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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1923)
Fish Scarce on ()inalia Market Pineapple* from West Indies Among Latest Arrivals on Fruit Market. Pineapples from the West Indies are among the latest arrivals on th< local fruit market. The lemon market is firm. There Is an apparent shortage of small size oranges. Strawberries are arriving in very ' good shape from Florida, and the de mand is equal to the supply. Green peas, cauliflower, and head lettuce front California; carrots, tur nips and beets front Louisiana: egg I plant and green beans front Florida and hot house cukes from Kansas ; are plentiful on this market and the quality is very good. French endive, mushrooms and arti chokes show especial popularity on the Omaha market. 'Haddie fillet steak arrived on the Omaha fish market tlds week. Tltis fish comes from Boston, is packed in individual containers, ready for Use, and can he prepared in many palatable ways, among which are broiling, frying anti toasting. Fresh trout from the Green Bay THE WORKER You just know that the delicious bread in his lunch-pail was baked with Victor Flour. It’s the per. feet food for the brawn of the man who works. - "Wo! A ceidenlally Cood, but- — Made Cood Always." The Most Modern Daylight Mill in America THE CRETE MILLS SEE Capacity 2000 Barrels D-> 'y iamey' iJncue AT 7175 Shopping at the Central Market* it a pleasure instead of a task. Because we can supply your every food want at the lowest prices and our service is most efficient and courteous. Pot Roast, tender and juicy, per lb. 9c Shoulder Roast, best cuts, per lb. 12ic Pork Roast, young and lean, per lb, I2ic Veal Road, fancy iHoulder cute, lb. 15c 12£c Boil Beef, fancy rib, at, per lb. 5c Veal Breast, young and tender, per lb. 8i c Cudahy*# Puritan or Swift*# Premium Bacon, whole or QQ 1 half strip, per lb.*C Sugar, fine granu- Q Cfl fated, 100-Ib. sack. ipO.OU Flour, Gooch's or (1» ■! PQ Blue Bell, 48-lb. sk $ 1 ‘OU Reans, Lima, 4 lbs. 48c Baking Powder, Dr. Price’s, 25c size, special, ...30c Oatmeal, bulk, fresh, OP 6 lbs. for. «*aC Sugar, fine granulated, QQ _ 10 lbs.OCtC Flour, Pillsbury’s <tO 1 Brat, 48-lb. sack . . • 1 V Brans, Navy, Michigan, A Q hand picked, 5 lbs.,.. aOC Cornmeal, bulk, yellow QP or white, 10 lbs. for..“OC Prunes, medium sise, *1 O 1 . per lb. l^tC Raisins, seedless, per lb.. 150 Milk, tall Caroline, 3 cans 25c* Corn, Evergreen, 3 can* 250 Per dozen.1)50 Tomatoes, No. 2 solid pack, per can . lOO Per dozen . >1.15 Cocoa, bulk, per lb. 100 Coeoanut, bulk, fresh, lb. 250 Jam, assorted flavors, full quarts, jars, special. . . 300 Kitchen Cleanser, 4 cans.250 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Grapefruit, nice size and juicy, 3 for . 250 Oranges, a dandy size and sweet, per dozen.. . 31)0 Oranges, not large, hut sweet, per dozen .250 Apples, fancy Winesaps. per box .J52.G5 Apples, Jonathan, not large, but sound, per box S2.11> Tomatoes, ripe and sound, per lb. 100 Cranberries, per lb.100 Head Lettuce, nice size, for.100 and 12 '4 0 Dates, 10-oz. pkgs., special for .. 100 Celery, Jumbo stock, each !5C Green Onion.1-, bunch -7 'iiO Shredded Wheat, 3 nkirs. 33*’' Jello, Advo, all flavors, 3 pkir*. for .25* Peas, Early June, can, 12’ar Ppr dozen . $l,4o Tomatoes, No. 3 size, per can . 17H* Per dozen. $2.00 Cnrh Flakes. Jcrshy, \ !0c pkes for .23c Sardines in Tomato Sauce. per can . . .1 \c 3 for .40* Honey Combs, each . . 22o Syrup, 10-lb. pail Karo...43* BUTTER AND EGGS Central Xtra Quality Creamery Pkjr. Hotter, per lb. .49H1* Guaranteed F r e s h Country Hire'll, per dozen . . . 31 % * Golden Dale Creamery Pkir Butter, per lb.17' O Old Strong American Cheese, par lb...24'.* CRACKER DEPARTMENT SATURDAY SPECIALS Hen's Genuine l-'ijf liars, ft<*h baked, per lb.2ffc Hen's Suirar Sticks, Suirar Sriuares and Chocolate Wa fers, per pkf:.40* CANDY DEPARTMENT McComb's Home-Mud'* Old Fashioned Chocolate Drop*, delirious centers, special, per lb... Our own make of M.11 'bmnllow hocoljiir Purler, thr- brM made, per lb. district are being received in limit* */| supplies. The .«am»* is true of pike Hot/! these varieties are high in price, .owing to their scarcity. There is a small quantity of fresh halibut here at this time. Chesapeake oysters are practically off of the Omaha market. On ac* count of the harbors being frozen, j prices have soared to a point which makr-s this oyster practically prohibi tive on this market. • Canadian winter eaupht fish are in plentiful supply and popular sellers Iowa Woman Dies While Visiting Sister in Omaha Mrs. Anna lluckley, wife of John l'tickley, Clinton, la., who came to Omaha two weeks ago to visit her sister, Mrs. Julia Offerman, 3011 j Dewey avenue, died Thursday of pneumonia following an Mines of nine days. She was 44 years old. Thu body w.ll he shipped by John A. Gentleman, undertaker, tonight to Clinton, la., where burial will take place. CLEANEST STORES IN I HL WORLD g? THANK YCU MRS. AMERICAN HOUSEWIFE A million American housewives visit 1,280. PIGGLY WIGGLY Stores daily. These houeswives are buying—not being sold. Why? PIGGLY WIGGLY has revolutionized the distribution of groceries, fresh fruits and of food haj been |owerej in every city in which PIGGLY WIGGLY Stores have been established. SOUP CAMPBELL’S—ALL KINDS 0^C Soda * H,*K °AICIN° 6lc SALMON NlEM!iA^- 22c CHEESE FULLCReEaK'lCONSIN 32c MACARONI irSIS 8c ___———.—i———— ni ITTCD fresh churned CAm tiyp I | HE* SUNSET GOLD, per lb. JELLO 10c ETI ^>1 ID Queen Quality, 6 lbs., 24c; (Cl CQ ■ «Lr.U%Jl* 12, 43c; 24, 80c -48 lbs POTATOES USaMfJr 18c SAL SODA 5k PALM OLIVE 7c TOMATOES HaKgED 10c ETE2I SIT Fancy, Sweet, ialfMr EL I KiUl I thin skinned, ea. #2^ HEAP LETTUCE "-tiff- 8c COFFEE your.XkphS£.b"“’ 41c 1 CLEANEST STORES IN THE WORLD Cudahy's # pur‘^s \ Th«Tbst«*fe!u’ Bacon WHEN you see the name Puritan and the familiar Puritan boy trade-mark displayed at the meat counter, you may be sure you are dealing with a merchant who considers the customers’ best interests <?f first importance. He sells good foods. The Cudahy Packing Co.U.S.A. We Fill Mail Orders. Write for Money Saving Catalog. Delivery to All Parti of the City Mvwnmttt AT lantic 3857 Phone in Your Order. Prompt Delivery Anywhere. SATURDAY’S BIG SPECIALS That Spell Economy for Every Housewife MEATS, Home Dressed Spring Chickens, lb. 23‘z£ Swift's Premium Bacon, by tRe strip.. 32';^ Morrell’s ea. lean Break fast Bacon, lb. 29’2£ Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, lb....l5Mi£ Choice Steer Beef Roast, lb.9C English Lamb Shoulder, for roast, lb . . 20<* Genuine Spring Lamb Legs, lb.271rzO Fresh Pork Shoulders, per lb. Genuine Spring Lamb I Shoulder Chop., per 1 lb.25C ' Lean Pork Loin Roa.t, lb. ...13 V4 C Fancy Young Veal Roait, lb. . l2’4C Young Veal Brea.t, with pocket for dre«*ing. per lb .8U-C Choice Steer Porter- j hou.e Steak, lb. 25C I Choice Steer Bolling i Beef, lb.5C Fre.h Leaf Lard, 9 lb..90C Saturday Cracker Specials Iten't Cream Daintiea, per lb .2 l<‘ lten’a Fig Ban, per lb. 19C i CANDY SPECIALS \ Chocolate Stara, 60c value, 3 Iba ..*1.00 Chocolate Covered Caremela, SOc value, 3 lb, SOc Acme Cream Bon Bona, aaaorted flavora, 3 Iba 50c Marahmallow Peanuta. 25c value. 3 Iba 25c Fireside Cbocolatea, full pound.. 40c Allegretti'e Chocolatej. full pound .4P. CIGARS— Just Inside the Door l Benito Garcia, box bf 50 $1 59 y Nev* Little Havana Cigar*, package of 10 15c Between the Acts, little cigars, package of 10 10c 1 1 1 Cigarettes, large double package, 2 for 25c Genuine French Briar Pipe, 75c value . 59c Star Chewing Tobacco, full pouad 90r OMAHA’S FINEST FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT i Directly inside the Main entrance you encounter I this great garden of choicest Fruits, both do- \ mestic and imported. Varieties beyond compare —lowest in the city prices. Make this your shop ping place. Bananas, nice and ripe, doz. . . -of Cranberries, New Jersey. '_>li lb?, for ...2TtC Black Walnuts, large size. 6 lb* for. 25c Apples, extra fancy, Jonathan, Spitzenherger, Grimes Golden or Winesap, doz.25<* Tomatoes, nice and roe. 4 lbs. for. ... 25f Grapefruit, rep. 74c kind, 6 for.250 | Camel Dates, 15c size, 3 pkp«. for.2Sc I Celery, Sweet Pascal kind, doz.59c Butter, Egg* and Cheese Dept. jjj No. 1 Best Creamery Butter.42)^ Full Cream Brick Cheese, lb.....22>C Full Cream Cheese, lb. iif)C Epps. No. 1 Fresh, doz.H5<* Rex Nut 0!eo, per lb.20c Gem Nut Oleo, per lb. 21<? CLEAN 1 AS A. 'S. WHEN YOU USE T I t LfSTCHEN M! IllENZER x/i JjffroiENl Takes' the ^ ^3 Slavery Out > of Wash Day USE BEK WANT ADS—THEY BRING RESULTS; ' -