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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1923)
QmrChoice j { Ml Mahogany Finish 4 ' |||l Telephone. Set / _ l i ll) Two-Piece Telephone S i, consisting of the ] f 11 table and stool Illustrated, In antique ma- ••• . ,, j /?: JII hogany, golden or fumed oak finish. Has Vr OTla 8 ] r'vl |( space for phone books; chair slides under » . D 4 \m table when not in use. Special— * * Largest Ketail j ']) Furniture l'(( *5*95 Dealers Mahogany Finish End Table A beautifully designed Knd Table with ornamental posts and attractive stretchers; top is in two-tone antique mahogany finish. Specially priced-— Priscilla Sewing Cabinet Antique mahogany finish sew ing cabinet, strongly built and excellently finished. Has spacious compart ifients and remov able tray. Special, Fumed Oak Pedestal A new design, as we pic ture It here. Note how at tractive looking. Stands full 34 inches high; 11 inch top. Specially priced for this week at— ■5.95 Walnut Finish Bedroom Rocker A handsome cane seat Bedroom Rocker in antique walnut finish, gracefully de signed back ; excellently built. Special at >5.95 Enameled High Chair An attractive ivory and blue combination enamel finish Baby High Chair with saddle shaped seat and foot rest; also lift-over tray. Special at •5.95 OltiJmin Queen Anne Dining Chairs Attractively designed, with wid-' seats of genuine brown Spanist or elegant blue leather. Thes< chairs retall'regularly at $10.00 For this sale— •5.95 Fiber Reed Rocker A comfortable fiber reed rocker in baronial brown finish, closely woven over strong hardwood frame. Spe cial at Polychrome Fernery An exquisitely designed wrought iron Fernery, complete with metal flower box, handsome polychrome effects. An unusual value at ■5.95 t_ ' Take Advantage of These Extreme Values I _ I We devote an unusually large section ex clusively to the showing of high-grade Ranges, Heaters, Combinations, etc,, most attractively priced. “Gem Oak”Heater As shoWn to Ipft; full nickel trimmed. A large size with 17-loch flropot. With- , out mica door. A good value at— I *23.15 f “Hot Blast” Heater Shown to right. Nickel trimmings. Horns any kind of fuel economically l.argc enough for the average homo *26.25 w w l(_ 413-15-17 South 16th Street I Convenient Deferred Payments Gladly Extended * Hfco- Offered lari} at 5-Piece Breakfast Set In the natural unfinished wood. Can be easily enameled to suit your particular colorings .$ 25.00 $ 16.98 Colonial Spinet Desk in antique mahogany with sliding writing top . 60.00 42.50 Occasional Cliair — Upholstered in figured or plain velour. For your hall or your living room. Hest spring construction. 65.00 42.75 L --—___ !l 5-piece Italian Renaissance Dining Room Suite The Beautiful Five-Piece Italian Renaissance Dining Room Suit* illustrated to left consists of the table and four chairs. The table extends to six feet and has genuine walnut oblong top, 45xSC inches. The 4 chairs are in two-tone walnut finish to match with genuine leather seats. A very attractive reproduction of the early Italian period. The five pieces, a $100.00 value offered at— *64 Discontinued Patterns in Overstuffed Living Room Suites \> An exceptional opportunity to purchase a real quality suite at a marked saving! These suites are sample pieces—Davenport, Chair and Rocker to match, e ^ q ■ cn Suite of !? pieces. Choice o' tapestry, velour or velour combinations. * I JK / - Reyujar $265.00 value*, for quick selling at. * * Gate Leg Table « k illustrated to the left, in antique walnut finish: nas two drop leaves and handsomely turned posts; no drawer; ffnn QEC 131.'.Hi value at. ixmlnster Rues Values to 165; sl?e StixlO's fret. $»oq 7E Limited quantity at. yOO* I O . i ,i Vrhet Hues Seamless, size 0\12 feet; frlnfced ends. d»/|'T 7C Values to 168.50. at. y*t / • * O Hunted Wilton Hues f>xP feet, will rIyp years of service. Won ilerfui patterns. See our window display, 1 1 O Cfl $1412..>0 value, nt ..>. «P * * “*vu , N 14x10'si-fool slue nt $107.50 Attractive Two-Tone Bedroom Suite Dresser, Bed and Chifforette. Ail attractive Three-Piece Bedroom Suite is offered in the ever popular two-tone antique walnut finish which is particularly adaptable to the gracefully ex quisite period. The bed is full sire, bow end: the dresser and chifforette tire extremely well built and have period metal drawer pulls; the mirror on dresser is supported by artistic standards decorated hs shown. Complete, the three pieces, a regular $141.00 value, at - Hundreds of Other Sale Bargains on Display at Our Store. See Them!