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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1923)
Mrs. Fred Metz Named to Head. Relief Society Organization Plans to Increase Capacity of Present Build- j ing to Accommodate Jo Persons. Members and directors of the So i iety for the Relief of the Disabled held their annual meeting at the Brandeis restaurants Friday noon. Mrs. Fred Metz was elected presi dent: Mrs. A. I.. Reed, first vice president; Mrs. Barton Millard, seo and vice president; Mrs. A. F. Smith, third vice president; Mrs. .Robert Kooke, treasurer, and Mrs. John Re dick, secretary. Mrs. Frank Judson. retiring presi dent, was named honorary president. The convalescing home for the dis abled is located at 2S24 North Sixty- j sixth, having ben donated to the ojety by Miss Clara Kldred and Mrs. Munroc, in memory of the late Mrs. Hattie B. Munroe. Plan* of the society are now to j enlarge this building sufficiently to i are for 25. Present accommodations take care of 12. The Kiwanls club has agreed to take car* of five beds. Regular kindergar ten is being conducted by Mrs. W. R. Walin and her volunteers. Doctor Schrock donates his services to the home. Continuance in U. P. Stolen Securities Case Is Granted John W. "Worthington, "bond dealer" of Chicago, charged with receiving •securities stolen from the Union Pa cific in Omaha March 10, 1922, was given a continuance of his case to January 30 to prove purchase of the securities. Sails on World Cruise. H. W. George. 1321 South'Twenty ninth street. Omaha's "octogenarian globe trotter." sailed from San Fran cisco Thursday on the “Resolute" on a 30.000 mile cruise around the world. Mr. George's trip will cover a period of about four months. County Stores Ice. Dous'as county commissioners have gone into the Ice cutting business for themselves. Commissioner Unltt an nounced Friday that he had put up 360 tons at the county hospital for summer consumption. Society Finds “Johnnie” Good Home in Nebraska Here is ‘‘Johnnie," once a ward of the Nebraska Children's Home society. The upper picture shows hint as he is now, a happy youngster of t> years. The lower picture shows him afler lie was given a bath and dean garments when taken into the society's receiving home five years ago. Five years ago ‘‘Johhnie'* was home less—an unfortunate. He was taken into the home of thp Nebraska Children's Home society and soon afterwards he was adopted by a good family in the western part of the state. “Here .is a picture of ‘Johnnie* now,” wrote the adopted mother to the campaign hedaquarters. "Let the people of this state see how he looks now and how he looked when taken into the home. I wouldn't take a mil lion dollars for him." “Worth a Million.” “Johnnie,'’ once a homeless, unfor tunate child, now “worth a million” to a childless mother! Isn't the so ciety worth while—taking care of parentless children and childless i parents? SPECIAL NOTICE to Our Customer* Who Use ECONOMY COAL PRICE REDUCED, NOW. , ■ Genuine Franklin County Coal. Has made good in Omaha for twenty-five years. Sunderland Bros. Co. 19th and Harney Streets ATlantie 2700 OMAHA’S DHL CUT PRICE PUDS STORE Merritt’s Drug Store “If It Hau Merit, Merritt Ha# It” PATENT MEDICINES $1.00 Zepyrol Mouth Wash for . 39* 3 bottles for .$1.00 i 36c Sloan’s Liniment... • 10* 70c Sloan's Liniment... 39* 60c Milk of Magnesia... -33* 30c Alkaline and Antisept Tablets ...:.19* 60c G. E. Phosphate Soda, 29* 100 genuine Aspirin Tablets for ... 25* HOUSEHOLD WANTS 16c pkg. Wool Soap Flakes, 3 for .25* 25c Saniflush .:17* 15c Old Dutch Cleanser. . 10* 35c Energine .27* 35c Mufti .27* 26c Colorite or Putman Hat Dyes. 15* 15c Sterno Heat, 3 for. . 25* 25c Waterman’s Inks, all colors. .17* CANDIES ’i lb. genuine Allegretti Chocolates . .. .34* 1 lb. genuine Allegretti Chocolates .. . . 67* 3 lbs. genuine Allegretti Chocolates.$1.89 Peanut Brittle, per lb. .. 19* Chocolate Stars . . .47* Jordan Almonds . . .47* All $1.25 boxes Johnston’s Mil waukee Candies . . ...98* Pebeco Tooth Paste.33* Pepsodent Tooth Paste...33* Norwich Dental Cream.. 19* GAINSBOROUGH HAIR NETS Single mesh, cap or fringe, 3 for.25* SPONGES Genuine Sheep Wool Sponge, large size .75* RUBBER GOODS $1.00 value Rubber Gloves for. 49tf $3.50 value Ladies’ Vaginal Douche . $1.39 $1.50 value, 2-quart Hot Water Bottle . 89£ $2.50 value, 2-quart Combina tion Syringe.91.39 $3.00 value, 2-quart Fountain Syringe .91.39 DRUG WANTS I5c Amami Shampoo Env. for. lOtf 50c bottle Witch Hazel..29£ 50c bottle Glycerine.29<* 50c bottle Glycerine and Rose Water.29£ 50c Tr. Iodine .29d 50c Spts. Camphor.29p All 25c bottles of the above items . 15<* RAZORS AND BLADES $1.00 Razor Hone.29* $6.00 Gold Gillette Razor with 12 blades .$1.79 $1.00 Brownie Gillette Razor, 3 blades . . . .69* $1.00 Auto Strop Razor. .69* $1.00 genuine Gillette Blades for. 69* 50c genuine Gillette Blades for. 36* One dozen Imported Blades for Gillette Razors . . .39* FOUNTAIN PENS AND AUTOMATIC PENCILS Schaeffer’s, Waterman’s, Salz, Harris, Autopoint, etc.— 33}£% Discount CIGARETTES Camels, Lucky Strikes and Spurs, per pkg.12* | Carton ;.l. $1.20 Merritt’s Drug Store 11th and Farnam Sts.--laanritias Bldj.-IStti and Farnam Sts. We Reserve the Riylit to Limit Quantity. Free Delivery. ' *=r:.,.-.r ■ — I ■ ■: = MAIL ORDERS FILLED jt these prices. Add 10c to svery dollar or frac tion thereof (nr packin and shipping. Send personal chock, postoffice or exprfis money order. We ship same day order received. Thousands of other items at cut r -ces. To carry on the good work of the society, which is now 30 years old, a new receiving home is needed. The present home is inadequate, and un less a new home is ljuilt, many of the future plans of the society and some of the present work will have to be curtailed. I.auncli Campaign February 11. The campaign for $40,000 with ■ which to build the home, will be | lanuched on an intensive scale in I Omaha and 16 counties of the state | February 11. The campaign has been I endorsed by the leading business and I civic organizations of the state and is being sponsored by the Omaha Wom an's club, the Nebraska Federation of Women’s Flubs, the Lions club and The Omaha Bee. Fred Thomas, vice president of the First National bank, is treasurer of the society. Dr. Max Emmert is chair man of the campaign committee, and Frank Builta of the Northwestern Bell Telephone company is campaign director. , • Bee Want Ads produce results. Reynolds Talks on Legion's ^ ork at Continental Club Declares Organization Is Built on Ideals Which Inspired Founders of the Republic. Sam Reynolds, past commander ofj 1 the Douglas county post of the Amer- j ican Legion, told members of the Con- ’ tinental elub yesterday noon at lunch- . eon in Hotel Fontenelle that the le- j sion is built upon the ideals which in ; spired the founders of this republic. "We have very definite ideas of what constitutes Americanism,” said ' Mr. Reynolds. "We do not like to be ! referred to as ex-servico men: we ore service-men and we are still per forming a service. We have a pro i gram and during the four years of j our existence we have accomplished things. There are now 1.000.000 members in the legion, with 3.000 in : Douglas county. Potentially It is the Sunday Night—7:30 ‘Jerusalem the Holy City* . Illustrated Travel Sermon by Dr. George A. Miller First Christian Church 26th and Harney Sta. The Third af a Serie* on “The Old World At I Saw It” PACKED HOUSES COME EARLY Admiaaioa Froa Miliinery Sale Our Miss Shannahan, who ia now in New York City, shipped us over 300 smart new spring hats which we offer as a Satur day special at $5.00. 1SIZ Douflaa Street The Martha Washington White Electric Sew by Wire No Treadle to Tira By far the greatest creation in the sewing machine world. Artistic in appearance and practical in use. Raise the Lid and It Is Ready to Use ■ A special and liberal allowance for your old machine on this LATEST MODEL WHITE. SUITABLE TERMS Can be arranged to meet your convenience. y CKEDS * AT lantic 4361 15th and Harney Streets % ADVERTISEMENT. Don’t Let That Cold ! Turn Into “Flu” Rub on Good Old Musterole That ccld may turn Into “Flu," Grippe or. even worse, Pneumonia, unless you take care of it at once. Rub good old Musterole on the con gested parts and see how quickly it bryigs relief. Colds are merely congestion. Mus terole, made from pure oil of mus tard. camphor, menthol and other simple ingredients, is a counter-ir ritant which stimulates circulation j and helps break up the cold. As effective as the messy old mus tard plaster, it does the work with out the blister. Just rub it on with your finger-tips. You will feel a warm tingle as it enters the pores, then a cooling sensa tion that brings welcome relief. 36c and 66c, in jars and tubes. Better than a mustard plaster. .VriVBBTISCMKNT. KEEP LOOKING YOUNG It’s Easy—If You Know Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets The secret of keeping young Is to feel young—to do this you must watch your liver and bowels—there's no need of hav ing a sallow complexion—dark rings und*r your eyes—pimples—a bilious look in your face—dull eyes with no sparkle. Your doc tor will tell you ninety per cent of all sickness comes from inactive bowels and liver. Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician in Ohio, perfected a vegetable compound mixed with olive oil to act on the liver and bowels, which he gave to his patients for ysars. Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets, the substi tute for calomel, are gentle in their action yet always effective. They bring about that natural buoyancy which all should enjoy by toning up the liver and clearing the system of impurities. Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets are known by their olivo color. 15c and 80c. TbOatUBMbpw ••atiai te o>4w with |S •WWMiMrf span P»i»—all tbs am ia Ik* warte si -Brighter Days' strongest organization in this coun try." Mr. Reynolds referred to the work being done by the legion to promote hospitalization for thousands of serv ice men. disabled physically or men tally. "The Douglas county post sent men to 3,000 jobs last y$*r.” he added. "We dispensed $12,000. not as charity? but to help members who were in need, a sort of whacking up propo sition. Some of the men who receiv ed Christmas baskets from up a year ago last month were out last Christ mas season taking baskets to others. “Last year we helped with medical and legal assistance, paid rent, sent coal, buried babies and otherwise helped. And we did not solicit one cent from the public. We gave en tertainments that had an amusement value. We do not intend to ask the public for money. "As on* of the many little in stances of the work we are doing through the local legion headquar ters, I will cite a case that was con cluded during last week. About six months ago. otir adjutant, Ilarry Hough, observed a man at the labor department and asked if tt was true that he was an I. W. W. "The man said it was true and be came rather hard about it. Hough said ha would get the man work just the same, but wanted to know wheth er he carried a red card. The man explained that when he went into Ahe 'service lie was promised his job back %rhen he came home. He returned home from war without money and found Ills job not there for him. Ho became fertile soil for the I. W. W., wlu) signed him up and he took a card. Through our labor department he was given steady work and his appearance changed. Hast week he paid for a legion membership and tore his I. W. tv. red card to pieces and renounced that organisation." The aggregate tonnage passing through the Fanama canal during the last fiscal year amounted to 10, S84.910. TRINITY CATHEDRAL (EPISCOPAL) 18th and Capitol Avenue In the Heart of Down Town 7:30—Sunday Evening--7:30 all are welcome Adwenture Jesus Christ had an exciting experience. The Church has an adventuresome commission. And thus Christianity becomes an interesting occupation. All Saints Episcopal Church 2®th and Dewey Awenue Asks you to a reverent service tomorrow night at 7:45. Other services at 8 and 11 a. m. But if you don't come to All Saints, go to some church tomorrow. R-A-D-I-0 Announcement We have juat opened a complete new Radio Department, which will be in charge of Lieut. L. E. Stewart, the Radio Expert and Ex-Aviator. We will handle nothing but the beat Radio made—namely, the See Window Display and Let Us Demonstrate in Our Special Radio Room Payments 419 S. 16th, if Desired Omaha ■ _» WATCH! 1 A. R. N/s Are Coming Watch and be Prepared A Tale Worth Telling If your product or service fills a need of your fellowmen, then there is a tale worth telling about your business. Be it romantic or commonplace, idealistic or realistic, still, if men need your service, there is a tale worth telling and men will heed. .■To find that tale and tell it so thousands of people intent upon their own affairs will yet stop to read of yours, and, reading, want your product and your sendee, is the * office of the Bee Service Department. Our "research” finds it; our "advertising” tells it; and our "sales planning” puts it to work building a good will and founda tion for the business of "your dreams” ... all this is within arm’s length of you now—just phone AT lantic 1000 and ask for Mr. Austin. THE OMAHA BEE