COLD FEET, and nothing else but — for this winter frolicker in Glacier National Park. And no way back to the mainland and a roaring fire except to plunge into the icy current and swim for the shore. Court™v Orrat .Vorlfccm Kaitwai/. Venida—The Exquisite The making of dainty laces is a most delicate process, but not more so than the hand-work which fashions the Venida Hair Net. Each sterilized strand of human hair is carefully matched for length, color and strength, then interwoven and knotted, until the fine, flexible, elastic mesh is finail) shaped. Thus are achieved per fection and durability for milady’s com fort and charm. 2 far 2.V—Cap antI Fringe Shapes Single and Unable Mesh. The Rieaer Co., lac.. New York THE PRINCESS BIBES CO, daughter of Margot Asquith, and her daugh ter, Priscilla, as they re turned to New York recently aboard the big Cunarder Berengaria. The Prince, who accompanied them, gave out a brief statement in which be said that Rumania and the Lit tle Entente are doing all they can to aid Hungary and Austria to get on their feet again. “CAVE OF THE FAI. LEN ANGELS" is th, name of a new and unique little theater that ha< opened in West Seventy second Street under the direction of Serge Soudei kine, Russian designer of the scenery and costumes of the “Chauve Souris." Our photo shows Akap Gurdjan, Titianella and Nina Ogenska at rehearsal in this gaily decorated and tiniest of playhouses. N. Y___ LAID UP FOR REPAIRS. The Queen of the Air, the navy’s giant dirigible Shenandoah, which was badly bruised in its recent run away flight in a gale, is now un dergoing extensive repairs and al terations in its huge hangar at Lakehurst, N. J., in preparation for the possibility of n polar flight next summer. Our photo shows workmen on the scaffolding con structing a new nose on the craft Just Ask MeHow ttoJtoft«GnyHair I have a message for every gray-haired person, and I herewith invite all to write me. I will send each one the complete information, for which there is not space yv|p-r* here, together with free trial mrsinve. You are the judge. Your own Drug or Department Store gives it with each 3 hottle purchase, t.'o today, ask them for the Van Ess Treatment. The guarantee will accompanv it. If the treatment fails —your money bark. Over 400,000 men have tested Van Ess under this same guarantee. VAN ESS LABORATORIES. INC. 28 E. Kinxis St., Chicago, Illinois We Guarantee IN WRITING New Hair in 90 Days Falling Hair Stopped or Coitt Nothing—unless we prtv h i ir. The Van Ess3-bottIe treatment is absolutely guaranteed. You are the sole judge. The warrant it given iv your own dealer. All we require is his signature show, ing you have purchased a ninety day treatment. If it fails, wr re fund your money. Hence you assume no risk making this test. Note the Rubber Cap. The hollow nipples leed down medica ment into follicles of scalp where it is needed. 1 MI .j