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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1924)
America's Fastest Growth in Home Ownership Is in Omaha I Additional Markets Omaha Produce l -■ ——* Omaha, March 31. BUTTER. Creamery—Local Jobbing price to re tailers: Extra*. 47c; extra* in 60-lb. tube, 4 5c; standard®. 46c; firsts, 46c. Hairy—Buyers are paying 32c for best table butter In rolls or tubs; 2*®28o *or common packing stock. For best sweet unsalted butter, 34c. butterfat. For No. 1 cream Omaha buyers are paying 37e per lb. at country stations. 45c delivered Omaha. FRESH MILK. 12.25 per cwt. for fresh milk testing 2.5 Ueliverrfd on dairy platform Omaha. EGGS. For No. 1 fresh eggs, delivered, in new cases, $6.38; seconds, 16c; cracks, loc. in some quarters $5.76, rase count, not less than 56 lbs. gross, is being quoted for fr* ah eggs. .. „ Jobbing prices to retailers: U. S. spe cials. 26c; U. 3. extras, commonly known ua selects, 25c; country run, 24c; No. 1 small, 22c; checks. 22c. POULTRY Buyers are paying around the following prices fo.- No. 1 stock: _0 Alive—Broilers, up to 2 lbs. each, 38c per lb.; heavy hens, 5 lbs. and over, 21c; 4 to 5 lbs., 19c; light hens, 18c; springs, smooth legs, 22®25c; stags, 17c; Leghorn springs, 18c; roosters, 13c; ducks, fat and full feathered. 12®15c; geese, fat and full feathered. 12® 15c; No. 1 turkeys, 9 lbs. and over, l&c; old Toms and No. 2, not culls, 16c; pigeons, $1.00 per dozen; ca pons. 7 lbs. and over. 27c per lb., under ] lbs., 23c per lb.; r.o culls, sick or crippled poultry wanted. . . A. Dressed—Buyers are paying for dressed chickens, ducka and geese, 2® 3c abovo alive prices, and for dressed turkeys, 6® to above live prices. Home dealers are accepting shipments of dressed poultry «nd selling same on 10 per cent cornmis eiion basis. Jobbing price* of dreeeed poultry to re tailer,; Springs. soft, 3oc; broilers, No. 1. 43c; No 2. 32c; lien*, 2Sc; rooeiere, kk;®lSc; duck*. 25®25c; geese, 20®2ac, turkeys. 32c; No. 2 turkeys, considerably less. FRfisn man. . Omaha Jobbers are soiling at about the following pricea, f. o. b. Omaha: Fancy white fish. 30c; lake trout market; hali but, 28c; northern bullheads Jumbo, 24© 26c; catfish, regular run. 3.©3oc; fillet of haddock, 25c black cod sabla'fish steak, 20c; amelts, 28©35c; flounders, 20c; crap plea. 20 ©25c; black baas. 35 c; Spanish mackerel. 1V4 to 2 lbs.. 25c. Jh rozen :fish 3 ©4c less than Pric®» V**,1? oysters, per gallon. 82.89©4.O0, Shell oysters and clams, per ICO, $2.00. CHEESE. Local Jobbers are selling American cheese, fancy grade, as follows: single daisies. 2314c; double daisies. 23c; ^ oung Americas. 24c; loughorns. 23c; square prin.s, 24c; brick, 25c; limburger. 1-1». style, $4.25 per doz.; Swiss, domestic, 4Mc; block. 38c; imported Roquefort, 6t<c New York white. 34c. BEEF CUTS. Wholesale prices of beef cuts effective today are as follows: _ No. 1 rounds. 18c; No. 2, lie; No. s, 12V4c; No. 1 loins. 34c; No. 2, 32c; No. 3. 17c; No. 1 ribs, 25c: No. 2. 23c; No. 3, 16c; No. 1 chucks. 12c; No. 2, 11c; No. 3. 8c; No. 1 plates. *kc; No. 2, 8c; No. 3. 7c Swift & Co’s, sales of fresh beef In Omaha week ending March 29 averaged $11.42 per cwt. FRUITS. Jobbing prices: Apples—In barrels of 145 lbs: Iowa Winesaps, fancy. $6.25; Missouri Black Twig, fancy. $3.50; Jonathans. fancy $5.00; Ben Davis, fancy, $4.7a; Jona thans. lows, extra fancy, $6.75; Ganos, fancy, $5.00. Lemons—California. fancy. per box. $6 00; choice, per box, $5.60. Avocades—(Alligator pears), per doz.. *C Annies—In boxes: Washington De licious, extra fancy, $3.25© 4.00; choice Washington Winesaps. extra fancy, $2. <», fancy, $3.25; choice. $1.85; Rome Beauty, extra fancy. $2.00; fancy, J^,hj!® winter Pearmain. extra fancy, $*.o0©2..5, Crimea Golden, wrapped, $1,7«. Strawberries—Florida, quarta, market about 75c. „ rA Grapefruit—Per box, extra fancy. $3 50 ©4.50; fancy. $3.25©4.00; Florida, fancy, per box. $3.00©$. 60. Granges— California, navel, fancy, ac cording to size, $3.85 © 6.00 per box; choice. 25c less. Cranberries—Jersey, 50-lb. boxes, fancy, $: r.». Bananas—Per lb. lCc. VEGETABLES. Jobbing prices: Eggplant—Per doz.. $2.00; 20c per lb. Shallots—Southern. $1.00 per doz. cabbage—Celery cabbage. 10c per lb.; new Texas cabbage, 4 4c per lb.; crates, 4c per lb. New Roots—Texas beets and carrot*, per doz. bunches. 90c; carrots, bushel. $2.00. Onions—Yellow In saclcs. per lb.. $4e; red. sacks. 4V£c; white, sacks, per lb.. 6c. Tomatoes—Florida, crate, six baskets, 1. 00; per basket. $1.25. Celery—California, per doz., according to size, $135 0 2 00. Florida, rough, % doz. crate. $3 75. Lettuce—Head, per crate. $5.0tf;. P«r doz . $1.25: hothouse leaf. 45c per doz. Roots—Turnips, parsnips, beets and car iota. in sacks. 2V4 03c per lb. Peppers—Green Mango, per lb., 2»c. Cucumbers—Hothouse. $3.<f0 per do*. Far*l»v—Southern, per doe. bunohee, SI.not* 1.35. „ „„ Brua*eH Sprout*—Per lb,. 2fle. _ Potato**—Nebraeka Ohio*, per 10# lb*.. $1,50; Minnesota Ohio*. $2 00. Idaho linker* 4c p*r lb.: Westerp Ru«»*t Rur *1*. $1 85 per cat.; new Triumph*, ham per. $7.50 ... Sweet Potato**—Routhero. rrat*. ac cording to brand. $:|.OO03.75; Jeraey aeed, bushel banket. $2.25. Mean*—Wax or green, per h*mper, ^'cauliflower—California, per er»te. $2.75 it 2. 011 Rhubarb—, 40 lb*., $3.50. Asparusuo— Per lb.. 25c. F FED. Omaha mills and Jobber* are eelllng their products In carload lots at the fol lowing yr’cis, f. o. b. Omaha: Wheat fe«d*. Immediate delivery: Bran—$23.50; brown shorts. $24.2&; grsv shorts, $24.75; reddog. $29.00. Alfalfa Meal—Choice, prompt. $29 00 No 1 spot, prompt. $23.00; No. 1 Auril and May. $25.00; No. 2 spot, prompt. I.mse.d Meal—34 per cent, $44.8#. Cottonc.ert Meal—43 per cent, $46.50. Hor.ilrv K**d—White or yellow. $28.00 Digester Feeding Tenkege—60 per cent. | $46 00 per ton. Buttermilk—Condensed, for feeding n bbl. lots u.4fro per 1b.; flake buttermilk. r.00 to 1500 lhs.. 9c per lb; eggshell, dried' and ground. 100-lb. bags $25.00 per ton. | FIELD 8EF/D. Nominal quotations, Omaha and Coun cil Bluffs, thresher run. per 100 lbs.: Al falfa. $17.00019.00; red clover. Sit.000 20.00; sweet clover, 111.00013 00; timo thy. $5.0006.00; fludan grass. $5.6004.60; ran# seed. $1 0001.10: common millet, 11.00; German millet. $2.25. J FLOUR. Prices at which Omaha mills and Job bers are selling In round lots (less than carlots). f. o b. Omaha, follow; First patsnt. Hi 9$-!b. bags. $6.3006.40 par bbl ; fancy clear. In 48-lb. bags. $5.1006.26 pa- bbl.: vhlto or yellow cornmeal. per cwt, $1.10. „ HAY. Nominal quotations for carload lots: Upland Prairie—No. 1. $13.00013.69; No. 2. $10.00012.00; No. 3. $7 0009.00. Midland Prairie—No. I. $12.00013 00; No. 2. $10.00011.00; No. 2. $16.0008 00. Lowland Prslrle— No. 1. $9.00010.00: No. 2. $6.0008.00. Packing Hay—$5.5007.60. Alfalfa—Choice. $21.00022.00; No. 1, 919 00020.00; standard. SIS.00 0 18.00; No. 2. $12.60014.00: No. 3, $16.00 012.00. Straw—Oats. $1.0009.00; wheat, $7.00 0 * 00. Pralrla hay receipts for week ending March 29 totaled 64 cars; alfalfa, 60 cars; straw. 8 cars. HIDES. WOOL, TALLOW. Prices tre uuotsbl# as follows, deliv ered Omsha, dealers' weights and selec tions: Hides— Sessonahle. No. 1. $Ur; No. 2. 44c; green, 4c and 3c; hulls. Jc end 3c; branded. 4c; gluo hides. 3c; calf 12c end 104c: kip. 1Oc and 84c; glue skins, 4c; dry flint hide*. 10c; dry salted. 7c; dry glue. Be; deacons, 85c each; horse hide*. $3.80 end $2.5tt each; ruble* end glues. $1.60 each; oils. 2'*o each: hog skins. 16c each Wool—Pelt*. $1 00 to $2 00 e*«h: lamb*. 7Rc to $1.60 each; clips, no \slue; wool, 30c to 40c. Tallow and Grease —No. 1 fallow. $%ej B tallow, 6c; No. 2 tallow, 4%n: A grease, 5%c; B grease. 6c; yellow grease. 44c: brown grease. 4c; pork cracklings, $60 00 per ton; beef cracklings, $30.00 per ton; beeswax, $20.00 per ton. Sinus Kalla Llreetock Sioux Falls. H. !>.. March 31.—Cattla— Receipts. 100 head; market steady; long fed steers: fancy. $8.80011.00; plain, $6.6008.25; fed yearlings, $6.00011 25; heifers. $6.0008.26; butcher row*. 14.8*10 ✓6 00; medium cowe, $4.000 4.90; stock steers. $4 50; veals, $6.00 0 9.00; stock calves, $4.5006.60. Hogs—Receipt*. 600 bead; market 10'* higher: ton. $7.16: rang.*, $6 0007 15. hulk, $7.0007 16; medium and heav> butcher*. $7.0007.16: mixed lights and medium*. $6.9007 00. mixed heavies. $6 9607.01; pecking sows |f.0006.25. 8t. Joseph Livestock Dt Joseph. Mo. March 11— rattle Re celpta. 1.000 head, sfrong to 16c higher, bulk of early steer sale*. 8 0009 60 row* end hesfers. $4.2809,25; alvcs $.V00tf $ : n; stnrger* and feeder*. $6 6008.60 Hogs—Receipts, 1,000 head, 6 lo 10c higher; top, $7.40; bulk ot sales. $7.10© ! 7.35. Nheep and Lambs—Receipts. 8.000 head; steady; laraba. $15 25© 16.26; ewes. $10.00 ©11.00. New York General. New York. March 31.—Flour, steady: spring patents, $6.0006.50; soft winter straights. $5,000)6.30; hard winter straights. $5.5006.00. Rye flour, steady; fair to good. $4 00© 4.15; choice to fancy. $4 I5fi4.25. Corn meal, quiet; fine white and yellow granulated. $2.3002.35. Rye. firm; No. 2 western. 79Vic f. o. b. New York and 77*,*c c. 1. f.. export. Barley, stead); matting. 89092c c. i. f. | New York Wheat, spot, firm: No. 1 dark northern spring, f. i f., track New York, domestic. $1.44: No. 2 hard winter f. o. b.. $1.20; No. 1 Manitoba, do. $ 1.13%a. and No. 2 mixed durum, do. $1,174^ Corn. spot, firm; No. 2 yellow, c. i. f.. New York domestic all by rail. 96 Vc; No. 2 white, do. 97%c, and No. 2 mixed, do. 9o*c. Oats. spot, firm; No. 2 white. 66*4 ©57c. Feed, easy; city bran. 100-pound sacks. $29.00; vestern bran. do. $28.60® 29.50. Hay. quiet; No. I. $30.000 31.00; No. 2. $28.00 © 29.00; No. 3, $23.00024.00; ship ping. $18.00020.00. Hops, firm; state 1923. 63 ©58c; 1922. 23 028c; Pacific coast. 1923. 30®40c: 1922. 27030c! Pork, steady; mess, 24.75© 24.75; family, 26 00 028.00. Lard, easy; middle west. 11.20011.30. Tallow, quiet; special loose. 71407^4c; extra. 7^ic. Rice, firm; fancy head. 7 *4® 8c. East 8t. JxhiIh Livestock. East St. Louis. 111.. March 31—Cattle— Receipts, 3,000 head; beef steers strong to 25c higher; light yearlings and heifers steady to 25c higher; beef cows steady to 15c higher; spots up 2oc; canners and stocker steers strong; bologna bulls steady; light veaiers $10.00010.25; top matured steers $10.50; best long yearlings $11.00; top light yearlings, $9.90; bulk steers, $7.10®9.75; yearlings and heifers, $7.2608.50; cows, $4.7B©6.26; canners, $2.5002.76; bulks, $4.50 0 5.10. Hogs—Receipts 18.000 head; 10c to 15c higher: bulk good and choice offerings. 170 pounds and up. $7.7007.80; few best light weights. $7.85; light lights anil pigs strong; 140 to 160 pounds $7.3507.66; 110 to 130 pounds. $6.60© 7 25 ; lighter nigs. $5.oO©6.25; packer sows mostly $6.60. Sheep and Lambs—Receipts 500 head; nominally steady; medium good quality lambs. $10.00; few medium to good ewes. $11.25: quote choice lambs, $16.50; choice light ewes, $11.50. Foreign Exchange New York. March 31.—Foreign Ex changes—Firm. Quotation in cents; Great Britain, demand, 42974; cables. 43074; 60-dav bills on banks, 427H France, demand. 6.61 V4; rabies. 6.52 V* Italy, demand, 4.38; cablea. 4.38V* Belgium, demand, 4.34; rabies. 4.35. Germany, demand (per trillion), .22. Holland, demand. 36.99. Norway, demand. 13.60. Sweden, demand, 26.52. Denmark, demand. 16 26 Switzerland, demand. 17.46 V* Spain, demand. 13.66. Greece, demand. 1.74 : Poland, demand, .000012. Czechn-Slovakia, demand. 2.97 4*. .1 ugo-Sla via. demand. 1 24. Austria, demand. .0014 V«. Rumania, demand. .52,4. Argent In n. demand. 3 3 »7. Brazil, demand. 11.16. Tokio. demand. 42 V* Montreal. 97 13-16. New York Produce. New' York. March 31.—Butter—Barely steady; receipts. 8.860; creamery, higher than extras, 4084®41Vic; do. extras (92 store). 40V4c; do. flrsta (88 to 91 score), 36 Vi® 39c; packing stock, current make, No. 2. 28‘i® 29c Eggs—Irregular; receipts. 1 4.069; fresh gathered. extra firsts, regular packed, 23Vi tfo24Vic; do, storage packed 25®25V4c; do, firsts, regular narked, 22V4®23c; do, storage packed. 24® 24 do. seconds, and poorer. 22 ® 2274 c; New Jersey and other hennery whites, closely selected extras, 32®36c; state, nearby and nearby western hennery whites, firsts to extras. 261i®32c; nearby hennery browns, extras, 26®28c: Pacific coast whites, extras. 32Vi ®r.Rr; do. firsts to extra firsts, 28®32c. ! Cheese—Unsettled; rec-lpta. 34,331 pounds; state, whole milk, fiats fresh, fancy, 18 V* ® 19 Vi*': do. average run. 17 Vi ®18c; state, whole milk flats, held, fancy to fancy specials, 23\®25i; do average run, 23® 23 Vic. New York Sugar. New York. March 31.— Interest in the raw s'jgar market today wan confined to second half April shipment, nearby sug.i* being neglected Prices were uncharged 81 6.65c duty paid spot Cubans, and K78c for latter shipment. Sales totaled 30.000 l.ggs Cubans to operators for second half Vpril shipment. Row sugar futures were steadier early, lot after showing gains of 2 points on active position due to covering, price* •*ased off under s 'altered liquidation in the absence ’of my aggressive demand. Final prices were unchanged to 2 point* net lower.* Jdav closed 5.'*fc; July. 6.1*»f%, September. 5.11c; December. 4.631*. only moderate inquiry v as noted for refined sugar. prices remaining un hanged at 5.40c to 8.50c for fine granu lated. | Refined futures were nominal. Chicago Butter. ' Chicago. March 31 —The butter mar ket today followed a few early sale* of 92 scores at 38®3*V*c The market re acted slightly and late this afternoon the general tone appeared firmer. Re f-elvers were inclined to hold back their offerings and asked premiums. Buyers, however, continued to operate cautiously and trading on the whole waa quiet. Cen tralized cars were held quite firmly as [there waa some demand for full 90 score [to be delivered on the April contracts. Fresh butter: 92 score. 39c; 91 score. 38*Yc; 90 score. 38c; 89 score, 37 Vic; 88 score. 37V4c; 87 score, 37c. Centralized carlots: 90 score. 39**c; 89 score, 39c. Coffee Futures. New York. Match 31.—Coffee future* opened today at a decline of 10 to 17 point* under liquidation, but after selling at 13.39c for May and i1.90c for Septem ber. rallied on covering by near months short*. May advanced to 13.49c and Sep * ember to 13.05c. with the market clon ing net 4 point* higher to C point* lower. Hales were estimated at 3*,00O bag*. Closing quotations: May, 13 49c; July, 12.73c, September, 12.06c; October. 11.88c; December. 11.55c; March, 11.30c Spot coffee quiet; Rio 7*. 15%e; Santo* 4*. 19% ©10c. New York Metal*. New York. March 31.—Copper—15a ay; electrolytic, spot and futures, 13% © 13*. c. Tin—Kasy: *pot and nearby, 49.37c; future*. 49.00c. Iron—Steady; No 1 northern. 22.60© 24.00c; No. 2 northern 21.50© 23.00c; No. 2 southern. 2l.00©23.60c Lead — Steady; spot, *17ff9.00r. Zinc — Steady; Ka»t St. Louie, »pot and (future*. 4 28©4.10c. Antimony—Spot, 11.60c. Kansas City Drain. Kansas City March 31.—-Wheat No 2 hard, 96c ©81.19; No. 2 red. 81.06© 1.08; May. 96 *4 c *ld; July. 94%.- split bid. Corn—No. 3 white, 71%©72c; No. 2 yel low, 75©>75%c; No. 3 velU,w. 74©74%c; No. 2 mixed. 73©73%c; May. 72%c bid; July. 73 44c bid; September. 74c bid. Ilay—Unchanged to 81 higher. No. 1 timothy. 820.00©20.50; light clover mixed. $19.00 ©20.00. Drnln K-.pply. New York. March 31.—The visible sup ply of American grain shnwa the follow ing changes (In bushels); Wheat decreased 1.076.000. Corn decreased 902.000. Oat* decreased 66.1.000. Rye increased 7,000. Rarity decreased. 37.000. Chicago Produce. Chicago. March 81.—Butter—Lower; creamery extra* 33%c; standard*. 38%c; extra flret*. .17% ©81c; firsts, 37©37%n; second*. 26®3«%r. Kgaa—Lower; receipts, 44.900 rases first*. 20% ©20%4c ordlmrv flr»ta, 18© 1 • % c; storage pack extra*. 28%c; first*. 22c. Chiengn rotators. Chicago. 111., March 31 —Potatoes— About steady; receipt*. 64 car*, total United State* shipments Saturday. 792 cars: Sunday. 31 cara: Wisconsin sacked round white*. United States No. J. $1.25 ©1 40; Minnesota snd North Dakota sackad Red River Ohio* No. 1. $1.26© 1 40: Idaho sackad russets. United States No. 1 82.76©3>0. Kansas Ulty I'rodur* Kansas city. Mo. March 31 — Egg*— Unchanged: firsts. JK%c: eelei is 2 4c. Blitter—Creamery*. 3o lower. 44©45c: packing. 2c lower. 2D. Poultry—Unchanger; h*ns, 21c; broil er*, 42* : springs. 37c; roosters. Ur. Fotatoea —Unchanged, western white* $1 66©1 IS. New York Poultry. Naw York. March 31---Poultry—Llae easy; no freight quotstions; chickens by express. 27©38e; broilers, 60©66c; fowls. 27©2$c; turkeys. 36©46c; dressed quiet; chickens, 2*: ©.Or. fowls, 22 ©32c; old rooaters. 19©i6c; turkey*. 26©36«. Ixmdno Hllver. London, March 21,— Mar Silver— 33 S-16d per ounce. Money 2% per cent. Discount rate*-—Short bill*. ?%©3 per cent; three months' bill*. :;%©:• 2-16 per « ent. Chicago Poultrv, Chicago March 31.—Poultrv: Alive — Unchsnaed: fowls 24c. springs, 28c. roos ter*. 17c. geese, 16c. New York kilter. New York. M;irch 31 Bsr Hil’er Mexican lit liars, 4*%r. New York Cotton Futures. New York. March 31.—Cotton futures (opened firm: May. 27.8Bc; .Toly, 26 32c; October. 24.20c. December. 23.86c; Jan | uarv. 23.60c. New York. March 31.—Cotton—Spot steady; middling. 28.60c. fills and Kpnin. Savannah, Ua.. March 31.—Turpentine— Firm. 94c; sales. 227 bbla.; receipts, 69 bbla.; shipment?, 259 bbls.; stock. 6,151 Ibis. llosin—FJrm: sales. 365 casks; receipts. 4S casks; shipments, 673 t asks; stock. 68.264 c.aeks. rjiiote: H to M. $1.85; N. $4.10; G.' $5 90; )VWX. 86.35. Huston Wool. Boston. March 31.—Wool opened today on about, the same basis as for the last three or four days. While prices were slightly easier near the close of Inst weeks buyers, for some of the mills feel that after today the wool offered at lower figures will not he available. The reason given is the beginning of the Ifrcal tax period. April 1. New York Cotton. New York. March 31.—The ant ton mar ket rinsed steady at a net advance of 40 to 87 poinls. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Funeral No tires. A MARSH —Ernst A. 3907 North iTrt St.. . passed away .March 30. Deceased is sur vived by his wife. Amelia Hnd four daugh ters, Mrs. Matilda Kay, Mrs. G. M. Eery, Mrs. L. L. Kothe and Mrs. William Mad oerin. and three sons, Fred W.. Ernst A., jr., and W. E.,*all of Omaha, and nine grandchildren. Funeral services Wednesday at 2 p. m. from Hoffmann Funeral Home to 8t. Pauls Evangelical Lutheran church. 25th and Evans Streets, at 2:30. Interment Prospect Hill. RADFORD—Mrs. Clara, age 77 years, died at her home, 6912 South 2«th St She is survived by hpr husband, Moses, and three sons, William and W. M. of Omaha ami W. E. of Joplin, Mo. Funeral Tuesday at 2 p. m from the Larkin chapel to Graceland Cara ceme tery. Roy. R L. Wheeler officiating. MASSIK—James B. age 63 years, at his residence. 5225 South 48th Ave. Survived by his wife. Elizabeth: five children. Margaret. Bessie. John, James and Spence. Funeral Tuesday from residence. 8:30 s. m. to St. Msrys church at 9. Interment St. Marys cemetery. HUSK AMP—Fred A., age 13 years, died March 19. Funeral service* will be held from Bur kett chapel, 3405 Farnam St. Interment Avoca, la. FINNERTY—George F Funeral Monday morning at John A. Gentleman’s mortuary at 8:45 o'clock. In terment Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Vault* and Monuments B Automatic Sealing" concrete burial vaults recommended by all leading undertakers. Mfg by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co. Funeral Directors. C HEAFEY ft. HEAFEY Undertakers and Kmbalmera Fhone HA. 0265. Office 2611 Farnam (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1882) KORISKO FUNERAL HOME 23d and O Jfta. 1250 S. 13th St MA. 0630. AT. 1173 HOFFMANN AMBULANCE Dodge at 24th. Funeral Directors. JA. 2901 X. P. SWANSON. 17TII AND CUMING Quiet. Dignified Supervision HUL8E ft RIEPEN. Funeral directors. 2224 Cuming. JA. 1226 C. c. HAYNES FUNERAL HOME. 3920 N. 24th St. K E. 0257. DUFFY ft JOHNSTON. 311 S. 13d, new funeral home. HA. 0417 CROSBY-MOO RE 24th and Wirt. WE. 0047 BRA I LEY ft DORRANC'E. 3 823 CUMING ST. JA. 0526. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN 3411 Farnam Sr. Cemeteries. I D VISIT FOREST LAWN t | WEST OF FLORENCE.’ Foreat Lawn cemetery in the largest and , most beautiful cemetery in this vicinity. I < >n account of its natural beauty it is i recognised a* one of the leading ceme teries In the country It is north of the <Ry limits. Office st the cemetery and 720 Brandeis Theater. WEST LAWN CKMTKKY. I Omaha's most convenient burial park. ‘8th and Center. Family lots of varying sizes for Immediate or future use, on easy payments. Perpetual care. Courteous service. Easily accessible. Call WA. 0820 or AT 1979. we'll take you out at your convenience. , j Florists. E ROGERS, Florist, 24th Farnam. JA. 340C JOHN HATH. 1804 Farnam. JA. 1906 Personals. 3 1600 00 REWARD 8100.00 reward paid for the arrest and J conviction of person or persons who com mitted (he holdup at the Orpheum | Theater Saturday morning. March 8th. ' 1924. Reward of 1500 00 will be paid for the i recovery of the entire amount stolen, or ' lo per cent of any part recovery of1 amount stolen. R. T. Gustafaon. LOVE HASKELL CO 209 W Q. w. Bldg.. Omaha. I COAT LOST—Will party who found tan ^ plaid coat In Maunders Kennedy lobby or on Douglas between 11th to 10th and i Mason, kindly leave at Cigar Stand. 203 So. jsth Si Marks in coat, M-Carthy ' M ilson and J. 1 J. 8. 910 reward and no question* waked. I THE SALVATION Army Industrial home! solicits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines We collect. We distribute. Phone | JA, 4136 end our wagon erlll call ‘**11 and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge street. CAN care for elderly or invalid ladv In my private home. Beat of references. WA. 1313. EXPERT masseaus* will go out to treat women, also care for ln#Clris at close in sanitarium, reasonable. JA. 5877. " . ■ ■ 1 i Prostatlc troubles treated without surgery »>r drugs. Dr. C. B. Runt, 631 W.-tf. Bldg Theatrical historical tnasqu* costnmea for play and parties at Lieben’s, Omaha j M ASM AGE T R E A T M E NT. _210 _N. 17TH ST j I.«>st and Found. 4 WILL the man who picked up fur Sunday in Rialto theater please return to box1 office? Reward._ j AUTOMOBILES. Automobile* for Sale. S "TODAT’S 1PKCTAI..'* On* 1122 Light Six Redan. New paint, aperitl upholstering, motor Just completely renewed. it wire wheels, extra good cord Ursa—In fart, everything In new condition. Will take a Ford touring or roadster In exchange. Don't buy an automobile, new or used, until you see thla eutnmn hlle snd know the price at which we are selling It. HANNANVAN BRUNT. INC Karnam at 30th. HA. OHM. Open Until t P. At. UR ED CAR DEPT. Air. 01 sea PACKARD sinxle sis 1921 Rport models* coat Ht.aon with equipment Done Dee than 2.000 miles ami will sell for 12.000 cash. TALBOT BALER COMPANY, Lincoln. Nebraska. WILL aell my 1922 Chevrolet touring at a real bargain price Irinka like a new car and Is In excellent shape Calt AT 4413. Mr. Rolfa. I HAVE a 1921 Ford touring, atarter and extras, that I must sell si ones. Call AT 4411 Mr. Laugh! In, _ URWD CARR O N Bonney Motor Co. >414 Farnam. GOOD \ MED CARS BUY YOtlRR AT OUT L SMITH BRAND i«w, Jl?4 standard make slx-ryl* tnder care at faetcrv prices Your nppnr uyiitj. No uadee. Box D-4H. umaha Dee Government Figures issued a few months ago, on the growth of Home Ownership in American cities, showed Omaha to be in the lead. The last official report shows 48.4 per cent of the Homes in Omaha are owned by the families that live in them. This figure puts Omaha in third place in^ the United States as a Home Owning City.' The figure also shows that Omaha’s Home Ownership has been growing faster than that of any other American City. That rapid growth has not been spasmodic. It has been undeV way since 1900, over twenty years. Omaha is a great place* in which to live—and own a home. (Taken in part from Omaha lteal\ Estate Board ad of March 26./ AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles for Sale. S ".VWRrjIY DID IT' Downtown Used Car Store. 1410 .Tarkson Street. AT. 4411. NASH-VRIESKMA AUTO CO. USED CAR STORE. 2045 Farnam. AT.45I0 FORDS—DODOES—BUICKS 3701 8. 24th. _Tel. SfA. 5ft>0 Trucks for Sale. BA ONE to thret-ton used trucks; terma can be arranged. International Harvester Co. of America. 714-16 8. 10th St. Automobile Agencies. 6 125.000 (according to Inventory! pul. you Into one nf the best Buh'k anti Chevrolet agencies In the \Vlllame»?a Valley. 1923 business Increased $60,000 over 1922. i his will atHnd strict Investigation: books are open for Inspection. Concrete 2-story bldg. 110x100; present on ner here over 6 year*. H BORLAND. REALTOR 300 Henry Bldg. Portland. Ore. Auto Accessories, Parts. 9 FORD Sedan body with built-in Pullman bed. 3—4-passenger Coupe bodies Travel bodies built for any chassis. PFEIFERS. 2525 Leavenworth GUARANTEED new and uaad auto carte at a special rut price. Nebraska Auto Parti. 1016-1* Harnev St.. JA. 4931. and 2205 Cuming St.. AT. 1$70.^ NEW and used rar rarta for all makes of tars at reduced prices. Kaplan Auto Parts 2111 Nicholas. JA. 341_0. Service Stations—Repairing. 19 INDUSTRIAL AUTO MACHINISTS. Ray field i-arburetor and Klaeman* mag neto service AT 2550 P. MELCHOIRS & SON. 417 8. 1*TH business service. Business Service* Offered. 13 JAMES ALLAN’S Detective* Expert *©cret service. 311-12 Neville Block. AT. 1136. Millinery—l»r*MmaUing. 17 ACCORDION, aide, knife, box pleating. covered button-: all atyli*: hernatItching. buttonhole Writ** Ideal Button and IMeattng <’«». 30S Brown Block. Omaha. Net* Telephone JA. lf?< N KB i’LKATlNO CO. Hemstitching. Covered Button*. 1104 Karnam. Second f.oor'*• DTtliflSM AKINO and alteration*, work guaranteed. .1 A. 42 14. _ "Moving—Trackage—Storage. 18 FIDELITT STORAGE tc VAN DO. MOVING PACKTNO STORAGE SHIPPING Hou..hoM good*, offlc. furnltur., auto.. 1107-11 HOWARD ST. JA. 07»». GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE. PACKING. MOVING. SHIPPING. STORING Estimates furnished. AT. 0230 or JA. 4338. REKINS OMAHA VAN A STORAGE ]8th nnd I.favpnworth Stg. Packing. mov ing. Moragf, .hipping. JA. 4188. GORDON'S FIIIF.PROOF WHSE A VAN. ;i» North 11th St. Phone JA. SOI:; mov ing. pm-hlhg. etor.-ige. .hipping _ Painting and Papering. 18 A NO 1 p.perh. ng ing. Wall papvr, sale price. Fred Parka. 4708 8. J4th 8t. MA. 0101. AT*. 7404. _ PAPERHANOING and painting. Will bring you aample t.ooke. WE. 6C8i. Patent Attorney*. W T. W. MARTIN. T.26 Peter* Tru*t Bldg. Omaha; alao Washington. Double aervlc*. aingle foe. Aiwa help ©ell patent*._ Printing Stationery. 71 COMMERCIAL PRINTING Eddy Printing Co, 118 South nth at 'then. JA ms* Repairing. 2* USED and new eewing machlnea. Sew Ing machlnea and Vlctrolaa repaired. Rent machlnea. 11 per week; $1 par mo. MICKKL MUSIC HOUSF 11th and Harney. 1HL Renovating anil Dyeing 34 OMAHA PILLOW CO— Feather* reno vated and mad© up in new feather-proof ticking. If u7 Cuming JA. 2467. EMPI.OY MKNT. Help Wanted—Femal* 27 MAI.KN manager of a aut easeful ealnb Itehed Chicago corporation doing nation wlde buaincea. wIM b© at th© Uontenoll* hotel for 6 day* beginning Mon*1ay. .March 11. for th© purpoa© of Intarvlcwlng 4 or 6 women anxious to make p©rmiuient con nection with aplendld opportunlfy for ad vanceinant. Applicant* inuat apply In per ron and b* b©tw©«n 27 and 40 year* of hgo, hava at leaat high at.hool education and be foot loose to travel extensively. Applicant© muat l©av© Omaha within week. No experience or Inveattnent re tjulrcd. We will pay rallrond fare and guarantee grmil Incntn© front atari. pn©i tlun w oith $7i per week. Only women with p©i ©on* lity, culture nnd reference will be run ©ul ©red No canvaeaer* ne**d apply. Out-of-town applicant* give detail* a* to age. ©duration and telephone num ber. Me© or write. Ml MM KATHKRINK KD1K. Foniendle Hotel I, A Dl KK—Our syatem of beauty culture will make you independent. Oood posi tions waiting at top wag*** Qualify ■ Hiickly. Day nr evening t'«l| nr wilts MOl.KK I'dl.U-lUK. ins S 16th an eet. WANTKD (or an Institution, a good rook, mud bn agreeable. experienced and ef ficient. good wiivri to right nartv Pro restani preferred A 12d i Mna tta Dee Itot'MKK KKPKIt wanted Hinall house Mo yuui own Iiom Steady place, r214 South Iftth street. fdmoln. N*b TW O ladles for |n« •«! and travel work. Mr, Marry. 248 Klk Mldg Forenoon nttl\ llrlp Wanlrd—Mai*. It MKN--I.earn Itarheilng This tidenilld psytiig trade m«aiia indopendi*if - surl now and complete At buetcat season for barbers. Day nr evening, rail or .vrlts M« H.KIt llAHItKIt t’til.I.blK, 109 -S P.lh, <‘LKKKM wanted. Men ld*sr». Rxamina Mona May I. For Hallway Postal i*h»rk lllg salary. KxperISm e unnec* Henry Wilte Mr. DePonipte immediately. 14do N St,, \\**hlngi.m |» i*. t'bKHKH iBliwnv mall. 1A • Hunt Omaha. .Msv S. f!?S mo Piperlen- o tin - oecenaarv. For fr**e write It Terry (forniei t’lvll Service examiner), •its Barrlati Mldg. Washington 11, C, Al.l, MKN. W'nmen. hoys, girls 1i to tl willing io si cent government posttInna. HIT I ‘J ft 0 Urmi'linr or at a t |on srv I write Mr Oament, 1At*. fit. f.oula. Mo limnnll a *" l y_ TinKMKN hrakemen beginner*, l I2ltb (Which |^oa^ttoo,) Hallway, Y 2666. | Omaha Mae EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted—.Male. 28 | I.ARUK corporation wants a aarvtce man! in every town to paste up Ita sign* on < storekeepers' windows Excellent oppor tunity for reliable party. No experience necesanry. We also have attractive propo sition for agents and salesmen. Guaran tee Sign Servj< e. ;;t>l W. Superior. Chi cago. RAILW’AY mail clerk* wanted. Exam ination Omaha. May 3. $1,400-12.300, yearly. Experience unnecessary. Full par- ! tlculars free by writing G. W. Bobbin*, 1 Civil Service Expert, 171 Burchell BJdg, : Washington. D. C. j RAILWAY Mail Clerks Wanted—Omaha. | examination Mav 3 $1.600-$2.300 vearlv. I Hlg raise expected. Write Mr. Ozment. 499 St. I.nul* Mo. immediately, Help W anted—Male and Female. t> AGENTS for Darn K-Z. only washable cold pat* h fur stockings Sells at sight Wheaton Laboratories La Crosse. Wis. Salesmen and Agents. SO PIANO salesmen wanted. $50 per week , and commission. Y-2613, Omaha Bee. Situations Wanted—Female. 31 ~---1 WANTED—A position as housekeeper for! w idower or bachelor. Miss Peterson, Gen. Deb. Yuma. Colo. NEAT colored girl general housework. WE 5461. WHITE woman wants day work. .I A. 5616. financial! i Business Opportunities. 33 FOR MALE—General mdse, store, doing good business. $24,000 stock, clean, up-to date stock, in good live town, surrounded i by good farming country; buy direct from owner Box 1135. North J#oup, Neb. GET IN a profitable cash business, we erect complete filling stations and oil storage plants on tune payments and fur tiish oil. Address Box A-72 ■ Omaha Bee. PROMOTER ran raise up to million dol lars on clean rut Nebraska proposition, what have you that needs capital? H-2f3, <>maha Bee ANY buslne««, anywhere sc Id for cash No publicity. Federal System, 205 Paxton Bldg AT 0462, in>tstneal—fliorlri ffnnii 34 - -———-r,. LOW RATE on city property, quickly ' loaed; no monthly payment*. JA. 1633. W T. Graham. __ M A ANDERSON CO 6107. Real ratate. Surety bonds and kindred In* Rial Estate Loan*. 34A 6«* AND 6 PER CENT MONEY Loan* on Omaha» improved property at lowest rates. FRANK If. BINDER. >-* Clly National. JA. J5»l. OMAHA HOMES—EAST NEB FARMS ‘►KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. HH5 Mm Nat, Hk. Bldg JA. 2718. SIX per cent loans on Omaha residence* •'aah on hand Prompt service. E. H. Louye Inc,, 831 Keellne Rida. FARM LOANS. Larg* or small. West Neb farms, ranches. KioK.» Investment < 'o . I* 4 5 Om Nat. Hk. SECOND mortgages or contract* pur chased by Tukev Company, 620 First Na tIona I Hank. JA. 4222. CITY real estate mortgage* and con tracts brought. Mr. Larson. 104 North Fifteenth street I WILL buv mortgages and contracts Corkln. 94» Om. Nat, Bldg. Omaha. Neb &*Y AND S PER CENT—No DELAY GARVIN HUGS. 645 Omaha Nat. Bide. Money to Ix>«n. 33 THIS COMPANY IS ORGANIZED To supply ygur money want a In the same way that batiks supply the money wants of the business community. Anv amount loaned up to ff.00 and you <*n repay It In easv monthly payments. Our «oual usvment plan repays the loan *rd all charge* We have been in bualnc** In Omaha over 30 ye;tra and can assure vou of a quick, confidential and squara deal. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. Karha.h Rlock. Tel JA 22M. Southeast corner 16th and Douglas Sts. DIAMOND loans at lowest rates, business strictly confidential The Diamond Loan to, 1414 Dongla s St. Established 1«»4 Loral Instruction 33 DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL HOYLES SCHOOL. Complete course In all commercial branches. bookkeeping coinptomctrv. shorthand typewriting, telegraphy secre tarlal. banking salesmanship. civil serv ice jtiicltah You mav work tor heard while attending Illustrated <*,atog free HOYLES SCHOOL, llth and Jlarnev Sta. Omaha. Neb. _JA. 1513. Tit I-CITY HARDER COLLEGE 1402 I'odge St. 1106 Douglas 9t call or write foe Information. EIGHT to 12 weeke prepare you for a fine office position. Call AT. TT74 ar write American college. 1IH Fa merit. \i\V< >lt A K Ht SlNESS COM EU E Stenography and Hookkeeping Wend Midg lull and Fwrnam AT 7416. I I 'MPI'I • M KTi;it school. 300 Courtney Hlg. I.itnrinc Aridnnlrn. 39A J.argest dancing in Omaha. "Th^rf » n Kaiann ' KKKP8. HOTKl- HUAI*. JOIN NOW .1A. M. 0 I.IVKSTOt K. HmiMi CaMh. \ i hit ii ". 43 II VK.SKSN ANIi SMim.KK We make them ouraelves and sell thrm direct ir» the consumer; blah grade hat liras at 1st coat. Write for free catalog Al.FttKD OOKNlflH. 1210 Karnam Mt . Omaha. Nah. <<>\VH Several fresh milk cowa with calves; one thoroughbred Jeraey, pedi gr««4. M*0, North Mth. Poultry anti Supplies. 44 MltPTI.Y freeh eggs for sal*. I*«| l>e ■ Htur VN A MM rumiortlll MltKI • lloamti hull pupa. I'l'digreed registered stock 4311 Hoyd Ml fHICKH Leghorn*. ||o 1 uo Oth**r hi cods. $12 100 .1 amra Wilts#. Itulo, Neh, Foil MAI. K Pure bloo.l Whit# Rock • o. Uriel and tun pullets $?. I\ K 1461. HATfHINCl rgga from mv sxhlhlTlofcrgC la' Inc ?t I Red Mika t’latK, KK 13kk m rr o rim no ton egg'* ${ a aa'tung. it. a hundred. IIA. fill. _LIVESTOCK. Poultry and Supplies. 41 FARROW chlx n 100 lote »I reduced price*. Harretl Hock*, 8. C. Hed*. An ronas, $14; Whit* or lirown Leghorn*, $12; Huff Orpington*, Wyandotte*. Mi norca*. $17; assorted. $!*. postpaid *t your xioor. Write for catalog. D. T. F a r r n w <'bi«kcrle>« Foot la. 111. HABY CHICKS AND HATCHING EGGS from blue ribbon winner* and trapneated stock. Get our free catalog We can save you rnoncar. Ever-Laying Egg Farm. Box C Salix Iowa. ' ~ m e: k chan disk, Business Equipment. 47 WE BUY. ***11 safe*, make de*k*. show case*, etc Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., i. W, cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724. Fuel and Feed. 511 KINDLING—IS truckload, delivered; «atv dust, shaving*. l’hdne JA. £740. Household Goods. 53 Kl H.VITniH Tim kind th;• t you would like to posxeex. ax well ax staple articles. Prices within reason. Stephenson Auction House, 1509 Capitol. Goods a6Id at auction and private sale. _ FOR REAL lurnit ur« and rug bargains see Homo Funiiture Co., South Side. Swap Column. 53A JX.OOO EQUITY—120 acres exceptionally fine l*olk count)' Nebraska land, all un der cultivation. In exchange for smaller farm or Omaha property. B-279, Omaha Be...___ AN Arnold massage vibrator with all attachments. Swap for 22-rifle. 30x3 V* tire or quarter-horse motor, or what have \ ou ? A-194. Omaha Bee 940 A. GOOD land near Kimball, Neb ; ; 200 a. fall wheat, good bldgs.; to trade for small farm, hotel or city property.] D-407, Omaha Bee.I FROSTED brown wicker sun room set, gray enamel child ■ crib, high chair and, rocker, garden plow, for what have you? A-7 13. Omaha Bee SPLENDID south front lot, 60x130, with {cement walk. All specials paid, 60 feet from paved street. Exchange for late I Ford sedan. Address. D-400, Omaha lice. COMPLETE electric shoe equipment doing good business. Trade for something In {suburbs or auto. D-404. Omaha Bee. FOR trade or sale house and lot at Holdrege Neb for Omaha property. Ad dress, B-297, Omaha Bee FORTY player rolls to exchange for motorcycle, dayhed. duofold or good bi cycle Address. B-294, Omaha Hee. NICE assortment nf fan1, groceries for good typewriter equal value- B-29*. (»iii;cIik Hee. DAVENPORT and white enamel kitchen table- for duofold or what have you. A-193. < much a Bee. TWO OLD Trusty incubators. 200 egg size for duofold or»*9xl2 rug Address. B 296, Omaha Bee. FINK old violin, wonderful tope, good |volume, will tr. de for rugs or neutrodyne radio set. A-125. Omaha Hee ONE large size Victor Vlctrola for dia mond or furniture, or what have you? Address D-496, Omaha B»*e GOOD bakery and restaurant. Farnim street, 7 living rooms above, for equity in house and jot A-706. cTnmha Bee VIOLIN—A beautiful-toned violtn with box and how. for camera or typewriter. B-294, Omaha Hee. 200 FT. of 5 ft poultry netting and 25 cedar posts for radio, or what ha\e you? A-714. Omaha Bee $30o EQUITY in four-room house and two lot« for good tru-k or what have you? A-719. Omaha Bee POOL hall. 10 table*, established business, fine location. Trade for hotel, rooming j house r,r g irnge A-709. Omaha Be* DOUBLE shotgun Dodge tgnttlon coll. * lectric Iron ce.rd. light switc hes for radio head sec Address D-408. Omaha Bee. 20- ROOM rooming h mt fits p**r mo. Swap for empty rouse and lot. A 7o3 Omaha Ft* *■ TRADE for <lmifold. refrigerator. or other furniture an L- C. typewriter P-419. Omaha Bee. 21- JEWEL Waltham watch, adjusted to five positions, to trade on Ford car. D 402. Omaha Bee RELIABLE partv desirous of exchanring storage an piano f<# use of same No chil dren. A-717. Omaha >’■*<■ _ MWAP 4-room house. 2 lots, close to omahi. for rooming house or what have you? A-T9J Omaha Be** SWAP rood Ford truck, rood rondftton. | for roadster or what have vou? A-7C4. | t im.iha B»e, BOOKS — Alexander Hamilton $1*4 set for what ha>e you? Box A-711. Omaha Bee I.AKOMA. I.ot at Manaws. will trade equity for car or what have you? C 303. Omaha Bee DIAMOND ring 62 pt . blue white, will trade \acant lot or what have you! U-311, Omaha Me# $5.090 flrat mortgage on 641-acres, to ex egrhange for Omaha residence property. A -195, Omaha Hee _ FINK, well-improved farm, 400 seres, clear except $2,099 Federal loan trade for Omaha house. A 124. Omaha Hee EQUITY In l-room house suitable for two families for acreage, lot or rooming bouse. Ft-219. Omaha Hee FORD roadeter. late '22 starter, demount able rims, large wheel lock, will exchange | for diamond. A-719 Omaha Bee (IOCBRY doing profitable business la in good location, will take Meant lot in trade. Box. A-61. Omaha liee H MALI, farm near Omaha to ugdc for city property or rent on sharer K-491 ' tfriahn Bee FIR8T payment os 6-room bungalow to {swap for vacant lot D-409. Omaha Bee 40-ACRK MO farm near oil field. Trade for looming house A-Tf'T, Omaha Bee. 1921 RED truck for light car or what have you A-192. Omaha Bee HAYWARD K vulc-snirer Will trade for what have you* D-493. Omaha Bee SWAP good banto for used typewriter or what have you A-704. Omaha Bee TO SWAP 129 egg Old Trusty Incubator for bens I) 414 Omaha Be TOP IIVGGY. good as new trade for chicken house or brooder KE 4214 P-1. 3 TUBE Radio, part pa>ment on good <*ar f 397. Omaha Bee Machinery and Tool*. 53 MKW and second-hand motors, dynamos. I.eBron Electllcal Wotka. 311-20 So. 12th Radio K<|ulpnirnt. 59 >TT prices <>n everything in radio. H. M. Shlaes j\* X 16th 8t Wanted to Buy. (I I'KNK.V jVkmKS f»F.SKS New desk* used draks bought, eold and traded. J. C lleed. 1267 Parnam St. AT 4146 _ROOMS FOR KFNT. Itoiim* With llum-il. SS T'HATV NINTH ST. ITU S — Wry <.» ■iraMe room for buelnsss woman. K^at !*s»k car line Home privileges, breakfast H A 6:17 l.AHUK front room suitable for 1 cr 2 gentlemen Math and shower Will elve hreskfast and dinner if desired HA 1A74 ii a 6 ini comfortable room. I private home board If drsired Suitable fm . gentlemen, nmr 2 «ar lines Mil.I.Kit |*ark district. large front loom next to bath tub and shower. Meat family hoard KK 1446 321b KAHN AM lie dutiful front room U’hstr bath and sun room \A ith at without hoard_ WA. 6*81 -1 dtrge room with board; prl vi te family; home privilege, reasonable BOARD and • m prira a h« ne m« dial an a Man onh Phot$e ha |||t, VI in attractive room In private home, exclusive, reasonable AA’ A 7146. n' and board i i • . i>* f ■ 11 Walking distance HA. 0776 Kimiiii* Willuml llonrtl. 611 PARNAM. liKO', l.arge fr.-nt room, first floor, beaut'fully furnished. $10 per week ha 2->i: __ AAl'U.t. furnished pleasant room Mane ram rmw .1 »trl t Walk s. distance HA 1474_ SIl'K furnished room suitable fur two. on the No. k of .at modern .1 V 47x4 tsil CAPITOL A A Ik. rooms. II wltaki y ROOMS KOR RENT. Room* Without Board. 63 ('ALI< u* for rooms, apartments and living quarters Free bur**au of Information (•pen till * p. *n. 625 Paxton block. AT. 4791.____ ; WELL furnished room in private home, close in; reasonable; home privileges. 1 HA. €217.^ PLEASANT room for young lady Naw 1 I furniture, several window*, spacious closet PPId Club district HA. <166. Breakfast. | BEAUTIFULLY decorated room in desir able location, private, close to car. WE. | 2604. CASS ST.. 512 N. 218T—Furnished room I with lavatory, si earn heat, newly dec j orated walking distance, janitor AT. 7449. HA. €109—Modern furnished room, extra large; suitable for light housekeeping, private family. I’.K A4JTIFUL room ln desirable location. I \^CUInj^1istance^al^w>derT*^^^^50^2^^ Rooms for llutfftekeeping. 64 HA 7.'.*»♦> —First floor, private home; large living room, fireplace with gas grate, bed room. lavatory, kitchen, laundry privi lege a Everything furn. Beautiful homa and surroondlwOT _ BURT ST. 2001—Suite modern front rooms with running water; reasonable; adults only. _ 310 NORTH 20TH—Plea? nt room, private bath and kitchenette for 2. §6.50 per wk. JA. 6823._ ___ 1455 PINKNEY ST.—Large front room furnished, complete, 36. WEB, 2804. 4614 S. 20TH —Two of three-room apart ments. everything furnished. MA. 0956. lf»41 S 24TH ST—One large room and | kitchenette, modern, furnished. JA. 0792. Where to Stop in Town. 67 HOTEL HANFORD- 19th and Fain am. HOTEL HE N SHAW —E N t h and Farnam. Special rates it* permanent guests. RK\l7 ESTATE—FORTtEN^7~ Apartments—Furnished. 69 FOUR-ROOM APT—Hot and cold water furnished. 2903Vi Dodge. Inquire at 2913 Dodge. _ COMPLETELY furn 6-nn apt., 2 bad rooms. a-reened-ln porch. HA. 2529. HUNTER INN HOME for th# traveling man tnd wife. AT. €960 1721 PARK AVE.-2, 3 and 4-rm. apt*., I newly decorated. HA. €656. 1 ■■■■■■■■ - ■ ■ i » ■ . Apartments—Unfurnished. 70 J 09 CAR BERRY"! 46th and Cass—A nice placa to live. Thlt • homelike (room apartment, newly dec orated. only 175 per month Call DRAKE'S. .1A 2*05. 17th and Howard 5-ROOM apartments, all modern except heat newly decorated, new floors, 937 North 24th St §20 each. C H. CARBERO. REALTOR. 112 B-sndel* Theater Bldg .1A 0516. FIFTIETH AND WEBSTER. Apartment In the Fsirview In quire Mayer Splesberger, 1014 Farnam St. , LEA VENWORTI 1 2701—Cozy, all modern 5-room apar . *•-*»r. f3 ) Sieam heat. 316 ; extra. Victor Koos. I THE ANOKI.US—26th Ave. and Douglas. 3 and 4-room apt* . 2 Murphy beds, suto - mafic elevator, cloae-in. desirable Rea j sonable HA 107 4_ _____ | ST. MARY A\e. 2515—Entira second I floor of homa. 4 rooms, pilvate bath i | Adults.1 APARTMENTS and flats for rent. W J PALMER CO. AT. ttl4 Real Estate Management Specialists. FOR ONE «5f DRAKES 100*1 APARTMENTS r Cal1 Jackson 2*05. J ETERS TRl'ST COMPANY WHERE OMAHA RENTS* AT 4644 17th and Farram Ft# ' LOWER half strictly mod. house 4 large; heated rooms newly decorated, also gar* age 3137 F 13rd Ft. I 111** and 1112 S 4TR FT—5-roem flats. block from Harney i >»r |12 and SIS pe r III‘-nth 'a! AT >4 T 7 I i FRANCKS Apt . 2»H4 **apiLd Aif 4 ■ large ruoini nth bath and garage P.ea »unab!e. If 820© THORIVAM»—5*rooni semi-basement aot.. r. nt >5©, *Refr r»nc* reuulred, HA 641©. STEAM HEAT, 4-room apt" iow renT. cion# in. G. P Ftebbina, 141* Chicago Si. NORNPAND1E.—Paik Axe and Pacific; T room* April 1st Sevbold. AT. 8301. .**12 BINNEY ST—Furnished or unfur nished apt. with garage Reasonable rent. llusinrM Plairs for Krnt. 71 MODERN sieara-hAated store. Low rent. {(^ P. Stebblna. 1410 Chicago, FINE location for plumber 14th and Chicago G p Ftebbins. 141© Chicago. Houses for Rent. 75 ; 'FROGMAN duplet eg Our rental hat is] getting smaller There are still a few left’ Break away from spring house cleaning Move Into one of our brand new, we?hl>uilt homes. For further In formation call HA 7©45. Evenings HA 4714. ha. :m. » • 16 s JJD ST —4 rms. si modern. $6©. , 418 F S3D FV —4 rms all modern. §8©. 2*©4 Chicago. Ft.. 8 rms. mod ex. ht..$2©. 141 S 23d 4 rms part mod . tli JA ©423. BFRKKTT A CO. 35© Peters Trust Bldg. 2-R MOD. FLAT, 2844 Leavenxtort h. 12© :.-R MOD FTl'CCO 272© Jackson 4© S R HEATED APT. Dunaany. 80 QM K F NT A h E.\ I A. 15H HA 24©t VERY desirable 7-rtn. house. recently decorated, being painted. Large lawn: I hut water heat sleeping porch. 430 S. j l»th Ft JA 31»7 or JA 4234. | iNKW 3-room cottage all modern, large | bathroom, floored attic, half Mock to car! line RE. 2447, __ 2551 Hartley St . pressed brick flat strict- j X mod - rn »■ rocm* I ■ AT *" he' ! .■ __ It ml nr** Pro|w>r1j-. 7* 1 t-4 FEET, two *mal| houses near P. O. ! i Hargaln J A 03 27 j Hr a I r»tatr—InrrMnimts. 79 \ H'AiMINO house for sale. 14 room#. reaa. j or will trade tor cored car and aomo cash I AT. 0?»*. Kami and lamU for Sala. 79 \ N tmber and farm ||Oda Kitra large a- r«*age of flnrat qualities »*hlcken ranchea ato«k gardening fruit, anything yog want. K If Whittle. Knox wile. Tenn. ---- -A... •IOOD »0 a« re farm fur aala. *0 rods from town Kor information writ# V .1 Andei* s.m owner liennctt Wia. tIOOl* unimproved iso acres five milek northeast . f lmlax S I' 919 i*rr * re "rite It V. t , nipbell Argonne S l» fltty Uiraic (or Salr. 79 \ r'l.oar: jyr » avhks Ftn* Impti ■. rni.iiii' . *rtrl' of fi ult , gooU I'll'.. „r M l n. hum AT MM Itmiasa—North. 91 TlinKK HRAXP NKW BV XOAtOW 9. JOTH AND CAMDKN AVK On# Mock south of Fort St all nearing r<>utplet ion with oak floor# and finish gll modern con* venienoes I’ricel tight term# reasonable t'onatittction end nta~ teilala the best Rveninga phono l-Hov tlehns KK 1639. or Ted Vitkin. H V «9 40 MlTv Al KK I'OMVAW j ttro ind Kir ?• J S 19th St A P 4l> REAL ESTATE—FOR SALK. , Housr*—North. M IF you want a 7-room modern home near 1 othrop school and 24th St. car at bar gain price or exchange, phone AT. bt*4. JD28 PARKER ST— 7-rm mod., bam. $750 cash. bal. mo Extra lot for garden. t'reigh. bQ& Hee. JA. 0200 I) E. BUCK * CO. buy and f»H homes Houses—South. 83 A VERY GOOD HI*Y IN SOUTHWEST PART OF CITY NEAR HAN* ROOM PARK. A J 4-room house In very good condi tion—finished In oak downstairs and white enamel and hard pine up«tatr». There are nine bedrooms, but houae la so constructed that it la divided into light housekeeping apartments. Most of the rooms are large and light House strictly modern. Located on corner lot 50x1 50. Hose to school and car line. This house is capable of delivering an Income of $275 per month Price. $12.00*; re quire* only $3,500 rash and $1*0 per month to'handle. Call Mr. Goodrich. SHULER & CARY. JA 5074 Third Floor Keeline Bldg. 7-ROOM brick and 3-room on 1 lot Mod ern. Hose to 16th and Castelar. 2 houses on 1 lot paved atreet: nice large base ments. Juaf the place for home and in vestment. Cash price, $5,500. AT. 4066. KB. 1732.__ Tesar & Tesar. specialists In H. aide homes. Houses—W est. 83 STANDARD PLACE BUNGALOW. Three new 5 r. all modern bungalows now under construction in Standard Place, on high and sightly lota Priced from I $5,750 to $7,000 Dlat inctlve floor and e*t«»r‘or plj^n* Eve. phone Ted Pitkin, HA. 7540, or LeRoy Gehria, KB. 5039. METCALFE COMPANY. Ground Floor 203 S Ifth St. AT. 5415. 12 09 SOUTH 60TH STREET. 7-Room Modern House and $ Lota. Priced at $7.$50. and worth it. An ex cellent location for stores and right ;n the path of Omaha a growth. Want to settle an estate and will maka terms. J L. HIATT. AT. 9900. 96.250.0o! 5-room geml-bungalow. South front, Leavenworth Heights. Fine condition. $1,250 cash, balance monthly. Call owner. Walnut 2324. __ OWNER wants offer. Must sell at once, i new nix-room brick colonial, i JOHN R M CARVILLE REALTOR. ! 1002-3 City Nat Bk.AT S»2S. FIELD club district. Just completed. 5 rooms, modern, tile bath Price $5,750. Easy terms. Call owner evenings WA 7050 FOWLER FINDS FOLKS who buy home’ List vour property with us for results. J\ A. 1425 BURT C. FOWLER CO Realtors LOT 47x150 ft—30th and Burt streets. $1,200. All Improvements in GEORGE AND COMPANY AT 2024. WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lots in Kdgewood; very easy terms. Phone AT. 3540. KDOEWOOD hungaiow modern. 5 rooms. Wonderful neighborhood. i?ust sell. WA. <>317 ■ _ For Salt Florence. 86 NETHAWAY sells in whites only snd is |chief EDITOR of THE CAUCASIAN. KE. 14W. Eots for Sale. 88 1 LOT 50x157. on 32d Ava. facing Hansccm park, fr.r sale at a bargain pr;ce C. A GRIMM EL. JA. 151S, FLORENCE FIELD SELLING. Salesmen on grounds every day. C W MARTIN A CO AT t'117. Real Estate for Exchange. 89 | $25.06® FIRST mortgage secured on^fm } prosed Minnesota farm worth $50,®*® Will trade for equity m land up to $2® *5® *nd $5 000 ' ash SCHWAB HP"S. 1®25 Pfrmouth B!<ir Mir ■». Min-' FARMS. Gibbons S»eel. 410 Pete-« TrusV Wanted—Real Estate. 90 WE NEED 5 AND ' ROOM HOMES CALL US Npw FOR INSPECTION AND LISTINGS MEMBERS OP MULTIPLE LISTING EXCHANGE WE GIVE SERV ICE EVENINGS KE 5511 OR KF. 4745. GRUENIG REALTY. REALTORS JA 1 ®54.140® FIRST NAT BK LIST your property with u* or. if you* , .ire in "the market for acreage, call Lou s a - Cohn for sales MA 0141. MA. 302®.» N * CAMPBELL will ssvs you money on con structing your home B'-»t materials and workmanship 537 Keeling. AT. >04?. SEE us f ret. Need listings, sny location 5 to I rooms Shopen A Co . Realtars. JA 4235 235 Keelme Bldg_ CH AS W YOUNG A SON. Real Estate Rentals. Insurance. 1*02 Cite Natl Bank._ AT. 2**2 O. T HAMER. Investment Acrtar* 150S Farnam AT ff*G. WK WANT a food tuncalow for our n*- ahbor who haa jl.Sba cast) Beat—HA. ftfcll JA Mil. AT «13i. WK HU I ID TO PLEASE?” JKMPLK MFAYDEN IMS Farnam St* AT IMS, WE SELL HOMES _ LIST WITH IS FOR RESULT*. M CAOUE INVESTMENT CO JA IKS. • NEW HOMES—TOUR TERMS. OROVK-HIBBARD CO. Ranhrra Renerve Rldg.AT SERVICE AND RESULTS. Competent aaleo force. -"***' JA ;«3>0 PLOVER * SPAIN ReaMfa. WK SELL HOIIKS LIST WITH CS HAMILTON * CO, 3»I t Noille Week _JA. «».. | WK sell end e--h»r*e »rre»*« tries*. ClU S H. Browne op . AT »S6e. LIST tour property with Ohrle Boer, noiiry public. Hd ind Cutnlnp St* WORLH BKAI.TT CO Rditorw AT. >«»?. H W Vollind Co for Rf»l Service AT It»i O A SANlvKl-l.. Reel Kellie AT H>1. SLATER A 1~<I Ite«llcr» Keel ne Bid*. WESTERN Reel rum Oe. JA IHI. j Huettelnie{er Real Estate AT till > We Will Plan, Finance and Build Your New Home Let us show you our many ; plans and help you decide on your new home. Our materials and work- ' manship are (maranteed to be «P the best. Our prices and" terms are Very reasonable. We will build your home complete, no extras, no wor ries. J'ou positively know what your house will cost be fore it is started. If you do not have a lot of your own, we have several you may choose from. Just call AT Untie 2945 or drop into our office. Ci#m*d Hr. Rtnkfit Kr»m# l if# n«u|Ui and 1#iH AT lanttc INI