The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, May 18, 1924, PART THREE, Page 8-C, Image 32

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    Well-Known Specialist Opens Large
Downtown Beauty Shop—Facials
Featured, Following Success of
_Residence Shop_
MART BALLARD, well-known Omaha, specialist In the art of making
all women beautiful hss opened a large new shop on the second
floor of the Aquila Court, Xo. 278, Sixteenth and Howard. Atlantic
9251. In the new shop, exquisitely decorated In soft grays and blues, the
same splendid facials will he featured which made Mary Ballard so well
known in her residence shop conducted through several years. An artist
—our Mary—whose results are most successful, for the years drop from
one's face as if by magic. A delightful accessory of the new shop is n
"sunlight" hair dryer. Unique! Many friends of Miss Bessie Singleton
will be glad to find her in the new shop. In case you do not'know her—
she's a specialist In marceling.
* • * * * *
When the Train Carrie* Madam Bride
’Twill Be Made a Bit More Deco
rathe if Her Piquant Face Is
Framed in a “Riche’’ Chapeau.
Florence paxton-smith of
the hat shop at Goldsteln-Chap
man's is offering remarkably
smart "Riche’’ model* for Madam
Bride's little "going away’’ chapeau.
Excellent In styling they're the chic
little close-fitting affairs the American
woman finds so appealing—a little
blue of heavy corded silk has a soft
ened folding round the brim, a butter
fly bow on brim front held in place
by a Jeweled pin.
Told Air Storage Vault* th* Onlj
Safe Storage. System for FuVs.
DRESHER BROS., Twenty-second
and Farnaro, la an entirely
modern pstatilishment and their
perfectly equipped cold air storage
vaults for summer fur storage are well
worth the visiting—indeed, experts in
this scientifically equipped and regu
lated establishment are delighted to
take you through their storage vaults.
"See where your furs are going—for
although many claim to have the
artificially cooled storage vaults,
there are many misrepresentations."
This to quote Mr. Dresher in sug
gesting that madam see where her
furs are going to be stored.
Separate Skirts and Blouses for
Smart Sports Wear
CA BOSCHIN, Hotel Fontenelle,
lovely line of separate skirts
wear. Imported wool crepes,
lions are shown in all the season’s
of a semi tailored chic to strike the
m * *
Eighteenth and Douglas, has a truly
and blouses for smart summer sports
flannels and silk and wool com bin a*
loveliest colors, with slipover blouses
becoming style note.
Wedding Veils to Order In Millinery
Department of Big Omaha Store.
THERE'S a certain touch of char
acter which Is imparted to each
one of the wedding veils made
up in the millinery department at
Hayden Brothers. Whether the veil
is made with a stately grace for
wear with the stiffly regal frock or
with a drooping orange blossom
bunch at one side with the gleam of
pearls shining through lacy loveli
ness the arrangetment Is sure to be
alluring. If ordering from out of
(own send sketch of the wedding
If You’re From Out of Town, Send
Complete Measurement* When Or
dering Your Fashion Foundation—
the Corset Creation of 1924.
THE Barcley corset models for mi
lady's corset foundation, 1924,
are Indeed lowely—a revelation
In the line moulding possibilities of *
scientifically built corset. If you're
an out-of-town customer, be sure to
send complete measurements when or
dering. A measurement blank will be
sent upon request to Hattie Putnam's
Barcley Corset Shop, 16th floor, City
National Bank building, Sixteenth
and Harney.
Dresses for Little Ladies Delight With
Dainty Hand Stitched Designs—
Excellent Fabrics—Fine Fashioning
THE CHILDREN'S SHOP, Aquila Court. Sixteenth and Howard, pre
sent exquisite frocks foi* ' little ladies if their ages range between
" and 8 their frocks may be bought for as litile as 11.25, Dainty
dotted snissea with bits of smocking, tin.v hand done rosebuds, frills of
net and lace, are $1.75, while if Miss Fashion's age is from 8 to 14 her
frocks in the same materials will cost $6.70. Voles for the tiny tot are
$2.75—these in frocks of flower like loveliness. Of undeniable swagger
are the candy-striped broadcloth dresses at $7.10. while for school wear
there are ginghams of sturdy wearability. The Children's Shop—for boys
and girls of Omaha. A shop where clothes money will buy much.
• • • *
Imported Shirtings Make Possible a
Parisian Smartness for Milady
Who Is Wearing the New Mannish
Cut Shirt.
FOU the tailored person nothing
could be smarter than a shirt
made from the new French
shirtings just arrived at tlie* Burgess
Shirt Company. 217 Karbuch Block,
lath and Douglas. [ have just In
spectod a line line of tiny stripes
with an exquisite all over brocaded ef
feet—-very moderate in pricing, the/
cost no more than the materials made
in America.
Essentially a Tailored Season, the
Demand for Tailored 'smartness In
creases as Summer Draws Near.
IKNEETER, tailor, second floor,
. 1916 F'arnam. Atlantic 6065, re
ports a grow ing demand for
tailored garments as summer draws
near, an increase over the very busy
“tailored'' spring. Kneeter's tailoring
leaves little to he desired—It fits, and
holds tho lines and the prices asked
for materials and tailoring of suits,
coats and separate skirts and wraps
are reasonably low.
The Stylefully New in Coats Featured
for One-Third Off Sale Price an Op
portunity for the Bride of Tomorrow
THOMPSON Belden's ha\e had really coat models throughout
the spring season, the exotically colored little coats of dainty wr^ivc,
soft, exquisite, with a furry touch of royal peltries. Such stylefully
new notes as the sleeves slashed to the elbow, the high collar with Its
pencil roll'of fur, the new Tuxedo roll down the entire front of th" coat,
t'oats pin tucked and plain, values ranging from $69.50 to $96.50.
they're offered for late spring selling at one-third off the original price
New Sports Models for Club Daytime
Wear—the Lovely Transparencies
for Evening’s Gay Functions
THK HAMILTON SHOP, second floor Aqulla i'otirt. Sixteenth and
Howard offer delightful conceits in hats for the daytime club affair
while for evening they're offering the so-becoming transparencies in
both black and brown. Lovely!
Reduction in Prices of Italian
Crash Linen
THL Saidy Importing company, Aqulla court, announces a reduced price
on the exquisite Italian crash linen which they're showing in lunch
eon acts, banquet cloths, runners, vanity and bridge sets. Interesting,
Madam Bride! The lovely little gift towels so appropriate for gifting pur
poses by the brides friends have been reduced in price too, and sre offered
in a price range from $1.36 to $1.95.
When Aour Son anil Daughter Gradu
ate ’Tis Tittle to Give the Gift of
Gifts—a Watch—Chain—Pin—King:
Tlip; John Henrickson Jewel Shop,
Sixteenth anil Capitol, Sixteenth
anil p’arnam, have a very fine
showing of glfta for graduation time.
P'or the daughter of the family, a
wrist watch, a bar pin or ring. For
the manly son, a watch, chain, set of
cuff links or a sterling helt buckle.
Henriekson quality will delight, Hen
lickson prices surprise.
• * *
• • •
Rrauly Shop Adds New Marcel
Artists to Staff.
TUB Be Bi.lna Beauty Shop, 107
.Soulli Eighteenth street, AT.
0991, Jins added new mnirellers
to ltd large staff of operators, nn as
surancs of the coveted appointment,
madam et niadamolselle. The shop of
that delightful Prudle whose fame
as maroeller and hair dyer Is not Ishh
than her skill in operating the per
manent waving machine.
• • •
Embroidery and Hemstitching Shop
Opens in Apulia Court.
MftS. BREMER has opened the
embroidery and hemstitching
stiop on the second floor of
Apulia Court, Sixteenth and Howard,
where ons mav find unusual stamped
Meets for embroidery at prices un
nriua'ly low find where one may have
her hemstitching done at Sc a yard
for cotton and 10c a yird for silk.
(jay Embroideries Make Mvely Mi
lady’s I.ittle Frilled Frock.
ONE of the prettiest little frocks
done at the Ideal Button and
PleHtlng Company's Shop on the
third floor of the Brpwn Block. 10th
and Douglas, this year Is a little blue
affair with a throat to hem frill down
Ihe front with a quaintly wrought
embroidered design at one side of the
frill. Smertl
liott (® [/topping vifli folly
/ have not loved the troubling beauty of the sea, A hill stand motionless, eternally.
Though it assails my heart, perpetually.
Rather I love the tranquil hills. Serene and still
Is the enduring beauty of a hill.
There, changeless calm and quietude majestic sit,
Though cloud and wind and rain sweep over it.
The artful moon delights to sway the passionate sea;
* N
Swept by lamenting winds, the wild sea cries aloud;
A hill is silent always as a cloud.
.4 storm torn human soul is like the troubled sea;
The hills are as I would my soul might be.
Why should my heart, that seeks the quiet of a hill,
Send through my blood the wild sea rhythm still?
SEA RHYTHM—Mary Brent Whiteside.
Th« contrast of appeal between tiic mountains and th** **»a of which we are so sensible is rather vividly drawn in the stanzas from The Lyric West
i Los Angeles).
Now Comes Planning of the Bride’s Wardrobe
NOT difficult, no indeed, to decide upon the exquisitrles for the bride's wardrobe if she is near the Omaha shops, Ton they’re full of stylo excellence
from many a foreign fashion center. There's much of “dash” possible this season for every little sports frock lias Its quaintly lovely little scarf
attached with inspirational touehes such as pleated ribbons, roughed to give a fur effect which milady had found almost indispensable on her frocks
the wide yokings of embroidered batistes set between imported laces, the summer furs dyed for becoiningness to match the season's exotic shades,
the Spanish shawls embroidered and painted which may be bought in costume sets with frocks or separately. TIs a shame we re not all shopping
the trousseau. Is it not? '
Omaha Artist Opens “Studio” in Omaha’s Show
Building—Aquila Court—A Place of
Gracious Hospitality, Artistic Achievement, Where One
May Be Pictured in Home Surroundings_
GATCHELE, Omaha art photographer, has opened his studio in Aquila Court and 'tie a signal for ail those who appreciate art in its best ex
pression—pictures—to visit this center of artistic achievement. Excellently lighted Is the vast studio with its high ceilings as it is practically
by itself among the studios at Aquila having north, south and west windows. As one enters the graciously small reception ^alcove of the
studio the decided harmony of room &tnl furnishings'is suggested—and truly there's something of the harmony to be seen in the eyes of those who
are pictured tn the new Gatchell Studio. Whether one chooses to be pictured before the grand piano, at the massive brick fireplace which haa its
old apinnlng wheel and bellov s before it, near the exquisitely finished staircase or under the lamp of modern beauty, it is with an entire feeling of be
ing at ease, at home, for the Gatchell Studio is really "home" you know—an embodiment of all that a studio means a combining of the buslneas of
art and living. Gatchell products are as lovely as they can be, yet they're not expensive, many exquisite pictures being finished up as low as l« a
dozen. An invitation is extended to everyone Interested to visit this new studio.
“Wedgwood” the Silver Achievement of the Day—
A Masterly Production Worthy of a Great Artist an
Embodiment of the Graceful Wedgwood Shape and
_Exquisite Decorative Detail of the Period_
A EBERT KDHOLM, Omaha's upstairs Jeweler, second floor City National Dank building. 16th and Harney, introduces to lovers of the artistically un
usual. the strikingly individual, the masterly .silver design “Wedgwood.” Most concepts of beauty have been done and redone in silverware. The Greek
concept of severity, the Renaissance concept of ornateness, the Colonial concept of simplicity. One ideal, however, has remained untranslated
into modern table silver, this is the ideal which Inspired the potteries of Wedgewood. the miniatures <»f Watteau, the furniture of the Brothers Adam,
the ideal which was responsible for the Taj Mahal palace symbolizing “the lovely spirit of India’s lovely queen In the “Wedgwood which Mr.
Kdholm ia delightedly sponsoring in this the pre-eminent gift season of the year the consummate beaut> note is a profile of simple grace, a surface of
intricate, delicate pattern work—true lace-like effect of fragility which has ever l>een the goal of the craftsman 'a the jewel art. One exclaims at the
differing beauty of the service pieces, the grace of outline, the delicacy of flower, urn. drop and l ding filigree t*» he noted on handle- and even on the
howls of the flat pieces. Rarely lovely the banding on hollow piece*, coffee and tea service pieces In a grouping of incomparable beauty, the gift
magnificent; flower holders of exquisite loveliness, water pitchers truly impressive; candle sticks and bowls to fittingly decorate the finest console
table. Gift pieces large or sn ail, the Wedgwood showing furnishes gift* utterly unusual whollj desirable. Silver which l**fit expresses the
exquisiteness of an exquisite woman Wedgwood--the sterling silver design of the period shown exclusively at Kdholm s l petalr» Jewel shop. A
beautifully illustrated folder with price lists will he sent upon request.
For Hie Mandarin frock are offered
-1>ir;11 crepes delightfully heavy and
rich in colors of i'hlneap inspiration,
yellow, blue, green and blue. Forty
Inches wide they’re priced $2.95.
Hosiery for the Bride Ranges From
the Very Plain to the Hand Embroid
ered and Lace Designed With a
Dash of Color in Garter Sets
THE bride never could have too many hose—so why not give her *
Jolly little shower of hosiery selected from the bridal specials of
fered st the Knrges Hosiery Shop, Sixteenth end Karnnm? The ex
cellent quality white hose, specially priced for "grads’* and brides, are $2.45
For the one who wishes a hose a bit more elaborate to cover the bridal
ankle there's a duinty lace instep pod lore (locked model, if one would give
her the gay colored hose here nre exquisite shades at $1.95.
Peasant sleeves, long and full, arc
caught Into narrow hand cuff* of red
on a red and white printed crepe
dress, the neck finished In a scarf
tie collar of the same width.
Omaha Art Photographer Shows Exceptional
Originality in Arranging the Wedding Party for
Pictures of True Beauty -
M AT8UO. Omaha's art photographer. Twenty fourth and Fnrnam street*, show* exceptional ability In arranging ttie wedding |Mtrty to achieve
remarkable originality of effect. Much, much may he done In the way of unusual lighting effects when the world's at the spring and there *
the Infectious joyousness of a wedding ceremony to give "atmosphere" to the picture which will ho treasured above all others. Then, too, there *
the touch of delicate sentiment which Mr*. Matsuo la sure to suggest sooner or Inter during the proceeding of photography, that InUnltnhle bit of grace
which a woman always adds to the posing In a studio. Interesting Indeed are the moving pictures which Matsuo takes In his *tudIO—Imperishable
records of the pretty little facial expressions we so love In our children—the delightful "quirk" at the corner of a small hoy's mouth, the gay twlnkl#
In a wes girlie's eves Matsuo's finished picture* are a delight. Many of the artists who pass through Omaha each season wait until they reach Omaha
for a set of Matsuo's professional" prints those pictures strikingly large In sixe—very low In price which are of unmistakable Matsuo excellence
8e# them I
Well-Known Omaha Moulding and Art
Firm Opens Shop in Aquila C ourt,
Almost Exact Duplication of Business
Location of Many Years Duration
THE OWL MOULDING AND ART COMPANr who havs for mar,;'
•ear* had a business location on Howard between Sixteenth ard J
Seventeenth have opened an exnutaltely appointed ehop In Aoulla
Court wide and deep are the wlndowe which open on the beauty of
the court. Thl* shop offer* picture* and mirrors of exceeding beauty to
the art lover. Frames, too, of excellent merit are presented at “low
margin of profit" prices. Visit the Owl Moulding and Art Company it*
their new old location.
• • • • • •
Orange Drapes at High Oral Hhsped
Windows in Aqiiila Court GIts
Glimpses of Delightful Shop Within.
VIVID orange are the heavy hang
Ing drapes In the Gift Shop at
Aqulla Court. where Mrs.
Clarke presents lovely suggestions in
a “giftful" way. Greeting cards for
every day in the year, mottoes,
framed and unframed; pictures appro
priate for any gift occasion, art pot
teries and books for children as well
as grownups. Christian Science cards
and books in an extensive showing
delight the seekers of gifts.
• • •
Navy blue georgette embroidered
in white silk dots Is a trig little frock
mounted over a red silk foundation,
the red emphasized in frills at the aide
and In buckle at the low waist line,
rrint *hop rills Many a I>ang-PeH
Need for Both Tersonsl and Bj«U
ness I s*.
THE busy print shop at Braadel*
on the main floor, west, near the?
bank, la filling many a iong-falt
need for both business and personal
uee. This week they're offering %
special, giving free a little leatherette
card case with every 100 of $1.80 per
sonal cards. Many women ha*.^
adopted the very smart custom oO
having their name and address on
each aheet of private correspondence
paper while business housee find the
service and quality of printing ren
dered In this shop exceptional. Brides
to be sure, now that June Is just
round the corner, are having printed
Invitations, cards and announcement
of the happy event. May I take In
your order?
Madam et Madamoiselle—“Be Attrac
tive” Message From Specialist
BE ATTRACTIVE! AH women know that a fair akin and good com.
plexlon win admiration. Tou. too. can prevent dryness and retard
premature wrinkles by having an "Erasetor Facial." A "Muscl*
Strapping Facial” for the flabby skin Is truly an awakening Skina differ!
w idely, therefore each skin demands a different treatment. Consultation *
on your skin needs are given free at the Marinello Licensed Shop. 56*5
Brandels theater bldg., and the Gray Beauty Shop, 1718 Douglas.
A Perfect Diamond Is a Joy Forever
—A Good Stone Is an Investment.
rlE Reese Jewel Shop, Sixteenth
and Harney, have a rarely love
ly offering of diamonds, this the
gift season of the year—the time w hen
Dan Cupid reaps a harvest of cun
ningly laid plans throughout the year
—when every pretty girl and sweet
of your acquaintance Is approaching
the altar with the man of her choice.
For old diamonds which may be In
your possession, doubly dear because
of association, this shop has beautiful
“Waffle Crcpee" Milady's Newest
Silken Fabric Conceit Ideal for the
Fashioning of Sports Frocks.
THE Silk Shop, 1517 Douglas, la
showing "Waffle Crepee" a
new "crinkle" In crepes called
after the popular delicacy because cf
the tiny squares which serve to keep
the crinkle In preserving the crien
freshness so admirably adapted f a
sports tegs. A silk that will
wrinkle or muss, it is 40 inches wide,
comes in the vivid sports colors*
white, black and tan. and is 12 95 \
yard. Pend for samples
When the Bride’s Friends Gather for
the Pre-Nuptial Affairs—Gift of
Silver Sure to Appeal
FOR many year* It ha* been the custom to give prenuptial luncheons,
each guest bringing an offering for the bride s new home. Jto't
common among "showers" are th# linen gift events—but now cor.'S
the suggestion from the C. E. Brown Jewel ahop. 229 South Sixteenth
street of giving gift* of silver. Costing no mors than th# pnatty
little linen gifts are piece# «t II *P. 12 and 13 which put togsiher will
make up fascinating silver servlc* sets for the new home. If unable t
call folders describing the different silver service designs of th# day will
be sent upon request.
Dependable Must be the Florist Who
Prepare* the Floral Decorations for
the Wedding.
THERE must be dependability In
the floral artist who takes cars
of all details of decoration at
the spring wedding—this dependabil
ity 1a one of the beat known character
istics of John Bath, florist, Eighteenth
and Farnam, Jackson 1906. With a
distinct knowledge of the fitting in
flowers and floral decorations with
a decided recognition of the proper
ties of the different blossoms, his de
pendability Is an assurance of perfec
tion In flowers at the wedding events
where It Is employed.
Newly Perorated the Room* ef tti<
Bride's Paternal Home In Honor of
the rwtiral of Marriage.
The braneeis storb wan
paper department. Fifth floor,
present for the redecora’
ing of the rooms which will be In arU
dence during the wedding festlvUlee,"* ^
floral, atrip# and chlnti designe foe
the bedrooms, llo i roll; tapegtrleg
and art blends for the dining and By,
Ing rooms, ?lo a roll; polychrome
blends In 30 inch wide paper—a regu
lar 39c value—priced specially fog
the time o’ weddlngg at 27o a roll,
these In predominating colors of
rose blue, tan, gold of gray.
Omaha Greenhouse Specialists
Landscape and Plant Exquisite
Flower Beds Without Extra Charge—
Assurance of Successful Growth
FOR years Omaha hornea have owed much of their beauty to the artiatid
planting skill of the specialist* at the Henderson & Sons greenhouse.
Twenty-fifth and G streets. In an unusually large selection ore finds
just the color an 1 s(*e plant growths for beds In garden and lawn round the
home and selection Is made with the helpful suggestion of experts -who will
P'aht the beds without extra change, an assurance of splendid growth
throughout the season. The greenhouse which sells both at rstall ard whole
saie, may he reached by Market 0052 or Jackson 3 258.
Beauty Shop Starts New Course of
Treatments in the Interest of Milady’s
_Greater Beauty_
THE I/C Rron Reauty Shop, second flooV Aquila Court. AT. 4029, is eery
fortunate in getting Misa Clotts for the new course of treatments
which they've started In facials and hodv • is- .-e \ « <, ,, ^
for the elimination of body poisons—a building of beauty. Miss Clotts ha*
had eight years' experience In a very well knoVn sanitarium, and knows to
a nicety how to help one regain the roses of youth in one's cheeks the
v lvacioua sparkle of her eyes, a new vigor of scalp and skin in general.
Another pleasure to anticipate in the shop of I.e Bron! Try the new Helen
wava at this shop—50c for marcel and 75c for wave and turn under" curl.
Fashion’s Favorite—Tub Silks
THOMPSON HAZEN S Sll.K SHOP. 3is South sixteenth Street. h*i*
wonderful new offerings in tuh silks which tue so easily fashioned,
so smartly worn In red. blue. gold, lavender and green • hr' e
striped checked and plaided on natural pongee and white grounds Tha
prices, most moderate. 5! 50. 51 55 and 52 50.
• • • ...
\ Raindrop Here and There Over the
Surface of the Fabric Hat—a
on ia« invnutg Mwim non
fabric bat of madam! No matter—
for tbe Kruger Hat Shop, SOS Barker
Block 15th and Farnatn, will rehlook
It to new loveliness. Their work on
fur. feathers and marabou Is most
satisfactory. Remember—closet! at -
on Solurdajs is the rule,
The Unites Gift (link Will Buy Hee
tty Tex Brick llune—This \ t ee.
TTT'1^' ^' the :i!> .Tune hr '.,1e v :ewg
y'y the exquisitely arrar.sed new
panels In the Hvrdraullc Tress
Trick company's showroom, mats
floor. W*. O W. Blits . 14th and Kar
nam, she will spend every penny of
her sift check from father for *
Hv Tex hrick home, this ts certain.
Every one who is planr.lns a new
home is Invited to call and Inspect
the showins of new and distinctly*
shades of brick with their apprepr si*
mortailnss. A treat' Home plan
lsHiks wi:h excellent Illustrations and
hrlrk color cants wit! be mailed upon
W \
— T*t!# »nd ■*»»A»rwjir* ».! f %
r^tM Office
< I