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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1923)
Take Whisky, Leave Water. My A*.»«><• iatfrt Pre»t. St. Louis, Sept. 21.—Between 400 and 500 parrels of whisky, stored in the bonded warehouse of the Jack Daniel distillery here have been “spirited'’ away by the substitution of water after the contents had been gauged by a revenue agent, it was learned at the offices of Arnold J. Hellmich, collector of internal revenue. Internal revenue authorities seized the entire warehouse and government guards and 15 policemen were placed In charge at the direction of Col 'ector Hellmich, who said he had re ceived a telegram from Washington ordering the seizure. 4th Blast Victim Dies. By International »m Her*Ice. Washington, Sept. 21.—The death -- ■ - list in the gasoline explosion in the Kovernment bureau of standards here was increased to four today. r —-^ Fashionette Hair Nets Human Hair Net; guaranteed perfect in size and color. Single or double mesh, cap or fringe style; regularly 15c; "| Zip each, rift Main Floor—South t^ Children’s Sleepers Soft ribbed knit and in a very good weight for fall and win ter. Infants to 10 years. Made with feet and long fiQf* sleeves. Priced at Oa/C Third Floor—East Women’s and Misses’ Outing Flannel Pajamas Two-piece pajama eulte. of very heat quality outing, in pink and blue and white, with dainty butterfly designs in contrast ing colors; frog fastenings or plain button styles. Some are bound with silk braid; sizes 36 to 42; special. 1.98 » 2.98 Third Floor—Center Saturday Our European Shopping Expedition’s Special Purchase Silk and Wool Hose 2.00 and 2.50 Quality “t QQ Our Own Direct Per Pair X »/0 Importation Hand embroidered clox and plain assorted colors and designs; all are full fashioned and well reinforced; Imported from one of the best foreign manufacturers, these come In the season's popular wool shades. Main Floor—North Imported French Dotted Veils Economy veiling in black and all the new (all shades; dif ferent colored dots In about 60 styles to select from; special, per yard, ' Main Floor—North Home Grown Ferns Homegrown Boston Kerns; 2.00 values, ea ■ Direct Imports, Tulip Bulbs— Darwins, singles, doubles; In all colors, per f?Qp dozen OUK, Cut Flower Department Main Floor—North Card Players Outfit Mahogany block containing 100 unbreakable chips and deck of cards, knob handle at top and rubber-tipped corner. Specially priced 1.98 Main Floor—Arcade k._ - ^ Atlantic City Creams A delicious confection; soft and creamy; assorted flavors; made fresh in our own factory; special. /lQf* per pound, \ Main Floor—West Special in Neckwear »w Vestee*—For coat suits, in Peter Pan and Tuxedo collar styles; imported Venice effects; wonderful values; special, Main Floor—East Buy Your Fall Und erwear Now Fall and Winter Munsingwear For Women, Girls and Boys I Munsingwear is scientifically made of selected yarns and is constructed to wash and wear well. The correct weight of M unsingwear is insurance against colds. UNION SUIT YOU -—————i———— Union Suits—Of medium weight or heavy'weight, with fleeced lined or without'; all styles, such as one-half sleeve, Dutch neck, high neck, long sleeves or no sleeves and knee or ankle length; Q P A regular size, 2.25; out sizes Girls’ and Boys’ Munsingwear Suits—All styles in heavy cotton, with soft fleece line. Full silver gray, also cream shades; 1 to 6 years, 1.25; 7 to 12 years, 1.50; 14 to 18 years, 1.75. Silk and Wool Munsingwear Silk and Wool Suits-In all styles, knee and ankle lengths. 3.50 3.95 4.50 Children’s Silk and Wool Vests and Pants—Priced, "| P[1 each, Part Wool Suits—All styles, ankle or knee length; regular and out sizes. 3.50 .nd 3.95 Children’s Vests and Off _ Pants—Each, Third f loor— center Saturday—New Fall Hats In this purchase you will find all the smart poke shapes for the bobbed hair girl, off the face hats, matron hats, made of Lyons velvet and panne, trimmed with novelty fancy feathers, flowers, ribbons and fancy pins, colors of brown, r AA and -| A AA sand, red, gray, oak wood and black, JLvF®\/\/ ___Second Floor—East r An Invitation to Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors Visitor! will find a cordial welcome here. They may come immediately to The Brandeis Store and find every comfort. Bundles and hand luggage may be checked, con veniences may be found for washing and “fresh ening up’’ so that you may go into the city feel ing well groomed and ready to meet your friends; your letters to the folks at home may be written here and cards addressed and mailed. The Information Desk on the Main Floor is always ready to supply any information needed. If you are having difficulty in finding suitable lodging, the Information Desk will provide you with a list of desirable quarters; if you have trou ble in locating certain places or your friends, the Information Desk will cheerfully assist you in finding them; it will supply any information re lating to the city of Omaha that will be assist ance to you. The Bank is located on the Main Floor—West. Best Booms—You are Invited to visit the new rest rooms on tbo Tenth Floor. They have been fitted up for your comfort and convenience. Dining Booms—There Is a magnificent Dining Room and Men’a Grill Room on the Tenth Floor, while on the Main Floor la a Cafeteria and to the west i Soda Foun tain and Lunch Room to suit every taste and pocket book. Strangers who have not decided on a place of resi dence In Omaha can have their mall addressed to Sta tion 17, which la located on the Main Floor—West. They may call for their mall there. It Is a regular United States Poet Office. The Transfer System may be used to great advan tage when time counts. The Shopper may make purchases in any depart ment and good* will be sent to the Transfer Desk, where the shopper may pay for them all at once. The purchases will then be delivered to the home town, free ^of charge. J. L. BBAYDEIS ft 8058. ^ New Arrivals In Women’s New Fall Footwear Some Attractive Pumps and Oxfords Suitable for Present Time and Fall Wear Presenting the Brandeis “Patricia” Black suede, trimmed with patent leather, or dark brown suede, trimmed with dark brown kid; flexible t soles, covered Spanish heels, specially "| A A m priced for Saturday ^ For Afternoon Wear—The Brandeis “Beauty” Black suede, trimmed with light weight black calf, dark brown sufde, trimmed with dark brown calf. I Beautifully perforated, flexible soles, “| "| covered Cuban heels, specially priced, pr.A A»tJv/ Growing Girls Strap Pumps—Tn patent leather or dull calf, C QQ regular price 9.00, special Black Satin Strap Pumps—Daintily stitched flexible soles, covered Cuban and box heels, specially £1 . priced for Saturday * | i mrarioor—cast | Saturday—Specials in Gloves Imported Qloves—With strap-wrist, extra selected real kid with most at tractive embroidered backs; in brown, tan, gray, black and champagne. P. K. seams; former price, 4.50; O Cfl, special, per pair, Ostlvr i Suede Fabric Gloves—In plain or nov- I elties, strap-wrist and 16-button length. | in all the popular shades; spear point \ or heavy embroidered barks; AA special, per pair. AavJvF Main Floor—North ! Saturday Fall and Winter Wearing Apparel for Women and Misses I IS A Special Purchase 8 New Fall Skirts o Saturday at A special purchase of plain, wrap-around and straight-line models. Made of camel color cloth; overplaids, checks, n mixtures and prunellas. Many are samples. Waistbands o 26 to 32 inches. For the Junior Miss ! Girls’ Winter Coats, A money saving sale that will enable par ents to provide their girls with suitable coats for school and dress at a very low cost. Smart belted and plain models of fine warm coatings, some strictly tailored and others with fur collars. Girls’ Fine Wool Jersey Dresses—Pretty and clever styles, neat enough to be entirely practical and pretty enough to give the little miss that feeling of good appearance so comforting to the girls of “sensitive age.” These are of fine wool materials, embroidered, smocked and plain tailored. 5.98 u 10.00 Dress Coats for Growing Girls—Sizes 10 to 16. Beauti fully fur trimmed models of fine novelty materials for sport and school wear and high pile fabrics for dress wear. Priced at— 15.00 ,o 75.00 Second Floor A Wonder Special In ^Womens and Misses New Fall Cloth and Silk Dresses A group assembled by several advantageous purchases enables us to offer at this re markably low price for dresses of this splendid quality. Models of the smartest styles, made and finished with the skill and care used only on high grade dresses. Charming Models Displaying Such New Features as: f iv Circular Flounce, Wrap-Around Style, and Other Distinctive Notes All of Quality 4Usually Found Only in Much Higher Priced Garments. In Sites and in Styles for the Women and also for the Misses. n Rf Models for street, afternoon luncheon and bridge, and a style for every taste. Colors are rich woodsy shades t black, blue and some bright shades. Materials Are Poiret Twill, Charmeen, Satin,. Jacqueline Crepe, Canton' Crepe, Lace, Satin Canton and Silk Combinations. Second Floor Three Groups of New Winter Coats Handsome, warm and serviceable coats of high qual ity- and in authentic stvles are featured for Satur V • dav; in three groups. 25s 45s 79s Choose a coat from any of these three remarkable groups and you are eer- .1, tain to get the best obtainable value for the money. Smart top coats of imported and domestic novelty wool ens; beautiful dress models, either plain or elaborately fur trimmed with Beaver, Viatka Squirrel, Gray Squirrel, Black. Brown or Kit Fox, Platinum Wolf, Red Fox, Badger or Raccoon. Sizes 16 to 20 for misses and 06 to 46 for women. Second Floor Saturday Specials in Art Goods Stamped Scarfs and Buffet Sets—Requir ing small amount of work, yet very attrac tive when completed. Stamped on Indian Head and hemstitched for crochet edge; many designs to choose from; priced at, eaen, OJ/C Velour and Tapestry Pillows—Round in shape; colors, mulberry, blue, rtf* brown and rose; each, Pillows—All velour and velour and tap estry combined in beautiful round pil lows; colors, mulberry, blue and rose; a generous sized pillow for, QQ each, Bed Lights—Made of silk, all lined, deco rated with gold braid and French motifs, complete with plug, six feet f? 00 of cord and socket, priced st vFvf ^ Third Floor—West White Ivory Finish Toilet Ware 1 Included iri this wonderful usxoriincut-are mirrors, brushes, clocks, trays, puff boxes, jewel cases, perfume bottles, manicure pieces, in fact, everything to start or complete one set., all heavw stock, real bristle brushes and glasses are all beveled, in plain or fancy pat terns; specially priced at— 29c 2.98 Main Floor—West r Hosiery Specials ^ New Arrivals in * Women’s Fine f Silk Hose A new shipment of popular fall wood shades.i Log cabin, fawn, otter, brown, caRtor, darlcj beiRe, mouse and black. All are full fash- j ioned witk fine lisle tops, from the best]/ known makers, KayRcr, Van Hnalte, Bran-,/ deis Special, Boyd, Allen A, Phoenix and t others; specially priced at, fWh per pair, ^•vr\S Alien A oiiK BiocKings All are Tull-fashioned with lisle nems and tops and reinforced feet and heels. These come in the sea son’s most popular shades, including black, brown, beige, cocoa, oinnnmon, log cabin and others. These come in a good assort ment and are a new shipment; some are slightly irregu- -| QQ lar in weave; valu«s from 2.00 to 2.75; special, pair, JL«Oe/ ^ Main Floor—North 25.00 Chairs or Rockers, 17.95 Finished in the dull mahogany with eane seat and back. A limited num Sber in Ameri can walnut. A subs tantial roeker that will give years ' of service. 17.95 Seventh Floor Wall Paper In view of the campaign being conducted by the wall paper industry io encourage papering in the fall, we offer these spe cial values to give you the opportunity of papering any room in your home with the maximum of appearance at a mini of cost. You will find papers for every room in this great sale. 20c Satin Stripes and Floral Designs. 20c Plain Oatmeal Papers, 30 inches wide. 29c and 49c Tapestry Paper* 35c Damask Papers 21c Kitchen Papers Per Roll All papers sold with bands or borders Our paperhan^ers are reliable. Fifth Floor—West k. _A