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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1924)
South Dakotan Leaves to Get Farm Millions Pierre, S. D . Feb. 17.—E. Kwert. treasurer of the rural credit board, * left fur New York today to close the transaction involved in the 3.000, 000 rural credit bond issue. He suid the money will he available at once and the board will begin to make loans to farmers next week. Aged Woman Smoker Dies When Sparks Fire Clothes Madison. S. D.. Feb. 17.—Mr*. O. J. Ronninir. S3, who lived on a farm near here, died as the result of severe burns when the flames completely enveloped her ln»*ly and burned large holes in her clothing. Death resulted several hours after her son, with whom she made her home, found her seated in an arm chair in the dining room of the farm home with her | clothing on fire and almost uncon scions. The fire was of undetermin ed origin, but being a pipe smoker, it is believed that the aged woman fell asleep and that the sparks from her pipe ignited her clothing and the smoke front the burning clothes suf focated her so that she was helpless. 8.000 Acres Opened to Homestead in ^\ominp By Inhrmal fifrtlef. Washington, Feb. 16.—The Depart ment of the Interior yesterday threw open 8,000 acres of public lands in THE NEBBS I LOVE ME. Directed for The Omaha Bee by Sol Hess Ru'OOlRH NEBS Got up bR'GHT AvN? EfARW PsNE \S watting. FORTHE BOV To OELWER The newspaper ML IS ANKIOUS To READ WlS INTERVIEW WOV4 THE REPORTER On HOvaj it FEELS To 6LC0NAE SuOOENLV RlCVH |TWHERE WAVE Vho BEEN ,'QoY ?l f YOU SHOULDN'T DELIVER NiEVOS- ■ f PAPERS—NEu)S (SONW NEVaJS I vajmen vTsS voonG You Should " get a dob delivering Cheese \ — THE older 'T gets The dstter \t \s j f''; t>ON'T SEE \T_HESa\0 VT% UJOULO G>E ICS Th\S (SSUE — V i guess the Biro was acs > IMOOSTOC? _ OUST CPvCHL HERE TOR UQUCO REFRESHMENTS V^^NO CiGftRS iP^Nto -There vt all right » ——jpHi /'falls HEVR TO GQANO AUNTIS ESTATE - ' RUDOLPH NEBB OF THtS CvTV RECENTLY FELL HElO TOV HvS GRAND Aunt IS ESTATE- A REPORTER CALLED V 1 AT THE NEBB RESIDENCE SATuROAY AND ASKED HIM 'I I HOW 'T FELT TO BECOME SUDDENLY R\CH. J HE ASSURED THE REPORTEQ IT HADN'T CHANGED / HVHT A Q\T- THE VNT£Ru»EW LASTED ABOUT ONE ( half an hour and tr it was written oust as l HE GAVE vt VT WOULD WEAR The "I S" OFT ALL } THE TYPEWRITERS'N THE WORED- OuRlNG t THE ENTIRE T'H\E NVR • NEBB SAT LOOKING VNTO \ A LARGE NVVRROR WVTH A GREAT DEGREE OF SEEr <, SATvSFACTvON AND VT SEEN ED EVKCHE FELT THAT THE MAN WHO FVRST SPREAD OuvCK S'LVER On THE BACK OF GLASS WAS THE GREATS St vnvENTOR VN THE UUORlO — WE DON'T KNOW WHAT HE WAS HKE BEFORE THE vnhERvtanCD But vf vt HASN'T, Changed hvnv vjue. hope vt does - ^ ** ** W TMAT GOES "To SHOwi YOU CAN'T BR\BE -t^LPftESS'. THAT WANOruU OT C\GAP.S You GAYC V-UY\ O^ON'T OO YOU / ^ ANY GOOO — “MAT'S PUGvAT 1 \\ YOU UJtPE LOOvCvNG NTO / V “ME M'RROa UKL \T UjaS> / \ A BEAUT ITOU PAINTING ! /• - £/8_ (Copyright. 1934. by The Bell Syndicate, Inc ) Barney Google and Spark Plug Barney Gets First News of Sparky’s New Rival. Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Billy DeBeck rranr -tillur " I m..n..ii.. ii i! jnwHTimiM'.aiHii ■_ ■' ' i ' ■ .iiiimiup' ...urM If WHO • me f GOT V Y4HAT ABOUT This FAMOUS ^The swelled HEAD' \ CHINESE HORSE/YO Ho" WHY NOT ? AINT (MY ' "I^AT S ON HiS WAY To SPARKY Tut (Srfatest T&* country = You HONK OF HOR^E NIP A r *iM0U1 ™EY WE SAYIn6 vet -S CjONNA (MAKE HOUR IN THE WORLD . YES SPARK PiuG, LOOK HKfc Suh » -There AinT sown The CAT DRAGGED , McTHW OM FOUR lM _ Yeh . AND TiiOSt Chinks are Hot SPORTS WHEN THEy’ri GETTING. Too ■ YOU WANNA WATCH YOU ft Bundle from Now on I If lrA o UlMt T YES . A CHINESE HORSE y A CHINESE X ci»n«o sy 'hop low' f HORSE ? You sc \ ONE of VUG richest ' Jr — ^ . \ GINKS IN CHINA • AND l U'6 Tenth Guy Today > see in vug papers I Who'S been here To/Where. this biro wanTs Tell WE about a ( To bet * 50.000 That heathen NAN INHO'S 1 HIS HORSE. CAN TRl^ HEATHEN NAG WHO 5 1 ^ paj<J |#j AN1ER|CA. ON HIS WAY To V tou Better Set This Country Vo \ so<ae info’ on This RACE spark PUlG " _* YOHO* BEFc*t IS ir on )/ jmWv You Bicni vn. // Y6ur i eerfe VK*. BvxitE up an1 up. I ^ £y > MA30R ? / .JttJlImK. f SO.OOO SMMkS [ W. S VWU.<.IN<» To BET VJOW * YOHO* ON&T BE SOME HORSE MO "lo TttiMK It) DENIER EMCM HEARD OF The SKATfe -. ????*? | Yoho 1 f 1 i | yoho r Copyright. 1924^ by, King Fcoturco Syndicate. Inc | BRINGING UP FATHER . u/taru. Drawn for The Omaha Be. by (Copyright 19241 NOV/ • DO TOO THINK TOO CAN RON A CAR? I'M CONN A POT TOO To The TE.*bT TOOAT RCME.M&ER "OAPETT \cor J _ u UOO< OUT NOW-TWi^t^ A OahOEROU^J CRCablN • THERE A MAH OH THE TRAvCk \ *>Efc him wow: VOU Mff V-MM • I KNOW IT • THKT wuz. - \ KNOW ►A'M WELL: I s !■ '1 r* ''"*•■ -— c 1*24 »y Iht l rttnmt St.wtM. In^ JERRY ON THE JOB that makes a difference «*»*» for Th* Omaha by Hoban (Copyright If24) I ll Ijjlr uv ott 'that oust >4 |!'|/ D\STuBBee «4uo Scoot V ;■ ! / Outside •= vTw=aeS' A Gb-it 1~v j i OUT THEBE THAT MStfT UJAMrj 7 we Su\t Cast -■£ CaES'ET?. 3 ^ /oASQAQE'y! Caqr\eo 1 hyy me? e Birr 'mhatt 'me \ ’ \OEA CP- 'K«0 GlN? ) 'To CA&RV OW?/ ^Su>t Case *?J H'SEE OMUV 1 I 'WEIL tt? A. OUE. \ <5q"T Ov*. 3b"3 U MAw 3cft»AwC> / SETNEEU US-AnQ) i THAT MEANS' ) • 'THAtfS' \NWY Ufc. J vy °N*-V _/ SCTa 00 QUft. /. one, r/ $TUPP 'TbQEruEaV (JTl ?j/ •" t»rx. yjwajw.-hPtiw.. !«■> 1 The Sour Grape Crop in the North Is Enormous This Winter By Briggs ' I D A WHOLE LOT I WHY .SURE RATHER BE UP HERE JiM-ThiS in This cold and is Healthy in\mgoratin< BRACING-' CLIMATE , CM UERY THAN To ee r>oui*Jr' .SOUTH j ALECKJ Cv/e heard There's I t Reallv a lot of x>ah<3er J likb These of BEING KILLED J WlHTCRS OP gy FALLING J HEBE - TREY' CO COrAJtS OlO Ji JOkl'T APPRECIATE Those Golf/ it Dolow Thbre cooRSEsy - I REALtr SOW'T I COULD <30 Care for The south To tl*t South -• l like golf if l IT UP HERE WANTED To — ALECK /—V. BUT ID /.j RATHER ^ HERE Let's ae.f \ let s send Boggs tRNlt ' and hou-SToa* a LOUIE AMD \ WIRE TteLL.KG CM HAU& a c,AME we Got summer OF BRIDGE-- I RULES MERE — I DOM T FCEL A~~ LIKE PL ATlUG/ Golf tDav. jOMEHO^ [ 6066S AMD I TheT <?AN.HAVS j HOLSrOKl ARE | IT FOR. ALL M« | DOWN ih Florida! Va/Vka6Vi- look: * PrettlndimO To > , Good ro mF j l LIKE IT '—7' S M LOVALj / TdU'EM TCUneMT ( That's .t ^ AIW r ^ r TELL '6m 0OTH6RCO " VJE. ABE BY THK ,5*,, MAY.^6 I^oPP.mG c^tBKCK ^t/MMbR 0^ CoCO^ Ui/P'Rfit rules- WWTS HM/1V6 LOTS lA/t AT HER. AAA'LOAY 0p FL/Wy Perfect r~\y~.~- y f l -_ <•«•**4«kt IM4 N V friUn Im . Fremont county. Wyoming, to home stead entry. Kx service men are •.riven u 91 day preference for filing .•■ginning March lo after which the I unappropriated tracts will be opened to the general public. The land is situated near Dry Creek and is generally broken and mountainous. No water will be avail able for irrigation purposes from the Riverton reclamation project it was explained. Bee Want AOs ;’roriuce Results. Apostrophe “S"-th« sign o» pos session! Ton’ll find the ear yon want to own in the greater Stats line for 19X4* Never were cars so fine priced so low. At the Auto mobile Show Stutz Nebraska Motor Co. 2056-58 Farnam St. AT 7408 _1 Catarrh Clinical tests have proved that Zonite is highly effective in rases of nasal catarrh when used in dilution as a nasal spray. Its effect is to cleanse the mucous mem brane and reduce abnormal dis charges, thus clearing the nasal passage*. Note: Atomiser fittings must be of hard rubber. Tgnite 4mg0HC*POlSOtM I ~ I! a ■ Genuine "Dwyer Tablet* of Aspirin' have been proved safe by million* and prescribed by physicians over 23 years. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetio acidester of SallcyUcacid. iisawm ■ Licensors this rrcscriptio^quickm ; V^ftlievti children and adults J A pi nuni ivrup. Noorwtaa* 35c and foOc aotd X_espicAiTT.' ABIE THE AGENT Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hershfield , Aide U Stopped * \ CANY APEoBb BH, MEALS. LATELY BOY t qov TO QO To Roller's restaurant evekv t>AY To KEEP Up APPEARANCES* 1 WISH SOMEBObY UlOULb INVITE ME TO THEIR ' TABVEV.: ? OY, LOOK O,. THE OF TXE STEAK 'IV'E LUAV*TER JUST V^BRCX^HT BERT KALMAR"* 'you r TO EAY \ r STEAK LONE ?? J NO ~ VA1\TH 3 Potatoes 'Stt / : Ms \ quick rub with Ben Ciay—and the pain is gone. The aching head or sore muscle finds quick and blessed relief. Use it as you would cold cream. Fori Tired feet Toothaches Backaches Rheumatism , Coughs and colds . Headaches % A ?! AIM KK1 PhS! r..>T. Stops Itching Peterson’s Ointment ; To ihe millions of grateful fluff**!* who know about the mighty he*’ a j power of Peterfton’s Ointment Sore Feet and Chafing. Peterson s L'se it for skin and scalp Itch never disappoints." All dnuggistfl. •• . 60c. Rheumatic pain Yields to treatment with Sloan's. Just pat it on gently. The tingling glow, the comforting warmth is in itself relief. The ache eases off then stops. Get a bottle from your druggist today ar.d have it on hand—35 cents. It will cot stein. !For Colds and Throat Troubles 0VEB sixty-e:sht years of SuCCES* \I»YERThFM »AT. SUFFERED PAIN FOR YEARS Mrs. Jahr Finally Relieved by Lydia EL Pinkham's Veg etable Compound Howard Lake, Minn.— “I write to let you know that I have taken several bottles ot your medicine in the last three months, and found it to be very good. I had pains and other troubles wo- A men have and was not able to do my*1* work. Seeing your *Ad. ’ in the paper, I thought of giv ing Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound a trial. 1 got good results from it and feel able to do my house work now. I used to have lots of pairs, but after taking the medicine 1 am relieved from pains that I had suf fered from for years. I recommend the Vegetable Compound to my friends, and hope this letter will be satisfactory for vou to publish Mra. Jennie Jahr, R. R. No. 2, Box >1, Uoward Lake. Minn. Free upon Bequest Lvdia E. Pinkham’s Private Text Book upon 1‘Ailments Peculiar to Women" will be sent vou fret', upon request Write to the Lydia E. 1'ink ham Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachu setts. This book contains valuable information that every woman should have. I Death Blow to Rheumatism Whether you ha>« had it on# o n* >ear». tf jour pain* d» not he« -t to d *• appear h> the twelfth da' er ' * ' rit ireurmt we «nt) refund hr > that you pay ut tor tame Th.*\ * h w .. tthdi'Rl w«* are that V i l C’ •h»* de-rred relief > «i,,- by Sherman .t MrCVngell Drug Metre*.