Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1923)
For Saturday - Shopping 'Masons to Move Children’s Home jOld Megeath Residence to Be New Location of Local Institution. Members of the executive commit tee of the Masonic home for children ore planning to move the home into ils new location, the former Megenth home at "1H7 South Thirty third ►drott early In March. The home was donated to the Masonic bodies to he Vised as a home for children. in order to meet expenses which will lx> Incurred In making some necessary improvements and to estab lish a fund for the maintenance of the home. Masonic lodges and Scot tish Rite and York bodies are to carry on an Interlodge campaign, jftnder the direction of the numbers of the ex ecutive committee for gifts and pledges. Up until now the Masonic home for children has been maintained at Twen ty-second and Davenport streets. The new home, when oompletely furn ished will atcomodate more than 100 children. G. W. Megeath gave the home to the Masonic bodies more than a year ago. It was for years the seat of the pioneer Megeath family and one of the most beautiful residences in Oma ha. Since giving the site to the Ma sons, Mr. Mogoatii has built a new home on the Dodge street road and is Irving there now. Lively Time Is Planned for College INiglil at l ni (Unit College night, which will be ob served Thursday night at the I'nl versity club, will be. recherche and other things, according to reports be ing broadcast. It will bo the annual roundup of all college men in Omaha. There will be college, yells and songs and all that sort of thing. Those who expect to attend are re quested to notify the committee which includes A1 Clarke, IlircL Stryker, Karl Burkett, Ralph C'oad. Sanford Gifford, K. T. Manning. Harry Hold* rege, Ray Crossman, Dexter J’.uell, Ross Towle and Cap Offutt. ' [ Sa^e Your Time and | Telephone Yonr Order ® “For Economy” Just Around the Corner The Store Near Your Home With the HAND on the Window Sells These Quality Goods at Attractive Prices THESE PRICES O ATI I Dll A V FEB.24TH AND Are EFFECTIVE wn I UUDfl B Week Following SALMON 2 Cans 57c SARP3N tN^’DELICIOUS SAUCES" 2 Cans 39c SPINACH LA^o^r^s^ICR 2 For 43c CATSUP 8., 3 Bottles 35c 10 Big Bars 39c Case 100 Bars $3.85 FIG NEWTONS -ar 2 Lbs. 33c WALNUTS Lb. 29c PEAS fks.,?.sr 3 Cans 67c ORTMAN’S ‘V.%rrv Pile a Heal Relight’ Nut Bread 15c < innnmon Holla, ilo*. 20C PHDU Fancy No. 2 Can 3 for O Aft A QQa IpUnil Country Gentleman 47c O wUllw wUV CREME OIL Tf&‘/ 3 For 25c SCHULZE'S f REX A. * I. BUTTER NUT BREAD FAULTLESS BREAD MILK CRUST BREAD "A BETTER BREAD” -mother's rest- -miik made* FOR SALE IV IIAVOV SKRVK F. STORES \ SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY ONLY FEB. 24 Fruits and Vegetables SUNKTST ORANGES Extra large. Dozen . tli/l JELLO FLAVORS 1 OC QUAKER OATS Small 10c SOUPS c:^‘ •,* 3 Cans 32c ICEBERG HEAD LETTUCE**. 2 for. 25C Medium. .'{ for 25C I SWANS DOWN as. 27c BUTTER °» Lb. 53c FANCY GANO APPLES l.nric^ Sonud V7hV."K 4D C Cl nilD OMAR 48 LBS. 24 LB QQ. rLUUn WONDER $1.89 SACK SWEET POTATOES 4 Lbs. 25c jf\ FIIHMI A rcw2toe8 2V2 lbs.23c GRAPE FRUIT — 6 For 57ci V _ s k.^^ Brail im ■ if m i^l ™ lla L^J \\ »|1j KEEP THIS LIST OF HANDY SERVICE STORES FOR FUTURE REFERENCE --FI,OR KATE - IvK. 4714*—l,artmrr*s 4 Hah, NSOI A. .K*th. -—NORTH OMAHA UK. 1021 — Vfarllrr Hrna.Nfti < lark St. UK. Hill—M. M. Vlrltrl, 1*18 A. 24»th. U K. 1003—Flnkrnsfrln A Stark, 2002 V 28th. WF.. 2111—Keonnmy tiro. A M., 27tli A Grant. U K. 1078— Konrnhlatt A Son, 2*02 A. 144th. UK. 2117—II. .1. Iloithea. 1800 A. 10th. KK, OHOft—04 to I’ankrata A 4 o., 1*0* A. 21th. KK. 0112—F. A. tonng. 521* A. 24th. KK. 0200—thus. y. krllrj, 8720 A. 24th. KK. 0I1O—I'ark firorrrj, 0111 A. 21th. KK. 0088— f »If n % Cirorrry. 4802 A. 10th. I\K. 0053—.1. II. Kiippl*. 4702 A. lOth. KK. 005*—J. F,. Kirk. 2702 Fort. KK. 011H— Mryrr Mryrrnon, 4101 firand Are. -FAR A AM AND NORTH WKST II OIHH—Sommrr Rroa., 2*th and I'arnaai. HA. MOO— Wraf Fnrnam I.rn., 1021 Fnrnam. II OH*—J. Itoaen. 27*0 Davenport. IIA. 0712—< allfornln A Mrnta. 122ft 4 al. II A. 0217—Arlaop A Andrrnon. 1220 f'nl. UK. 02*8—C. K. Nelson. 3020 llnmllfon. UK. 1814—II. < . Air Ison A Son, |H2« A. lid. U \. 0720—U III F. Schram, 4001 f niitlna. U A. 0280—II. J. Knndaon, 1807 * nmlnu U A. 5*02—t Ilf ton Hill Oro., 2221 Military Ayr. Qu a. 0217—David c. fioldvvare, 4*21 Indvr 7 noml. 1 -„ BENSON / U A. 7127—Kadailarr Gro. and Mrata, 5*10 Military. U A. 82*0— lie a von tiro. C«., 41073 Mllltnr>. U A. 124Mi—4 . A. U nIfr A Son. 4421 1 Maplr St. U A. 8*75—I'hll Halt, 0050 Military Atr. U A. 120ft—I'auI Wohlner. 02«»l Maplr St. UA. 444420—F. t . Wolf, 4(821 Maplr St. --- - CENTRAL .IS. 0874*—sterling Hr. A Mfa., 1*81 St. Mary s. i %. |OS*—Hoafon Mrnf A 4,ro. 4 o., 722 *. IWfh, AT. *102—Hand> Mrnt A Co., 120S.2»4h. .1%. Sftlft— Krnrnhera A 4 o.. 402 >. 2l4h.^ -- ( K.MHAI, If ONTINI KIM .14. 2267—I roailown tiro. A Mla.. 522 %. 21th. AT. 7462— llpar) Hroa.. 611 N. 2fMh .14. 5413—1. .Nathan. 17th anil l hlrogo Hla. AT. 0*07—Hajmnn 4 Homonek. 51 t >. |6th. AT. 15-10—I'nhllr M irkft, HOI N. |6th. AT. 62*2—1.. linarnhlnm f o.. M»t N. 16th .14. fuf>*v—i . |*. W rain f n,, 2001 t anting. • 14. 0710—11. Hluntnilhnl. 2002 f anting. iA. ti.Ms—Arthur lluhlti, 23th nml Hnaenpnrf. Hi 3701—A. AArlnateln. 2567 Hodge. -- HOI TMAAF.HT ■ — 114. 4161—l.eaien worth, 2*15 l.rnirnn’lt. IIA. 4MI27—f onauinrra' faro., XM l.mtrnn'li. HA. fM20— l.onla Albert. 3122 l.ratrnworlh. AAA, 0*7!V—Hen Amman, 3203 l.enirnanrlli HA. i*||H—.fallua Newman. 13*37 Park Air. IIA. 3652—Jarkaon Ht. f#rn. A Afento, 312 1 .1 nrkaon. 114. 11*3-1. H. t.raham, 2353 H. 20th. HA. 5760—Alrat f rnter, 2 PH 0. 20th Mf. HA. 4623—I,. Knrlualner. 2301 0. 32*1 4 \ r. If 4. 5017—Park »nl<, 3022 0. 32nl 4tr MA. 0231 — Houle«aril faro. And Megla, 3005 llnaenll At. MA. 06*3—AA llllam Hunan. 3701 f.old Ht. -- aoi th ■ — . It. IH«7—Nl.l. (■■•'. «.ro. unit *11... I ml- A. 24th. AT. 251*— llifhert f . I'aitnn, 1702 *. lOth At .14. 1260—I. KnlnknUki, IIMI 0. IfHh Ht. .IA. 356.3—llnrrr Aforln, 2310 0. 20th *f .14. .36 11—HtoInner ftroa.. 2702 V 20th At .IV 23*0—I). All a erman, 1523 A Inton %1. -— HOI TM OMAHA A|4. 0030—l.onla 7.lei. MM*.' 4. 21th Ht. A14. 1300—Phil 0a k a, 1716 0. 2 Hit '•I >14. OHM)—I nllMd Prot'n More. 1017 V 2110. '14. 0334—lint Ilk •* Flahrr. 5014 0. 'J lit ’ . MA. :ti»7k— 4. Newman, V I . I or. 24th nml I . >1 A. 3I5H— Af. .f. Mount. 5302 0. 36th M || M A. 101* f. N I re»t. 3|t)| *. 12d % i e, * 'I A. IH0O—Perrlmnn lima., 3002 f| At. 1 A I.HVAIf.HT | M A. 2*71—Jor fa tfld »i a re, 2301 >lhdl*on V High School Olcc Clubs to Repeat Operetta “Sylvia" “Sylvia," an operetta liy Maude Eliabeth Inch one! VV. ltliys Herbert, will be repeated tonight in the audi torium of Central high school by pupil* of the glee club* of Omaha Technical high school. The produc tion was presented last night and was well received, it is being given under the direction of Mrs. Fred U. Kills and Miss Frances Pearson. Air Mail Pilot to Assist in Trial Nifrlit I'lifzlits Jack Knight, air mail pilot, will as sist ,j. \ . M. rifc in experimental night flying, pr* paratory to establishing regular night flights between Omaha and rheycnne, Wyo. Two powerful searchlights have [ been stationed at the North Platte lleli | where Knight is stationed. [Knight was hero of the famous record I flight two years ago between San 1 Francisco and New York. M A 1 : A A f A 3 * r 3 2 /• A r A BUY YOUR FOOD INTELLIGENTLY—SELECT it and carry it away with you if possible. COME DOWN to this store SATURDAY. WE GUARANTEE a BIG savin* on your food bills. Friday evening phone service if you wish. As usual, FREE DELIVERY. Phone AT. 4603. SUGAR—10 LBS.TUreTaNE 84c |T| A| IQ GILT EDGE \ line*kn »t Kent. SI.5r> r LV/Un KOOIl CENTER—NOTHING IIEITEK $1.65 mill 1/ TALL CANS. PET OK CAR NATION, 4 /-n lVIIL.r\ (Limit I ( uns) I UC CHICKENS SPRING "'24y2C ■ a p a I KESH I’ll* srtKEKIIIS, 1,11. IYIC.A I O IKESII PIG I’OKk ROAST, Eli. ... H>t*C I TIES II pit; I’OKK LOIN. Ml. .... IT III I tN. SI PRIME OK MAI. Wit'S Ills I Skinned Hums < li nr wbole), Ell. . 1 c FI KITAN. SI PRIME OK NIAGARA’S IIEST lit! ON 1'2 nr whole 'trip). Lit..'.V&' c run* PORK Snusutre, III. 1,,o Steer Jtnilinl Steak. III. 1 |l,(* Steer 1’nrtprlnniM* Steak. per lh. . 2i2'2+ Steer l’OT ROASI, lli.,.8'sf SI KKH Rill llllll.. lh.. 4i,r PI III, l ent I. HIO. lh.. |1 Sprint; Lamb Letts, lh. g-fHr* , >j*rii»ir I.limit Men, I It. . JUf Fiiney 1 nuns; Yi*hI Kna»l. per I'-.' Me A niinsr NAVI, SIKH, Hi. 7'ae Ml. \ It II It HI IS AI ON, per iki ■ ■ i.v.-e SI OAK I I Ki ll I’ienie Hums, per Hi. | |>,e ORANGES Jrivr; 34c LETTUCE SH 2 for 15c Extra Inner Wrapped JONA THAN APPLES, box 82.25 .r. lbs. Cooking Apples. . 23C b'aiiey Tomatoes, basket 15C Eey. Cano Apples, box. 81.6B SI N HIST Lemons, dor. 25C Large Tliln Skin (.rape bruit, ;i t'»r ■ 25c < imktiiL' POT ATI IE’s, l>k.. I Extra line Lanre Jumbo lei erj, 2 for.25(i Xancy Hall Sweet Potatoes, i; lbs. for .2,%<s Extra line I ran berries, per •Ihurt .10* fresh I arrots.bunehes 15* CAMPBELL’S‘>ou"3 Cans, 29c FED DOT COLUMBIA RIVER SALMON, Tall Can, 19c Il«*rwftr}*« Hulk t Of 0 \ , Ik*. f •* r jr»r I'Hiiry kun I'ewdpr TK \ . prr lb. . 39r Irmry IM I >11 % I . ;» pk u«. *f> r riM>in*rn'* *rrdlr%» ltn|«ln». per ll». ir.r MM( I I till I nin.., .1 |l,.. for 3B« Morion'* **bnkrr Suit, pkg. tOf* PAI MOMVI Map, i for 2'-lc lint IIIIIHIM gj riap, lO-lb. mn for 39r r nrgr bottle >unln nin Krtebup for Iftr FOOIJ < IMIII < offer, lb. 33f I |Oe roll* Tollrt I’nprr i <m> i \l*l\ *«j nip, «|t. |H<‘ -•*»«* run K.tnry Htpprrrfl ||rr rlnn f•»r I5C I inrjf *1 \*K A I’ink I ir K %>|ll 'l»lnr « nrn. .1 ritnt 50C .^c tin N »f» i rut *»* T ip* 39f I nnry \\ INI»'1|| « orn, .1 rnn« fnr 35C I .mr) >*»rrf Wrlnklrtf |’n». .*! n""* 35c 1)1- I MOA I I No. run 1'rHrh* * f,,r 32 C MHIh No. « mm Mr»n hrrrlra, MlNrkhrrrlfo «»r I hnii«-rrl<-». urj operiHl, run 25c f nriir Jnr Purr |»rr*rr%r* 22r* PEARL WHITE SOAP 6 Bars 22c DIAMOND C SOAP 6 Bars 15c P. & G. SOAP 6 Bars for 29c 'Ihomwii'i l»**lrr 'laid flatter, if*. f rrah Cngntr? Tlo|| Hotter. Ih |~r ^*l*t*F \\ lft(«in«fn Irllow ( lipedr, |»». 1vn>ni VDV">,"'ii I hf.ponnit *>nnifnlpH « hrrar. |t». f*5c* '*mC gJbXjZ? ' it 's,l»t*> f ull i ream llrirk \ hreae, Ih. , H UTTr-R^J K ii mm In or « arnnat %en1 < hee«r. Ih 7o<* k —- H«»fco l.lmhiirgrr, Mlth the flavor. It. |f|r t.rn. Inr Imported I’lfam < hrr«ra. (arse tlie. rnrh «•» (|(| > u to la t.rm nn«l Mllroa Nut. Ih.. 23f l II**' \nt. II., 'Mr Thontara’a Vlnmp-madr > etlnvr Muali. read? to fr*. ,,kw. ! 7oc M. J. B. Jn tltOHt. fn T.tMi:, in IlHIMtlM. (,unl. f \ r“pf“r- Itf* fBIS f*(fe» l« I ml> IXKKII 4*8 11 v - vUr r tu I'srroiTi.K. n h-. m< i i m i v\ i7r MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTT.Y Mi* ..tinninicp Nitli*iarliitn mo vmtfi 1814-10-18 Farnam Phone AT 4603 | OPK\ *4*11 RIM 1 I Mil, K IV J This Card Issued Only to Dairies Selling Grade No. 1 Unpasteurized Milk Best for Babies Association Rest 0 for All Watch for This Card to Guarantee Getting This Grade of Milk CHERRY —always a February favorite — a delicately flavored Cherry Ice Cream, containing lot* of ripe, red cherries. It has all the delicious goodness char acteristic of Fairmont’s Dclicia. I alrmont . I<» I ream I. miwl# the Ratter Wat In Omaha. I ret# t.ranrf lilsml isnrl Mont I llj. Take l| home in hulk «»r In pint or «ju*rl inslnl p»ek»fra. AAAAAAAAAAXAAaa A A x x . . . . . . ...................... BUEHLER BROS. OMAHA'S LEADING CASH MARKETS For Quality Meats & Provisions Lowest Prices 212 N. 16th St. 2408 Cuming St. 4903 S. 24th St. 634 W. Broadway, Co. Bluffs VC RE TKt BUSIEST MEAT 1 I y 5H0P UNDER THE j K 5UM-ANDWEI _ p NEVER. STOPTill1 t o/ouR WORK IS BONE yr^J H \ShN>TATlQN Market Specials All Day Saturday SMOKED MEATS Cudahy’s Puritan Breakfast Bacon 30c Choice Picnic Hams, special at .15c Choice Lean Bacon, piece only .17c Fancy Lean Breakfast Bacon .20c Choice Skinned Hams, x/2 or whole.22c Swift’s Premium Hams.27c Armour’s Star Hams, 27c Cudahy’s Puritan Hams .27c PORK PRODUCTS Fresh Pig Tails.11c Fresh Neck Bones, 7 lbs. 25c Fresh Pig Hearts, 5 lbs. . . ./.25c Fresh Pig Snouts, 3 lbs.25c Fresh Pig Ears, 4 lbs. 25c Fresh Pig Liver, 5 lbs. 25c Fresh Boston Butts.. . 15c Fresh Skinned Hams, 18c Fresh Lean Side Pork 18c VEAL CUTS Choice Veal Roast, 15c Choice Veal Chops 20c Choice Veal Legs, 1 2 or whole 20c Choice Veal Loins 20c Choice Veal Stew, 12' 2c Pure Pork Breakfast Sausage . . 15c -Fancy Dill Pickles, per doz.25c Fancy Sweet Pickles, per doz.15c Choicest Cut Steer IAm Chuck Roast. Prime Beef Rib 15c Roast, boned, rolled Choicest Rib Boil- Ca ing Beef. Choicest Round and Sirloin Steaks .... Small Lean Pork 16c Loin, V2 or whole — it- ■ i ' T' Small Lean Pork Shoulders, whole Choice Fresh Spare- 9c ribs, special at .... Genuine Spring 20c Lamb, hindquarters Genuine Spring 14c Lamb, forequarters Pure Lard (rendered) — no limit, per lb. Fancy Fresh Young Hens and Spring 97p Chickens . Butterine Evergood Liberty Nut, 20c Rex Nut, 20c Evergood 2-lb. carton. 45c Evergood 5-lb carton $1.10 Special Pork Tender! cin 35c Choice Leaf Lard □ CANNED GOODS Early June Peas, 3 cans for. 38c Fancy Sweet Corn, 3 cans for.30c Fancy Pork and Beans, 3 cans for. 25c Fancy Tomatoes, 3 cans for.35c Carnation Milk— Tall cans.10c Small cans .5c Fancy Red Salmon. .22c P. & G. Soap, White Naptha Soap, 10 bars for. 45c Strictly Fresh Eggs, 33c Buehler Bros. Red B Coffee .30c Buehler Bros. Royal Coffee .38c CHEESE Fey. Cream Cheese 28c Fey. Brick Cheese. . 28c Fey. Snappy Cheese . 28c COOKED MEATS Choice Wienies .... 15c Choice Frankfurts ..15c Fresh Bologna.15c Fresh Liver Sausage, 15c Choice Minced Ham, 22c Choice Pressed Ham, 22c Fresh Pig Souse. . . 25c BEEF CUTS Choice Beef Pot Roast, per lb.9c Choice Hamburg Steak .10c Fey. Corned Beef ..14c Choicest Porterhouse Steaks .20c Fresh Beef Tongues, 15c Black Walnut Ice Cream Another Harding Private Brand Black Walnuts—the plump tender kind — chopped into flavory pieces blended with smooth rich cream and frozen into an Ice Cream delight of surpassing goodness. It’s another Harding's Private Brand. Dealers all over town who sene Harding's will have Black Walnut Ice Cream fresh every day for the next few days. Quart or Pint Bricks in an in dicative wrapper you will instantly recognize. Try Some! # ^7/ie Cream of All Ice Creartx