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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1923)
SOUTH OMAHA I BRANCH OrriCNJ, 24TH AND N ST & MA. 3<SS ' New Armour Head Arrives in Omaha on Inspection Trip F. Fdson While Expresses Gratification at Feelinp; of Mutuality Between Pro ducer and Packer. I was delighted to find the feeling cf mutuality between the producer and the packer." van the first coni ment of F. Edson White, newly-elect ed president of the Armour Packing company, on his arrival in Omaha yesterday nfternoon with Lester A* mour, a vice president of the com pany. "We have been to Kansas City a,:id Wichita, where we attended the con ventlon of the Kansas Livestock asso ciation," continued Mr. White. "There is e\*ery evidence that the livestock man is coming into his own. slowly but surely, anil probably on a more i conservative and satisfactory basis." I Mum on Morris Merger. Mr. White declined to comment on the proposed purchase by the Armour company of the Morris & Co,, a deal j yet to be consummated. Mr. White, who was met by Oakley C. Willis, general manager of the Armour plant in South Omaha, is but <!! years old. Incidentally, he now • is “boss" of the concern which "out modernized'' and put his father out of the packing business when It start ed a line of refrigerator cars for the transportation of dressed beef, #otne 30 years ago. Ilis father, a small packer at I’eoria. III., could not meet the competition and withdrew. Works on Farm. Brsidrs being a member of several of Chicago's must exclusive clubs. Mr. White maintains a farm on which he often does actual farm work dur ing the summer months, lie keeps It on a "paying” basis, too. lie at tributes his success, which has made him head of the largest meat packing concern in the world, most of all, to his wife. The congratulations of his 15-year-old son. "Buddy," were the most delightful of all to him, he says, when news of his promotion was made knftwn. "I would advise the young man who wishes to succeed not to remain in a job he doesn't like. Let him look into his soul and decide what he wants to do, then find a job that comes the nearest to suiting him,” said'Mr. White. m Began at Bottom. Mr. White literally began at the bottom of the packing business and worked in various departments as bo advanced. Asked concerning labor matters he said: ‘‘Labor In the pack ing industry in in excellent condition. Establishment of conference boards has tended to show the workers that their employers have consideration for them, and that the workers also should have consideration for the em ployers.” ’ Mr. White and Mr. Armour, who is a nephew of J. Ogden Aefpour, now \ > hair man of the Armour board of dt- 1 rectors, went with General Manager Willis to the Armour plant here, be fore leaving for Chicago last night. Find Liquor in Trunk on Wagon; Nab Driver An elderly man. driving an old horse attached lu an ancient spring wagon in which were two hales of hay. two dogs and a trunk, was i stopped at Twenty-seventh and F , streets late yesterday' afternoon by Federal Prohibition Agents I-Ianing and Hancock and Policemen Potach and St;r.ewoiski. The man insisted he,had a right to earn an honest dollar delivering a trunk. But the officers insist'd on viewing the contents of the trunk which proved to bo Jo gallons of contraband i liquor. The driver was Frank Polico, 3107 ' It street who has been arrested here tofore for tampering with the pro hibition regulations. After Polico was in jail and tho , 1 orse, two dogs and wagon in a liv i ry stable, officer* raided bis home I and found, they, say, 450 gallons of inaah. 11 gallons of vvbigky and a still. South Omaha Brevities 1 Dr. Mot is Dentist. 24th and O. MAy 2081. Miscellaneous household goods fof xalo. Call any time at 44*1 S. 24? h St . upstairs. The Hanscom rark Epworth league will hold n community program at the House of Friendship, Twenty-fourth and W ^ » reels. Friday night at 7:3*. South Omaha Aerie, No. 154. special dis pensation niemheish'p during next ho da>*. special rates, $5 Initiation fee. sick bene fit $7 per week funeral $75. Free doc tors nervier for self ana family. Join row DM Marriape Licenses. Kdward Hokansnu. 21, Omaha, and 1HI eit Lathrop. II, Omaha. Christ •orrn-on. 51, • »mah». atid Christine O. Paulson. 5*. Wellington, tj. p*red C. Light-U. SI. Omaha, and Shir lex Matson. 24. Neol*. Ia Richard »■:. Nyagner, 30, Jntana, anc Julia \ it VsHx* nburg. ?*. Omaha. Alfred E. Marsh, "»6. Herman, Neb. am Sulla n. Case, 38. Decatur. Neb. Albert Mlel sen, over 21. Dennison, la m'd Harriett Case, over 21. Woodbin*. la Ko> Secret, 3 V. Oman*, ana RosJ Hyde, "7. Omaha. $5.00 Hat Sale Saturday at the Julius Otkin Millinery Shop GET THE PRICE : t on that typewriter you are planning to buy and then get ours. You’ll find it 25% to 50% Cheaper We Sell All Kinds of Typewriters All-Makes Typewriter Ce. 208 South 18th Street _■ New Head of Armour & Co. t. EcLs^oa White When F. Kdson White left public schools at Peoria, 111., hf obtained a job in a packing house in that city. Later he gave up a $70 a week position in a San Francisco packing plant to take a job with Armour & Co. in Chi cago at $25 a week with a view to winning advancement in the packing in dustry. Today, at less than 50. he is president of Armour * Co., one of the largest packing induntrics in the world, at a salary said to be in excess of $100,000 a year. The business of the interests ho directs amounts to more than $1,000,000,000 yearly. If the proposed purchase of Morris & Co. is com pleted White will head the greatest packing industry ever created. Knocked Against Stove, Alan Dies Son Arrested Following At tack on Father While Parents Quarreled. Schimick. 50. stenmfitter at Swift packing: plant, was killed at S;30 Friday morning at his homo, 5710 South Fifty-first street, when he was knocked against a cook stove by a blow from his son, Orson T.. Schimick. 22. Orson said that he went to defense of his mother with whom his father was quarreling. Schimick bad been drinking, according: to the son, and was boisterous. The son surrendered to South Omaha ftoliee. Two Fined. Clarence Hawk was lined $500 and George W. Kendall $100 yesterday afternoon by Federal Judge "Wood* ! rough. They were found guilty of violating the prohibition laws. Alleged Shoplifter King Leaders Held to Court William Karnes and his wife. Myrtle Karnes. 406 North Sixteenth street, who detectives said were ring leaders of an alleged shoplifting gang, Friday morning were hound over to district court on 1*1.600 bond, on charges of receiving stolen property. Judge Robert W. Patrick also sen tenced Mrs. Karnes and her brother. James Karnes. Twenty-sixth and N streets, to 30 days in jail for petty larceny. The postoffice department owns 3.703 motor trucks. American State Bank De positors must file claims ■\Vith Fred FI. Bodie, receiver, on or before Feb, 2, 1923,' at 1801 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Sheet Music fins. On Sale This Week “Blue” .30** ‘‘Lillie River” .300 . "Red Moon” .30r “Starlight Bay” .300 “Loat" (A Beautiful Girl) 30C “Way Down East in Maine”.300 Star Dance Folio .500 Gem Dance Folio .500 Saxophone and Piano Album.SSt.OO “Toot, Toot, Tootaie” ...300 “Where the Bamboo Bebiea Grow”.300 "Homenick" . 300 "Tomorrow” . 300 “With I Could Shimmy Like f.ty Sinter Kate”.300 "Suppone the Ro»e Were You” . 300 “One Fleeting Hour” . . 400 | "Dream Day*” .300 "Down Yonder in New Orleana” . 300 "Why Should I Cry Over You” . 300 "Nellie Kelly I Love You” . 350 We also have several hundred copies of Popular Music at 10c per Copy fTTjAKFOIZD i'er Copy. ^ MOsric Co. FORCED TO VACATE! ' ■ February 28th Jewelry at Half Price Watches •.33 Vs % Discount Rings .331 3% Discount Sierling Silver and Plated Silv., 25% Discount Diamonds .20% Discount Jewelry .50% Discount Every Article Is PricrH to Sell, Thia la Your Opportunity—M »ke the Most of It. LODES A. ICRSHEIM Jeweler end Silversmith 506 south Sixteenth street Omaha Ministers Divided in Views, on Grant Mixup Majority Belie\e DUtcnting Churchman Should Resign From Faith With Which He Can't Agree. Leading Omaha ministers were al most unanimous Friday in their opin ion that Rev. Percy Stickney Grant of New York should leave the Episcopal church if he cannot conform to its doctrine. Doctor Grant recently de nied the deity of Christ. Bishop Man ning of New York requested that he either withdraw his statements or re sign. In a letter, which Doctor Grant made public Thursday lie did not of fer to do either. Below are statements made by Omaha ministers. Bishop B. V. Shayler: "It is easy to be a martyr for unfalth's sake. A man wins some applause for a season and thru drops into the gloom of separa tion.” Rev. O. D. Ballzly: "He ought to be put out of the church immediately. The Christian church Is based upon the deity of Christ and a minister who departs from that faith has no place in the church.” Encourages View. Rev. Ralph Bailey, of the First Uni- 1 tarlan church; "We encourage and! applaud his views. I think that if, '■ after his frank statement of his views, the church of the Ascension still w ants I him to remain in their pulpit he Is justified in staying there. The Uni tarian church is thoroughly in accord ; with his ideas on the deity of Christ, and vs believe they constitute a real gospel.” Doctor Edwin Hart Jenks: ”If a | man is not in sympathy with tho teaching of the church there is only ( lie thing to do—leave the church. It is not a question of personal liberty of conscience—a man should not ne eept i position in an organisation with whose views he is not in accord." Should Mult Church. liev A. F. Ernst: "I am not jump- j ing on a man because he doesn't agree with me. hut if a man belongs to a denomination, the whole of which shares a certain view, he must cither subscribe to it or get out and be an independent." Charles W. Savldgc resigned from tho Methodist church several years ago because he felt his flews did not coincide with those of the church. "I was more strict, if anything." he said. ''Bishop Manning's position is per fectly proper." Bee AYant Ads bring results. r 1 ! T-h-e N-e-w H-a-t-s So Good Looking Very Low in Price ' 1812 Farnam ___J\ SATURDAY MUSICAL FREE TO ALL January 27, 1923, 3:30 P. M. The loth this season of these free musicals will be hold tomorrow, and one hour of real enjoyment is promised you. Come and bring your friends. The following well-known Omaha artists make up the program: Celco solo, played by Teresa Carreno; violin solo by Helen Ward, pupil of Prof. Frank E. Mach, accompanist Miss Alice Ward; piano solo by Kathryn Bloffe, pupil of Eulalia Kick ley; song and dan^ by Lucile Harsh and Jane Strong, pupils of Martha Randall; piano solo by Margaret Lanktree, pupil of Irene Trumble; vocal solo by Miss Gertrude Smith, pupil of Walter Gra ham. accompanist ftiiss Ruth Edwards; piano solo by Francis Mc Quillin, pupil of Luella M. Davis; song and dance by Eileen J. Walsh, pupil of Grace Abbott; reading by Venus Dickover, pupil of Amy Woodruff; impersonator, Maxie Barbour, pupil of Grace Abbott. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER 1514-16-18 PIAMA AA Telephone Dodge it. lIHHw We Atlantic 1856 Saturday Sweeping Clean-Up of 4% Men’s p A PM X s At Savings of More Than 40% Entire Stock Involved Offered at greatly reduced prices that will establish a new selling record. Buy now for future use, for during this sale you are certain to save 40%. ALL PATTERNS ALL SHADES ALL SIZES ”$2.95 and $3.50 Pants SALE TRICE SOW.. $3.75 and $4.00 Pants CJO 4C SALE TRICK SOW. MAIL ORDERS T 57.50 and $8.00 Pants flffC AZL I PROMPTLY FILLED »r,,,< K More than 5,000 pairs of pants in this great clearance of men’s pants. * p -You’ve Watched! Get Out!! SAYS THE LANDLORD A This is my only •excuse. II. Green. I have nothing else to say. I have the stock, have the reputation of always carrying the best merchandise ob tainable—now I must sell and get out. The prices tell the story: Patent Medicines 70c. bottle Sloan’s Lina ment .37c 35c A. D. S. Syrup of Fig* 23c $1.90 size S.S.S . . $1.29 15c Diamond D/e.9c $1.10 Dr. Miles’ Prepara tions .69e $1.25 Pinkham Compound 89c Box 12 Aspirin .9c Box 12 Bayer's Aspirin .15c Bot. 24 Bayer’s Aspirin. 29c Bet. 100 Bayer’s Aspirin 79c Box 12 Squibb's Aspirin. 13c Bot. 24 Squibb's Aspirin 25c Bot 10O Squibb’s Aspirin 49c 60c A. D. S. Granular Sod. Phosphate . . ..29c 35c Bot. White pfne Com pound .19c 35c Bot. White Pine Com pound. M e n l h o I ated with Tar .19c 30c Sal Hcpatica . 19c 40c Fletcher's Castoria. . 27c 30c jar Turpo or Mentho latum .19c 25c bottle Norwich Milk of Magnesia.16c 50c A. D. S. Milk of Mag nesia .36c 25c A. D. S. Milk of M*g nesia.19c $1.00 bottle John Wyeth's Diastasic Malt .69c $1.20 bottle Nujol.89c 1 Horen in tin package of Seidlitz Powders . . ?3c 25c Starate of Zinc.15c $2.00 box Pierce’s Female Pills . .89c 50c bottle Drake’s Croup Re medy . . 29c 81.00 Youth Craft.57c 15c J. A J. Corn Plasters 10c $1.00 Nyal’s Hot Springs Blood Medicine.59c 60c A. D. S. Syrup of Figs 31c $2.00 pkg. Gold Medal Pills (Pennyroyal).89c $1.00 size S. 5. S.76c 100 Parke-Davis...16c 65c bottle Parke-Davis. 49c $1.10 size Tanlac. ■ •.79c Razor Blades 50c pkg. Gillette Blades 36c 50c pkg. Gem, Durham Duplex, Auto Strop . 38c 35c F.ndres .27c $1.00 Auto Strop Blades 76c $1.00 Durham Duplex } Razor, with 3 blades. 49c $5.00 Gillette ar Auto Strop, new style.$3.79 Shaving Preparation* 35c Palmolive Shaving Croam.27c 35c Col g a t e* » Cream, .Stick. Powder . . .27c 75c bottle Shaving Lotion 39c $1.25 P i n a u d * s Lila* d'Franco.89c 73c bottle (40% alcohol) Green’* Shaving Lotion 39c For the Teeth 50c Pepsodent.33c 50c Pebeco. 33c i 50c Sanitol • • . . ..10c 30c Kolynos.19c 50e Clor-E-Dix©.19c 35c Caliata. 19c 50c. Liquid Sanitol.19c 51.00 Zepyrol .69c Odd* and end* in 40c and 50c Tooth Brushes .16c 50c Prophylactic Brush .. 33c 50c Rubberset Brush. . . .33c Sterno Stoves, Etc. Stf-no Heat, ran.Rc Kettles, Pans, Teakettles, Stove*, Iron*. etc., at 33’!,% discount. Talcums 3Cc rans Mennen's. ^ouibh’s, Colgate’s. Dje* Kiss. Vi. vawdou, Hudnut's, Garden Court, Vantine’s. Amami, Armand's .19c 25c cans Lszell Ac Babcock’s i for .13c lot odds and end*, values to 35c 7c High Grade Talcums, includ ing: $1.25 Coty’s. . 89c $1.25 Houbigant’s .79c $1.00 Ambre Royal (in paper) 40c $1.25 Ambre Royal (in glass) . .74e One lot of high rrade Talcum in glass, values 60c and 75c for . 43c Rubber Goods $1.50 Water Bottles.79c $1.50 Fountain Syringe. . .79c $2.50 Water Bottle, Green's guarantee . $1.39 75c Household Gloves.39c $3.50 Combination Syringe, at . $1.98 $1.50 Rubber Gloves, extra quality . 79c $2.50 Female Spray Douche, at . $1.39 $3.50 Wonder Douche . . .$1.69 35c Tubing, full length... 15c 60c Barclay Breast Pumps, 39c 15c No. 20 Nasal Douche, 10c 25c No. 10 Nasal Douche, 19c 30c 1-oz. Infant Bulb Syringe, at .19c $2.00 Velvet Combination Syringe . $1.19 30c Ear and Ulcer Syringe, 17c $5.00 and $4.50 values Camp’s Men's and Women’s Abdomi nal Belts.. $3.27 and $2.98 10c Nursing Bottles, all kinds . 5c Nyal Remedies at 2 Price What’s Your Favorite? Ivory Goods 2 Price Prescriptions and Refills ! 333% Discount STATIONERY Very High Grade Papers l2 Price _ Household Wants 15c package Fab.lie 30c package Hofstra.19c 50c pound pjfge. Boric Acid, 29c 30 bottle Liaterine.19c 60c bottle L.irterine .37c 35c can Energine.27c Palmolive Soap, 7 for. . . .49c 10c package El Vampiro. . . . 6c 65c bottle Malteae Croat Pure Olive Oil .39c $1.25 bottle Maltese Cross Pure Olive Oil .73e $2.00 bottle Malteae Croat Pure Olive Oil .$1.19 Pint bottle, original package, Squibb'a Virgin Olive Oil, 98c 30c can Wright’s Silver Cream .21c 25'c Putnam and Colorite Straw Hat Dye.15c 15c can Climax Wall Paper Cleaner .7c 35c Mufti . 19c 25c sire Zymole Trokeys ..15c Drug Wants 50c bottle Witch Hazel or Camphor . 29c 25c bottle Witch Hazel or Camphor . 15c 50c Glycerine and Rote Water . 29c 25c Tr. of Iodine.15c 40c bottle Squibb*' Castor Oil .23c 40c bottle Squibb*' Aromatic Castor Oil .29c 30c Cornhusker Lotion .... 19c 75c Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer . 39c 25c Blue Jay Corn Plasters, 19c 30c size Bromo Seltzer. ... 19c $1.20 size Bromo Seltzer, ,79c 50c Green's Healing Salve, 29c 30c Green’s Corn Remedy. .19c Face Creams 35c A. D. 5. Peroxide Cream .23c 60c A. D. 5. Peroxide Cream .33c 50c Hudnul'a Three Flower Cleansing Cream 37c 80c Hudmit’a Three Flower Face Creama.37c 75c Hudnut'a Skin and Tissue Cream ... ,59c 30c Woodbury's Facial Cream and Cold Cream 21c 60c Milk Weed Crea m . 37c 50c All Melba Creams . .37c 50c Black and White Beauty Bleach . . 37c 50c Black and White Cold Cream .... 37c 60c bottle Hind's Honey and Almond .37c $1.00 bottle Hind's Honey and Almond . 71c 25c jars Green's No. 1 A 2 Cold Cream.19c 50c jars, 4 or... Green's No. 1 A 2 Cold Cream. . .35c 50c jar* Green's Vanish ing Cream .27c 25c hot. Green's Chapola 19c 50c hot., 8 os.. Green’s Chapola .39c 35c Froatilla .23c 35c Mad Nail Polish . 29c 35c Odorono . .. 23c 60c Odorono . .*.39c Liberal reductions on our en tire line of Harriet Ayers’ Creams. Perfumes and Toilet Waters Colgate's, Palmer's, Hudnut’s, Dahrook's hulk Perfumes, values 75c per ounce. . .37c Djer Kiss, Garden Court, Mavis, Three Flower, Fri vols, Azures, Lilas, Lovme hulk Perfumes, $1.50 and $2.00. value, ounce. . 98< Cappi and Fiance Bulk Per fumes, $2.50 and $3.00 val ues, per ounce . . .$1.89 Coty’s, Paris, L'Origan and Chypre Perfumes, $3.50 value.$2.58 Coty’s Styx Bulk Perfume, $4.00 value, per oz..$2 9S Caron Black Narcissus Bulk Perfume, in bottles, $2-$1 $6.00 original bottle Coty's Paris Perfume . . • .$3.70 $7.50 original bottle Coty'a L'Origan.$5.49 $7.00 original bottle Rigaud's Mary Garden Perfume, on ‘ sale . . $4.98 $1.85 bottle Hudnut's Toilet Water.$1.29 $1.50 and $2.00 Toilet Wa ters, odds and ends, choice. 69c I' ISc' venida Hair Nets 10c Miscellaneous J. St J. or B. St B. I'oirnalde Hyde Fumigators .33c 23c box Sulphur Candies. 15c 75c bottle Pine Root Mange Remedy . -39c $1 -25 Bath Salts 4711 89c Bath Salts. 75c size. 4711 39c $3.00 J. St J. Auto Accident Case .$1.79 60c bottle Watkins' Mulsified Cocoanut Oil . ,37c 60c pkg. Lister's, 1 dozen, medium Sanitary Napkins, for 36c 65c pkg. Lister's, 1 dozen, large Sanitary Napkins, for .41c 60c value, 1 pound. Hospital Cotton . 39c 15c Dent’s Liquid Court Plaster ... 5c 25c Dent’s Toothache Cum for.17c $1.50 Van Ess Scalp Massage, with gua~antce. . . $1.19 75c Fitch’s Dandruff Re mover ..57c 100 bottle Parke-Davi* Hinkle Pills, very spe cial . 10c *1.00 Lysol.69c 25c Lysol . 19c $5.00 Star Vibrator $3.49 10c Gainsborough Hair Nets. 3 for .25c 15c Gainsborough Double Hair Net* . 10c 10c to 75c Gainborough Pow der Puffs. . .Less 331 a % 15c roll, 1.000 sheets. A. P. W. Ft. Orange. 3 rolls 27c 15c roll, 1.000 sheets, A. P. W. Pure White, 3 rolls ?9c 30c Grove's Bronto Quinine for . . . . . . ... 19c 50c Phillips' Milk of Mag nesia ... .... 36c $1.25 Warner’s Safe Remed»es for .. 63c 15c bottls Soda Mint Tablets for . 7c Please Do Not Ask for Credit Fixtures For Sale Cheap This Sale Strictly Cash Green’s Drue Store I SOUTHWEST CORNER 16TH and HOWARD LOOK FOR }■ OUR SIGNS * MAIL ORDEftS FILLED at these prices. Add 10c te every dollar or fraction thereof for packing and shipping. Send personal check, postoffice or espress money order. We (hip same day order received. Thousands of other items at cut prices.