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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1924)
Better Feeling in Wheat Pit; Prices Advance Easily — — - - - - ■ ■ ■ ■ — Cheerful Tone in Foreign News, Forecasting Stabilized Market Corn Develops Appreciable Strength and Healthier Cash Situation Prevails. By Calnml Sente*. Chicago. March SI.—A better feel ing pervaded the wheat pit today, and while trade did not broaden much, pressure was lacking and prices ad vanced easily. The situation was somewhat similar In corn. A good deal of the buying through the day in both pits was In the way of short covering, with some improvement noted in commission house business in the inferred deliveries. Wheat closed 1®1 l-4c higher, corn was 7-8ffttc advanced, oats were 5-8 '!i 3-4c higher and rye ruled 7S®1 l-8« advanced. Foreign news carried a more cheer ful tone. Private cables said that It looked as though all the depressing factors had been discounted, reflect ing the hope of a more stabilized market. Liverpool futures were ir regular, but mainly firm. Winnipeg lagged, apparently from the lack of fresh export business. Corn developed appreciable strength both In the pit and in the spot mar ket. A healthier cash situation pre vailed, with the shipping demand lo cally materially- improve!. Southwest ern markets noted an urgent demand for corn, and prices all around were buoyant. In the pit the principal buying was short covering. Oats acted firm and advanced read ily with other grains. Commission houses, some with country connec tions, were fair buyers, and there was a lack of pressure. Ttye advanced with other grains. A report by a local expert placing the condition of rye at S2 per cent, was construed as bullish and attracted some buying. Provisions were slightly easier in a day of heavy exchanging trade. Lard was unchanged to 2 l-2c lower and ribs were 2 l-2c lower. Pit Notes. Chicago, March 31.—Crop condi tion* over the winter wheat belt con tinued satisfactory generally, but the market was acting better and was not to be depressed even with the main tenance of favorable crop conditions. Some of the bulls were inclined to be discouraged at the last because the prices at Winnipeg for wheat showed an advance of hut l-2c, com pared with 1 l-4c upturn here. A local crop expert estimated the condition of winter wheat at 85. and suggested a crop of 578,000,000 bush els. figuring on a 6 per cent abandon ment, with the average abandonment of 10 per cent. I.*ast year the winter yield was 572,000,000 bushels. The world’s wheat situation seemed to he sized up by many in the trade ns in much better fix than for some time. A foreign statistician advised that his Indian agent claims the ex portable wheat surplus in India this year will not exceed 16,000,000 bush els. Ordinarily India has a surplus of 50,000,000 bushels of wheat. Wheat and flour on ocean passage for the week decreased 3,200,000 bushels. The T’nited States visible supply showed a decrease of 1,075,000 bush ADVERTISEMENT. If Piles, Send ForPyramid Tha Oral Household Troulnul lor Itching, Blooding or Pro truding Piles. Stop* pain quickly, absorbs- engorge moats, provonts friction, dries up la Doa't Fall to Try ikm Really Remarkable Pyramids. nammatlon, doss all you want It to do: your piles are gone, you feel yourself completely all right. Prora It free. All druggists sell Pyramid pila suppositories at it cents a box._ FREE SAMPLE COUTON PYRAMID DRUO COMPANY. ITI Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Kindly send ms a Frsa sample of Pyramid rile Treatment, In plain w tapper Ndkne . Street . City .Btata . -a i .— . . ■ SiS.S. keepsamay Pimples T| HERE are thousands of • man who wonder why their, cotfcplexiont do not improve ia epite of all tha fact treatments they use. They should not con* tinue to won der. Eruptions come from blood impuri ties and a lack of rich blood cells. 8. S. 8. is acknowl edged to bs one of the most powerful, rapid and enectira blood deanaers known. 8. 8. 8. buijds new blood-cells. This in why 8. 8. 8. route out of your ays* tern the impurities which causa boils, pimples, blackheads, acne, blotches, eczema, tetter, rash. 8. 8. S. is a remarkable flesh* builder. That’s why underweight people can quickly build up their lost flesh, get back their normal weight, pink, plump cheeks, bright •yes, and “pep." 8. 8. 8. Is sold at sit goo* drug stores la two sites. Tha larger sirs is mors economical, Q Oho World's Bent. ,Jt olood Medicine 14,000,000 bushels larger than a year ago. With the worst of the news from a bear standpoint well exploited and with smaller primary receipts, it la likely that the visible supply will dwindle steadily from now on. Omaha Wheat Market Shows Improvement March SI. Spot wheat sold about unchanged from Saturday’s prices. A little bet ter demand was reported from out side markets and some improvement was noted in this market also. Re ceipts were somewhat less than ex pected for Monday and the tables were well cleaned up. Receipts' were 19 cars. Corn sold at un changed prices to 1-tc higher, bulk of the sales going at the advance. Receipts were 65 cars and very few if any were carried over. Oats sold generally l-2c higher and a fairly good demand. Receipts •were 29 cars. Rye and barley reported firm. OMAHA t'ARLOT SALES. Wheat. Xo. 2 hard: 1 car. 98. Xo. 3 hard: 2 cars, 97c; 1 car, 99c; 1 car, 98c. Xo. I hard: 1 car, smutty, $1.00; 1 car, 92c. Xo. 5 hard: 1 car, 91c. Xo. 2 mixed: 1 car, 94c. Xo. 3 mixed: 1 car, 95c. Corn. Xo. 3 white: 2 cars, 70c. Xo. 4 white: 2 cars, 67 l-2c; 1 car. 68 l-2c. Xo. 6 white: I car, 66 l-2c. Xo. 3 mixed: 2 cars, 68c: 1 car, 67 l-Sc. Xo. 4 mixed: 5 cars, 66 1 -Sc; I car, 66c. Xo. 3 yellow: 4 cars, 71c: 1 car, 70 l-2c. Xo. 4 yellow: 1 car, 69c; 3 cars, 69 l-2c. Xo. 5 yellow: 2 cars, 67c. Special: 1 car, 63r. Oats. Xo. 3 white: 2 cars, 45 l-2c. Xo. 3 white: 4 cars, 44 3-ic. Xo. 4 white: I car, 44 l-2c: 3 cars, 44 I-4c. Rye. Xo. 2: 1 car, 59 l-2c. Xo. 3: 2 cars, 59c. Barley. Xo. 3: 1 car, 64c, PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS ( Bushel*! Receipts— Today. Wk. Aro. Yr. Aro. W’heat . 440.000 809.000 1.386.000 Corn . 079.000 1.054.000 949.000 Oats . LSI.000 541,000 1.065.000 Shipments— Wheat . 348.000 371.000 454.000 Corn . 582.000 483.000 722.000 Oats 430.000 f.oo 000 747.000 VMTED STATES VISIBLE. Bushels— Today. Wk. Aro. Yr. Aro. Wheat .69.649.000 60.624.000 45,785.000 Corn . 26.074.000 26.976.000 28.742.000 Oats .16.717.000 17,331.000 24.044.000 Rye . 21.716.000 21,709*000 18.268.000 Barley . 1.580.000 1.617.000 2.636.000 Daily Inspection of (train Received. WHEAT Hard winter: 5 cars No. I. 5 cars No. 3. 1 f ar No. 4. 1 car No. 6. 1 car sample. Mixed: t car No. 1. 1 car No. 3. Total, 15 cara. CORN. Yellow: 1 car No. 2. 4 cara No. 3, 9 cars. No. 4. 5 car.* No 5, 1 car sample. White: t car No. 8. 3 cara No. 4. ] car No. 6. Mixed: 9 cars No. 8, 8 cara No. 4, 2 cars No. f. 1 car No. 6. Total. 43 cart. OATS. Whits: 4 cara No. 2. 10 earn No. 3, | car* sample. Total. 17 rare. BARLEY. 1 car No. 3. Total- 1 oa-. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Carlots.! Receipts— Todav Wk. Aro. Yr. Aro Wheat . 1# 23 tf 6 Corn . 62 "2 II Oats . 24 64 89 Rye . 2 5 3 Barley . 1 2 I Shipments— Today Wk Aro. Yr. Aro. Wheat . 27 27 87 Corn . 112 81 124 Oats . SI 17 94 Rve. 2 If Barley . 1 1 3 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Bushels— Today Yr. Aro Wheat and Flou r . 138.000 48.000 Corn .144 000 552.000 Oats . 30.000 .... CHICAGO RECEIPTS Wk. Yr. Carlota— Today Aro. Aro. Wheat . 4 10 49 Corn . 57 123 161 Oats .f. 53 40 145 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS Wk. Yr. Csrlota— Today Aro. Aro. Wheat ., . . 42 84 194 Corn ... ..19 44 6f Oats . 73 1*4 63 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS WV. Yr. Carlota— Today Am. Ato. Wheat . 61 68 110 Corn .129 1 46 1 45 Oifts . 74 34 13| NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS , Wk. Yr. r’ar!ota— Today Aro. Aro. Minneapolis . 69 312 449 Duluth . 97 81 142 Winnipeg .403 316 207 OMAHA STOCKS Bushels— Todav Wk. Ago. Yr Aro. Wheat . 2.782.000 2.184,000 Corn . 1,918.000 1.28R.OOO Oats . 798.000 1.472.000 Rye . 182.000 438.000 Barley . 13.900 10.900 CHICAGO CASH PRICES. Hv 1 pdike (*raln Company. Atlantic 6312 ,*rt. ' Open. I Hlrh. 1 Ix>w. I Close. | Sat. Wht. ! I I I May ! 1 01 ' 1.02*I l.fO* 1.01% 1.01 1.61%'.. 1.02* 101* July 1 1.02*1 1 03*1 1.02% 1.03* 1.02* J 1.03 *.!.I 1.63*. Sep. I 1.03*' 1.04*1 1.08*1 1.04* 1 02% ].'.•.I 1.04*. Rye ! I • 1 May .45*' .06*1 .45* .46* .65% July .67*1 .61*1 .67* .61* .67* Cem I | May .76 I .77%' .75* .77 ' .76 .76*..77 * .76* July .76*' .71*1 .76* .78 1 .77* I .76%!.'.78*1 .77* Sep. I .76*1 .71*' .76* .79*! .77* 1 .76*'..;. Oats ' , ! I Mav I .46 | .45* .44*! .45*' .44* July ! .43*' .44* .43*' .44*> .43* ' ! ! .44*! Sept. ' .40* .40*’ .40*' .40*' .40* .40*! Lnrd I I I I I May 110 11 10 85 10 77 '10 77 [19 80 July 111.07 'll 07 'll.02 1 1.05 ]ll.06 Htbs f V I I I May I 9.65 j 9 55 ' 9.52 j 9 82 i 9.65 July ( 9 86 I 9 85 1 9.82 I 9 82 ( 9 86 ADVKRTINKMKMT. Why Druggists Rscommend Swamp-Root For many years druggists have watched with much Interest the re markable record maintained by T>r. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kid ney, liver and bladder medicine. It Is a physician's prescription. Swamp-Root Is a atrengthenlng medicine. It helps the kidneys. liver and bladder do the work nature In tended they should do. Swamp-Root has stood the teat of years. It Is sold by all druggists on Its merit and should help you. Vo other kidney medicine has so many friends. He sure to get Swamp Root and start treatment at once. However. If you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to In-. Kilmer A <'o., Hlnghainton, V. Y.. for a sample bottle. When writ lng be aura anil mention thia paper. I Omaha Livestock Omaha. March 11. Receipts were: Cattle Hons Sheep Monday estimate ... 6,600 8,500 9,700 Same day last wk. . 8,341 10,621 9.v64 Same da 2 wks.isg. 9.330 12,607 21.91b Same dy. 3 wks. rnt. 10,355 15.174 10.660 Same day year ago 9,246 14,737 16,114 Cattle—Receipts. 6,600 head. Owing to storm Saturday and Sunday receipts of 'cattle werO light and the market respond ed la a satisfactory manner. Bids and aaies were 10015c higher than Friday on both beef steers snd she stock and move ment was active at the advance. Quite a few of the good to choice sold at $10.25 ft 10.75. There was also a good inquiry for stockers and feeders at good strong prices, best fleshy offerings going as high as $8.50. Quotations on cattle: Choice to prime heaves, $10.50 011.10; good to choice beeves, $9.65010.50; fair to good beeves. $8.7609.60; common to fair beeves. $7.50 08.60 ; good to choice yearnogs, $9,000 10.25; fair to good yearlings. $7.7508.76; common to fair yearlings, $6.600 7.75; good to choice fed heifers, $7.400 8.40; fair to good fed heifers. $8.25 07.36; com mon to fair fed heifers, $5.2506.25; choice to prime fed cows, $6.75 0 7.75; good to choice fed cows? $6.7606.50; fair to good fed cows. $4.750 3.75; common to fair fed cows, $2.5004.26: good to chlce feeders. $8.1509.00; fair to good feeders, $7.6008.10; common to fair feeders, $6.60 07.25; good to choice Stock ers, $7.500 8.25; fair to good feeders. $7.0*) 08.10; common to fair feeders, $6,50 0 7.25; good to choice stockers, $7.5008.25; fair to good stockers, $6.7607.50; com mon to fair stockers, $6.0006.76; stork hei fers, $4.9006.50: stork row*, $3.0004.25; stock calves. $4.500 8.00; veal calves, $4.00010.25; hulls, stags. etc., $4.2506.00. BEEP STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 28 . 661 $7 50 13.1063 $8 GO 20.1028 8 56 10.1043 8 85 8.1181 9 00 35.1067 9 15 23. 1 221 9 25 32.1103 9 40 41.1224 9 60 20.1105 9 75 17.1241 10 00 23.1221 10 76 STEERS AND HEIFERS. IS. 756 8 25 10. 699 8 50 11 . 719 8 90 9. 984 9 50 OOW8. 3 .1053 4 60 6.1041 5 40 4 .11 10 5 60 7.1170 6 65 12 .1037 5 75 4.1 122 6 25 10.1169 fi 60 9.1257 6 60 6.1133 7 25 HEIFERS. 12. 665 5 00 24. 976 7 10 5 . 988 7 16 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 2*. 742 6 35 33. 623 C 50 2. 680 7 00 3. 84 3 7 26 10. 789 7 30 29. 727 8 25 28 . 996 8 60 BULLS. 1 .1 140 4 25 2.1375 4 35 1.I860 4 40 1.1 78i* 4 50 1 .If.JO 4 60 1 1570 5 00 2 . 600 6 25 3. 503 6 00 CALVES. 3 . 540 4 50 1 260 5 00 2. 315 5 25 12. 441 7 00 28. 615 7 75 2. 180 8 00 1 . 180 10 00 2. 206 10 50 Hogs- •Receipts, 8.500 head. Much small er supplies than expected at all points due to severe storms gave local trade a strong undertone this morning and prices advanced sharply. Shipper demand was urgent and trade In this division under way at a seasonable hour at prices fully 15020c higher than Saturday. Initial bids from packers were around 10c up but sellers were holding their droves at more advance and trade was slow. Bulk of the sales was at $7.1007.40 with early top $7.45. HOGS. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. -46..322 . $7 00 47..208 ... $7 20 47. .176 ... 7 25 83..187 40 7 30 74.. 203 ... 7 35 73..308 70 7 40 70.. 229 ... 746 Sheep—Receipts, 9,700 head. The week opened out with moderate supplies of lambs carrying killer flesh at hand snd local packers took a stand to lower their coat slightly on the Initial rounds but were unsuccessful up to a late hour. Only a fair number of shearing lambs were on offer and the market around steady with la«t week's close. Aged sheep were also fed and trade little changed. Quotations on sheep and Iambs: Fat lambs, choice. $15.60016.25; fat Iambs, fair to good. $14.00015.25 clipped lambs, $13.75014 25.. shearing. lamLa. $16.00015.75: wethers. $9.00012 00 year lings. $10.60013.50; fat ewes, light, $9.00 011.26; fat ewes, heavy. $7.0008.75. FAT LAMBS. ISO. JKV, ri. 1D1 f.d. 7* Jilt 00 it Mil . S3 1« 00 FAT EWEB. 365 feel.Ill 10 75 Receipt. and dlapoaltlon of llT.itoek fit the Union stockyard*. Omaha. Neh . tor 24 hours ending at 3 p. m. March 30, 1*24: RECEIPTS—CARLOT Horses and (Tattle.Hogs Sh'p Mules. C, M. 4 St P. 13 3 Wabash .. 1 •• •• Missouri Pacific .... * 1 Union Pacific . 70 23 33 C. A N. W.. east . 12 .* C. A N. W.. west.. 40 40 1 C.. St. P.. M. & O.. 24 7 .. .. C.f B. A Q., east.. 3 l 2 C., B. A O.. west.. 70 35 11 •• C.. R. I. A P.t east.. 7 1 .. 1 C.. R. I. A P.. west. « . Illinois Central .... 3 . C. O. W.U Total receipts ...26* 113 44 4 DISPOSITION -HEAD. • Cattle. Hog*. Sheep. Armour A Co.10»t> 1*52 24*0 Cudahy Pack. Co.... *61 1*34 2o41 Dold Pack Co. 174 116* .... Morris Pack. Co.... 725 1011 717 Swift A Co.120* 1537 1*47 Olaashurg. M. ...... 4 .... .••• Hoffman Broa. 24 .... .... Midwest Pack. Co-.*. 22 • • ••• Omaha Pack. Co.... 1 1* •••• John Roth A Sona., 15 .... ...» 8. O. Pack. Co. * . Murphy, J W. **2 ...» Hwarts A Co. 1** •••• Lincoln Pack. Co-,.. *2 . .. • ••• Sinclair Pack. Co.... 24 .... •••• Wilson Pack. Co. 106 . Anderson A Son.140 .... .... Cheek, W. H. 51 .... •••• Dennis A Francis.... 137 ...» •••• Ellis A .. 3* . Harvey, John . 39* .... •••• Hunt singer A Oliver. 49 .... .... Inghram, T. J. 6 .... .... Kellogg. F. 0. 44 . Kirkpatrick Broa. .. 17* .... ...» Krebba A Co. 1 .... Longman Bros.lot .... • • *• Luberger, Henry S., 40 ..... .... M.-K. C. A C. Co.... 31 . Neb. Cattle Co. 194 . Root, J. B. A Co.... lit . Rosenstock Broe.10* .... .••• Sargent A Finnegan 27* Hrnlley Bros. 2* . Sullivan Bros. ...... 1 .*•• •••• Van Sant. W B. A Co. 226 .. Other buyers . 21* »»«* Total .M7f *610 **2* I hirste livestock. Chicago. March 31 —Cattla—Receipts, 15.000 head; fairly active, uneven; beef steers, yearlings, fat ahe-atock and bulla, generally 100 26c higher; few plain light steers showing little advsnes; best ma tured steers In load lots, average 1.660 pounds. *12.10: long yearlings, averaging 1.074 pounds, $11.60; bulk steers and year lings. $1.60010 50; few load* grade cows offered; bulk fat cows and heifers. $6.60 07.60; bulk bologna bulls. $4.4004 *6; vealers scarce, ateffdy; qualltjr plain; bulk to packers, *9.00010 60; f«w sorted kind, upward to $11.60 and above; stockara and feeders. *low, around ateady. Hogs—Receipt*, 39.000 head; opened modeiattly active; mostly 15020c higher; closing, dull; big packers talking 10c lower; bulk good and choke 260 to 326 pound butcher*. $7.6007.70; dealrable 1*0 to 210-pound weight, moetly $7 6607 70; top. $7.76; bulk better arndes. 140 to 160 pound average. $7 3607.66; bulk packing nows. $$.7606 90; slaughter pigs, strong to 26o higher: bulk good and cholca weights. $6.60 0 7.00; estimated holdover, 16.000 head. . 8heep and Lamb*—Receipt*. 15.000 head; fat lamb*, strong to 26u higher; ■heep. strong; ahenrlng lamb*. 100 lie higher; bulk fat wooled lambs. $16.600 14.75; ton, $16.60; clipped, $14.60014.66; good and choice fat *wee, $11.00011.50; choice shearing lambs, $16.10. Kaitaas City Mveatork. Kanim CUy. Mo.. March SI —(tTnlted State* Department of Agricultural—4'at tle—Racalpta, 12.000 head: calvea, 2.000 head; market fairly artlve; beef ateera generally ateady to 25c higher; handy weights, $11.00; bulk fed -ateera. $6.21 ©10.25; beef cnwa atrnng to 16c higher; other ahe atock and yearling* alow, around ateady; beef cow* and helfera $4.50©7.00; bulla and ralvaa ateady: top veala, $10.00: medium and heavy calvea, 14.0008.00; atockera and fo*d*r* Vnoatlv ateady; yearling atockera, $8.00; bulk atn< hers and feeder*. $0 5007.75. Hoga—Receipt*. 16.000 head: market 10ft 15o higher; packer and ahlpper top. $7 46 ; bulk of aale*. $7.1007.45: daalrabl* 200 to 800-pound butcher*. $7.3007.45; l.ulk good 170 to 290. pound average*. $7.0507.26; ISO to 160-pound average* mostly $6.7507.00; narking sow*, $6.16 ©6.60; atock pig*. 16.0006.10. Sheep and Lamb*—Receipt*. 6.000 head; market, killing classes ateady; top latnb*. $16.25; other*. $16.86014 10; ewe*. $11.00 ftlout City l.ltealock Sioux f’lty. la.. .Vfarrh $1 —<?attl#—Ha reipia. 1.200 head; market active; killer*, unevenly higher; atockera. atrong; fat ateera and yearling*, *$7.00011 OU; hulk. 8.0009.60; fat cow* and halfera. $6 000 9,00; • annera and cuMer*. $2 6004 00; veala $6.00011 60; bulla. $4 6004.60; feed era. $4.0008 26; atockera. $6 6007.60; at or U yearling* and ralvea 4 6n0 7 b0. feeding row* and helfera. $8 2506.60. Hoga - Receipts. 8,000 head, market 10c higher than Saturdav's heat time. top. $7 46; bulk $7.2607 40 light*. $7 1007 40; butcher*. $7 150 7 45: rtilied, $7 2607 40; heavy packet*. $6.60 0 $.7 6. Sheep and f.amba—Receipt*. 1.000 head; rnaikat ateady. Marked Improvement Shown in Stock Prices on Monday Market /fe._ [Speculators Abandon Attempt to Stage Usual Reaction— Overselling Indicated. Total stork sales, 726,100. Twenty industrials averaged 93.87; net gain, .79. High, 1924, 101,24; low, 93.08. Twenty railroads averaged 84.24; net gain. .43. High, 1924, 83.90; low. 82.74. New York, March 81.—Stock prices showed marked Improvement in to day's dull seHsion. For several weeks In succession speculators for the de cline have staged a Monday reaction, apparently for the effect It would have on price movements the rest of the week, but today they encountered stronger resistance and finally aban doned their attempt, the subsequent short covering indicating an oversold condition In many parts of the list. Bullish seqtiment was encouraged by Washington reports that the end of the senTtte oil inquiry was in sight and that the senate finance commit tee would complete its tax revision work this week. Apparently little at tention was paid to the stiffer call money rate, which opened at 5 per cent and soon advanced to 5 1-2. Early selling pressure was concen trated on the independent steels, new 1924 lows being established by Beth lehem. Crucible, Republic. Oulf States and SIoss-ShefTicld. AH these stocks recovered their losses, however. Cru cible showed a net gain of almost 2 points at the close. New low records also were made by nearly two score additional stocks, including Hayes Wheel, Fisk Rubber, common and first preferred; Cluett Peabody, Anaconda Copper, Western Union, Brooklyn Edison, Western Maryland, common and second 'pre ferred; Lima Locomotive and Interna tional Combustion Engineering. Widespread comment was aroused by the temporary weakness of Amort can Telephone, which dropped 2 1-2 points to 123, the lowest thl% year, on rumors of new financing. The stock, which is the most widely held on the "big board,” rallied nearly 2 points on official denials of the ru mors. Fresh buying of Ceneral Electric, apparently based on the showing made in the 1923 earnings report pub lished today, sent that stock up to 219 1-2, but it slipped tack later to 217 1-4. where it was up 3 1-4 on the day. Corn Products, another recent weak spot, also showed good recuper ative poweVs. selling as high as 172 3-4, or nearly 12 points above last week's low. United States Steel common, Bald win and American Can all closed a point or so higher. Active short cov ering again took place in the leather Issues, talng particularly pronounced in Central Leather preferred, which touched 42 3-S and then eased to 41 5-8 for a net gain of 2 5-S. A six point jump in Woolworth featured the specialty list. Trading in the rails was somewhat irregular, although most of the im portant price movements were up ward. Norfolk & Western was again active at rising prices, touching 125 3-4 and thfn slipping back . to 124 3 8, up 1 1-4. St. Paul preferred touched a new high at 28 3-8. Read ing and New York Central each moved up about a point. The time money market continued firm, with 4 12 per cent bid for all loans up to 90 days and compara tively little money available below 4 3-4. Prime commercial paper rates were unchanged at 4 3 4. . The foreign exchange market showed a strong undertone. Demand sterling eased slightly to Just below $4.30, but French francs were firm above 5.50c. Other European rates also Improved. New York Quotations _J New York slock exchange quotations furnished by J. H. Bim he A Co., 224 Omaha National Bank building. Hat. High. Low. Close. Close Ajax Rubber. 0% 0% Agrlcul Chem ... 10% •% 10% 9% Allied Chem .6« 65 €4 65% Allas Chaim . 42% 42% 42% 42% Am Beet Hug. 42 41 % Am B Hboe F .. 79 Am Can .106% 103 104 % 103% Am Car A F ...164% 154 164% 166 Am 11 A L . 9% »% 9% 10% Am H A L pfd ... 67% 66% 60% 65 Am Intar Corp .. lt% 17% 11% 10% Am Lin Oil . 14% 15 Am Loco . 72 71 % 71% 71% Am 8 A Com ...11% 11% 11% 11% Ain .Smelt . 69 64% 6b % 60% Am 8melt pfd. • .... .... 96 Am Htl Found ... 30 36% 24 35% Am Huger . 61 49% 61 50% Am Humatra . 12% 12% 12% 12% Am T A T .125% 123 124 % 125% Am Tobacco .140% 140% 140% 140% Am Woolen . 70% 64% 61% 64% Anaconda . 31% 31% 21% 31% Associated P O .. 92% *2 92% 91% Asso Oil . 30% 30%. 30% 30% Atchison . 94% 94% 94% 9*% At O A W I. . 12 Atlas Tack . ft Austln-Nlchola ... 20 19% 19% 19% Auto Knitter. 6% Baldwin .117% 116% 117 116% Baltimore A O .. 64% 63% 64% 63% Bethlehem Steal . 60% 49 f.0% 49% Brooklyn MR. 24 24% Bomb Mag . 64% 67% 64% 57* Cantor Pack .... 4.1% 49 43% 42 Cal. w’eto . 24% 24% 24% J4% Col Ar Min Co. 41*4 42 % Can Pacific .144% 144% 143% 14.5% Cerro de Pas .. 42 40% 42 41 Cantral Last her. 13% 11% Cen Leath pfd ... 42% 39% 41% 59% Chandler Motors . 49% 49% 46% -*4% Chesapeake A O . 73 72% 7 2 71% Chi A N W . bl% 61 M% 61% C 11 A Ht P. 14% 16 16% 16% C 61 A Ht P pfd .. 29% 26% 27% 2-5% C R I A P . 24% fS% 24% 23% C Ht P M ft O.. 81 Chile Copper _ 24% 26% 26% 26% Cluet t- Pea body ..65% 6 6 66 % 66% Chino .16% 15 15 16 Cluelt-Pea pfd ..101% Coos Cols . 66 % 64% 66 46 Colo Fuel A Iron 30% 29% 30% 29% Columbian Carbon. 49% 49*. Col flan . 31% 31% 33% 3 1% I’ongoleum . 69% 5a % 69% 69% «'olsoll Cigars ... 16% 14% 14% 14% ConUn*ntail Can .. 40% 4 5% 44% 46% font Motors . 7 t % 7 6% Corn Prnd In*w). 14 % 3a.* 63% 33% Coadrn . 3 4% 3 3% 54% 34% General Motors What are the future pros pecta of thla company? Fully covered In our mnrkot revie>y. A free copy oh request. P. G. STAMM & CO. Dcalfta in Stock* and Ronds 3S S. William St. New York Crucibl* . 67 M4 6B'i 6 5't Cuba Can# Sug. 14 13% Cuba Cane S p .. 64% CZ% 63% 62% Cuba-Am Sug .... 33% 32% ^3% 33 Cuyamel Fruit ... 69% 6s % 69% 6".% Daniel Boone _ 29 2* 28% 29 Davidson Chem . 63 52 62 61 % Delaware A Hud .lu*% 107% Dome Mining 17% 17% 17% 17% Dupont L>e N '....126% 124 126% 124% Eastman Kodak.. 108% 107% 108 108% Erie . ... 24% 23% 24 24 Electric 8. Bat. 58 Famoua Players.. 66% 65% 66% 65% Fifth Ave. Bus L. 12% 12 Fisk Rubber. 7% 7 7 7 % Fleisrhman s Y. 48 47% Freeport. Tex. 9% y% Gen’l Asphalt _ 37% 37% 37% 34% Gen'l Electric. .. .219%2 14% 217% 214 Uen'l Motors. 14% 14% 14% 14% Goodrich . 20% 20% Gt. Northern Ore.. 30 29% 29% 30 Gt Nor. Ry., pfd.. 56 55% 55% 66% Gulf States Steel.. 73% 71% 73 72% Hayes Wheel..... 39 37% 38% 39 Hudson Motors... 26% 24% 26% 26% Momestake M. Co. 49% 49% Houston Oil .'.... 70% 69 70% 68% Hartman Trk. Co. 37% 36% 37 37 Hupp Motora. 13% 12% Illinois Central.102% 103 Inspiration . 23 22% 23 23 Int'l Com. E. Cp. . 22% 22 22% 22% Int’l Harvester... 82% 83 83% 83 Int'l M. Marine... J.. 7 Int’l M. M pfd... 27% 26% 27% 26% Int’l Niekel . 13 12% 13 12% 4m 1 Paper . 36% 36 36% 37 Invincible Oil. 15% 14% 15% 14% Jordan Motor. 26% 26% 26% 26% K. C. Southern... 18% 18% 18% 18% Kelly-S.17% 16% 16% 17 Kennecott .. 35 36% 35 34% iveyBions i «c . i Leo Rubber . 11% 1J% 11% 11% Lehigh Valley . 68% 68% Lehigh Kites. 29% 29% 29% 29% Lima Locomotive.. 61% 60% 61 60% Loose-Wiles . 66% 55% 66% 66% Louisville Ac Nash. 92 91% 92 91% Mack Truck . 81% 80% 81% 81 Map Dept Store. 86% 86 Maxwell Motor A.. 44% 43% 44 4.!% Max well Motor H.. 11% 11% 11% 11% Marland . 37% 36% 36% 36% Mex Seaboard .... 18% 18% 18% 1M% Miami Copper . .... .... 20% Middle St Oil.... 4% 4% 4% 4% Midvale Steel .. 30 Mo Pacific . 12 11% 12 12 Mo Pacific pfd.... 37% 36% 37% 36% Mont-Ward . 25 24 % 24% 24% Mother Lode . H 7% 7% 7% Nat Enamel . 31 30% 31 30 Nat Lead .137 133% 137 133% N Y Air Brkke_39% 38% 39% 28% N Y Cent Rites... 2% 2% 2% 2% N Y Central.101% loo% 101% 100% NY Nil A: H. 18% 17% 18% K % North Arner Co... 22% 22% 22% 23 Northern Pacific.. 61% 60% 51 61 N Ae W Ry.125% 123% 124% 123% Orpheum . J9% 19 Owens Bottle .... 42% 42% 42% 42% Pacific Oil . 61% 49% 60% 60 Packard Motor /. 10% 10% in% io% Pan American ... 47 46 47 47 % J'an-American U. . 45% 44 45 45% Penn R R . 43% 43% 43% 43% Peoples Uas .. 94% 94% Pere Marquette... 40% 40% 40% 4<*% Phillips Petrol ... 29% 38% 38% 38% Pierce-Arrow . 8% H% I ostum Cereal Co .. . . . . 60 Pressed St Car. 60% 51 Pro Ar Ref . 30% 30 M\ 30 Pullman .114% 114 1R% 114% Punta Aleg Sug .. 62% 62% 62% «2% Pure Oil •. 23% 23% 23% 23% Ry Stec-l Spring .... .. 110 Ray Con. 9% 9% 9% 9% Reading .54% 63 53% 63 Reading Ritea.. . 16% 15% 16 15% ReplogJe. 9% 9 9% 10 Rep Iron A Steel. 47% 44% 46 45 % Roy Dutch NY . 53% 63 63% 54 St L & 8 K .... 22 21 % 21% 21% St L Ac S W . :7 % 36 % 36% 37 Schulte Clg Store*.101 101 J0I 100 Sears Roe . 83% 82% 83 82 Shell 1’n Oil _ 18 17% 17% 17% Simmona Co . ... 22% 22% Sinclair Oil _ 21% 21 21% 21% Sloas-Sheffield ... 57 56 57 66% Skilly Oil . 23% 22% 23% 22% South Pacific _ *6% 85% >:% South Ry . 53% 53% 53% 53% Stand Oil Cal . ... 61% 59% 61 60% Stand Oil N J .. 37% 26% :<6% 37% ttewart-Warner .. 7*% 77% 78 77% Strom berg Carb.. 65% 64% 64% 64% Studebaker .94 92% 93% 93% Texas Co . 41% 41 41% 41% Tex & Pacific _ 26 25% 25% 25% Timken Roller . 35% 36 Tobacco J’rod .54% 56% 56% 66% Tobacco Prod A.. 85 84 % 85 64% Tranacon Oil . 4% 4 4% 4% Union Pacific .. .129% 128% 128% 128 United Fruit .115 IT S Cast Iron Pipe 75% 73 7*:% 73% U H Jnd Alcohol. . 68% 66% 67 65 % U H Rubber ... 21% 30 31 % 30%, IT S Rubber pfd. . 61 79% »1 79% LT S Steel. 99 97% 98% 97% U S Steel rfd.119% 119 119% 119% Utah Copper . 65% 66% 66% 65% Vanadium .. 25% 24% 25% 25% Vivaudou . . 8% 8% Wabash . 1*% 16% 16 16% Wabash A ..45 43% 44% 44% Western Union ...106% 106 106% 106% Wetting Air B. ... 91 Westing Klee - 59% 69% 59% 59% Westing Rites .«. .... 1% 1% White Eagle Oil . 25% 26% 25% 26% White Motors .. . 53% 53 53 % 53% W'ool worth Co ..331 326% J30 324 Willys-Overland .. 10% in% 10% 10% Willya-Overl pfd.. 81% 79% 80% *0% W'jiaon .. ... 14 % 16 Wilson pfd . 46% Worthing Pump . 26% 26% 26% 24 W rlgley . 36% 26% Two o’clock sale*. 640,10“ share* Teaterday’s total sales, SCO,200 aharea. Bonds, |4.3C 4.000 Ex-Dividend*. Pan-American Pet .. I! 00 Pan-American Pet B .. l no White Eagle Oil ... 60 Ot!a Steel . • m0 New York Cotton. New York Cotton Kschange quotation*, furnished by J. & Bach# dr Co . 324 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone JA. 6117.. j j I I ; Yea'y Open 1 High 1 Low Close 1 Clowe May 27.46 ;■« 60 ’27 .4* 2« 43 27 64 July 126.42 '27 44 26.65 1*7 %h 24 65 Oct. 24.2* 24 65 124 10 24.50 24 10 Dec. '23.46 J4 2t 123.75 '24.20 '21 70 Jan. !23.65 123 96 23 40 23 96 ,23 45 Minneapolis ( >*ti Crain. Minneapolis, March 31 —Wheat: Cash. No. I. northern. SI 1201 17. No. 1, dark, northern spring, choice to fancy, 11 23 C? 1 good to choice. 91 1S01.23; ordinary to torn! 11.1301.IT: May, $1 12; July, $1136%; Heptember. 11.11% Corn—No. 3, yellow. <n%0 71c. Oats—No 1. white, 42 4% $ 43c. Harley—57 *f 70c. Hye—No 2. 61H«fCSUc. Flat—No. 1. 92.38 % 02 44 %c. W. I^tiile Cash Wheat. 8t, T.oul*. Mo, March 31.—Wheat May. 11.02%; July. 91.0301 03%. Corn—May. 74%c: July. 7907»»4c bid. Oat*—May, 47c bid. July—None. New York Cotton Futures. New York, March 31.—Cotton future* closed firm; May. 26 43024.60c; July, 27 34027 46c: October. 24 60024.91c; De cember. 24.20c; January 23.16c. * , - -1 New York Bonds ,_ J 1. 8. Bonds. High Low Close 84 Lib XVia . 98 *0 91.27 »*.*• 60 Lib 1st 4%s - 99 23 99.17 tJ.JI 448 Lib 2d 4 %S . 99 20 99 16 99 18 142 Lib .Id 4 % a ....100 3 100. 100 965 Lib 4th 4%» _ 99 23 99 19 99.20 102 U S Gov 4%s .100.10 100.14 100.14 Foreign. 1 An J M W ta ... 71% 76% • «% 13 Argentine 7a .loi% 101% 101 % 17 Aua Gov g I 7s . . 90 80% 89% 9 Chi Gov K> 5s . .. 42 41% 42 lit' Bordeaux 6a .... *•<% 7S% 18% 11 <3 Copenhagen 6%a 89 *s% 89 14 C (it Prague 7%a . 84% 84% 84% l«» C Lyons t-i .78% 78% 78% X C Marseilles tis . . 78% 7S% 78% 4 O Hio de Jan 8a '47 92 91% 91% 2 Czecho Rep 8s ... 96% 9<»% 96% 1 Danish Muti *s A .108 108 lu8 21 Dept Heine 7s . 82% *2% 82% 8 D Ca' 6 % p c 1929.101 % 101% 101% 23 pom Ca 5s 1952 .. 99% 99% 93% 25 u K In 6s 1962 ... 93% 93 9o% 12 D K In 5% 1953 . 85 86% 86% 6 FYamtricsn 7%s .. 8%% 88 88% 42 Fr Ks . 98 97% 9*\ 4 4 French Rep 7% a... 95% 84% 94% 39 Japanese 1st 4%a.. 97% 97% *7% 1 Japanese 4s. 79% 79% 79% 15 K of Belgium *a...l0uV» 100% 100% 90 K of Belgium 7%a.l0l 100% 100% 2 K of Denmark 6s... 95 P4% 94% 13 K of Nether «s.... 91% 91% 91% 8 K of Norway 6s '43. 93 % 93% 93% 15 Kg H C h Hh. 74% 74% 74% 25 K of Sweden 6s.... 103 102% 102% 45 Paria-L-M 6s. 72 71 % 71 15 Rep of Bolivia 8s.. 88% 88 88% 10 Rep of Chile 8s '41.104% D’3% l«i3% 19 Rep of Chile 7s.96% 95V* 95% 32 Rep of Cuba 5%s.. 93% 93 93% 7 Rep of Kl S h t 8s 100% 100% 100% 8 fitep of Haiti 6»A '62 89% 89% *9% 21 S of Uueena 6s.... 100% loo *100 2 State San 1* a f 8s. 99 98% 99 1 UKofGBAl 5 %8 '29.106% 106% 106% 24 I’KofGBAI 6 %s '37.100% 100% 100%] 20 U S of Brazil 8s. .. 94 93 % 94 4 17 H of B-C Ky K 7a 79% 79% 79% 16 Am Ch s f deb 6s 95% 9 4% 95% 4 Am Smelting 6s.... 103% 103% 103% 13 Am Smelting 5a.... 95 92% 92% x Amer Sugar 6s.100% 100% 10u% S4 Am T A T 6%s ret 101% 101% 101% 26 Am T A T col tr as 98% 98 9H% 32 Am TAT col 4s. . 94 93% 93% 53 Anaconda Cop 7s '38 97 % 97% 97% 40 Anac Cop 6s *63. . . 96% 95% 96% 17 Arm A Co of D 6%s 90% 89% 90% 22 Associated Oil «* 98% 98% 9s% 26 At T A S Fe gen 4s 87 % 8 7 87 % 5 A11 C L 1st con 4s 8»% s'j.,a 21b Halt A O 6b .101% 101 101 49 Halt A O cv 4%s. . . 84 *7% 87% 14 Halt A O koM 4* 84% *4% 84% 11 B T of P 1st Arfg 6s 9b% 98% 98% 5 Beth St c 6 b S A 9b % 9b % 9b % 7 B-th St 6%a.90% 89% »o% 4 Brier Hill 6%s. . 9f. 94% 94% 4 Bkl Ed gin 7s D... 109 108% 1 97 Rklyn M T s f 6s 76% 76% 76% 2 Calif Pet 6%«. it6 96 96 17 Canadian Pac deb 4s 79% 79% 78% 5 Car Clinch A O bs 97% 97% 97% 7 Central of Gh bs ..101% 101% 101% 5 Central Leather 5. 94% 94% 91% 5 Ces A Ohio cv'JJs.. 93% 93% 9.1% 73 Ch* s A O cv 4 % a. . 91% 91% 91% 7 C B A Q ref 6s A . 97% 97% 97% 4 Chic A E 111 6m-76% 76% 76% 23 Chi Gt Western 4s. 54% £4 5 4 % lbi C M ASP cv 4 % *. 44% 64% b3% 16 C M A S P ref 4 %*. 55% 55% 55% 159 C M A S 1' 4s 1925 85% 84% 85 5 Chicago Rye 5s.... 77% 77% 77% 3 C K I A P gen 4s. M»% 50% 80% 11 C It I A P ref 4a.. 77 7b% 76% 3 Oh. A West lnd 4s. 74% 74% 74* 17 Chile Copper 6» 100% 100% 100% 6 CCCA8L ref 6sA...102% 102% 102% 1 Clev Union Ter 5s. 96% 96% 96% 3 Colo A So rtf 4%*. 84 86 86 51 Columbia OAK 5s 9b % 9b % 9b % 21 Common Pow 6* 90% 9<» »•>% 16 Cons Coal of Md 5a s»j% **7% 87% 4 Consumers Pow 5b. 88% 88% 8s % 19 Cuba C Sug deb 8s. 9b % 97 V. 97% 2 Cm-an Am Sug 8s..107% 107% 107% 5 Del A Hud r^f 4a ..86% 86% 86% 40 i> A R G ref 5a. .. 35 34 % 35 19 Det Edison ref 6s..105% 104% 1*5% 10 Det L td Kys 4 %s. 88 8b 88 lo4 Dpnt Xcm 7%»-107% lo7% 107% 2b Dques Lt 6b .104% 104% 104% 21 East Cub Sg 7 % a.106 % 1<»5% 106% 9 Kinp G A Kl 7 % a 91% 91% 91% b Erie pr In 4m . 64% 64% 64% lb Erie gn lien 4* ... 56 55% 55% 6 Flak Rubber 8a ..1*1% 161% 101% 13 Gen El© d In .10"% 100% 100 % 14 Goodrich 6_%* . >6% 96% 96% 2 7 Goodvear T as 31.101% 101% lol% 13 Goodyear T Is 41 116% 116 116% 21 find Tnk Rjr C bs.103% 103% 103% 13 Grt North 7a A 107% 1«7% 107% i 4 Grt North 5 %•» B . ■ % 97% 2# Htrsliey Ci> .102% 1*2% 102% 20 Hud A M rf 5a A. 82% b2% 82% 49 Hud A M ad Inc 5a 61% 61% 61% 4 Humble O A R 5%a 98% 9s % »s% Is HI Bell Tel rf 5s.. 95 94% 94% 8 III Cent 5 % a . . 101 lol 101 14 111 Cent 4s 53. 91% 8l% 81% 16 Int R T fes . 67% 66% 67% 14 Int R T rf 5s at. . 63% 63% 63% 56 Int A- G N ad 6a . . 51% 51% 61% 44 Int A G N 1 at 6a.. 96% 95% 95% 2! Int M M if 6i. 81% 81% 81% 1 Int Paper rf In B. 83% 83% 83% 6 U Cent rf 4a 2t» % 20% 20% 7 Kan City P * L 6m 91% 91% »! * 1 Kan City South 5a. 88% *s% ss% Is Kan G A E 6* 96% 95% 96% 17 K-Sprmg Tire ss. 99% 99% 99% 3 Liggett A W iS. . 96% 96% 96% 2 L A Nash 6s 3003.. 100% 100% 100% 3 Louis A N uni 4s.. 90% 90% 9«% 7 Manatl Sug 7 %a ..101% 10] 161% 2 Mkt St Ry ron 5s 100% 100 1*0% 2 Mar Oil <%s tr w.l§0 99% 99% 8 Ml*1 St! cv 5s .89 89 89 4 M El RyA Lt 5s 61. 83% 83% *3% 12 Minn A St L ref 4s 2«% 2" 2«% 6 MKAT rr Hen 6s C 99 98% *9 16 >8 K A T npr 5s A *2% 82% 82% 91 M K A 7 I) adt 5sA 56 66% 65% 22 Mo Pac. 1st 6s 9 6 94 % 91% 70 Mo Fee gen 4a . £6% 56% 56% 2 Mont Pow 5a A . ... *6 96% 94 11 N K T A T 1st 6s 98% 94% 94% 9 N O T A M Inc 6s 90% 90% • «% 20 N X C deb 6a 104% 104% 104% 22 X T C rfg A Imp 6s 97% 97 97 I N Y Ed ref 6%s. . 111 % 111 % 111% 142 NNYH A H V 7cp« t 78% 7« 74% VYNHAH cv Cs 48 68% 67% «.% II N T Tel ref 6a 41 105% HS 106 s N Y Te| gen 4%a . 94% 94 * 94% 10 N r W A B 4%S 45% 45% 46% 4 2 Norfolk A W cv 6. 125% 122% 126% 5 X Amer Edison • 92% 92% 15 No Pac ref 6s H..H1H H*% !•*% N Pa** new 6a P . . 91% 91% 91% 14 N Par pr Hen 4a. *0% 60% 80% 30 N W Bell Tel 7s...Hi l#f lol 25 t»re Snort L ref 4s. 95% 95% *&% "HO w R R A N 4a 8 1 99% 80% 39 Pacific G A K 6a. 92% 9J *• 10 Penn R R gen 6t..H«S 100 H«% 6 Penn R K 6%. H9 1*8% 1J»% 11 Penn R R pen !%■ 9'% ** % 11 Per© Marg ref 6a. . 94% 93% 94 1 Ph‘la Co ref <• .101% 101% 101% 2 Phil a Co 5%s 91% 91% 91% 13 Pierce Arrow Is. . 74% *1% • *% 1 Prod A Ref 90 wor. .1*9 % 109% 1*9% 2 Public pervlcs 5s.. 47 *7 • » 16 Punta Alegrs 7a...115% 119 116% t’fXivDdW and Very Helpful THE INVESTOR’S POCKET MANUAL M4 rVf B»*W IhmI Maatkly Bsrnlni*. dividends, high ond lew rec ord*. complete history. * ondensed report*, •tettstlcel descriptions of practically all the corporations In which the public Is Interested Furnished FRKR by any In vestment Renker or Broker to Investors on request OR for 30c latest Issue will be sent direct hr TUB FINANt'lAI* VRK88. I IU Broad Street. New Tork. N. T. GET VALUE In Your Compensation and Liability Insurance by placing it— Where Durability and Service to your needs is the first consideration. Where a sincere interest in your require ments and painstaking service, regard less of the size of your policy, is of paramount importance. *HarryA Koch-Co "Pays the Claim First” INSURANCE SURETY BONDS INVESTMENT SECURITIES Renewal of Five Per Cent Call Funds Restricts Bond Trading N. Y. Curb Bonds __* New York. March II.—'Following Si th« official Mat of tranaactiona on the New York Curb Exchange, giving all bondf traded in: Domeotle Bonds. High Low Close. 4 Allied Packer 8a... 72% 72% £2% 1 Aluminum 7a. 1925.102% 102% lJJJk 2 Aluminum 7a. 1983.106% 106% 106% 1 Am Cot ton oil Gs.100% 100% 100% • 9 Am Gaa A- El 6a. 94% 94% 94% 2 Am L & T 6a. w w.101 10! 101 3 Am Sum Tob 7%s.. 88% 87% 87% 10 Am Thread Co 6a... 102% 102% 102% 7 Anaconda woo 6a... 101% 101% 101% 1.1 Ang*Am Oil 7%a... 102% 102% 102% 22 Aaao Him Hdw 6%s. 91% 91% 91% 2 At Gulf A W I 5a.. 50 60 50 6 Heaver Hoard 8a... 71% 71% 71% 1 Belgo Can Paper 6a 92% 92% 92% 12 Ih*th Steel 7a. l»35.1o3% 108% 103% 4 Can Nat Ry e<» 7a.107% 107% 107% 4 Charcoal Iron 8a... 9<i 89 *9 5 Cities Service 7a **C” 95 94% 96% 2 Cities Service 7a ”D'* 90% 90% 90% 10 Col Gr 8a purtie rtfs 17 16% 17 1 Con Gaa Balt 5%a. 99% 99% 99% 1 Con Gaa Balt 6a... 108% 103% 10.1% 1 Con Gaa Halt 7a...108 108 log 4 Con Textile 8s. 87 86 86 2 Con P At B 6%s w 1 93% 93% 93% 6 Deere A Co 7%a... 100% 100 100 9 Detroit Cty Gaa 6*. 101 100% 101 2 Dunlap. T At K 7s.. 92 92 92 Fed Sugar 6a. 1933.100 100 100 r» Fla hr Hdv fix. 1926.10‘t % 100% 100% 20 Fisher Body 6s. ’28.100 99% 100 3 Gen Pet 6a. 96% 96% 96% 1 Grand Trunk 6% a. 106 106 106 22 Intern Match 6%a 93% 9.1% 93% 3 K C Term 5%a....l04% 104% 104% 4 Lehigh V Harb 5a 98 97% 98 1 L. McN & L 7a... 100% 100% 100% 6 Manitoba 7j» . 98 97% 98 1 Market St Ry 7«.. 98% 99% 99% 22 Morris A Co ?%*..10ft 99% 99% 1 Natl Leather 5a... 92% 92% 92% 1 N O Pub Her 5s... 85 85 65 6 N States P 6%*..100 10ft 10ft F. Ohio P 5s “B”.... . 86% 86% 8C% 1 Phil El 6s..*105% 105% 105% 5 Ph Pet 7%s w w. 102% 102% 102% 2 P S Corp N J 7s. .105% 105% 106% 2 Pure Oil 6%». 96 96 96 6 Sloes Sheffield 6s. 99% 99% 99% 1 S Cal Edison 5*... 98% 96% 98% 6 St Oil N Y 7a 1926.104% 104% 104 % 1 St Oil N Y 7s 1927.105 % 105% 105% 2 St Oil N Y 7s 1928.105% J05% 105% 1 St OH N Y 7a 1929.106 106 106 2 St Oil N Y 6%S. . .106% 106% 106% 4 Swift A Co 6a. 92% 92% 92% 24 I n Elec L A P 6%s 95% 93% 95% 6 Vacuum 011 7s. ....106% 106% 106% 12 IV eb Mills 6 % a . 101% 101% 101% Foreign Bonds. 1 K g Netherlands Ga 91 91 91 1 Rep Peru %. 97% 97% 97% 2 Russian 6%s. 17% 17% 17% •7 Kuan 64s **tfs N C. 15% 15% 15% lft Ruaxlan 3%h. 15% 13% 13% 8 Russian 6% ctf»... 15% 15% 15% 1 Swiss 5%a . . 99% 99% 99% 79 Swiss 5%x .98% »*% 98% 13 1‘ S Mex 4s « tfa. . . . 32% 31% 31% 12 Reading gen 4a ... IOH 99% 99% 3 Item Arina sf fie.. 914 934 >54 7 Republic I A S 6%S 99 «9\ 99 1 R I A A L 4 4e 76% 7*4 7fi% 9 StLTMAS ref 4a **4 **% **% 5 St LI MAS 4* K G div 7*4 .7*4 7*4 23 StLASF pr lien 4a A fi9 *fi*% 69 21 StLASF adj fi*_76 ' 754 7fi 79 StT.ASF Inc fia _ <3 4 *14 «3% It StL S W -on 4a... *24 *1% *14 14 StP Ur Depot 6s.. 97 4 9«% 96% :•* Sea A L con «.<•_ 7*4 7*4 7*4 5 4 Sea A L adj 5*_ 6 3 52 4 *2 4 <1 Sea A L ref 4i_63% 5 3 63% 22 Sinclair C O col 7a. 91 92 93 17 Sinclair C O «4s. . »7 *<4 *7 9 Sinclair r o 54*.. 9iU 9*4 9*4 2 Sinclair P L 5s. . *2*4 *7% *3% 24 So Pac cv 4s . 944 94 94 5 So I’sc col tr 4s.... *24 *24 *24 13 So Ry gen <4,_lr.4 !4. 194 1*4% « So Rv con 5a. 97% 97 97 U 2* So Ry gen 4* _ 72 71 4 71% 17 Steel Tube 7e.103% 1*3 4 193% 15 Tenn E'er ref 6e. . 96 95% 9* 2»* Third A^e adl in.. 4< 45% 45*ib 2 Third Ave r-f 4« . 55% 55% 56% 1 Tidewater OH C41.IOS 193 103 3 Toledo Edison 7s 1074 1074 107% 14 V P ref 5e ctfa .100% 199% 1*9% 4 U P 1st 4s. 90 4 904 904 * V P cv 4e . . 14% 964 94% 4 r<W Drug *S 1134 1174 1134 D Ltd Rrs St L 4s. 65 4 <5 «5 4 4 US Rub 7 4s ..1914 1014 101% ’* U S Rub 5s . *24 *1 4 *1% 12 U S St^l nf 5s 1*3 102% 1«2% 5 Utd Strs Rlty Cs.lftO l»f* 100 7 Utah I* A L 5s . . 90 *9% 90 10 Va-Cr Chm 7%s • 32 33 12 47 Va-Cr Chin 7s .. <4 CS% 64 9 Ya Rv 6s . 94% 94 4 >4% « Wabash 1st 5a . . 9*4 9T% 97% 1 Warner Sug Ref 7s.l«2% 102% 192% * West Md let 4s . 41% 61% «1% fi West Pac Fa . *54 *6 *5 1 West T*n 4 4* ....119% 119% 119 % fi West Flee 7s .107% 107% 107% 15 West Shore 4s ... *04 *04 *04 11 Wtck Spen St 7s . 61 60 *9 fi Wilson t'o nf 74a. <*4 **4 **4 12 Wilson Co 1st 6* . . 944 944 944 12 Young SAT Cm. 96% 95% 95% lio lmp jap fit . 92% 92% 92% Total sales of bonds today wars 17, 749.000 compared with ffi.4Sl.000 previous day and $*,S0S.990 a year ago. 4 h lea go Mocks. Chicago stock quotations furnished by J. S. Bsche A Co, 224 umahi National Bank building: Rid. Asked. Armour A Co., III., pfd.7*4 7*% Armour A Co, Dtt. pfd . . $7 4 *9 Albert Pick . 19 19% Besslck . 31% 32 % Carbide . 67% S7% Com Edison . 4% 44 Continental Motors . 4% 7 Cudahy .. 5*4 90 Daniel Boone . 2^4 29 Diamond Match .lit lit Deere pfd . «5 *C Eddy Paper . 19 22 Llhbr .... 4% 6 Nat ions 1 Leather .... . 2% 2% Quaker Oats .2S6 296 i Keo Motors ... 16% 19 birift A Co .102% 192% Swift International . 19% 19% Thompson .t.. 44% 46 Wahl . S«4 16% Wrigley . 2*4 17 Yellow Mfg Co . *14 61% Ysiiow Cab . (9% 49% Price Movement# Mixed in Railroad and Industrial List#. New Tork, March 31—Bond price* wavered in today's dull trading, with activity restricted to some extent by the renewal of call funds at 5 per cent and a subsequent advance to 5 1-2 per cent. Price movements were mixed in the railroad and industrial liats, with a few Individual rail llnea showing conspicuous strength and chemical is sues yielding to selling pressure. The first important foreign financ ing sinee the sale of the Japanese loan will be the offering tomorrow of $30,000,000 swlss government 22-year 5 1-2 per cent bonds at 97 1-2 to yield approximately 6.70 per cent. J. P. Morgan & Co. head the offering syn dicate. Speculative buying of the Belgian government 7 1-2 per cent bonds based on hopes of drawing lucky number* for redemption at llS^on June 1, wa* halted today with the announcement that the drawing had been completed. The obligations moved about a point below Saturday’s high level. Norfolk & Western convertible 6s. St. Paul, Denver * Rio Grande, and Interborough issues advanced frac tionally today but their gains were offset by weakness of American agri cultural 7 l-2s, which touched a new low at 91; Cuba Cane Sugar 8s, Vir ginia-Carolina 7 1-2* with warrants and United States Rubber 6s. Foreign Exchange Kates. Following are today a rate* of 4** rhange an compared with the par^ valua tion. Furnished by the Peter* National bank: Par Valuation. Today. Austria .20 .«000lf Belgium . .1*5 .044S Canada .100 .*»]* f’zer ho-Slovakla .20 .9292 Jjenmark .27 -1615 Fngland .4.46 4.31 France .1*3 .05»* Germany .4.. .234 .a Greece .7..1*6 .0146 Italy . 1*5 .0444 Jugo-Slavia . .20 -0130 Norway . 27 .1367 Poland .20 Sweden ................. .2< -662 riwltzerland .1*5 .l»i M l one* poll a Finer. Minneapolis March 31. —Flour—Utt* changed, family patentl, 94.36 G 6.45. Bran—122.00 ADVERTWEMm. Put* and Calls */fo,?&.k* tESES with r!«k limited to coxt of th. Put or Cell end wrofltn only limited by th* ac tivity of th* etook. Thl* Interesting method clearly explained in our FEES P.OOKT.ET No. AS. [ TI I HMAVN CO- *S WHIIem BA-. X. T. Tax Exemption By the purchase of tax-exempt bonds is not tax evasion. It is an entirely legitimate investment economy, recognized and estab lished by law. Municipal Bonds are ex empt from all taxes—Fed eral State and Local Ne braska Farm Mortgages are exempt from Nebraska State and Local Taxes. Ask for our Offering List of These Securities. Updike Grain Corporation (Private Win Df art—at) f Cfcicafe Beard al Trade MEMBERS \ aad l AD Other Leadiae Err hectare Order* for grain for future delivery in the prin cipal markets given careful and prompt attention. OMAHA OFFICE: LINCOLN OFFICE: Phone AT lantic 6312 724-25 Terminal Building 618-25 Omaha Grain Phone B-12S3 Exchange Long Distance 120 If this Signature i is NOT on the Box, it is NOT BROMQ QUININE “There is no other BRQMO QUININE* Proven Safe for more than a Quarter of a Century as s quick and effective remedy for Colds, Grip and Influenza and as a Preventive. | The First and Original Cold and Grip Tablet Price 30 Cents a