The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 07, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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    This Is the Life,M
Says Absent Wife
Check From Haland he
Away Blnft Kcroncilu
tion h Probable.
When you've derided your tuts
htnd it 4 veritable "oil on"
And you've packed up and fled,
taking the baby with you
"Ain't it i grand and glnrious-ss-s
feeling" when hubby turni out to be
regular iuyr
-Amt It?" aks Mrs. Fred Work
ty of Akron, Ohio., wmho now re
idea tt Tenth and Pacific streets
h her baby. 6 month.
Mrs. Workey Irlt home a month
ago. Her husband Irarned the was
m Omaha and polite here yesterday
received a telegram a. king thrm to
learn if ahe in need.
She was about $.W) worth.
Flash I Juit like that Friend Hun
hand telegraphed the J 50 to relieve
her need.
-Now ain't he a grand fellow?"
Mr. Workey asked. "I'm thinking
aerioutly of going bark to him."
Man Kicks Bandit;,
Holdup Thwarted
It wit boon against a gun in ar
attempted daylight holdup near
Elm wood park yetterday afternoon,
and the hoot won.
"Put 'em up," commanded the
bandit at he leaped to a ear driven
by Keno 1'ierce, driver (or Cedar
Knoll Dairy company and pointed
a gun at him a Tierce approached
the park from the went at 2.
Fierce planted a hravy boot auin.t
the man'i jaw, knocking him off tl.e
machine. At the bandit fell be
rammed hit hand through the wim'.
thield and a resulting gash poured
blood along hit trail, which led to
a cornfield.
. Police combed the neighborhood,
but the fugitive escaped.
Public Schools Diamiea
Pupili a Mercury Soars
A majority of the public schools
closed either at noon or at 2 yester
day afternoon because of high tem
peratures. Some of the schools also permit
ted the pupils to go home Tuesday,
the opening day, when the ther
mometer soared. School authorities
said that after the mercury rises
above 90 degrees, principals are per
mitted to dismiss the children. , The
matter is optional, however.
Fund Campaign to Be Held
Here for Salvation Army
Campaign of the Salvation Army
home service fund in Iowa and Ne
braska will be held October 9 to 16.
Brig. William Andrews of Des
Mottles, division officer, will be in
Omaha today to make final plans
(or the campaign. The Nebraska
4UOta will be approximately $100.
nOO. it is believed, of which amount
Omaha probably wilt be asked to
raise 160,000.
(IntenhongeabU with Fabric Thru of some sixt) .
These tire possess the proved quality and mileage
delivering goodness of all Pennsylvania Vacuum
Cup Cord Tires, at epoch-making prices. Substantial
production and economical sales policy account for
the sstoundingly low users' prices quoted. Pennsyt
vmia qualify strictly maintained,
Prices of all other the just as attractive, t For example
30 3V4 Vacuum Cup FaWc ... ,;. .$11.95
31x4 Vacuum Cup Cord .JS, . , 29.2 S
334 Vacuum Cup Cord .,m , . , 30.1S
32 4Vl Vacuum Cup Cord :v.i. . 37.70
335 Vacuum Cup Cord . .t.t, 49 JO
(jrieSi'reh regular Vacuum Cup Tire purchased
CwS. rrewj
swi faketa.
rffJIHmTANIA RUlBtRCO u amirica,inc
Ouulu Mm In Hv iu Fair
y Airplane Made? lift
At a Inline til tlmjli day at tin
Nebraska state Ur today, tour Oma
ha mm will ily to the capital city
in the hrllama sedan uionoiiUnN. Air
Mail 1'ilut V, I, Htpon will hop
nil AW; -4r-!rn iirld with the quartet
ft paeugers at soon a he arrives
from I hicigo in a mad plane, Victor
Koos, J'rot, (,. M. JlrtUnia, designer
of the pLne; J. W, Hwood and A H
Ketters will make the Itight The
pUne will hop otf at II a. in. and skirt
long the O-I. M highway,
Record Bond Is
Required of Smith
Man Chared Willi Trrcling
Arizona Hank Must Put l'p
$73,000 for Freedom.
"The lieavieit-hondrd criminal of
record," is the tide acquired Tues
day by Alva E. .Smith, bank wreck
er. in Parker, Arir , when his bonds
were fixed at $7,H, according to
word received by Dave Dickinson,
secret service anent here.
Th's, added to the $35,000 bond
under v Inch Smith it held for return
to Ouihiia for trial next month for
passing forged Liberty bonds, nukes
the total $110,000.
"I know of no higher bonds in the
country for bank swindlers," said
Arizona authorities oppose Smith's
extradition to Nebraska, but Dick
intoii said he presented a plan to
bring Ninth to trial hrre with the
understanding he would be returned
to Arizona officers if not convicted
in Omaha.
Smith recently attempted to escape
to Mexico.
Free to Asthma and
Hay Fever Sufferers
Fr Trial of Method That Anjront)
Can Usa Without Discomfort
or Loss of Tima
W have a method foe th control of
Ailhna, and want you lo try It at
our expert. No mattr whether your
ra of lone Undine or recent develop,
mrnt, whether it la peeient ae Chronle
Aithma or Hr ftiir, you hould (end
tor a tree Trial of our method. No mat
ter what climate you live, no matter what
your in or occupation, If you are trou
Died witn Attnma or Mar revee, our
method ahould relieve you promptly.
We eapeeially want to tend It to thoie
apparently hopelrtt eaiee, where all forme
of inhalcra, dourhea, opium preparation,
fumea, "patent mokea," etc., have failed.
We want to enow everyone at our ex
pense that our method ia designed to end
all difficult breathing, all wheeling-, and
all 'those terrihle parexyima.
Thia free offer ia too important to Def
lect a "ingle day. Write now and begin
the method at one. 8end no money. Sim
ply mail coupon below. Do It Today
you even do not pay poatage.
Niagara and Hutiion Bta., Buffalo, N. Y.
Send free trial of your method toi
awka bet M All saw Walt Cpm
wvea mm tUaiat Us fwm
twW- 0 few (Woo
is assured every owner and usr of
Tho Hoover lia$ lonj boon rcconizcil ns the one.suotifm swpppcr
that cives continual satisfying service a cleaner that boats as it
sweeps a it cleans a cleaner that does thoroughly all that is
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Li t uj prove to on
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Rd i!t1rimn will cat).
'2 & . I
Tim purelmsc of a Hoover Suction Sweeper is imWtt on economy,
because it proloniw th life of your ruifs. It atruitihtcus up th
nap amt ri'inovea tlmt cutting, imlndilctl rit with iu beat in ir ami
awefpirtjr anion, ami eollecta all the Kcrm-laiicn dirt ami dust iu
the convenient ami eusily cleaned lu. Tlie Hoover doea all thia
in cn time and more efficiently with s.aiedy any effort on
jour part.
Perfect iatixfaeti-m and real eciminy can be purchased now f..r
limited period on
$5 Down and $5 a Month