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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1924)
Jnnd a Bargain Now, Have DemonstrationTomorrow. Read Autos for Sale f y Omaha Produce Omaha. Feb. 16. BUTTER Creamery—Local jobbing price to retail* Extras. 63c; extras In 60-lb. tuba, fi-c; standards. 62c; firsts. 60c. Dairy—Buyers are paying 3 4c. for best table butter In rolls or tubs: 26028c for common packing stock. For best sweet tin sal ted butter. 66c. BUTTERFAT For No. 1 cream Omaha buyers arc having 42c per lb. at country stations. 48c delivered Omaha. l'KEl.H MILK $2.25 per cwt. for fresh milk testing 3 5 delivered on dairy plattorm Omaha. CHEESE Local Jobbers are selling American cheese, fancy grade, as folows: Single daisies. 26c: double (lassies. 254c Young Americas. 27 Vic; longhorns. 27c; square mints. 27V»c: brick. 264c Umburaer. 1-lb. "tytb, $4.25 per doz.; Swiss, domestic. 48c; block. 88c; Imported. 60c; imported Roquefort. 66c; New York white. 34c. EGGS. Delivered Omaha ;n new cases: Fresh selects, 32c; small, dirty and No. 2. 23c; cracks. 20c. Case count, fresh eggs. $9.30 per case. Some buyers are paying 34c for nearby, rtnv-la'd. clean and uniform ly large eggs, gracing U. S. specials or better. Jobbing prices to retailers: U. S. spe oials. 41c; U. K. extras, 39c; No. 1 small, 30c; fcheeks 23c. ^ POULTRY Buyers are paving me following prices ’ Alive—Heavy hens. 6 lbs. and over. 20c; 4 to 5 lbs.. 18c: light hens. 16c: sprlntr* smooth legs. 18c; stags. 13c: Leghorn springs. 14c: roosters. 10c: ducks, fat and full feathered. 12014c: geese fat. full feathered. 12014c: No. 1 turkevs. 9 lbs. and over. 18c: old Toms and No. 2. not « ulls. 16c: nigeonc. $1.00 per dozen: ca pons, 7 lbs. and over, 21c per lb.; no culls, sick- or crippled poultry wanted. Dressed—Buyers are paying for dressed chickens ducks and geese. 2 03c above olive orices. and for dressed turkey®. 6 0 6c above live prices. Some dealers are accepting shipments of dressed poultry nnd selling same on 10 per cent commis sion Lasts. Jobbing prices of dressed poultry to re tailers. Springs, 28 030c: broilers. 43 0 46c; hens. 25c; roosters 17018c; ducks, -Jjf; geese, 18 0 20c; turkeys, 30c ; No. 2 keys, somewhat less. ^ BEEP CUTS wholesale prices of beef cuts effective today are as follows: No. 1 ribs. 26c; No. 2. 25c: No. 3. 16c; No. 1 rounds. 18c; No. 2. 17c; No. 3, lie; No. 1 loins. 35c: No. 2 31c: No. 3. 17c; No. 1 chucks. 13c; No. 2. 12c; No. 3. »c: No. 1 plate®. 8 4c; No. 2, 6c; No. 3 6c. FRESH FISH Omaha Jobbers are Belling at about the following prices f. o. b. Omaha: Fancy white fish. Site; lake trout, mkt.; hali but. mkt.; northern bullheads, Jumbo. 21c. ratfish, regular run, 26032c; fillet of had dock, 25o; black cod sable fish, steak. 20c; smelts. 28035c; flounders. 20c: crap pie®. 200 25c: black baas, 32c; Spanish mackerel. 1 4 to 2 lbs., 25c. Frazen fish. 3 0 4c less than prices above. Fresh oystars per gallon, $2.6504.00. Shell oyster^ and claims per 100. $2.00. FRUITS Jobbing prices Strawberries—Florida, quarts, 60060c. Grapefruit—Per box. extra fancy $3.60 04.50; fancy. $3.2504.00. ‘’ranb'Tri**®—Jersey, 60-lb. boxes, extra fancy. $5.75: fancy. $5.0U; Howes, 60-qt. box. $5.60. Oranges—California, naval, fancy ac cording to size. $3.2505.50; choice. 25c less; Florida pineapple oranges, per box, $4.50; tangerines, $4.00. Bananas—Per pound. 10c. Lemons—Csi loiMa fancy, per box, $5.50: choice, per box, $3.00. Apples—In baskets, 42 to 44 lbs.. Tdahn Jonathans, extra fancy, $1.90; Winesaps *1.85. Avocades—(Alligator pears), per doz. $6.00. Apples—In barrel" of 145 lb®.: Towa Wineaap® fancy. $5.76; Missouri Black Twig, fancy. $6.00; Jonathans, fancy. $4.60; Ben Davis, fancy: $4.50; Jonathans « ommerclal rack $3.75; Ganos. fancy. $4.75; Virginia Beauty, $6.00; Genetons. $5.50. Apples—In boxes: Washington Delicious, extra fancy, $3.6003.75; fancy. 3.000 3 26; smalt, $2.75; Washington Jona thans. extra fancy; $2.60; fancy, $2.00; Colorado Jonathans, extra fancy, fancy, $2.00; Rome Beauty, extra fancy $2.60; fancy $2.25; white winter Pear main, extra fancy. $2.600 2.76; York Im perial. $1.76. VEGETABLE*. Jobbing prices: Brussels Sprouts—Per lb., 20e. Tomatoes—Crate. six baskets, 17.50 per basket. $1.25: Florida, crate. $5 00. Shallots—Southern, $1.00 per dos. Eggplant—Per doz., $2.00; 20c per lb. New Roots—Texas beeta and carrots, per dozen bunches. 90c. Peppers—Green Mango, per lb. 25c. f^gBlTloots—Turnips. parsnips. beets and carrots. In sacks. 304c per !b.. rutabagaa In sacks. 2 4c: less than sacks, 3c. Cucumbers—Per doz.. $6.00. Parsley—Southern, per dozen bunches, $1.0001.25 Onions—Yellow. In sacks, per lb.. $4c; red. sacks. 4 4c: wnlte. sacks, 6o per lb : Spanish per crate. $2.6002.75. Potatoes—Nebraska Ohlos. per hundred pounds. $1.60: Minnesota Ohlos. $1.76; Idaho Bakers. 2c per lb.; Colorado Whites, $2.00 per cwt. Sweet Potatoes — Southern. hamper. $3.25: Nancy Hall. 60-lb. hamper. $2.60. Cabbage—Wisconein. sack lota, per lb., 4c; In crates. 4c: red. 6c: celery cab bage. 10c per lb.; new Texas cabbage, 4 4c p?r lb. Beans—Wax or green, per hamper. $4.5005.00. Celery—California. per do».. according to size. $1,3502.00: Florida, rough. * doz. crate. S3 26. T»ettuce—Head, per crate. $3.60: per do*., $125: hothouse leaf, 46c per doz. Radishes—Southern, 75090c per dozen bunches. Cauliflower—California, per crate. *-.25 & 2.50. FLOUR. Prices st which Omaha mills and Job bers are selling In round lota (less than t arlota). f. o. b. Omaha, follow: First patent. In 98-Ib. bag.-. $6.3006.40 per bbl.; fancy clear. In 48-lb bags. $5.10® .".25 per bbl.: white or yellow cornmeal. per cwt., $1.88. FEED Omaha mills and lohbers are selling their product! In carload lota at the fol lowing prices, f o. b. Omaha: Wheat feeds. Immediate delivery: Bran. $24 60; brown shorts. $27.UO: gray Mhorte, $28.25; reddog, $31.60; alfalfa meal, choice, spot. $31.50: No. 1 spot. $25.76; March. April and May delivery $26.50; No. 2 spot. $22.00; linseed meal 4 per i-ent. $48 60; cotton seed meal, 43 per cent. $48.00; hominy feed, white or ' rllow. $28.00; buttermilk, condensed, 10 bbl. lots. 3 45c per lb.; flake buttermilk, f.nrt to 1.600 lb*. 9c per lb.; eggshell, dried and ground. 100-lb. bags, $26 00 per ton; digester feeding tankage, 60 per cent. $50.00 per ton FIELD FEED. Omaha and Council Bluffs Jobbing houses are paying the following prices for field seed thresher run, per 100 pounds delivered: Alfalfa. $16 00018.00; red clover, $16.00018.00; sweet clover, $7.5009.00: ^mothv. $5 0006 00; Sudan crass. $3.000 4 00; cane seed. $1 0001.10. Prices subject to change without natlce HAT Prices at which Omaha dealers art sell- , fng, carlots. f. o. b . Omaha follow: Upland Prairie—No. 1 $13 00014 00: No. 2. $11 00012.00: No. 3. $7.0009.00. Midland F’ralrie— No 1 *12 00*413 00 No. 2 $10 00011 00; No. 3, $6.0008 00. Lowland Prairie—No. 1. $9.50010.50: No. 2. $6 000 8.00 Packing Hay—$6.6007.60. Alfalfa—Choirs $22.00 023.00; No. 1. $20.00021.00: standard. $16.00019.00; No 2 $13.60014.50: No. $11.00013.00, Htraw—Oat. $$.0009 00: vyheat. $7,000 * °®' HIDES. WOOL. TALLOW. Prices quoted below are on the basin of buyers* weight and selections, delivered In Omaha: Wool—pelts. 81.6002.50 earh. for full wooled skins: clips, no value: wool 30 0 80c. Hides—Current receipt hides. No. 1, 64c: No. 2. 64c; green hides, 5Ur and 4Uc: bulla. F. 4c: branded bides. No. 1, (4c: glue hides. 34c: calf. 12c and 10c; Ulp. $4c and 74c: deacons. OOc each: glue skins. 3 4c per lb : horse hides, *3.75 and 12.T6 each: nonir* nnd glues. 11,76 Stutz Nebraska Motor Co. 2056-58 F«rn«m S». AT 7408 each: colta. 2$c each: ho* skins. IBe each; glues. 4c per lb. Tallow and Greebe—NTo. 1 tallow, 65*0; 13 tallow. 6cV* No. 2 tallow. 4V4c; A grease, F>\ : B grease, 6c; yellow Kreese. 4Vic; brown grease. 4c; pork crackling?, per ton, 155.00; beef, ditto, per ton. $35.00; beeswax, per ton, $20.00. Trade Review V - —. . - By H. Ci. DUN & CO. Recent gains in business have been held and in some cases extended. The move ment still lacks uniformity, but there hns been a distinct advance In certain of the major lines, and the general price situa tion is firmer Most of the important statistical measures reflect the larger operations, notably bank clearings, build ing permits and unfilled steel tonnage, and the record car loadings for the season disclose the continued heavy distribution of merchandise. Without any change from the conservative policy that has ruled for many months, various buyers have come Into the markets for addi tional supplies, the more frequent order ing indicating that somestocks are down to the point where replenishment Is nec essary. The great Iron and steel trade has developed u degree of activity ex. feeding expectations. with prospects strengthened by the floating of the Jap anese loan In this country, whose pro ceeds will be used for purchases of ma terial here, and the favorable position of the lumber Industry U maintained. Com paring now with the business of a. year ago, which was expanding rapidly, in creases are seen In some quarters, but in others there is a smaller volume. De spite recent improvement, unsettlement continues in some textile branches, with further restriction of output at cotton goods mills and the revival In leather and footwear has not yet reached the stage where the conditions are wholly satisfactory. Thus, the commercial situ ation. though showing betterments, is still marked by Irregularities, and it is sig nificant that there Is little disposition, even in lines where the best results ap pear, to extend commitments very far into the future. Exports Exceed Last Year's. Returns of this nation's foreign trade for the first month of the new year show merchandise exports smaller by about $33,000,000 than those of last December and Imports larger by $11,000,000. Yet January's exports of $394,000,000 compare with $335,000,000 in that month of 1923, a I7*i per cent increase, and contrast with imports last month of $299,000,000. Thus the excess of Imports over exports or the so-called favorable balance of trade, was $95,000,00. This Is much be low’ December’s surplus of $140,00.000, but it Is far above that of January of last vear, when exports exceeded imports by only $5,600,000. Yet In 1921 the January pxccss of exports was fully $446,000,000, and in 1920 it was $248,000,000 Smaller Kxports of Cotton. The decline in January’s merchandise exports from those of December is largely explained by the smaller outgo of cotton. As against shipments of practically 8 4 5,600 bales of the staple in December, the exports last month fell to about 546.000 bales, or fully a 85 per cent de crease. This information was made pub lie by the Census bureau on Thursday, following ihe earlier Issuance by the De partment of Commerce of the preliminary returns of January foreign trade in "11 commodities. Yet last month « co}Xo^, shipments, if materially below those or December and the smallest of any n\°n, ‘ ■once last August. were 72.8 0J bTaJ*8 larg r than the amount reported for Jan uary, 1923. The figures of January cot ton consumption were surprisingly able, showing 576.6*0 bales, or lo 000 hales more than the quantity consumed in December and the largest total of any month since last May. , Dry Goods Activity Broadens, Moderately encouraging reports have continued to come from dry goods mar kets. There is no broad activity, but the main trend appears to bo toward ex panding demand and Jobbers are doing a better business. Yet these interests ar» limiting their commitments, as retailer* are not disposed to buy Yery far ahead, a ml curtailment of cotton goods out put hn.s been extended both in New i England and in the south Doubts exist , as to the permanency of some of the high prices forced by the high coats of produc tion. and the lack of forward orders at prices that will show a profit to mill* remains an obstacle to progress. Efforts are being made in some sections to revise wage scales and restore longer hours of operation, but there Is no general move ment in that direction. January Building Permits. Each succeeding month's statistics re flect the unusual activity in the building industry All previous January records for permits issued In this country were exceeded last month, with a total of $189,800,000 for 103 cities, and the south and the central west w^re the only sec tions reporting decrease^ from the figures of a year ago. lglswhere, the Increases ranged from 1.7 per rent in the western st area to 39.5 per cent in the middle At lantic states and in Greater New York there was a gain of 18.0 per cent. With a few exceptions notably Chicago and Washington. D. C.. permits Increased st all of the larger centers of population, while on the Pacific coast favorable com parisons were practically general. As a whole, the January permits were 8.5 per cent above those of that month of last year, when the amount was also excep tionally heavy. Januarr Steel Output. An Increase in January steel output had been foreshadowed, but the gain of about 17 per cent, exceeded most, expecta tions. The estimated production for all romonnies^ last month was practically 3.1*0.000 tons, or an annual rate of 41. 465.000 tons, and mirrent operations at not much below those of last August. Thus far. February has brought a fur ther Increase In buying in some districts, notably In Chicago, and most prices are firmly held, though concessions have not wholly diranpeared. In pig iron, such r»rlc« change* as have occurred have been in the direction of advance, and ad ditional orders of size have been placed in Philadelphia territory. Yet pig Iron price*. despite the recent rise. ar« still several dollars a ton below those of a year ago. Advance In Hides. Tt has been another week of rising orices in hide markets, both hero and In t ho Argentine. In calfskins, moreover, there fa pronounced strength, and busi ness is restricted only by the closely sold im supplies in sll sections Reflecting these conditions, more firmness prevails in the leather trsde. though buyers are alow to nav advances. While no broad activity has yet developed, deinan'l >as Increased in several quarters. and re ports indicate a. lnrtrer volume of foot wear order*. Generally, a fflatlnot revival ha* occurred in hides and allied lines thus far this year, and sentiment Is st ronger. Financial News ^ ^ fly Associated Press. New York. Fob J7 - Although the oil in ven ligation* Hnd the consequent epi demic of goes ip finally made a marked impression on speculative sentiment and speculative markets during last week, optimistic views with regard to the busi ness situation continued to be held In tanking end industrial circlet. That peculatlve sentlrrunt was In fact affected «hm abundantly clear from the uniformity which securities, cotton am! grain i carted. .Stocks suffered the aharputt break slnto the current rise started In November. Cotton broke through the January lows and sold at a level above »• rents below the high for the crop year, and wheat lost approximately 4 cent* of its recent 6-cent rise. Commodity price* as a whole did not, however, inverse their upward trend. Inin's list showed 36 advances as sgalnwt •12 decline*, while Tlrsdstreftt'a list showed lk advance* and 16 declines. Industrial news meanwhile %n* con sidered encouraging. The steel industry is operating ;C o rate some f» per cent above the average for last year and price* continue firm Pig Iron. In fact, itn ' made it furl her slight advance. Trade [report* say thet the additional produc tion. which D keeping the leading com panies operating »i '»o per cent of ca parity, is not going into stocks, but In being consumed Automobile makers also nre running thHr plants at. an unusually high rate and appear to be quite confident with regard to spring business. Ttsllroad car loadings confirm the )m preseion of a strong industrial revival borne 930.000 cars were loaded with revenue) freight In the week ended Febru ary 2. Thin represents a gain of over IH.OOO ss compared with the previous weak and of 64,000 as compared with the same week a year ago. Figures on cotton consumption during January proved to b«> unexpectedly high, irul the showing fulled to < heck the sharp speculative decline which already whs under way. The month's treking.* of our mills amounted to 676.000 bwlcs. as com pared with 461,0‘tO during December. EJx ports of the duple were considerably smaller than In December, but this decline represents merely the normal seasonal slackening. The cotton market tallied moderately os the week closed. Dut trad ers were Inclined toward ,< waiting attl t ude. until tho trend of things In tire dry goods market in more clearly defined A slight firming up In Urn money mar ket corresponded to nn expansion «*f dis counts and circulation at the federal ta* servo bunks. The bunk statement* showed that tho contraction In credit damunds which follows tire year end line ended and suggested that expanding trade la making graa4er demands for accommoda tion. Nevertheless, the best Judges did not anticipate any marked change In the general character of the money market. Foreign ■ xchatife rates were moderate ly reactionary Ht**rllng suffered slightly on account of the dockers' strike and recessions In francs reflected Premier Poincare's dlffl - cult Is* with his program for Increased taxation Well posted observer* were . .. uui tg#d howe tlth lha ivld tier of progress bv the committee of expert" whl'h ih •uulying mean* for lurlamiiu. tiii> German hudgtt and fin providing a stable currency. New York Bonds ^ ^-J By Assoc Press. New York, Feb. 17.—Successful flota tion of the $160,000,00b Japanese loon overshadowed all other developments In the bond market last week. Substantial oversubscription of the issue, which took the form of 30-year, tit* per cent, priced at 92to yield 7.10 per cent, was reported by J. F. Morgan & Co., head of the nation-wide offering syndicate, within* two hours after the sale was opened on Friday. Success of the offering followed a hoavv oversubscription of the 26.000.000 pound sterling loan sold earlier in the week in London, bringing the total rais ed for Japan's refunding tvnd reconstruc tion purposes to more than $250,000,000. Portions of the American issue offered in Holland and Switzerland also were heavily oversubscribed. large orders for the bonds were placed by the leading industrial corporations of the country, and strong Inquiry was reported from the Pacific northwest, where Japan has been huying reconstruction materials. Offering of the loan exerted a decided influence on the course (,f bond prices which moved irregularly lower during the week. Prior to the sale, there was heavy selling of securities for the purpose of transferring funds into the new bond. Fear that market indigestion would be aggravated by the absorption of so large an Issue also tended to depress prices. The ready sale, however, and the pre mium which the new bonds brought In ac tive trading as soon ns they were listed nn a "when issued" basis. Inspired confi dence which steadied prices until they declined late in the week in sympathy with n break In stock quotations. Trading interests throughout the week centered in the Japanese issues. Before the new loan was offered, the existing 4 *4a advanced briskly, attaining new high levels for the year at 97>4. The rise whs aided bv the announcement that with the calling of these Issues, the bond* could h»* exchange^ for the new 6l£s on a favorable yield basis. Heavy buying of International and Great Norther'll adjustment 6s, following announcement of the sale of the road to the Gulf Coast lines, which guaranteed interest payments at the rate of 4 per cent yearly, featured trading In railroad isaues. Price movements in other rail bonds were mixed with profit-taking tending to depress prices. After advancing to new high levels for the year, bonds of many of the sugar companies, including Punta. Alegre and Rastern Tuba, also were subjected to profit-taking and showed net losses for the week. Sinclair Oil company Issues lost further ground on the oil lease dis closures at Washington. While offering of the Japanese loan sidetracked ali other issues, the volume of the week’s financing mounted to more than $170,000,000, the largest of any week since last June, ("losing of the books of the $20,000,000 Argentine note Issue help ed to swell the total, and in addition some $2,000,000 worth of municipal bonds were disposed of. _ANNOUNCEMENTS. Funeral Notices. A TUNNICLIFF—Mr*. George D., age 49 '•par*. February 17. Funeral service* will be held Tuesday home. 6214 Chicago street. Monday at 2:30 o’clock. Rev. E. 11 Jenks officiating In quiry may be addressed to the Burket < hapel. 3406 Farnam street. IfA 0090 HASKELL—Min Anna E.. agp At yeara. February 16 at the home of her als f**r. Mr*. If. K. Burket. Funeral service* will be held Tiie«dav at '■ o'clock from the Burket chapel. 3405 Farnam rcet. Rev. A. A. !>e Larme officiating. MURPHY- Mr*. Ralph, at Jackson ville, Fla.. February t5. Funeral vervii rs will be held T'-nsday morning at 10 .i0 o’clock from the home of Mr. \V R. Fonda. 4907 Chicago. In oulries may be addressed to Burket. IfAMMoVlP—Dr J. C . age 62 years, re*l drnco. 1319 S. 29th' St. Funeral from Cole MfKay company Mortuary, 3612 Farnam street. Monday at 2 p in. Frlendw welcome__ Funeral Notices. A Vaults and Monument*. B Automatic Sealing" concrete burial vaults recommended by all leading undertake:*. Mfg by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault C<* Funeral Director!. C HEAFEY A HEAFET. Uundertakerg and Embalmera * Phone HA n;*5 Offlo* 2*11 Farnam (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1442) KORISKO FUNERaL HOME. 23d and O 8ta. 1360 8. 13th fit MA. 0680. AT. 1474 O. C. HAYNES FUNERAL HOME. 3920 N. 24th St. KE. 03»7. DUFFY A JOHNSTON. 311 S. 33d. new funeral home. HA. #417. BRA I LET A DORRANCE. 1423 CUMING 6T.. JA. 0624. HOFFMANN AMBULANCE Dodge at 24th. Funeral Directors. JA. SMI. H. If. KRAMER FUNERAL HOME, 6819 NPllltary Ave. WA. 6314. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, 3411 Farnam 8t. N. P. SWANSON. 17TH AND CUlflNO Quiet, Dignified Supervision. CROSBY-MOORE 24th and Wirt. WE. 0047. TAGOART A FON. 2213 Cuming 8f JA. 0714. HUL8E A RIKPKN, Funeral, director*. 2224 Cuming. JA. 12St. . 1 ■ Cemeteries, D WMT LAWN CBinmmY. Our convenient payment plan la appreciat ed when family lot la required Telephone WA. 0820. WA. 4 180 AT 1971. and our free closed car will call for you. Courteous service. I'erpetual care. Cemetery 61th »nd C. nter Sts Beautiful, convenient. FOREST LAWN* 320 acres. I’erpetual cars. Office at the cemetery. North 40th St. and Forest Lawn Ave.. and 720 Brandeta Theater Bidg LA T»IKM and gentlemen' desiring ^o meet the right kind of people and who can furnish reforen* o as to character. Ad dress Box (’-317, Omaha B*;e. Floruits. E LOQKRW. Mortal. 24th Farnatn. JA. 3400. ■JOHN MATH. 1804 F..rn>iii. .1A 1408 Personals. 3 THE SALVATION Army industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, mags* tinea We collect. Wa distribute. Phone IA 413b and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. U10-U12-1114 Hodge Street. _ WILL taka aged, mental or chronic In valids In my home fall WA. 4293 Write 4o8 Sunderland Bldg Foil flu, rheumatism, ,neurltls. colds, ner \ oiiNiieaa yi run-down condition. AT. 3377. j PrOStatlfl troubles treated without surgery nr drugs. Dr. <\ M. Hunt, 632 W* - H. Bldg Theatrical historical masque hoaturnaa for niava and partlea at I.lehan r Omaha. MABSAOM TB KATMI7NT, 2IQ N I 7 1'H H I l «»7l SCIENTIFIC masaag* call WA. 4291._ , Lost and Found. 4 >HT or strayed from 608 M. 14th St., tan and white bulldog, 8 years eld, weighs 45 Ihs, acrow tall, earn croppad, wearing black harness Bight front leg twitch*** slightly. Please phone. AT. 4123 HOttHK LOUT- May, one whit* foot, white fh< «• K «r on left front foot, weigh* around J 10'I WA 2606. _ PENDANT, aarved ivory, on black cord Reward AT 1 630 da>a and AT. 0383 evenings HUNCH keys with lock attached, on 30th, Lake nr N. lt)th His. Return to 1617 < |»11" I Ave_ ~ AUTOMOBILES._ Automobile* for Sale 5 UfcKD CARS O. N flonney Motor Co. 26 6 4 Parnam._ __ FU Ilf) HKD AN 11*.’ *. Into A real buy. kg goad i ton t miss this I»u v t*f.Q HA 201 I MY OWNER 1024 Ford coupe 7 months' old. large wheel, extra lire liegtei. dash light gill caah *»r tarms, we. 1766. HUDSON touring, late model and In ex* •e||#nf condition Guaranteed Hee today Guy L. Hnilth. N A HI? V RI EH I* M A A I T« • C<» I ED CA It h>T< H(E. 2041* Earn •*» AT till! n y * Buy Your Car Now s Auto dealers are offering their best used cars at very much reduced prices, so that stocks of cars may be cleared before the Auto Show. You have one more day to buy at a reduced price. READ AUTOS FOR SALE ON THIS PAGE AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles for Sale. 5 . # RE NEW ED CADILLAC EXHIBIT FEBRUARY II TO 14. SPECIALLY FINISHED AND RE-NEW-EI) CARS PREPARED FOR THIS EXHIBIT. BEAUTIFUL MODELS VICTORIA*. SEDANS. PHAETONS, AND TOURING CARS THIS IS CADILLAC USED CAR WEEK SPECIAL PRICES WILL PRE VAIL AND ALL PURCHASES MAY BE HAD ON VERY CON VENIENT TERMS. DON'T FAIL TO COME OPEN EVENINGS J K HANSEN CADILLAC CO.. HA 0710.. FARNAM ST. AT MTU A SAFE P!*ACE TO BUT’ S WE ARE ONLY IN THE USED CAR BUSINESS TO SELL THE CARS WE TAKE IN TRADE Haynea Coupa. Oakland Coupa. Ford Coupa. chalmara Sedan Oakland Sadan. Dodge Sedan. Oakland Touring Kaaex Touring. Naah Touring. Haynea Touring. Bulek Touring, chalmara Touring Chorrolet Touring National Touring Dodgo Roadatar. Rulek Roadatar. Oakland Roadater. The Above Cara Are All In Good Con dltlon. Repainted and I’rlcad to Sell. OAKLAND MOTOR CAR CO. HARNEY AT 10TH PRE-AUTO SHOW SALE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES on Standard make Cara FORDS We have a few bargalna left ami inuat aell our atork out. Coupe*. Hedana, Touring*. Rnadatera. lx iDUES A few loft. Hood condition and j,jat aa repreeantad. all with new paint. BUICKS. Good running else* Excellent con dition mechanically. Good Palm and Hr**. See than* "alaoa be fore you Inveat In a Uaad Auto mobile. . . Many other atandard make* to rhona* from. Knay Term* MID CITY AUTO CO. 3101 So. ?Uh HI MA. tOIO. Open Evtnlnga SHOW WEEK BARGAINS. 1921 Ford Roadatar, gpeclal hodv IIT.% 19 21 star Roadster. many e*traa :«» 1953 Ktar Touring . . a. jjn 1923 Podge Touring . *n,‘ 1914 Hulck Touting . HO Open evening* Make Your own term* ANDREW MURPHY A BONN. 14 10 Jarkaon. AT. .4411 JoII tioKS W ITVl"T111 <*K Hood Ford ton truck and alao jot* to responsible party Small down pajment a ill handle and six months on balanc e Call Walnut t.196 FoRP TonilMI |,ATW 1922. HTARTKIl ^ AND DKM llIMH PANPY RUNNING «•< >NDITION KXt'BU.RNT MKtTIANI CA I # CONDITION; WII.L SACJtIKICK WE >189_ THE PORT BIX AilKNri »I ■* • liable huelneea for energetic* hualne** men He** Ralph W Jones, dletrlbntor for Ne braeka mid Western Iowa. 2431 Kurn«m 1 D c’oupa 19 i looki * nd runt fine 12 76 Can make t.-rms to i raponaible I'm i I c c all WA 619.. TmTPkn pah ms used-"cmm A.NPRIJW MCIUMY .V ijcv.-i I4IU JACKSON ST. At 44 11 _AUTOMOBILES._ Automobiles for Sale. 5 FORDS—DODGES—BITICKS S701 S. ;4lh.Tel MA, 60»>> Trucks for Hale. 5A One J-ton rebuilt International on pneu matics. Two l-ton rebuilt Internationals, cushion tire*. Two 3-ton other makes, pneumatic, dump body and holat. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. OF AMERICA. 714 South 10th St. ONE to three-ton used true**, terms can be arranged. International Harvester C«. of America. 714-16 B. 10th It. Auto Accessories Parts. 9 INSTANT ELECTROLYTE. Guaranteed to recharge any battery in serviceable condition. Will not freeze in the coldest weather and it will not sul phate plate. For sale in filling stations and garagpi, or phone WE. 1965. USED parte for all makes of cars. 60 to 76 per cent off list prices, two wreck Ing plants/ 1016 Harney. HA. 4931. and 2206 Cnnimc AT. 1970. Service Station—Repairing. 10 ■ iNnrsmiAD auto machinist*. Ravfleld rarbureton and Eleemann mag neto service. AT. 2666. P MELCHt IRH S SON _417 S 1ITH Auto Livery Garage. 11 GARAGE for rout. SIS Ho 2Cttl Rt. Tel. H < ' _ RUSINE SS^SER VICE. Business Services Offered. 1 > MOVING, hauling, city or country A»iie*. rubbish, inders for drivewa\n WK i.'lO*. JAMES ALLAN’S Detectives. Eapert aecret service. 311-312 Nevllia Block AT. 1136 RELIABLE Detective Bureau Sunderland Dldg JA 3064: night, KL 3813 WK trim treee, hedges, graphs KK 6451. SAWS filed, keya made 1404 Ve Douglas. Building Contractors. 14 LOW’ PRICES on toilet combinations, lavatories, ainka, bath tuba, range boilers New goods MORRISON LUMBER A COAL CO. 22d and Paul Sta. WE 5541 SCREENED porche*. old screens reward, broker windows replaced Glazing. IT or man KB. 2701. _ Millinery—Dressmaicing. 17 ACCORDION, aide knife, bo* pleating. covered buttons: all style*: hemstitching buttonholea. Write Ideal Button A Pleat ing Co.. 308 Brown Block. Omaha, Neb Telephone JA. 1936 NEB. PLEATING CO. Hemstitching. Covered Buttons. 1864 Farnatn Second floor IA- 547e. Moving—Trucking—Storage. 18 FIDELITY STORAGE A VAN CO MOVING # PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING Vfoueehold goods, office furniture, autoa. 1107-11 HOWARD SIJA Plea GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE PACKING. MOVIN'* SHIPPING STORING Estimates furnished AT 0230 or JA. 4336 BEK INS OMAHA VAN * STORAGE 74th and Leavenworth 8te Parking, inov ing. atorage. shipping JA 4141 GORDON’S FIREPROOF WHSK A VAN 219 North 11th St Phone JA. 3032: mov Ing. packing, atorage. shipping Painting and Papering. 19 ATTENTION—Hotel. apartment and ' home ownere. Special price on wallpaper paperhanging. Fred Paik*. AT. 7401 MA. \ 6161 _; PAPER banging and painting. work I guaranteed Call WK. 1633. 1 Patent Attorneys. 20 J. W. MARTIN. 1711 Dc<J*e. Room :0> Omaha, also Waahlngton double service. ■ Ingle fee Alao help sell patent* Printing Stationery.21 fuMUKRClAI, PRINTING. K.1<1> Printing Co.. Ill South 11th 8t **tmn« JA. 1(1(8 Repairing. 23 USED ant! new aewlng machine*. Sew ing niachinea and victrolaa repaired Rent machine* St per week; S3 per mo MURK!, 1TU81C HOUSE. Lh and Harnev_ AT. 41*1 Renovating and Dyeing 24 OMAHA PILLOW CO.—Feather* rena ve led and nwuli up In new feat her-prouf taking I9u7 > umlng. JA 2417. _EMPLOYMENT ' Help Wanted Female. 27 CAN TOI' RKAT this? I'nr a limited time wo will plat * y ou In •maha or Council Mtuffa with an ex nerlenced "it lea woman ft>r nno t»r two day'* erhoniing In veiling the Cor*e«Twin garment ami pay you full commleelon on the aalee made while you are learning Inatruction* by correspondent-!* to Hg«*nta in each i "mmunlly in Nebraska ami Iowa <'1111 In person or write M»*» Findley, Omaha Loan IlMg tf*th and Lodge. Omaha. Nebf AT. 0&7S LALfKH- Become self aupportlug Learn halnlreeninr. marreling. |>**rnianent wav Ing. manti-uring. maaaage day or evening Benefit by our ro-nprratLe advg plan, which mahaa our graduate* in demand everywhere Sure of auccea* Call or writ** Moler College. | o» p»ut h liilh St REPRESENTATIVES to "ell personal eta tloneryi • omidete line; big * nntin l«*l<>n*. no delivery Florence Puhllahlng i'o., Met tQpolttan Life Bldg. Mlnneapnll* Minn. WOMAN or girl for general housework. No w soiling* KK I 4A5 Help Wanted Male. 28 KKKHKMKNTATIVKH to eel| pereonnl »ta tlonery. complete line HI* com ml net on a. no delivery. Florence I'uldtehlcg to. Met r opolllnti I »lfe Ittdg . M t n (tea bid)*. Minn Af.t. Mi•:n. Woman, boya, §lrla, t« «•> ($, willing to Hoeitt government punltlona, 11 17 131.0 m i,i \ * 111»f_ nr et at lotinr) t. w i te Mr Oxnit-nt, 1*6 St U>ul», Mo, atel> . KI-KCTIIIt'ITy taught bv experts: earn while you learn e* home, electrical book and proof |e»aot> ee. net l«ftion guai pon neciiyed \\ e to Chief Knglneei Cooke, *144 l.aarimce A\e. Chicago. ill*; A d ** t e« ttve. I" 1100 wee HI \ travel , over vvoihl evperleme untmtvM* rv American hetecilvo Agency ;i>» Colum bia. St I. ulw MIN wanted to qualify for firemen, ihrakenten. Faperlence unneceaeary Trane |l>ortMtlnn futnlahed I MrCafftey. Supt , St Uni tn •II I M ’ • « | to It Ml (which noaltlon*) ttailwet Y v;»M). niimhn pee \ N 'I | ■ • > 4 I ' I' II toiler, modern nhi*c, top ««|n W njrnr Monument W. k*. Wayne, Neb. _EMPLOYMENT._ Help Wanted Male. 28 WANTED—Men to learn the barber trade. Spbndid paying business Short course completes. Day or evening. Benefit by our co-operative ndvg. plan which makes our graduates In demand everywhere. Call or write for particulars Molar Barber College. 1U9 South 16th -At. LINOTYPE OPERATORS for night shift,! steady work. Union shop. 145. Fort Wayne1 Printing Fort Wayne, Ind. Situations Wanted Female. 31 BUNDLE washing; also curtain*; work guaranteed; called for. WE. 3373. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. WE. 0373. Situations Wanted Male. 32 EXPERIENCED cabinet maker from Germany; prefers German employer. B 261, Omaha Bee. WANTED: Position in bank or lumber yard. Experienced, 2 years Uni. Y-2668 Omaha Bee. FINANCIAL. Business Opportunities 33 LUMBER YARD FOR SALE—Sms]I (own In northeast Nebraska. Good territory. Good business. Only yard in town. Ad dress, Y-2670, Omaha Bee. ANY business, anywnere, sold for cash No publicity Federal System. 205 Pax ton Bldg AT 0462 MILLINERY shop for sale Good busi ness. good location Y-2')i;4. Omaha Bee. MEAT market fixtures for sale. Y 2665. Omaha Bee. FIRST class shoe repairing shop for sale, very cheap. Phone .1A. 6062. Investment—StocKs—Bonds. 34 READ ESTATE first mortgages from 1100 up; net 10 per cent. Box D-454, Omaha Bee. LOW RATE on city property. Quickly closed; no monthly payments. JA. 1333 W. T. Graham_. M. A ANDERSON CO.. JA. 6107. Real estate. Surety bonds and kindred In*. Real Estate Loans. 34A 6»A AND 6 PER CENT MONEY. Loans on Omaha improved property at lowest rates. FRANK H. BINDER. *22 City National. JA. 2661. FARM LOANS Large or small West Neh farma. ranches Kloke Investment. Co., MS Qm, Nat Bk CITY real estate mortgages and eon tracta bought. Mr. Larson 104 North Fifteenth atreet • i M A11 A ROM ED— EAST N K R F ARMS O'KEEFE REAL E8TATE CO.. lQif. Om Nat. Bk bldg JA 271S. SIX per cert loans on Omaha residences •’ash on hand Prompt service. E. II I.ougee. Inc.. 53* Keellne P.ldg SECOND mortgages or cor tracts pur chased by Tukev Company 620 First Na tlonal Bsnk. JA. 4223. 1 WILL buy mortgages and contract* Cnrkln. 94* Orn Nat Bldg . Omaha. Neh i 5U, AND 4 PERCENT —NO* DELAY , GARVIN BROS 64t nm|h» Nat. Bldg ! Money to Loan. 35 THIS COMPANY IS ORGANIZED To supply ve-ir money wants In the sum* * way that bgr.'ts supply ths money wants j of the business community. Any amount loaned up to S500 and you can repay It In easy monthly payments Our equal payment plan repays the loan at d all chargee. We have been la business In Omaha over 20 year* a d can assure you of a quick, confidential and squara deal. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY 506 Karbach Block Tel. JA 2295 . Southeast Corner 15th and Douglas Sts | DIAMOND loans at lowest ratea, business strictly confidential. The Diamond Loan | r o 1514 Dodge Ft F.stahllebe* 1«34 j ' EDUCATIONAL. Local Instruction Classes. 38 i DAT SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL BOTLES SCHOOL Coraplets course* In all hranrhe* bookkeeping. comptomet ry. shorthand, typewriting. te?egrapb>. serre tanal. banking salesmanship, civil serv ice. English. Tou may work for boatd while attending Illustrated catalog free. BOTLES COLLEGE. 15th and Harney Sts Omaha. Neb JA U6e. DWORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE Stenography and Bookkeeping W*ad llldg . ISth and Farnara AT 7416 EIGHT to 12 weeks prepare you for a fine office position. C ! AT 7774 ar write American college. It Fsmsm TRI-CITY BARBER <'DLLEOF. 1402 Dodge St. 1206 Douglas St j fall or write for Information. Com Diameter school 300 Courtney*' Bldg j Oanntu;. 39 \ KEEP'S—HOTEL ROME Classes Mondav Wednesday and Friday 1 Dancing Tu. .«u> Thursday and Saturday _ LI VES! PCK._ Poultry and Supplies. 44 WHITE W\*ndott*». rock«r*l*. pullrt., I hens, hatching egci*. Jamee Farts. Flor ence station. Omaha. KE. 03*9. ' 1 ' . ■■!■■■■ ■ ^ MERCHANDISE._ Business Equipment. 47 { WE llt'Y. aej| safe* mska desks. show case*, etc. Omaha Fixture A SurMy Co F W ct.r 11th ami Douglas .1A *7?4 OFFICE furniture for sale cheap. Call! AT i 7 I 1_ j Fuel and Feed. 50 KINDLING—$5 truck-load, d»U\erod Fawduat, shavings Phone JA 6740. KINDLING WOOD For aale cheap 4163. Household Goods -— - - — I INSIDE SVG Alt RACKS. Brand new. medium alse; suitable for all luMjr* hold purpose-, —dish towel* dish rags dual .loth*, m. Call at Peerteen Wiping fioth Co. loth and Davenport, at, :i;s ITHMTUUK—Thi kind thet you would I K* to possess, as well ■* staple articles 6*i Ice* within reason. Sl*phen*on Auction Rouse. 15>*9 Capitol. Goods sold at auction and pGvate *a!e FUR NIT l HE AT AUCTION This Afternoon and Tomorrow Night DOWDS AVCTION HOt'HG DAY bet!, opened mak** night bed M* hogan> satin damask Like new Small writing dt »k HA 14*7 ELRCTIIIC washer with swinging wring or, in fine condition, at a bargain S*c 2413 Capital Aviv °NK n*w bra a* bed. springs. mattress ■ JO9 ^ Ave. _ Swap Column. 5JA WILL trade clear quarter section land, 'alue 91.300. for equity In mn<l«vn * or house, priced under 93 000. B • 112, Omaha Her TWO hundred and forty i . • «.f t'attsda land t.» snap foi what have you Write L > So, Omaha Hee. or call W A 7 52 4 J AH HANOI |t|a< . Ld| n< to trade lor pedigreed pup. Hnatcn lull teirl#r pie lr11 »mI. K-600, ('malm llee swap 'omplot. ('ommerra truck with commercial body for touring car. 0-314. Omaha Ilea. ruth '4 tOlt 12. blot k Morse , A Hrunei a adnitmn. North nth for car or diamond llo* I» 4F>5 Omaha Bee, Mi»|)Klt\ * rin house and gunge in f'n -oln for Omaha property. f 31.1, Omaha Bee Wil l, swap tnv fto olectrl fun for food electric rut ling Iron. Ho* P ;»05, Omaha lice__ I.AHtll Mae Victor ' c trnla *o trade for diamond or «h i ha'e you H ?»*. Oma he llee TKN «• ir« l.-nd Klamath I alls. Ore Trade fot city ltd nr diamond or auto Bog t> nr «>maha Bee I Wo * oat front lota 17th and t-and1 A v«* fot bungalow it 3 IP, timal',a Her | I _MERCHANDISE._ Swap Column. 53A WELL established gents furnishing and dry goods. ■» yr. lease, for what have vou'1 Worth 82.500 or 15.000. B-262. Omaha Bee. ___ WELL located corner »ot on North Six teenth. Will give r long .euso for f’.'Llng station. Street Just paved. B-2'16* Omaha Bee. __ CONTINENTAL motor, Stromberg car buretor. Klseman magneto, commercial body, four 24x4 Ores and tube*, other parts. C-315. Omaha Bee SWAP No. 4 Underwood typewriter for good tube net radio complete. B-260. Oma ha Bte. _ in A* RES north of Florence, ideal for chicken ranch, for home In town. F-646. Omaha Be**. ONE ACRE. 4 lot*, in Nowata. Okla# 1 trado for what have you? C-321 Omaha Bee.___ ! BED, mattress and springs or oak library table for brown leather duofold or what have you?JA. 6738. ] WILL take storm windows and door* or diamond mh part ’ ayment on good tour- , ing car. 13*510. O.naha Bee. ! REAL pedigree Boston male terrier pup, perfect marking. ♦> months old. to trade for tube radiu set, P-263. Omaha Bee. WILL trade my equity in well located lot f«»r small car or cash. 2401 Ave. C- j Co Bluff* Phone 716. WANT saxophone for two lots, northeast corner 18th and Fowler. C-310, Omaha B e t>_________________ NEW genuine leather cushion settee for wardrobe trunk, or what have you? E-591. Omaha Bee.__ WILL swap 4 lots on south boulevard, on duplex or modern bungalow. B-267. Oma ha Bre. SOME pieces of furniture to swap for ■ •sed electric sweeper arid iron. E-5<8, i Omaha Bee GOOD 6-room house on three lot*; best chicken housing plae*» in city. Want 5 room bungalow. C-31L Omaha Bee. WELL furnished apartment on car line. Private bath »6<> AT 4 2 ■ »',_ 240 ACRES improved Wyoming land lor home here B-209. Omaha Bee ICO a Jackson Co. So Dak., for good car. D-456. Omaha Bee SMALL FARM near Omaha. trade for what have you- B-50? Omaha Bee WILL swap pal erhanirtn* and patntln* work for Ford r ar K-57$ Omaha Bee PLATER niano and Tot rolle for any • V nr of eounl value. C.327 Omaha Hee. Machinery and Tool*. 55 I.eBron Klectrlcl Work, Jl*-20 So. 13th. ^^\^an^«erond^^nd^notorii^oyn»mol^ Radio Equipment.59 OUARAN'TEKIl rtii.o ,et, I3.4t »n<l up U M SIU.AF.S 31* North 16th St Wearing AppareL_60 FL'1,1. I,BBSS >u,’t at'il Tuiko, for rent. JA r 12* 1 f'9 V 16th Ft John Feldman. COAT—-Caracul cloth and wool-eel comb Kouncky < >r - f>-it|,,~ <~h»-a;- HA. 14$-j_^ _Wanted to Buy.61 DESKS. DESKS. DESKS New detk* uaed desk* bought, sold and traded. J C. Reed. 1*07 Farnam St- A * *146. _ ROQMS FOR RENT._| Rooms With Board. 62 ! \RGB p|r»„m room with bo.rd for two. liana* *»m Park district. HA. 3164. BOARD and room at <14 No. 31st. Block from carllne AT 2r r*- __________________ * HA 7550— Pleasant rm with board for 1. Rooms Without Board. 63 BKAL'TIKl'LLT f'trn1,h«1 room In pri vate family, privet* bath, reaionuule. JA 6113. TIIKKE beautifully furniahed room,, all c or venlence* private family, 2622 Sher rn an A v e WE 115° 7T RTY-EHJHTH and Harney. lovely Ur-f E room near bath and phone. HA • ^«» _ ATTRACTIVE 'oom In private home. Park W»st carline, references exchanged. HA 3*9* BF.Al’TIFCI.I.T furniahed front room Jn desirable location Reasonable HA. 6070. COZY ROOM in desirable location. 12.6® Hreahf:t»t if desired JA **232. 2663 MARCT—Home like room in private house, reasonable. AT 2146 BBAl’TIFl'L room in desirable location. private family. AT. 1527, TWO N1CEI.Y furnished rooms, close in II A 5d»ir. FOR RENT—Nice warm ajeeping room. 213 South 25th St_ 8INCSLE »n,| double room in private home, alktng distant e. reae^nable HA. 6216 R >OTrs for Hoisfkefp!ng. 64 ! 3*17 r* opr I. ETON—? rooms, kitchenette] u »h sink. on bathroom floor Has. l'.ghte ! »nd water furnished HA. f'6°6. i NICELY furnished ' wo-room apartment front toon ■» first floor. 3012 North Six teenth street. TWO or thro** unfurnished room# for houfekeep ik Heat light. gas. water and telephone furnished 1141 S "1st St. IVAN SCC1M PARK district Ifl-rra brick house strlctlv modern. Call HA lf.*4 or stop n at 1707 South 33d. PRIVATE home 7 or 2 room*, everything furnished 1 bb> k from *r 'laraga if desired. 21 IS Ohio St WE *72® _ 6 22 N 4-.1 STREET—3 rroini and kit chen Modern W# 2723 Sill S 24th St —Two room apt e'#r>- , thing furnished Reasonable ATJ 22ft. 616 S 2J«1 St —Modern 2 and l-n^ apt . do*e In 15 to H2 a week 4 or 5 ROOM apartment in brick duplex. C|.*«e in. HA 2024 OR 3 ROOMS; alao cottage with 2 room* H \ 4 “01 2 t'R S-ROOM housekeeping rooms; a Isa ’ '•ettage (h 3 rooms II 4 4flnt Room*—l nftirnishrri HI \ TWENT'i KurKTlI ~7~, 4T-* N -Too, r f>o m * for housekeeping unfurnished _Where to Stop In Town 67 UOTFL S A N'F< '.Rlt — '»!>, ,n.1 Farn.m BuTFI. HKN'SHAW—l«lh »n.1 F.rn.m S-'c.-i%4 rate* t** 'wnunnit guests REAL ESTATE—FOR RENtT Apartments— Furnitherl. 69; 'll NORTH 2 3.1-Four rooms. private fa mil? W A *71? NEATLY furr> *h**d. front 2 or 3 rnv apt#. I., h wrek Min Cuming HI'NTKK INN HOM I', for the traveling . tnan and nif*« AT s>*0 ?"*l—FARNAM ST—Large front room I With kitchenette. Hiram heat b*th Apartments—Unfurnished. 70 n«K HA HI.AN J3o| Sherman Ave Five room# well «r ranged, newljr dc orated, fireplace. WK 0716 Evenings WE 4 7 7 4 —— ■ -—■ ■ ■" —■■■.■. . i - 22RD ST —3637 So. or l>. newly dec orated Frni apt. he*t light, enter free. * Iso 2 tm furn cot tags. APARTMENTS and tTtl (or t7nt. W i PALMER CO AT Real Estate Management Specialists FOB ONI OF DRAKE'*' 1000 APARTMENT* Fall Jtrkaoa J*0k. PUTFBS TRl'ST COMPANY WHERE OM AM A RENTS * XT 0*44 l?th and Karnam Ata STEAM-HEATED mod apartmanta. low rant <1 P Stabbtn*. 1Aio rhtcago St ‘ T 4 l» ST n*ar . d atrlvtl' mod ) room apt , atram brat, Murph* bad prtr. bath MX 0»4 f lara* rootni, apartmant. I modarn. » hoica location DANDY * room »t«*»m h*i tad flat. JEM I miff ln«iulra at JflJ Apartment*—Untarnished. 70 WALKING DIET AN R ''NR IliVlM x th • »bir.«'t kit<• ban. Murphy >'«*d and prlvai- bath 'n « . -an unMnn firaproof building NX ntar ’* •» fi ' - and 14} kb « *'l Dtaka'a Ja lip*. Sav I rntaanth and Howard !*1\ RO IM nrw H dasorwtad. bUx K and on* ha'f Far own* Park A \ a , adtilia. garac* »\*i abl* n»« Phon* H X 0M» Business Places tor Rem *1 ! Ml'l*F' N «iMin heat*d »torw, IIO monlti U P >tabbln». !*!• i'hUago REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT Houses for Rent. 72 FOR RENT. 15-room modern house. 528 North 32nd Si. $70.f>0 p‘-r* month Se. ond floor arranged so that It may he nub let. For inspection Sunday rail HA. 2213 or rail at house in the afternoon. GEO HUE * CO.. Realtor! AT. 3024. 7-R. MOD., garage. *>2 N 4Td . t» 5-r. mod. sturco, 3111 Mason.e. 7-r. Hernin Park some. . . . . . t».. 5-r. hear<>d apt . !>unsany. . f 1 ' >M- RENTA I, KX .1A 3;, 13. IIA 25'*» NEW 5-room duplex, on 49rt> and Cap: tnl A\a {trautiful inside and out with all modern feature* 8ee it to appre* tale it Close to school and car «'all WA. 7023 .JA :<»»;; SHERMAN AVE, — Nine-room. modern, garage; will lease. Lawler. AT. 0844 eve n 1 n y* KK 3 41 _ rf-RM. moil house new furnace, oak floor, oouble garage-. 130 WE 4782 4 - KM. House for rent. 2714 So. 20th. Caii AT. 3374 4- R1I-. partly modern. 120. on carlloe. desirable location. IIA. 3255 5- room modern duplex, garage If desired. HA 7 320 FOR RENT—8-room house, modern ex rept heat. Hi'*- plate i'• r?0 Charles S’ MODERN six-room house. 32 10 Cuming St Tel HA 4339. 2703 WOOLWORTH Ave . 8-rm. modern house, will r»-nt reasonably or sell cheap MODERN house to rent. 3220 8. 20th fit. Farm frauds for Rent. ?SA FOR RENT €00-a re ranch in Custer 'ount, Neb. 40n acres hay and pasture. 200 acre.-* under plow. Well Itt.proved, plenty wat r Write or phone owner. If. f Palmer. 716 West Third street. Grand Island. Neb -- REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Real Estate—Investments. 78A FOR SALE Of! and gas leases and royalties and size tract five acres up. in locality where four deep teat weJis being drilled by big companies. Chance for quick action, big field and fine geology. Address K. F. WILSON. Leedey, Okl. Farms and Lands for Sale. 79 AH nr part 4*0 arre* fire level land, eleven mJI*a from Leedey, three seta of improve ment*. land will grow corn, cotton or wheat sue essfully Some encumbrance Located near deep tear for oil being drilled by Roxana Petroleum f’orp Por tion of royalty reserved Will consider merchant's*, or good '!*nr Income prop erty Address K F Wilson. T.eedey. Oki Houses for Sale. 8) S ROOM liOtSB—Mr>1-n thrum,! ~ raved nt-o*' Good summer bon » KB vant cooj porch. Deal with owner Wt 1 take Liberty bond at par ;n part or all ■ - ' menf Phone 495 Monday. Tuesds Thursday or Fr day from 1 to F r m. or address V <* Bra v "or, Logan Iowa. LET US build a better home for ‘»«« money B*«t ■ onaiructlon and material? Own a Home Go,, 312 Arthur Bldg I’-RM house and 2 1ot» at 333! No 36th Easy er rs JA 4 39 Houses—North. 81 IF you are m the market foe a cla*? bungalow in the north part of the rjtv all Mr. Parker. WA 32^4 days AT 2261 Have some good one*. 3 62* PARKER ST —f-rji» mod barn 6750 cash. bal. mo Extra lot for garden Crejgh. 6"6 Bee. JA 0200 ’ E BUCK A CO. buy and sell home* Houses—South. 82 I- P SWANSON P.«»l Ert,t»- JA. 4»:~ T»nra Tenr specialists in S. Side hom*s Housai—West. 83 DAVI.KH FINDS FOLKS who buy horn'* List your property with u» for result* . JA 1 426 BURT C. FOWi.ER CO.R-abc*?* BKAUTIFTI. Montclair. 6 r stucco btr» s.t'ow with extra room on second floor Double car . A R Musk in, AT • •*• WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lots In Fdsswood: vary easy terms phone at 3540 FIELD CLUB d atrict. just completed. 4 -'vcma. mod*m. tile bath, easy term* Wa 7«5t. For Sale—Dundee. 85 DINDKK lU'lT.IG.VG SITES GEORGE t. CO. AT 1*1* For Sale—Florence. 86 NETHAWAY has improved aareage nofh of FLORENCE for city property. Ke 14*3 Lott for Sale. 88 LOT ?*x 167. on l!d Ave . facing H snare in park, for sale at a bargain price. C A OKIMMEU JA. K14. FLORENCE FIELD SELLING. Salesmen on every day. r w MARTIN A CO. A.T «HT Real Estate for Exchange 89 FoR SALE OR TRADE Improved farms and ranches. Corn *’ fairs or cotton land, in western Oklahoma. Several deep testa for cl be ng drilled, prospe *a good Will consider raer • hand sc or - lesr Income property Por tion of royalties reserved 'Address K F WIT 5a ■ N. - Leedy, OkT Fv»R EXCHANGE |4 ' f.rst tom t gage sernred on a well im»j.'o . *d Minnesota lfA-acre farm, valued xt f !V‘b'v Wil take 1. 6*0 worth of Minnesota VdMtar* or Dakota and m n ' an ;e \<i v"# t«5h. Schwab Bri>* 1*25 Plymouth H *'g . .d n reapol s. M nn S M.K OR TR Al*F -- Fine farm 416 acres 9 miles T.eedey. acre* rich bottom land Light imp raw - ments Will consider aood clear -r oma property n city Address, K F Wi'son. T.eedy Oh I KXCHANGE — Charge equity tv» be?? ranch In eastern No Dak for Iowa or Neb farm or apartment bldg In Omaha or Council Bluffs. Bowers A King, Ma - com Tow a EXCHANGES of all kinds. H. H Brovna Co. I 42 Bldg AT 3349. FIRMS G’hbora **teej. 413 Fefer* Trn«t. . Wanted—Real Estate. 9C l 1ST your nror riv with up or. If > i »r« in 'h* market for a-t^ate. call Lou-a Cohn for uulck pale*. MA. ©141, MV so;® |4.P0« to lK.t-0* State lavation. price end term* 14o\ Hea'ri«*e, \#K T B OAMTBKL1. build* borne* • $b?. Bwl materia'* and pt Customer* »l * a? w -at «f;rd 1ST Keeltne \T *^4< \V** BUILD T«' PI.KOK." TFMPUS McFATPFN U"* Fa-oam ST AT. SFHVICK \NP nKSV1 TS. Com peten T *al«« fore* ' \ :4: n_r.i ovKR a stain Heritor* I KVKl. farm land near *;t\ limit* ur - Improved Stale location. Trice, T Jir.', * i'iaha Bee \VK 8Eld IIOM*s UST~\\Yth'i A HAMILTON A CO. "*l 4 NevF.e Block JV MH \V ? SRLL koMRS LIST WITH IS FOB RRSrVTh McCAorr iwkstmi’w • ' ’v *.*•» NKW H«»MFs T'l'K TKKMb C.BOVF HIBB \RP O'* Bank’’r» Keae'xe B *.w VT Id' SFF. via firet Nf d ; « 1 *. * * oca S To * room* Shooen t Co. Realtor# JA 4?:* :S4 Ko ne BMC OH \»* w YOON'; « s.W Heal Falafp Renta'* Inaureo. * ' ' , . LIST vovir homep with up f rrnuMa C.RVV NIC. RRALTT >'• I'. a to * Ja<keon 1 «• * it®* l • N 1 it T IUMFR tn\eat menu A.reace IMt Farnam AT »®t® LIST notarv pubtic ;Jd and Oimitif Sf* BOBI.l* H^ALTT CO He*Hot*. AT N • V 1 ' • • a Helm a n % '' • r « * * Ituettema'er Heal Flint AT I'H It W Vo', a- t for * «•* SeTa r K l •'» St 4TFR A ' Realt' « A-em.* F v« A MMH.i iwt, V iiait at §