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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1922)
Tilt: OMAHA r.KK: MONM.U. (HTOUhK uii, iv: North Nebraska Farmers Buying Feeder Stock Huiiimt Corn Crop Starts Wave of Prosperity Many (!alW Mail for SImi krr. Norfolk. Th firmer In north N lrak and vrtiihfn Month I'mhoI it tinipy i'n mor. Whr tli rlruuth thlna rnlrM for th farmer lil th aouth I'liitt rnunlry lV turn li.K tha Com lnlk to a hi', 1ry rlp, In north ) 'li II" Ui rorn Ik on and liulliate riirtrully a iM -'IliiiI in that of taut yaar tha lil K-t In many yr. Karrn'ra ran'l lunl rornplr kara, who apta-ar to l luiaaliiK tin vr. KariiiTD want to ft Hi mrn out (f I ho flrhla new and lull It to fM'i'r who nra paying front fit to Hi rtuia a buahel fur the corn, and ai'Mimd 112 for hny. Ke.r raiila ara romlna; Into thla trritor jr hy th r tnlnl from Wyom ing. hr thi-r hna hii n no rain In tiion'haand wrwra th en Mia .rower hava no fl, Hom- of thi-mi fi-oiler are too advaniwd In yeata for dehorn inr mil anion a; the aiorlt whl'-h to now tclnH fal on the auTiln grain and hay In north Ni-hraaka la tfca lon horned 'Uiillly from (li Wyoming ran' Thr will ha flnlrhl off In to !i ilaya an m-hirim i;fi to t d.iva and lhen lilil tu Ihn vuiliiu ItvfHtixk murkx. I'oiiiity Hvrnta In irn th'tilly rvoi y north Nchruaktt (ounty hava a Ion; Itat of frui-ra who wimt rorn pluk ara, 'I ha towna hava tweri a-ur-h-1 for nii'ii. lint tln-m aro no ufplhant M ho want J"l. In ""k-ijiI limtano, niixU la Ix'inK limn-d Into th i:ornfldd. Tha farm ia lifllcvi'd In thin way they will aava I ha money paid to corn pl kir, at thi nunc time adding Wflifht to lhlr rati la. In tha p:iat tlir- pk, In Nor folk alone, fi.OoH whlli' fin fi.'-.linff altla luiv li-aii purrhni by farm , who ara fcwlloK thlr. corn on tha ground that they (mi make mora inoin-y In thla way thnn taking lh rorn to tniirlii-l. Una furinnr hronxhl '.''I h'iK inio Aniaworlli rweiitly. haili i wiiirhd Iiio pounda and over. The fanner aald ha kwpt a record on tha rum h fwd and the Iik.tpum In wplglit In hla hi a ranll-d in Iring lri htm '0 cf-niK a huxhrl for hla 'OI li. School Ifoyi Pit k Potatoes During Full Vacation .S.oiiahlutf-tHy A. IMwfi-r 200 and 200 wli-ad Itoya of Htolt Illuff county, rciillttlnx tl acutctieaa of the labor HiortiigH In thti potuto flrlda, took (KlvaiiliiK of tin; thrffilny holi day during th! atj-te tMihiri' convrn 'Ion to Hid fiirncra In the (-ommniilty ill plrklnn iwitiitoca, Thran forr a tb m.irahnllad hy 1'hll K'ldon, thi( (ounty fxtt-nalon agHit, hla nuK'xtunt, Mia. Klimt-y and Mlxa Aila M. Ilalde inan. county Biiprlntimdi-tit. of hi hoola. According to Mr. Hhftldon, who dl ilacvtH the work, even the mallT Vija of thla army auwaeded In nver- nginif per hoy h total or o liualieia per day, Grain in Uuffalo (lounty I Oaniittl ),y Weevil Kearney Thn weevil hue mudi) It Appearance In gruin atorage bin over the entire county, according to re port received from farmer, Many of them, who are fitted to do ao, are fumigating agnlnxt the weevil, other are mailing their grain to market be fore further damage I done. The long la already very heavy. The weevil flrat mail It npprurunre In old grain, which had been atored for two or morn yearn. Act ietlitcil Motk Year Will Knil on November 1 The Heptrmber report of the ac credited flock project conducted by the extetialon aervice of the atale ag ricultural college ehowa 4HJ.474 egg produced by the flock enrolled. The fgg nalea were $10,(113.27, atock aalr 3.0,'i4 03, total antra. $ I .(lt!7.S0. Thla ia the record of from 25 to 30 flock for II month. The mouth of October will complete the flrat year of tbi work Winter Wheat U Ditniapetl hy Drouth Near Gruiul Inland lliaml lelaiul Fai niera of eenlrul Nebraaka me reporting the drouth condition at prem nt the moat gerluua that have faced them In :i yeara. Hev eral report the winter wheat I Ho aerl oualy ihiniaged from the lack of mola lur ae to be an ulmoat a itvinplete oe. while other fit hit, ulieinly turned brown, will require rain within n eeU to ai e tin lu. DtirotD Average SI OH at York l'uhlic Sale York (ienrgo J- " J- I'lnilg held Ihur a' aule of iMroc hoga here There w. re In attt ii.taipe buyer from cm r l"'i mile. Hutytwo head were "ld and av. i.ige price paid wa f;i. The lot brought l - In the lot w lt "pnng which v t rage I etch. With the ei.-eptlnn of fHe ' the bnlaine w.-rf apring ud fi-I gd Hairy Gallic Aerace at Nile in Colunihu I'tiUilublia - I hm one head i f .tally .ltle er aei ,ti .t. w i - ,-,' ,.vr .i"t at it pui'l.t- aale ettniluttevl v II M Wii.rltu.l rtwii.'er of the t mi ,.! i I.ureit, ii'tipany. at Ih 1 i ,ile i-tM.u ol t'-'lill. I'Ua A fir . t. n.Ln. t Mt.l.alol t'' l1' lo- j .( .1- i.iti.l t -r ti Hk ia inituu. it a iii in tr in-l i" f' el!f , t iv Kfin r4r Hltio iiiu' M in Ira. I. f..r UVhh H- ii i - VI I . u.i. f tn-li lo i' .i. I.. I tha nuaitif mi fiu vl It M J.-.,.!!, .nth ? Ill. itir-. t U .t.M.telti MiKi S sa... ,, th. ,t, , Jeeklp. l ' ea l. .,.,i i4 IdaU. , - l. vt .. rti.a t u-nrlnll. ,4 tfl,l rUttt Su hn liu iw "U't ., if . I te a- I It. .a f , l.a t el S. ,u..u, K. Ii.el it w ai lai efe ie4 !( Business-Like Lease Urged for State Farms Farm leaalni" In Nehraaka muat J tranaarted tin mora tmainea Ilka baaia, If tenant fiimilng la to become profitahle, la tha opinion of th I'rof. II. '. J-'lllry of th I'nlveraity r4 N hraeka. In rtrenl artlrla aptwurlng In itata farm puMP-atlon. 1'rof. HI ley rltea aeven eeaenMnla of gnc4 farm leaae. 'I'hea are: y t, It tntlat I written. S, It tntiet l definite. 3, It ihould piovldo for rop ro tation. 4. It ahnuld provld'i for tha rail ing f Irguniea. b. U ahoiild em ouragn tha beep ing of liveatork. 1. It ahoiild put a penalty tin ra ra le", allpho imth'ida, 7. It ahould Ir.aura tha tenant aa,ilnt toning on removal; tut tha value of fertilizer recently applied In exeeae for tha amount normally pro diiriKl on the fiirm: (hi graaaea or le guinea reieiit ly aownd on whl h he pnr hiieea the aerd. Trof. h'llley (Ilea that lh openee of fninilng huva Ini reaaej In retent yeara to au h an tent that old forma of leaiwl hava heroin obsolete. Ila !n'e th nuinlier of tenant farma In Nehraakg haa InTeaaed from 1 per rent In 10 to 42 H per cent In Corn Stalk )ii-ae and Cholera ut Handolph Itiindolph The rorn atalk dtaeaaa hia beKiiu to make Ila pM-arnnrc In thin vicinity. n fiirtii'-r tieiir hera loat five heud of good at off and tmall er toaaea have been reported from i.omeioiia imi'leia. Hog cholera la ii Uo prevalent, h', K. lienatn of near Mclviin loalng HI) out of 91 head of liogM. Another fiiriner hail 12', hoga ah k at one time, none of which died, however. Hint Sale of Dunxn Average $53 at Handolph Jtandolph The Klotz aule of I nil 00 Jeraey hoga Waa held here, alorkmen from all over north Nebranka being In attendance. The Illotx herd aire, Orion Chief Henautlon, I a full brother to Cormtrin-tor, the nutlonul chuiiiplon, and the Illotz herd num bered lumi tlaaay atuff. Hprlng and full liour averaged f 53.30, Farm Agents' Notes JOHNSON (Ol'NTV. T''tiin-h Kield rnaeiino war tiM en the C. v. Iniun rrin i)nlr It nn-1 the ll.rm.n l(.M,ih.l farm ea ctot,ar it, eiul-r lha ef the Jnhn.n rounty '1,111 buraau a fid lha alala enllxa nf ae. ii.yjiura fur the purpeae n( ahuwtng Hie Hi.,- dirfcranias In rem yield i,r the va rliua vart"toa enmrnonly grown In th ' founty, and la d.aarmina tha haat local v.rl.iV., In yl.ld in th. ,li haa liin diarmlna,! In thla and baat e ": , ""- """. .rlm-nia i ha i tha rempa rativalr arnoinh r will oulrlal'l tha r.aihr typ rrom fiva to aat-i-ti liijtit.a per a-r and avan niura in many Inafareia, , UAUK (OI NTV, Drain, a Til Oai; eiiunty fair, whlr h la apoiitured hy tha eoumy farm burrau, j-rovad h au'-rana Una yar In every way, aeeorilliig to linyd Illat, the eounty tenaioa afaiit. 1'wanty thauaand parion paaard Ihinugtl tlia galea darlnc tha an- poalilon, l. raporia. Kvery avallabli Kvary available apai'a for lltnl..-k, poultry, fruit, food aii'l taiillaa waa filled. Th woman ' aahlhlta, Iniludii.g food), taiula and (In aria, wra illxilayi-.l In lnora nuraereua iiiantlti' Irian at the Nahraaaa Mala fur Hi, a' JikIkIii colli. -la anil ex tit hi, th.- livaato'-k parad. animal i-lrisue, hallar l.ahy parade and Industrial enhlt.l I loo wiira f--iuria of th fair. Taa poultry floeke ef Haa reality ara lariliif on lha ".,1 ni 1, 'i'ir.lii to Mr, lllnl. Theaf poultry hrradaia will cull out all under Kail, thma laettina; liraad i'hracteriatlc, tli'.aa dlaaau'd and Ihna ahowlna Inferior raiiaclt'i (or larln. A atandard of It av per Iiti th flrat year and 100 tin .r hnn lha aennd year haa leian at. Klorka will ba f-4 for rut production. In addition, n exact record a kept of lha anna laid ami th aort of fed eunaumed. A hunibar of niacilnaa will l, held aiiuuif lha rnamhara ituniia tha year to talk over tha proaraaa of th work. Th folloln (la i-iiioily peraon tiava Uei-larvd for red 1 1 I'd (lo,-ka: I'nve lloealnrer. V II. I'ana, f'ertlari.t; Mr lleeraa I'ulitelt, in. Witt: Mra Al'arl lllfkcly Mr Vac On. hie, Mra. A A Khlea. rtatrtca- B. J. I l. Ilranl M, Hherai.n. It'.lmaavllle; Kvaii Coa, Vt'y.,nra, and Mra I. C, Hlr men, Odall, Fifty i-nrnhiiakara ara needed In (Jane county. Mr. Kiel, Ilia counly (ant, r. t'lJim. Th. Iwrm hiiranu ofrica la unnhla l.i ii..l- lha itiCly riaila. Corn In tluaa .i.unly la imikln from 20 to I,D bunhala I'.-r a'-rr, U'aira for comhuitkare ranau from it cnia to 6 cent par l.uahel. CIMINO (Ol'NTV. Weat Puinl Kvary aviiilahla cornhuakr la in Ciiitilna meaty, firlda Ih'iaa duya. re. porta Knnalh I Kouia. county ! nl.,n dnt A rordm to Mr route, lha corn la ! mod tmaiity, ! very dry and tha yield la ao.l in all parte of ha counly Tha farm huri-.iti haa Oe.-n nuikin nn ef fort lo enhance the atipply of wurketa for -urnhiiekln. hut repiiea to n.ulric aent to lalmr burenua In Lincoln atid tnnaha. aiu.w that thaa aaenciea ar Handle out hut frw rortili.iakt.ra. dMaplte lha libera) coiipeneatlon offered The agetii-ii-a atatf thai there are few ralle for work on farma and that tflhnreie preferred to taka in the clilce to ftimui cunlv, the wnea nffreil vary frcm I to t centa per h'lehel i.f hueked com Tha trm bureau ef 1'uniinf rotinfv atill la leariiia v hnee of the wiirH ef the Viii pi im. Mr Koule. lha ou"tv aBi.i. eleiea licit li'-tnheia have ,t.l i-'iae al ini,.- ii.iui.a a, ro. lr.,ri' Krwok Tovlle of Vt I'... nt .. luin..! lha bel iuie e.i fr r-p.,itd e. e' the lo'ei iH-iied l.v thla le add f-.r tT er an evpreee of lisj Thi, we the f.rat prlre l-:a ctil. Idler at the et,r.ikn Mi.ite ( le ami the f ' rt pr'ie pit- tluu .iar at,,i fill the Ntll..n.l feme aho at I'a-1 r.a ale-i Wvre rom the inter Hheneii-r reireei-,!'nif u hree-t ef ihvaioeli t-it,iareliveir t-i-w to the l omnute'iy ara inlr.-.tu- e,t. thv lt.iu'd l.a t",i.t ii.,tiMul an-l a-.'-t ttp-a ef the breed they r-i-iaa-nt. ac ..'dm t, Vlr r,uie, '-utiM ear - Uil.tral ealeeelen aarni II.. ed.ia.-e r-i.i ali--r th anion are buiught , fc tpa itata and Illat on-r yeiin eto. k be mi. Kaaed I'urief lha 1 nl et nan al l-tveal-wk ea-r-,it ,n et i i'1- ! . t. rn.,re : te h -l. a hy r. I tfia it eh. Th v-tu.-t tc.y, i.tere -.,tit ui e -a l"-.i . n n I h li I Ir.l. Ih.e eli I ui.her f 1 'M ' ' t r. et p-i.,.ltl Mk. ea I i ,..lll t-l " I I II I MtiHf. t Ol MT 1 0ee. la tea,". o-' t-e lie. I -la . I . a.. , " la I ' - ! a-u ike -tjn1 .' va lie" a 1 b . II -a a t ,.f ta a a j ' A a li Ik t. If I. 11 en 1 . k li. 'a - ih-u a a m ... 1 fc. 1 e lie I .i ea I .a I ,., r ... -a ef tii un t(, ia a, t.i. I' .! ... a .a,i..t ., . ik. a a.. aeeaaaia I'..t , at I a. ai liliiMH Hlnisn ,.e. - a 1 aili nOf fltr it - -w-- "V.,:.i,we t ... e,a J... V-...... ' ' ' ' "J" , ' l! " ., '"A 'r ,,.,,.l,,..i in a .oe.a i.. a-t -a ta : I .,,., .a a . li t, I -a t - a t , ... I , I 1 .1 .... -i . a . 1- - I - - - - I - I ' a .el t . 1 t 11 . 1. 1 .... - I . ae t i-e Warehouse Law Rulings Ordered Cliargci Diinieeil y Court When Unlireimetl Operator Storei Grain Too Long. iJloomfU-ld. II. V. t'unnlnghani waa found not guilty of having vlo lated th proilelona nf the warehou ct When iJlatrlct Judge Welch aua tallied motion to dieinlea th cane on both ruunta charged In th Indict ment, Th aperlDc charge waa that of atorlng grain without having taken out a llrenee. Tha flrat count covered an lnatani her tenant farmer hauled In th ehait of grain belonging to th land lord, It Itt-lng more than 10 day from the time the Aral loud waa hauled In until th laat load wee delivered and a check given In payment. Judge Welch held that the 10 daya allowed th buyer to pay for grain after de livery did not atart until after th Pnal load had been hauled In, there lielng tin delivery until the verbal contract by which th grain had been aold to Cunningham had been ful fill".!, Tha aerond count covered an In atania where a tenant, who waa mov ing from one farm to another, gaked and received perinleelnn from Clin- nlHifhim li fr,r hie irrftin In the let. tera elevator niinng me penou in which he waa making the change of farma, agreeing to remove tha grain within 10 daya and no charge being made for the atorage, Had weather and road and alckneea In the futility prevented him from getting the grain out within the 10 day epeclflrd. Judge. Welch held that Cunningham ahould not bo penalized for the ten' anl'a fullure to remove the grain; on the ground, for h would then be Unit h'i could not dump the grain out liable for damage. Loh Angeles Movie Patron Pay $2,r00,000 War Taxen Jai Angelea, Oct, 29.Thre million pel none utletiiled motion (ilcttira the ateia In Ia Angelea laat year, pay ing a total of 2.S00,0')a il0 the I 'lilted Htiifca treuaury for war tax. iiiccording to Collector of Internal llevenue Ooodcrll. Th local olflce ! collected 20,000,000 In inuumc taxea llHt yeur. i" i1.-l'i.l tu held th mil annual ' ' ''"l Jun- VV. H. I'ump- ' eromter county tnnalon aant, I f"','"", '"'.k"' "rnaparia f.,r the raiHe 1 """rf In thia and urroundina cuuntlea VPr nrlgnt. A nw a'hoolhoiiaa In Iilatrht T, Juat north and ai nt Htn.kvlllii, waa drdl- "I. Mlaa Joale Meaaarinlth, tha laai har, tniepioterl a aurcaaalul preaiam, wtiluti Z'Z:.;.' ?1., Ztt.t niaravui aana. ir. woitom, a plonaar In lha dlairlct, rt'llvartd an llilaraatln laeiura on th hlaiary f th anhool dia trui from Ha organiiatlon. In tha aarly daya Mr, Mollorn aald, taarhara ware "im pi.riad.'' Nowaaaya, learner ara anaaxarl l tnun tha community, all of whlt-h, h i auld, aoaa to ahow that thla community j fa annua the etate program of cnsagina il'iira from ih rural dtatrli.ta. DAWSON t'OI'NTV, l.aitnaion A trial ahipmant of dairy p'ii arrival In benlnatori and ware ilia- ronaa ot In rapM onlar among tarmara ta tlua vlrinlf y. Tlia price paid par haa.l avaracd lift;. 10. Tha hlKhrat brought line and th lowe,t H t'etnand for enatern cattle ta ao araat In liawon eounty thai Alva H. Heeht, Ih eotiuly eatenalon aaant, reporta that an other order will be placed wlihin the roura of evera! weeka. Mlea Ann .yl, field editor for a'a farm publication, apeni aevetul duya In the county l.-iat weelc. Hh la vlelt Iti varlooa alate liiapactltig- the work of (he farm hureeua, eapardally from wom an' and a chllrl'a alandpolat. Mlaa Coyla aaela'a In editing th children pa of ilia magazine. fOI.FAX (Ol'NTV. . huyler I'. H. Klewart, agronomlat of thn aima college of agriculture, aealeted at th IiuhIOiik bra held t Ilia farm nt bawl linel Inat week. Heven dtlferent klnda of corn were huaked and the yield rtiiermlned for tha aaine. Hit of tha varia nce wara grown urirler the aame rondl floiia and a cenAlderabla variation In yield wna aliown, a.'cirdlng lo (Mement Kuaka, the counly agent, I lie greateat eontraeti I-1 . 1 between Ih amooih and tha rough corn. The rough corn yielded 6 buahela wbereaa the atnoolh yielded . buehela Ktnooth corn, according to dal furnlaln-d by tha extennion a.-rvk-a of tha atale agri cultural eollega, J yielding on n aver. ,ig of five buehela per acre mora than tha rough corn. WAHlHNfiTON t'OI'NTV. rilatr Although no good, field of eer. clover waa available thl ynar In the .ounty. I'arl A. OKon, the county axten al..n g.nt. nialruaine that thla crop la tha greateat of all ferlllliera. Many of the clay knoba In tha hilly portlona of Waehiiigtoa couni' produced corn thla year abundantly wher aweal clover had been grown. Where other fertlllier la uaid Mr. Oleon ch.lrna that a lluht appli cation i.f barn terminer la belter than haavv for tha r'-aaon thai heavy appli cations tend tu aid In tha burning of crop, on the Tucker farm, barn (ertlllier waa epread only five tnua to tha aire and Hie mra yield wa I buahela mora par cra. To data. Dr. Hmlth report finding flv reactora out of 7HI hand of rattle reteated for tuberrulcale. Ha aaya thla la a o..d allowing, being only . per cent. Tha i ounty agent. Carl Olaon, aaaerta that Vt' county fartnata buaineaa men and citiiaiia aenarally, wnulj aland aolldly b hind a .-omplete retat of tha whole county In order to atfeet a complete rnllen Weehingliul ci.limv le one or no. flr i-oji.tiea Hi te I'luU-d Kiaiea lo ndu- pt. le a let Torn la eo (ii.kI in Wa-liliin'on rouMVi thai farmeia ara olferlt.g 4 r.nla t r i bii.bel to huakrre nd at Hie aanie time cUltn lhal Ihe lukt-re call li."-' aa mil. h j ,ea.v at that iie than If paid mote I I ;... a.l( the cine la nol an good. i rordtn to lha e.iuwv a-nt. ri,e .ounty' .-all a mal.y lnora n.ia-, na I Til m.H ( IH NTV. ll.l.rer nf tha ! pnaliry fimja an teie.t on tha "' lha)ar .-.ituui, ih I e.t.teii,r-r fiN- re,.u. II,. ..J loa I ! teanlla lien, , i. Hi. e t, v' aalva tiV Tt at.-a eaU. PU M, 1,-ial a. lea. It'. laa-t e,.al, ltell, n.l r.tuti.i :; j. rtiiri.a ef t.en. i i . .t..,...d a,.taiiihr I" " . .. . . IUIIM Kll MV r.- Ji M .(. ,eter.aa . t-e-a a .la i the f le. -t ' a a la I Ijm """a ..... k ai.... aJ w ,, , tet. t - h ' t.r.e li al.l . vm al 0"' ' .1. ... ... t . let ,. t ' " l ll e a. alt Iti'' I t -i. , a t.t l.-i l. t .,, 1 . 1 a I te a 1 It It . ... II H .!..' ' S - I," .... ... t- I fe - . I t at n. I , , ... tt .. it I , e W-e - "a a ' ' .... a-a. t I aa- I' t 'et I. lee It I l.'. t.l l.t l.-f k. 4 a.a- Itu'i.i'tt rt 1. al .!.-. 'a ,. ate .. I Ht . . " ... . t., .1 '.t I - 1 ' r. .4 .- i t ' lt.t- - - !...- t I- ' " al 1 , - . ' u . . . t -4 . . ' i,.,-. I 11- I -1 ,,,! a.' . let . a 1 V... 1 . a e.-- l e 'I , , l , 1. I .1 a Si-t-a. aa a. - 1 u-i -.ii,-,.- .-.t a- - 1 -a t i ... , 1 ... , t - I . . ai - -..,., , , l ,r . . i ,,- - in r . r... ! nome economics uass ; Largest in History; According to aurvey made at th" ' fHate Agrlrultuml college, the Utt i cla In the hiatory of the honi eio- j lliornlra depiirtmenl will le gtailnetxl. I neat June. Klfty elght Joiin w.iiiriij will receive their degieea lit that time, It la emliiuitcd. Th" liwjorlty wlllj teach home et onomhe; of the i tln ra, i ion la plunnlng to go Into the buel jncee World applying Imr Iioimi ei i Inomlca training tneir; one deelua lu ; become a nutrition worker among erhool I'hllilien; thrrn will enter ho- .ii.ita in. lent iliet li lima. and twn!hoi being the i onlnli nr.- when will go Into tha Institutional field aal"1'" r-'""::."' b1" v,!"'', ' ..,.".. . ,i1,-M.ira "" y ea)ltiu Mho wna . m .. I......... inrrn nie hi invrirnv i- ii""-"' " it eophotiioit : 41 Junior mid ri Hdull lei m la regletercd III the home e. o l.onili depaiiinent of the colhge, fig urea ahow. Hftyfhe atudi-nta Mis taking work In home n oiioinu a who ara reglatered In other rollcgea, muk lug a t' tnl of 20 aitidenta inking one or inure rouraea In the economlca de. piirtment, Teachers College Aids Farm Pupils Mueic Id Int lmli il in Fkteu!ror th rm u eion Course of Keurney Sehool, Keurney d'.y A. I',) A movement thut hide fair to bring an uppiei lation and, enjoyment of liiualo Into rural home hue been aturted ihi.Lt the, ijo rcctloii of the rural rduration ilepuit Incut of Kearney Htale Trui hera' rob lego here, llroup leeeona In the play ing of tho piano and of note reading 11 lien iirii, i ,,.,,,.,,,,,,,,, ,, thla method la uaed are the ufftlluled j(i1(.r und daughter meeting again .Ixbed mid how Inevitably good dill rural eehooia of the college und nrelnfter 11 lung parting; revealed tlw !' '"'n mn rewarded: about how Infalll the flrat rural achool in tho country Igulf between them. Mem hml rnmnul j ''ly right their fnlher wait, and am h In which the teaching of the plunu la! 'lie gulf. Hhe had dwell In the blajf toinmonplni e hoilarhold perjuriea. Hhe incornoruteil In the rlirrl. liluni. It In auld. The aucceaa width haa gieeted the flrat effort of the Worker wna dem on! ruled at the meeting of the fourth diatrlct Ncbruaka Hlatc Tcurhcra' un- awiatlon, held ut North I Matte, Hlu- dent of aeveral of the a'hoola gave examplt-e of the method of coiidm t- Ing the work, eaperlally In devtlopliig thn Henae of accent mid rhythm and individual pbinn playing by atudenta who had tuken but three leaaona. Actual tegrhlng In (he milHlc de piirtment I under the direction of Mr. John Meyer of the college. In the arhool where teacher have hud Inatructlon In the method, theno In- latructor conduct the work u part of the arhool program. The rural chool In the affiliation urn film wood, Collin, lllverdale, Newark, Kort Kearney and Murk. At tho CJlenwood and Collin achoola, the work In' taught by the regular In atrnctora. Ml Mue f'rulae and Mina Hybll I!arrrtt The jiluti of the Itiatruclm of thl eourae I not to mnlie flnlKhert n nrl "V ,,r permai emotion. i- i i.-ioaiio career. Anil It would be flrromnbeheil muHlclun of atiM-nt, I At home ahe lived In a. dull old , 1,',,,K '1"!""i'lt'"" t" infamy to nd l.ut I. ,llc.c.H m.lole fur ll, tiiiriiime I hOIIMO uh devoid of nrcbltectural flip- '.f- 't her job even in .... ..... ... or brlimiiie; into the atuiienm nro un oppreelatlon of mualfi and to nve Mm the rudiment of note rending-' and cnle interpretation, o that he may have the prroundwork for tnklntr up a more definite nnd exha native Htijdy of in iihIi- ut a later period. (,'t)liiiiil)iirt ScIiooIh Plan Vocational Training t'olumbtiH. f'o-o'perallnK wllh the vocational training cl parlrnent of the atttte iinlveralty, Huperlntendent Mc Oen will arratiKc for nlitht acliool courae In a variety of mibjerfn dur Ins the winter month for men nnd women over hlh echool aire. fourBea rontemplatetl Include tho various Hub Jecta Ineoiporated In romruerolal, vo cational and home economlca train ing and InKtruotlntiw. in Kmllnh and Civic, the latter beini? especially de a.'Kned to unlnt iieraona of fuicisin birth to puaa examinntion for ailrnis alon to tltlitenehip. l"re;rhtftii 1 v hnvP " ''""''"t-i'iK "f'irit unlike any; t.reignlOIl I IIIVCrllJ. ! other wiutworka. The ilummie at- lir Ralph U. l.uikHrt f tha medical tltudiiilze, beckon, nml eomnitind at- ! faculty haa hern notified ef hla election i.(, .,. ,i, , , . ' lo a rellowahip In tha American folleg f"'-'"" b. their II tlf'.l ii tiy vivacity, ; of Hurirentia. othera of thn fr-U-hion where fue indolent wax figures of i ataff enloyina ihe ettme rtieiln.'tloii are ahopa of ntlii'i- cltiea arn content to 1 lira, llaetimHn, Connell, t.itng.lon, M.-Mar- Hr,m,i utin ut.rt i,in , , tin. almanek and Wolrolt Ura. H.yan 11 H"" .. Cl' t" ,mtk Uni1 Riley, Ka.-ha. Tyler and Iiialinng re fet- make no effurt to sell their ware. Iowa of the American (.'oleg of I'hyal- Mm had acted a role In make up I rlan- . . . befurn eiimera; she had learned to 1 At the rt-.-ent aiiniinl convention of tha ,,,.,.., ..,, . ' . ,' North Nebraska aaaoeiation at ""' and a mi a nd ride, to compete ' Norfolk, I'teiahinn iilunini cic-ied wllh young men in nlliletlea, bual- ' to lha iioaiiinna of pn-aideni. vice p-eei. nCHH, repartee nml flirtation Her dent and ae.-retry. lir. Warren R. Hall i,fl,it. uu i.,. i,...., ,. i, , . ' , of N-.rflk, ih preel.lcnt. la ..f the .!,. H,,!i", longer a h.-leful hIu-ouiI , of ltn: rir. Franc-a Krederl. k Thi'inen. or, the apint, but a finely articulated, I '17, of rrenhton la vice president, nnd giilloplng alei-d for the aotlt to rldo ' fir II r. Johnaon, '11 of W.iuea, la ec- n, ,)U( tl,,,,;, p,.es. "in0!!!- recent American T.eklon Hack , Kh" H" ''hanged OtltHlde lllld 111, nd field tnt at atmlturii In ! "rom culrfnie to fuotircar, that lit flret 1 l.oulalana. fhiirP-a II M.ireartv t reighton , her .. n mother had imt recwrn!7ef 1 I.I- M. 1(2. maiieuer ..f the fr.-lght.iii iu-;u,r .,, ..,,..,. .., ,' , dent union, won a In the etand. ne !.',."' """ attieH who had t broad Jump und in the hih .lump. i. nd t"'l ilown upon lief, flung lier back I waa nne of the in. n who h-d!.-d to cue!!.!! the train, and treate.J Jicr ti a ' Neiiraaka fourth Mae aninnif tha i freah air filitd waif I nier Mbn i leading alalea .. . . all. 1.1. .' . .. ' In m lnr .in it-. I (. luh. ), t '.Tin l, k in iU hi t-ni iin f the .'r.-.;-h- i on ri'ttfitw n nil ilfitn, tn rtm) itim tht tt ilit u.'t"rii in itn '' (r-ih- ton f'tiHrm-N l' 111 i.p"rl'1v ltnl.,.1 It Id !i h'il mih m e k 'I'lfrifi th f '! -.!) .'tttftn 'n i'" t"il tu tr th ui ff Ihp nt Jtlatil. m un.f-r III-' ui'rftinc o( lh H'U-UM uiti- M. i'w i"iriM-i. I in lo "btilM ut " null v uni smn-t i itnuitiK "'iih'i'B 'i..rK' " I l Hmfei't !' f' ll'IHaJ V I" i- u.(n'. .1 m -1 1 v !tn-.-iT a i ihn " 'i v''M' frl'T i.t"l Ih Jiti-'-rtl rnlvfrfily of Ntirafk;i 1'l.a a a-.-..p .ii j ; -. . ... -e ,', nf-t". , .'l i.e I I l ' ' ta i- ..t..ta V,,,t.r I -; ' Il'-.e ,1-.1.. .!,,,. l,-.,i .1,..-. -i, ,l. e , Lu, I. 1 I at- f . ,t .! t. . .' n i.ia t . t , , II If- e I la r .1 !'. l h ill. 4 lull III . 1. a. ia '- .... o l -. l-eeett mt ,.f It-.,, a-t evlit-ael a'.lt i ,,11 (hi ' j i t". kea4e a- e il . l. t-i k. 1. 1 11. lie t .h., it , ', 1 a. a i . 1 Mi.MjII.I (ll.llt -fff f I . 1 1 1 a fc ... . it. . 1 .,. t . , SOULS for SALE By RUPERT HUGHES. it nnlluueii rriuii klur4a). T mother! "In every i iliaiKMHIIoii of her mid In r thlilka ie p'" !ut l-VH re- ! Mir uccciile.l the n .ini room iind And Ih'W I i lower deep apoinled ! her pilllh' bv Ull lllllioet bi.iveiv. flif biiiHhcd, "I'll lig II lift t f.irthi'i' clown In the amk'' in.. I iiilileil th- true old briiveryt "I'liei-i- up! The .iit In yet In nine." Unli a fi w dollaia from 1 Vii H.inn.rf rewiiiicea M.'iu I . h . I, the li.iln to I'alin HpnngK, h-r ono t einiiluiiiit 'I 'd him naih'it I'alin ihiuku In tlinn In have a little talk Villi Mil l,n k, Willi Wll I loHllIK l.llt lll'l' hlWlllINK ii n.l Uoo. will h it w.tHbri wotniiii Iind .n I'.iniii; to take her boy Terry to the col,..i rtly of lia Angiba. Till wuh a g.lllll.le, imbt il. II n. Melll wna fi 'ighleiied by Whet "lie hud eet on fool. Hie found nothing an terrify ( ii H Inning In r mlvli n ae i'e't. ., Hh hnil not 1 1 all.-. I w lint an ! ii in v of ilililien waa already 1411111'- lrie 1 ,0 Angrl.a. Ity working nil lh time and never m oiling miii li .Mr. ))ok had lie etmiiilaleil 11 pittatni' (hat looked Ilk" a f.iitnne to her. Hho would Iind that lig Angelea prlrea were not amleil to keep retired luuniln-NMi a In luxury for an exniiiicii prriou. juit I Ila I waa Hhe und her boy nml Mem atoml on (lie platform, waiting for tha tip liaiu. atid wlieii Mia. Kleibboi rtrolilie.I IT I atepa Mnu put her right barki'"" i" irinn. 011 neiilii. Hhe ran forwurd Mid per- Mr. Hteildoii w.ia one of fhoae Niiait . the baggaKemiin to carry Mr. Hleiblon' trunk vn to T-o An jb.M a million Ilea i.j keep nuu poor gelt-a. It hik only when the train 1 """I 'ri"n being dumped Into hell, waa thing once more through the had never quiie underatnod the (leeri-t that ahe nml h'-r niofli-r found aoi'linai y larredrnce tho truth a chance fur real greet loga-and llii'li ; ""d uaurped over love, mercy, cnir they were rextraliicil by the preaeiice '""V' and lolivenleme, Hhe never 1 of other piiMaenger. At leant Mia, Hleddoii wna n-Mlnilil 'cil, Mem whh etliniilafi d. i . , , fi,,iii,,r tiintier of n n aiinllghl. lu fi blight, a gaudy bungalow with nolay frli-nir. The hoiiae wna made to look well from thn atrert. The toil of nil thn lnli intu wa toward piilillcatlon, the entertain- llietlt of the pllblir. Mrtn'a tK'W lltllhl Hon wa to parade lier emotion be fore the world und Monti tho world' emotion. There wa far, far more In thlM than mere rourolt or oaletita Hon, Hhe wanted to help mankind by educating nml rxerRlalng It l inooda, ii even the moat ardent ev.-in-I pellet I not without nnxb ty for pub lic attention, for the merkeHt haa hi pride und hi gree, of notice from hla find If not from hla public, Ho now Mem felt that It would be a ahnrne tu b-t theae gt ranger think hn did not love her Mother treiuon doiinly. Hhe devoui ed the lit tie old woman with k lane and rareege, li nil hIih did not keep her voice Iniiuillble. That, wun her new Ideal nf devotion Hhe wa iidvertllng her love a little, but no more than religion people; Haunt their creed. Mr. Hleddon w.i no le aulow with Joy lit the recovery of )ur lot lamb, and no leg aware of the utnlii lice, but. ehe felt rjuelleil hv It i'lml uti'Ier nn obllKiitlon not to Jlw tn-Tt I tierie na of a-riieea. The ntttida ttere:"1'" inierno, alway down and the ideal of that bonne waa that thn neighbor ahould ! never know of it extarenee, rjnod hotme were aeon und not heard. Hhe wna troubled by Mem volu ble enlhUHlaain, her warm rlolhe, her enrele rapture, her demonstrative iiffeetlona. Klin did not mar the featl val by rebukinif In-r fhild. but ahe Brew a bit more ouiet nnd renorvpd. ' if ', lv" ft " i-'hi to H.wi-r ine average. Mr, rtteddnn'a body had traveled thoiiH,-indn of tnllcH, but her until had not. budded. Hhe waa Juat what Mem had left in the village, looking, Indeed, a bit more village In her bonneted ahabblnea than before. Hut to the mother Mem waa altered almnat be yond reoogiiitlon, ller milriliuil wardrobe lmd been enormoiiMly enlarged nnd Ihe clothe upon her body were of another world, j T.ob Angelea haa fashion of rtreita ' that are all her own. Many of the I moving picture people are ennapleti mm anywhere by their sartorial tllf- ! ference. Kven the wnx llgiire In ! the Hlion windowB of T,os Amrele i 'hat tbw bitiierflv v,i h.-it iind come out of ,-, ctirvHilia ' Hint "hi' li.ili,,-,! P..l,.,,, fho tm.l tl,u i-lillil. , i,t , ,.v,.r IIHii-i toil I,. ,- i,f hh i-,i,nhli. f mi im, in- in. 1. un, ,rili..H0a Th- entft luiniifv ftuni th niutin Ulna iiml tliri.iijrll t h tlua.Tt Into !lu i.r.iiu i. rt .'ii.. fur he Hi tli.' J..I0III-1 el,., in;,,!,. ,,.. ulth M tu , Th- .li nn ti, lli.-i. It . f I'.-l :. llfl !! !. -It'll -, e..i!l, UiliK tit eat itu--l,.un ,.,r.. N f.'i i.t'ua f-i-iii li.uiie.' 1,1,1 'II. I., 1. 1 iiirnt.. tu iir. ""fl'iinj ' hera. tf . l Inol tl I, , e, i .let 1 ti; il-lt-t'tur ' -I U r ,i , (, I Hv - Ml In a "I,. Ih,. I I I. I,,. 'tin. S: I ' - Mill,.' i- e - Mm Im I IiKrl f,M,.1 ' t. -I f 1 'h i ' i . -I 1 ,1.. . in ,,,1 I - ' hi't I I. II t .l,-'l t I. ler i I I. .11. e,et el,,- I, , ,l,.nn h. .1 I. "HI t .it 1 .1 In.r. I .1 10 I .1 It, . f !.., t1 i, I made no demur at th iler..i.itn ii It-it by It Lite iHcUpant ' anupeholN of rollh klng bt-nch pin in a, or ln.tne I j. I, riii- tiiiough cumin, of linek it,meia. of rjrda Willi iii'r I hoti (ir.iplm und nueer Joken, por ti.ola of elate and othcie, nil In high plute of eai'iirini'iit, Inning the Irulti i nl- it ml Mein'a i h.-itti-r Mi". Hteildoii had been doing line KtirncHl ihinkinf,' In ii little pit !?,iti bruin room Jnet bark of the ml illtoiium. Her hiifbatid bud pleilned her 1.1 mile linn fianKly bow their poor 1 1 1 1 1 1 waa end how anon ehe would be ationg enough to I .a bioiight 1 bin k brine Mm Hteildoii bad prompt Iv n.ill.e.l that Mini waa far loo etrotig to In. brought baa k timiin al ull. Hint irahe.l, iihi, that If ehe I wrote her hnebainl frankly Juet bow Mem waa und what ehe waa Up to. In-. KteiMon would probably fall dead In hia utmly, or have an apoplexy In tin- pulpit when be atoml up to 1 mom g Hi" am of hla congregation ami roll Iiih whip hauil ataye.l hy the fact that hla own ahelliied (at hnd ymitt wronger Umii nny girl In town of recent Memory, Mr. HteiMon tlld tint want to com nut rniiribr. Hhe waa not like that ancient niomoer of eelf preaorvatlon who aald that If nil mankind atood on it bahuii'K to be dumped Info hell tin- Ice ho told 11 lie, It waa hi duty to ; 'ra veil wrctrhc vt ho would have , ",Ml lit her own la half or to auve her- I"" blamr. Hhe lieil to the cnii.ireii annul Hanla Claua, about now iiitiKty nail children lire tiun- t1"1 '" ", r nilMininil Inceaaatitly about i ""w wine n waa, how eloquent. Hhe "td'll"d lintrulh generally ua a kind or arnica, n niMtalil panacea. Her only healtaiice now concerned JUHt what untruth It wag an feat und moat a.'itlefai tury to tell hllil. Hhe wa a wicked woman, and It wa email wonder that ahe rapidly l.ipacd Into enormou popularity among the IohI otiia of Hollywood, Kortunately, her daughter left her alone for a while and ahe had time In her bedroom to work out an at tractive lie. Hhe miief any that Mem waa well. M'hat waa a good eolld fact to rent the apringboiml of fancy on, Hhe muHt explain that Mem had left I 'ulin KpiliigH for li Angelea. 'hy? Well, burn uae ah hud u rhanre to Improve her poalilon und her doctor mild that, i'alin Hprlng, wa too full of pulm or gomethlng. A doctor' advice waa the beat bet. beruuae a doctor wn the only human power that her huahund recognized n ti pi't lor to hla own impolite. Next, what wa Mem doing In T-o Aiigele to Kiipport heraelf? Hhe had written that ahe needed no more money from home. It would be fatal ito ay that alio hail entererl uiion a ,,'M'S' Kl"(iloii chewed the end of i1"-' penholder Into pulp before a llgnt rroin gome place Inapired her. Old IncronHo Mather, In explaining how old wllche did not always alnk when thrown Into Ihe water, observed (hat the devil ,can nlnn work inlracleH, and it. niUHt linve been Hcelzebub wiio up. held thla old witch of a Mr. Ftetfdon In tho deep waters about her. Hut the miracles of hell, like thoee of heaven, confer only ii temporary la-nefit. Dr. riteddon would accept her falHi'hoods without atiaplcion, tmt woe unto her when he ahould learn the hideous truth. Kor tho moment, however, Vra Hteddon was Inapired to write to her truHtlng hiiHband that she found Mem Iiivery good health and engaged in Orkin Brothers ICth and Harney Givo credit where credit is due for thn popularity mid enlargement of their Hosiery Department to advertising in general, but chiefly to ART A MM A ADS shown ut the World, Sun, Moon ai.d Muse Theatres. H ALLGREK Film Advertising Service C-36 Paxton Bld. JA 1893 MM 'to- jS -F PIANOS M 11NHI AND BF m.PAiat All With Guarantee A. liOSPE CO. IMJ Puutla. lei. I'eu. KM Dizzy Spells Jr I tuallr lu la Cvn.i tifm fi. n nkr uu arai (iMtetipatau, nut rnouiN ut .Sluf' luuriraliat' linuul i k ra il 'u ol ij h I lt krep lha ftautl saat a. ill 4 mmint, lmtara ptrwrilea ttjui lttlta II Kll ilk 1)11 natural luhe-traa, tni ItbUifa it. I IwfcttM ! ( ti aaeal.ruA f I.I ! VaV4 tr. r w 1- V I. mm in. e. nlike wi.ik In the the ptiliho li- I V,,:,,B:w".: lit nice ladle 1 1 .i i v nt pietty good pay the ctiet of living; nltiii th iHi.u'illiig With aoinn right iiUo in library work t.t the ' llltve You Hid Mralghtfoi wr4 dieaa given. Hhe cloeej with aoine j ii,t, Vour lbiui;hli if rem.irk on the lieuutlea of t'allfor- nienta. have you ever h.ol ,i h.-nl-inn. a bind Him lud hud been ttful 1 1 ,t tnlk with Hint il.iiifcliter of partial to. Aa elm titimhe.l llila letter Mi. Mul don fell ilixtv, bhe etomlertd If her gl.tdini-n might bv the II ret uymptnm of whatever It w.ia that ran led off Hunphliu und her hiietwml. Hut, rt'iiiemberlng thnf Faipphlni had fallen ilown, ehe dei ideil In It down llret, Hhe fell ualeep and did not know- that l,eva la'titulte, (leer lug In und airing her there altelitii'd out, white haireil ninl briiign, had looked upon her aa 11 tinnl eaint and, tiptoeing lu. had Mpreud over her a Navulti bliiiiket of hai lo red and hiark VS hlle her mother alept Mem wept, more freely and copiouely llinu In ull her life brf.iie, (Te lltt tuutliiuetl Tuniaerv ) Uncle Sam Says tioternnieiit Map of Nehrahlia, The I'nited Htutc tleologlcnl Hur ley In one of the largcet puhlialiera of muia. It laniea muia of miwt of (ho eiuti-a. ull of tho iiatlnnal parka Olid of the I 'lilted Htatea. Three map ahow the prlnclpul rltlra. towna. c( ream, railroad ami the main po ll! leul aubdlvlelone. i The map of Nebtaeki la 31 by J.ri ' Ini hea und eella for 40 renla. ( Tha (Hiialia liee Inforugitloii Hit reuti, 4n:i6 New Mamtmhlre avenue, Waahlngton, J). C, will piirrhnee and forward n copy of tlio map to rend-1 er of The limhaii Hoe 011 receipt of i the amount In 1 or 2-cent atumpa, 1 'Wince thn government due not iicrrpt I pavmeniH 111 eiampa, our information bureau will accept the atampa 11111' Hiibatltute cuah for them. Thla la part of our service to you. Ilea Want Ada produce reaull. 2 TODAY TOMORROW PRESENTS -A sbry of unusual appeal Ic those vho dcliOht in a drama of love and adventure with a inslcry that one cannot solve until the very end of' the story Louise Qlaum JOSEPH KILGOUR, RUTH STOrTBHOUSE- MAKLOW HAMILTON WED. THURS. FRI. HERBERT RAWLINSON In "Ecn't Shoot" Today and All Werk V.nw Tea . .villi iiijiaiu t..4. Prisoner cZcnda m " " fjski rtaSF fTtvT i N I 1 irM N0W SHOWING :Wf WESLEY 'ES BARRY r&ffljf, m -v 'n t'ie e8t Picture and 1 I i rIe f h' career' j Wmf- "Rags to Riches" j V j paai ) Ht "'" J m vwmmm Iirt J S I Som.thinf N.w in Comedy I p T A I WZ r 1 Bill YHVA 1 tv "THE ESKIMO: jKf rlH xjtC DON'T MISS IT JlMLuiMixljJ ALL WEEK I ggg) Irv.rTrJrfr I 'btleween Dince Tues.jy t Ilk It. kl. ISkltIR, l4e. .4 M.,I .fe F-mprrtt Kutlic C.ardrn "la 1 1. v. . ' I ta, a tt-.t tk,- . i Saa. e.i ta 4 ei 1,-11 U.u Al ' II ,at . Ie.-.eai. !'.. I.e-t a,.ai w4 w. Mai j , Common Sense L . . - volna who niav eooll dm Ida upon A life partio i .' Are you each d.Haliiiig "ty girl would imt hat anwhiim to do with a man like that." irferring ti omn giWHl fur nothing fellow? Not often will tnlk of thla kind 1I0 any good nfb r it girl hna begun to reullv believe that ehe la III love. If you could ait down and think and talk calmly It might do "omit good Hut lalklmf calmlv I imt pnibl after the girl ilriliba ahe la in l.ive. Ho auppotie .mhi an over the im-rite and deinerltN of th" young fellowa na thev look to you, fiotii what you know almut th. 111. A Mill better plan would be to ex plain In the hllle l.nly what man led life mruim. und annm of the thing ehe eliiuild require from tho luatl elm in.iriiiK. , And don't do all the talking; ht her cxprcea her Idea freely, Hive her a chum e to think and ad vance In-c hh na. whether you approve or not. und tjin not cull Hum willy , and let It go at that. Hlrulithtforw.iid argument ahoiilil i, ...,.,1,. ,in,i Vini will eel aniiiew heir .iierhupn, before It 1 too lute. 11 ..,,) 1 .l.i, I yi ) PENN MUTUAL LIFE Paltry l!.70 Aae 40: iltvltlrlid rrilnre ttlll rent after tint yr; vrgamred I'tii ail over !l)0 milium. Wtlte lor iiecinin poliry al yiuir ail. COULD A STimOM. 720 l'lr Trul Blil. Omaha II W Mnw pi a vi Mr. NOW PLAYING ROE REAVES JARVIS REVUE Ijiat Word in Mualtal Comady 5 OTHER GREAT ACTS and ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN in "UNDER OATH" NEXT SATURDAY JACK DEMPSEY Raaervad Mriianln Clrct Saala now salt ing at box olllc trom 12i30 to :30 p. m. dally. CTrVtltUM CIRCUIT VAUDEVIU Matinee Dally, 2tlS Every Night, Bllg WESLEY BARRY (In Peraon) With a Company of Tan Player In "Welcome Home" De Voe and Al l.loyd Jolinny .Singer and Dancing Dolla MEWHOFF & PHELPS in "Tuneful Talea" CooU, Mortimer & Harvey Bert Hael Saatell 7'opica of Day Aeaop' Fablaa Palhe New WAYNE & WARREN in "Tha l aat Car" Matineaa, 15c lo 60c; Nighte, 16c to (I SEATS RESERVED OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" MAT, ft NITC T00AV PRE-WAR PRICES Oi.lj lilrla au.J Mualc Kit" la Town fcfcll. Y. atunenr "STEP LIVELY GIRLS" .Bi With GEO. DOUGLAS an All-Star Call Includlni SADIE BANKS an Hla Naw tihow Ladlai' Tleaati. Ho er 25 at Daily Mat., 2:l( FINAL PERFORMANCE FRIOAV NITC Hat. Mm. & Wk.: "Hia JamUone'' ami Frank Hunter. MlKNtVICI IIHOS. CO. Atatt'e kr Jee IwaJ taj "Mwaiai 1 M.,eu. tttiiaai a a.aaaat - lit -" Taara PaM,p" Vk ,!.. e. IHMIII teeatutl aa 'IMe t ...a..,ll. Vatr hatt Ua I. A a kZJui Hi.," " ttmaai UAtH klih.H TV. ttfHUil . Itni ua taaa wncnaosHOooTOortis niuat .... 4 fmt in ttia t nt m "IMk IAHNIVAI." .4S( .... la-tj 4 laaai I RDSt.MI A M I III.. n nil l I t ( al 1 - Hk.iiT.m , , . 4 hwii NONMV lAIMtrti.t a ail iv' 1 1 . t ji. Ha 1. ta . I i e.a t u.i.11 .1 .at at.tat . t 11 im ta 1.. I ."t 4 p tea