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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1922)
THE SUNDAY BEE: OMAHA. JULY 23. 1922. Effective Cure, for Diary of a Movie Fan 8-C Oily Hair ' 1 Excriiivrly oily hair U the roulw rft a diwaed condition oi the alp that it tometimet tmout. at il inakrt the glands enlarge and throw.cH rxudatious too rapidly, Thi trouble it u.iully earned by an unhealthy condition of the Mern anil it diffi cult to control Mcrpt by internal treatment. For iiutanre. a prrtoti o afflicted who tutfer from IndigMion or other internal lilmenti mum ftive her body proper nourishment to bring it to a comparatively norma! itatc before lo cal application will he effective. An oily uralp mutt be khampooed with ditcrrtion, and a tar or aiilphur ioap ahould be, ued in connection with raw eggo'whtn clraniiiR the hair. One of the net of uh clfaninK agrnti is a combination of a table spoonful of lime Mater to each raw t88. the mixture beaten together artd managed into the calp. The lime water has a hrncricial effect upon the enlarged glands Washing mut be din- in warm water, using no soap, and the final rins should be with cuiaV water in order to contract the pore. Even in extreme ease of exudation sham pooing is not to be done oftener than once in three weeks. Should the hair become heavy with grease during the intervening week much af it can be 'removed by sprinkling '.he locks thickly with fine corn meal, A-hich is brushed out after absorbing he dirt with a long but soft bristled brush. It t important that the bristles shall be soft, for stiff ones overstimulate the scalp. A mixture of three drams of gly cerin and four ounces of lime water should be kept on the dressing table and the scalp wet with it every night. This location must be rubbed in with the finger tips. At the end of three weeks half an ounce of tincture of cantharides should be added to the original proportions, treatment con inuing in the same way. The reason hat cantharides is not used at first a because of its stimulating proper- For PYORRHEA At Last A Successful i Treatment Pyorrhea, and its at- tondant conditions.ara ftaleUfandaarmmant. b overcome by using MOORE 3 PYORRHEA REM EDY, obtainable at any drug itora. Bleeding, tender, ulcerated gums nrm-moM own nanus poa Bockati vh nnm or ryonnaa an eftack aaa eitan, naalthjr condition of i . month ananas. SoTboDwada Repot . Drasslitai W PUKIWM iraaMlnatraeudtorafan purehaM pries If naulta an not Mttefactorr. ItMtkltt WMrSlUOUTOMB, icirY.i For Sal by. Sherman aV McCosfneil Drug Co. 16th and Dodi "'" 24th and Farnam 16th and Harney 18th and Farnam 48th and podr . "You children .. must finish your dinner' The ideal health-building protective Yeast in handy tablets easy and agreeable to take don't cause gas children can eat them just like candy" Areyourcbildrenthinjsicklalways Recommended for stimulation of tired out? Do they seldom have, a ' growth in children, loss of appetite. guou, neaiiny appeuie : u so, give Yeast Foam Tablets then watch their appetites increase and their general condition improve! pure, whole, dehydrated Tuberculosis . Dr. Glass has positive proof he it able to cure tubercu losis by inhalation in any riimate. ' For further ir. formation address. - THE T. F. CLASS INHALANT CO. Mason BMr. Lot Bawara at Imta)io ftULBRANSENi Mplayer piano WatwnalfrVncaL ranciea in inc back- 'Whhartaa 700600405 The Art and Music Store 1513-15 DouglM-StrMt i n n n ii ii By GLADYS HALL. Helena Chadwick collects auto graphs for a hobby has she asked for yours? , I told you I'd collect, some more film hobbies for you, llojv many of you adopted hobby from the tt collection? If not, better luck this time. . You may find one of these to take away on vacation with you, such as A radio! Richard Barthelmm' latest hobby. Or you might employ the pining hours by sweeping, which is. Teddy liirard's helpful hobby alto her daily exercise and beauty formula A sweep a day 'keeps the doctor away. Mae Buch's is cooking lessons Let bachelors step forthl Ifelene Chadwick's is autograph collecting, Has she collected yours? Den Turpin dotes on chicken stew. Draw your own conclusions. Colleen Moore's is bright colors. Betty Blythe's is dieting. Of course, one needn't stick to a hobby. 'Tis for one's idle hours. Gloria Swansea's is Chinese food and Mrs. Glynn. Here's something you'd never gues! Irene Castle Treman's is clothes! Don't say I never tdld you anything. Wally Reid's is jaza Cutie, oh, Cntie, tu turn! Marion Davics is sport clothes. And Kumyss. One is elective. The other was wished upon her. Which is which? Norma Talmadge has a brand new one. She takes a note book about with her, and whenever she hears someone say something nice about ties and the fact that" the scalpjnust be soothed, as it were, before it can be toned to normal condition. A decided change of treatment sometimes benefits a person, who may discontinue the, use of the lime water combination at the end of three weeks, substituting a tonic made from half an ounce of cator oil, half an ounce of strong liquid am monia, an ounce of best French brandy and three ounces of rose wa ter. " This may be applied every other night. I believe it .is not possible to bring into good condition a scalp that is ex cessively oily if pompadour cushions are used, for they heat and excite the glands to an unhealthy degree Another important factor is gentle massage of the scalp. It should not be irritated. A fine tooth comb must not touch it and a hard "brush must be avoided. In dressing .the hair each day the locks should be care fully treated. Only by such atten tion tt, details can a cure be ti- fected. , . - Macarroon Cream. This delicious cream is made by adding a dozen macarroons, rolled' fine, to' the plain ice cream before freezing. It is sometimes called "bisque'' cream. If the macarroons are not,, at hand, grapenuts make a fair substitute. Thi9 cream may be packed in individual paper cases and spfinklcd with powdered macarroons. Vanilla Bavarian Cream. Heat a pint of milk with half a cupful of sugar and a teaspoonful of vanilla. Add ..half a package ot gelatin which has been soaked and dissolved and when cool but not set, i food for children indigestion, failing ergy, boils, pimples, general run down conditions. ' Sold by all druggists i FREE SAMPLE-25c S duce Yeast Foam Tablets ! unusual merit. S . i fftCame Jlddrtss-. yeast in tablets Mail coupon to Northwestern Yeast Company 1 750 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago, III. v We Need: the Will Close Out Swiaging Porch Davenports, Lawhdales. Strong springs, soft cushions , Superbs, 6-cushion coil springs Just a Few Will Sell Quickly at Scott Omaha Tent nf?Tf one of her friends, she jots it dowi in the little book, and that remind tier to repeat it to them 4vhen thi sees them. A philanthropy, I'll say. i Mae Collins' is parrots. They swear so well. Richard Dix is his mother. ( Corliss Palmer's is portrait paint ing. Miriam Battista's is jewelry. Rod La Roque's is the orient there's a vacation thoughtl Guy Oliver's is the trombone. It's no hobby to his friends Catherine Calvert's is her son. More on demand. . ' ' tCopyrlaht. 1121.) fold in a cupful of cream whipped solid. Mold, chill and serve with chocolate sauce. We Have Some Good USED CARS FOR SALE Pbona Harney 0010 SCOTT MOTOR CAR CO. 3016 Harney High Quality PIANO and PLAYER BARGAMS. . Hantaan, fine walnut case and tone : S295 Knabe, an extra fine piano of thia make 9425 Karlamann with a moat won derful tone ...t $295 Voae Som, a perfect beauty, in plain mahogany $425 Ana-rlna Player, best style, late model and mimic 8495' $750 used Troabadsar Player,. on aale for $485 These instruments are in wonderful condition and are honest values. , Easy Tayments if You Desire.. 419 'South 16th St. 7 strength and en VALUE. TWaia done w intra- and let every one understand their ' j i Space Our Stock .... $18.50 , : .$32.75 Left , . These Prices & Awning Co. flAKFORD VZ MCsricr Co. w V I Order by Mail- Your mail wants are given instant attention and com plete satisfaction ii guaranteed. Quality Commencing Monday, I 1 A $5 Down Payment Will Reserve Any Fur Garment for You Make your selections early a $5.00 deposit will reserve any Fur Coat, Cape, Wrap or Scarf. We'lf arrange the terms of payment to suit your convenience. All furs held in storage without additional cost till wanted. 10 Inch French Coney Coat, Satin lined, October price, $89.75. Today's Trice- $49.75 Black Lynx Cape, $100 valne, Angnst Price- $69.75 40-inch French Seal Coat, fancy silk lined October, 125; today's price $$9.50 40 Inch Bay Seal Coat, Skinner Satin lined, October price, $175. Today's Price $125.00 40 Inch Xatnral Southern Muskrat, Fancy metal embroidered lined, $225 value at ' " $149.50 5 Down $ BEDPEO 1417 DOUGLAS STREET A Credit 'Store' Buy on Payments A Little Each, Pay Day Is A ll We Ask Goats, Wraps, Gapes, Scarfs The August Fur Sale takes the luxury out of buying Furs, but none of the luxuriousness out of wearing them. Only the most carefully selected pelts and the most perfect workmanship have gone into these exquisite "Fur garments,, every one of which is beautifully designed in' the new; season's mode. At these attractive August prices they represent a most uncom mon opportunity for thef are values that it will not be pos sible to offer later on. IMPORTANT Dark Jap Mink $225 value rape, Tail Trimnjed, $150.00 40 Inch Hay Seal Coat, Jap Mink Col lar and Cuff, fancy embroidered, silk lined, $24950 valne at $159.50 v , . .' ; . 45 Inch Bay Seal Wrap, Gorgeous 1L ing, $225 garment at ' $159.50 45 Inch Bay Seal Wrap, Large Cular, Silk Brocade lining, October price, $250. Today's Price $169.50 ,40 Inch Black Bay Seal Coat, Oppos sum Collar and Cuffs, Embroidered Silk Lined, $225 value at $179.50 Tha cniix lhtle r.hnkcr or Scarf that shiartly dressed woman's Autumn vears over tier street rrocK or sun of Small Fur pieces. FOR SALE ON for Ail the People July 24th, Open a Charge Account EXTRA SPECIAL 40 Inch Bay Seal Coat, Siberian Squir rel Collar and Cuffs, Mallison Silk Lined, $300 garment $199.50 40 Inch Bay Seal Coat, Genuine Beaver Collar and Cuffs, October Price, $300, August sale price $199.50 40 Inch Bay Seal Coat," Martin Collar and Cuffs, $300 value $199.50 Mink Marmot Coat, Self ' Trimmed, Mallinson Fancy Silk Lined, $300 value atr- $199.50 Full Length, Striped Marmot Ca Tail Trimmed, Brocade Lining, value at $199.50 is slwavs a distinctive feature of the costume, as well as the short Cape she laze imo me scaio, ")" SECOND FLOOR Credit Extended to Out-of-town Patrons No matter where you lie, onr liberal credit will reach you Write ui for de. -tails. v 3 Style Our Annual Bay Seal Military Wrap, Beaver Col lar, Embroidered Silk Lined, October price, $325, August Sale Trice $225.00 Light Jap Mink tape, Tail Trimmed, Brocade Silk Lined, $365 valne t $225.00- 40 Inch Bay Seal Coat, Beaver Collar and Cnffs, Fancy Silk Lined, $350 valne at $249.50 40 Inch Hudson Seal Coat, DarkSi berian Collar and Cuffs, Satin striped crepe lining, $600 garment $399.50 & I lr BEDPEO I v it