Erin Given Glad Hand bv League „v D Council Will Act Tomorrow on Admitting Irish Free State. By Astoria ted Press. Geneva, Sept. 8.—An impressive demonstration of welcome and friend ship for the Irish free state featured this evening's meeting of the league of Stations when, by the unanimous vote of the membership commission, Ireland was recommended for admis sion. On Monday it will become a formal part of the league by the ac tion of the assembly. England,' France, China, Persia and the spokes men for other lands participated in the demonstration of friendliness. Thus, the most palpitating week in the history of the league of nations closes with general rejoicing that the Greco-Itallan crisis offers good pros pects qf settlement because of the co operative activities of the council of the league, but. with the conviction among the delegatee generally that the question of the league'a compe tency to act directly in such a crisis must be settled once and for all. They emphasise that if the Italian rejection of the league's intervention Is allowed to go unquestioned, a destructive precedent will Jrave been established, to which any member state In ths future can refer as Jus tification for ignoring the statutes •f the league. \ There is e clearly defined and grow ing opinion that the question of com petency must be passed upon either by the council or by the assembly. Some delegations think the Italian attitude toward the league Is a purely political question and. that every for eign office or every member country should be forced to go on public rec ord as whether they do or do not uphold the position of the Roman gov ernment. There are other delegations which opine that in view of the existence of the council of ambassadors, whose agents the murdered Italian ministry mission were, the. question of the league'a competency is a purely Ju ridical question. Hence their idea is that the permanent court of interna tional Justice should be asked to give an advisory opinion as to the league's competency. Next weA is expected to bring soma developments on this case of competency which all the delegates, nud especially* those representing smaller world states, seem to think so vital to the league’s future, and supremely Important to the cause of international peace. Hamilton County Banks Get Tax Refund as Ordered Special Dispatch la The Omaha Bee. Aurora, Neb., Sept. 8.—The county < ommlasloners of Hamilton county have refunded taxes to tfie Farmers State bank of Hampton, the Fidelity State bank of Aurora, the First Trust company of Aurora, the First Na tional bank of Aurora, and the Farm ers State bank of Aurora. The aggregate amount refunded under the decision of the supreme court, dealing with'the assessment of .Intangible property, is approximately $5,000. Bach bank was required to give^ a bond to repay the commis sioners any expense they may be put to In the event taxpayers object to this refund. -;— No Change in Critical Condition of Mayor Hylan | By Cnlcerasl Service. Saratoga Springs, N. Y...J5ept. 8.— "Holding his own, but still in a cri tical condition," was the report from the bedside of Mayor John F. Hylan of New York tonight. The mayor, who Is suffering from pleuro pneumonia which he contract ed yesterday, has been ill with in fluenza for more than two weeks. His temperature and pulse and rea plratlon were unchanged from ear lier in the day. Start right now and let The r^nuha Bee Classified Ads help tide you over the hard times. , _ ADTBfcnSKMEN'* Rivals Her Daughter in Youthful Beauty A well ktoown society matron whose youthful beauty If so well preserved that she la regarded as her daughter's rival ift this respect—though she doe* not pose as such—attributes her girlish complexion chiefly to mercolized wax. She nays: "I am'convinced that many cosmetics, by overloading the skin and ports, tend to age the complexion. Mercolized wax has just the opposite effect. It keeps the pores clean, permitting them to breath*, and removes deed particles of cuticle which are constantly appearing and which give the complexion that aged look. Whm #ver my skin begins to get the least h r off-color, muddy or faded. I go to my druggist's for an ounce of mercolized wax. I apply this nightly, like cold cream, for a week or so, Mashing it off mornings Thia is what keepi my complexion so clear, fresh, white and soft." Simple Way to Get Rid of Blackheads There is one simple, safe and sore way that never fails to get rid of blackhead*, that la to dissolve them. To do this get two ounces of cglonit* powder from any drug store—sprinkle a little on a hot. wet cloth —run over the blackheads briskly— vs»h the parti and > on will be surprised how the blackheads hav* disappeared, liig blackheads, little blackhead*. no maltcr where they are, simply dissolve unit dis appear. Blackheads are simply a mixture of dust and dirt and secretions that form in the pores of the skin. The enlo nito powder and the water dissolve the blackheads so they wash right out. leav ing the pores free and clean and in their natural -condition. Advertisement. ADVKBTIkKMKNT, ~ RADIUM clean* out every disease, corns to cancers; strengthens every organ; it positively will do it; honorable guarantee; free trial: study RADIUM; fre#» litera ture. RADIUM PRODUCT* CO., 3I0& S. Vermont Ave., Los Angles. __ ADVCKTIMEMEKT. May Have Appendicitis Don't Knew It Much so-called stomach trouble Is really chronic appendices. This can often be relieved by simple glycerine, buckthorn bark. etc.. as nitaed in Ad lerlka. Most medicines act*«only on lower, bowel, but Adlerlka acta on BOTH upper and lower bowel, and removes all gasses and poisons. Brings out matter you never thought was In your system. Excellent for obstinate cons