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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1924)
Buy Real Estate in Omaha-Where the West Is at Its Best * BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES 19c per line each day, 1 or 2 days. 17c per line each day, 3 or 6 day*. I«c per line each day, 7 day*. 15c rer line #ach day, 10 daya, Classified Ads accepted at tha following office*. Main Office.17th and Farnam St*. ' f'jth Omaha N. . Cor. 2«th and N St*. < ""ncl1 £i,jff*.IS Scott St. ljc par line each day. l or 2 daya. 15o rer line each day, t or 9 daya. 13c per line each day. 7 daya nr longer ' losing hours for classifier ADS. Mornlnir Edition . I p m l toning Edition .11 on « Sunday Edition .... 9 no p. m. Satuiday • her charge or caah order*. Tri-phon* ATlantlc 100& THE EVENTNO BEE THE OMAHA MORNING BE*. ^^^vvnoi \\ts. F uneral Notices. I ACKERMAN—Mrs Annie. Perilling Apt. No 19. died Mav 27. age 61 year*, in month*. 17 days Deceased j* survived bv two sons. Walter H Golder. Omaha, and Ernest F Golder. Seattle. Waahing »on. and one daughter. Mrs Jda Denton. Omaha. Funeral services Wednesday *t 8 P M. n* Ttoffman-Oroabv Funeral home. Tnter ment Foreat Lawn cemetery. BROWN- -Mr*. Alice. beloved wife of Henry, she is survived beside* h"r hua band bv ft brother*. John W . (lard Isaac. Wesley nf Gretna. David and Albert; 1 sister. Mrs. \V. (’ Serrln. Funeral Wed. afternoon from residence of Mr« W. C. Serrln, 2620 Burdette St., at 2 o'clock. Interment. West I.awn ceme t#ry. Gentleman’* Mortuai i i harga. M'CAGT'PL—.John I*., age f.S years, died Mav 26 Funeral service* will be held Wednesday at 2:30 p. m from Central United P'-esbyterlan church Interment Prospect Hill. Inoulrcy mav he addressed to Rurkef » ha pel. HA on<in_ McCAGUE—John I,. At ^r30 Wednesday at the Central United Freab\ter!on church Interment will be pirate. r Vault* and Monuments. I "Automatic Sealing" concrete burial vault* recommended by all leading undertakers. Mfg. by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co. Funeral Directors. 3 HEAFEY * HKAFEY Undertakers and Embalmera Phon# HA. 0265. Offlca 2611 Farnam (ESTABLISHED SINCE 18»2) HOFFMANN AMBULANCE Dcdga at !4:h. Funeral Director!. JA. 2101 HULSB A RIEPEN, Funeral director*. 2224 Cuming. JA. 122* KORIBKO FUNERAL HOAPE 23d and O Sta. 1250 S. 13th St MA, 063 0.AT. 1873 JOHN A. GENTLEMAN 3411 Farnam St. N. P. SWANSON. 17T11 AND (TIMING Quiet. Dignified Supervision DUFFY A JOHNSTON, 311 S. 23d. new funeral home. HA. 0417# C. C. HAYNES FUNERAL HO.\FE. 3920 N. 24th St.KK. 0257. BRAILEY St DORRANT E. 18 2 3 CUMING ST. JA. 9326. LESLIE O. MOORE. 24th and Wirt. WE. Of'4 7. Florists. 5 w S AUSTIN. 33 19 SEWARD ST. POOFRS. Florist. 2 4th Farnam" JA. 34*09 JOHN BATH. 1c o 4 Farnam. JA. 1906 Personals. 9 THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, mag.i zirea. W* collect. We distribute. Phone JA. 4135 and our wagon wtil call. Call and inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Podge street. I/Ost and Found. 10 LOST In vicinity of 25th and Patrick a \» English fox terrier, black and white w h brown collar and lock lo "■"nf of Rudy. Cali WE. 0353 for re ward. i low; T.f»sT—Collie, near T.akoma. Country ciub. Had new rolled leather collar Year oid. Reward. Tom Kelly. AT. 0961 or Ralston 41. LOST—Brown leather card ""«• contain ing membership and visiting card* Call HA 1728 for reward FOUND—Baseball mlt. Owner may have same b** describing mlt and for this *'> HA. 0?33. T.osT Baeon. 1 bog Derkera’ product. Finder return and receive reward. AT. 1955. AI TOMOBIIjES. Automobiles for Sal*. II . «ait *3 -% -.•* - v >s+*d. "SPECIAI&.*• LATE MODEL LIGHT SIX SEDAN. !n A 1 condition, upholstcrv an«l paint like new. Five W’ire wheels, four *xt-» good tire* This la an Ideal family <ar. The price will stilt Might consider Ford In exchange LATE 1923 SUPERIOR CHHV, COUPE n extra good condition. Five good tires. Original nalnf good lust th** •.nr for a salesman Would con Oder Ford touring or roadster in ••xrhange. HANNAN VAN BRUNT. INC.. ' Farnam at th* Blvd JIA 0 568 Vied Car Dept. NEW AND USED FORD CARS All Models ADKINS MOTOR CO. Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dtalara Cash or Terrna 4911-18 S. 34. Phones AT ||«l. MA 04*0 "MI'RPHT DID ITS" USED CAR DEPT 1922 Overland RdatL 1250 I 924 Chev. Rdsfr.. itrletlv new 49f» 1923 Star Tour, guarenteed . .350 9_»* Ford Uoure .... 32:. 1920 Ford Coupe . .... 250 TERMS. OPEN EVE. ANDREW MURPHY A SON. \T 4411. a 1410 Jarkson. l.nDGE PANEL BODY DELIVERY IN excellent condition. i NASH UPTOWN STORE 4 FARNAM ST. AT. 4292 OPEN EVENINGS. \ KW and used auto parte for all make* f cars at special reduced t»rlrea. KAPLAN AUTO PARTS Mil Nicholas _ JA. 1410 NEW used ram and triirke Terms. Trade. OOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO.. 2113 HARNEY ST AT. 484« OPEN EVENINGS USED CARS O. N. Bonney Motor Cb. 2664 Farnam — I MURPHY DID ITS tfSw Down town ue*d car etore { 1411 Jackson.___AT. 4411 GOOD USED CARS BUY YOURS AT GUY L. SMITH i KXfMGTON and rale* In WOftdtrftll COB -I tlon, very reasonable. Offer anything \\ E. 2388 NASH- VRIES EM A A UTc ~<0. USED CAR STORE. |fl84 Farnam AT 48M FOR DS—-DODO E8^ RU1CK .4 HU ■* 24th. Tel. AFA. 1010 _ANNOtNCFM E NTS._ Automobiles for Sale. 11 FOR SALK-—Ford sedan, $100: Nash touring. $:T,0. Call HA. 0926. Trucks for Sale. 12 ONE to threa-fon uaed trucks, terms can !*** arranged. International Harvester Co. of America. 714-16 8. 10th *t. Auto Accessories, I'arts. 16 GUARANTEED new and uaed auto narta at a special cut price. Nebraska Auto Fart a. 1016 18 Harney 8t. JA. 4921. and ?T06 Cuming St.. AT. 1170 Service Station*, ncpfiTring. 17 INDUSTRIAL AUTO MACHINISTS Rgyfleld carburetor and F.isemann mag neto aervlre AT. 2866 P. MELCHOIRS A SON. 417 R. 18TH. BUSINESS SBBVIj I Business Services Offered. 21 1 OWN a new 1-ton trick, will contract monthly or tonnage, 3815 North 24th. WEB. 3873. EXPERIENCED sign painter*. Both pi< torlal and commercial. D 1627. Oma ha Bee. |'<>R lo<-n1 or long dl«tnnina hauling, call WA. 8016 LTIL!_ .. ---"Li_ Millinery—Dressmaking. 25 ACCORDION, aide, knife, box pleating, covered buttons, all styles; hemstitching; buttonholes. Write Ideal Button and Pleating Co., 308 Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA. 1926. NEB. PLEATING CO. Hemstitching. Covered Button*. 1804 Farnam, Second Floor. JA. 6670. Moving—Trucking—Storage 26 Fill K r”l T Y STO R A Cl E &■ VAN CO. moving packing STORAGE SHIPPING Household a nods off>< e furniture, autos. i jo7-i t Howard st. ja. 02s*<. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGeT PACKING. MOVING. SHIPPING, STORING Estimates furnished. AT. 0230 or JA. 4138. BEK INS OMAHA VAN St STORAGE. Kith and Leavenworth Sta. Packing, mov ng. Biorape, ahlpplng. JA. 4162. GORDON’S FIREPROOF WHSE A VAN. 219 North 11th St. Phone JA. 1012; mov Ing. packing, storage, shipping Tainting and Tapering. 27 DON’T TAKE A CHANCE Employ a maater painter and decorator. Painting and decorating, special discount on wall paper. FRED PARKS PAINT STORE. 47^8 S, 2 4th.KT 7404._MA. 0101. Patent Attorney*. 28 T. W. MARTIN. 626 Peters Trust Bldg., Omaha; also Washington Double service, « ngle fee. Also helu aell patenta. Repairing. 31 USED and new sewing machine*. Sew , ing machines and Victrolas repaired. I Rent michint'i. fl per week; |S per mo. MICK EL MUSIC HOUSE ’Oh an I Harney. AT. 4S61. Printing*—Stationery. 29 COMMERCIAL PRINTING Eddy Printing Uo . 212 South 13th St "mne .1 A. 6068 ■■■-— " . Renovating and Dyeing. 32 -—-.-1 [OMAHA PILLOW CO.—Feather mattrena»>s ! made from your own feathers. W# will eaii and deliver. 19^7 Cuming. JA. 24*7. j KMI'I.OYMFNT. Help Wanted—Female. 36 LADIES—-WE TEACH BEAUTY *T1. TURF, Our practical course qualifies you for . top notch wage* Positions waiting «’an earn more money than at any other trade. Day or evening classes ‘'all or write. Moi.KK COT.LEGE, 108 8 15th St. LADIES—Take orders for printed afa-j Gentry; ape. |al; big money maker no )n- ; \ **st ruenf. Write today. Whit* Co. 613 East Gi»en. Champaign, 111. V. ANTED—A competent general house K‘i: Must he go**d rook. No laundry. 3 In familv. c r references required. Mrs. c -j Parley, HA 0362 ENROLL at the largest comptometer *f hool. 366 Courtney Bldg. JA. 149$ ENROLL at the largest comptometer school, 300 Courtney Bldg JA 149 3. WHITE woman or girl for genera! house- j u fir_Reference required WA Help Wanted—Male. f7 WANTED—MEN TO LEARN BARBER} rRADE. Good money-making trade Our well known course qualifies you for best i lob* and hlg wages. Dav and evening ! . asses Call or writ# MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 109 South lbth Street ALL MEN. women, boy a. girls, 17 to 66. I willing to accept government portions . J S1J7-S250 (traveling or stationary). Writ*! Mr Ozmenr. 18«. Mr Loris. Mo. G REMEN, BRAKEUEN, beginners, $151-: 1:50 (vvhhh position 1 j. Railway Y-2635, 1 Omaha Bee. H* Ip Wauled—Male ami I Vm.ile. 36 CLERKS? for government positions W’mpIi ' tf,"i end vonr state 11.400 12.300 vear Kxperlence unneceaai v Full nartleu • •a free bv writing <1 \V Bobbins Civil ; Service Expert, 171 Hurcheil Bldg. Wash ngton, D. c. MEN AND WUMKN wanted to read and eel! \*thawif Call - saian Cash prlxes offered for next Mon day Copy 2', c |. Not ha wav iFI.oJt ! - vc !'• i 1 *iM i ha. Neb KK 14 <19, Salesmen ami Agent*. 3ft SALESMEN—8*11 coal In carload lota Sifl* or main line Experience unne»es Eitrn a week's pay In an hour. rllHWing in mint 1 r r a n H e m e n ’ Washington Coal Co. IOC Coal Ex yhang* Bldg . Chicago, \GENTS Clear S16 to 130 a day selling l>arn K-Z, cold patch for storking*. '• u >fm I ..I bora t rifles. La Crosse W la. Situations Wanted—Mala. 11 SITUATION WANTED—Bv contractor with a reliable building, construction or engineering company a* superintendent or foremen Competent mechanic drafts man and satiniator. Will •ommunlrgte through Y-2649, > unahM !'.»•« ADVERTISING map and salesman will fell himself to anv firm for cash. Mm* lots of ability and hn» been a producer. Will enter any agreement or contract that Hiisine** Opportunities. 42 l’(>K RENT buainais place The only grocery and meat market atora at Ft • rook Neb Complete with fixture*. Butchers I # box Will be fur rant June IS One of the heat e»and« In the state \ddr«*e Lost mast er. hi Crook, Neb I mi's imcrit—Slocks—Bond*. 43 LOW RATE on city property, qukrkly < loss d; no monthly payments. JA. 1631. WL T, Graham M. A. ANDERSON CO.. 61#7. l eal estate Surety bonds and klndrad Ins Money to Loan. 45 TH1H COMPANY I* ORGANIZED To supply your money wants In the aame wav that banks eupplv th« money went* the business community. Anv amount loaned uo to 1500 and vou an repay It In *»«v monthly payments, our auual navment plan reoava tha loan * nd all • ha rg*a. We have been In business In Omaha over *0 years and <«n aaaura vott of a Quirk, i onfldentlal and square deal. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY.. 06 Karhueh Block. Tel. JA. 3216 Southeast corner 16th and Douglas Sts 1 'maila Rae DIAMOND loana at lowest rates, business strictly confidential. The Diamond Loan Co . 1614 Dodg* Mt Established 1894 Iteal K««la(t* I Alans. 44 MONEY TO LOAN On lat and 2d Mortgages We buy outright foi • ash Existing mortgages and land contracts. Prompt Action H A. WOLF t’O., ■•'*2 Kaundeia Kennedy Blilg. AT 1160 OMAHA HUM KS -FAHT NKH. FARMS UKKEFE HEAL ESTATE CO. 101f. Qm Nat_Bk. Bldr .f A |7|6. 4IX per cent loana on Omaha realri*sr»e •ash on hand Prompt service. E. H Louges. Inc.. 631 K**. na H da SECOND mortgages or rontrarta pur chased bv Tukey Comranv. 610 Flnt N« t!on»l Bank. J* '•** FINANCIAL. Real Fstato Ixians. 44 I WILL buv mortgages and contracts Corkln. 94 S Um, Nat. Bldg . Omaha_Neb 6% AND 6 PER CENT—No DELAY GARVIN BROS 446 Omaha N at. Bid b_ Farm Loans on west. Neb. and N. E. Colo, farms. Kloko Investment Co.. Omaha. _^kditatmt^^__ Lwal Instruction Classes. 48 DAY SCHOOL, NIGTIT SCHOOL BOYLES SCHOOL ' omplet# course In all commercial branches. bookkeeping. romptomatry, «horthand, typewriting, telegraphy, aerre •orlal banking, salesmanship, civil aerv ire, English You may work for hoard while attending Illustrated catalog free BOYLES SCHOOL. Hth and Harney Sts Omaha, Neb. JA. ISfiS _ mvoRAK BUSINESS COLLEGE Stenography and Bookkeenine. Wea i Bldg 1 St h and Farnam AT. 7416 TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE 1402 Dodge St. 1106 Douglas St rail or writ* for Information. EIGHT to 12 weaka prepare you for a fine office position. Call AT. 7774 or write American college. 1912 Farnam Dancing Academics 50 Largest dancing classes in Omaha. "There's a Reason * KEEP S. HOTEL ROME Join NowJA. 8470. LIVESTOCK Dogs, Cats ami Pets. 53 PETIUREED German Shepard Police pup wolf silver gray color. J\e 4 490. PEDIGREED Chinchilla Persian cat. WA. 4 19.1.___ Horses, Cattle, Vehicles. 54 GOOD team »>f horsea and dump wagon for sale. Updike Lumber and <‘oal Co., 43d and Charles Ft*. WA, 0667. MBRCHANDIBB. Artieles for Sale. 57 FOR SALE—Butterklit corn popper and paanut roaster combined. Addieae White Front Caf*. Cumberland, la. Business Equipments. 58 WE BUY. sell safes, make deaka. show cases etc Omaha Future Sr Supply Co S. W. cor, 11th and Douglas JA. 2724 TWO pool tables i heap. WE. 4621. Fuel and Feed. 61 KINDLING—96 trie kload, delivered; saw dust. ahavlngs. Phone JA 6740. Household Goods. 64 BETTER values In new and used furni ture. Hales made privately or at auc tion. We also buy your furniture and pay < ash. A trial of our servica will con vince you. STEPHENSON AUCTION HOUSE L»u9 CAPITOL AVENUE AT-lanBo 6116 NEXT FURNITURE AUCTION. PAXTON AUCTION ROOMS Six SOUTH 14T11 STREET. Monday Evening, 7:3<* let 119 veil \ our furniture AT. 9764 NEW cleaner* for rent with attachment* Call for and delivered. call Mr Barns. AT. 1011, FOR real furniture and rent barge ns see The Home Furniture Co., South Hide. Swap Column. 65 TRADE an equity In cottage and two lots for Ford Address A-1212. Omaha Bee GOOD equities to exchange for Improved acreage Bo < B-1304. Omaha Machinery and Tools. 67 NEW and second-hand motors, dynamos. LeHron Electrical Works 11.9-20 So 12th Seeds, Plants anti Mowers. 68 VISIT FOREST r AWN. w BUT OF FLORENCE Call at the greenhouse outer* sr# being raeelvad for flowet bade Off <•* at the cemetery and 720 Bran-' « Theater At cost, blue grass, 27c *. . <vh *e clover 6f-c, 71.c; «»< d j ean and ♦ f|c lh. A *e#d aweet earn, 9c :t, l ook thtnt n> »r why pay more. Store. 2rih and Martha Radio Kqulpment. 71 CUT price** on everything in radio. R. M. Shlaes, 21» N. lfith St. Wanted to Buy. 73 WANTED—Street attractions for Fourth of July celebration; city population 1.2*0. Writ* to American Legion, Centerville, S P __ DESKS. DESKS, DESKS. New deska used deekr bought, eold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam 8t. AT 4146. ROOMS KOR RKNT. Kuoin* With Hoard. 74 NEW large room f>*r 1 wl'ft board, horn* rooking, garage HA 161 Room* Without Hoard. 75 FURNISHED rooms and housekeeping apta for tent In all part* of the city Free Bureau of information, 626 i'axtou Rlk^ AT 471k H A 1714 Beautifully furnlahed room. • entrallv located. Pleasant mu roundings, excellent meals very leaaonable .54 NORTH 1kTH ST -Modern, cool front rooms, electric light*, hot wafer, S3 and up-_ HA. 18*’. 6 East frunt, nicely furnlahed room, modern. 16. also tom I Inquire basement 602 K. 28th St - -- .. a LOVELY sleeping room for gentlemen, 35 per week. Qiigia Park Diattlct HA, 4339 3119 §T. MART AVH.—Modern, icIean, con venient. $2 50 up. Ref*, required. JA. 6 132. 2127 SPENCER Front room. 1 4 50 for ’ %'. for 2 WE IH»4 Rooiiih for l|.iii««'l(rp|)liiR. 76 714 N. 27TH AVE -Two room*, f|r*t floor, private entrance, evervthlng fm nlahed; use of tie trio washer Adult* only. JIA. 2462. MCKLY fuintahed house seeping room* atitl sleeping rooms right downtown Ren ona bit ratei tf A 4991 »'•! i! ROOM apartment well f<*rniah*d privet* bath, plume arid entrance 61k S 2tlth St._ 3 ROOMS, flrat floor, private bath, elec trinity, g*x furnished \» 6u w It ll\ . kt,4 HOUSEKEEPING and aleepltig rooma, 4 2663 DOUQLA0—Light hakg and sleep ing rooms, newly decorated, Jl ku up. >07 M. 26TH AVE 2 mom. modern hou*e Ueeplng apis AT. 225 8_ 2417 JONES Large room, also i room w • »i i(|t cheBBttt medai n y . a ix first f oor, every 1 h 1 na furnish'd \T 0.18S Room*, I nfurnifthrd. 77 WA 1381 iT»i c 1 unfurn *he«1 rooma In modern horn' light, an" etc, furnished. Walnut Hill district. >25 no H hern to Stop In Town. 78 and i ant am HOTEL HENHHAW 16th nnd I arnam. Special rates to permanent guest*. RKAI. ESTATE—FOR RKNT. Apiirtnidit*—FurniHlieil. 80 room. No. 32 Colonial hotel, 8994 Finn sin Mt . until Sept. 1 Mu R 1. Hyde Phone HA. 6514 ' llKKRFUL new decorated two room and kitchenette apartment 3837 8 83rd Bt. HUNTER INN HOME for lbs traveling man and wife. AT. 69G0. 24th and Dodge WELL fur 2 rin. Apt. tunning water In kitchen, largo porch 2068 Famam. Apartment*— I nfiirr,tailed. 81 E will have one of our rhnicest 4 tomn apartment* In EUmd Court. 417 Del S' . atmlalile fm .Inns I < el) I'AYNE A HONS CO., JA. in Hi PETER ii ' COMPANY WHERE OMAHA RENTS" AT k J 4 4 |7»h end Famam S'a. tH 111 xi 4 • nni n a i ' a it a a rloet In Op P. 8'ebblna. 1610 Chicago St. !_ ~: Real Estate, Giant of Investments, The Foundation of Wealth There is not a dollar’s worth of wealth in the world that is not founded on Real Estate. If Real Estate were to disappear, there would be no factories, no farms, no stores, no banks, no crops, no railroads, no build ings, no property of any kind. They all depend upon Real Estate—it is their foundation. Everything in the world, every form of wealth, depends upon Real Estate, and there will never be another square foot of it manufactured. Populations will increase, thereby in creasing the demand for real estate, but the supply of real estate cannot increase. Only the demand can increase. ■—Oniiht Real Estata Board REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. Apartments—Unfurnished. 81 ToT BEVERLY. 24th and Jonsi. A nlca, light, 1-room Virtmont with Murphy bad, etblnet kitchen and prlvata bath Our new meal service If you wish. Rant, 917.eO. • ’all Drake a. JA. 2S05. 17th and Howard. No I. Harold. 17th and Jackson. A large 4 room apartment, will nut In excellent ! condition Rental now 160. Payne A Sona Co, JA. 1016. APARTMENTS and flats for rant. W J. PALMER CO. AT. $9lt. Real Eatata Managemant Bpaelallata. FUR ONE OK DRAKES 1.000 APARTMENT* Call Jackson 2106.i 4321 SOUTH 22d, 1 room duplex, garage II A. Ss61.| 1 ROOMS In Selr., a i*rr* *, 6 30 Park Ave Janitor or Se> bold. AT. 6101. j 720*4 No 23d St. 4 large roomi and bath with enclosed porch. Hoiiars f«»r Rent. 83 R. APT., Duneany. lutn end Pierce, 140. 3 r. apt, 6rh and Pierce. $12 2 r. mod ex h» . _ f*70 I .eavenworth, $21 60 < tin a ha Renta! Exch JA 3 614 HA 240$. 2403 CASS ST.— For tala by owner, 14 rooms, all 1 ght housekeeping with good Income. 4 ROOM house, pertly modern Rent $1* all HA 2 2 6 6. 7-ROOM house and garage, 4224 Doug'.ae St W.V 3660. 74 12 PINKNEY —Duplex. $6$. WE. 1677. Hoiist-s, Kurnhlifd. 84 v serif s'l Ku-n »*.*1 nr unfur ' shed modern duplex. June te October HA. Ill* CAPITOL Ava., 4104—Furnlahad homo la Dundee for summer. W A 0147. Office* ami Desk ICooni. 85 • n front of elevator • ae lealrabla office aultee with 1 or 1 private office* and reception room In Flret Na unai Rank Hldg. Fhona AT. 0711. K II Grossman. Summer Clare for Rent. 89 SUMMER COTTAGES fnr i.nt at ' tm'i- IT; ■ |1|| i« Il pari,. REAI i a I ' Karma and Ijinda for Sale. 99 FOR SALE hob* Minnesota Lake front '**. ID* ner acre and up Schwab Bros.. ’ * it h Hldg Minneapolis. Mln?v Wty A create fur Sale 94 40 ACRI.S well Improved, sightly lor* tion. road pa. ed thle year West Hen »*»n Bargain for cash Box C-1416 omihs Bee. House* for Sale. 95 TWO REAL BARGAINS C »od $ r ho j. mo l in Walnut Hill, for * 11 dour fie* for gulden N e 6-r . ottnge in ,*<>uth Omaha and 4 nice lot* with bearl rig fruit paved St etc. for only $ i.uuo on piactically your own term* i ail f<>r Mr. Drake. INVESTMENT C«» . AT $614. World Herald B dr House*—North. LOOK THEBE OVER BV Kit V ONE A BARGAIN $600 to $600 DOWN ft ' ear school: I n!< e rooms. 1 floor. latte ai'lc. .ementad baaamant, large ot with shade, fruit, chick an ton** and seed. Haa new fur naea. new roof ft ? Mocks south of Miller Park. Ilv inc room a<ni».< front n!c.» d n Inr room with lea box tooin. three bedr ' in* and hath upstair* fine lot. r .,ae school and car Near new North High- 6 dandv looms on 1 floor, a’mplv ilnnti large attic, full cemented bate rnent with separate ftuit rumna arid coal bln: large lot with fruit and ahade. paved street, paving l aid. .Near Miller Patk school; 6 rooms nil on one floor lt» *»1 L1) foot lot fruit nl • ahade f lie n>*ighbor* huod H and tiew 4 large roumi on one floor, oak and enamel trim. oak flouts throughout hit* hen with built In fan l urea \ ei v laive attic, dandv basement. East fiont high and alghtlv. Just a little dream. Call Ja< kaon 1263. OB BORN W BEAT.TV CO. ISo Peter* Trust Bldg MINSK LUBA BRICK $1.6*0 CASH OWNER IB LEAVING CITY. c1i room e'rlctly modern. !*m than a year old brick bouse consisting of re >-apt Ion hall living '-worn across the front • if th* house wth fireplace, nun room w'th bevel plated doors, dining room. )<lichen with built ‘n features, j elegant bedrooms and hath, with '!!• floor, base tub, pedestal lavatory. Solid brick founds non and nice hr I k *ntag# Owner is willing to as* r|fire this for le.e than coat. PAYNE INVESTMENT CmMPANY. T Dinahs National Hen ‘ Hldg AT 646^ plhaon, Kl " 7 2 7. NeWlon, KB lie* Mll.EFR PARK DISTRICT. H| * room, full 2 storv house consisting of Inrge living room dining room, kit chon and svin room with bevel plated *101118. on the first floor, finished In oak :t elegant < mni*r hetlrnorna mill tialh on the second floor, aouth from lot on paved street paving t>atd. amiin anti dtive Located In Miller Park district, close to car, school* and mII tno*leru conveniences PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 617, Omaha National Bank Bldg AT. (.460 Gibson. KE 3217. -.avion, KK 114*. NEW MILLER PARK MU NO A LOW $600 TO 1 •" C \M| It A I M < »N 1 111) A dandy f* rnotu bungeinw with very model n convenience Well loculi'll oil paved "(reel oak floor* nod finish p entv of I > n 111 I n feature* large lot e '* • ■ e to • dmrehep and school*; d**ntAi*4| piiruha er may have . bob e of e’e. I v 1 •• 1 gin in "ires and w ndnvv shades Could ns* a goo.I vgeatit lot a* psrt of down ps'irtent H*tt#r lei me show ■ r*u ttvls on# tods Rhone •- »nm|« D Lewis W A 14 '’ n F CI.AMY f " Realtor. ‘"I Omaha Nat. itk Hldg. A I. 1619. ^RKAI, ESTATE—FOR SAFE. I louses—North. 96 WHO WANT* THE FROH A AT H t#fP! Everybody In the Millar Park dlatrlct baa a! waye Admired thla pier. naarly new ergj ! emry Kellaa'ona leeldanra with erg# l:\lng room acroat tba front t\ :h fit eple. a. dining room, kit.'hen and e in room .in tha firat floor, flnlehad In nek. S dandy n^a roiner badrtKtma and I... h with ti e floor end hate tub on the e»c ond floor finlahed 'n oak. full beiement oomplata, dandy aouth front lot, 2-c«r gerege attd d ti a l,et ua ahow you thla and make >m an offer ~ cav-ne in\ kstmbnt CO., ”1 °ni Bank Kid*. AV. IH*. Olbeon, KE 1221. .Newlon. KE lim 1101 .north twenty-EIGHTH ST -NEW MODERN BUNGALOW. A dandy new home located on large cor. n«i oi r o*e to car lm« and frhor.!* » > ’ specials paid tor. atiktly modern in e «ry , respect Oh floors through. Bun in feature* It ;* pri.-ed a; It • - and on, easy ttrma Call today. Lev. ■ Wa i 4 2 j K F CLARY lO., 101 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. AT 1*7* HERB IS A REAL BUT fooma full 1 atorv modern home Th'v home * certainly worth 12.500 and (urn b« handled on IluO payment Be' ■’ire an i see th *. Kvenlnga cs.l Nf. Read. K E. i t 11 GBl ENIG REALTY CO. Realtor*. Jackson 196*. 1490 Flrat Nat Bk CARTER UKR 7 A * T S AND HOI SBfl Lota 11 down and IS pe- mo House*, all modern, 1200 down and |3? SO per month On car line and close to good school. ■L L. HIATT COMPANY AT 9900. 1911 BIN.NEY ST—Owner moves Into new house first of month and m ;si *e th 1 fine € room house A chance for e bargain fuUN R M'CARVILLS REALTOR ' 100: 1 City Natl._AT 5015 1*2* PARKER ST—7-rm. mod. barn. I '50 rush. bal. mo. Extra lot for garden Cretgh. 601 Bee. JA 0200 CLOSING ESTATE mutt eell 11.490 Go see 411* N 3*d »t . vacant _FRANK C. BEST « O_ D. JC. BUCK A CO., buy and eell homea Hoiiim—South. 97 NEAR 11TH AND VINTON. Drive out *h'« ever'ng and ook at 14** South l*th St and owner wt'l be »*-v a ad to show jo-i thf' gh *> room *"1ct. !r modern bungalow except hear, a on I one floor, n're east front lot Price • MOO. PAYNE INVESTMENT OO . IIT Dm Nat. Bank n:dg AT MfO Glbaon, KE 1227 Newlon, KE 114* NEW DUTCH COLO N’T AT. Slg rooms three hedrot ms end sun re - fire place, oak in.l enamel, 1^x152 lot ' garage, paved afreet; liana-ona park. near Park West car. AT 4011 KE 1712 •s.i: <• aaa ■pNltltitl 1ft I- 8t4i 11 * Holism Wps>. 9H CT.AfSY Bl'NOaOW Stucco Wih pr»M hr k f undetlon 4 e | Pne roctna on ona f o r, large atile fire’, fln'ahed Hu ’1 "*nn L a hou Excellent Inca on on Dundee car Pne K->: 1 full Information, call owner, Walnut 15* 1 m | HAPPY HOLLOW jfi Omaha's Most Desirable Residence District HI Tfier* i* an impression in Omaha that |j|! only people of means can live in !□ Happy Hollow. That impression is ! p incorrect. jl|j The careful restrictions there do not J HI preclude the erection of modest • R homes. There are now many such ||j| homes in Happy Hollow. I j !!| A new unit is now being developed | . overlooking the Dundee Sunken Gar jfjj Prices and terms are reasonable; one ||:| fifth cash will secure any lot. !j| GEORGE and COMPANY , j i! ^ ^t <• *if l!;mk M ^ ^ J| . |||| REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Houma—West. 9H NEW AND NIFTY BUNGALOW. See It today. 635 North 48th afreet 6 dandy rooms on one floor. Large a tic Beat of const ruction and finish. Pur chaser will have choice of ahadei in terior decoration* and lighting fixtures Price eompleie 86.4'to. For appointment call Grant Henaori. Walnut 1520 or BENSON A CARMICHAEL. 641 Paxton Block. At antic X54fl A Good Name in the Building Game. BRAND NEW' HUNGAI/iW? r*olon!al type, cathedral drrlrt. KeUaatone beauty llanaorun park, S u, 7 5 0 Brick veneer, Standard Place, J7 V. FAR NAM SMITH A CO. I HA. 2297. HA 2615 NKW COLONIAL home b room*. corner built-in tub. breakfast table, pa\etj atreet. cine# to car XJ.000 caah. Kv«v WA, 7060 FOWLKR FtNDS FOLKS who buy homes. List your property ua for remit* JA **26 BURT C. FOWLER Co.. Realtors WILL build to your order on our beauti ful Iota in Fdgewood; very easy term* Phone AT. 1540 3611 JONES ST.—7 room*, all modern, convenient location. Make an offer. JA 46167. __ 2 763 CALIFORNIA ST—0 rm . a i modern duplex and aun porch. HA. 3971. i <>r Sale—Dundee. job DUNDEE HOME. NEAR HAPPY HOLLOW BOULEVARD AND WEBSTER STREET. Eleven-room home located on a corner i"; !'>.r>xi36 feet a bun. dance of shrubbery, etc Five bed room*, J tile baths on ae( ond floor. Finished In white quartered oak and white enamel. Lavatory and toilet firat floor. Full basement, billiard room. laundry room; hot water heating plant etc. Ga rage for two cars. Paving paid. There are many convenient fea .turea in thi* home It will pay you to make an inspection. Price and terma reasonable. GEORGE St COMPANY, Realtor*. Atlantic 20X4. A REAL OOOD HOME THREE YEARS OLD. CLOSE TO CAR Fire nice alae.l room* all en one floor, in an exceptionally good lo cation Beautiful oak floor* throughout Oak flniah In two ;ootn» Tiled floor in oath room. Built-In tuo Full cemented basement. Built-In cabinet. Ice v Paved ■ tree* Less than 8* on jv«. tically your own terma HA. 1044 JA 1014, K R. CAUSE LOOK TODAY NOW VACANT 48 3 2 DODGE FT . DUNDEE. • • .omi and a eeping porch; larr# living room, f.repla* e, aun room: 6 i •dro-une i li 4 n baa a e; ecu • •* fw ire Nonresident owner keen to aell. Terms can be at ranged GLOVFR A SPAIN, JA. 2 850. ! <>r Nalc—Florence. im READ NKTI1A WAY'S rAtTASIAN WHITE St PHEMAOT MAGAZINE E(,u CATHOLICS .1 KWH OH PROTESTANTS COPT NEWSSTANDS i.R DIRE' . s. I. NKTHAW AT. (FLORENCE) ' >MA HA. NEB Wanted --Homes If you have a 5-rnom cottage, modem, not over $5,000.00 jn price, and want to so!!, call evefCJ inprs I.arson J. 0764, Huston Ha. 4762. A. P. Tukey & Son REALTORS “Tukev Sold It” Jn. 4223 620 First Nat’l Bank Bldg. s-i.i K Open Tonight Q For Inspection Until 7 p. FD * nd * ew 6 rs„>m. etr: • M • .4 h me r * en . • Hj ful S’anuard P a e l.xra'e b < e 4V-*h KUi'll I c’oaet . $«*crn feet w *h F re- <•*, |||lj • I'** s e her * de < ' f.-ep arc m| o ri tl» M Wu: (U: f„l aUT.po'ch . Hj ■ a rge d rung rot'll! vet v cm- BBS tdfe bu,!t m V .'-ben w »b break- H fa«t no"k , > vc »■ bedrooms up • a ■ S w h ed bath, pede-tnl lavatory, b u ;':. n t ub br.en •* - fid cemented ba*ement. 7-.nn fc'.eel I-beam *rh 2 l 10 *'* Kxtra we 1 >r * • t u<* * ,»d loti ght at 1 4 0 7 Sd 4 b A r ■ D. F-. Buck & Co , Realtors Mfc 742 Omaha Naf’l. J A 2000. RQ Salesmen: lo\*-en, k! 0104; Ekl Paul Box. VM 6172. BmW K K. M M REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. For Nnlr—Hornier. lot NETHAWAY sell* to whitM only, and 1a chief EDITOR of THE CAUCASIAN. KK. 1401* IA>t» for Sale. 103* DUNDEE BUILDING KITES. GEORGE A CO. REALTORS, fh Floor * ’it y Nat. Hk Bldg AT S0I4 FLORENCE FIELD SELL I No! Salesmen on around* every day. C \ft MARTIN A CO. at. 01*7. Keal F.state for Kxrhange. 101 IF you can’t aell It let mo trade It. S H. Brown* Co.. 64J Securities Bldg FARMS. Gibbon* Steal, iio Peters Trust. \\ antf «l Heal I «i tie Mb'. o" T. HAMER, investment Acreage. IMS Farrsn. AT. IMS SERVICE AND RESULTS! Competent sale* force. JA ?O.o GLOVER A SPAIN. R*altora w7: ~8hll homes. LIST WITH US FOR RESULTS M’CAGI’E INVESTMENT CO. JA. 124 6 CHAS W. YOUNG St. SON, Real Estate Rental*. Insurance 1402 City Natl. Rank AT. 2461 CAMPBELL will save you money on con ■tructing your nome. He*t material* and workmanship 637 Keellne. AT. *042 NEW HOMES*—TOUR TERMB GROVE-HIBBARD CO.. 211 Banker* Reserve Bldg. AT. 1112 WE BELL HOMES LjST WITH US. HAMILTON A CO.. 213-4 Neville Block. J A. 0617 LJST your property with u* or. If you are In the market for acreage, all Louis Cohn for quick sale* MA 0143. M A. I02S. SEE us first. Need Hating*, any location to s room* Shopen a Co„ Real fora JA_ 4 22U 236 Keelino Bldg HANK buyer* for good home* Do yo.t want to aell youra' List it with C. A. Grlmmcl, Realtor. JA. 1616 "WE BUILD TO PLEAS*.' ~ TEM PLE M’FAYDEN. 1548 Farnarn H* A AT. M60 LIST your property with Chrla Boyar, notary public, 23d and Cuming Sta. C. D HUTCHINSON CO.. Raal Estate, Ina. H2S Farnam. Ja. 0411. O. A. SAND ELL, Real Katata AT. fliJ SLATER A CO. Realtors. Keellne BldT WESTERN Rea 1 Eatafe Co JA. 340L WORLD REALTY CO. Realtors. AT. iTH! Huettelmaler P.-al Estate. AT. 1266. ■— 11 _ 111 . J1 TTm‘m ■ CIT1 OFFICIAL NOTICES. ORDINANCE N< > 12174 An Ordln«r. * authorizing ttie Issue of general bunds of tne • y of Omaha In | t;.e amount ■ ? Three Thousand Dollars *13 0u-i 00* to be dr-algnated ‘Grad ng Bond* for Grading Improvement No ; l-J, being Valley Street, 3oth Street an«l 26th K:r.?«*t BEITURDAINED BY THE CITY COUN CIL OK THE CITY OF OMAHA >e<‘lon ! That an i.f general ] londa of the Citv of Omaha In the prin- j « pal sum of Three Thousand Dollars i$..O0U "Ui ia hereby authorised and mail be denominated ‘ Grad ng Bonds" The, pror e^da o • use: o par the coat* of g^adirg Vahe. Stree 30th Street and, .'ifh Street, comprising Grading Improve-! mar ■ No 123. TheaO bonds shall be in denomination# rf E. • e Hundred Dollars' I Shn be due and pavabie in; year# f <m da’?, with interest at the j ra’e of five «ir per ©ent per annum, paj able semi-annually with coupons annexed. The.* bond# are !#«'j#d under the pro-, vision# of. a: id subject to the limits':ona i m ArMi • 1\ and espec’a Portion 24 her- ' f Chap’e 1J * Genera haw* of' Nebraska approved April 20. 1>21. >< n 7 E-K' bond shall be exacu’ed s f . t • jeon’a in the fo. lowing reel tala “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. STA ‘ K F HHP.A^K A, CITY OF OMAHA. } - No. . K A ALL MEN BY THESE PRES ' ENTS -,t the v nf Omaha In ’he County j nf giaa and State of Nebraska t* ; nd* ted t *>. and promises ’o pay the | • • — -- -—■ (| -- i ■ Italian n lawful mcne» of ’he United I State# of a < n 'he first day of m v v. 1626 v» *. 'r.t.rer; at he rate of five r.e- e*nt payable aeTYlt-annually on the f rat • ' Mav ard November, reej.e . *• • of h . *-*r «r d upon the • senta* >n a • 1 # -render of th# proper ; coupon* annexed to th # bond. Both the p. it:* pal aum of this bond and ’he itereat '•> accrue thereon a-e j_*'ab# a' the Office of the Countv Treasurer of DougD* County. City of • • m a h v S*a e of Nebraska T a bond * ‘he ar>» lu’e ard uncord* j t! n r a obligati on of the > * >. * v of Omaha #nd ’he sad City of Orrxha 1# hereby h* * ard f — mtr b«und ard Its fa*’h a^d »ed|t and taxi* g and revenue powe'* and #11 th* res' and personal proper’y • ? sa'd City art pledged for the prompt payment of th* pnn‘Pal sum this herd and the ln»e*c«' thereon the same mature* Thi* bond 1# or* of a if’ -• of bond* jo* six in number Ivanna a* Five Hundred D a-a 1 **.-h «* ed by the > \ j for the purpose of obtaining money wh I which t * pa> the ro#ts of grading Vf.’ ey Street from 3tth Street to dtd Avenue, j 3 "h Stree* from. II in acorn Boulevard *o Hr >■ *'- S• -^• #1 61h S'ree? from Deer, ■ l ark Boulevard to Ya ey Stree'. being • trading Improvement No 122. and !* a . j j- jr s * he authi ’ v ' ■ r,d I’under the 1 nutations of Ar’b le IV. Chaj iter IE ejenc'#! Laws of Nebraaka. 1f21. land the o-dinar ?. < f the • sty and the proceedings of :‘s ''out*- i AT ape<ial ] #«*»•« a- f • 'a and lev ■ * • S la Oil #•-- t I ( f ’ll- said Improvement are ;• edged a# •v S ’.king y nd for the payment of th » bond I: !# now further c» ' f ed *#. #d and de ] a red that ail a. t a, conditions and I ih’gi re ed by a vr to t-e done to **t st precedent ’> a: d In order la *fu i t i author .e the «suan e of this bond • * i.erfo*' e«1 and do estst ’n re* i a- and .'we * a a r«,.i by t (: a s'ltut-on : in-1 La" S ■ - f ’ • ** Sate of Neb ask# in « !re#a wke’»i f the t’ tv of Om»h» J!n the mtuner provided by law bai . ■ ' es.iel ’V ’ e Ma* # d Cl • v Cl era *he-* f and *o be noun *er si cued >the Cetnpt; of the c • v Hi! have the corporate seal of the C tc Impressed thereon thia * ■——■— d«v of — A. P » i . ntera gned Mav.-r of *> • ' tv of i maha. Nebraska. (’ tv t'otnpiroTer ** So, tion 3 hat ‘ v f» Omaha rove nan a t ha* t • he'd and flnr.v bound, and ’hat Its faith and credit, ard a and reven o powers and all of !•# re#’ and prs-’iii, p-operty a-e pledged] for the prompt ra'u rn* of the I . cxf f-sf h bond o# th1# #•' ?« and xhe i intereat ’here.-n at maturltv and that ft11 | o. os of spec s’ 'sfto* and a«seas ■ iwhen and as n a !• on a mint of the ##*■' lu.t-rov en ent w* and shall e pi#-.*god a« a s ’ king Fund to p*v • j bund and senes i*f w » h t la pfttt w h inter##; a; matnr'.’v s»'*ion 4 hat tha form and sub stance , f the • out >’.* o be annev d to j t b, s #e*'ics vif b*.n> * aha 11 he such s# to j ot ’’gate the t'itv to t av t # ; ed m »n the bund# to which . nneaed at ; the rn»e and in t!.e manner provided n th a < rd-nan e ,, ( - . That ill * ©rd*na nt e ah a 11 fa e effect and he !n f*.r e afet f fteen 1 da v * from and afic* Ta passu*# Passed Ml) ?** !6?< .) ft M Ks x' D AH I M ft v Max. and President -f »Ttv r !h 4 ttes’ J A M ViS P HftH'TOR _ s|-'A ___‘ \ Ta th* oane*# o# Die aexeral p>« *a of r*a’. • s ate hereinafter dea - bed You and es h of toil a’« he ehr not'*,ed that *»n the *ot» ,1it of Nlav 1624 he ■ *• • , i ’. re’ of the i • r of » 'aha adopted. Resolution No tTI which ia in the w de ai d r * • -s * w mg RE IT RF*"TAFD RT THE CITY CO UN 4 * T T. OF TMK CITY or O V ft H ft That It S h*' ebv dec’s el neceassrv and exped »nt ’hat ■ tawalka tx# no «• • • e’ed and laid ■ o the ax 1st In* | • ( .,n1 mow ■ h# r’a •• * de >x a Iks Upon 'he •'!» o? the - *' « a v en n*a or K'm’: av ards ’n *be < sf maha e* •nrh #•• v • ’ w c' »# s here'n do*t*na’ed sod ad > * he fol’ow’ng des, • Set pre-v se* t ,« >v • '»*' abt* S <r'** ** o? ar i * f • a a* one Gaia 'ft f i feat " 1 to lot* 1 * 6 4 6 « 2 4 • 1* 1! 12 a - d If the \\ . «■ Mf I’f !-'■* * and 1 ‘ n o.-k r 111! #’ -X 1 • O ft.* ’ n that part of the Ei»«t 1 ‘ •1 feel of the ‘Cuith lnft feet East of now Thirtx eighth Street. Rlo k (> Rm’.naton Comet ft 11 t’nn that part of i h# '»#! 146'% 're’ of I the Nor’h I 4 feet Ka#' of new Thirtx ■ eighth Street B'o.k £ Burlington Center! ftddltion T of a V f. Id. 11 and 1“ Bio, k #29 1 *>t a « • td and It. th# Aotlth 41 fe#t ar,t the North • feet of 1 ot 1? the South 1* fe#t and the North 1* feet of] lot 11: Lot 14 Block 314. l ota « * to. It. tf 13 and 14 Block to’is 4 # i 10 tl 12 IS and 14 Block 14* C!tv of South Omaha On tl-,# W rit ■ de of Thirtx elghlh : Art##t >>f an f , iat atone i'N»» * ft four! fert wide 1 nf# 1 5 3 4 « a 1 " B'.x k T41 T .«’• t * 1 4 ft sod ■ B . s 4 1 I, 0 s 1, • and 4 th*» N 4 , fr. a ml th* -*nuth •,frrf • ' Do ih# \ ■ » Die North '4 foe* and th* Smtih 4 #e* i of 1 Block 1 • • • 4 and !ft Block ’ « r" i * v -f South (Vni)it Dxstl t'S of ll|S East !R . 'eel o' •?•«. \ • *, ’ S 4 fee* nf « T h * * ' , • \ * h v • • * B k • B. i' 11 n * * m > *’■ #r ft i x hs px»t of ihe Ki> * 11' f»*t of ih* #o»j t h j tee feet ftx #%• *f new Tb »!v *‘tMh < ■ Block 4. Bit ling ton Cen'er Add t on CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. xTt* It. 17 *rd 30, Block 1. Burlington Jenter Addition. or. t ho North side of O-chard Avenue >t artificial atone, Claaa A four f**t 'Vote S and 4 Orchard Place Addition Un the Mouth side of Orchard Avenue >f artificial atone, Claaa A * four feet aide; I .it 10, Orrha* d P are Addition Un he Kart arte ..f Fo • • firat Avenue f artificial atone, Claaa A. four f**t aide Lot 11. Orchard P ace Add 'ion: Lota Id and 17. Block 2. Firat Addition to orchard Place Addition On ha West s,.|© nf Forty-firat A • nue of hct fii al atone, Claaa ‘ A. four feet wide Lot* *0 and 71. Or* ard Piare Addltlod; r.o'B 1. 2. .3 and C Block 7 Frit Add - :<n to Orchard pis-© Addition On ih» • ite of P .-'reel % r ■ f • f a 1 an e < * • \ for f © # * w d • Lot 11. Bin# k Firat Addition to Or hard Place Addition f’n he South > de cf * P" S‘ree’ *? ir f f I r * I h ; stone. Cr.«« A f” ir feet eld* ;.#•• - f; 4 v Add "■in ta nr - "hard Pla«e Addition ' »n -h* \Vw«- • e c,f For f s’ SUM* >f ariif.t si a on» C ass ’ A four feet nide Lo « 1, J, 1 4 * f T. v 9 If and 11 Block fl. l.ipton Place Addition On he F.aa’ s de * For1 r«* )f artificial atone "A four feet * Lota 3*. 3 9 20. 21. 27 2*. 2 4 2S. 2*, 27 ri, 2'j end 30, Block 5, Upton Place Addtion, Un ’he North side r,f S’ v ©e» of artificial atone. Claaa 1 " four fee- w d« Except street, Lot 11. Block ». F *•** Addition to Fowler Place Add tlotl l^ft 17. the Fast 30 feet of Lot is. Lot 19. Block ?. Logan Place Addition On the Mouth s de of > " Street art if. al atone. Class "A." f> .r fee- w ,de Lota • 2. 3, 4, 6. 6. 7. *. 9 16 • *4 ‘ 11. Block 31. I-ota 1 and 2. Block 22, Firat Addition to Corrigan Pla< e Addition. • »n the North side of X ' S’rea- »t ar sf a! a*one fixes "A four feet Wd© l.o s 11 and 1.. Bloc» 2* F rat Add‘ tlon to forrlgan Place Add:4U>r On ; he Kaat « de of Thirt y-aewen* h lltreet of artificial ron* C as* A four feet wide. Lota 31 and 14 Block * I.o'a 1] and ■ < I # Fowler Place Addltiea; 11, Block 1. Login Place Addition; lAt 1!. Block 1; Lo’a 11 and 12. Bine* iS; l.o* 3 1. Bl"ck 3 1 forrlgan P3a e Add‘. ' -n; Lot 33. Bio' k 2 . Lota 31 and IT, Bio#k 21. I#o’B 13 and 3 2. B.ock 3n. F rat Addition to Corrigan Place Addition. On he Weet tide of Thirty-seventh Street of artificial atone. Claes *A," foua feat wlda r#o*a 1 ard II. Block 4: Lota 3 t and 30 azrept Street; i#ot 11, Block I, Firat Addition Fowler Pace Addition Lot I. Block 2. Logan Plate Add!’ on; Ix>t Bloi-k . J/o*s l and 12. B.ock 9; 7x»t 7. Block 3 2. Corrigan Place Addition Lor 3. BIock 39; Lots 1 eDd 3 2. BIock 2". i.ota 1 and 12. Bio-k 3 9 F; at Add'-' i to Corrigan Place Add "on Such al ’ewalkx to be ona'rue'ed ande lhe aupervi* on of the v Engines’ a d -1 accordance with the p «# r • and ipecif i utloni end requ rementa aa prepa'ad bv t e f -v Engineer and adopted end ap proved y the Mayor and 1 — Co nri. f said > lt> provided that the owne#- * - owner* of :h* premia## herein Auerihad shail have -went© dayt f-nm end af'er the laat publication of nolle© hereof ;i which to lay or co net rue: said side walk# t a# ft# *h# arg c- const; • ou o* sm 1 •Idewa'.V s as ; rov: led rerein ar-'. ; > ! d *■ d. * \ t j »r. -hat ’ h - as J owner o" a * hereby no* f »d ard wx-n©d that f t *y fa neg-e or ref .«a to la-* or uonsini* t xxid ‘ dewi.ic or to en;er upon the laying or constructing of a*.i * lavra s as herein orde • 1 w*;h n twenty day* after ’he art publication of « not.-e -flat then snd e’©af’*r *he »* v of Omaha al l advert s# f< • con -ic-o--’ t. Is on s wa.ka r^inal i ng ’. onatru ■-•1 a: ' upon * - - aw«rd f con”? a ord - r gir and *he completion of *h# work, •ha a* ‘d coat w be * nereaf e’ lei ted ard xaaeeeed r-v The Mayr ’ ard f*!-r <Z • - >1 as a special tax aga ”.st their aa 1 pran sea Omaha, Nebraska Mar j* 1924 JAMBS P MOCTOR. City Cle-3c y»* 17-11 2». ORDINANCE NO. 3 3171 An Ordinance a horlx'ng tr* •• • r# x*neral bond of "he Ci v cf ^rraha tn *n* amount • ' Fd»* i Lind red Po’ s 4 <$• raoftt •<> oe deelgr. a’ed "Orid'rr Bond for grading Imi ement N* 116. being Va ey s rea BE IT OR I'A IN ED RY THY CITY COVN CIL# OF THE CITT OF OMAHA Sec* !. iat gane’a t rd cf ,v» >* ty o' ■ she. u the prim pa. * ;-n of * ed Deliars (| a hi by s ’horized to be issued and "ha! te denominated Grading Bonds. The pro ceeds ia i>« jeed ’•» pey he o«‘» of g sd mg \ aile street f- m Th;r":--second Ave nue to Thirt y - fo ur; h Street, being tiad .ng Imp- • v •’in**' • No ’if Th • *1 aha 3 be In the denom'na- ’n of F-■ e Hun dred 1 »o 1 * '* Svv e;* - Shi# . be due * 1 pave be n f a v#a-a 'rem da‘a. w n in.ereat • *he -a-# of f r*'’ rent r*7" payable «.-»•-»» * -• '■upons annexed Tb • br»nd « i#« *d urde’ * » ; rp and e»io’er* h« - ra' -a *n A’ *• IV end ■ ally S##Mon *4 th*r»c.#. *h ap’ar 3;*. c.ere-e Law# of Neb’iika, irrr c * 3 Apr.i 2«. 1923 Sc -’inn ‘"h.s he-4 «he * ever -*d n subs-an- s' % rh* fo!'#iw»rg f-’m ar.-2 fcr'n'n the fo ow -* ra* ;a • NIT ED ST AT FS • F 4MFRT^A. STATE OF NEBRASKA CITY OF OMAHA t- No KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRES ENTS That he City of Omaha In the County of Douglas end State of Nebraska is ri del'ed to and prom tee to pay the beater;-(|- — -» l'. a-» 'n liwf'il m^nr of e L*» ’*•! ' s ee f An.erica, on the f at da cf May. 19.9 w.ih Intetea: a? the ra*e of f v# per '*n: payable aetn.-annually oq th# fuat dav* of May snd November, r#• ape.ttvr.y. of each year and upon ’be preeentat :ct) end surrender of th# proper -v .;one annexed to this oor.d Both the diI c * the bo- J - accrue t hereon #c# I a able at n© uffi ► of t t»e Co .nty Treaa ut©r of ifoux a* County, City of Omaha, > 1# Of N el a s a i l tlIS a a • ■ Lvnil wbhgt: oft if the City cf unisha, * the s# 1 I'lts of Omaha # hereby he I a;:J f:rin‘o bound and tta fa.:.ta s’- i ill and * r.g a’ •! -ever-, © r’*e. • . pledged C ” ' ' * ' . .1 * -4 C f t hlg 7 C | and ■ • 11ereel then ..■ , matures Th * b - - •;-© ' a •©' •# of op* n ’-■ be- b» »: for F »• Hund ed Do » • I *-ued b> he ->• fnr the pur pose of obtaining monex w th wh-.-h P# the o' grad nr Vi *y S'real *’ ni Thi? .-e or. 1 Avenue o Thirt' * • * t h M; re# he • g (Lad.-g Improx etre*'t No. 2 1#. spit ‘ssued put* .act *0 th# xaj• th»- o' a t • ;e th* rr* ona f Arr a IV I' .apter ’’.a. Cep*-al Laws of N©br*«i\x iaz\ *nl ’he p-d rar e* of the snd the ; > eedings of -.’a ce> nr Ail * a##*■#*rnents ard 1#'i»* ma<7e on » 'mint of 'he eald m| - yvement# * • 1 * ;ge 1 a* a &• » 4 E ^ t for th# j-* - in• tit of this bond It :• now further cer- f*d -eoited a- i d ■ ed tst s » a #. » a t th t gs required by ' s v* to b# d.-ne > o precedent to and in order lawful' to authorise the issued e of th a bon- . * performed and do ex at in regular a .4 uue f»rm, s« required by tne I'oQatiiutiou an 1 Laws of the State of Nebraska In v. trees whereof, the Citv of omahi in the inanner prov a#4 b aw h»* * aused th a Pond to he atgned hr . ijr Mayor and Citv Cleric thereof and ;o # 1 > urtters.gned by the Comptro, er of tbw ' x .1 • v> h4«e he • a ■. e sea i f ‘h# c»*. y tm t ocssed the’so a th t ——■ lay of - -- ]» Cohn’e-s gned Me’or of C.-n - f Omaha. \#b " ~ ~ ' " y 1 nap’ r - er '* ** a * That !h* C-x of Omaha ->i» t • bet »ii 4 • r ti © ' * • -a- • '• ' a- » © « »t * *' s set 1 * powe-e snd all c4 s ’*« and ps'sons p* p#-- • • p •#•(«■ ' • • h* i'tonipt pavP'.sr- of f n*r» * f 1 • t a-d iba -•-©« • n0r»*n ' |i'i tjlil 1 • xe* s t a *«••#«•#'' « v*b*n * - « 11 -wb-Ia s int of -he * 1 • '-•p4'is-«ent te*! * » « • P • 1 g *d * • a S — k • p g r • H p*i th * bopd with iwts’ws at m 1. ‘W 4 Tba a *' m s-4 sobi »nr% ' H • • . o- t - > b« ar «i»' < • h^#. 4 a • % h • • o'- 11 • *• , -I' ’be * ,: * d !>•#»—•' ... t # w h h lattsipi %• b«" ’ n - * ' ; -'M t 1 n • ord’nance. Sect’on k That *h ■ shat ;<r. • >n i i>, »t ,r fir.— n ‘ f’ r»t and after * , xmc* raeaed Ma> fft 3*24 IAMD DAI VAN Mai - * • A ’ r *' . t MK'S T V. tSKAL) City Clerk \U1I'\ l\ \M 1> or M K l V TH\ 0>| \H \ IUK W ANT