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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1923)
No Office Space Surplus in Sight Two New Buildings to Have Slight Effect in Reliev ing Situation. Howard G. Loomis, manager of the Omaha National Bank building, and A. C. Kennedy, rental manager for the Peters Trust compand, told the; R?nl listato board last night that they do not believe the new Hankers Reserve Life building and the new Conk building will produce a surplus of office space in Omaha. These statements were made in reply to some opinions that have been expressed recently, according to realtors, regarding the office situ ation in Omaha following the con struction of these two buildings. "These two buildings will add ap proximately 80,00(1 square feet, of rentable area." Mr. Loomis said, "and that means about 8 per cent; we now have approximately a mil lion square feet of rentable area in Omaha. "This means an 8 per cent slack. and the indications now are that this will be absorbed in a large measure by present tenants that want to expand thetr quarters. "The increase In rentaable area that Omaha is getting this year Is about on a par with the increase which has come annually for the last 10 years." Mr. Kennedy made a survy of sev eral office buildings and found the average vacancy to he about 1-2 of 1 •per cent with every building man ager reporting a strong demand. , Former Ball Player Joins Sehroeder Investment Co. John Minikus. well known amateur baseball player, has joined the sales force of the Sehroeder Investment company, realtors. During his first week as a real estate salesman Mini kus sold a West Leavenworth house to J. P. McGinnis. Minikus for several years was a third baseman on the old Andreesen company team. The Sehroeder company reports this April as running ahead of last year's April activity. ADVKRTlSKMEN'i'. Remarkable Asthma Treatment Found by Dakota Traveling Man Cured Himself and Now Offer* Treatment to Others. Sioux Fall*, S. Dak.—W. V. Kitsch man, 1400 E. Sixth St., of thl city, reports he found a new treatment which completely healed him of Aathma and all Its disagrees Me ef fects. As a traveling salesman, Mr. Kirschman was for many years af flicted with this disease and often had to lay off for weeks at a time. By pure accident, he found this re markable treatment. It cured him and he then offered it to several of his friends. The results were so as tonishing that his friend* persuaded him to give other sufferers a chance to get the same relief from this dis tressing ailment. Mr. Kirscliman has lived in Sioux Falls for niH>y years and enjoys an enviable reputation as a man of upright character and stead fast moral jntegrity. If you nre bothered with Asthma, write him to day and ask him to explain his treat ment. He will gladly do this with out cost. AKVERTIWEMKN'f. LADIES! DARKEN *.~ _____— Use Grandma’s Sage Tea and Sulphur Recipe and No body Will Know. The use of Sage and Sulphur for re storing faded, gray hair to Its nat ural color dates back to grand moth er’s time. She used it to keep her hair beautiful dark, glossy and attrac tive. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. , But brewing at home Is niussy and out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for a bottle of •'Wyeth's Sage ar.d Sulphur Com pound," you will get this famous old preparation, Improved by the addi tion of other ingredients, which can lie depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. A well-known downtown druggist says It darkens the hair so naturally ^ and evenly that nobody can tell It has been applied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears, and after another application or two, it be comes beautifully dark and glossy. Allf KKTIHKMKNT. Tim First Application Mains Shin Cool and Coin fort able. If you are Buffering from eczema or Home other torturing embarrassing Hkln trouble you may quickly be rid of It by unlng MenthoKulphur, de dares a noted skin specialist. This sulphur preparation, because of Its germ destroying properties, sel dom falls to quickly subdue llchliiK. even of fiery eczema. The first appli cation makes the skin cool and com fortable. Hash and blotches uro heal ed right up. KowIi-h Mentho Sulphur Is applied like sny pleasant cold cream and Is perfectly harmless You can obtain a small Jar from any good drug gist. I Equestrian Club to Study Birds and Outdoor Life , \ * Above, left to right: Miss Betty Hose; Florence Smiley, Ada Klohe, (lib son Harris, John Fitz Roberts, Marian Rose, Miss Jane Roberta, Miss Ruth Roberta. I Below: Betty Bom> on "IHrk." I/eft to right: Ruth Roberts, Jane Roberts, John Kitz Roberts. John Fitz Roberts, lover of birds and all outdoor life, discovered today that he had a real club on his hands when he reached Twenty second ami F stireets to lead the Audubon Knurs trian club on Its first ride of the sea son, through the woods to study birds and other outdoor life. The Omaha Equestrian club in the past has been Mr. Fitz Roberts and his two nieces, Misses Ruth and Jane Roberts. Rut when Mrs. Fitz Roberts arriv ed at the regular meeting place at 9 Saturday morning, he found six oth : era. Ruth and Jane had promoted 1 the club. Those who took part In the horse back expedition are Mr. Fltz Roberts, the Misses Roberts, Marlon Rose, B. Q. Smiley. Florence Smiley, Ada Work to Begin This Week on Cook Building Foundation The James Black Const ruction com pany will begin the first of this week laying the foundation for the Cook building on Howard street, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth, according to George & <‘o.. realtors, who will have charge of the building when it is completed. The contractors expect to have the old buildings completely razed by Mon day night. Concrete mixers and other machin ery are now on the ground ready to begin on the foundation immediately. The whole structure will be entirely o£ reinforced concrete. The concrete will be faced with Bedford stone. Heal Estate Sales. North bidr. Nettie A. Newcomb to Helen Header, 1010 XX irt streot. $7,000. Louisa Cockrell to Grace I>. Burger, northwest corner Twenty-sixth and Sara toga streets, $4,600. Albert King to W. W Pearson. 1621 Wirt street, $5,800. Grace I*, burger to Alice M Fleming, 2559 Crown Point avenue. $6,300. Klltabeth C. Graham to Joseph Blecber, 2414 Ohio street, $4,900. H. C. Quacktnbush to Marion t • Hustle*. 242ti Laurel **enue. 17,HO. J A. Sunderland to F. V. Stafford, 2410 Saratoga street. $4.25o Lyda B Martin, to Jean T. Lyons. 41 IS Florence boulevard. $11,000 Mary P. Wick to Net Us L. Brown. 2736 Titus street $4,760. A S. Hoot to H C Lament, 410$ North Twenty-first stre»r. $6.00') Gertrude McG. Sturges to E. A Endert, 2711 Fowler avenue. 14,250. Isabel Cornell to D. W Merrow. 4402-8 North Twenty-fourth street, $5,000 Ida Snider to XV b. Marvin. 2614 Em mett street. $4,6*0. H XV Mliler to C F Bctck*. Nwwpoit avenue betwe-n Twenty-fourth and Twen ty-fifth avenue. $7,000 H H. Session x to E. T. Strom, 1614 Evans street. $5,CO0. ... G C Flack to J F I.ane. Thirty third between lUilick and Curtis avenues. $4.|50. Cathedrut. R C Stroud to 8. 1> Cohen, 3511 XV eb i ster street, $7,606. , Charles Horn to J V. Erixon. XX akeley ! street between Forty-third and r ort> I fourth streets, $5,250. West Lewvenworth. J r Flack to Hoard e»f Church Exten sion of IT. P Church, northwest corner Fifty-fifth and Leavenworth streets, Clllins to M B. Crofton. Pa tfic street between Forty-second and Portj ihlrd street*. $5,500 IlniHcom Purl*. (*. G CarlbetK to Anna J Jackson. Thirty-second between Wright and Oak streets. $6,968 T J lion.ihUH t<» Rose Altman. Z3 4S gouth Thirty second avenue, $14*000. F. W. Dacrson to Rasp Bros., 2424 Mouth Thirty - second *ir*«-t. «M'"> ... , \\* J Petersen to Prank XV nod, 2*15 South Thirty-third street. Berber company to ( Sara Q 1021 Mouth Twenty-eighth street. $6,000. Smith . peter Zarp to P. H. Clancy, 3.06 8 South Sixteenth street. $4.0f0. XV e*t Fa mam. L. xv. Perkins to XV M Gaebler. Thirty seventh between Chicago and Davenport streets, $10,800 W vma n Rohblns to If G Hlmpe. 710 South Thirty-eighth a venue. I 6f'n l.sura Ennis to Ella K Rickman. 6»3 South Forty-first street. $4,700. Central. Mary Ll«-htenhr rger to Sarah Maher. 2627 Cliss street, $7,260. American Security company to F r. Johnson, 209-1 1 North Eighteenth street. $26,600. „ _ .. F. T Johnson to c A Thirrub. *09 11 North Eilfhleenth Street. $1*600 C W Martin to Overland Mortgage and Finance company. 617 North Thirtieth street, $4,600 Northwest. G E Reiff to C* C Tanda *617 North Forty-fifth afreet. $7.<*6" N If Chase to Dorothy M Ylander. 4254 Blnney street. 14 860. pete Melrhnlra to T. J Hansen. Flfty flrst and Lake streets. $9 600 XV D Miller to D. Ft. Barclay. 4308 Lake street, $6,500 Temple M»Faydcn to Ida I.orders. *.*R North Fiftieth street. $5 500 Held f lub. R A. Cross to H <1 Ms It xman T’lne street between Thirty-third and Thlity flfth streets, $10,500 .1 T. Luscombc to E. O. Edmonds, 8331 Walnut street. $0,500. , Alice Carey to Herman Vlerregger. 1902 Mouth Thirty third street, $4,000. Dundee. Jessie C Agpew to Meimii Mmith. north eust corner Fifty second and California Streets $5,000. J F Jackson to Hsian Wahlgren, Forty-nintii and Harney streets. $11,060. Pearl Rockfeilow to Sylvia H knukup, 4»12 California Street. $4,000 r R Mullen to Harriet A Havens. 702 North Forty-ninth street, $6,800 Dundee Realty company, to W. II T Belt. .Northwest corner runtlng and Happy f J it* w boulevard. $4,400. Henson. II J Grove to Mary A Noyce, 6140 Spencer $4 600. James Kaxakee. to O XV' Eastman, 2116 North Klaty-fourth afreet. $4.46<> South Oniiih". Anna Koxlna to Mary BIhIir, 1 408 Ar ••hef svenii*-, 16.10CL <) D Kin** In Fred Gm-ih*. 4817 South Twenty-third street. $4,200, Nathan Perelman toOLoute Ttrndt 4713 T airect $4 000. P .1 Plpnl to Flank Vasek, B34j Huctor Shopen & Co. Makes 18 Deals in Month _t Shopen A Co., realtors, report 18 real estate sales for April, including 15 residences, two lots and an acre. Three $•( the sales, 3614 Vinton, to Roy H. Costello; 6513 Pinkney to J. VV. Priborsky, and a Benson acre to E. G. Baldwin, was made by one salesman in one day. 0 Following Is the list of sales: 6302 North Thirty-sixth street to C. j L. Lund on (through Buck A *"o ), 1 $4,975, l.»t st $750. *715 Kurina* to Francis Combs, $5,400; 3611 Vinton to It Andrew Hansen, $-'.'50; 5117 North Thirty *ev**nth avenue to Thoma* F. Nolan. $2,030- 2143 North Sixty.aicond avenut to lax f* j Brown, $1,800; 2331 North Sixty-fifth avenue t<* George K Durke<*. $4 'Of. 15' 4 North Thirty-first to .1 W Meyer., *5.500. 3 5 >'7 North Fifty-fifth etrw't to H A Kohler. $2,:iS3, Klliaon avenua and Twenty-eighth av$nue to Joaeph VIec s li. " 3«»14 Vinton rtrect to Roy H Poatello, $2,450, Urnsun Gardena Acrea toj K G. Baldwin, $2,000, 4511 Pinkney! atre* t to .1 \V Prib-.raky, $4 -50. north e.iat corner Forty-fifth and Prxtt to J P Callahan, $500; <011 North Twenty- j seventh street to Uvorge Hwanaon, $4,750, j U01 North Fifty fifth atr*#K U> H F Graham. $2,450; 44*1 Wnolworfh atreet to Lawrtncn S. Jensen. |6.S$o and 4344 Parker to John K. Miiaa. $5,87$. (!. B. StuHt Arranges Novel Plan for Realty Salesman The C. B. Stuht company ha* in formed It* real estate salesmen that the individual salesman that turn* In the largest net amount of brokerage commissions between now and June 2.'i will have hi* expense* paid to the national real esta'e convention which will he held In Cleveland. O., June 27 to SO Inclusive. About a do7< n realtors have already mnde their plans to attend this con vention. and the Real Estate board expects 15 or 20 more to make the j trip. Harry Byrne ami Hr. McGuire Buy Lockwood Lots for Homes Harry Ryrne, bond dealer, and Dr. \V It McOrue, j.resident of the Prairie I.lfe Insurance company, have pur chased lots In Lockwood and,will 1 build homy* on them this rear. ac | cording to Shuler # Cary, in charge of Lockwood. Mr. Ryrne bought a lot on Fifty 1 third betwe.rl Howard and Farrnm, paying $3,000, and Dr. McOrue. bought on Fifty-second, south of Hnwurd for *2,450. ADVBBTIRF.MKVr. Don't ‘Cuss' Your Corns Let “Gets-lt" End Them World’s Greatest Corn Harvester Everybody, everywhere need* to know what millions of folks have nlo-ady learned al.nn "(iets-It,*' the guaranteed pamlrvi com nnd callous remover Aas corn, no matter lunar deep routed, clrpirtrqukkly when "('.et* ft” ailives. Worwlerhilly simple, yet simply won derful, because nil soreness stojm with the tiist application tiet rPI of your «orn nrul wear it**** that fit i <*1n but a trifle everywhere; nothing nl nit if it fulls I Luwremc K Co, MfiChicago. Property Near New School Being Sold at Higher Figure The district in the vicinity of For tieth and Ames avenue, near where the new North Side school is being erected is experiencing considerable activity in real estate, according to realtor, II S Manvllle, who has made several deals In that vicinity in the last two weeks. The 44 foot lot Just east of Fortieth which was sold In May, 1!»22 for $*450 has Just been sold to Rita Pascale for $800 and Is to he Improved with a double brick store building An 8 4 foot lot Just west of Fortieth ha* been sold to A. F. Hihbs for $1,100 for a garage building. The norestenst corner of Fortieth and Ames .which brought $550 In 1921, sold for $1 200 in February thlr yeai* to R. I>. Clark company. Is now being i improved with a $1*4,OOo prore and apartment building. Manvllle reports two other residence lot sales In this vh Inlty ns w< II a* 14 ether sales In the last 30 days In va rious locations. McClure M ade Director in Federal Reserve Banlv M. I.. McClure, president of the 1 Ih umm Commission company of Kan- I sas City, has been appointed class C director it the Kansas City district of the Federal Resrve bank In which Omaha is ligated, and a federal re serve agent, to succ eed A. O. Ramst y. who becomes president of the Secur ity National bank, of Tulsa, Okl., sc. curding to Information received at the local federal reserve bank. Apartment Hotels Grow in Fa\or \\ itli Renters Apartment hotel* ore coming Into favor with Omaha renter*, according to local realtors. Realtor* point out that most of the apartment hotel* uro centrally rated, o») car lines, that they main tain guest parlor* rind have the ad vantage of requiring no lenses or in vestment. Art you reading th# Brisbane col-£ umn daily appearing in tbit paper? Kloke, (illjmin Harris arid Betty Betty was the youngeit. She was 11 and rode a pony named, "Dirk.” The tour took them through River view park and wooded land around Gibson. The rides will be taken every Saturday during the summer season. Birds, flowers und bugs are studied. AI)t EBTISKMKXT. GLANDS MADE ACTIVE BY A NEWDISCQVERY Chemists Find a Substance Which Renews Vigor by Effect on Nerves and Secretions. A discovery made recently by medical chemists will be hsiled with delight by trillions. It is a substance which quickly renews youthful vigor by increasing ’he activity of the nerves nnd glands on which vital force depends. Its effect is so prompt that a few grains of it produce a visible improvement. Thousands who have tried it tell of delightful results in 24 to 4g hours, many reporting a full restoration of physical powers within a week. The discovery has what scientists call a ’’selective*’ effect, concentrated directly on important nerve centers, glands and blood vessels. Thus the circulation im proves, a new sense of warmth is felt and the increased glandular activity soon brings a restoration of youthful power and anima tion. manifested in sparkling eyes, buoyant step and an eagerness and increased ca pacity for the duties of life. The effects are virtually the same in both old and young. Men pas? 60 say the d scovery has given them the vigor of the prime of life. In the research department of the Melton laboratories, the substance has been made available f- r borne treatment by combining it, in tablet form, with other invigorating ingredients. The result, known as korex compound, is a double-strength product, containng no harmful drugs, which users pronounce the most powerful and delightful vita User known In fact. its success hac been so great that the dies tribaton invite any person needing t to take a double-strength tres'men’ 'he understanding that It costs nothing J it fails. If you wish to try this amaxing in vigorator, white confidentially to the Melton Laboratories, 340 M assachu'-etts H!dg . Kansas City, Mo , and the treatment will be mailed to you m a plain, sealed package You may enclose $2, or simply send your name, without money, and iuiy 12 and postage on delivery. I». either ease, if you report *rir -*ult» after one week, ’•* lab • -tforirs will refund your money, Thtsa are thoroughly reliable, so nobody reed hesitate to accept their guaranteed offer. ADVKKThK.MKN'f, \u\ ritrm-.MEN S.S.S.keepsflw’ay pimples! Spring is the "rush season” for pimples. Keep them from com ing, and stop them quickly when they do come, by using the king of all Blood-Cleansers, S. S. S. Flmplos nre the first thlnR one no tires In nnotlier person's face. The world looks at pimples sideways nnd passes on. It is too often cruel You can harl ■ ruddy, rmy, health ful fare by building up your Blood-Cells with S.S.S. fn It* ralsjudgment. It Judges front wlint It sees on the outside. Pimples are easy to get rid of. Not many poo pie realize thn enormous Impor tance of the red-cells In the blood.1 For 97 yours 8. 8. 8. has been build ing rod-blood-celts for tho vast army of those who have sutforeil from skin eruptions, pimples, blackheads, bolls, and many forms of flory. If «'h Ing* eczema. Blood-cells are the "dough boys" In Nature's wonderful itrmy. They nre the conquerors of disease, blood-ImpurltlcH, amt weak nesses. If there are too few of them, Miss Ida Wilson, Hsrrisville, T/. Vn., writes: "/ ms in a run-doii n condition. Hod pim ples and sl.iii eruptions—teas nervous. I took S. S. S. It built vie up until l feel like an. other person. I am much stronger and better ill every may. they must retreat, nnd the disease force* advance, tnko possession of your body, nnd plant their flag *11 yonr fneo, nerves, tissues. Help your blood to fight 8. 8. 8. in crease the fighting blood cell “dough-boys" in your blood. Sen Impurities, skin erupt Ions, bolls nml all the rest vanish from your face. An Increase of blood cells will do It every time. S. 8. S. Is otio of the greatest blood coll builders, body builders, blood cleansers of all tlmo. Have time nnd money, nnd try noth ing but “8. S. 8.” 8. 8. 8. ha* been proving Its re markable powers for 97 years Tour grandfather, if alive, would remem ber it well. S. S. S„ because of It* blood-bulbllng powers Is a remark able builder of firm, healthy flesh. It fills nut hollow cheeks, benutlflea tho completion ns thousand* of men nnd women enn testify. 8. 8. S. Is sold at all drug stores In two sites. Tho larger alto la tho inoro eco nomical. S.S.S. makes you fed like yoursdf again Ready for Paving West Dodge Acres Contractors have finished the suit drainage work for West Dodge acres, the big tract which is being developed this year on West Dodge street op posite the Peony farm, according to Hastings & Hoyden, realtors, who pur chased the property last fall. The work of laying pipes for the private water system which is to be installed In the southwest portion of the tract was started last week. The contractors expect to have this wa ter system installed within two more weeks, according to Secretary Heed of \he Hastings & Hoyden company. The laying of paving on the main road through the addition which runs from Dodge to Blondo. diagonally, and more than a mile long, will start this week if weather conditions per mit. The contractors have been ready several days, according to Heed, hut were unable to begin on account of the rain. This addition is the old 266 acre I.angan farm, which had been in the bangs n family years prior to the Hastings & Heyden purchase last fall. * The work of developing it into an acreage subdivision will lie complet ed soon after the middle of ibis month, according to present plans of the de velopers. Seavey Hudson Heal Estate Company Reports 12 Sales Keavev Hudson eomnanv. real es tate brokers, reports 12 sales. Five of sales were local residences and the other six were lots. J, C. Sprocket- has joined the sales force. Keren* sales made by this firm are as follows: Home, 2516 Javne street, John K Finlayson to John C. Hardy, price. $4,500. Home. 4508 Parker street. John b. j France to P. W. Sherlock, jr., price | $4,500. Home. 4444 Decatur street, Thomas I Piliey to Frank A. W. Noland, price, j $3,700. Home. 3339 Harney street, Elizabeth Wear to A. J. Allen (3 Payne & Car naby), prlce( $7,500. j Home, 5839 North Twenty-eighth Use Cuticura Talcum Daily For The Skin After a both with Cuticura Soap and warm water Cuticura Talcum ia toothing, cooling and refreshing. If the skin is red, rough or iniuted anoint with Cuticura Ointment to soothe and heal. They are ideal for all toilet uses. furpte tut rmkT Wall™ -CW1 cmU* or*t«rtM. D«pl 1 ' Su*d r*+ry wb«r«. Soaptte Oii>tiMnt2tui«lb« U:a»Oc. Pi^Cuticura So«p ibafM without nuf. avenue. E. T. Kelly to Paul H. Zwei- j fel. price, $5,250. Lot, Fiftieth street and Military avenue, D. H. Philpott to Arvid G. Chlnqulst, price $900. Lot. Forty-eighth avenue and Grant streets. Marietta Harold to Charles M. Clark, price $T00. Lot, Fortieth and Lake streets, T W. Blackburn to Alfred M. Borch- 1 land, price $900. Lot, Fifty-first and Ohio streets. B | J. Scanned to Andrew T. Joles, price $1,500. Lot, Thirty-sixth and Center streets. John C. Nelson to H. J. Grove, price $950. Lot, Forty-ninth and Grant streets, , Frank L. McCoy to Elizabeth M. Pil- 1 ley. price $950. Buck Company Sells 17 Homes and 4 Lots D E. Buck and company during the past two weeks sold 17 homes and four ibis. F. W, Gilbert and Paul Box wrere high men in number of sales made, closing seven sales each in 14 days. John W. Lovgren made six sales dur ing the time, but was high man in value of property sold, totaling $33,475. The other sale was made by the C. , B. 8tuht company. 41 D. E. Buck says that while there are still plenty of homes for sale, he firtds there are three or four buyers for every property that Is offered at a fair value. This firm has sold 73 separate I pieces of Omaha real estate, total con sideration amounting to $347,512, since January 1, This total is over twice the amount of business done during the same time last year. ADVERTISEMENT. Cured Her Rheumatism Knowing from terrible experience the suffering caused by rheumatism, Mr*. J. E. Hurst, who live* at 508 E. Olive St., C-585, Bloomington, 111., is to thankful at having cured her*elf that out of pure gratitude she is anxious to tell a!! other ■ ufferer* ju*t how to get rid of their tortur* by a simple way at home Mr* Hurst has nothing to sell. Merely cut out thi* notice, mail it to her with your own name and address, and she •ill gladly send you this valuable infor mation entirely free. Write her at once before you forget. A D V EKTIS E M E NT. Clears the Complexion, Relieves Sick Headache, Jaundice, Indigestion Red Cruse Liver Pills, a treatment of tried experience; acts by remov ing the cause made of those reme dies Net suited for the cure of liver, kidney, stomach ar.d bowel trouble*, appendicitis, gall stone*, constipation; always dependable never fail. Red Cross Livef Pills are excellent for children; tbey ate sugar coated red. pleasant to take and never cause unpleasant symptoms. Nature* true remedy; nothing better and nothing that will give more relief. Red Cross Liver Pills are put up , In watch-shaped, screw top bottles; sold by druggists for 25c. or sent by Rea Bros . Minneapolis. Minn. ADVERTISEMENT. Iowa Physician Makes Startling Offer to Catarrh Sufferers • Found Treatment Which Healed Hit * Own Catarrh end Now Off art to Send It Free to Suf ferers Anywhere. Davenport, Iowa.—Dr. W. O. Co ffei, Suite 1308 8t. James Hotel Hid*?., thia city, one of the moat widely known phy sicians and MJrgeoni in the centra! west, announces that he found a treatment which completely healed him of catarrh In the head and nqae, deafness and head noises after many years of suffering. He then Rave the treatment to a number of other sufferers and they state that they also were completely healed. The Doctoi is ho proud of hi* achievement and s< confident that his treatment will hrinj other sufferers the -ame freedom it uav» him. that he is offering to send a K days supply absolutely free to any read er of this paper who writes him. Dr. Coffee has specialised on eye ear. nose and throat diseases for more than thirty five years and Is honored and respected by countless thousands. If you suffer from nose, head or throa* catarrh, ca tarrhal deafness or head noises, send him your name and address today. It Builds Strength ✓ Just the remedy to aid the system in throwing off catarrhal wastes; help the functional organs, restore digestion and bring back the perfect balance. Pe-ru-na meets the need which we all feel at thia season of the year. Sold Everywhere BpE \\ \NT ADS Bftl>G RJ>tLT*. Her Neighbor’s Advice Helped Mrs. Frick k. ^ HRS ADA FRICK M*4TIIUR«. 0*410 Y OU can he just as healthy, strong and happy as I am,’ s&id one womau to her neighbor after listening to the description of her ailments.— ‘if you will take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. My condi tion was very similar to yours, 1 suffered from those awful bearing down pains, weakness, backache, nervousness and headaches until I could hardly drag around. Today 1 am strong, well and happy because 1 followed the advice of n friend who had been greatly benefited by this old-fashioned root and herb medicine.” Nearly fifty years ago Lvdia E. Pinkham of Lynn, Mass, prepared from medicinal roots ami herbs Lydia E Pinkham* Vegetable Compound. Its fame has spread from shore to shore. You will now fiud in every community or neighborhood some woman who has been restored to health by its use, or has some friend who has. Therefore nsk your neighbor. Thousands of unsolicited testimonials such as the following are on file at the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass , and prove the merit of this medicine. Therefore no woman should continue to suffer from such ailments. Mr*. Frick Tell* of Her Experience VrMT*sr*o, t}mi>—"I took l.vdia 1 Pinkham'* Vegetable Compound because l •uI Wei I with pain* in mv aides all the time t can't remember ju.-t how long l • uttered but it waa (or some time One day I was talking with a neighbor and 1 told her how I was (ti ling and she said she had been just like t was with pains and nervous troubles and she took the Vegetable I'otnpound and it helped her. Ai then 1 went and got some and I certainly recommend it for it is good Whene'er ( se« a woman who is sick 1 try to pet her to take l.vdia E. Pinkham'* Vegetable Vow pound.”—Mrs. Ada Frick,’R. No. S, l’errysburg. Ohio. Such letter* Should induce other* to try Lydia E. Pinkkam’s \fedetable Compound LYDIA K. PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS.