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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1923)
Japan Proposes Partial Renewal of Russian Trade SoOet Considering Advances Which Include Commercial Agents in Principal Cities of Both* Countries. By Attttociated PresH. Moscow, April 28.—The soviet for eign office announces that Japan, through its re presentalive at Vimli vostock, has proposed partial renewal of relations with Russia. Somewhat along the lines of the ^Russo British trade agreement, which Moscow con siders tantamount to Vie facto recogni t ion. It is announced that tlie Russian government is considering the pro posals which include the stationing of Japanese commercial agents at Mos cow, Vladivostock, Chita and t lie principal Siberian commercial centers and of soviet commercial agents at Yokohama, Nagasaki and others cen ters, but not at Tokio. If the two governments agree to these proposals and a preliminary treaty is drafted, it would, according to the Moscow viewpoint, mark the end of the struggle iir the far east and the alleged intervention carried on by Japan, the first step in liquidation of which was seen when the Japanesf4 forces evacuated Vladivostock. The foreign office statement says Ihe government, on March 30 and April 24, received official proposals from the Japanese government about the partial renewal of Russo-Japa nese relations preliminary to conclu sion of a definite convention. J.apan, in the proposals, announced that it conseidered desire able the im mediate exchange of commercial agents. The agents would have the right to | protect the interests of their ctf * tzens, to issue passports and generally have consular priviliges, including the iglit of communication by code and courier. The agents would pledge themselves m refrain from engaging in propaganda work. The privilege of ordering the recall of agents for break- i iug such pledge or for other cause would he recognized. *The forieng office announces that | tlie government postponed considera |tion of the Japanese proposals be cause AT. Joffe, who is in Tokio, pre viously denied the right to communi- j cate with Alosoow in cods, but now that this light is recognized, the gov ernment is considering acceptance up on receipt of M. .Ioffe’s recommenda ! tions. Ship Owners Say Backbone of Marine Strike Broken New York, April 28.—Skip owners i imported that the backbone of the I. \V. \V. marine workers' strike'at this port had been broken, having failed . to interrupt or seriously delay scheduled sailings of ocean passenger liners, officials of the strikers’ union declared they were still confident of success. Today, with its usual heavy week end sailings, was looked upon as a test of the strike. A score of trans atlantic liners left port and almost without exception they departed on schedule. Where walkouts threatened to cause delays the Marine Relief as sociation provided men for engine crews that were left short handed. Beatrice Man Is Injured in Brick Yard Accident , SprelMl DUpatrh to Th. (tmnlin B,,. j Beatrice, Neb., April 26.—James j Basteau. 70. was seriously injured, I when a four ton load of dirt toppled over on 'him at the Beatrice works. He was buried for a short time. Ho sustained several broken ribs and in ternal injuries. Hoe often and loosen the soil and J hold moisture aroufid the roots of the plants. “I Didn’t Know That” Said the Automobile Buyer The Cadillac especially designed carburetor is equipped with two thermostatic controls. One thermostatic automatic device controls the auxiliary air valve, and the second thermostat regulates carburetor tempera ture. The carburetor is entirely Cadillac built—Cadillac-designed—and is dirt and fool-proof, which is one of the hundreds of reasons why the Cadillac gives such univer sal satisfaction over years of use. The Cadillac carburetor is very economical, and is constant—not fluctuating from day to day in its use of fuel. The Cadillac 8-cylin der car naturally uses slightly more gaso line than a smaller engine. The actual dif ference in cost of gasoline for a Cadillac and some cars claiming sixteen and seventeen miles per gallon is less than 75 cents per / week, or $30.00 per year, figured on aver age mileage. That slightly higher figure is easily spent in buying repairs and tires necessary on a cheaper car,” says the Cadil lac man. The Cadillac satisfies for years. Investigate what quality you are getting for your money. Study Construction—and Then ¥ou, Too, WILL BUY A CADILLAC Present piifc* not guaranteed for future dflitary, J. H. HANSEN CADILLAC CO. Omaha Lincoln Sioux'City PAIGE BUILT $1065 /. a. h. factory Paige-Timken Rear Axles— 99.8% Dependable! THIS Paige-Timken rear axle has delivered phenomenal service in the Jewett Six. A careful factory check-up recently made on the first 20,000 Jewetts in use revealed that only two-tenths of 1 % had ever had any axle trouble whatever—even including those due to ac: cidents. A remarkable record—said to be unequaled in«the history of the industry. But it is typical of Jewettle stout and dependable construction. Extra-tough steel and ample size give this Paige-Timken rear axle of the Jewett a great surplus of strength for safety. See Jewett Six for yourself —get the facts of its Paige engi neering, big Six qualities. We’ll be glad to ex plain them to you. Nebraska Paige Co. New Location 2047 Farnam Strppt Local Store Opens Office in Paris Burgcss-.Nash lo Kstahlish Ser vice for Omahans Visiting French Capital. Onpihans who chance to find them selves in Palis and in need of mer chandise, may now purchase what they fancy in any of Die retail stores in tile French metropolis and charge the cost to their account in Omaha with Burgess Nash department store, according to an announcement yes terday by .1. F. Daily, vice president and general manager of Burgess N'ash. This is made possible by the opening of a foreign office in Paris. J. IV. Thorne, who has lived abroad for 18 years, will be resident manager of tile Paris office. He is in Omaha and said that in the new Paris office, Americans and especially Omahans will be able to procure almost every thing they need, "from rest to money.” According to Mr. Daily, tlie step was made because of the firm's de sire to do away with middle men, job bers and importers. I'nder the pres i nt system Omahans will receive ar ticles which are manufactured exclu sively In foreign countries, at a lower price than they could get otherwise. Mr. Thorne stated that since a great part of the merchandise of the modern department storp comes from foreign markets. It is less expensive to the company handling the goods and the public buying the goods, to have them purchased direct instead of through an intermediary. ___ Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Curiosity Over Li\e Wire Costs Colorado Lad Life Longmont, Colo., April 2%—Curl* | oaity to see what h high voltage tele- | phone wire would to to him resulted . in the death here today of Alex Pitt* man. IS. The youth climbed to the top of a telephone pole, touched a j wire carrying more than 10.000 volts, and was thrown to the ground dead. I New Treaty Signed. Home, April 2H.—An Italian Austrian , treaty, fhje first of its kind sim-e the war. was signed this afternoon by 1* emier Mussolini and the Austrian minister. Supplementary conventions ( were signed to facilitate the transport of Austrian goods through Trieste and regulate economic relations in the Austro-Italian frontier zones. In England there are registered a total of 600.000 women and girls who work onyl one or two days a week. Prices Have Not Advanced THIS article, which appeared in the fi nancial news of the Omaha World-Herald spe cial leased wife service is self-explanatory. The Oldsmobile is the most wonderful car on the mar ket today by comparison. Beautiful in design and finish with an abundance of power. Truly the greatest automobile value it is possible to secure today Nebraska Company Eighteenth and Howard r on DURANT or STAR CARS Can Now He Had at Nearly Every Important Town in NEBRASKA or IOWA \ Below Find List of Dnrant and Star Dealers We list dealers under our jurisdiction only All other states are equally as well covered Ashland, Neb.— L. C. Riekes A Son. Albion, Neb.—Stalker Bros Arapahoe. Neb.— Pete Ficken. Atlantic, la.—Linke^Bros. Avon, la.—Nieman Motor Co. Aurora. Neb—Harry E. £ims. Ashton. Neb.—Gorecki Bros. Beatrice, Neb.—H. M. Smethers Blair, Neb.— A. M. Anderson. Bladen, Neb—Iverson Garage. Brady, Neb.—T. H. Ball. Broken Bow, Neb. — B. C. Empfield Brock, Neb.—C. M. Lare. Benedict, Neb.—Henry Alms. Burwell, Neb.—Hattie M Hunter, send mail D. F. Hennich. Benson, Neb.- Mifit srv Garage. Brownsville, Neb.—R. W. Fainas Bethseda, la.—Wm Anderson, srnd mail Hepburn, la. Rrainard, Neb.—J. A. Sypal. ( arlton, Neb left A Ohnesnrge. Carson, Is. --*Graham A Har ms. Clarks. Neb.—Fred Growcock Columbus, Neb.—Gimhol A Scbulti. Columbus, Neb.—Provost Motor < o Comstock. Neb.—Leul Mathauset Motor Go. Central City, Neb —Hilton Bros. Corning, la.—Coulter Bros. Conway. la.—Cooper Motor Co. Curtis, Neb.—-C. R Elson. Cambridge, Neb.--Chas I Bentley. Callaway, Neb.—Kybn Motor Co. Coin. Is.—E. A. Harris. Clearwater, Neb. Clay Rabroch. Dannebrog, Neb.—G. A Damgaard. Dorrhester, Neb.— Frank Mooberry. David City, Neb.—W. E. Vandeikolk. Cooper Motor Co. 2066 Farnam Si. ■ Fiba. Neb.-—C. Koborg A Son. Fremont. Neb,— Luther I .or son. Dunlap, la - Benedict A Merritt. Dodge, Neb. VoaaceW A Chudomelka Bio*. Daykin, Neb.— E. W Ronener A Son. Franklin, Neb—T. J. Garrett A Son. Fait moot. Neb.— Fairmont Garage. Grant, Neb. — Pankonin A Sona. Gresham, Neb,— H. K. Dter*. Grand Island, Neb.—Gilbert Motor Co Grant, la.—Cecil J. Grennell. Griswold. la.—Grennell Bros. Glenwood. la,—T. L. Rose. Gretna. Neb.—J. H. l.angdon Hartwell, Neb —J. V. Theis. Haigler, Neb. — Calvin F.n field. Harlan, la.- David K. Blown. Hastings, Neb.— Hunt Motor Co Holdregr, Neb.—C O. Olsen A Son. Humboldt, Neh.» HNrding Motor Co, Kearney, Neb.— Midway Motor Co. Lexington, Neb. J. S. Thomas A Son Lincoln, Neb.—Chapman A Sharrtck. Loup City, Neb.—/wink A Johnson. Logan, la l.ogan Motor Co. Madison. Neb. R W. Linn. MrC'ook, Neb. — J. J. Gragg. Mi'la.d, Neb T W. Peters Auto Co. Milford, Neb Milfoid Auto F.arbange Missouri Valley, la—Hehhht A Car penter . Maredonia. la F F Braden. Milligan, Neb. - Adolph /ieman North Platte, Neb I inrnln Co Im plement A Motor Co. Rend-Stinebaugh, Inc. Council Bluffs, la. Norfolk, Neb.—John W Rice. Newman Grove. Neh M.*ck A Sons Neola. la.—W. A. Owen. Nebraska City, Neb Higgins Potter Co. Neligh, Nrb Dorsey L. Shenefelt. Ohiowa, Neb. — F.arl H. Pyzer. Ord. Neh.—C. A Hager. Plait* mouth, Neb —O. A. Moore. Pilger, Neb.— Walter M. Rees. Red Oak. la.—L. A. Nash. Ravenna, Nek Earl Klein. Randolph, la L. J. Duncan. Syracuse. Neb.—Strong Bios. Stamford. Neh K. C. Shiffermiller. Seward. Neb Edward Beesen. Superior, Neb Hiller A Campbell Stanton. Nrb --J. T. Kenney Shenandoah, la Paul C Amblei . Schleswig, la F. C. Spahn Schuyler. Neh Elmer P. F olken Stromshurg, Neb Farris A Colhson. .Stanton, la — Anderson Garage Spalding. Neb.— E. E. Barkhuret Motor Co Silver City. la. — J H Peteraon. Thurman, la C. R Paul Trenton, Neb -C. W. McDonald. Tarnov. Neb —-Taraov Auto Co. Teeuniseb, Neb J V. Johnson. Villiara. |a Carl Baker Auto Co Weeping Water. Neb. Smith Seivire Co Witner. Neh Wm Gruesalng West Point. Neb Kiese Bros. Watloo, Neb Yybrial Auto Rr? Co. West Side. I e West Side Auto Co York. Neh - Gaitb Auto Co Dietz-Townsend Motor Co. South Side, Omaha I Andrew Murphy & Son Incorporated RETAIL and WHOLESALE 53 Year* in Business □ 14th and Jackson Streets WHY would you rather drive a car that looks bright, glossy and just like new all the time than an old, dull tacky looking car? BECAUSE— the new looking car is pleasing to the eye---the other is an eyesore• The Rexo Refinishing Institute, a 1000 Omaha concern, with products invented in Omaha, run by Omaha men and backed by Omaha capital, after over a year testing now makes it possible to preserve the original paint on your automobile and to retain the original gloss during the life of the car by a coating of what is called REXO AUTO GLOSS Rexo Auto Gloss is not a polish; contains no wax or any soft , material; neither is it a paint, but a preparation in the form of a Hard, Glossy Gum that is not affected by water, heat. oil. grease or anything an automobile usually has to contend with. and. best of all, at a . price no greater than the cost of a good polish iob, but which lasts as long as the original paint. It prevents cracking of the original paint. It intensifies the original color, and where applied ov er rust spots it stops the rusting. Rexo Auto Gloss is especially designed to be applied to a new car—or just as soon as the paint first begins to show signs of cracking or fading or begins to lose its glos'. By applying Rexo Auto Gloss early your car w ill always look as though it just came out of the factory. * REMEMBER—Our Whole Aim Is to Preserve the Original Paint and Retain Original Gloss \\ hat Rexo Auto Gloss does is so out of the ordinary that there is only one way to prove its claims, and that is to have a coat applied. It positively cannot hurt and costs hut little. Seeing is believing. V I Rexo Refinishing Institute Northeast Cor. 20th and Harney Streets Second Floor—20th Street Entrance Telephone-ATlantic 4739 We Do Expert Painting and Varnishing--Moderate Prices