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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1924)
Milady’s Permanent Wave Is Now Created on an Improved New Waving Machine—Tiny Lights Prove to Our Entire Satisfaction the Exact Time Controls A permanent wave—what women doesn’t long for one—is now an affair of assured success in every way for Mr. Roberts, artist in processes for Milady's beautification, has installed in the Black and White Room at Burgoss-Nash a very modern and very expensive permanent waving ma chine which assures exact time control on every curl made. Exquisite the wave he created for a white-haired woman of my acquaintance, her most important preparation for a trip to the east. My dear—did you ever con sider carefully the satisfaction that would he yoiK's if your hair was ex quisitely colffed morning, night and noon, permanently? An ideal state of affairs you’ll agree. The new process is of exceeding merit, a boon to hair growth. Irresistible! February Drapery Sale Features Cut Prides on Nationally Advertised Sunfast Kapock Draperies in All the Latest Colors and Designs THE Brandels Drapery Department, sixth floor, is featuring during their February drapery sale the well-known Kapock sunfast draperies in all the latest colors and designs—exceptional values. Everything in the department, curtains, curtain materials, drapery fabrics, braids and edgings all are offered in a closing out of discontinued pieces, all desirable "buys.” Mr. T. T. Imber, head of the department, made a special buying trip to New ■ * York recently to acquire similar discontinued lines from other business houses, buying always with an eye to beauty of Interior decoration as well f with a chief object of economy in view. An opportunity! • * * • * * .Medley of Chinese Colors in New Crepes for Spring Wear. Thompson hazen’s snu shop, 31S South Sixteenth street, is showing a new Cheney crepe which proves conclusively the great ( harm of a medley of Chinese colors when decorating either a white or gray ground. Blue, red, navy with lit tle Chinese "twiggery” outlines in golden tan that give the effect of gold—a charming design, Broken checks In red, lavender or Hue make lovely a tub silk at the •ame price. Excellent in uuality the heavy crepe de chine In both plain and flat crepe, also $2.95; this in all colors. Spring sllkg that spell de lightful stylefulness. Flat Hraid Applied in lb-signs Deco ration of Spring Coat nines. The ideal button & pleat ING COMPANY, third floor Brown block, Sixteenth and Douglas, have done delightful decor ating of the new suits and two piece costumes. White braid on black and navy—effective. Tile on tile, beige on beige, brown on reindeer. Most no ticeable among decorative embellish ments for spring. * * • For the Y-year-Old are the chic little velvet and crepe or velvet and taffeta frocks and bloomers, offered at Gold steln-Chapmun's Kiddie Shop at less than half their cost, $5.95. Lovely dark colors, madam! Back from New York Omaha Milliner Tells Much of Interest With Regard to Madam’s New Chapeaux t " ■ ■ ■ ' 11 ■ 1 iii-i ' 1,1 MISS SHANAHAN, home from New York, is a center of interest to the fair fashion follower as she stands In her pretty millinery salon In the Julius Orkin Store, 1512 Douglas. Small—not all of them— speaks the wise milinery person concerning the spring and summer models— rather should one say that they're to be all sizes, from the very small to the wide-stretching brims with shoulder trims. Difficult—‘very—to mention any one color, for the colors are Infinite, varying In shade from the very, very pronounced In every color to the most gracious gray blue known as powder blue which is perhaps the least trying of any of the colors of spring 1H24! You’ll be Intrigued by the models shown In Miss Shanahan's spring presenta tion! * m * • • • Beauty Shop Adds Two New Booth* For Your Convenience, Madam. THE Le Bijou Beauty ^8hop, 207 South Eighteenth slreet, has added two* new booths to Insure youe every convenience, madam. They’ve a scalp treatment which ab solutely relieves the condition caus ing falling hair and dandruff—de lightful! Tickets may lie procured which greatly reduce the cost of treatment. And Now One Selects a Gay Itit of . Silk for the Making of the Party Frock. MRS. GREENE* second floor Ne ville block, Sixteenth and Har ney, will do a bit of atitchery on that gay little silk frock of two toned loveliness or filmy floating chif fon that gbes into the making of the party frock for St. Valentine day. I.ota o' time if yon engage this tal ented person's services at once. Two-Piece Costumes Follow Lines of • Jaunty Brevity or the Swinging Grace of the Russian Tunic THIS McGuire Dress Shoppe, mezzi nine floor. Paxton Rhx'k, Sixteenth and Farnam. presents spring’s loveliest new mode, the two-piece costume. Impending upon her type Milady finds It an easy matter to select just the mode most Butted to her—the short flared silhouette or the long, clinging tunic of Russian influence. Printed crepes, an embodiment of the new colors, each with a touch of handmade lace, light charmeens with surprising rrtlor touches. Spring's style showing a$ McGuire's is well worth the viewing— the price range from $29.50 to $100. Diamonds, the St. Valentine’s Day Offering to the Bride of Today or Tomorrow. THK John Henrlckson Jewel Bhop. Sixteenth and Capitol, has placed a special price on diamonds for St. Valentine's day gifting. In a ring mounting approved by thf most up-to-date sweetheart Is a diamond of Impressive beauty—a ring mounted to sell for $125, ttie St. Valentine's day .price is but $75. Diamonds large or diamonds small, you'll find decidedly In terestlng the prices placed upon them. • < i • m m Omaha Store Holds Jubilee—Interest ing Announcement. THOMPSON BEEDEN'8 have been doing business under the new management for one year now with such success that they've de cided to hold Jubilee. New spring , merchandise throughout the store Is „ being sold at decided reductions—20 per cent reductions—on ready-to-wear exqulsltrles. An appealing announce ment to Milady Shopper, you’ll agree. Featuring Hosiery In tlie Spring l^olurs at Price* to Entice. LK.ISI.OFi*’ In the Entrance Floor Shop at Herzberg’s, 1519 Doug •in*, present* the newest shades of spring in chiffon hose of sheer beauty, $1.95. Pure silk Gotham stripe hose ere carried in this shop In a complete line of colors and prices ranging through 92.25. $2.50 and $2.75. Hosiery satisfaction. Such a Fascination Those New Printed Costume Crepes Milady Affects THE Silk Shop, 1517 Dougins, offers Ian altogether alluring array of the season's new printed crepes, of finest silken threads, delicately wrought small designs which characterize the ultra modish weaving of spring. Cc jn a bewildering assemblage of new colorings, they're whin enough to permit of the closely pleated panellngs swung from wide shoulder yokes—madam's . tallleur of allk to wear through long hours of summer sports. Forty Inches wide they're priced moderately Indeed, $2.95. V t v ***’• <♦* • ». . r *- ■ V • r ir-n:.w “Boy" Suit Fashion's lattest Novell) in Sprine Fashion Season. LKNEETKH. tailor, second floor 1916 Farnum, Ih making some • lovely little units for the spring fashion season—none of more style fulness than the double breasted, short coated little ‘‘hoy" suit. Kneel er'a reduced pricey on both tailoring and fabrics are provocative of much pleased comment among the women who have discovered them. • • • Spring Time Is Hat Tlnip Every Woman Knows That. THE KRUGER HAT SHOP, Third floor Barker Block, Fifteenth and Farming Is h busy place now that It's spring time again. Spring time l« hat I lino as every woman knows, a time to hnvo old liata re blocked, feathers# and marabou re made This shop also does very sat lafactory work on furs. Try them! Whenever I’ve been happy In a fashion slightly snappy, And I realize a pang of conscience prods, In order to relieve me Of compunctions that aggrieve me, I make oblation to my little gods; And my system of contrition Is to pick my own punition, For I find it leaves my soul as good as new. If / seek that shrine of beauty Widely advertised as Duty, And select myself a dirty job to do! After all my maddest revels / attack domestic devils, I clean the ice box till it’s spick and span; Or I resolutely scrub Underneath the bathroom tub, Though / know ’twill ne’er be seen by mortal man. / acquire a headache, bending O’er a seam that has no ending. Oh, I castigate myself time after time! And I search subconscious byways Finding certain secret sly ways To make Ihy retribution fit my crime. So the self that’s Puritanic Strives to pay for pranks Satanic And oftentimes the balance sheet is clear, While again, a slight digression From the, pathway of discretion, And I. find myself most sadly in arrear Should you question if quite lately I have squandered profligately, On advice of counsel I’d refuse to say; You must draw your own conclusion From the end of this effusion— I’m entertaining my in-laws today! —Balance, Maud Kennen Waddock. Voguish Vagaries Elect to Decorate the Imported Flannel Wrap in Squirrel Peltries in Which White Predominates— THERE'S A FASCINATION IN THE VIEWING OF THE SEASON'S MODISH APPAREL NOW SHOWN IN OMAHA SHOPS—SO NAIVE THE LITTLE WRAP OBVIOUSLY INTENDED FOR SUMMER WEAR—ITS SOFTLY MERGING STRIPES OF GREY, ROSE AND BLUE EXQUISITELY EMPHASIZED BY FINELY MATCHED SQUIRREL PELTRIES DOWN EACH SIDE OF THE FRONT—DELIGHTFUL OVER CHINESE YELLOW FROCK. MUCH MAY BE SAID FOR THE LITTLE SILK COSTUMES SHOWN FOR EARLY SPRING WEAR—THESE IN DIFFERENT COLORS TURN FOR DECORATION EITHER TO A DRAPED SCARF COLLAR OR SHAWL. BLACK LEADS IN FROCKS AND NO WONDER WHEN ITS EMBROIDERY IS MOUNTED ON SILVER CLOTH! SPRING STYLE SHOWINGS OF MARVELOUS BEAUTY ENTICE THE SHOPPER FROM ALL SIDES UPON HER ENTRANCE INTO THE SHOPS. Well Known Business Men of Omaha Open Delightfully Appointed Specialty Shop BURBON & CO., Sixteenth, between Farnam and Douglas, McCrory building, Omaha'* newest apparel shop fur women, opened it* doors on Friday to entertain fair fashion followers with its showing of the exquisite, an asselnbladge expressing the best In terms of stylefulnes* for th* new a***on. Suita, wraps, dresses and gowns, a goodly gathering presented by Leslie Burkenruud and Joe Ronoff, well known to Omaha shopper*. A DEPARTMENT IN WHICH TO FIND HLOl'NKN, SWEATERS, EXQUISITE I NDEKTHINGS AND HOSIERY. SWEATERS, blouses, undies and hosiery gleam In colorful massing front cases and shelves under the supervision of Miss Helgren, an experienced buyer of models to give the greatst becomlngnosa to their feminine wearers. Among the newest and loveliest are the Mali Jong coats and Mandarin coats In wool and silk embodying the shades of cunning coloring Intended to give a glow of youth to the wearers thereof: Chink Blue. Tile, Jade. Coral. Amende Green Is n crepe blouse beaded In rust! Interesting. Crepe and georgette in unusually fine quality have been used tn the fashioning of the underwear models on exhibit—wholly adorable thing* with pleatlngs undercut In yokes ami frills of finely wrought laces—their exquisiteness empha sized by ribbon roses and streamers, ribbons manufactured by urtlsts tlie most cunning in the French Industry. Hosiery, the most modern model* of a fineness and color gradation to delight the discriminating. SMART FOOTWEAR MODELS REPRESENT A TYPE FOR KVKIt\ l SK FROM THE LITTLE BROGUE FOR WALKING TO THE HIGHHEELBD DANCING PUMP OF GRACEFUL LINKS. ALINE of blue leather upholstered chairs indicates the place where milady may restfully -elect the modish models calculated to enhance spring's smartest costumery, stu-eH finely manufactured, moderate in pricing. Shoes high heeled and low, of dull, suit suede and the more highly flnlthed kids of light coloring, which promise so great a - harm for spring and summer. The low heeled models, which prove of such a popularity, ahow a fondness for buckling, fascinating in effect. See them! DAINT1 HITS O’ NECKWEAR THE "JUST RIGHT" STRING OF BEADS AND THE CHARACTERFUL HANDBAG—ACCESSORIES OF IM PORTANCE. R CHINA KAMMEREll, an artful buyer of long standing popularity In Omaha shops, his gathered together just the lovely accessory of semi precious Jewelry, handbag and neckwear exqulsltry you'd have «-h< ~ n If you had been with her on Iter recent eastern buying trip—a ftaaaon In which It behooves each and every fair fashion follower to devote time and attention to the smart accessory. Fashion Turns Inside Out With an Effect of Witching Loveliness — Specialty Shop Introduces the Silk Wool Lined—The Conservative Wool Wrap With Steamer Rug Lining—Fringed Along the Edges for _Swagger Effectiveness_._ I A BONt’IIIN, Hotel I'Vntenelle, Eighteenth and Douglas, offers divert I tg revcr-lble costs dull, sift gray for afternoon or evening wear' tla a wrap to delight the moat giddy inombef of the younger set for itn lining hi vivid .lack n'lunt<th and gold in the Imported wool of the gsvest -• steamer rug you ever glimpsed on an ocean liner, fringed edges and eveivthtng. This fur trimmed for gie.tter witchery, t-t Boschln seem* to liavo had In mind the ,Sweet Young Thing on ibis buying trip for every one ..f the voutVfill new models suggest gnlish loveliness. Middy Bloused sports frocks, 125, all over embroidered Jersey cloth emit dresses at the some price, little satin frocks with cunning embroidered nosegays on shoulder and at the Waistline tin corsage at the waistline In the back Is a new note dlessee to delight at from 146 to $iii>. a new I.« Boschln price departure. lk> see the new spring models - you are Invited £ £ Primrose Voile Georgette or Gingham Is Lovely for Wear by a Wee Girlie when Skillful Fingers Have Smocked the Dainty Fabric Into a Snug Fitting Yoke YE HANDYE KRAFTE SHOPPE, 635 Securities Bldg., Sixteenth and Farnam, offer exquisitely fashioned little frocks for wee girlies quite the loveliest things I’ve seen. Every stitch by hand as It should be for a dainty bit of femininity—lovely when there's a smocked yoke, a decora tion of tiny buds and blossoms in delicate coloring. A frock for sister, a suit for brother may match in decoration and color if one desires. The smart new costume note. Antique Gray Decorates Walls of Private Dining Room Added to Downtown Dining Room Ideal Banquet Room for School Parties PAUL CHRISTIANSEN'S Metropolitan Dining Room, Hotel Keen, Eight eenth and Harney, has become such a popular dining place that it has become necessary to enlarge Its floor space and they have done it in a way most Interesting—by addition of a private dining room. Gracefully rounded doors of leaded glass open Into the new square dining room which may be entirely closed off from the big main dining room. Softly toned antique gray decorates the walls of the new room, delightful contrast to a black and flame carpeting. Appointments are even now being made bv Omaha matrons for the new room for luncheon and bridge, and the commit tees of school organizations find in this room a solving of where to have the next sorority affair. A suggestion! i i i ass For the Spring and Summer Sewing —Doom-End SaJe Affords Much of Interest. Hayden brothers offer for the benefit of the home sewer of apparel for spring and sum mer wear a “Doom-End sale which is of more than ordinary interegt. Fabrics of every imaginable kind and color for every Imaginable apparel piece is priced so low that it is un usually tempting. Pretty little checks and stripes in gingham for the house dress or the fashioning of children's school frocks and aprons, ilia making of the porch frock for the older member of the family. Heavier materials for the boys of the family, for the making of suits that will endure through a summer of hearty wholesome play. Marquis ette and cross stripe curtaining of quality for the guest room, kitchen or stair landing. Odds and ends to he used to advantage by the dis criminating buyer. Announcing—New Shop of Beauty— Opened by Specialist of European Training. MAISO.V Lorenzo. Omaha's new est shop of beauty culture, an exquisitely decorated, modernly v appointed shop of eight booth* has been opened at Fiftieth and Dodge, Walnut 8014, by Lorenzo, an artist in beauty culture who received his training in Europe. Delighted patrons who make up this talented person's clientele will find his spacious new shop most interesting. • • • Omaha Chapeaux Now in Troceas of Selection in Eastern City. MISS LOUISE HEITMAN of the Heitman Hat Shop. Athletic club bldg., 18th and Douglas, is in New York, an assurance to Omaha fashion followers that their new season's chapeaux will be of a desired chic. Many owe much of their loveliness to the wise buying dis crimination of Miss Heitman. Valentines for Use in Games for Party or School Room Exquisite Table and Room Decora tions for the Festive Occasion. THE Brandeis Stationery Shop, main floor, has an unusually fine display of valentines this year—the original valentines with comic bits of verse to be used as entertainment in parties in home or school, the dainty affairs for greetings from one sweetheart to another, boxes which contain valentine foundations with pictures, lace paper borders, tiny pasters, mater ial for busy fingers before the day of days. One of these boxes is a lovely gift to the lonely ‘'Shut-In.” • • • . . . ' "Don Juan," New Novel by Ludwig Lewiaohn, Author of ‘Tpstream," for Rent at Few Cents a Day. THE Book and Gift Shop, second floor Bushman block, Sixteenth and Douglas, has all of the new books at a rental fee of S cents a day without deposit fee. If you don't see the book you want. Mrs. Brown lee will gladly order it for you. Put your name on the list for the very new ones, like the above—this is an assurance of being able to get it in the near future. This is a ehop lr» which you can put your handwork for II a year, to be sold at a small commission to the shop. Sweets for the St. Valentine's Day Hostess—Exquisite Boxed Bonbons and Chocolate* for the Loved One on Love’s Day. CANDYLAND. 1522 Famanj, la en- *"*■ tirely ready for St. Valentin* day. Exquisite bonbons and choc olates in festive boxing* suggest ths gift for the loved one—novelty *on fections In crystal covered cream and dull sugar concoctions suggest a touch of color for the luncheon and dinner table to the February hosteas. A shop In which to find every party and gift loveliness. “Better Shoes for Less Money” Slogan of New Children’s Boot Shop in Store of Specialty Shops GOLDSTEIN-CHAPMAN'S Children'* Boot Shop, Id floor, <• showing lovely shoe styles for boys and girls at prices most moderate—"Better Shoes for Less Money” Mr. L. Greets, manager, assures ns Is what his shop Is going to do for Omaha—and truly the qualities, styles sad prison are unique. Pretty little shoes for dress wear, sturdy uafuida ahead of all colors and styles. It la an easy matter to be fitted here. Corse* Foundations for tho Spring Ward robs. H ATT IB PUTNAM’S Bareley Corset Shop, l*th floor. City NsUonsl bank bldg., 16th and Harney, offers much of Interest to the flair fashion follower who knows that her spring smartness must hare a suitable foundation. If unable to call at tho shop for an export fitting, send for a measurement blank, w-hich assures a satisfactory corset, or phone for a representative to call at your home. For the little person, there la the corselette, 11.25, Admir able! Amethyst Mr#nl*ttn*i Orrere OaM Light ta Jewel Display. THE C. B. Brown Jewel Map, (tg 8. ltth SL. has a clever tlon of an amethyst, a tight shade made of purple transparency. In the north show window at their shop. February, the month at ths amethyst birth stone, la the Inapt ra tion of the decorative schema, carried out by a grouping of brooch**, rings for both men and women, scarf pine and headed chains An Inspiration . to the giver of gift* 1o mark tfe#^^ birthday of a friend by hi* btrth stone. , For the St. Valentine Hostess Are the Suggestions as to Decorations and Entertaining to Be Found in This Department— At the Sign of the Pomegranate MRP. ROWE who ha* moved her Pomegranate Shop from the Gardner Block, Seventeenth and Hodge, to the second tl.xir at Burgess Vvs'v Is as ever brimming over with enthusiasm for the celebrating of cur next holiday. St. Valentine a day. Originality In decorative schemes, maneuv - erlng of amusements so that every guest present will report vour parts- ss quite the loveliest ghe has experienced, a presentation of favors to charm a furnishing of place cards provocative of delighte I comment are little art* of which Mrs. Rowe is a past master. If you're planning to give a partv on or round about the fateful dav. February 14. consult Mrs Rowe, ion'll ba gratified I assure you. The Pomegranate Shop—at your service madam et madamoisellel February—Month of Amethysts T4K Reese Jewel Shop. Tilth and Harney, has a lovely window deco rat w a* setting for lew el* suggested for February gifting The month of the amethyst blrthstones Is charmingly featured by means of 'inn pended wedding rings from purple ribbons, other* of the fairy circlets that ••cure a maiden's love ate mounted In violet decora ted cards l':s-„ wd« In pin*, rings and watches—amethi si* in every corsett able mount g * window of magical beauty. AAA finder Curls fo ( over (he Kntlrr Hoad Solve Mlsa Robbed Hair's Coiffure Problems THR 1>KI.KT UK A l "TV SHOP, second floor City National bun\ building. .la 1T9. offers ns sin. geation to Miss bobbed Hair i chisn curl arrangement over the enlln hack of her head I y (he nienns of a curl bunding which is priced «t IT ‘ • * J %*€ u:»r«d V K l»t»M Offle%