 6- 1on% inoa, iu0% ltd Ry Hav 7 % * .106% lot,', 10« % ’• tactsurn ml 7s . 107 104% 107 I* Web Mills «%s 102 101 % 10 ;* Foreign Honda 1 Comp At Hug 7 % s 97% 87% 9 % 1 Rep Peru fca 99% 99% 4 Russia tt 5 % a 1" % '" % l - % 12 SvGM ft %l .*3% U 911 \ Omaha Livestock V___ May 27. Receipts were; Tattle Hog* Sheep Official Monday .. 9.324 in,282 5.064 Estimate Tuesday .. *.60Q 12.000 6,501) Two days this wk,.17.*24 22.282 10.654 Same days last wk.19.948 23.462 11,911 Same 2 wks ago.... 21.283 23.741 11.222 Same 3 wks ago 17,799 .'10.669 1 7,740 Same days yr. ago .20,174 28.322 22,076 Cattle—Receipts. 8.600 head. Fat rat tle sold much the same a* on Monday or about 10®15<^ lower than th* closa of last week Quality of the offering* wan only fair and salca around 110.25 and over were rather limited Demand for cow a and heifers w ag alao fair mid price# generally steady. Beat h*if#r> were pi i han# a shade stronger, while plain cows were possibly a little low** than Mondav Business in stockers and feeders was inclined to be dull and the trend of value lower on ail except tin* best, grades. Quotations on Cal tie—Choice to prime beeves, $1 b 25 ® 1 b,8&, good to . hoice beeves. $9.40®t 10.15; fair to good beeves. $s 7 6 ® 9 5 . common to fail beeves. $« 00./ 4 choice to prime yearlings. 99.6b® in 40 good to choice yearlings. Is 60® 9 fib; fair to good vearilngs, 18 nn®s 6<‘; common to fair vearlinga, $7.00®" * . good to choice fed heifers. $7.75 @ 8.76; fair to rood fed heifers. $7.b0®>7 75; com mon to fair fed heifers. $6.P0 ® 7.00; •'ho|re in prime fed cows, $ 7 65 ft' 8 fib, good to choice fed cows $6 26® 7.50; fair to good fed rows $4 7fi®)6.00; common to fair fed cows. $1.75® 1 25. good to choice feeders. $8 25® 9 00 fair to good feeders $7.26198.00; common to fair feeders. $fi 50 fv7 26; good lo choice stockers. $7 6b® 8.Rb; fair to good stockers, $f. 75® 7 fib . common to fair stockers. 86.00lM.76; trashv stockers. $4 0006.50; stock heifers. $4 00^6 00; feeding cows. $3 76® 4 75; Stork COWS. $5 00®4 00; stock calves. $4 bo ® 8 25; veal calves. $4 500 10.76. bulls, stags, etc . <4 60®)7 50 BEEF STEERS. No. Aw . I’r No. Av. Pr 4 ... S6: $ k on 60 1164 $ 0 25 16 . ?60 A 25 28.1 219 9 40 14. 8 12 8 7 5 1 6 .I 057 9 60 54 . 1 072 8 75 19.1 1 20 9 70 "9 . 96 4 8 65 46 ... . 969 9 75 14 81 0 8 6.6 1 9. ... 1 364 10 00 18 . .. 978 9 00 50. .1020 Jb 10 71.1bj6 9 OO 41.1097 9 20 STEERS AND HEIFERS 1$ R46 9 00 I ows 9. 956 3 75 3 . 9«6 7 76 3 . *90 fib 0 3 . 1 1 80 8 1 b 71. 1014 7 25 2.1 1 40 8 25 9 . 1098 8 40 HEIFERS. 9 . 820 7 50 1 5 .*8 4 7 65 1 4 ..... 697 7 75 1 ..... . 643 7 85 5 . 6'JO 8 00 5 . 852 8 00 10 . 612 * 23 18 . 7 73 8 50 t *OWS 5 . 21 5 5 60 2 . 170 10 60 Hogs—Receipts. 12.000 head Loral trade was again of a slow, mean character despite continued light supplies. Demand from shippers appeared onlv fair end th* little stuff moved in this direction early went at prices around steady to a little lowet. while the packer market was dull with initial bid* off fully 10 Bulk of the sales was at $6.66®6.95, with early top. $7.00. No. Av. «h. Pr. No. Av. Fh. Pr 65 . .197 230 $6 75 7 1 226 80...210 fi 80 60. 2*5 160 6 86 30. .246 66 ..283 160 6 9b 61 ... 245 . . 7*. 230 . 64 250 ... 6 95 68 . . . 236 . 64 255 ... 7 00 Sheep snd Lambs—Recelpts. 5 son h*ad Packer* made an effort to hammer fat ttfmb prices off in this morning’s •#« slon, but with selling tnteiesta unwilling to let go f/win* to the small supply, buyers had m»t with little success ud to a late hour Nothing of ronseuu*nce was don* In the shearer division, while aged sheep ruled around steady Quotation# on Sheep and Lambs Fat lambs, good to choke. $16.00® 16 50; fat lambs. fair to good. $ 1 5.50® 16 75 . • lipped ltmbs $14,001/ 1 4 36 ; shearing lambs $l6.on® i6 2wethers. |/b*.®in.'». • earlines. $1" on® 115 . fat ewes, $6 n0:■ 6 0c); clipped cm ns $6.00® 7.25. SPRING LAMBS. No Av Pr 4** natives 6*5 $15 15 17 natives .76 16 75 Receipts and disposition of livestock at the I'nion Sto« k yards. Omaha. Neb., fur 2 4 hours ending at 3 p trt.. May 27. 1924 R K< EI PTS—( ARI ,OTS Cat! le. Hogs Sheep Wabash R R . 1 Mo Par. Rj . 18 6 r. P. R. R. 96 42 14 r\ A N W. east . 6 2 i.\ A N AV . east . 5 8 hH *. St. P M. A Q. 1* 7 L\ B A G . eaat . 32 8 B. A Q west . 6 8 2 4 4 r. R T AP. cast - 31 * R I A- P , w eat.... 1 4 * i r n r . h i L\ a W. R. H. 5 Total receipts ... 352 164 DISPOSITION -HEAD «'it 11 Is* Hog; Sheen Armour A t’o .1.474 2.556 919 1‘iidahy Parking Co.. 1.691 2.551 1 Dtdd Packing ' o .... 678 1 « ;6 Morris Parking i'o 95 7 J 315 1 )]• Swift A ('•< ...1,620 1.9 ♦* 8 1.164 Hoffman Brothers 24 Mayerowich A < ‘o. 42 '1 lowest Packing *'o . 74 Omaha Packing Co... 38 . John Roth A Sons.... 2 « South ttmaha Pack. Co. 64 J W Murphy .. . 1 1 • - - Lincoln Tacking Co... 146 Nagle Packing Co. 6$ Wilson Packing Co 259 ... Kenneth Murray ... 651 Anderson A Bon 6b . t H B'llla . 72 . W H Cheek . 6 . Dennis A Francis "• . John Harvey 6'6 T. J Inghram . 39 ...». F t* Kellogg . 131 . K rkpstrick Bros 2b . Longman Bros . *1 . Henry F Luberg*r 125 . Mo Kan r A- C. Co 2 . Neb t'attle Co .... 8 I r Root A Co 16 1 . Rosenstook Bros .... 59 . Sargent A Finnegan .. 29 . Smiley Bros.-• 19 . Sullivan Bros . . J . W B Van Fant A Co 4 Wertheimer A Degen 91 . . • - 4 * 1I.IH i f lilcngo 1.1 restock. < hi ago \i • 7 1 F Department nf \griculfure , Hogs -Receipts. 32 b< bead rnoatlv 5s to Ibc lower, weight' but- her# to r off. lower grad*.* and light light* show Ibc to 15c decline, liberal receipts bulk good and choice "5b to 325 pound butcher*. $7 36® 7 « top $7 45 bulk deHrable 16b to 210 pound 'right $. b b ® 7 30; better grades 140 to 15b pound averages mostly at $6 50® 6 *5. pecking sows largely at $ 6 6 0 ® fi (5; k t H I" l"'- In*.r. hulk r.1 ind • hi * .. w.lftit, *‘ nn ® h.:. I«h> h..g. C •' *1 ■ ‘ ; i 7 4m. iiiti,. »« M*ht iiKh•. • 7 io. r«. m, ,n*. .month, »f K *' fo.f, park , n g > " * rough. M . 1, rjglrt.r Iltgv I'C <J 0 - t t ,r-I. It.'.tl't. O.0"0 h..d f.O , >o Ion hlgh.r; '..rllrig. un»v»n. «U« ,bont »t»f»dv .hipping d. maud; killing quality g.b«tall» Pi*1" hulk f.d . t.. r, . ntl v.orltng- Is n " 0 71, •, v. r, 1 load, hoody and glrong * right »0.7S»in.2S; two Inttd. . hoi . to prim* *i> trron'h feiI N*bl-»*k*. Ill r,o, rhol.-o N-.briwk.». Hit1''. •*"' #fr, ling. * Irnv, |0 -.0 f.t row. dull. w..k to " Io* .t oth.r gr.d.t .h« *'o.k . > ,eg| atb»i rl»M*» ' .t. .1 If *, . ord t-.d-r., I« la*-* Bl*. '*•’ . »lv.« mo.tlv M f»w upw*rd to fin fib to packers . . S h ee p— Re/ * ■ p t a. 7 bb# head fatrlv active, earlv’ sale* fat lambs snd -h-.p ?r.. .— do -priog 1.0 . . td 5 br hlghe. de*i i a b e 1 at latnha, $14 ®-1 4 4e wofi.c snld t|*gber choice ported spring lambs 116 5b >earling* Navajo we til er« $i "eo. • holce rpedttim and han Iv ^ eigii t fat *we- $ . 2 •' Kan-na Ciiy Mveet«ck. ...... fCa naaa Cit> Mo May 27 -fUn^ed F*#tca Deparlnent of Agriculture^) * Mr. Receipts. 1b, non bead calves ,b« head market alow few sale# beef tfejr* and v pa ' lings steady to weak at %• 8b w o so bidding lower o# the better grades belter grades beef rows. hrifgrS. Cannae and cut t. i # fully steady . Inhetween cows dull bulk beef cows and h$» ' vrK 0b; heavy fed heifer* $* *•• b""' steady; bolognas. $4 25414 85; .wives weak to h shade lower, vealer* to packers $rtbn®,9 .b. mediums and heavies, $4 an </ 7 f»o stockers and feeders "'C1''. barel> Texas stockers $6nb®7$b Hogs Receipt# I 2 bbb *,1h,r per market I. ® Ibc lower; most|v 10c invv l. shipper t»p 17 15 bulk of **!»»* $f * m, 7 in bulk 1 f.b to 22b pound avenges $6 W 5 ® 7.1 b packers holding hack, hid ding i,® .25c lower, packing anwa * *’* lower, * fi 4 b ® 6 r. 5 stock nigs sronn * t e ii <1 . bulk "f -ales $6.26 6 bfl Fh> cp Receipts 7,bbo head, market fed .lipped land.* and Spring lamb* sleadv *o strong o|»oi- e \ri*ona spring r< . $|f, bti /lives mostly $14!. c® 18$ cl icner* $nv.fM3 7«v sheep steadv Te»as wethets. $. bb®7V.. Arizona e«es $6 25. __ filnOT 4 Mr I.Destock Si. Iv ( is hi. Ml' :■• i *s ttle Re ceipta - 5»»b head market alow klllen weak Mockers steady fat steeds snj vcsrllng* f7 nOtff 1«» 76; bulk 17 .HR ifi f n i * .nd heifers $6bb®9?i»^ esn cer* and < utters $2 fib® » bb ; veals, $J Ob® 12 bn lojlls $4M)®6bb feeders $7 bn® a r, gtnckeie $♦; bo®* no stocker vest Hips sod .#lve«. $47 . '</ 7.7 6 . fesdini co" s and heifer s $3 ..n® 6 2 5 Hogs Receipts ll.bbo head mark# "enk and lowet top I* bulk of aa.les $6 ;a®4 9b iiglits $6 ,0/7880 hutrhsr* $6 8 /•;9b mixed $6 6b® 6 76 h*S'H packers ffi ? . ® 6 r . stse*. • bb®6 26 native nigs $6 75® 6 bn Si/ee,, snd Lambs RAcelnta 1 bb h#ad lust let stew d anting lamb* II* n» • lipped lambs $ • 4 36. Hi. Joseph l.lreatoek gt Jose j i Mo Max "7 Taftis—Re re.Pis *100 bend ins t ket gsn*rel»l stesd> b./H' sleets, ^ o ® i J bb f JO II n 'ft <i" • i nd heifers $4 n ™ . ■ lives $ no® 9 5b stockers sod fseflera $ nn®8 fin . . . II.., . n.r.l. l. > n" »«»'»>• 1 c'// i ,. |.,w cr , lop 17 16, hulk a* **«•* 16 9b® . . Slieii II ee* I pt * I6bb h**d Tna»'»e i.nrlv i.n,|,. III .n/M» is": .Ilrr.-t $8 no ff 7 bn a \ew tnrk kpot «’oilon M- v..ti. Mv $7 —Cotton »«pol ,'iuii , nilddilnf. 12.66c \ * Reaction Hits Stock Market After Advance KaiU, a Strong Group for Months Show Decline— Pr it cs Ease Off Grad ually—Oils Heavy, nr mriiARn m-im.anf.. rnlvrrsnl Service Financial Kdltnr. New York. May 27 What war* evident yeaterday was realized today The «d vanre In the stork market had hern car ried somewhat further than Justified The opening w is Irregular. Norfolk A Meat sin. Cast Iron Pipe. Delaware .t Hudson and International rape, were hid up In the first hour, V A W nn a report that the offer of the Pennsylvania fot N A- \V s'oc-k would he on a besla of 133 and that payment would be a per rent bonds Cast Iron end International Paper went to now highs Oil* were heavy. So were varlouri rail*, particularly those of the northwest Report* as to their traffic were not good The oil# made no r»*pon*r to news showing inc»»«se m gasoline con sumption. Th* motor share* too were soft Cnder no show of pressure from th* heat* prices eased off gradually through out the day except In particular in stances. notaM’ International Paper. Illi nois cast Iron Pipe and Ray Con solidated Th* rail* have been the attong group *f th* market fot month* B?*au*e of 'hat fact, decline* such as were made by St Paul. Chicago A- Northwestern Read Ing. Delaware. Lackawanna A Western and Great Northern preferred were not pleasant. American Woolen declined 1% It Is understood lh» business of the company Is to be contracted still futth*r owing to the strained situation in th* textile Industry , At no time In the session was tb*r* any tl'ing more than a modern** flow of dealings Transaction* for the day aggregated 631.600 share* Rail* de. lined on an overage 1 3 of * point and Indu* trial % point Foreign exchange wa« *llghHv lower sterling *elltng at 4 34. franc* at I and lira at 4.41. Wheat was off %c Considering the bullish character of the new* from the south the cotton market acted peculiarly. Sugar which was under noire pressure earlv in the day. strengthened later and mad* * fair advance—the best In fact for «om* »!m*—closing from * to 6 points up for the day. f ' ' ' ' > | New York Quotations | New York Stork exchange quotation* furnished by J. 8 Baohe A Co , 214 Omaha National Bank building. Mon High I,ow Close Close Arrl chemical. * Ajax Rubber . * % 6% Allied Chemical 72 71 % 71% 71% Allis « halm*rs .1 . • 43 A tn Beet Sugar ..1. 39% Am Br Sh Fdry. *2% 'American c*n ...104% l*vj% 102% I" \ ! Am 1 ar 4 Fdry . . . . 16% Ain H A 1. 9% a Am VI * L pfd . 6 5 64% | Am Int Corp. 2nH 2"% ! 8 ni LInseed 011 14% 1 ' % '.Vm Locomotive . 72% 72% 72% T'J% Am Ship A Com.11% 11 ' Am Smelting .42% 62 62 * 7% i Am Smelting pfd . . . .... 100 Am steel Fdry 34% 34 24 34% 8m Sugar 42 41 % 41% 42% Am Sumatra .... . 12 12% Am 'lei A Tel .127 126 126% 126% Am T A T Rite* 3% 3 A, 3% 3 A Am Tobacco . . . . 14r* 140% A ill Woolen . • 4 4% 65% f ' % 66% Xnacnnda . iA % 29% 29% 29% Asad I»ry Goods . $6% 90 Assd Oil . 3A,4 Uchi*or. .1 A3 101% 1A2 % 1A3 A G a W I. 1 4 % ] 4 % 1 4 % J 4 % Atlas T*ck . 7% ' uat in N hols . . !• Auto Knltter . . ... 2 S I Baldwin .1 "9 108% 108% 10.% 'Halt A Ohio % -4% 65% 6 I Beth Steel 43 4 - % 48% 49 ! Bosch Mag . . 24 % | Bn . Man Ry . 14 15% 15% 1* Ifrook Man rf 60% 40% '11 f Pack *3% t* 62 , * !' l X Arf* Mining 4 4 % • ' Ps. i fir . I 49% ] 4t 149% v*% ■ '>nt leather. 12% i • *nt Leather pfd 4 3 41% 4 * % 42% I Cegro fie Pasco 44% 44% 44% 44% i handler Motors <6% 4 4 % 44% 44% 'tie* A Ohio 79% *% 79% 7 9 • »!• A \ W 5 3 ,1% 1% .4% CM A St P 13% 11% 11% US < M a- St P pfd i % 21 % .1 % 4 % • R i a r :« 2s% 2:> % .4% • S» P M A O Ry • 3 4 3 4 • h*l* Copper " * % "7% % • • hino .17% 14% 17% 16% • u*tt Pea bod v ‘' 4 .’iuett-Peabody pfd • a * ola 67 % 6 6 % 64% 67 % < • - F A Iron 33% 39% 9% 40 • 'olum Carbon * % I 1 olum • ia * "*% 3* % % 6% ' nngnltum 39 s% * % 3*% ' on 'gars 1 4 % 1 4 % 14% 16 i '.nt ' in 4 * % 4 7% 4 * % 4* • onf Motor# 6 4% corn Prod ’4% 3-:.% % 34% Cosden . 30% 29% 23% SO |Cru»dble '■!% % o% .->! S ' ub* c»n* Sug ■ 13% 1 % 1% 12% c'tiba Can pfd * % 56 *% *’% Cuba Am Sugar .. 30% 30 30% 30% ]■ uyamel Fruit f:% 6 3 I'an lei Boon a 2*% 21% _ 2 % 2 % li'nvidson 4 hem <‘% 46% «* * 4*% I 1 *e'a A Hud 111% 117 117% 117 I 1 ">ine Mining 1 6 % Dupont De N 111 117 117 11 :% i Eastman Kodak l"v% ]0»% 'Erie 15 % 24% .4 % 2 9 | K|#C Storage Rat -4% 66 '• a moil* PI*'-er* 74% 73% ‘3% 74% Fifth Ave Hus !»•% Fisk Rubber . . 4% 6% E|*i*r hnian >Tea#t . 4'% 4n% Freeport T^x 9% 9% 9% ®k Gen Asphalt 74 S5% 3' % 14% <r, L •ctrle 219 % ?t * 2U 219% Gen Motors U% U% U% 1‘ . Gold Dust 4 Jood r |rh . JO G* North tire 26% t'i Gt N* < i r f h Ry pfd r 7 % 67% 67% 61’, ' .11 If States St I 6 * 64% 6 6 6 6 Dsn matin Trunk. 34 35 % 36 % 3*>% Have* Wheel ,95 16 Hudson Motor* 2 % 23% 73% 2 4 Momeatakc Minin* 46% Houston Oil 66% 6f % 6' % a* % Hupp Motors 1 k ’ . li'Mioi* « entral 1A4% 102% 1"‘% 102% I p *plrstion ' 1 % 25 % ln» Fug Com 22% 22% 22% 27% lnt Harvester *6 Int Me, Mar. «% *% In* M M pfd .. 33% 3 2% * % * Int Nickel n % ! .* lot Taper 4'% 41 % 4 4! In vincible D|| . . \ % U lone* Tea ~ % .1 Jordan Motor .. ... 24% 24% K • Southern . 39% 1 9 % 19% 19% Kell Springfield . 11% U. % U% 13% Kennecoti .. 3*% 34% 36% 3 8% Keystone Tlra ... 1% 1% T.*e Rubber . *% Lehigh 'alley 4 2 4 1 % 4 2 4 T^hlgh R ’ tea 78% 2< % •% ?" % Lima Loco ...... 41 M I ,on*e - Wiles ... LOU A- Nash 0 % 9-% 9 % a % Mack Truck ... 82 SI 61 *2 Mav Dept Store V. s % Mhxv4*1I Motor A 42% 42% 47% 4 % 'lax well Motor B Marland *-% 71 31% 3 i I Mexican Seaboard 11% -n% .'1% 2"% ,'liaml Copper .. 2A% 1A% I Middle Stales Oil *% 3% 3% % Mid Steel . . . • • f4 % M ii Tao . ... 11% 12% 12% U% Mo Pac pfd 41% 4 1% 41% 4 1% Mont Ward . 2 3 2 3% Mother Lod* 7% *% % Na*h Motor* .1°2 ln* National Hlscult • • • . - 43 NnI Enamel 14’4 *2% National Lead ... .. .. 731 13J N V Air Brake N Y Central 1A!% IMS 1°'% H»2 % N Y . 4 * SI L_ __60_% A Vegetable Relief For Constipation Nature's Remedy (W Tab let.) a vegetable laxative with a pleasant, near-to nature action. Relieves and prevents bilioutnmu. conilipation and tick hmadachea. Tones and strengthens the digestion and assimilation. Utmri far .... 30 yeere HI JUNIOR*—Lltll* W I The aame H? * In one-third I d o s e e, esndy coated For I children sntt Aults t SOU) IT YCvS 0RU0SIS1 N\ T , N. H. * H . 19% 1«% ]9 19 No. American .24% 24 % 2 4% 24% No. Pacific . 52% M% F, 1 Sk 52% V * W. Ry.126% 124% 124% 125% Orpheum ... 18 % Owena Rottl* .... 42% 42% 42% 42% Pacific Oil . 48% 4% 48 48 % Packard Motor. 10% 10% Pan American ...61% 5n% &i 51% Pan Ainer B. 50 48% 49% 60 Penn R R.4;;% 4.,% 43% 43% Peoples Gas . 95 95 pern Marquette... 50% 49% 49% 49% Phillips Petroleum 36% 6% 27% 30% Plercn-A rrow ... 7% 7% Postutn Cereal . 61 60% Pressed Steel <’ . . . . 48% Producer* A- Ref 27% 76% 26% 27 % Pullman . .121% 120 121% 120 Punta Ale, Sug,. 61% M 61% 62% Pure OH . 22% 22% 22% 22% Ry Steel Spring. . 111% 110% Ray Con.10% 9% in% 9% Reading . .... 53% 52% 62% 54 Reading Rites . 21 % 21% 21% 21% Keplogle . R 8 Rep. Iron A- Steel. 4 4% 44% Royal Dutch. N V ,4 54% St. L. A San F 21% 21% 21% 21 St Foul* A S. W 37% 36% 37% 37 Schulte Cigar S . . 103 Sears Roebuck ... *3% 82% 82% 82% Shell I’ninti Oil . 17% 17% 17% 17% Simmons Cn. 22% 22% Sinclair Oil . 20 19% ;*»% 20 Sins* Sheffield 66 Skelly Oil . 22 % 21% 22% Soul h Pacific 40% on% 90% 90% South Ry 54 % 54% 4% f.4% Stand OH Cal .... 67 66 % r.6% 67% Stand OH N ,T. . 3 5% 34% 3 4 % .. % Stewart-War . 61% *.o% f>(f 62% St tom berg Oath ..61 60 60 61% Studebaker ... 33% 32% 33 2 % Sub Boat . O. 8% *% 8% 'leva* Co . . 40% 29% 39% 4-% lex A- Pa c . .. 29% 2« % 73 2'.% Tltnken Roller ... 34 33% 33% 34 Toh Products .... 67% 57% 57% 58 Tnb Prod A . 8 7 8 7 Transcont Oil .... 4% 4% 4', t% In Pacific , .132% 152% 137’% 193 ltd Fruit 142% I' S Cast Iron Pipe 9-% ss% 5«% >*S I .4 Ind Alcohol. 66% 64% 64% 65% c S Rubber _ -:% 24 % :*5 % r s Rubber pfd . 71 f 9 6 9 ll 71 . P S Steel .97 % 97 97 % 97 % r S Steel pfd . 1 19% J 19% Utah Copper . .. .. 67% Vanadium ........ 22% Vivotidntj . 8 We hash . 15% 14% 1i% 15% Wabash A . 46 44% 44% 46 % Western I'nlon ... . 108% Westing Air Rrk. . ... 97 Westing Kler .66% 66% 66% 6 a. White l.:ag|e Oil.. 24 24 % White Motor* . 52 61 % 51% 62% ! Woolworth tnewl. ?.39 Wlilvs Overland . «% 8 • *% Willv* Over pfd. 67% 66% «r % 6k Wilson. 6% 6% 5% * | Wilson pfd . . 17 17% Worthing Pump ... *« Yellow Mfg 47 4« 46% 47', Yellow rah ... . . 42 42 % Monde total iates storks. A41,Of-o shares Mends'.' total sales bond* $10,774.o-o Total stocks. 695.900 abate* New York Bonds V _J New York. M*tr 27 --Reactlnnirv price movements predominated todays bond marker a* the temporary stiffening of money rate* checked treatment buying and the speculative element adopted » watting a * t )♦ ude pending final disposi tion of the tax hill Weakness of St P*u! railway Issues reflecting speculative dlsappo!ntm*n* over th» April deflr't wa« * depreaalng nfluenc* on the railroad list The Paul 4s of 1925 encountered th» hesvlesf selling falling hack 3 point* while the l%* vjebled more than 2 points No new developments were reported in the company's negotiations for new financing which la not •st»*etefl to take place until nut fall profit taking wiped out pr* vlous gain* in a !*’«• number of other railroad Mens Ready sbsorpt on of the $20,OOO.OOft Rig Four bonds offered today, was eprour aging to investment circles Evidence of • lie eager public demand for neve rail road scnjrltle*. It was reported would !#ad to an early **?* of Baltimore A <>»,! * first refunding 'ssu' to meet 1925 maturities Half of the 119 rso non f»* * roll Pity Issue of 4% and 4% r*r rent bonds awarded to a local banking syndi cate e,a* reported *• ’d today before an nouncement of a public offer rg wa* made Illinois g'eel 4%a developed independ ent s'rengfb in the Industrial list today, advancing 2 points while a number of high grad* piji.d utility obligation* reg ,Meted fractional gains f niM Males Ronil*. (Aa'es In $1 oon » H Eh Tew rio«. I 371 J.lbertv 3%s 9* 31 49 *8 99 29 i 12; Liberty 1st 4»t# mfliR 10-14 ion.17 ! 426 f.lhcrtv 2d 3%* io«12 ions ion to 424 Tj hefty 3d 4%s .1M.1 101 1 1-1 2 1227 Fiber4;h 4%* 100 26 10- 24 1 -0 :5 1«2 U R uovt 4%s 102 15 lo: 12 102 13 Foreign. 1* Argen Govt 7* 1-2 101% 1-1% iZ Argentine Gov 6* 9-% 1*0% 9-% Auu Gov gtd lo a 9" \ 9- 9 11 C of Bordeaux 6* 11 i % *2% 8 2*4 1 C of Copenhag 6 %• 9-% 9-% 90% II i. of fir Prag 7%a <4% *■4% 84% 2- Cftv of I,vena 6« 87* % 82% 62% 4 C of Marseille* 6g R' % sr % k* S *1 r of n de Ja 8* 47 91 % 91% 91% 7 C/,er nogjov Rei> 8* 9* % '*6», 9 6% 22 Depart of Slene 7* 86% *k% 66% ’ 7 p of r f.%% n 2 4 M-1% IMS lft1\ 16 porn of < an 5a *52 10-% 10*. J AO 21 Dutch K Ind 6s 62 95% »3 93% 24 Dut V, Ind 6%s '63 *6% 64% * * % 6 Framerlran 7%* ‘‘S 1 * % M * 36 French R<*P 4s l-o 99% 94*, 11 F r e r> ■- h Rep 7%s 4 % 9 - % 45 .lapanehe -% .. *1% 9 % 99% 3 Japanese lit 4%s 9 % 9 % 47% 10 Japanese 4s 7*% T‘% 7*%; ?» King of Re| 8*. l-*% 10? 1-2% 1 9 K of B 7 % s 1 -% 102% INS 2 King of Den 6* 94 ** 94 % M\ 7 King of Tfalv «%s 10 % 1—% l-'% 4BlnrofN*efh4s. 91% 91% 91% 2 K of N 6a 4» 44 9 ‘ 94 j -; K S O * 8 ■ • % 82*4 8 3 King of Sweden ts 10J % ! t*% 1 3 % 4 Orientgl Dev deb 6* 44% ‘4% M% 11 P-L-Mad iter «s . 7f% 75% *6% 2* Rep of Bolivia *• 8 - % ‘3% 8 4% 2 3 Rap of Chile «* 4 1 1-6 14% 14% 7 Rep of chde 7* 9*14 96 94 110 Rep Of * a 6%s 94% 94 % 44% 51 Rep of El P • f »s 1-1 % 1 - c % J % • nep of Fin *« *9 «* *9 3 Pen of H 8a A '61 *9% n\ 4 State of Q 4a_9| % 44 v4 ATM F1|TI**T MFM. Powder Placed in Shoes Brings Quick Relief From Rheumatic Pain “God Rles* Tho Man Who Discovered The Healer,” Writes Grateful User. Thousands of former rheumatic sufferers are now praising Alessandro Volta, the well-known Italian phy sicist (for whom the electric volt was named and his discovery which he has called Volta. Volta ta a scientific combination of certain ingredients which its discoverer has compounded into a fine powder. This powder is not taken internally, hut is shaken into j the shoes, from which it is intended to he absorbed into the blood stream i through the myriad pores of the feet. This absorption is due, no doubt, to the fact that the feet contain 10 times as many pores to the square inch as are found in any other part of the body. The secret of Volta powder to relieve rheumatic pain so quickly is due to its tendency to eliminate excess Uric acid which poisons the system ! (through the blood) and thus causes the tortures of Rheumatism. The use of Volta powder has demonstrated such astonishing results in literally ’ thousands of cases, many of which were considered hopeless, that the ' American distributors have authorired local druggists to dispense Volta to rhpumatie sufferers in this city with an unqualified guarantee to return the full purchase price on the first box in nny rare case where the rheumatic pains srp not wonderfully relieved. All who suffer from rheumatic pains, no matter how long-standing their cases may be, should take immediate ad vantage of this liberal offer. You ran get Volta Powder from all good druggists everywhere. * State nf S r I Ml 1*1% 1J1 1f|1 • ** 17 Swine < 'onfed *a 11 3 H':\ 11 2% « I’KUBAI 5%* '29.. 109 lft*% 108% 27 UKdBAI 5%a ’37. 101% ]0l% 101% 2* V S of Brazil 8a 9«% 9ft % 9ft % M r S Of B C R-. K 7a *1 % *1 % 81 % lloDiMtlr. 23 Am A ari l Ch 7%a . *7% *7% *7% 1 Am Ch a f ftel» fta. 92% 92% 92% ?3 Am Smelting ft* . .104% 1"4% 104% 20 Am Smelting 6»... 94 9'»\ 9:;\ 22 Am Sugar fta 100*4 100 100% f.O Am TAT f, %s rota. .101 % BUS HUS 2 7 Ant TAT rrfl ir bn 99% 93% 99% 59 Am TAT col 4a 95% 95% 9r>% 9 Am W W A K 6a. . »« 89 31 Ana Copper 7a M* 95% 95 96 57 Ann Copper ft* '5:: 95 94 % 94% 13 Arm A Co Pel 5%a *7 8ft % *?’•% 2 Aaad Oil fta. 99 99 99 15 ATASF gen 4* 88% *7 \ *< 12 ATASF *dj 4- aipd 8.% «2 82 * AtCP PAN rn| tr 4a 84 84 84 8 AM Ref deb 5a 97% 97% 97% ft B A O fte ..lfU% 101% J0!% 117 B A n rv 4 % - .88% 88% 8 8 % 79 TJ A o gold 4.-- .85%, 85 85 2ft R T Ph I at rfg 5a 94% 94% 94% 18 Be St run 5- Srr A 9ft % 9ft 9ft % 8 Beth Steel gb>« «8 87% 8 V 2 Rkyn Kd gen 7a P PiH% 1 '•4 % 108% 141 Rkvn Man Tt a f fta 7ft % 75% 75% 7 Calif Per ft % * 98 9* 9« 5 • ’an No <1 eh i. 112% 11 2 S 11 2 % 9 Can Phc deb 4a . . . SO % 80 *f| 4 ft C A Ohio ft.*. 0, % 37% 9 7 A* 7 Cen of fSeorgla fta.. 101% lf,t% 1n 1 % 5 8 fen Panther fta . 97% 97% 97% 4 fen P m Pr gtd 4« 8 7 8ft % ? ft % 3ft Chea A <1 rv f.a 95% 94% 94% 29 < ■ &. Oh I a c V 4 V 92 % 92 % 97 % 12 Chi A Alton 3%a 35% 25 35 ft0 t * IU-Q ref 5M A 99% ns% 99 2ft Chi A K III fta . 73% 72% 72% 27 1 hi d W 4“ 5? % 51 % 52 ft 1 c m A -St P - . 4 %e §0 6* 5ft 91 CM A S P rfg 4 % a 52% 6 7 52 402 C Nf A St P 4a ■ 80% 77% 77% 1 ft Chi A N \V rfg 6a . 93% 93% 93% 221 c R T A P ref 4a 79% 7 9 7 9 I «• ‘ \*. r • u 71% 1 1 9 Chile Copper ft* .100% 1on% 100% 3 8 CCCASt P rf ft* A. 103% 102% 103% jft r -r.r 5 % a. 104% 1*4% 104% 3 Coin A So ref 4%H *7% 87% 87% 1 Col G A K r>a atpd '*9% 99% *•> % 10 Com Pow ft* . 91 % 9i 91 % 4 con Coal of Md Fa 88% sfi% 88% 12 » on Power 5* s®% 8 8^t 8«% 4 I '.|h,T *■ 8 deb 4‘ atd fl % #1 ^ 11 Cuban-A Stir 8* K* 107% 107*4 1! Pteln A H *f 4* 4 7 % *7% C% in p«n A R c, con 4a. 71% 70 79% ft Detroit Kd ref fta 10ft P’ • % K’6% u T>pnt de Nern 7%a |08 198 10* 9 Diiquea P* Ca .105% 105% 105% 4 Kna» Cuba Sg 7Ua 102% ]03% J03% 27 Bmp a A F 7%* If % If % 8f % 2 7 ! t •» t.r lieri 4- .. ft6 % ft5% *5% 5 9 Kr|e pen lien 4* 5ft% 5ft 5ft% ? 6 Fiak Rubber 8. . 99 98 % 99 IS Of n E • •' 5 a '% 10! P1? 3 Goodrich 6%a Oft % 3ft 9ft ?! doodyear T «■ "I in' 102% 103 20 flood yea r T 5* 4 1 . 1 1 ft A* 115% 115% 2 Pn*! Tnk R- c 7- 112% 112% 112% 4 Cnd Tnk P C fta ’“4% 104 % B 4% 26 Crt N ■ r * h 7- A !«*% ]9ft% J08% 10 erf North 5%a R 99 % 031* 09% 8 Iferahey fta . 102 101*4 102 "5 Hud A M if 6- A *3% 83% 6.1% 21 Hud A M *d inc ft? ft- *2 15 Humble OAR 5 % a 98% *»8 96% 7 ? Ill Fell Tel f 6« 9'- % 9 7 *5 ft HI Cent F.%* ... 102 102 102 3 111 Cent 4 * 53 8 3 87 *8 IS II Ct d 4%* fl 9?% fg 10 int R T 7a S3 *2% *2% 1 lot R T rf -- ftO 59% 59% 71 Int A ON ll ft* . 46% 4ft% 45% ft? Inf A ON 1*t ft* 9ft % Oft ?ft% 10 Int M M af fta 84% 8 4 8 4 % 1' !■•• -a A ‘T, *% -4% 3 K *' F'PAM 4a ..76% 78% ?s% 20 K c PAP % .... 92% 92% 92% 4 K C So • h 5 a ‘9% 69% *9% 5 K C Terr. 4. 84% 87% 8 7 % 4 Kao n A K1 ft* . 9 5% 95% 9r % 1 %#!! Spr ' r T 4e >9% «• «f % 1 f I. Sg M * d 4a HI 9 4 % 94 % '-4 . 6 I fg A Myera 5* 5t % 9*% 11 fg>u A N 6s R 03.102% 1"? 102 14 i.ou A N untfl-d 4a 9; 9]% 9’% 2 I<ou e A- E! 5* . 89% «9%' 89% 1 Magma fo,. 7a . IK' 11" 110 20 Mat Suga ?%a . 98 »' 97% 9.% 2ft Marland 7 %■ . ... H?o% B0% lon% I Mid St cv * 6, % fis % 6» % ft M K R A L 'a ftl 8 3 *2% ‘3 10 M St PASSM ft % a 105% 102% B-7 % 10 M K A T p 1 ft* C l oo % joo :oo 30 \f K A T npl 6a A *4% 84% MS 123 M K A T n ad f.a A 51% 65% 55% "4 Mo Ph. }%• c« or % 9ft % 9ft % 117 Mo Par gen 4* *% 67% • « 1 Mont P> w 6a A 9*% 96% 9ft % 15 N V. TAT 1 at 5a 99% 99% 99% 21 N O TAM n Ba 4 ; tZ g. % = s % 4 NT Y ? d ft* 105% 10, 105 51 N Y C rAi 5a 9* % >8% 9*% * NY CASt I. ft- A. 101% 101% 101% 4 N* Y Kd rf ft %« 111 % 11 I % 111 % ft59 N Y NHAH Fr 7*. 79% 79 79 14 NY NH-. H r ft- 48 ft- % f% 7 N Y Tel rf ft* 41 HC % 1or% lo. U ft N Y Te! cn 4%a 94% 94% 94% 3 N Y WAR*.a 4%« 47% 47% 47% 111 Nor A W rv fta 12% 12 % 123% ? Nnr Am Kd *f ft- •-% 9?% 92% 7' Nor Pan rf ft* R 1r 4 % H»4% lf»4k * !• N r Pat p I 4a 3 % • - I % : N0r Sti P ft- B. Its 102% 10.3 17 N W Bell Tel 7a lf':% 1-7 % !«:% 2 9 r. s P rf 4*. 96% 95% 9 5% ! Or.YYaah KHAN 4a 82 «? 82 6 Pnr f;A KI 92% 9.% 9 2% 11 Par TAT 6a 52 92% 9 2% 92% 1. Penn HR . 109% 16% 19% 31 Penn HR gn 5a 1"7% im % 102 0 Penn RR gn 4%* 9“ % 9.:% • . 102 Pere Mar'i rf 8* 95% 95 96% 7 Phil Cm. -f fta 1-1% 101% ]<•?% 2 Phil A Read 5a 65% 95% 95% 1 Pierce Ar M . "2% 72% 72% 7 Pm A Ref 8a F6% 1« 9% 1"9% 4“ Pub Serv 5* 91% 9«% 91 13 Pno.a A leg Sug 7a P'f % 109 109^ 21 R**dmg g*n 4%* •!% 6 % '*•*% 11 Rem Arm* afft* 92% 62 92 1ft Rep lASt ' %* 80% *9 % 89% - 4 • - - - 1% 78% • I I MAS 4 s l j % \ . 5 8 St I. A S y n 1 4a A ft9 % <* % * 6 4 4ft St t* S K ad ft* ' « % 74 % 74% Jft St PA S F in* ft* ft*% ft 4 % ft 4 % 15 St P P W ron 4* *2% 82% 82% ft. St Paul I n r>ep 5a «9 aa% «8% board A L * n ft* ' • % 7* * Seaboard A P ad •*« ’% •' * 5 8 1 t Seaboard A P rf 4a i .% H % 17 Sinelair Con 7a v^% *9% *9% 2 8 S n lilr t 'on ft % a * % 4 5 % 8 5 % f4 Sinclair 1 'rude »%* ',4S 99% oik 4 - 1 irta Pipe 1 M K % 1*8 Sotj*h Par or 4* 3 % 96 «. 2ft South Par rf 4a •* k % 4 ’ 2! South F v gn *%» ?rt8 lr’5% ]rM. 49 Sru»h Rv a ft* ’ -oo% ion% 2 Ste#i Tube 7i ...104 1*4 1(*4 2 Sug Kat Ot 7 • 95% 6 % 96% 1" Tern K% t. ft* 9ft 6 % 6ft AHA FRT1*KME> T. A MAN WHO BECAME FAMOUS Doctor H V. Pierce, whose picture apl*ertrs above, was not only a sue cessful physician but also a profound student of the medicinal qualities of Nature’s remedies, roots and herbe. add by close observation, of the meth od* used by the Indians, he discov trc.l their cm at remedial qualities especially for weaknesses of women, and after careful preparation succeed ed In giving to the world a remedy which has i«eeti used by women with the best result* for l»alf a century Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription la still In great demand, while many oth *r called "cure alls have com* and gone The reason for its phenomenal suere** is because of It* absolute pur ity, and Dr Pierces high standing a* an honored citlren of Buffalo 1* a guarantee of all that 1* claimed for the Favorite Prescription a* a regu lator for the ills peculiar to women Fend 10o for trial t>kg. to Pr, Pierre's Invalid* Hotel. Buffalo, N A \i» \ r.iiThr.MKN r \m t kt1!«i mknt Tuberculosis M iraculou* Result* Are Testified to By Tubercular Suffer ers Who Hnve Used the “Haelan” Treatment at Home. T‘r F M Pavia, a dominant Pan* at phvnt Ian mix a I hwv# nationally iro,«t «*.1 a Ini so number of milnmnatv tuber outer oaaea with iinHan ' (‘aaea of tbt ohronlu rp«< whafa a continual loan of welaht 11 Ht -1 ken . -n .<>-te-1 r eni"'!n|.'.| I ' 4 v <111-1 a «iu tn crla'it a « aei«tt-»n of rnushlns elimination of tha hlouvl atreak e.| nputum. ren»w e-t vt*n ami at a in in.*, ramartd appoint, ■ ruddy complexion, warm hand* ind feet, claat aye* ifimml rnbuatneaa of rom-tltution which atirprlaed moat of ail tba pot lent a ihatn* aalvaa similar raporta front tubercular pat- -nta thrmifhnut Ametlna hm * coin in. * I u» that pulmonary tubarculai can b* ovar ■ »ma with "II O'l.tN ' without leaving the home and without tha Inmnven ten*'# and e - mnna e\p<*n*a of tiaxel'n* to •1i*,nnt rlimate* T heref-re n. offer "llnalan 1 to tha pithlif »n<ni ihc vatv nominal ro*t ». a rlRfd Mt'VKWVKt: Tti Pfiontri' S'TISI'MTORV i:kmi.i> O. 11 a full t»ttt i hit* * prt. a w ill he refunded! Thla KUAtnnte* <ii hai'Uad hv n deposit of $1 iM»'t in n 1 iit a•* I’enver hank I nil p/i 11 >. id •<' « t .*«t i mom •! la t*r|eea and a hook on i|». Modem Tteatmenl for Tlibei <’UloRia' w'-II !'• mailed ft ea on re • lOea» \Vt**e todax The ti. nat al Reme !»•* « 1 i I K # Loop BMildtng 1’en \ #r. Colo 24 South By con 6a »»!• '*,•» !f,‘ * South ny 4a.. 7,% 72 , ■- * 166 s \Y Hall Vl &a . *« »♦ »*,♦ 17 3d Avo a ia. 41<' 1 3.1 Avf T 4a •** • • 2 7 idawotar O. 6lj"-l|'H 'fi » I.'.,* f. Tolodo Kdl 7» . . » '."J,* 11 U. P r. 6a '»** ‘J? 4 6« r. P. 1 at 4. . *'J* !!,. 2 Tniied Drug *« J1 J 1l4 ]I0 * 2.'» I S Rubber 74' }J* 15 V. s Hubber l.a .. >1 •»'* 30 C K. Steal ‘.a. • IJJJt '"J1* 1A 6 Utah P A. U > 63 Ya. Car. Cham i« 6% 66 6; 2 VltRliiU By. 5a. MS *••** 7 Wabash 1st Ea. . . 59', *»H 1 Warner Hue K 7a 1"'', 1",S 1«jV» 6 Waat. M. 1st 4" . . 62'. 62',* * 35 Waat. Pacific 6a . 56', 96 * ‘ ,5 10 Waal 1'nion 6',».11«% 'I' S ]]" » 5 Waat. Elan. 7s ...103% 1"» 20 Wear Shnr* 4a. ‘1% WH **’» 3 wtfk -Span. S 7a. 65 6* 6 Wilson Cn. 7 % a • 3 32 21 Wtlann Co tat 6a S"'„ *164 *'4 62 Yotina SAT 6s 96', 94% 54% Total honda. fl2.O6S.0O0 Omaha Produce ^ -■-— Omaha. May 17. 6UTTER Creamery butter j* fairly firm. l°r*: . ark"’ unchanged Dairy Is a little ier with pa>ing price on beat table cut ler in tuba or rolls about lc lower (’reainerv Local jobbing price to re tailer* Extra*. 40c; extras In 60-lb. tuba. 39c; standard* 39c, firct*. ZSc. Hairy—Buyer* a-* paying -9c for bear table butter in roll* or tub". 2»'.^27c for < ommon packing atoc. For beat aweet, unsalted butter. ."9c. BLTTERFAT. Butterfat steady and unchanged Fre»h milk firm For No. ! cream Omaha buxer* are pa. - Ing 20c j er lb. at country atations. i ■> delivered Omaha FRESH MILK. 4 |7 On per cvr for freeh milk ’""’'ng 3 5 delivered on dairy platform Omaha. EGGS. Eggs *-• *tlM firm and cone derably higher than usual this season Re ceipts rather light. In mor quarters ecg* are being bough’ on graded i a by w hich No 1 egga must be good, average size, weighing not ess than 55 lb" gt****, or 44 lr. s ne’ No . eggs consist of small. * ightly dirty, stained or washed egg*. irregular shaped, ahrunken or e/cak-bodied eggs produc e's and shippers are urged to grade their egg* close v for dirty eggs and for Blx*. and ship often For No 1 f'4«h "ge* de?iv#-ed 4n new ca/es 17 2^ ►- r.ds, 2"r cracks. 19c Jobbing 7 r< es »o t-.'if er*. I’ F »r” dale. 27078c f. S extras commonly known *» select* 750 26 c. country run. 24c; No 1 small. 23c, checks, 21c POULTRY. Poultry l" firm it tang* of prices on IIv* poultry "orrswh*’ broader than Indi cated in quotations given herewith. Some buyers -*re paying 22 for heavy hers Buyer* a^e paying around the following prlc** for No 1 stock Alive—Broilers, up ’« 2 !hs 390 35c per lb. heavy hen* 5 1 h*• and over. 21c, 4 to 8 IbK 7u< . light hen- 19c. stags and old roostera, 1 'i !<■ ; dU’ k* fat and full fathered. 12*9 !' j oung ducks 15 . geese fat and full feathered 12fl pigeons. $1 00 per dozen; capons • lbs and over. 29c per lb , under 7 lb*. 24c per !b., no culls, sick or crippled poultry purchased. Jobbing price* of dre«*ed poultry fto reta'jers' springs, soft. 35t . broilers. S*c. f'ozen. « ■ hen* 2%c, roc«*arg. 1*01*0. duck*. 2502 *c; geese. 3f,0''c. turkeys. 32c, No 2 turkey* considerably less frfJfti fish. Jobbing price* quotable a* follow* Fan cy whi’e fish. ">9c; take trout. 22c; hali but, 22' northern bullhead*, jumbo. 20 0 22c; ' A • fish :n035r; fillet of haddock ' - lie flounders, t9c; erapplw, 2«'025c. black pass. 32c, Spanish mackerel. 14 to _ lbs 75c. yellow pike 24c; striped bass 29< : blue pike. 15c. white perch 12c; yellow perch, 29c; ling cod. 12c Froaen f:*h, 20 4c >s« than prices above CHEESE. Che»se ha« been irregular lately, but no change announced for this week Next month chee«e will be put in "forage and it remain* to be seen whs* eve! of price* will be * cepted tor stock .fura placing in storage. Jobbing prices quotable on American hee*e fancy grade a* follows’.e laisies. 22c: double da siea. 214c; Young America- 2-4r. longhorns. 214c. square print*. 22 4c; brick mberger. 1- b «’*■ >, 17 *' T er dt.zrn is*, domestic. ! 2*c. imported Roquefort, €9c. New York white, 34c. VEAL. Veal price" quotable, delivered at com mission houses On.atoe Fancy. 90 to 115 h* . 12c per lb ; heavy not over 3 4b lb*. It? per lb Liver, heart and lungs must be left Jn veil BF.EF CI TS. Jobbing: prices quotable No J • h*. 77c. No. 2. 75c Vo » *«r Nr>. 1 Ion*. 37c. No 7. 15c. No. * 22c, No l round*. 19c, No 2. 114c; No 3, 15c; Vo 1 chuck* 13 4c; Vo • 13c; No l«4c No. 1 plates 84c. No L *c; No. 3. “c. FRUITS Jobbing price *’herr>* — Tvrtsr'sn- 14 ft It P eg Royal Arc. » lb- f*. 50 Apple*—in boxes Washington WIb«> [r ■■■■” = International Great Northern Railroad Company First }flpr. Fonds Due I9N2 Securer! bv a direct Firtt Mort(fa(r» on the entire property of the Company, rnihrartnjj llOfi milea of mart owned in fee. and 1 outstanding at the low rate of JtR.OlOO per mile. Price to yield about '6.2.^ Tirctilar on request The National City Company Omaha — First National Bank Rldg 1 e’ephone 931* Jack*on up, extra fancy, tilt, ■mail •'«» «: . white winter 1'eermain, extra feru-y. t. . ^ Pineapple*—Per crate. I t ni) ft Apple,—In barreia of M# tb» . lo« a Wlneeapx. fancy. tbi.0. Ben Mavta. far, II :S; Mleaouri Pipplnx, exlta fancy. I< l.cnionx -California. Mtra f»nc> j — box, $7 99 fancy, per box, 16 90. rh per box, $6 59. Htrawfce’-riea- Miaaourl. $4 50 per r»'". A rom« *» $ 4 0 4. 75. Grapefruit —Florida, extra fancy. $» T orange* California «*’r* **nc: * cording to pip, $3 59^.60 per box. choice. 2507lr leea; Florida \ a en »*, per box. $4 0005.75. Cranberrlea Jersey. 69 lb. bn***, $4 09. Bananas--Per lb.. 7 c V FAiVrT a BLISS Flrat f*r of - anfaloupea from Cal ?cr« n!a arrived th * morning Ftanderd*. M fifl; ponlee $6 f.n No more etiawber | rl«*e of the Klondike variety I Jobbing priref . . . it .. • an talou pa—California e'andaid* i6 i poni**. $6.50. Cauliflower—California. fancy, era n, I 3JSggpUnt—Per dox $2 90; 2^c per lb Cabbage—Celery cabbage. 10c p*" lb : new Texfca cabbage. 64c per lb ; era4**. 15c per lb. New Hoot a—Beet a, carrot* and turnips, ha mi er, 4- 000 2.$0 .. . onions—Yellow, In aa^k* per b. ? •; White, <c; new crystal wax. per era/*. $2 7' Bermuda yellow, p*r crate, 12. . home grown, dozen bunches. 1-0**. T *matoea—Texas, 4-l>a*ket crate*, about 16 Iba.. $2.250 2 59. _ „ ^ t'elery—Florida. $1.7502 25 dox Peas—Per hamper, $3.760 4 25. Pepper*—Green Mango, per lb. 26c axa • it btiktl 91 Parsley—Southern, per doben bunche*. $99 Radish** - Home-grown, 25020c p* doz bunches. Beane- per hamper, 2% lb* , wax rr st ring $.7 00 Spinach—Homegrown. 7 5c per bu. Pota* oea Minnesota ■ >hL>* $1 r * fwr. Western Ruaeet Rural*. $2.0$ F i cwt , New crop. Texas Turnip*, m |hack*. 4’* 06 4c p*r lb Asparagus—Horne g-own. doz bunches i $1 00 0 1 Lettuce—H*ad. per fiat*, $4S9 per ! dr/ , $1-25, ho* house leaf 75 p*r d» Nut*—Soft shelled walnut*. *ar* lo* per lb. ilr; toft shelled almond* • » -•« pg| medium *0?* *«n a - mond* **rk lota. 16c; raw peanuts, a* lo** 94012c V-r lb; roasted peanu » »afk lot*. 114015c pe- lb; roasted p* nut* !*** than aaf-k lota, 12016c, *a ed peanu**. per lb . 2 0c Popcorn- She'ed ard cleaned re" 6c, rancy Japan*** hull*** whit# .corn, per lb . *19c. FEED. Wheat feeda about unchanged >* mark• • showing ttla more ai •* ward *tre- g»h ’han at *b's -« week; ml * holding for quoted ;-r Produf’*on 1 ght which tends to g * strength to the mark#* Market quotable per ton. -arlead "• f o b. Omaha. 1 i*"ini»» Mea —4f per eer* $4? r'n Hominy Feed—Wh *» or ye’iow $:* bigetter Feeding Tankage—60 per cer •. $4C no Wheat Feed*—Bran, $1175. brown short* $19 90. gray ■ ho*-4*. $2* 90 doe $27 '9029 9'* Linseed « esl $1## hlghe* cm* " neapoli* mil!* are -!o*:ng do*n ten;, rarily. due in p art to competition ' Argentlr* mpcr4*4;on» cf seed rhi-h » being milled n the »u’ L - *e*d M»al—24 per cent. I 4219 Buttermilk—Condensed for feeding In hv ’ lo?* 13 4-.c per lb . f aka buttem . V 590 to 1 too |v,» jr per lb Egg-r * -Dr ed ard ground. 19' bag* $56 90 t»r tor Alfalfa Meal—No 1 *pot preror4 $"4 90 (tew rrr.v. June and July $2« Nn 2 *po* $2ft 99. F:«Cd *• • d t^ad* virtually e 'i*1* • | the *e**cn quota'ion# w.»hdrawn 4n mc«* quarters h»re. FLOUR Pri'-c* quotable in round lo** (lest th* carload*’. fob. Omaha follow Fsrs* patent m 9* -' b bag* $6 3'0‘<S P* h4 ' fan- v dear, in 4l lb bag* P !f|t 5 39 per bbl white or eilow corcmei per cwt . $1 15. HAT. * Nominal quotations, carload lc*a vp’and rra:r;e—No * $12 59011 9" N : $9 6901159; No T t’*r 0 ; f*ft Midland Pra r e—No. 1. $ 11 i' 0 :: $9; No 2 IG'JiM"; NO 3 $f 99 0* I^w:*nd Prairie—No 1 $« 99 0$ N> 2. if or 0 « no. Packing Hay — $5 $90* «o Alfalfa—rhmc* $29-90^*1## Ve * $159001$ to 9 * • a r d a -d S 1 4 ' *• 0 * \0 * 111 900’? A* _ N*n : $0 ' 011 9« «5.r%-5r—r>at. $»O''09 99, wheat $" ff « no. HTPF* WOOL. TALLOW Pr •» quotaVe *.• f -w*. d»!!ve*-ed Omaha des era* weights and w’*ction» I * T: . $■ 59 •«-h. clira, vo value; *or . 2*«? 32c Wolfe Oil Corporation j Quoted Urmbr, j .V. Y S t*U f«wr 11 Wall St . New Tort 9’hiteh*H 6/70 MIDDLE STATES OIL What are th* futur* yro* pect* of this company? Fully covered in our mar Let review. i .4 free copy on request P. G. STAMM & CO. Dealer* In Atncks and Bend* 35 S William St. New York i . ^ w* When you think of GRAIN, CONSIGNMENTS, SERVICE You think of UPDIKE . •I OMAHA -KANSAS CITY -CHICAGO MlllAAl'KRE — Aiwpl* fmanee. •••»■• country .hlpyyre of tmme4tat« poyutonU al tholr draft, and balance dua »lwn»« remitted uilh ryturae. Telephone AT Isntlc CStS Updike Grain Corporation "A Reliable Conalfnmeut Houea” J. S. BACHE &? CO. Established 1S93 fN»« York Stock Ftchange . i Chicago Board of Trade Memhtrn »;»» York Cotton Exchange Land other leading Exchangee New York 42 Broadway Chicago: 108 S. LaSalla St. Branches and correspondents located In principal cities Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Cotton, Foreign Exchange Bought and Sold for Cash or Carried on Conservative Margin 224 Omaha Nat'l Rk. RMg , Omaha Telephones JA ckson £1*7 ft* j rh« Biehs Re mt on «< • itiaa Oa rsi> • # <*e in«<te4