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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1922)
nit: OMAHA PKn. Friday, 27. 1022. Awards Are Made in Burgcss-Nash Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Harvest Festival 1 Omaha Grain Chicago Grain j Live Agricultural Eipcrt Who Judge- Exhibit Say- Din. play Equal or Kxcreds Those at Fair. J. If. HtrlntfleM of tha Hint Arl cultural cilteR. Lincoln, whu Jmtic"! th rxhlbita in th Itursesi Nii tlvul rnrttr1-( hi work Tuef1ny. The fiillnwlnir ara the awanta marls by Mr, Ktrlnitrielil: l.raiei. Whlt barlse: Ylft, William I.nnergsn, Florsnre, Kali : second, oiki r'.lffer. .Ik bum, Neb. ; third, K C. Metierinri. Omaha Whit, nuts: Klrat, Olln I'feiff.r, K.IK, horn, Nb erond, r.n K J":", Under wood, U ; H1I11I, C, II 97.fena, fort Calhoun, Neb. winter rye: r. Kr,d V. Oru, Pen nington, Neb ; .rond, 97. P. Ifenaman, Station II Omaha; Ihlnt, Olle 1 f;rff.r. r.jsnorn, rvn. Hard winter wheat: "rat, rillo I'falffer. Klshnin. Ndi ; aerond, K, (' lleriaman, Sistimi D, iirnahi; third, lilt l'feiff..r, Arlltialoti, 4eli, Alfalfa: Klral, K t' llcn,mn. SlsHnn omana; err.inu, millsm Woblers. sis. nn II. Omaha; third, ('. II. Mehrens, rri fallioeu, Neb. Med rlover: llrat, f II Mehren. Kurt f alhnun, Ndi ; ... end, II. C, Itetiaman, Station H. omaha; third, Into I'Mffer, Klaboin, Neb. y Inii: rirat, C tl Fort Calhoun, Neb; ecnnd. Kieil V. (Iran, II. n. mnaiuti. Nib ; third, ott I'feiffor, Kile horn. Nab. ( ftrit, while mrn t Ih'he. and over: Klrsf, Henry IT lxrnn. Iilair. Neb . ; second, Olln rfciffcr. Km horn, Nh ; third, llus tava Suinnii k. Wnii-rlnn, Neb. While corn. 7 lm lies and under, Klral. William Lnnergun, Klnrrwe, Neb see mid, Henry I, l.iiri-n' n. fllulr. Neb third, William. Wolil.-ia, rt'nil.,11 i, Om ha. Yellow run, I Inrhe and ever: Klrst. dllo I'fciff,.,, Klkhnrn. Nan. ; second. ('. II Mnhrrna. Knrl I'sllinuti, Neb ; third, Itnland Km i III, l.-ol,, Neb, y-lli,i corn 7 1, ln h.a and under I; Flret, Fred V. (Iran. llcnnlngtnn. Nab.; "'"'. 'leorg ohrt, Port Calhoun, Nab,: third, Then, firm, lleniunginn. Neb While rlra pop lorn: First. Hugh l.on lr,, Kloi r-nca, Nab,; ar-onnd. Ilijarh I-onaraan, FPaanra, Nali.j third, William Loiia'aHti, Kiori-nia, Nib. VHow pp rom: Firt. Igh I,oni-ran, .lr., Florani a, S b. ; aarund. Nalla Thorn, aon, Klorani-, NVb ; third, lluh Lainaraan, rioranra. Nob. Karly awaat torn: Flrat, llllo ffalffrr, Klkhnrn, NVh ; airoml, (luatav Muninlrk Walarlon. Nob ; ihiril, K. C. Ilanartian, rltalloir II, Onialia. ' l.alo vi corn: Flrat, (luatnva Aurn nlrk, Wanrloo, Nrh j aarund. K . H'na. rnan, Mtallon n, Omaha: third, William W'nhlrra, glutton H, Omnha. VratMbl(a. Whit - al.lmra: Flrat, E, "V Ilanamirti, dial Inn II Oiunhu " Hid rabba Flrat, F. r, Hanama'n', latum I). Omaha; aaii.nd, William Woh lira, Mlalliin II. Omaha, ('arriita: Flral. Wiilii,ni Wohli-ra. Mia. tlon II, nmh: at-rond, c. II, Mahrana, Fort i'alhoun, Nab.; third, Omnia uhrt, I'ort f'allioun, Ni-U Whli onlona: Flrat, B. C. ll.naman, Hlatlon II, (imana Had onlona: Flrat, William tllayar, Flor. ama, Nab : aaivind, William Wi.hlara, Hla tlon H, Omolia; tliinl, B, V. Ilanaman, Hiation II, omiihn. Kariv fxifntoaa (utbar than Mrly Ohloa):, Flrat. Olio 1'Mffi.r. F.lkhorn, Nab.( aacond, William Hti-vi-r, FWranca, Nib. I,a'a pntatma. ru-al Naw Ynrkar: Flrat, No flral: aornnil, K. (', ilr.naman. Hlallon II, Omaha, Vlnra, Yallnw rnwi iiumpkln: Flrat. William Slayar, Florciiri, Ni'b: aacond, Frail Orail, Hunfilnirinn, Nib ; third, C, II. Mahrana, Fori Calhoun, Ni-b. Hwai,t pumpkin: Flrat, C II. Mahrana, Fort Calhoun, Ni-b. ; aai-onil, lnra ohrt, Fort ('Hlhouri, Nab ; third, Arthur ThiHajaa, 3011 Maal t alrt. (nnaha. Illai k huhhnrd ai uaali: Flrat William i frpycr, Klmi'fti'i', !4"l.; aaronU Ilarolil Hlryer, Flnranca, Nalr : third, K. C. Hena llian, HlHIInn H. Omaha. Kar.,hMW a'U,iah: Flrat IfiiKh I.onartfiin, Jr, Florania, Ni-b.i -iMonil. William l.onar Kn. Florania, Nab.; third, C II. MahralU, Fort Calhoun, Neb. At. the omicl union of til work Mr. Hlrlnxflcld cumnirntiNl upon quality of the product dlipluyrif. Jlo Etatcd thnt tho dls'.ilay ln-ro wu fiunlly n (food, If not superior to the nvernire fair dis play, and thHt the IIurgi-HH-Nunh com-' pnny waa to lio commindwd for put tlnif on iiur h a wwlt, in which a con tiiiucltvo attempt nan made to renter the attention of the people of the clly upon the Importance of agriculture. H wa hi opinion that much (rood could lie acrompllHhed hy tho Hur Kem Nach company In hnvlnsr HarveHt Kentlvnl week with its exhibit appear an an annual event. Stock ft. I.oula (irsln, 8t, I.oula. Mo, (lit 2C. Cluaa: Wheat Da.ambrr, Il.tIK; May. II1H. Corn iN-rainbar, IHn May, CHH Onia li'-ii'inbiT nominal, 42c; May nominal. 4:4a. AIIVKBTINKMKNT. STCP ITCHING SKIN Zemo, the Clean, Antiseptic Liquid, Gives Prompt Relief There l one ante, dependalde treat ment that nlleveii itching torture and that cleniiHt-H and eouthia the akin. Ak any diUKulut for a 35c or $1 bottle of Zemo and apply It i direct ill. Htxm you w.ll dnd that irrltatlona, riniplta, It lack head, Kfumi, Hlotchea, 11 nnworm and a'.mllar ekln iroiihlea w.ll JMipprnr. Zemo, lha penetratlnf. aatiafylnf liquid, la all that la needed, for It hnnlahra moat akin erupliona. makti the akin 'ft, amooth and healthy, Omaha. (Jet, J, CuliUa were atronier today and told of an Improving daniand for wheat In Kurope, mi) ht aaa frotn thla aid of tha water ware rHirtd aomewhul larunr, but mainly Manltnbaa. There waa alan lomi ,wrt lnrtilry for corn and rye. It m a a id that Tier many haa been adoplitig a "bread flrat then rparationa" policy, and haa ac cumulateil lurite iUtna of money whli h will now lie pent for fowl. Our tnntketa 0ni-d around yealerday cloaa and turned it run on ood buy. lug hy romriilaainii hnuaaa, all grain rnordlng a good advance. Itecolpta of wheat at Omaha wera li car, agalnat 27 car lat year; corn, 27 car, naiiliiMt 15 rara laet year; oi, 21 car, aa-ulnal H car luat yi-ar; t far rye and liarley, aiialnat 1 car laat year. Total ahlpment were 131 rara, aitainet Ml car a year ago. faah wheat In the Omaha market wo at ron n and the ofrerlng cleaned up early at 2e to lit- higher price. Corn o!d readily at 1c to 1 4c hlghr Out wrrH a,. (j If up, being gnmrral ly 13 Mtfher. J(y wa fiuolod lc lriWT, The flrt car of new corn arrived today, grarlcrl No. 4 mlxd, MHO per c-nt molnture, and old at tic. wiikat. Nr. 1 dark iard. I lar, II IT. No. J dark hard: I rar, II M fahlppara' aihi; 1 rar, II II (I par cam durum, amullyl. No. I dark hard: I rar, till; rar, II 17 0J par rani hat damaail); I rar, II 17 lamultv): I rara, II 17: 1 rar, II H. No. 4 dark hard: I rar. III! (ainully, I par ant rya;; I car, II II; I rar, II II lamutty, HI par rant haat ilainaad, ablpliara' walffht. N, 1 hard wln'ar; I rar, Il ltVi; 1 rar, II 14. No. I hard wlntar; 1 rar, II. I; 4 rara, II It l.lilppara' wnahii; 1 rar, II II; 1 ar, II 14, I rar, II II; I rara, II .12. No. I hard wlnl.r: 1 rar, II II; 1 car, II 12; I rar, II ID. N. 4 hard wlniar: I rar, II 11 ( HI par cant haat damaai-ii, 4 ir rant lyal, Hample hard wlntar; 1 rar, II II (flv wa.vll); 1 rar, II 10; I rar, ll 07 (lira waavlt, .03 par rant hi-at damaffadl; I rar, fir ft It par rani h-at daaiaicad; I car, I7r- (4 par ranf haat darnaaadi. No 2 y allow hard: 1 ar, II It. Hample yrllow haid: I rara, II III (llva H'anvll), No, V aprtna: 1 rara, II J 5 Mark); J rara, I r J 3 . I rar, II. It; 1 ar, II II. ' No. 2 aprlnc I rar, II M (dark). Mampla anrln: t rar, II 12. No i mlaail: t rar, II. W; 1 rar, lie durum, amiitly): t rar, tio fdurum, aniutty); I rar, 2o filnrum, amuttrl. No 2 mlaad; I rar, 11.11 III par eant aprln); 1 rar, II 12; I rar, lie (durum). No. 4 ml'd: I rar, No. 4 durum: I ar. HID, COItN. No. 1 whlia: 2 iar, 7e. No 2 white: 1 car, 47o wairht), Ne. I whlia: 1 rar, 4e. No, I yellow! 1 car, tc walKht), No, 1 yallow: J oara, lie. .,. No. I yrllow: 1 car, lo (apaclal billing); 1-J rar, 7'r. No. 2 mlaait: t r.n. 7t. N. 4 rnlaad: 1 car, Ue (flaw, 1119 per ctri molatura). OAT No. t'whlie: 1 car, 42He. No. 2 while; 4 1-1 2r, ,,,., So. 4 whlta: 2 :. 42"j 41 I r,r 4mr 14 par rnt haat dainrd). KarnUe while: 2 rara, 4114c, RYB. No. 2: 1 rar, He. No. 8: 1 car, 74c, 4i "IJaeTbt. ili'.'r.V'Vot'2;..! 4.c (7 per nt othar y,;irjlfir) RECCIPTH. n'arlola I Today. Wk A. Y r An. 44 ::::::::.m j , 0" ' KANSAS ' CITT BKCKIFT. . 1 1 armia t , ' Today. W'kAan. TrAo 214 2 17 " in 1 I ....... " ' BT. 1,01.'1 RBCEIPT8. (I'arlota ) Today. Wk Ago. T'r Ago. izi) i2 j;; ,K 42 '41 N7KTHWK8TFnN WHEAT RECEIPT. Today. Wk Ago. T T Ago. Minn.apoll. J'l J" Kuiuih ;'8;. RkcilPT" ANO BH1PMENT8. luarioiar (ahlpperf' fahlppara' Whiat Corn Whrat Corn . Oata , Whrat Corn . (lata Itarrlpta Wheat ..A.. Corn (lata llye Ilarlry Hhlpmenla Wheat Corn ('Hie lye Harley .Today. ... I ...27 ...21 ... ... 1 ... 41 ...6 ... IS . . . 1 Week Ago. 47 45 !h 4 . . 41 47 13 2 0 Tear Ago. 27 16 14 0 1 71 44 12 4 riltMARr liECEtPT AND SHIPMENTS. WhV.tT.TT.. 1.474.001) 2,024.000 Cotn ....... 1.047,000 1,117.000 0an 7H.0OO 167,000 Shipment Wheat 1,041,000 194.000 Corn 7,oi'ii KXPOllf CLEARANCES. Huahela Wheat, Flour. atn.ODO Corn SJ,o uala 40.000 data l.m.OOr) f 51,000 432,000 1,122,000 lta.000 433, U00 741,000 riiiiTit it hrTtKtrvT ClIH'AtiO (M)SING PRICES. Man ley Endorsed for Congre Th.imai C Ilvrne. prominent Omaha whole! merchant. Mid: I will. t( rourae, ot for Han ley, lit tsperunca In Vah- iiiKton mala n m laminar who affair Ihert. IU i n aCliVf, capabU man." Hon. Jarora 1. Pahlman, M..a af Omaha, tail; 'lln- iry hat m:iy fttetid among re- PuMn"na, M nw n m render ry rt orU, the Hv.jii4 d atrul. T "y wind, h ill B, an bleal Tungreaaman. n4 .levied M nl tame t.M lealer. aaidt ' I ' H"l a'l lha way thrali. II J,,,, tKa Kian W i.fertt lha .ecatg .li.ln l In Ht a.kmet.ia. II aiat !! I ria M I lereota ( m" g . A. f fleet I, Oaireaa C kaia Wet ' ti'iini . -a4 t m H, M'4l "t 4at4 f a i VegieaeiKaa gaU (f v U n tffuM! !,. rapilatit ' V gal Ha ) Jaaae II. HamWi tit aegieaa" Py l Art. wilt." l'a. May July E Iae. May Corn I'iJ War July rta !. Mar Jll lar4 i t H'l mi pdlke Oraln Co naMTOct. 24 Open. I High. I Low. cioae. ira ! IMS 1 11H 1IIS i im i n. 1 us 104 LOSS 1.04Si .7IH ,1V 7IV .ID .4lt4l .471, .MS, -I'V. . .44S Hl .41 I .4IH tiu .4f,l -H 4I.' n 'hi i.uw nit tut in' i.u 1.11 1.114. IU. 1.111 1111 1.041 1 04H 14' 1.041 1 04f ,7IH .711 .711 .711 .71 .111 .114 .444 .41 '".44 "'.444, ". . .411 .411 .Ml, 41 .41, .41V .4H j .41 Wj -HI -404 l"".iii '".iis "." .... I.. .. at a l t til Ml j HI J IU r,i,,..vvv. KtaaH (H ll'aia Ka,aa fin Ma. u. t ) wka.1 N t h.i.l, until, Ne, I ral. llllg ' I'ora- V I kll. 7l7le, No I ),l ,... Tl Hal I ftl.lit K.' Uii Wa .tVl 14 '. a .. u. l.r. l . aiaad. Mar, l , Jm.. a-a,.! ... I ....a.l la fM aikaa. V.y, ll4 ail.l li 0 ee-'l " Miaaealh) l.asla. Miaaaaew M. f.l .-..-'aa N ... . ), l-e-aaaker, :xa. U.f ll II . . . s . . " I.I. S. I HSIII i. . . ... a..--a I tivii. BIG LACE CURTAIN SALE AT VALUE GIV1NG PRICES SATURDAY III! ilVIail4 itoal 4at4 11 ( IIAKI.KH II. MK II1KI.N. Omaha Hee Iaae4 Hlra. Chicago, m t. H A dwidedly more friendly fm-ling prevailed eurly to ward th buying aide of gralna. There Waa a notlrniole I.h k of prraaure and a etrndy advunca In vniuia until nnir the cloae, Then locul alimta rumpli t eil their covering and emne went long. An effort to Ink profile found ih mnrkrla ponrly aupported. A hreuk follnwi'd. It curried value lai-lowthe prevloua day'a flnlah. Kinul tnclin were unrhnnged to I 4Y hlkln-r mi wheal, 14c higher to 1 e lower on corn. I r? to "e lilher on oata and Mi; to fi to h klier on rye. , f'ontlnU"d trength In tha Liverpool and In Winnipeg whut tnnrkeia, which ahonlil hnve been the ue.ikeat If tho beuileh view n to th-j altuii tlon were correct, iilirni'tnl conalder ulile attention, hut lntigth led to a fulr amount of huylng. Winnipeg cl'rfre.t 1 2c to 1 1 4c Mil her Hinl Liver pool waa up 1 4d tn Id. At tha Wlmilpeg Ixreinliri- wu JJl nc un der Clilciigo, naiilnrt 17c at fni time recently, I'aeh liemand atennger. A lillf that fha rar aupply order from Waahingion would rrault in in. reaaed re- raipla, ealtetlally III fha aoufhweal, Jed to aolria aelltlig. The ili-itialld for i,.h wheat waa baiter. Premiuma al I'liliago were I to tr higher, with apringa lin,n,, Kan aaa Clly and Ml Loiiia advamed I and 7r I'rlval rablra f in railed ; n Aualrallali auiplua of 4''ii,oii buch'jla, or half of what waa ea,ie' leil Kxp'ir' di-mand we fairly lirlak H.lh antra of 7i, null buahele ri purled, mainly Manltobaa lorn pr. ea had range of 'io for tha day and finlahrd a hfila raali-r, due ot milting by aarly ai-llyra o-.embr ahowed ibo timai atrength arid went to alu ut 1 umii r lha Miiy a.f one ilnie, only to rale off aaaln fowarda tha laar. Country nfferinga ware email deepita re. poria of a better rar alftiatlon In aom aertlofia and apot piemluina were 141111 blter aa rimtpared w!lh lierernber. lit rilplr, tilt rara little ( luae l'irin. f)ai waa ilomlnaird by lha ai-llon r,f oilmr grama Lilt ahowad mora r'-alai-anra to praana and rloai-d with a firm ui.ifriinne, with the Deiernbrr allowing Hie nioal alrength. Cnah dimainl waa good and prrnuuiiia tltghily firmer, llo reiiiia, 11 rara. Cuah Iniereat and houea with New Yoik innnartinna ware good buyera of lie. rembur ry whli-h rnorw than offai-t tha break In wheat, jtnd with report of Gnu, 0011 Imabela having been anid to exporter In fh paat two daya, tha undertono wua derd'dly fltm, A good traila waa on at tha aiaboarl wllh ealre of 7aO,Orio tnlah ala reported, Irirjudtng a laig re-rgo from Chlrago for winter aioraga at 4Sc ever ta. Oi'tober wheat In Winnipeg ahowed more atrength, advanrltig 2c at tha extreme and rloeed 2'e higher for tha day dr. aplla dellverli-a ut l.l'il.OMi buahela,' Ar. finle there wera !,7f. rara axalnal !, rara a week ago and I, nil rare laat year. It la not expei-ted that the new ear order requiring the return of grain car from taatern to weaiern line will hav much effect on the rei-elpta r.t primary ' niarkaia for a week nr more, If then, ell depending upon how readily rare are, aent bark, drain ahlppera du not Ilka lha outer of weatcrn llni-g In refualng to let thi-lr rara go eaat, nor that of the Norn eru I'arlflc, flreat Norrhvrn or Boo Line In refualng to allow thi-lr rara to leave their mile. The Hoo Line haa through wi-al-bounit trafftr, but ita car cannot be ami eaat with grain. There I a aironger alluatlon In tha Norhweat aa aaen by aah whetit handlera. Tha heavy movement haa l,en well dla counted by tho raient prb-a aeibark. Value have hardened, Ortober wheat at Winni peg ran-ntl. waa only lo over iJcceinber there and haa advared to 4140 over. Thu la taken aa Indlratlng a broader demand th;in the trado here reallzea. 1'iour bualneaa la reported aa better hy loi.-il and northweatern mllla. All ar runr.lng about raparlty. Th bear intrreat In wheat liae not t-een eucceeeful In tha paat lew- day, deaplta lha breke a they fnlled to rover enough to place them In en eaay poalilon. I. ark of aperulallve Intrreat In the only thing that prevenla an advance of IS to 2iivi'enta In the prlr of wheat, aa aome tradera aee It, Thj, world alluallon haa been gaining eteadlly In alrength. K.arller In tha aeaaon the world'a exportable aur plua waa eeilrnated at 160,000,00(1 to 200,. 000,014 huahela over th import nee, (a. Now ll la to cut down lo about US.OOO.fluO biiNhal over, even on tha baals of a re. iliK'tlon of over 100,000,004 huahela In Eu ropean conaumptlon compared with laat year. Karma City I.lveetock. Kanaaa City, Mo, OrL 26 Cattle Re celpia, 12,000 head; beef aleera and bulla, ateady to weak; early lop aieera, I1H.7&: common Texa and OklehomHa, 14.27,4 4. SO; bulk bologna bulla, I3.2S4J I SO; ran ners, weak to low; bulk around 12. 26, aom load lota I2.011; calvea, ateady; beat vealera, 110.00610 44; fat ahe atoi k. weak to 25o lower; bulk cowa, 1.1 SOW!. 60; few Iota 15.00 0.00; many graaa heifer. 14,00 VI 60. Hoga Receipt, 1,000 head; market. IS (82M lower, nioatly 1542HC lower than yeaterday average; ahlpner lop, III. 70; part load. I76; ahlppera took about 2,100; packer lop. Is 60; 140 to IK- pound era, moatly l 40 f.60; 0 to 240 pound era, H 25W8.70. heavy butcher around H. 26(u.3S; bulk of aalca, IH.258V II .76; parking aowa, lOeMOc lower, moatly 11.10 leK), atock plga, aleady; bulk, I. 50 'if I. 76. ftherp Rerelpta, 4,000 head; lamba, alow, few aalea ateady to weak; early top wratern, 114 26; HK-pouiid clipped lamba, I12.H6; aheep. n-aily; 9-pound ewea, IJ.26; heavier wether, 1(1.76. St. I oula Mvratork. Haat St. I-oula, III., IM. id Cattle Rarelpta, 2.600 head: native beef ateera generally ateady wllh apota 2ic lower; bulk 10; no wealern ateera lirre; H.,,.i v..rllna. 16&U6C ower. -noanv IsloejidOO; cowa 10l6e lower, 1(0; ranner wean, i:.4oz.a; bull ateady to 2io lower; bulk 111 llaht ralvea aleady; bulk, 10 76: atockar ateer J.'o loner, ' Hoga Receipt, 12,000 hand; I. ter mar ket 25lOe lower; praetleul top, one ahort load. I 20; num. r r and up. I 004116; light light nd fig .ii . lteilo lower; plaa under, loo paunda acttv and trong; P "i fald I for 0 to 100 pound vragea; oum pi.. .'a light, ll.00el; packer Mil weak lo le lwr. bulk. 704r7H. Shap Rer.lpta, 10 ld: acttv. irong to llo higher on fat b top, 114 in bulk. 111 7IIH4 o"; run;. I4! fat . higher: bulk light. Uiti vi. 14 14. at. joMPh ii airk. St Jewph. Oct. 1 Calile Ree.tpt. lie head, market for inoet rlaaaa v araead aleady, eommne beef row a very aa few h.1e ef mixed yearlinge. U t 11: bulk name ai.era and yearling', hlialtl a lew l"'t of wraiern gre.e .ia 44 4. bailer erad. b.ef row llal'. caanee kie.l. aro-md li. e.tine-a J W J . veal ra'f lop. ie: fi.ur N-bik I eeder avereglr.l ar-'und, i ' ll--H-el.ia haad IVlf'l turle I-- l1 .Mine 1 1 '' ' ,' r'mM .!.. r. l-ajllr lower, a.rlv ll pa. were bl.l lia nnuilv !' lewart . eatktag 0..I4 l-iki ' IS7' '""' ..If Mle. I k ! 4 ' 1 .(.- Ilerelpi ! b.d 'aikl i, ,i ee .1 . l lo ' a .... 14 111 al hill !" ' l I klewgw 'I!. I Haae el l 11 -a i t i ' "r i ( ,taa fMrwla.. v I .,.t a l'r , pei.ia T.I.-I ewl'.l 1 Atwwue 4 1 H I ei l.e ens 1 ' 1 uae , I. 1,.H 1 .oeei.l . . . . ..... I .. U .1. t I ihbf a, 4 V.I ! I ,' . . I tn '' giawall- . ....... .!. (I,.-- ,'aa.4 ,...,, .... ..... . W.M ....... I Wiil 14 llllfjl bologn.1 110 'li II.SOlul Heiaipia wera: Of filial Momlay ... nil . ill lueaday . .. nffoial We.lneaday. e. allmat Thuia.lay. Knur data thla wk. e.ltie da)a lt wk Heme I wk. ago.. Kama I waa ... earn a Uni r. ago. Oint.ll, llrl CallH. Hog. 11.741 11.771 II 274 ( 111,1) 41.110 It HI lint 17.64. 17,1.4 1.74 4 171 1,017 1.104 II lit ! ail It.loo 11. 171 lilU II Sitae p. 11.141 It 41 Hill t.ine 47.111 17.4.:4 41.461 6 6.1 t4,.4f Financial Cattle llerelpl I U09 head The fairly literal run of ittl Ttiiireday did eel ban ina aituatlun matanally and while rmiia Ion led ateera held firm th Hunt frd ami wanned up aieera wall a, amaio graa brevea war vety dull and unevenly lower. It waa In aam wur with cowa and helfera liaaiiable 11.. k lallle aat III very good dem.d nd, while plain flriliv faedera wera bard lo mute al lower le.ela. Ilutald of lie lii"l a allra' live offeilnga of all kinda in in.nkei I generally l6o lower for inn wetk. IVuotall'Hia en ralll. ChoU to prim bertra, 1 1 1 60 r 1 1 110 ; good to boll ueev-a. M 76 11 26; fair 10 good beevea, 761 I It, roniliiun ! fair beavea, 7 10 tl tn: rllole In prln, yearling, III 21 ll.lim: good to i hoi. a yearknaa, l 764 1126; fair lo good yearling", l loMi good fu holi e glgaa beevra, 14 02r7 40; fair lo good giiiee bi-evea, !' Illtlt 40; lonimoll to folr gtaaa beevea, Il60tl4(); M"Xiiana, II iiiii7 6 oo; good to i bob graaa hrlf'-re, Iii6tftf0; fair lo good graaa he fera, Il6'i6t0; rholi lo prim graaa owe, ;, 26VH26; good lo chnli graa i'owb, I4'.IW66; fair 10 good graaa cowa, II HOO 4 CO; roiiiliioti lo (air graaa r owa, l ' 4 on; prima heavy feeder. 7 264 17 76 , good to i hull feedeia, 14 7607 26; fulr lo good fee,i.ra, I H on If ; rommon to fair feedcra, 16 264100; gyod to rholi aioikera. 7 0i'V'"l flr lo good dock er, 14 11047.1111; ri, mmnn to fair atockera, I', ("!; 00: aiork halfera, MOu 1140; adn k cowa, 13 J', 4 21; atork ralvea, 14 AO UI.60; vual ralvea. If, .00014.44; bull, auga, al.: , I I I'im 2 el. llKKf STRKIl. I-r. II 10 10 10 71 10 II No. Av. I'r No, Ave. 16 Hi 14 60 20 1 161 20., ,.,.12711 76 2 12 4H 1194 I 00 )0 S 10 U'll 1" 04 It 1024 HTKKIIS AND lIKIrKIt. 76 IfoO lll r- COWS. 11 1421 14 6 If KIFKR. T 721 14 21, It U 1X0. 1 i:44 11 6n r A I.VES. 360 1 64 - 4 10T J'l 6 In WK.STKHN CATTI.K, COUlHAIIfl, , .22 II 00 3 1 fa .,.: ..nil l 60 )l cowa .7116 ,U20 t M 4 row .142 ,,.610 21) I hull .1120 ..lit 4 '.0 t rowa ,.M1 NMIKAKKA. .261 (S 76 . 7 alkr ...166 4 01 1... 1... 4 hfr t row I bull . 1 bull . II lifr 17 10 4 44 1 26 I 76 16 40 21 rf life ... 4"i 7 ze t tar ...64a I bull ,,i::o 1 60 1 bull ...1100 I 14 fdra . .('7 4 00 I lull ...1740 f I fdra ,..104 0 0(1 2:, f, Ire ,.,.f74 t I hfr ...721 4 60 27 alkr ...111 I 4 alkr , .404 26 Walter Anderaon, 26 rfa ....414 It 60 11 hfr ..,.441 I I rfa ,...242 ( 60 14 fdra ...161 I rfa 464 7 24 NKHHAFK. 20 Mr ,,,r,47 li 00 10 atkr 11 rdra ...onv f.o 13 nrra t Mr ...tut 4 26 WTOMINO, 22 fdra 1000 16 76 Mora Receipt 6.700 head. g few load of hoga that oid 1 00 Ken annul 16c lower, bulk of th trading wa at a decline of 26c. Mgbt ho and butrhera wild largely t I4.260I 60. wllh top price of 14.76. Mixed load aold al I orift i 26 end packing grade largely at 17 46100. Hulk of aalea waa 7.7i I.6U, ..624 i 44 .,(32 I 00 Although 2lV' No. 22. .U 61. .222 CO.. 274 70. .234 It. ,186 47. .112 10 70 10 NO. Av, u. .in 44. ,240 62. ,20 66. .21 HI. AM It. .211 Sh. Pr, 210 7 16 70 10 7 IS 11 4 26 I 46 ( 76 IIOOS Sh, I'r. 7 (ill 7 75 I 10 I 26 a 40 I (0 Sheep Recolpt 4,600 hed. Trading wa tulrly active on killing clauca, apota on fat lamba looking strong. Watern Mmbe moved largely at 1117612.10, th top price, and fed dipped lamb at ia.lol3 00. Small lot of native Iambi aold at 113.4013.71. Feeder wera clow, moatly bout ateady, Hheep aold fully ateady, good quality ewes aelltng up to 14.76, wealern yearling At 111.00 and feeder ewea at 16.26. Quotatlona on atieep; Fat lamb, good to rholre, 111. 7614. 00; fat lamb, fair te good, 11.1 .24013.74; frd clipped lamb, 112.764 U. (10; feeding lamba, 12 60013.40; fat ewea. light, f 644,76; fat ewea, heavy, 14.006.00; feeding ewea, 3.6(4p 6.26. Chlrago Livestock. Chicago, Oct. 20 Cattle Kecelptg, 12. 000 head; fairly active; natlv beef steers, wealern graaaers and aha-stoek, steady to strong; top matured beef steers, 113.60; boat long yenrllnxa, 113.26; bulk natlv beef steers, 11.76 tf. 1 2.011; bulls, atockera and feeders, slow, ateady to week; veal ralvea, weak to 26c lower; bulk, western graaaers, il 6047.25; soma up to ft.40. Hoga Receipt. '24,0(10 bead; -opened 16c lower, rinsing around 26c lower; bulk 170 to 210-pound average, 4.00I.IO; few lat aalea x.vii; good and choice 220 to 2110-pound butchers, 19 150126; top. 19 26 early; parking sows, dull; mostly 17, Tift 20; desirable plgi, 11.04; eat!, mated holdover, 11,000 head. Sheep and Lamba Rerelpta, 12,000 head; beat native lamba and fat westerns, fully Mcadv; In-between grades natives, weak to shade lower; top natives, 114.46 to ahlppefs ftn.l cltv butchers; 114.60 lo pack ers; hulk, 114.21 if. 14 40; culls, generally till OII&IO 64; eight cara Montana lamba, 114.36, with 400 out as feeders at 114. H; frd wentern lamba. 114 60 to shippers; ifl poiind fed yearlings, 113.00; feeders steady; lx cars Waahlngton lambs, 114.26 straight; aheep, fully steady. MCW 1OKK TIMKt. Ilnmli lie I eaerd Wire. New York, ik t, it. Tialiiy wltneaa ih rcautnption with aom empliuela if the downward reaction In varioua fl tut m-iii 1 innrket, t)i movement be ing, however, of a rim meter which euggeated that the (Inline limy riot le fur from Ita culmination. Alike In the atock market, the lnuil market and the foreign exi liunge market, the full of price ha been attrllmtHlile lo what Wall street deeerihe a "lech lilcnl conilitlon," hik! tint at all to unfavontlile development of an eco nomic aort, A turn for the worae In tha Imsliiea ell iiiitlun of the money market line foreh:idowd further reckoning, but the iffeet of overdone "hull movement," Incidental (drain r'le such n a liilf billion government loon eiilisfrlptlon md a I'i0,000i'ifl remltliince by fircnl lirltiiln to our treneury, I not iiaiKilly long In epetidlng Itself, I'erllma uineron. In tnday'a aim k market, however. d- rtlnc of 1 to I poliila wera unf'leaaantly numerous: even the railway ariatra ne. (lined, arid eli, am pricea were not far from the loweat. The bond market agi 111 showed mora or lea lntahlllfy : pfln a for lha war loai.a fait off another fraction and even th new 4 per rent dropped 10 . or slmul l point Under their high price of laat week Th mors of the money marker had no evident nearlrig on these movementa, and the weekly federal reserve statement. If It proved anything ahowed di-creased pres. sure on credit ferllltles fMscoiinled bills In fcl recreaeed 600,(104 St fha New Vol hank and III 04 004 in tha eveiem aa a whole, and In both r aiea the pint weea'a liecemher follnwe eubeianflal reeiclton In th week preceding The reserve ratio In- rea.'d 44 per rent at New Vork and 2S for th twelve hank rombined an In teresting sign of tetiiloncles In th field of crrdlt. French s hang llropa. Another decline la yrench exchsnga lo day rarrled the rat to lll'.c a frane which rompared with 7 47c. a week ago nd wiih 17c in the middle of laat April, It wa In fact the lowrat pries reached aire January, 1021. although llll far bov lb low point of postwar ilcpreclatlon, lha i.7Hr of Nftvembor, 1920, Ths explanafuin put forth today, even In tha preas rat, lee, thnt th fall In rale wit a neouen of the lame deficit ebown in m new Krewh budaei will not hold water; first, liecauea that deficit waa plainly foresha dowed long aro and aerond, becnuae the .lei line has affected Italian and Keigian exchange also and to prscllrally ths same extent. Aoiiarentlv ths rredlla svsllsbl for Kng- land'a next payment in lb United' Siete partly rrealed by rne goio anipmenis imra llir. Bunk of K.nglaiel were mostly tled up In th (Vcfobcr payment In financing th necessary balance through the axihimeo market, the London r,snner rsuier men in r.iil out aferlln bllla. hav bren el. Ing their holding of exchang bllla on ... . . u.t.iu v. . ,.l land's I arne ui 111.1. nr' " much larger export trade to Fran, a till year the cruinulilon muat hnve been ronalderable. aa It w with Belgian and Italian exchange bills' also, Insofar a Knglsral's November payment Is the cua .,r ih. m ratea it la not a continuing operation, Such dpi-ratlon usuallv result both In Vlolrlil neclinc no vioieni re coveries both of which era apt lo b greglly scrntuated by enciied speculation. New York Bends New York Quotations Rang of price of th leading stocks furnished by l.ogsn It Bryan, 21 l'eter Trust building:' RAILROADS. Wed. High. Low, Close, Close. ....1041 106 '4 106 144 64 62i 62 H' A T A 8 V Halt at Ohio , Can I'arlflc. ... N T Cential . Che Ohio... (Irt Northern . Ill Central .... K C Southern . Lehigh Valley , Mo i'nclflc ... n r n if... Northern Pao , Cbl It N W... I'enn R R Reading rr n i P Seuth Pacific , South Ry f ; M St P . , , Cmon I'scirto . Am Csr Fdry , A 111. Chalmers Amer Loco .... Baldwin Icoco , Beth Steel Colo F I ... Crucible Am Steel Fdry . Lackawanna St. Mldvale Steel . I'reaaed Steel C Rep St Iron. Sloaa-Scheff ,,, IT S Stel Vanadium ..... Me Seaboard . Anaconda ...140 1441 HI '4 ...141 Ml HI ... 74 74 74 ... t III l' ...llll 1124, 112 ...22i, ;2 22 ... 71 V. f. 44 ... 244, 19 111 ... lot, 29 44 2V' ... I6S ... 40141 90 In ... 4944 4914 4'i ... si' lift m:, ... 434 44 44 ... 46 9,1 ti'A ... 26 t 24 '4 24 ... 30 34 V, H Vt ...1401 144 144 STEKLH. ' ...1H4 134 1214 ... 44 41 1 4241, ...130V4 12r,4 1211 ...133K 13214 13314 ... 72 '4 7I4 714 ... 34'4 34 30 ... II 7714 71 ... 414 4214 42 ...HI 11014 fi ...3014 2214 r2'4 r.. S7 44 7 ... 6214 4H44 44 ... 47 46 41 ...140 I4SV4 I4.H4 ,.. 4214 4014 40 14V.. II'. con-Bus. N. Y. Curb Bonds New Tork. Oct. 24 Tranaactlnna on Ih New York curb bond market tndy wr ai follows; . 11 1 I i Domestic, I Allied Pack 0 .. -714 7414 Allied Pack I .. 17 17 Alum 7a, '25 ....104 144 Am I, T ..,111 111 Am T aV T I ww. 100 1"0 Am R C t II 111 Am TAT , '24.101 104' Am Tobo 7s, '21. .10014 1401 Ana Op la 1001 I4014 Ana Cop :. '21, .111314 Hjl Ang Am ti 7V,. .10114 rt Armeur A Co 7. ,104 1"4 Al l W I 4 ., II 60V llelh St 7s, '31. .111 141 Ileth Stl 1. 'II. .101 14 Csn N Ry q 7. 1141 110 I'an Nat Hy 4 ... 11 11 la I'ae a no oo Cant Steal I ....1071 107 1, Charcoal Iron la .11 11 Cllle Serv 7 "C, 17 7 Cul tlrapti I .... II 11 Con Ilea IUU ta..M ti.J' tin Ha Kail 7a,.lll l71 10a Teallla ,, II 14 Cop l.x Aa Is. '21 li li l ulan T. I 7 t . , n4 n. iia:en Ki on 7a ll li lieit Aa . , lei I'll i, Urand Trunk S I" l it ilu f (ill 7 u lai lleiihey 1 7S" l6 l" It.-,., I Ilu! r . . tl lo'er ll T ta. J. Inter ll T ill K . II (I A 1. . . . II h'fllli I I'll i t"4 mn 1 1 ti 1 I I. le a 1 . 1. U -S I, It ""In A I 7 ... I 1 k I . W I HI ! I t i ... u hi 1. . ,0 a ..S I I . If . ! I' ' I .- 4 .i' I " ' ..- a i i' - t.) t. 41 ... 4s " jo . . II !.. . 4t' ll. -M 44)l"' - 1 ' I I titi'i -.-... i..a.. I M .., a lm .l e,.i. 1 11 - . ' .,.... i . i. ... i r .ut n . i . . I elm -..., . 1 .ai , .1 I .' r,.r , lit 1 r I I'.- M ta I1..I..1I 1. a i. 'ii a. . e ....i t im la V b-.: i.l ai , in, v a . o 1 s a . s .. " , . r H' 'li I ... ml T . ti., r ...! ,M a t 1 141 1.1 1 oil 1 i 1, i - a .aa t . 1 I. 4'..... is 'S l US lei 11 lei HI I'.., I. : a I I - 1 a II It HIV, le I l- l.i l i -I in 14 IM '1 -t 11 u l I" ;) I i-. 1 ii 1.1 1. 1 -a I 1., s 1 .1 I-. H l.l , 1 4 ti.', I , 4 .. 7414 17 104 111 104 114 100' 100 10 10114 141 104 1014 101 102 110 1 ! I07" 11 II :t 101 1071, It el leu 1, 1"1 t !"' ll ll ' ir IU I I. 1-1 !;-, I li l""S 1-1 . 1-1 ' . 1 -. Il 1 I . l, '" i , in. 64 '4 Am Km A Ret CO. . !' f.erro da raaco . Chill Chlno .,, Col & A'l Ureen Cnnanea... Insplrsllon ...... Kennccolt Miami Nevada Con'dnted Hay Con'dated , . Seneca Utah rlen. AxphAlt ... Cosden Cslif pei.rol ... Island Oil Invincible Oil ... Mextexn Pelerol . Middle State ... I'arlflc oil Pan-American ... Phillip I'lerr OH Pur Oil ltoyt,l Hutch .... Sinclair OH .... Std. Oil, N. 3.,.. Teaa Co t'nlon Oil Whli Oil l4 , 26 . 27 . 27 '. M . '4 . 27 . 16V4 . 14 . 10 . r.4 OILS . 69 . 4 . 61 . '4 11 60 14 64 314 24 27 27 36 3,1'. 27 14 U'4 9 M'4 67 44 67 "4 if,' 16 60 14 an 14 24 '4 27 27 l 33 '4 27 us 13'4 I '4 41 '4 61 44 47 14 '4 14 '4 .227 220 220 12 49'i "4 47 t ? 66 23 12 60 !4 ... 01 ... 4 . . . 0 '4 ... I0'j ... Kl ... 1 ...HI ... 41 ... 17 . . . 4 MOTORS , . . 4 14 ... 14 14 . . 1 14 4 14 ... 11 II 4 47 12 40 47'4 4 29 I4( 12 '4 20114 201 41 lt t'4 t 11 1'4 414 4 11 chndlsr General Motor..., Willys-Overland rtarra-Arrow Whl'e Mntor StUdebaker n.k , iloodrlrh , KllevSpgf:d ... Keyaton Tlr. , . . A). a I'. Hubbsr INIil-stTlllAI Am Rest Sugar., " "'l a . o jv 1 . . . :i't :i Am Inier Corp. J!1, 31 '4 Amet,..! ginitalr 1.', ll A m Tl.;,h.'iie , . . 4 in.rx .it c.n . . . j Central Leather . I l ull Cane i Ciii,.n Am a. tear I 1 ore I'ni'lii. 1 laioiiu. l-:...ra I. -l k'le-'llt'i III V. 11 111 I ii Int.' Il.i...... 41 ' 14 It 14 14 ' 11 lit 76 '4 2Z 71 21 34 5J 40 n;S 4il'4 44 '4 2614 3H4 1454 73 2014 11 4314 1214 3514 '4 6214 44 10414 42 16 '4 61 69 l,J 394 26 27 27 67 14 3C 33 V, 21.4 I S '4 14 10 46 69 49 61 4 S m 2': II I2'4 ro 911 41 '4 t J0'4 64 331 ill 41 1S 144 10 14 It 11H 44 '4 New Toik, int. ! ll,.y i,rilallnn of Inlted Hi.ii got ei limn, t b.oils Ii. large in.illutlone p uniil lo meet b Inirra.'.l il-meuda fr tn'iiiiie-i Ut i..t Itoia rreuiifd lit anon," abirp ri.iti.'n m price in tod ie marai l I he pew 4'. a whli It bad li.en thrie I lore i,ieia.l,. sirilod si par, .uiwlil tl isms i,.i ll", lo ii ) ntbi r govrr (iicnl 4 per t ent te.oe., all of wl.iib lu, l,e,n , , , pp , 1,1. tf l.-.a I ban a reiin'h . u'el'd t die. au',1. nf a icr,,. 'in.'. ly i ' n i., $i l ltiaily .ia win.b I141I i..,i,f,,, l..('.J ta.l we.k ',tit liKl.iy at lliilliil, an ner. rush! de.iine ut to itfi,,. The 4'( Umie allowed I,,.. al up. Itili of 1,1 c.'l.ln Thn was r.ioie dlvralf'ii S'lllnif In lb foreign ll.l, the sl.iilpii.1 I. eak tnkli.g p!a In M'.'iso ,.ieri,ui.'i,t h., sod off p.'itils I. tons 1. n, eg,. I", 9"l 1'i.e.a of a I'i'llll i ,,i Im-il til Wl' en.Ur 4 ee. 1:1,, Jan 110 . a. 11,. I'opellheaen .',, Iltaml g,.a,i,s ts, an t I ul'i llallroada is 'I lie talll'lad lo-. tti again St'd piasee New tick, W.-tilnaier i'd II., .Ion 4, aieOlmg J 1, Kn.; ,,(f,,h Western ninveilipie as iIioiimii 2 points Kl.ewbere rle. fines of I 1 wi. t'ts lered by St. Ivoi eniivrn (liis 4'a, nn.f To. 4. of 26, h'ls rolivenll,!, ta, get,.. A and II New llavm t, g. .I.oaid Air Line lorieolldiiii'd a, Termli.l luilauy ... riali.,11 of Si Louie r- funding 4, Ureal Northern 4',. New V(H l..,.ir,il dd.en lure rSyfl, lio,,it Cei,iij,( r.fn.-tjng 6s l'oill.lllini rot. ftollil ile, 4 1 i were boebed up 1, (en.eiliiig W' .Ine.duy a lore A ' poln drov m Cerro de I'aero ta Waa the nulal ending fei,-r 1 1, nua, trial ll.l, Hi-.l, st'.iie In WON ll Were Chile Copper fll end 7(1. Varllia I. and Alalillr Finn 7a ell down I 1.1 t, points ll.l hi, I,,.,,, w,, ,. e.,r,i,.f 1,. moved up a p.'lol I'uMI" lillllly le.ues weeloned In syroieihv wiiii 11, iieiiin., in stocks, i.., of s p., 11,1 1,, none oicnrrlng 0 II 101.1,0 M,,b .11,111 .ot. ,. ,( Ivn Tionmi 7 end the return at 7a l iieri.i.roneh lin.i.l Transit 1, B, tiu h em Hell Teteiboon 1. r Total amis ipse vmoe) ... g 1 c 44(44 ! 'Iln-re war. ,, -r(. off. rllis of III,- I lorlanie, ( I tilled Mules Bonds. , , j 21 Liberty 3s. .,,,14)14 I Mir. 'I n4l Liberie let 4,, 1.2 22 44 1 71 Liberty 2d 4a, . t tl no (. ! Liberty 5d 4 i,. 2 f.a at ! I I"I2 Liberty 4h 4',a, t 1; ti 41, 2'.d Vlcf 4,s urirallid (I14 i,ii j nn : 172 Vp I 4'4a called , Ins 04 i.(( (12 Ji'OOJ 2447 1,' S Tr 4's ,,,,144 114 9( ;i 44 60 Forelgg, l Argentina 7 ,,,,,.141 111414 10 I llerne ta n, jo 26 Itonleaiif r, 7 j, 7, I Christian! 4. ....indie tonli. 3 Copenliiw.ii 4'4s ,. t'i . o,'in,'r r-rsuBiii is 7t 1 1 l.von as , 7 II Marseilles tn ,, 7t 22 lllo de ,fsnello ts,, (t.i Tokln 6s miJ 46 f.'gerhe Hep X. (-lf. t'J 2 Lan Itiiril Is A t lit llet.t Seln 7a ... still H Own Con 614 21, il In) in H001 Csn Is 62 ,,, . ot f't-h I-; Ind s 47, , 91 1414 i i'ko r, ino as r,i, II French Hep ta , Ml French lien 7 lie . ) Ilol liii Lin r,s, , IJ 7 ,lpanea let 4 '4a, 93 76 .1 ipniieae 4a fco :i Belgium 714s - leKiii,f) r,a I. Kmp ll I' 1 'I 9 la I i.. pr in 11 !..,,. I I. lie eft Men t. 1 1 1 ism iid 1 '.s. , in in o It e. 4 I s I f II... ,1 I. ll s 11 1 . r T II II I . . .r T as II I Ii i l 'I Ilk lilt ' le 111' 21 ii I Ink Ut 4. I' S as 1,11 Virih ta A.,ll" tl on a. nth 6a 11 I'll I. It id a M i.l Is A I II , I U I Hie Is l I I H.,,,,1 1. nil 6 , ' I CI l .i.l 1 ',s II I I l ent r f 4s . I til at , l .... 1 lot SI ! Imi ll.l t't 71 li t ll t Is . , 22. I"l ll T r.f 6s . . , 1 I' I lit II T el 6a .11 11 I a n K I'll t ai. li't ii M II l ef te . ., tl 7'i lm I 4 1 f t a II. , 4 . Inrll.i' 11,1 a 6 I. 1 Si. , 1 a . , , 11 a 1' 1 - to I. I Spin, I' , 3 l.ail-a SI 6U . i I. at II N d la 11 1- .' I'll '. 114 . 4 tl', !" 12 " II" . l , .10.', . 91 '4 , 42', SI I. . t'. . 1. .I"l'4 . . IC'i .ll'I 1, . 4 ' 44 , I'4 ', 7 7', . )" 17 r J 77 77 7 97 2 77 77 71 7'4 9'4 7 '4 104 SH, 147 '4 I nt ,'4 t 141 4 414 i !, '1 t 7 14 44 . 16 2 71 ,,,1014 I'll '4 I"l ... U 9:14 r,i4 ,., 14 7 7'4 ... 91 04 4 ...111 III III ..!"'! I"2i 102 , . 75 7-14 72 , . n.'.e, tr, r, . ,)03"4 Mii 10 ,,147 ("7 14744 , .I'll 1KII ll'O 6 A t, Ii H V anil 4 ...( 4 e- II .1 IK 1 la. i... !.' ,1 ... 34 Unit Ohio r ...I'm 9'4 I'm 4 Hull . fihio rv 414s 1214 '. 20 Bell Te Perm 7s...1oi4 lest; 1I4 11 H"4lt St ref f,s uVf, do V, 4714 n Hkin Rd gen in D. 17 14 leT". 111714 127 126'4 121 127 AMI TlltK 11' 11 17 II' 41 ' s 1JI, MS 41 s: it It H 14 t n Hi 4IS II S. I.l', 1.1 I:!', 121 T', ;i 11 u 11 ) .! 1 7 1 1 11 'l, Jl'a 11 M 1:4 , 11 . . 1 I , :l l.'f . M '" , J. Hf ;4 lienmark r,a . 37 Nelherinrnl 4s 27 Norway ... 1 1 Xweden rs . . . 9 Purls Lv. Med ts. 40 Hep Bolivia Is , , 17 Hep 'Chile Is 40. , 60 fjiieaiisland 7 , , ? Ouerntlsnd r. . , 10 Sin I'lllllo f 4s,.,,1li4 1 10 144 34 Swiss Con . 12114 120 i;iii r, K It It Ik J (14, 21 4 147 144 27 K fl B I 37.142 I0II4 141 CO II s Itraull Is ,,,,.in 04 10414 70 I? S Hroull 7'4a ... 17 r, sr, 19 1J S Hriosil f; 11 V, 7 HI si 14 '4 41 If S Mexico 6s ,,,, 61 49 f,4 31 If S JMeg 4:1 29 3I4 31114 20 Am Ag dim 714s, .14 111:04 Jr.3'4 '3 Am Smelt f,s , 91 94 m 27 Am S'issr 0s lot '4 11014 741 i 7 Am TV-T iv ir,t', 116 lt',04 14 Am TT ml tr 6s. 97 4 67 '4 07 4 14 Am TT col 4s... 9 l,l; 91 24 Am IV W H 6s, H t- 34 Anion Jurg'-n 7? 77 '4 ,77 6 Armour ('0 412,.,, f t4 e't 61 A T S F gen U.. 7'2. I I.11 1,1 I. HI I. lei t" t I is a My -1 In l.'irllluid le II I, N W ta ;l I, K nf 6a , 7 LA N on (led la . 27 lint et II) n ta I Mi. .1. 1 oil Ihi 1 li, ti cm tl 4s. . It d St rv ts , a ti K T 11 e 1 is A ti III M K t 't I a A l '- 27 61.. I'ae roll e .... .)"" 16 kio Car g"M 4. ... 12 .Mi, nl I'.i 'a A 3D N V. TT ll Is elf I f (I T II li" 6s let N V Cent d IS 1. 4 N V Cent t I ! 1 K V I Vol 1 nil 4s . . , ; N V Id ref ',s 1(' 17 NT" Mlall rv ts 71 7 N V Tl t'f 41 1"4 II N V Tel gen 4's, 24 NV VV A 11 4" . 14 Nor vV'sl cv r.a 121 ! No Amir Kd 'f ' '. No Par ref Ss II 10" 66 No Par rfg imp 6a l 7 I o I'ac pr ll-ll 4s SO UNI power nf 6. A 2'4 77 N W It. II Tel i. I"2 ' 4 Ore' A Csl let 6a . I ' .'( o S I, r"i 6 I "-"'i o S L li f Is 42 t; ii W ll ll Nsv 44 " it Cue s A KI'C l-s 12 ii P.e T T Is IH',2. t 4'aik Holor I nr e I f. I'.n Am. P T 7s.('i'4 I, I Perm ll It ..II"', 2') pen M H n t . '!'"' ' 22 Pi'li'l II It n" 4'4" ' Ml 2 I' Marqui'te ref 6s II Phil Co c'd lr f.s. I ""4 I P It 4 war 14-,4, I Pub Servo l.a 47 '4 t Heading g-ii 4 "6 4 Hun Aim sf 4a. . 6 lien I A S ml .. 91 '4 3 ll I'l A A I. 4s , SI 16SLIMAH Is HAD dlv r.4'4 61 SLASP pr Urn 4sA , 71 r.'l S'LASF sdj is 79 71 SiLAHK inc .s, , , . , f.t Is I Ml I, S "in Is . .. 76 I SlI'AKC Sh I, 4's xjr, ii Se Air Lin run 6a 07 16 Si Air Line eill Is 26 ; I t'V te I'll I' I 1 II Ill'l I" 2 a ll !"' ,1 4 t 1 4 S4 tl ' I "S ' 17 t 74', 1'.', 61 tl tl II" 'i'4 1 l"7'4 tl t; i ut i Pi '4 ', !"! 0 s, Is SI SI ', H i 17 l'il Sf, t I c'4 1 1 l"l f.'4 61 I l'i 2- I "7 91 14 91 I'i7', I""' 4H 12 , to 14 01 '4 91 Ml,' 1 45' l"9 I'll 9"' 92 I nl 1 06 S7 M '. ', VI 91 4 V, 71 "4 1,6 , 1 t 6' 2.'.i 47 44 H t'. 111 I "I ' III 114 I "2 11 mi 41 t 9't una, 44 tit ln 13 t'S 1 ' 6. "4 I l ' " I I ! ' t c, I im', ; 91 ! ." : 91', i '. ' ' 7 1 I" I S. .l', ll'', ' Sll 4. : ,. 1 1 1 1 I no r.4 47 4, a . 7 ii,i 14 a? I"'4 , a 14 '4 il 61 llt'4 vt I'll' 91 s 2'4 l"7'. I"" '. I o.i 2 (' 1 11' I "6 141 I "t'4 91 tl' 2 I 04 I'lilJ 7 II i 1 1 1 la I J 21 II T' f-nt, d.y a. . Air l ine I. f 4" 4J 41 elision en up t "'" iU C H'l IS . ll I" e n I o l t s . " ' Si, .10 lie II Te . , 9. Su tin I sc i 4s . l ... .... I'.,, let 4a l a..., a Itv aetl '. a !"! I"l S.iilb n L ka. tl1 -Jill lie gta 4. . ' en I'.tte ll n la ! li"1. Si. I o if . el dew ) !"' I"' Hind Av ad) la . t. Tidewater oil a l"l 1". 'lob I'li.dii.'e 7a I'"' !"" T il l I V) eat n I I .n HP eA.Ha ll p lit 4a . . . I : I i v . ... V V I'f . I' Tak l ir It I'lil'ssl I'll I' V ll n 94 tl tl 91 71 7 ta 99 . tt ', . ! II "l " .II'1 . ' C Hy Iv lal Is I'lila s 11..! 1 fa s Itiii.ler 1 c C H ituiilcr 6a . . I' si.el a f la, run p t, ta , . i". I'm 7a i I fs Hv . . . U tal K!ee f.e , vle.l tlaiy 1st 4a ...I l ac 6. VI ...I I ol ' ' '. u , .' I.on.e V ii- ia U I' kwlle S SI 7 Vt I "7 . s. !"; , ti j , S tJ , I HO . 6 . e 111 9. tl' t"S ll 7 l2 91 94' 9',' mi tt. ! I "9 .17 lf till I'll 9b I. Mil ...n Co a f I',..!'"'' l''6' k. i .....a..',, rv l.a . Si'-Si .1 .'. I bund lodsv war. 11 .no,., ..led Wilt. I". J I'1 ,,,( i; ' I. nun a -.ear ago. ll aa l"IV 9" II tl II I'll tl no !" .0 It l" 11 I H H 44 l"l III n't 4 l'"H .1 l"l : t. ti lill t' () I'll CIS l"1 l6i l 4 2). sliou TurpelillsHS il Keel. y.v.n.'.i. .... "! 3--4-.l"J-; I'l, in II ' s.ies. :2 Id-Is: fss'll'l, ' . .' ;".;. ".s, 7 bl-.e, ....' 004 bblt. Il,,.,n- K.lin. sal.. 2 .' '"l""' I 1.0 ia.,a; shipments. 111 ea'ks, "" . Ull essas . ,. .2.0.1. li, i. ';, e ..' : . ... i, 1,11; WW, I ILU tt. 7 W'l, DRESS SALE Friday at $11.75 Cloth- and Silk Dresses, for merly l! ut 115.00 lo tU.M), Clrnri. d 1 1 JC l,'t 8ftlc Trie.. tJHilM Julius Orkin 1512 Do-ilt Street ':'4 4 '4 m 9 4 '4 71 7 '.4 It, 7'. i, tf. 26V4 AH Garment, ftenl U le Be Dystt ee Cleaned Ar Insured Agaln.l Mr, , heft so Burglary While I Our Feaaaaslen DREbHLR BROTMRRX Mers tw and three-piece 4)1 CQ lulls tlsaned end pressed. .. ' 217 Larnam !Htreel TalapHsnstl Omaha, AT Unlle 0341 South Sid, MA rkel 0040 7H '; 16 Bkln It T 7 nf.., fi'04 It' -0 it, 44'i . 911, tit l"1 0' 1 cVi s'ortli 7 3s Can I'i,c d 4s, ,t 13 Cent tin ' 24 Can) Leatli fa , t Cent pe gi(f 4s 19 Cerro de t'iwco Che Ir Ohio rv : 23 Chcs Ohio i v 4s ' 12 Chl ft Alton '4s,, 3?l, 12 Chl I, Alton 3s , . . t,-. 114 C 11 (I ref f.s A., I'll; 14 7 Chl A V. Ill f, ... t2 17 c 'It W.i 4 (I'4 l:i f M SI P evl f II 7514 V, f f K, Hi V rv 4',. 7("4 1:1 1: m ei i' rrf 4 4 1 ni tf IV w 7, , . . 1 Chl !v f,a J C R 1 V ref 4i. 6 Chl West Ind 4a. 64 Chile f'oti 7a 60 Chile Cop t. 3 Colo lid Ss 11 Colo So ref 4'2.s. k7 2 Col (1 H, KI Be 11', 9 C'tba C.iip Kg d t'S, ti1s4 1 I 'el It Hud rv If, til, 34 I) R ti ref 6s,. ri II 11 H 1) con 4., 7r 9 l)"l Kd ref 6s, , . ",1 I Hist Sec 6 r,l 1 Homier steel r.f 7s. :i " I'pnt .-vem 7s 74 Iuq Lt 6s '2. 1 114 (Ig'J 9t '4 no 94 97 14 ;t r.i 1 1,11 m i'l 76 n 1. 'i 14 1,6 in! J 107 IK 7tr,4 1 1 ' a 1 Kit, tilt. l'2 112 , 7I'4 .107 , fir, 14 70 '. 74 '4 1','i 4'4 7(1 14 tt '4 !! 61 ', 7 !"" 64 9.1', I OS 14 n "4 140 KOI sti '.4 111 !"l 44 22 f.1 1"4 IT4 6 I 76 4 0'4 l,.'l H'7 7'-4 9,1 71 14 loe 0 4 '4 70 e7 Oil 61 7 ii '4 i";",i r.4 ;i'4 I'm &z Tax Free Equals at Least Subject to Taxes '127 SA ft V You can obtain 6 to 6' from Nebraska Tax-Free First 'Mortgage Farm Loans. We are certain you cannot obtain 74 from a taxable investment whose security is comparable to a firtt-clats farm loan. We offer straight loans in amounts from $2,500 to $17,000 bonds of $1,000, $500 and $100. Will you call or may wc mail you description of gome choice loam? QmakTrust Comyaw Omiht SillonaJ Dank Bwlillnt J 103 '4 l'U 10 3 Am Hide, Lthr pfej t'. S. Ind. Alcohol, Interna,, paper . , Inter. M. M . pfd. Am. Sueur Itcf. ' , . He. ra-Hoe Inp k Stroinstiurg Tob Products . . , Worth'gn.n Pump. Wilson Co Western l.'nlon . . . Wst'gl'e KISC Am, Woolen MIst'KI Am. Cotton oil .. Am. Agr. Chem. . . Am. Llnssed . . . . . t'nlon Hag, pfd. . , Bosch llsgneto , . , Pklyn. Hap. Tran. Con'tl fan , Calif I'rk. Col. liaa A 70 4 11914 14 14 72 6.'. 65 lil 04 6 67 67 It 67 ',4 4, f,:, 14 64 77 71(4 74 74 6 "1 1, a:i 14 sr. 6:14 61 '4 ;,'4 6S(, 6 7 '4 66 5 61,4 21 36 21 .Hi 41 11 4I4 41 112 112 112 112 . 2. 11 l 2S II 07 47 tt I.I.ANKOI'S, !6 26 14 fg 11 I'l 90 Hk 14 II 14 17 9'4 69 1114 ... . l 1 7 14 17 "'4 17 97 II 9'., 9" 11 4714 IJ- SJ Klae. . I"9' l' 104 114 2 79 4 47 I'l U'4 1"! ! 4'"4 )t II'. Ut 41 4". 7-S II Ut ll 11 14 I I.. ! I - ! till S IMI IKlHIt roiumlna flrph . 2 t nifed I'rug lo' 71' Nat l Fnamrl , , l 66 Inlled Fruit ... 1J 1674 Nat l 110 I o 7 I'biia Co I'lUltliSH IS I'unla Aieera Sug I S I'.irlii llico Sue . It all Sii.iea I. a eni F s t er I 'lem 7'-', I , ni ..I... HM'H 41 iiuei t 1' ... 4 pef ' , .l i vl.l I i .,i,. -ci,.., i"":1 Ir., ae. I" 7 I 'ai, a -Ci ... V' !" lay " i ! " s I -..! Cl .ee, (I tit,; W..te..l. t . i .... II 41 Till He Ml mitl" 1 21 set, 11 r tnrsiUl s , w. iluss Uy's 14 4.a . Im.hi, ta II i i Hi ... 4 , , . t Ml l : e . t i ., ', .It, . ' , V a la... 4. i tl tl ' a i . . 1 1 i " 41 nl l -1 ! t' I , Cruising Round-the-VVor!(f J.n. 9 and 16, 1923 il a m 8. K-..lute", S S. "Vilrn (new uiit'urniiikf lineal, lha niily Itnun4 I a W 1 1 4 rrui ahii in lt"Ji '.'1 run 1 rutt r. J..r lervl.e In ti! ti illiterate ami tro0i'al vmUfi. .'. ,:.vt t.( uh tb Imvi un ler I 'I l- I i I'li'liti'Ui (.eneri.ui ill re eti ii.i"f' itu Ki ll . I H Iv I 'l li.iiikl.t at I fal. ,C?.l Me4.lettea A t ' i i.,i -.. ,' i. w.'l .4'4 e-. I- a, ' ' ig Aie.iwa I, .l a,"' ! I li ! ..k ka. N 1. V. N 4. -im .! C A f At Mil, 14, Ml. ' teal It A M . t Sl-eU ( t m4 -..--4.a i i !-. U. S It -( . fc 4 . ,' ItiiiK IMAVtl At. I Mr w. , tcih ti.-.l .l it . 4141 e. Hl li. . as SA1auiU a vtllllttiMS (u, t.. To Our Clients and the Investing Public We wish to call your attention to the services offered by Straus & Company, Bankers. We cany accounts on all securities and partici pate in all the large underwriting!.. While we do not know your requirements at thjs time we are taking the liberty of men tioning several issues we are advising com mitments in. Among these you will find: American Telephone Sc Telegraph Pennsylvania Railroad Yellow Manufacturing H. S. Steel Swift &. Company 6s Peoples Gas You will find that whtthn you purchase the above M'curities for siMy of principal with an ..Mured iii't un1 or market profits with tln maximum dividend yield, a highly prontabh- transaction. I IV ithall takr gnat l!tunurt' in mnintf you. Orders nisy be wired at our ciprnie At the market. STRAUS & COMPANY Trlephomt Davenport 7246, 612 Kahl Ituililini, Davenport, low l- 1.1 1 I" t "I