The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, March 09, 1924, CITY EDITION, ALCOGRAVURE SECTION, Image 35

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    COLD FEET, and nothing else but — for this winter
frolicker in Glacier National Park. And no way back to
the mainland and a roaring fire except to plunge into the
icy current and swim for the shore.
Court™v Orrat .Vorlfccm Kaitwai/.
Venida—The Exquisite
The making of dainty laces is
a most delicate process, but not
more so than the hand-work
which fashions the Venida Hair
Each sterilized strand of human hair is
carefully matched for length, color and
strength, then interwoven and knotted,
until the fine, flexible, elastic mesh is
finail) shaped. Thus are achieved per
fection and durability for milady’s com
fort and charm.
2 far 2.V—Cap antI Fringe Shapes
Single and Unable Mesh.
The Rieaer Co., lac.. New York
CO, daughter of Margot
Asquith, and her daugh
ter, Priscilla, as they re
turned to New York
recently aboard the big
Cunarder Berengaria. The
Prince, who accompanied
them, gave out a brief
statement in which be said
that Rumania and the Lit
tle Entente are doing all
they can to aid Hungary
and Austria to get on
their feet again.
LEN ANGELS" is th,
name of a new and unique
little theater that ha<
opened in West Seventy
second Street under the
direction of Serge Soudei
kine, Russian designer of
the scenery and costumes
of the “Chauve Souris."
Our photo shows Akap
Gurdjan, Titianella and
Nina Ogenska at rehearsal
in this gaily decorated
and tiniest of playhouses.
N. Y___
Queen of the Air, the navy’s giant
dirigible Shenandoah, which was
badly bruised in its recent run
away flight in a gale, is now un
dergoing extensive repairs and al
terations in its huge hangar at
Lakehurst, N. J., in preparation
for the possibility of n polar flight
next summer. Our photo shows
workmen on the scaffolding con
structing a new nose on the craft
Just Ask MeHow
I have a message for every
gray-haired person, and I
herewith invite all to write
me. I will send each one
the complete information,
for which there is not space
yv|p-r* here, together with free trial
mr<f< bottle of my famous Re-j
storer which proves every
unitinw word I say is true.
Mary T. Goldman's Hair Color Restorer
Isn't a new preparation, still in the ex
perimental stage. I perfected it many
years ago to restore my own gray hair
because l would not use crude dyes.
My Restorer is a clear, colorless liquid,
clean as water Nothing to wash off or
rub off. Restored color perfect, no streak
ing or discoloration in any light. My
..bsoiutely Free Trial Outfit proves how
easily, safely, surely graying, faded or
discolored hair can be restored to its
original beautiful shade.
Send today for the special patented Free Trial pack
age which contains s trial bottle of my Restorer and
full irurt ructions for making the convincing test on one
lock of hair Indicate color of hair with X. Print name
and address plainly. If possible, enclose s lock of your
hair in your letter.
--— **
Solve This Puzzle. Get Fine Prize.
Here are seven ponies in this pen. By drawing three straight lines you can put
each pony in a pen by himself. You can do this if you try. When you have
solved tnis puzzle I will send you S Beaallttal Birtf Plefares and tell you
bow 10 get s Beautiful Shetland Pony, Bridle and Saddle valued at $150.00 tor
your own. Ponies are gentle. They are trained to ride and drive and will be
ahippad by express. We will pay all charges. More than 100 boys and girls
alseady have their ponies, and they are all delighted with them. You can get
a fine pony and be as happy as they are. Send for mv big plan right away.
BK BILL, the Shetland Pony Bias.
■SI Nfalar BallSlsf. Dee Mstacs. law.
I have solved your puxzle, tell roe how to get a Pony, Bridle and Saddle on
your Big Plan and send me 5 Beautiful Bird Pictures for answering promptly.
My Name is___Age_
St. No.R. F. D.
4 Men in 7 Bala at 40
Yet 91% Needlessly, by Tests J
Our experience sKows falling hair most always
due to infected Sebum. Nowwercome. /
Remove the infected Sebum and you remove
the cause of most baldness
Written Guarantee to Grow Hair, or Money Back
I his is a direct otter to grow
hair on your head. An offer
backed by our written guarantee,
given by your own Drug or
Department Store. If wc fail,
it costs you nothing.
We have recently made amaz
ing discoveries. We have proven
that while4 men in 7 are either bald,
or partly bald, at 40, only about 9
men in a hundred ntedever be bald.
1 fair roots seldom die from nat
ural causes. They can be revived.
We have proved this by regrow
ing hair on 91 heads in 100.
Highest authorities approve
this new way. CIrent dermatolo
gists now employ similar methods
-many charge as much as $300
for similar basic treatment.
Baldness is a symptom of a
disease. Note this fact and mark
it. It is most frequently’a symp
tom of infection of the Sebum—
the scalp oil.
Infected Sebum
Sebum is an oil. It forms at the
follicles of the hair. Its purpose is
to lubricate the hair.
But it often becomes infected.
It cakes on the scalp; clogs the
follicles and plugs them. Germs
by the millions then start to feed
uponthe hair. Semi-baldness comes
first; then with neglect comes total
Remove that infection and vour
hair will generally grow. We back
this statement with a money-back
guarantee. Hence it is folly for
any man with falling hair not to
make the test.
Now We Remove It
Our treatment is based on a
new principle. It penetrates to the
follicles of the hair. It kills infec
tion—removes the infected Se
bum. It stops falling hair. It
revives the dormant nair roots,
generally makes new hair grow.
Remember, it is guaranteed.
Warrant Given by
Your Dealer
No red tape. I he gnarantee is |M>sinve.
You are the judge. Your own Drug or
Department Store gives it with each 3
hottle purchase, t.'o today, ask them for
the Van Ess Treatment. The guarantee
will accompanv it. If the treatment fails
—your money bark.
Over 400,000 men have tested Van
Ess under this same guarantee.
28 E. Kinxis St., Chicago, Illinois
We Guarantee
New Hair in 90 Days
Falling Hair Stopped
or Coitt Nothing—unless we
prtv h i ir.
The Van Ess3-bottIe treatment
is absolutely guaranteed. You are
the sole judge. The warrant it
given iv your own dealer. All
we require is his signature show,
ing you have purchased a ninety
day treatment. If it fails, wr re
fund your money. Hence you
assume no risk making this test.
Note the Rubber Cap. The
hollow nipples leed down medica
ment into follicles of scalp where
it is needed.
1 MI .j