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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1922)
J 10 Till: OMAHA BEE: FRIDAY. OCTOBER 27, J92- How (o Keep Well r DR. W. A. IVANS Qvaatl MKml ( Mail. Ilea d mim el dlaaeae. eb amiad I Or. kr readers ef lb . ill be eawrd iwMMlly ukKl I araaar liaiilaOaa, br lawaaa, draed ear! la a a tleaad. Dr. (van wilt eat dlel ar rcrlb lar Individual dieaaM. Adds taller la car ) Tka . FIMPLKS AM) f.OKiil.V.. people (lei tint have pimples Iieeatina; lit tlm rnnilllloii of tlialr WimmI. There ni-nr ) any iiW that Uiy did, How pf thnne who jieralatM in saying i hat plmil' aver due to blntxl eon I II I'ina mI'I that the hlood tot whl' h Mwwid (ha McmkI til t all rlalit were nut pnin rly made. Tliry were not i nmpieta enough, J if. Levin and Kahn furiilnh Ilia answer lu that point . They mad va Hous k:ii'l of tl In the caan of 21 l!rauiii who Imd had pimple from 1 to IS )ears. Thty found that thrre t.'m no variation from th normal In tli amount of tillnmrn In lha llood. Nest, they found that people with plmplrs Imd nclihrr tiior nor Jes cat rlum In their Mood, u compared with yihr porjns, Onehulf of llifin had mora sugar than normul In tho blond, However, vori thraii Imd u normal blood sutfur tolrrsnfe. Fo inu'.'h for tht blood part of I lie study. It showed that i Im luood wax about othrr people's lilood, exrept that Mitout hnlf of them hud noma excess nt bloo1 sugar. A aiiRiir ti't on th kidney function showed thut when they at exresnive quantities of stiKsr, about one-sixth of thsm hal eui;sr n the tirlnn, when the amount of susar outen wsa wall below that required for lycourl with moat people. One-third of tho cases had, a mild acidosis. Analyses of the bowel movement ehowed fiirmenlatlon of nigura and eiarch'.,but no putrefaction of meat, , or milk. The practlral mminlnof llile la that peraone with pimple will do well to cat I'hh than they have been; that they di-creime especially the strath) and sweet food and beverages. Another conrliiHlon to which the Muily led wan that disturbance of the thyroid iflund wan an Important cause Millinery Dept. CLEAN-UP SALE Friday we offer 200 Velvet Hatfi and others formerly soM nt 15.00 to 17.60, tfJO A K choice at ....... P' Julius Otkin 1512 Douglas Street 1 BIG LACE CURTAIN SALE AT VALUE-GIVING PRICES SATURDAY THE VALUE-CIVINQ STORE Howard St, batwean Uth and lib msi.ruir mnnr nnr tytieumatisml -id URiusDain ' by breaking up congestion Moit ichrs nt rheumatism irite from congeation. ApplySloan'a. Pon't rub. It penetrates to the tore spot, ttartinj the blood cir culating1. This reduces painful conge ktion the Inflammation vanUhes. , Trr Sloas'a ea aprtlaad. brultad nu clea, oa ackin barka od oeualaia. Irs It eo tiiat "coll la tbe cheat" Sloan's UniiMat-rWb paint .ti',ltvn.if. . CU3ED BY A AAflVE HERB un vcd a tv bound for IndU twi-mly a m.ui !ltin by a pole on. n i.i'tii.-: 1mi!i dctor i n.t 4 fund ume-i! ntld m ronirol ih -i -n ifu.liB th'tuh ln nl.u. It si diy lhi '''' if i.hed for An I' i. .ui iiu'i k eent f... . -is. -i--I i Mtlve U'h hi h .i. Vty .lo.oed ti iltn 4 11... i.i it Uf" ' ! ;. i au I harba are nature a a i. I.. Iii .! -Ulini UiaatM. , Ui.i. h. ra.-ma T ailmenla I ..hwp, tJ a T.. tne.i.iti sttit.l ii'imd. la HWI ( . III l, I ai. l t-air. M i.xi.hI ifit f iet lne t IM ti4 tl .( h aitmeiile The I t-r..4 t the KitUie ,.,.. ere nl.ii!jf iui4; hi in th-e tir PIAN0 U ttotti e artieu A. iHWlMd A. taurtv iO. tan tw t ra-e of ptmnlea. Here la boy. II years old. ealliiK about the wiim food! that ha ha pirvioualy eaten; tukliiK rather more exercise than he has been ae- cuetomed to, certainly e healthy aa he ever ban, and wiih a kkln that hue always btwn emooth, yet, within few montha, If la noticed that the treaee glands on hi face form black head, and theeo become Infected making plmpl'-s. It Is tovlial 10 suep4-ct that the durtleas glands are In some part re sponsible for the pimples, slnre they are reaiwmalble for so murh alee at that life period. Dr. Levin and Kahn find evidence Incriminating the thyroid gland. In onrtsln rases, giving thyroid made ths plnipli-x worae, but (riving some other (lauds caused Improvement. Freeing Girl of I -Ice. Mm. I.. H. writes: "Will you kindly t' d me how I could rid a 20 year-old girl of head lloa. rlhe Is too large to have her hajr cut off. She works out POMTKAL, ADVKRTIMEMBNT. E. RUTH PYRTLE Nos-Polltical Candidal far STATE SUPERINTENDENT Over JO ytari' pcrlne in Nbratks rural, vlllaa and city ichool. Two driiri from Slat Uiiiverelly. ' Fimr ten montha' wrlfure work at Camp Uodire and Dca Maine. Initltut in. truetor. homtadr, travtlsr. lec turer and civic warkar. Vets for Her Nor." 7th ' ADVKRTIaBMr.NT. Mrs. A. VAN ABNAM. t' If You Are a Woman In Middle Life You Cannot Afford lo Overlook One Word of. This. . Davenport, Iowa. "I wish I could tell to all the world how much I owe to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I was nearing middle life when my last child came and my health was miserable; I bad continuous pain In my right side. I took nine bottles of 'Favorite Prescription" and can truly say that I suffered the least that time and my health afterwards was better than it had ever been before. While passing through the critical time of life I depended solely upon 'Favorite Prescription' to keep mo well and strong and It did not fall me. I had none of the distressing symptoms most women have at this period, such as heat flashes and dizzy spclla. I came through In excellent health and am still just as strong and well as I was thirty years ao. thanks to this best of medicines. Dr. Pierce's Favorite PreHcriptlon." Mrs. Alice Van Amam, 1705 W. Fourth Ht. Tour health ta moist important to you. Why not write Dr. Pierce's In valids' Hotel In Buffalo. N. V., for free, confidential, medicid advice or send 10c far trial pkg. of Favorite Prescription Tablets. v The Brandeis Store Invite You and Your Friends to a Free Musical Program tvsry Oay This Wik From 4 to S P. M. giiea usder I'ae ur' of the rnonoersph Pfj'Srtmeut In the Grill HoomTeath Flour. The Bresdele tiore. SU'A1 s PIKK.RAM t H- t i fraaiil 'lt tia (nfOlal. la (HI'" t sia I.. I aaaaai Hum Hat4 .Ml I a.aiMI ...MR . .it a Tw' i Pi I it 5 h& -Mr 14 I. ah H'M." Vhl !-. h ( i l -i., mn trr. 4 t -. , i.,i iriiiwi a . tia -liit I lsi i, lbiM. . a a ----I ! Mt aval .ir4li, vnfc. a.'.. 4 tint, a. i -i. .eva.ij., i4 k,-t V rM.Hl i'v.:i ii.ii.4I f tl Sm I. ( I t U v. H a r (: - !' . H a im l-fM.ei S . a -ii wi4 II4.I Sli I. 4 M. t i. . t i. i. a ... It.a t. i m aa fc . i-fc. . N.t waji I. . H. 4 .a . atra It , k a i 1 of town and the only ttmo she Im I Funday to heimlf n any way. Her head Is full ff nils." ItKPJ.V. One Humlay is enough, :ut nwi snry to Nib the hair. Wanh the hair with kciwiu-. See that the little boaith-rs do not tempo, rnrlly adjourn to th clothing when tl ey smell the kernavne. Leave kerov on for 10 minutes. Kemove Willi a towel. Wah With hot vinegar to remove the nits or rags. Iave on 10 tulnutes. Ilemove vlnvgar with towel. Wunh with plain wuter. Dry. Cniib with a fine tooth tomb, the teeth Well greiiaed. Ilcniember that IheTead may be re- stocked. Therefor play siifo by making a job lot of it. Trent the family and other iloao a'iatee. Ilrsnl Vegetables! Fruit! C. O. writes: "Can chronic coiiNllpa- fOMTICAI. AlrVEHTIMaJMRNT llinley (or Contressl I MEANS REAL SERVICE I For This Bitlrict Drama to Grip You; Mystery, Romance, Remarkable Portrayals A DRAMA OP DUAL PER. SONALITIES, CHANGING FACES, LOVES THAT NEVER CHANGE Then Laugh Yourself Sick at CLYDE COOK in "THE ESKIMO" STARTS SUNDAY i Cwsen as THE ROMANTIC HALL holds no Strand Orchcstnt riijtng "lUWh" 1. a 11 tlun te cured? Ilow? It was cuustil hy the ue of l.ixatlves fur niitny (ears, (ilherwisx well. "I am to years of nu. The laxa tives help for such a short time." rtlUi.Y. Uut plonty of bran as a bread and aa a cereal. Plenty of vegetable and fiult. Prink an abundance of water, If you need anything more, take a labkspoouful of agar three times Sy. Why Take Out ToiislU? Parent writer.: "Mhould tonll ho r.itnovail fruiii a rhild 7 to 111 veuiH of age where tonslla are eoinewhut IniKer than they should tier t mm b is atw tys hud very good In nit li. I'TonaltM m-n not rllaf.fineil and ata dnreuHlng In slr.o us child gel older. 3D LAST TIMES TONIGHT "MY WILD IRISH ROSE" A Woman Who Gave Love or a Woman Who Betrayed Love ? Now Showing -Today and am A Story of RcralRomaitce and as JDrcaiiniesg anaf riaening ,a3. ovora i-tc. Representing aTuirfe fortune m it's screen presentation; aproductior tKat is dcsHned; to stand out as one of the greatest screen creations 66e OpexuujiA&ractiori fir more vivid, 01 characters than tho30 I Hi t ftMt a llwmea. II lllui fHf M ua.-tit 4nne iaraaa ewSkm ad Mabaal ( A Mo. child hil never hud HyiV throat tuuilile. I KKPI.V. Your lutter contain no resaou for the removal of the tonsils of this child. If Year Carmmla Ar Wrih Clala, Have Thaia Cleaned Sr Our Sciaatilic OdorUa Cleaning Praraa DRKSIttK BHOTULK Oyer. Claar. Hallara, t urrUtt, Taller nd Ku Clear Trie Raduaad Man' I we ed lhra.plt ' en suits cleaned and praaaed. . . X2IT Faraaai Sir! Tlvpknai Oaiaka, AT lanlle 0MS Sou IS Sida, MA rkat OOSO TODAY MAT. P-VNO AND nAHlRDAV Jack Raid's Merry Musical Revue 'CARNIVAL OF FUN" and Shubarl Vaudavlll Act Da Wolf Girl., Clara and V.rdi Alfreel Latell and Eli Voke.i Clamra Balling C. Th Si Rai Bell and Jna and a Broad Choru Ml. IS, 0c Ev'g 26c, SOc, Tsc, $1 I N asm c (fK.JL. George Sasimaxs 9teuf5.00Q000 'Eockeskr, 913. Zwetdre FAME JJ REX a-V 1 1 I beloved J A SH n AT & lerlcclly portrayed W ROBERT EDESON. STUATTT HOLMES. e' v,..,A.MW"A7,nAMAM NAVATJTin v. d )., at al wlaa.-ia. at U OHmeuniPRCuiT VAuotviu Mat. Dally. S-tS-r Nlgtil, S II Third of a Cawlury Annivarcary NORTON & PriBt,M MELNOT WAH- la "Ttnty.le LETKA Waaklnfiaa Tke Aairita ftauaia" Indian Baerata BOB MtlMPHY FRANK A TEDDY SA"bTnT lie.. 7 Will. I Bird Taprt i Oar A.aa 1 kl P.lh. Nrwt UAtlUU ' IS t Btfc MC.MTS la i li oe Auditorium Xi'WZ'i Th Tu.aday Musical flub Prateat Geraldine Farrar SOPRANO Prltaa 11,00 t SO Ne War Taa Public at S.I Friday, Ocloe.r JT STARTS TOMORROW America's WESLEY IB ARMY in the Best Role and Picture of His Career 'Tfi $W iii1iiiiliiite n IHVI f.J CiL BXM Writ 7iVV''iv'iuiujttui;i Packed with action, thrilling adventure interwoven in a romance, pathos and laughter. iUL1Mimmmmmm,. I ,, , m.,.,,,,,!,...!!,!!-- rn r , ' , , Next Week of Adventure t INGRAM 4if m4 gaMwit aa wt kgj wsnvwwp t:iltW NUW SHOWIWO Billy Beuk.l.r and Haul Van in "LET'S CO" A Pullmiin Travaaty A-U-Carta Jeciia Millar I Corlelli a Dowd "The Modern "A Bit ef Orphea" I Suany Italy" KOUR ISHIKAWA BROTHERS Japan' N.t.d H.nd f qiilliSrma Photoplay SHIRLEY MASON ' la "Tk. Massed Hair" tieiBHBORHOOD THEATERS VICTORIA .... 24th and r.rl Vf RA CORDON la "Th Good rrldr" GRAND .... ISIB and Biaae'y MARJOKIK DAW lib "FIKTV CANDLICS" Amateur Vaudeville HAMILTON . 40lh and H.mlllua ALICE LAKE In -Ktl.Hlt.V' Matinee, (Pily) ....25 Eveninga (Sun. Mat.) . ..'5 Children Chum scenes and stirring beautiful story of 7 Jt.aU Ha!)! lnlK d.aiiHf. r',J hi iKas he rukJ 1A aaad a4 bid IW.-a .b al ma Mil "OHSHS'S tUN ClStlS" XljfCdjf pst waa psic.s LAST TIMES TODAY J:15t:J0 TN MUSICAL S1VUI. "lll'l CO" tarra IS.IarS.H Mai, I'd AH Mk IT. STEP LIVELY GIRLS SH: e.r.r.'.h' adic SI Clil A A FANFARE OF I UN ALL ' UESTINAL Aa unptcdanted Iraal of lilvallly TOMORROW a I the hiiassa Warranted by th Waild ain.t mrnl la t lha blfeal, bt and brilliant vaud.nlla bill l lha 111 aaaan. SEX ACTS nil tvsry m mor thuo worth whtlt. ROE REAVES lntro.tli-nl Cum.dlan, I lb Alar el lha JARVIS REVUE With Will J.rvl. and a Quartet of Sln(in Sr.nt. K I I "INDOOR SPORTS" A Riotci. Sallr on Modra Lov-Mhln I I CALEDONIA 4 Harmony aad Hunter J. I MARIE KELL and th BROIVER BROS. A Studjr la Syncopation 1 I WARD & KING PAGE & GREEK And Than This EXCEPTIONAL Full Length Future ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN in a Story Unusual "UNDER OATH" Last Times Tonight "Wfoen Romance Rides" Starts Tomorrow HlTr'a BtHir) i'SI lll Irrii tu U liia f'l'i I" ff lul Hah. IMHaanWnaaaaMnaa MADGE BELLAMY JOHN IIOWEKS FRANK KEENAN is "Lorna Doone" DUSTER KEATOII IN "The Frozen Korlh" Eftirt Vsis ilstyni & Co. SiiM OU ! Nw Si I .. I !.. if. aj 4 Iawi t