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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1923)
Enclosed Porch Great Comfort During Summer Cool Retreat for Household Tasks and Gathering Place for Family and Friends. Mr.« was when the family sat un comfortably on a front porch In hard porch chairs armed with a paltn-leaf fan with which to fight mosquitoes and other insects incident to a warm night. If the porch faced w'est and it was too' warm to sit there the family gathered on the side stoop and sat there in varying degrees of dis comfort until it was time to go in. Porches are now more than mere entrances. They have beeu taken into the family life as a definite extra room by enclosing or screening the porch and equipping at with the essen tials of an outdoor room. The first essential of the enclosed porch or outer living room is comfort and the first necessary tiling to do is to screen it as a protection from insects; the next thing is to fit it with porch furniture of which there is such a pleasing variety ami it should he pro vided with outlets for electric fan or table lamp. The porch should have at least one outlet in addition to the electric light outlet, placed about a foot above the floor so as to be pro tected from contact with water when the porch is washed. Wickerware or reed furniture, a swing-couch hammock ami plenty of gay cushions make the porch a pleasant place for the family to gather in the evening. When friends are entertained, there is a delightful informality about a comfortable liv ing porch not rivaled by any indoor room. For the evening visits of frienda, a soft cheery atmosphere is desirable and is supplied by table lamps, or floor lamps. Music on the Torch. Music adds greatly to the life of a party, so the phongraph with its electric motor msy be moved to the porch and attached to the handy outlet there. A wicker flower stand to hold potted plants or a vase of fresh flowers on a wicker table will supply a decorative and colorful note. If refreshments are to be serv ed a tea wagon is wheeled out on the porch. A plug cluster screwed onto the und^r side of the wagon, that is. underneath the top tray, makes it a simple and easy matter to use various electrical appliances such as tea samover, coffee percolator or chafing dish. The porch living room has very practical daytime uses. Tere with the electric sewing machine the summer sewing may be done in comparative comfort on warm days. Awnings can he let down in daytime that protect from the heat of the day. The portable sewing machine cover and all weighs less than a packed suitcase. It can he carried wherever one wishes to sew. Attach it to any convenient outlet and electricity does the really hard work of pedaling the machine. Women who use is say they get -Electricity Saves Labor r ■ T - ■-; l ullV equipped electric laundry. ---— more sewing done with less fatigue i than by the old way. It simplifies sewing. It does the daintiest kind of work for it has all of the attach ments for summer sewing work, such as hemming, piping with the hinder, I tucking and crossstitchlng, ruffling, j shirring and edge-stitching. . Then women who may he obliged to do some of the ironing find it cooler and more convenient to do this l work on the porch. The electric iron is self heating when connected with an electric outlet and docs not require a super-heated stove. The operator is ' free to irion wherever there is a con- ! venience outlet, on the porch if it is 1 cool there in tile morning. All-Year-Round I'ses. Formerly summer could not. be es- ! raped except by taking refuge by tlif , sea or in the mountains: for the folks | at home there was almost no relief ■ until tlie advent of the electrical fan. ; Now in a city apartment of two rooms | and bath with a fan in each room one j can often he more comfortable than ] in a crowded summer hotel iri^ the hills. "Many people get only half the comfort value of their fans because they do not plan their use." said a thrifty housekeeper. "Our flat is well | ventilated with outlets so that we J yan attach our fans without unscrew-, ing lamps from fixtures and the cost ! of running the fans is so slight in ! comparison with the comfort we en j joy that we have ceased to regard them as luxuries, but look upon them as absolute necessities. - Neither do we store them in the fall for we find j so many uses for them they are all the year-round utilities." The use of the etectrlc fan is quite as important in winter as in summer, in cold weather it reverses its well known cooling effect a-i^d adds ma i terially to the warmth of the rooms, especially under-heated rooms. Throughout the winter with the use of an electric fan the furnace in the 1 home may be started later in the morning than would be otherwise pos sible. The rapid diffusion of heat warms the rooms in so much shorter time than without the use of the fan 1 that the winter's supply of coal is : made to go further. Combined nlrclrir kitclim and laundry *a\r inan.r »lrp«. Motifs in Late Furniture Come From Early Days Study of Different Periods of Designs Is Both In teresting and Profitable. Copyright, 1#:S. The modern customer steps Into a department store, walks through the aisles, admires the newest and latest No dust, dirt or greasy spot* in this kitchen. things, makes purchase* and departs. The modern customer steps into a shoe store, sees an endless number of boxes on the shelves, glance* at the case display, sits down, trie* on a few pairs, gets ahoea that will fit, pays for them and departs. The modern customer does this In the grocery store, the hardware store, the clothing store and music store. Little or no thought is given to | w here the goods came from or the history behind them. In a furniture or home furnishing store ail this is changed. From the dusty ages have been brought down to us by generation after generation of designers and craftsmen the furniture styles of to day. You may admire a bed room suite, a dining room suite or a living room suite. It is Just what you need for your home. Or a table or a chair But— History Reproduced. * Remember that some of those same designs on the furniture you like best may have been brought from the Jacobean period. 1603, to 1688: the William and Mary period, 1688 to 1702; the Queen Anne and early Georgian period, 1701 to 1750; the Chippendale period, 1740 to 1780 the Brothers Adam, 1762 to 1795: or Hep pie white, 1785 to 1795; or Sheraton, 17K9 to 1*08; or from the Kmpire period, 1793 to 1830; or from the American Kmpire period, 1795 to Furniture that will add a new CHARM to your home Here in The House of Skans you will find the “select” things in beautiful furniture. Chosen for their genuineness of pattern, wood, upholstering and execution. And the minute you arrive you’ll realize that Skans’ Prices are sensible, most reasonable—and right away you will begin to get a new sensation of enjoyment from the fact that none of these bits of “rare” furniture art is priced beyond your reach. Come, roam through the aisles, enjoy pic turing this chair or that table in your home, and you’ll quickly see the possibility of bringing a new Charm to Your Home. SKANS-Furniture 2020 Farnam Street ( 1830: or possibly adapted from other American furniture in vogue during that period between 1640 to 1800, which includes the treasured Colonial. Nowhere else is there so much his tory reproduced for you. for your daily use, than in a funiture store, else it be a hook store, and hooks you : cannot eat from, rest on or use like 1 you can furniture. Interesting Motifs. A visit to a furniture store unfolds much that is Interesting if you will only ask your merchant to explain the different periods of furniture de signs to you. The motif of a Couis XVI suite, a Queen Anne suite, a graceful chair back, the shapely leg Of a table or chair. All these have come to us from the early days. You admire an artist's painting probably because publicity has 'been given It. Without that publicity the brush would have been passed by ! unnoticed' by you. A rare e of embroidery, lace or ■other valuable specimen of handwork is given the place of honor in a store •display window there to be admired and ejaculated upon by the passing throngs. Gives New Idea. But in the next store window, pos sibly, there is on display an exhibi tion of modern furniture that em bodies more history, more beauty, greater skill, possibly is the fulfill | inent of a lifetime dream of some fur ; niture designer or is the best piece |of work turned out by some particu lar craftsman than in the other win : dow. If proper attention were called to this furniture display you would go and see, not only on account of its 'historical interest, hut because it gives you a new idea, shows you a new value of the tilings in your own home. 8o when you stop and admire a furniture store window display you ! not only help cultivate the finer sensibilities In your own makeup, but you pay a merited retepect to the . designer. help rew-ard the craftsman for his toil and skill and make the dealer happy in knowing that nice things for the home are being ap predated and that the effect for. bet ter homes Is not in \ain. Handmade, Carved Furniture Adds Distinction to the Home Carved and handsome chests, side boards, table*, chairs and other an tiques are rightly valued by people of discriminating taste. In the tif teentli century men were known to have worked eight years or more carving a single one of these Intri cate pieces, fitting the drawers per feetly and balancing everything. Cer tainly any piece of furniture on w hich those masters of the cabinet-maker's art spent so much time and thought are worthy of appreciation. An appentice to tiie art of cabinet making commonly worked from three ,to right \ears making his first piece of furniture. This work then was passed upon bv jurors, and if the \erdict was “imperfect' it was burned before the door of the worker and he was forbidden to make furniture for sale until he had redeemed himself with an acceptable p ece. Towel Hack Makes Good Poreli Umbrella Holder Screw a towel ra**k to the side of the house. about 30#inches from the floor. During rainy weather the um brellas can be placed behind the rod and will not be blown away. To catch the drip a shallow pan of tine or tin painte l with asphalt um may be placed below the rack. I Pole Keeps Rugs Straight When Hung on Clothesline Here Is a good way to keep ruga straight on the line while being cleaned. Stretch the clothesline the same as on w asltday. Tie * rug pole or i lot Ik s prop (preferably a rug pole) lengthwise on the line, using a strong > tring or light cord Tie this In about three or four place*. This keeps the pole perfectly taut to the line. Then put your rug over the pole and line. JOIN OUR MAY 100 CLUB We will put into the homes of the first 100 members of our May Phonograph Club your choice of our complete selection of Brunswick Phonographs with No Payment Down Make your own selection of machine and at the same time in our music room let us play for you some of the beautiful records of the Bruns wick. We will deliver them to your home. BUY NOW-YOUR OPPORTUNITY $115.00, $150.00 and Up hnjoy it and have your lamiiy enjoy it. Our selection of models in the incomparable toned Brunswick is complete. We Will Send Your Records for Inspection RECORDS A complete stock if the newest and latest hits of the greatest artists, or ’hestras and musi cians who make each month new se lections of voice, nstrnmental and or chestra records for Brunswick. Come in and hear them. Some of the new dance music is almost irresistible. STATE FURNITURE CO. Corner 14th and Dodge Complete Home Furnishers Buy Now Phone JA 1317 Pay Later -P- - v ' Economy Is a Homely Virtue Better homes and better furniture to complete them are not necessarily hornet of luxury. Economy in high-grade furniture it our life ambition and our low overhead, our low rent and economical manner of handling goods saves you money and aids you in completing your home. Beautiful Living Room Suite w An especially well constructed living room suite in tapestry or velour—regularly priced d>QQ OC at $225.00, on sale this week at.Vui/ifcW Complete Outfits To those who arc planning a com plete outfit we are enabled to make a money-saving deal which cannot be ignored. For a limited time with every complete outfit and every *uite sold we will give away free of charge a beautiful bridge floor lamp. 5 Rooms Complete. .$299.50 4 Rooms Complete. .$228.75 3 Rooms Complete. .$198.50 Exchange Dept. Make Your home better by exchanging your old style goods for new and up-to-date home furnishings through our exchange department. We allow you the most for your used furniture and charge you the lowest prices for new and modern fur niture. 8-Piece Dining Room Suite We offer ihta fashionable and durable set CMuiilm| of a t*A-inch buffet, 45*54 oblong table. fi\e chair* and a boat chair which w* ha\e heretofore pj it ed at $235 * 1 *50 SO at the low prica of. . Ja.. Jw $150 $67.50 Console Phonograglis High Grad* Instrument. Finest Finish. Beautiful Tone. 75c and $1.00 Records, 29$ ' Bed Room Suited Only J *78" i 3-piece walnut period design bedroom suite that regularly tells at $195. Tbit is indeed a rsrt bargain. REFRIGERATORS The kind that is con structed to save food and ice. $9.75, $13.50. $17.50, $22.50 and $34.50 ' Gas Range Very Special, $29.75 Others, $39.50, $57.50 _Authorized Agcnt» of Brunswick Phonographs and Records Make Your Own Term* • State Furniture Co. 14th AND DODGE STREETS "Where Rent Saves You Money" We Charge No* 1 ntere*t On Credit Account*