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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1923)
Island Resort at Tekamah Is Sold Tltjry Thousand Dollars Paid far 720-Acre Tract by m Holder of Mortgage. Tjftcomah, Neb., Nov. 10.—The large lsltStd In the Missouri river north of V Tekamah on which has been located the popular summer resort of Lake Qulnnebaugh and the Y. M. C. A. summer camps, has been sold at pub lic auction to satisfy mortgages. The 720-acre tract together with the farm house and buildings brought $17,500, and the 640-acre tract con taining the Y. M. C. A. camp grounds and pleasure resorts sold for $12,500. It was bid In by the first mortgage holder, Mr. Schultz of LeMars, la., the amount being approximately equal to his claim against the prop erty. The Merchants National hank of Omaha was second mortgage holder to the extent of $10,000. It Is reported that a compromise has been effected between the two mortgage holders whereby the second mortgage holders were to be satisfied also; bringing the amount to about $40,000; other outside claims amount to about $5,000. The price paid for the land is con sidered an exceptional bargain, being about $35 per acre; the land is as fertile as the valley of the Nile, hav ing been subject to overflows at vari ous times which lias at present raised it above flood waters; it abounds in timber also and should make a for tune for its new owner. A new anti-hold up carrier has been invented for conveying money by bank messengers. When attacked, the messenger presses a button near the handle, which sets of a number of concealed smoke bombs, held In the bottom of the grip. These burn 13 minutes, and not only throw out a heavy yellow smoke, but so dis color the money that it cannot be passed. ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. Man 74 Years Old Is “Rejuvenated” In 3 Weeks Without Gland Operation Kansas Contractor Tells o f Wonder ful Results Obtained in Test of New Scientific Discovery. Thomas J. Glascock. 74, well known Kansas contractor, declares he has virtually been made young again by the recently-discovered korex com pound, W'htch Is pronounced superior to "gland treatments" as an invigor ator and revitalizer." "I feel like I did at 35,” says Mr. Glascock, "and seem to lie getting stronger every day. During my three weeks' use of the new discovery pains and weaknesses of many years' stand ing disappeared almost magically. Today I am as vigorous and supple as X was In the prime of life. Further more, when I began using the com pound, my memory was virtually gone and I was almost blind, r%ow my mind Is clear and active and I can read the finest print without difficulty.” In order to find out whether the results were lasting, Mr. Glascock waited six months before reporting on his test of the discovery. On this point he says: “Every passing day strengthens my conviction that my restoration Is not only complete but permanent. I can't express the happiness this great dis covery has brought to me. It has made me ‘young’ again.” Similar reports are being made al most dally. For instance, D. W. Wood oyjew Orleans, past 60 years of age, s£»: ‘ ‘The compound has brought me back to as good, healthy physical condition as I enjoyed at 35. I am apparently as supple as at 25 and my eyesight is better than {or years. I would not take J5.000 for what the discovery has done for me.” The compound is a simple home treatment In tablet form, absolutely harmless, yet rated as the quickest and most powerful lnvlgorator known. Acting directly on lower spinal nerve centers and blood yessels, it brings gratifying oeneflts In a few days, recording to thousands who have tested It. "It is wonderful,” writes a resident of Hollister, Cal. "In less than 24 •t hours' you can fell It does the work. It makes one feel young as a young man. I am more than happy and glad I tried It.” Another Californian says: "The compound is a world’s ' Thomas J. % Glascock , wonder. I feel like I was about 25, and here I am nearly fifty!” The compound has been tested In all parts of the country and has won the praises of thousands who suffered from nerve weakness, lessened or de pleted vigor, neurasthenia, premature age, impaired glandular activity and lack of animation and vital force. Its effects seem to be virtually the same on both young and old. Physicians say the principal active Ingredient of the compound gives speedy satisfac tion In obstinate cases that defy all other treatments. Elderly people pro nounce the discovery a real "fountain of youth.” Realizing that thousands of en feebled, half-alive folk may consider such news "too good to be true,” the American distributors have agreed to supply a double-strength treatment of the discovery on a guaranteed trial basis to every one In need of such a preparation. If you wish to test the compound under a money-back guar antee, write In strict confidence to the Melton Raboratorles,1473 Melton Building, Kansas City, Mo„ for a two dollar treatment of korex compound, mailed In a plain, scaled wrapper. You man enclose two dollars, or simply send your name, without money, and pay two dollars and postage on de livery, as you prefer. In either case, however, If you report within ten days that you are not satisfied, the laboratores will refund the purchase price upon request. These labors atories are nationally ,known and thoroughly reliable, so nobody need hesitate about accepting their guarar, teed offer. ADVERTISEMENT. Rupture Not Dangerous rue Real Danger Is Not from the Rup re Itself, But from the Hard Pads and the Pressure of the Spring of the Usual Style of Truss. I*he Brook* Appliance I* the Onlj Strictly Modem and Entirely Comfortable Way of Hold ing a Rupture. r 5ENT ON FREE TRIAL It nit Man Is Rnpfnred Ye* Flays Football Safely—Because lie Baca ▲ BROOKS APPLIANCE] Just because you are unfortunate In being ruptured la no good reason why ?ou should not freely engage In every ortn of athletic sport, dancing, skat* Ing and all amusements. A Brooks Appliance will hold firmly yet with perfect comfort at all times and under all conditions. There are no hard pads nor springs of any kind about a Brooks Appliance. A aoft, pliable rubber air cushion Is so shaped as to firmly cling to the body and hold the rupture back Just as you would do with the pressure of your band. The percentage of permanent cures that the Brooks Appliance makes Is astonishingly great. Over 21,000 peo ple—ell ages, men, women and chil dren, new cases and old—have given written testimony of cures. A FREE TRIAD Is always allowed. Do not be deceived by counterfeits and so-called "Brooks Model." Dook always for tho trade mark and signa ture of C. E. Brooks In gold upon every genulns Appliance. The success of the Brooks Is due to a secret that truss makers have never discovered, so shun Imitations If you expect satisfaction. Fill out coupon and mall TODAY. Tomorrow will do. but today is better. FREE INFORMATION COUPON Brooke Appliance Company, IM Slate SI., Marshall, Mich. Pleas# astd me by mall. In plain wrappar, your Illustrated book end full Information about your ApplISBt* tVS tho euro ot rupture, Name uMniiimmimimmitim Address ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. qtr,,,,f. ,UI*. ADVERTISEMENT. SAGE TEA KEEPS When Mixed With Sulphur It Brings Back Its Beautiful Luster at Once. Gray hair, however handsome, de notes advancing age. We alb know the advantages of a youthful appear ance. Your hair Is your charm. It makes or mars the face. When It fades, turns gray and looks streaked, just a few applications of Hage Tea and Sulphur enhances Its appearance a hundred fold. Don't stay gray! Look young! Hither prepare the recipe at home or get from any drug store a bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound," which Is merely the old time recipe Improved by the addition of other Ingredients, Thousands of folks recommend this ready-to-use preparation, because It darkens the hair beautifully, besides, no one can possibly tell, as It darkens so natural ly and evenly. You moisten a sponge or soft brush with It, drawing this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after another application or two, Its natural color Is restored and It becomes thick, glossy and lustrous and you appear years younger. ADVERTISEMENT. TREEZME" Corns lift right off Doesn't hurt a bltl Drop a little "Freesene” on an itching corn, In stantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift It right off with fin gers. Truly! Your druggist sails a tiny bottle of "Freesone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or Irrita tion. Winners and Losers in Title Contests Write The Omaha Bee; Get in the Race, Win Cash Prize ' ■« Trtkaoa Syndicate—flea HttM Fan* And Astlc furies form Agrure* for future. Take on the Title Contest and may be you will score a knockout. Purses are as follows: First prise, $5, to the person who hands In the best title to the picture above. Secbnd prizes, Ave In number, are $1 each. How to Play. Write your title, with your name and address, on a piece of paper and mall It to the Title Contest Editor, The Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. Each contestant may submit as many titles as he wishes, but each should be written on a separate piece of paper. No title should contain more than 12 words. Every title must be received at The Omaha Bee office before midnight Wednesday, when the contest closes. The Upshot. The antics of the antiques attract ed 434 titles this week, which are distributed as follows: Nebraska .. 292 Iowa . 91 Missouri . 42 Kansas .4 Colorado . 4 Wyoming . 1 Here are the blue-labelers for the week: First Prize. "The Antique Dresser Is Next to the High Boy,” M. Budlong. Omahh. Second Prizes. “Putting Aunty In Antique,” M. Fugenbaum, Geneva, Neb. “A I-ylng Dine Has No Pull," Mrs Clifford-Cunningham, Wahoo. Neb. “Old Made," C. D. Clements, Wy more. Neb. “Aunt Ique Searching for Auntie Deluvian,” Mrs. E. E. Williams. Council Bluffs, la. “Cutting Prices to an Astounding Figure." Mayme C. Wyant, Glen wood, la. "Auntie Queries," Edwin Hurd. Omaha. (Queer about aunty.) "A Big Bust on an Old Dresser,” Mrs. Marie Steffen, Hastings. (Tabled ) "Who Put ‘Ann’ In Antique?" Mary Davis, Oakland. la. (This re vives the great debate about ‘how old Is Ann.') “Maid to Order Antlnques," Lloyd Hendricks, Lincoln, Neb. (Yea, but she's not so new as 'some of them.) "One Antique After Another," Mrs. Elmer Bloom, Holdrege, Neb. (Ditto). "An Antiquated Amazon Appraises Antiques.” I. D. Huston, Osceola. (A I plus.) "What Not?" Mn. Lewis Preston. Nebraska City, Neb. (Precisely our sentiments.) "Creek Meets Creek!" Mrs. O. H. Htorrs, Council Bluffs: Mrs. C. P. Davis, Woodbine, la. (Wrong nation ality. Look at the lady's nose!) "The Antique Bust and Bussed " Mrs. F. Collard. Omaha. (The title Is a bit premature, whatever may be thought of the lady.) "The Latest Arrival In Antiques About to Be Sold." Laura Lodmls, Maryville,/ Mo. (Oood. Come again, ma'am. ) "Looking Over an Old Time Table." Robert E. Ooldrtian, Council Bluffs, la. (The table Is all o'board) "Ann Teek at Home." C. L. Steart, Oeneva. (A homely scene.) "The Furniture She Used In Her Childhood." Robert A. Weller, Omaha. (Flatterer!) What was In that bottle last week? We vow we did not sample It, hut w-e get a kick out of It Just the same. Hero It Is: Wymore, Neli., Nov. S, 1(21. Title Editor: The winning title for last week, "From Bottle to Jug," first prize awarded to W. J. Cooper of Omaha, was one of the eight title* which I sent In. It la the exact word*. C. P. CPF. MK NTS. Mr. Clement*: Your title, na we re call, ran "Bottled and Jugged." We could not uae both of them ami thought that, a* the man In the pic ture Is not In the "Jug" yet, Mr. Cooper's fitted the picture more neat ly. Besides, you hnve won prize* be fore, and Mr. Cooper had not. Pear Conteat Editor: I do not understand why my title, "From the Bottle to the Jug," did not receive recognition In some wny as It was so nenr like the title which was awarded first prize. I’leasn answer my questions In next Sunday's P«l'»r so I will know what I* wrong and b* able to think up sum* new Ideas.—Mrs. Lewis Preston, Ne braska City, Neb. Mrs. Lewis Preston: We do not re call seeing your title. Are you cer tain It was mailed In time to reach the office before the contest closed? We usually do not open the envelopes that come In late. However, If we did see it we Judged It Inferior to ADVERTISEMENT. Take a Tablespoonful of Salts if Back Pains or Bladder Is Irritated. Flush your kidneys by drinking a quart of water each day, also take salts occasionally, says a noted au thority. who tells us that too much rich food forms acids which almost paralyze the kidneys In their efforts to expel it from the blood. They be come sluggish and weaken; then you may suffer with a dull misery In the kidney region, sharp pains in the back or sick headache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue Is coated and when the weather Is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the channels often get sore and Irritated, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. To help neutralize these Irritating acids; to help cleanse the kidneys and flush off the body's urinous waste, get four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy here. Take a tahlespoonful In a glass of water be fore breakfastsfor a few days, and your kidneys may then act flne. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithla, and has been used for years to help flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys; also to aeutrallze the acids In the system so they ho longer Irritate, thus often relieving bladder weakness. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive; cannot In Jura and makes a delightful efferves cent lithla water drink. By all means have your physician examine your kidneys at least twice a year. AIIVERTISEMKN^. You Are Only As Old As You Fool Extract of "African Bark" Is Restor ing Vim and Vigor of Youth to Thousands—Said to Super sede "Gland” Operations. Have you lost your old-time "pep," vigor and vitality? Even though ap parently well, ara you "draggy," worn out, mentally tired, sleepless, nervous, depressed?—In other words, "out of tune" with life and living? Don't worry! Bclence has produced a new formula, which thousand* ac claim to be superior even to the much discussed "gland” operations. The principal Ingredient of this truly greet discovery la contained In the extract from the hark of an African tres. Combined with it are other proven and efficient tonic and vital ising elements. ItoTtlld Tabs In tha trade name of thl* new addition of medical aclence. Perfectly harmless, yet acting direct on the ductile* (ondocrenc) glnnda, they atlmulate and build up the real life tui<**a- Thdfci pleasant, taetclean tablet* ara tnkch after yn/ila In the privacy of your rome 'or office. User* often report Improvement In 24 hour*. Within a abort time, rec ord* show grently Increased vltnllty. Improved appetite, tietter circulation nnd a new glow of health In every part. IteHld Tali* are rapidly being placed within the reach of nil. The manufacturers are now making n special Introductory offer In thl* city, nnd have authorised Heal on Drug Co.. Sherman A McConnell Drug Store to *eli you a regular 12 (10 box of Ite |t||,| Tub* for only |ino—on a money track guar antee of pronounced result* even in 24 hours. If more convenient, you msy order direct from It *111 Id Laboratories. Kansas City, Mo. Same guarantee applies the winning title because It has un necessary words In It. Other things being equal, the fewer words In a title the better. Dear Editor: I do not expect to be a prize winner; It takes too much Freak Mine of Platinum Brings Riches to Germany _~_ j Berlin, Nov. 10.—The little town of Gelnhausen, In the apple growing dis trict of the Wetterau near Frank furt-on-the-Maln, la riding on a wave of prosperity caused by the discovery of platinum In the vicinity; not natural deposits of this precious metal, however, but fortuitous ones found In the debris of an electric bulb factory which burned to the ground some years ago. The debris was carted away to fill brain work? As an Instance, all our brains together couln't catch on the premium title of last week, ’‘'From Bottle to Jug."—Yours truly, P. A. Francois. Mr. Francois; Your criticism speaks well for your friend’s character. Ask the next tramp who visits Greeley about the "Jug.” He can enlighten you, probably having been there. Last week we were long on titles and short on space and time, so It was necessary to cut out some of the letters we received from contestants. We print some of last" week’s and some of this week's. , Dear Mr. Conteit Editor: I do love to follow up and takS' part in a contest of picture titles or conversa tion. It creates more Interest, excite ment, and gives one a little pastime worth while. I sometimes send in titles If I think I find a fairly good one for the picture, and enjoy the different titles sent In by others. They are often puzzling, baffling fcnd most always with a double meaning. —Mrs. Vesta Franklin, Falls City. Dear Sir: Thank you kindly for the dollar awarded me some time ago. I enjoy these contests, and when I read the winners I realize how flat some of mine are. However, I shall keep on sending them In, and If I ever win the $5 I will frame the check for 65 days anyway.—Mrs. Arthur Lee, Atlantic, la. Dear Sir: 1 am sending names to you for the picture. I would like to win even a dollar because I am sav ing up money for Christmas. We have taken The Bee for three years and think there Is no paper like It. See that I get something If you please, sir. Thank you very kindly.— Thelma Moore, Omaha. Sorry, Thelma. We strive to please; but you'll have to try us again. Lots of people don't win a prize the first time but keep on trying until some times they do. You didn't win this time; but don't despair about that Christmas money yet. In new streets and railroad dams, and no one thought of attaching any Im portance to the matter until the war came and platinum prices began to •oar. Some canny soul then remembered that large quantities of platinum wire had been burled In the ruins, and thereupon the entire population sal lied forth with shovels and sieves un til the town began to resemble newly discovered ‘‘dll fields. ” Through wind and weather, snow and rain, the diggers kept at their task, reaping their richest rewards at night, when the fine wires glistened by the light of the pocket flashlights No sooner did the platinum wires come to light than they were gobbled up by the speculators until the mu nicipality decided to take a share In the profits by Issuing ‘'platinum" 11 censes, and then came the Incoma tax board, requiring from the citizen* « declaration of their discoveries, which were taxed accordingly. * During these Investigations It came to light that one man had already amassed a fortune of *,000.000 marks In odds and enda of platinum wire. Among the visitors to the spot was a professor In the high school, who met there one of iffs students, a boy so notoriously poor that he had to be placed lb the category of "charity pupils.” To his astonishment, the professor was offered a cigar costing at least 1.000 marks, but to his protests the boy answered: "Don’t hesitate to ac cept It. Professor, as I have made 80.000 marks today!” According to the last reports from the platinum field, the owner of the new factory built upon the site of the burned building was about to tear down his plant and begin a thorough investigation of the premises with a view of exploiting the treasure* of the soil. MOTHER:— Fletcher’s Castoria is especially prepared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation P.atulency Wind Colic Diarrhea To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels Aids in the assimilation of Food, promoting Cheerfulness, Rest, and Natural Sleep without Opiates w? To avoid imitations, always loolt for the signature of Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it ... \ is'. *- j :> r <y/ ^JK^, ^ ><l *%* ** 3 ’"'X^•'y^ ':X» X^v XX^XxS X* v^f- ^ X§rV t>-"?V jX * V' * Good results, through a reliable paper, at the lowest cost, and backed by kindly personal service. That is an explana tion of what you buy when you place a Want Ad in The Omaha Bee. That is say ing a great deal, but our advertisers say so, they know, so it must be true. # Phone ATlantic 1000 and Let Bee Want Ads Get Results for You Omaha Bee Classified Ads "It's Results That Count" i't t