The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 09, 1923, HOME EDITION, Page 8-A, Image 8

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    Erin Given Glad
Hand bv League
„v D
Council Will Act Tomorrow
on Admitting Irish
Free State.
By Astoria ted Press.
Geneva, Sept. 8.—An impressive
demonstration of welcome and friend
ship for the Irish free state featured
this evening's meeting of the league
of Stations when, by the unanimous
vote of the membership commission,
Ireland was recommended for admis
sion. On Monday it will become a
formal part of the league by the ac
tion of the assembly. England,'
France, China, Persia and the spokes
men for other lands participated in
the demonstration of friendliness.
Thus, the most palpitating week in
the history of the league of nations
closes with general rejoicing that the
Greco-Itallan crisis offers good pros
pects qf settlement because of the co
operative activities of the council of
the league, but. with the conviction
among the delegatee generally that
the question of the league'a compe
tency to act directly in such a crisis
must be settled once and for all.
They emphasise that if the Italian
rejection of the league's intervention
Is allowed to go unquestioned, a
destructive precedent will Jrave been
established, to which any member
state In ths future can refer as Jus
tification for ignoring the statutes
•f the league. \
There is e clearly defined and grow
ing opinion that the question of com
petency must be passed upon either
by the council or by the assembly.
Some delegations think the Italian
attitude toward the league Is a purely
political question and. that every for
eign office or every member country
should be forced to go on public rec
ord as whether they do or do not
uphold the position of the Roman gov
There are other delegations which
opine that in view of the existence
of the council of ambassadors, whose
agents the murdered Italian ministry
mission were, the. question of the
league'a competency is a purely Ju
ridical question. Hence their idea is
that the permanent court of interna
tional Justice should be asked to give
an advisory opinion as to the league's
Next weA is expected to bring
soma developments on this case of
competency which all the delegates,
nud especially* those representing
smaller world states, seem to think
so vital to the league’s future, and
supremely Important to the cause of
international peace.
Hamilton County Banks
Get Tax Refund as Ordered
Special Dispatch la The Omaha Bee.
Aurora, Neb., Sept. 8.—The county
< ommlasloners of Hamilton county
have refunded taxes to tfie Farmers
State bank of Hampton, the Fidelity
State bank of Aurora, the First Trust
company of Aurora, the First Na
tional bank of Aurora, and the Farm
ers State bank of Aurora.
The aggregate amount refunded
under the decision of the supreme
court, dealing with'the assessment of
.Intangible property, is approximately
$5,000. Bach bank was required to
give^ a bond to repay the commis
sioners any expense they may be put
to In the event taxpayers object to
this refund.
No Change in Critical
Condition of Mayor Hylan
| By Cnlcerasl Service.
Saratoga Springs, N. Y...J5ept. 8.—
"Holding his own, but still in a cri
tical condition," was the report from
the bedside of Mayor John F. Hylan
of New York tonight.
The mayor, who Is suffering from
pleuro pneumonia which he contract
ed yesterday, has been ill with in
fluenza for more than two weeks.
His temperature and pulse and rea
plratlon were unchanged from ear
lier in the day.
Start right now and let The r^nuha
Bee Classified Ads help tide you over
the hard times. , _
Rivals Her Daughter
in Youthful Beauty
A well ktoown society matron whose
youthful beauty If so well preserved that
she la regarded as her daughter's rival
ift this respect—though she doe* not pose
as such—attributes her girlish complexion
chiefly to mercolized wax. She nays:
"I am'convinced that many cosmetics,
by overloading the skin and ports, tend
to age the complexion. Mercolized wax
has just the opposite effect. It keeps the
pores clean, permitting them to breath*,
and removes deed particles of cuticle
which are constantly appearing and which
give the complexion that aged look. Whm
#ver my skin begins to get the least h r
off-color, muddy or faded. I go to my
druggist's for an ounce of mercolized wax.
I apply this nightly, like cold cream, for
a week or so, Mashing it off mornings
Thia is what keepi my complexion so
clear, fresh, white and soft."
Simple Way to Get
Rid of Blackheads
There is one simple, safe and sore way
that never fails to get rid of blackhead*,
that la to dissolve them. To do this get
two ounces of cglonit* powder from any
drug store—sprinkle a little on a hot. wet
cloth —run over the blackheads briskly—
vs»h the parti and > on will be surprised
how the blackheads hav* disappeared, liig
blackheads, little blackhead*. no maltcr
where they are, simply dissolve unit dis
appear. Blackheads are simply a mixture
of dust and dirt and secretions that
form in the pores of the skin. The enlo
nito powder and the water dissolve the
blackheads so they wash right out. leav
ing the pores free and clean and in their
natural -condition. Advertisement.
RADIUM clean* out every disease, corns
to cancers; strengthens every organ; it
positively will do it; honorable guarantee;
free trial: study RADIUM; fre#» litera
ture. RADIUM PRODUCT* CO., 3I0& S.
Vermont Ave., Los Angles. __
May Have Appendicitis
Don't Knew It
Much so-called stomach trouble Is
really chronic appendices. This can
often be relieved by simple glycerine,
buckthorn bark. etc.. as nitaed in Ad
lerlka. Most medicines act*«only on
lower, bowel, but Adlerlka acta on
BOTH upper and lower bowel, and
removes all gasses and poisons.
Brings out matter you never thought
was In your system. Excellent for
obstinate cons<l|HiUon. bherman Mc
Connell Drug Co.
Babe, Yellow English Terrier, Has Steady Job*
There are plenty of hou3e clogs in
Omaha and Mrs. Joy Sutphen claims
thre*. of them, but Babe, a yellow
English terrier belonging to Mr.
Sutphen. believes In the emancipation
of women, and has turned office dog.
Babe is as diligent in business as
any •‘steno" in the city. If Mr.
Sutphen falls tb bring her to the
Brandeis theater office In his car,
Babe, calmly walks down, and puts In
her appearance. At the office she
shares many of the duties of a human
secretary. True, she does not pound
the keys or take dictation In any
sense of the word—but she Is lnvalu
able In keeping away book agents and
other bores.
In this she supplements the powers
of the other secretary in the office,
Mias Gertfude Sutphen, who has been
helping her father during. her vaca
The comradeship between Miss
Sutphen and Babe will be broken to
day, for Miss Sutphetv returns to
school, while Babe, it Is clear from
past experience, will stand by the
Ten-Dollar Note
Betrays Youth
Wymore Boy Arrested as He
Boards Freight; Charged
Stealing Mother's Savings.
Wymore. Neb., Sept. 8—When
Floyd Wager, 15-yenr-old Wymore lad,
flashed a huge roll of greenbacks on a
girl clerk In a local restaurant Fri
day to pay for a 10-cent piece of pie
which he had ordered, it aroused her
suspicions, and she communicated
with the lad's mother. Going to the
place in her home where she had se
creted $75, the savings of many a
long day, the mother discovered It
missing. The boy was apprehended
on hour later. Just as he Was about
to leave town on a freight train. Most
of the money was recovered. Here is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wager,
who have lived 'in Wymore for- the
past five years, the father bdlrig a
The boy has been Implicated In sev
eral escapades during the past year,
among them being arrest for "shoot
ing craps," digging a cave on a rail
way grade, and the stealing of a horse
and buggy belonging to Mrs. Kunt*.
an elderly lady here, and taking It
from the street to Fink's Amusement
park, and he has twice been taken by
police in Lincoln and St. Joseph for
Judge Imposes Stiff
Fines in Narcotic Cases
Lincoln, Sept. S.—Tom Brooks, Be
atrice, Neb., was fined 125 in federal
court here this morning, for alleged
possession of narcotics. Seven other
persons were sentenced to Jail or fined
on charges of violation of the federal
narcotic law. Brooks' fine was the
smallest assessed by Federal Judge T.
C. Munger, who handled all the cases.
Former Omaha Child
Movie Star Is Here
^G*o*§iz fast
* 'nblebon^
\ y
Georgia Bess pembicton, 11, for
mer Omaha child, who ha* won fame
in the movies at Hollywood and
gained distinction as a ttancer and
radio entertainer as well, passed
through Omaha yesterday with her
mother, Mrs. Lillian Pembleton, who
formerly lived at 8153 Farnam street.
Oeorgla and her mother are on
their way to New York, from where
they will go to New Orleans to visit
a girl who formerly was Georgia's
dancing partner.
Georgia, according to her mother,
may go back into the movies this
fall with Larry Semon. She Is con
tinuing to study music and Is a
dancing pupil of Belcher at Los An
geles. ,,
Bee Want Ad*/ produce results.
Pony Express Mail
Reaches California
Lakeside, Cal., Sept. The pony
express mall rider reached here, the
boundary of California, at 1:60 p. m.
today and five minutes later Will B.
Tevls, Jr., and Lieut. Chester L. Con
Ion %f the Kleventh United 8tatea
cavalry, began the final California
lap of the race which started from St.
Joseph, Mo.
Reno, Nev.. Sept. 8.—Chaska West,
Nevada cowboy, trotted hla bay
mount through the center of the bdsl
ness district at 9:10 o’clock this morn
tng «1m (ha pony express waa re
sumed after several hours' rest at
! S parka, three miles east of here.
A huge crowd gathered here early
In the morning to greet the rider as
he passed and a din of automobile
horns and cheering heralded hi* ap
proach. A long procession of auto
mobiles followed the postman down g
the main street and out to the
limits, where his riding partn*#7
Gardner Sheehan, ^counted a fresh
animal and aet out at a gallop f. r
China ranka first among agri
cultural countries In the production
of rice, tea, silk, soy beans and grain
sorghums, and second only to ih*
United States in tobacco, and pos
sibly also In wheat production
Children Cry for
MOTHERFletchers Castoria is especially prepared to re*
lieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation,
Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness
arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels,
aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep.
To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of
Absolutely Harmless—No Opiates. Physicians everywhere recommend ft,
America's Largest Exclusive
Credit Apparel Store
All Ready to Serve
Your Every
Apparel Need
The extensile program of re
building and enlarging is now
complete, and we invite our thou
, sands of friends and .patrons to
visit the great store we have
• built for you.
Many new departments have
been installed, making this one
store ^here your every garment
need can b^satisfactorily met.
This Greater New Store
Filled to Overflowing
With the Newest
Fall and Winter Apparel
A Shopping Guide
Men’s and boys’ cloth
First / ing. shoes and haber
Floor dashery. Pay mVnt
t' offices.
Women’s and pusses*
coats, wraps, suits,
Second dresses, skirty, xrullin
Floor ery, furs, sweaters, ho
siery. underwear, girls’ *
i apparel.
' General offices. Credit
Third offices. Receiving
Floor rooms. Mail order
/\_ Dept.
Beddeos Perfected Credit Plan
ft ^ou enjoy cash price and credit
terifle— an idqivl of buying and
selling that is fair to every customer.
’ *,
' Z- ‘ r
Our Mail Order Department Will Serve You
An expert in charg^ *’ho sh/ijl for you
with exacting rare.
STYLE—A Credit Store for All the People—QUALITY '
^•w York City Omih* Salt Lake City Ogdon
■ ■ ■ ■ ■
The Keenest Judge of Paint Quality—
Father Time Has Established
I : *»• ‘
jhe Deroe Margin of Supremacy
IN 1754 the house of Dcvoe was alone
in the held—first by priority of establish
ment. Today, 169 years after, Dcvoe is
still alone in its field—first by its superiority
of equality and Service.
When users speak of Dcvoe Quality they*
mejn the extra value that Dcvoe alone can
offer. They mean that when you use a
Dcvoe Paint or Varnish Product you get
all the Quality and Service that it is pos
sible to get out of any other product—
the proved Dcvoe Margin ot Supremacy,
1 ^
- This supremacy is the natural consequence
of a Living Formulae compose^ of Purest
Raw Material*, knowingly selected; the
Principles of Leadership, actively applied;
Unequalled Manufacturing Experience and
Unmatched Knowledge of the require
ments of the user.
Result: When applied inside or out, the
Devoe Margin of Supremacy makes Devoe
Paint and Varnish products give your prop
erty the maximum of beauty and protection
at the lowest cost per year.
The authorized Devoe agent in each com
munity is Headquarters for the best in
Paint and Varnish Products—the best in
Quality, the best in Service— the best in
Suggestions and Advice as how to choose
and use Devoe. hook for the Devoe
Agent and you'll find the ‘Devoe Margin of
New York
New York \
1313 Howard Jlrr«l
1322 Farnam Street
J* •
If you want Paint or Varnish
Information based on 169
Years Experience —
Check, Clip and Mail the
Kenwood Drug Co.
30th and Amo Ava.
Carter Lake Pharmacy
Hlth and Sprafti* Sli.
H. O. Vierregger
24th and Fort Sto.
Lockwood Pharmacy
H2d end Leavenworth St*.
Dundee Plumb.’ and Hdw. Co.
I 3920 Feinem St.
Vinton Hardware Co.
2310 Vlnten St.
C. C. Johnaon Hdw. Co.
#(VW Military Ava.
E Mrad Hdw. Co.
*702 Military Avo.
Wtii Sid* Pharmacy
40th and taa van worth Sta.
V CmltlUr Pharmacy
Mtk n4 Cutilki Sit.
Hunt A Flinn
iai« ljtk* Si.
Metropolitan Marc. Co.
1114 S IN Si
Fred Park* Paint Store
HU and L St*.
Burt. Way. Burt Drug Co
\ SOtt u4 Cuming Sir.
J. B. Long
at 9. Main »!.. Cmimll Blufla. 1