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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1924)
A JOLLY PARTY of win ter sports enthusiasts out for a dog-sled ride on the frozen surface of Luke Placid in the Adirnndut ks. Frwm left to right they are II. I. Dunn, of New I ork ; ex (lovernor Whit man, of New York; Miss Olive Whitman, Charles W. Dunn, of New York, and Jack Suzanne, guide and trapper. On the sled: Mrs. Whitman, Master Charles W. Whitman jr. and Master Tristan Dunn. Riilhi AERIAL RADIO RECEPTION. Captain 0. A. Lingham. of Curtis Field. Mineola. in the cockpit of his tiny mos quito sky-writing air plane. Before him is the loop antenna of his radio set through which he re ceives his orders when aloft broadcast by a field officer. The Captain answers by means of a smoke dot-and-dash code similar to the smoke sky - writing made familiar to til! New 1 oi kers. •N',<.v.'o,eoi. SALUTING THE PA CIFIC. Lieut. E. M. Pidgeon, of the San Fran cisco Police Department, who died recently, pic tured in an appealing study astride “Blase,” his famous surf plunging horse, knee-deep in the Pa cific near the Golden Gate. Pidgeon and his mount were credited with saving many lives during their nineteen years of service. Their beat was to patrol nine miles of the fine beach that stretches south from San Francisco., leaf hi A NKW “AHRA HAM LLVCOLN.” Georjce Rillinirs as the martyred President in the new Rockett cinema, “The Dramatic Life of A Urn - ham Lincoln,” which promises, to strike a new note in motion pictures Beauty A (ileamv Mass ot Hair .W “I )an(lerine" (I<k-s \\ under"' f-»r Am ( lirl’> I lair Girls' Try this' When combing and dressing your hair, just moisten your hair brush with a little Danderine" and brush it through your hair The effec t is startling' You an do your hair up immediately and it will appear twice as thic k and heavy a mass of g lea my hair, sparkling with life and possessing that incomparable softness, freshness and luxuriant e While beautifying the hair Danderine is also toning and stimulating each sin gie hair to grow thick, iong and strong Hair stops failing out and dandruff dis . . rs (jet a bottle of delightful, re freshing "Danderine at any drug or toilet counter and just ^ee how healthy and youthful your hair becomes rilK BANK OF MONT KRAI/S WAR MKMO RIALS, erected in coni memoration of the 230 members of its staff who lost their lives in the World War. Both are by James K. Fraser, New York sculptor. The bronze soldier on the left is out side the bank’s main branch in Winnipeg. The one on the right, Victory, nine feet high, of white marble, stands in the main office at Montreal I.efl BROOKLYN’S PKRKKCT BOY. . Ph •IIIlien, receives t h, silver trophy awarded as first prize in the recent pci feet boy contest held at the Brooklyn Y M < A Mr. George Rreckwoldt e shown making the pres entiition The fifteen year old lad has other than physical qualities to commend him for honors, lie plays the violin e\ pertly, spending si > oral hours a day planning, his sister Beat t o • pla vine his piano aceompauiue < ■ ei,. a. Cleanliness demands more than Hathin$ — COW easy and pleasant is bathing' Now that nearly every house has the modern bathrcxim, external clcanli ness is a national habit. But there is another habit, the habit of internal clean liness, which is tar more important to your health and well being Doctors will tell you that internal clean liness means keeping the fixnl waste moving regularly out of the system A clogged intestinal system is a disease breeder Here start first such ailments as headaches, bilious attacks and insom nia each of which takes toll of your health and vitality Poisons flood your system Vital organs are affected Your power of resistance is lowered Health, even life itself, is threatened In this clogging, say intestinal specialists, lies the primary cause of more than three quarters of all illness, including thegrav cst diseases of life. Thousands of healthy men and women have learned to prevent illness by main taming internal cleanliness through the regular use of Nujol Nu)ol is not a lax ative and cannot cause distress Nujol prevents intestinal clogging by lubrica tion, the method now employed bv med ical authorities throughout the world. Nujol lubricates and softens the food waste and thus hastens its passage through and out of the body. Don't give disease a start Take Nujol as regularly as you brush your teeth or wash your face Nujol is not a medicine Like pure water it is harmless Nujol establishes the habit of internal deanlt ness the healthiest habit in the world. If you would maintain health, gcxxl Itxrks, and youthful energy, adopt this habit of internal clean Imcss Nujol w ill make every day brighter and your enjoy ment of life more keen For sale at all druggists. RtgmUir t Nujol RIO US PAT Off. For Internal Cleanliness Faulty Elimination Everywhere phnn uni arc sounding urgent warnings of the growing menace ' faults elimination In an address before a leading medical stxicry recently the medical director of one of the principal insurance companies stated that the lowered vitality caused bv faulty elimination made th< c tire hc»dv a prey to dangerous germs Hr further dec fare d that it the absorption of pots..os from clogged intestines was stopped, it w.xild largciv do aw ay w irh the numerous untime is deaths that occur during middle age H Try Phyiii. turn ta*or l*on 1 axatives and c at ha nu s do mx overcome taul ty elimination, savs a noted authority but bv their continued use tend .ads to aggravate ?he condition and often lead to permanent inturv Medual scietxe thnxigh know . igc .fthe tesemal trac ? gamed bv X ray »>bs« i vat ion and exhaustive rests, has found at la w in/aA* > ■ a means of overcoming faultv elimination The gentle lubruant. Num*I penetrates and cotters the hard food waste Thus it enables Nature to se. ure regular. thorough elimination Nuiol is nor a laxative and cann.x cause distress Nuiol hastens the rate of How threxigh the in resnne. preventing intestinal slugg shnecs Nuiol is used in leading hospitals, and is prrv nbed bv phvsu tansthrcxighout the world fot the relief of faulty elimination in people of ali ages ( 7-iwWo Science now knows that poisons from intestinal sluggishness ate the c hie! cause of personal unattractiveness C arned bv the blood they reach every hodv cell the millions c»f cells that tc*tnp«»se the skin, the fcH>ts of the hair and the eves No wondri that threxigh faulty rliminatn'n the skin becomes sallow muddy, nxighened. Mote hed ot disfigured with pimples or other blemishes It is not strange that the hair loses its sheen and the errs hec.xne dull Nuiol shiHild betaken regularly for the com plexion Nuiol overe»*cnrsand prevents inte-. tinal sluggishness It thus keeps the bexJy free from poisexts w hi. h are ihc pimc ipai . ausc of complexion troubles Nuiol ts the most effective aid to a dear health* iovelv skin tUrtly In vouth and perfect health I the intestine supplies a natural lubn.atmg liquid insufficient quantity to sotren the f.vxJ waste and hastrn ns movement exit of the bcxlv In advanced vrarsthis lubrx ant de\ teases in quantity Hour the nerd fot scxnrthmg to give assistance The action ot N . oo . .se . resembles that ot Nature s lubruant that it is rspex tally Senehc sal to those m advanxr*' »ears Nuiol softens the w asrr, thus rtsahlm^ ihe to trstmal muscles to movr it along and .nit of the bcxlv Iti rs sms ff^iw) >V tt* m< timrtsm if Ksmilstrsm smS Hrs. * - I • ms*sm trts kv \m* l *Fs*Stf*w N smssrs (»/< ta tNet* Jer*n I REE TRIAL BO T Tl E! Nuh»I. Room <44 4 P .7 Hanot er Vj oik FtH thu v »Hi|ton and 10 irntt ttampt or 4om io io»rt patkma and potiaxr pirate tc’d me • trial bottle ot Nutol and 16 pajje b»<*>kiet I auht Flimination »l:ot b»toklet onlt <hrvkhn* and tend mthiHti m octet ) Name A ddrrta