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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1922)
J 7i THfc UMAHA btb: biL)KUAX, JUL 23. Wi. Karl Black Tames Buffaloes in Last Game of Tulsa Series, Score Is 7 to 1 r klinn lo in kined bin J Former Booster , Hurler .Whiffs Ten Omalians Darrough' Pounded Hard in Third Inning Okrie Re turns . to Club and Re lieve Former in Fourth. By RALPH WAGNER. ARL BLACK re- turned to the mound yesterday itternoon after de frating the Buf faloes in the first same of the Tutsa MTir and grunted hi. way to another victory over the Omaha leaguers, tins time the count reading 7 to I Black, who by the way is a former Dps Moines hurler,. held the But faloes at hay from the first to the tina! timing. hvrl fooled many Buffalo with his fast ball and curve and after the third inning in which hi teammates gave him a three run lead over the herd, felt sort of cocky Ovrr his pitching ability. But Black's pitching wasn't the only thing that won the game for the Chirrs. No, sireel The Oilers made their hits pay dividends in three out of the nine innings and as a result cashed in a victory. Couple Karl's hurling; with timely swats and good h Vug and it equals a win tor Mr. Biack. Begged for Chance to Pitch. The Tulsa hurler was expected to do bench duty yesterday. When one of his teammates informed him that a big league scout was in the grand stands. Black begged Manager Leli velt for another chance to face the . Buffaloes, reminding Lelivelt that he beat the herd in the first game. After considerable argument on the part of Black, Lelivelt sent Sherman to the bench and Karl to the. mound. Black proved to Lelivelt that he was right. The Oiler struck out 10 Buffaloes and allowed the herd only three scattered hits, one of these be ing a homer by Manush in the sec ond inning when Omaha scored its only run of the game. The second ' Omaha hit, a single, came in the same inning following . Manush's homer. Griffin was responsible for the bingle. "Pug" pilfered second and was the last Buffalo to reach the half-way station until the seventh when Griffin strolled and went to second when Herman singled to right, the third and last hit the Buffaloes were able to register. Darrough Pounded Hard. While Black had the Buffaloes Viewing out of his mitt, .Darrough, . !i- first Omaha hurler, was being untied all over the lot. In the third .'.aiua the -Oilers jumped on Clarence lor five hits, one a double, for four c jOfuiis. enough to win the game. In the fourth, Darrough walked Jituart and allowed Mclnnis to sacrifice. Crosby's dotble scoring'1--Stuart sprlled Darrough's finish. He was jerked and Frank Okrie, whe re turned to the club ' Thursday night, ,as inserted in the lineup The Oilers easedL along until the . jc.L-iuh and then scoVed another run on a walk and Lelivclt's double. 'Stu art's single, followed by an error, in field out and Black's single to center, resulted in Tulsa's seventh run. St. Joseph opens a five-game series nero this afternoon, the game starting it 4 o'clock. Hagen and Kirkwood Beat French and Fowne Yemngstown, O., July 21. Walter Hagen, British open champion, and foe Kirkwood. Australian golfer, de feated Emmett French, Youngstown, and W. C. Fownes, jr., Pittsburgh, canlains of last year's American pro ancr amateur international golf teams, 3 and 1, in an exhibition match here yesterday. Hagen and Kirkwood had the re markable best-ball scores of 64-63 127 over the course Hagen broke the record in the morning, when he did a 32-34 66. The previous record for the 18 holes was 67, held by French. Tilden Plays Rice in Lnnewnod Bowl Semi-Finals RrnnVline. Mass. Tulv 21. Semi final matches on the program today in the. tennis tournament for the Longwood Bowl were William T. Tilden, 2d.- of Philadelphia, against Lawrtnce B. Rice of Boston and R. Norris Williams, 2d, of Boston, against Wallace F. Johnson of Phil adelphia. In the semi-final doubles Phil Bet tens, of San Francisco and Carl Fischer of Philadelphia play Irving C. Wright and Raymond B. Bidwell, both ofBostor. The winners of the match will meet Tilden and Johnson in the finals tomorrow. Golf fevcte j. is a player allowed to tee up a ball ,n -n.,n unrier reuair? A. The rales give blm tha pri Ilea of dropping out of such grouad hut make m mention of permission to e np. vim; .r.mrtlmra allow such a thing, as a kind of local rale. q. la playing winter - rules. 1 it per missible to use a rubber tee for teeing the boll through the fairway? A. trace again, the rale, of golf take no notlee. of "winter ralee." However, if the club ralaa permit a player to tee ap under throe winter rale. iiere la aa reason why he ehonld not use a rubber tee. if he rhncsea, - . Q. Please give the correct decision on the following case: A and B are playing a match. On a certain hole, they drive and both land in the rough. A, finda a ball, which he claims. B aay it 1 his. but A in.i.t. tti.t it i. hi. and B soei back and Dlava another ball, loainc hla hole. 4 to I. After holing out' B allow by th marking that the ball A ha played o longs to him (B. How 1 th hole acored? a. n wins tha hole betaaa a aaayea i p nan. - Q. Would a player b penallxed If. where his ball lies In a land trap, he tuck tha grip end of hi clifb ia the sand to determine whether it waa loose ar packed? - ' . A. Tea. He weald las Mm bobs la match play aad two stroke ta saedal play. Q. A few days ainc I waa playing a match and my opponent claimed th hole from no under the following conditions, which I consider ridiculous: Mr ball was a boat a foot from the hole la three. He played four from oft the green. Hla ball waa rolling off tha opposite side, when . my raddle, not seeling It. allowed it to hit hi foot. Conld he claim tha hat aader Ihna circumstances t A. Ha coald. regardleaa f haw ridleal a th ewndttiem may appear. Tea mast die stand that rales eaa we be framed aay aaw every ladlvlelaai aaaall. WITSMISStS W THS BUFFALOES TCIM. , All R M TH h an O II Heaaott, If , Unman, Sb Ial, rf .... Umb. f .., Ull.ell, b ,, mean Sb ., Mrlnnla, aa ., Mack, 9 .... Total .... IS J II lb lb .11 1 II It I ST 11 I Bcrr ALOES. AS II Til bH Ml A A lb . aoaareaat. MaMMb, K ., urnriia, rr . . , Nmu, lb.. Wile.., M .. Hllaer, r ... Pnoarer, a ., Ilarroagb. a Okita, a ..... Totala , . II I I I I I 17 It Nfan bv Innlne Tnlea 04 100 llb7 DtilfolOM b M SOv Nummary Ham. rum Manual., learned raaai Talaa, ! Omaha, 1. Two-baa hlUi Davla, LMv4t. Crosby. Itoabl plarat (itelaaoa an H'llre- to Herman, Olalaoea la Wlleea to Herman. Baa hltai Off Dar mvgn, aaal T la I l-S Inalncai off Okrie, S aad la l-S Innlnaa. Mruck oatt Br Black, lb by nerrough. S by Okrie, 1. Hrfeea an ballet Off Mark. Ii off liar ranch, l off Okrie. 4. Winning pltrber, HlMk la. Ins pltrher, Darreugh. Uatplrast Imvl. bad tlUpatrlek. Left aa baaaai Tnlea, a Omaha, . Tlma af gaaaet lis. B ASEB ALL National Tlra Lea to Yaaka. Naw York. July II M.uial'a tarrlflo hlttlne anablad th Naw York Americana to ovarcoma Datrolt'a Ilva-run icaa ana a.fe.r tha vlaltora In tha tnird (ama oi tha a.rlM. 7 ta I. iicuaal nit a noma run, trini. and two alnal.a la four tlmra up. and drova In or acored all of Ntw Tork'a runt. Scora: DETROIT. NEW YORK. AB.H.O.A. AB.H.O.A. Blue, lb Jonaa, 3b Cobb, cf Vaach, If ' I 1 4 0 Witt, cf Plpp, lb Meuael. If 4 11 4 4 4 4 t n 4 1 I Ruth, rf Hall'an, rf Srhant. e Ward. 2b Scott, an M'Nally.Sb Buah, p Hoyt, p Clark. 2b 4 4 I I 4 Rlfnay, aa Woodall, c Olaen, p Cola, p xManlon Totala 31 12 27 11 Totals II 11 24 II xBattad for Col In ninth. Scora by lnnlnca: n.trolt 00S O00 SOS S Kw York 001 030 SOx 7 Nummary Run: Blue. JOB, uodd. Vaach, Woodall, Witt (I). Plpp (.) Mcuaal (3). Error: Ward. Two-baaa hit: Cobb, Scott. Threa-ban hlta: Witt, Mau- Homo runa: codb. veacn. Stolen bane: Blue. Sacrlficra: Olafn. Mc Nally. Doubl play: McNally to Ward to Plpp. I.eft on baara: N-w York. ; Detroit, 5. Baa on Dana: uri joio, l. BirucK out: By Olaen, 2;' by Cole, 1; by Hoyt. 3. Hit: Off Buah. I In 2 2.3 lnnlnca; off Hoyt, I in 1 1-1 InnlnK: off Olaen. t In 4 inning (none out In fifth), off. Cola, 1 In I Inntnga. Winning pitcher: Hoyt. Lojlnx pitcher: Cole. Umpirea: Evan and Dlneen. Time: 1:11. Brown Beat Athletic. Philadelphia. -July 21 St Lout hit three -Philadelphia bltchern hard today and won tha third (ama of the aerie, 10 to 2. Sc-or: . ST. LOUIS. PHILADELPHIA. AB H O A ABHOA Serber. aa 4 110 Young, 2t 12 6 4 fobln, jf 4 2 1 0 Dyke. 3b 4 12 2 Staler, lb S 2 7 II Walker. If S 0 3 0 Wlll'm. If U'M'n a, lb 12 1 O Hauaer, lb 2 1 I S 4 3 1 1 0'll'Wy. aa 4 1 0 1 5 1 2 O Berger, c 0 0 2 0 J'c'ba'n, cf 3evereld, or Sill Perklna, e 4101 I ill Welch, rf 4121 S 0 0 1 ht'Oow'n, til M I Harrla, jl 110 2 S II 27 llnBruggy' -1 0 0 0 Br'nkla, lb Wright, p Total! Sullivan, p 0 0 0 2 Ogden, p 10 0 0 Total 31 10 27 13 xBatted for Harris In 6th. St. Loula Ill 201 04010 Philadelphia 100 000 001 2 Summary Runa: Tobln (2). Sialer, Wil liams (2). Severeid (2), Bronkie (2), Wright, Young, Dykes. Errora: Young, Dykea. Walker. Sullivan. Two-baae hits: Staler (2), William. Dyke, Young. Three base hit: Bronkie. Home runa: Dykes, Severeid. Stolen base: Oerber. Wil liam. Sacrifices: Wright (2), Oerber. Left on baaea: St. Loula I, Philadelphia 10. Baaea on ball: Off Harrl 1, off Wright 3, oft Sullivan 2. Struck out: By Ogden 1, by Wright 4. Hits: . Off Harris S In S innings; off Sullivan 7 In 2 1-3 In irinxs; off Ogden 1 in 1 2-3 innings. Wild pitch: Harris. Losing pitcher: Harris. Umpire: Nallin and Walsh. Time of game: 1:13. Boston American Win. Boston, July SI. Boston defeated Chi cago, 8 to 7, In 11 Innings today. In the tllh Inning Pratt singled, took second on Dugao's bunt and scored th winning run on John Collins' fourth hit of tha after noon. The victory brought .Boston out of laat place, as Philadelphia lost. Score: CHICAGO. I BOSTON. ABHOAI AB H O A lohnson, ss SlSmith, rf 1 2 0 0 4 4 M'lllg'n, 3b B. CT. 2b Hooper, rf Strunk. cf Falk. If Sheely, lb Schalk, e R'b'ts'n, p Schupp, p Hodge, p 81'k'ns'p, p Totals 0F'g'a'n, p OIHarrie, If Buna, lb 0 16 1 2 1 I 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 4 r 0 0 0 0 1 0 o o 0 0 0 0 Pratt. 2b 0 Dugan. 3b 1I. CT, cf rf I 60'R'rke, I 2'WaItera, c Ruel, c Qulnn, p Rusaell, p Plercy, p v 41 12 31 lliKarr Menoaky zLeibold, cf sFoster Total 40 II 33 27 une out wnen winning run acored. zBatted for Walter In 7th. sBatted for Qulnn In 7th. i Batted for Plercy In th. i Batted for Smith In th. Chicago ..' 000 200 230 00 7 Boston 000 002 203 01 I Summary -Runs: Mulligan, E. Collins, Hooper, Strunk, Falk, Sheely, Schalk, Smith, Harrla. Pratt (2), Dugan, Ruel, Leibold Foster. Errors: Harris, Burns Two-base hits: Mulligan, E. Collins, Schalk. J. Collins. Karr. Stolen base: Leibold. Sacrificea: Johnaon. Dugan (2). Double plays: Schalk to E. Collins, Smith to Burns. J. Colllna to Ruel, Ferguson to Ruel to Burns. Left on bases: Chicago I. Boston 12. Bsaes pn balls: Off Robert son 3, off Schupp 2, off Hodge 2, off Blankenship 1, off Russell 3, off Plercy 3. off Ferguson 1. Struck out: By Robert son 3, by Blankenship 1, by Ferguson 1. I Hfts: Off Robertson 10 in 6 1-3 Innings, ; off Schupp none In 1 2-3 innings, (none out 1 m stn, off Hodge 3 In llnnlng, off Blan ; kenshlp 3 in 1 l-S Innings, off Quinn I In 7 ; innings, off RusseH 3 in none (no out ;i stn), off Plercy 1 In 2 innings; offFer- Kuson l in s inning. Hit by pitches-: "y nooertson (Burns). . winning pitcher rerguson. Loaing pitcher: Blankenship. Umpires: Owena and Connolv. Time of game: 2:3. Cleveland Move I'p. Washing'.on. July 21. Cleveland went Into fourth r.lare in the American league atandings by defeating Washington today, 1 to 0. for t's l?th straight victory. Score: CLEVELAND. I WASHINGTON. AP.H.O.A.I AB.H.O.A. J'm'aon. If OIRIce, cf 2 2 3 0 441 4 1 11 0 tV'b -isa 2h 3Harria.2b 0 Judge. !b jGoslln.If 4i Browef, rf 3IP,k'p-h. ss 'La'te. 3b 2! Pi nioh. e 3:Smlth vt ood. rf 4 0 0 0 Sewell. sa 4 1 I I j R'dner. 3b MrlnnlMb , O'Nelll.c 3 0 2 1 14 4 1 2 0 14 114 1 iiorton. p 1 0 201 10 0 1 - 'Gharty.c I 27 lliJ hire n. p IrMilan Totals 31 Francis, p Totala 117 11 sBaiiea ror nomcn ta eighth xBatted for Johnson in eighth. Cleveland .- set Ml lis l Washington . 000 MS AOS Sammary Boa: Woods. Error: Harrla. Two-baa hlta: Judge, Jtlce. Three-base hit: Wood. Stolen baseaT: Rice. Lamotte. poooio playa: recKrapauga to Julge, Francis ta Lamotte to Judge. Lamotte to Harria to Jndge. Morton. Gardner to Mc lnnis. Left ' on baea: Cleveland. I; Waahlngton. I. Base on balls: Off John acn. I; off Mortrfn. 3. Struck out: Bv Johnson. 2. by Morton. 4 Hits: Off Johnson. I in S Inning.; off Francia. In I inning.' Loaing nltrher. Jobnson. Urn prea: Morlarity and Hildebraa. Tim: President Moore's Team to Play Hudson's 'Gang' Preiident O. R. Moore's team will play Vice President Seavey Hudson's team in an annual team match at Fontenelle park Saturday and Sun day, with the losers to pay for a pic nic lunch at Fontenelle park Satur day evening, July 29. Pairings for the match: laam: Vlra Prealdent' Team; I. It. Moaraa plan Soever Hudson. Pranrla Doaevaa play Marry Denoval, Maward Jahaaen playi Phtl Kanda.ll. H. nry Orlab play at. A. rial ay. William Dlarka playa Phil Han.y. W.'EV Dougherty playa Cliff Peter, L. M. MeCartbur playa Alvtn Ouatafson. I. Roy a.hrla playa H. C. Pltnar. Karl O. Johnson playa Stephen J. Wlrtl. Henry Vlnaa playa ITon Plllabury. Wali.r Camalnrk playa K. A. Carlaon. A. N. Featheratone playa Harry Palara. Ban fnuaem playa Victor Johnaoa. K, A. Pearr playa W. D, Nalaon. ('. H. H. Tlmaia playa J. S3. Round, Ed Brawn playa J. C. V. K. Chatalaln playa ltd O. Roger. Johnston to Go East. San Francisco, July 21. William M. Johnston, San Frapcisco tennis star, will leave tomorrow for Sea bright, N. J., where he will partici pate in the tournament to beain July 31. American Chicago 'Baata Brooklyn. Chicago, July 21 drover- Alexander wna better than "Dutch" Ruether, atar outhpaw of th league. In a pitching duel looay ana unirage aereatea BrooKlyn, to o. in a game which required on hour and thirteen minute to play. Scora BROOKLYN. CHICAGO. AB.H.O.A, AB.H.O.A Olaon. 2b 4 12 3 Malael. rf 4 0 0 Myers, cf T.O'flth.rf H'I'her, Terry, 2b S S 1 2 111 I 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 Wheat, If M hell, lb High, lb Ward, aa Deb'ry, c R'ther, p Frlb g. cf Miller, If Krug. 3 b O'Far'l. o A) X der. p Totals 21 4 24 I Total 21 1 27 11 Summary: Run: Hollocher. Error: Ward. Two-base hit: orimea. Stolen baae: Ward Sacrifice: 'ferry (2). Meyer. Double play: Grimes to Hollocher, Alexander to Hollocher to Grimes, Myers to Olaon. Left on oases: irooKiyn, a; unicago, e. Bases on ball: Off Ruether, 1; off Alexander, I. struck out: By Kuetner. a umpire benteue and O'Day. Time: 1:13. Card Take third straight. St. Loui. July 31. Fournler' home run with the baaea . full In tha eighth gave the Cardinal a S to 1 victory .over Boaton here today. It waa tha third atraight for St. Loula over the Brave and moved them to within .004 of tha league-leading Giants, who lost to Cincinnati. Prior to the eighth Watson had hurled sensationally. In this Inning four hit and two errora gave th Card their run. Th Brave hit Doak, Barfoot and North safely ItTNMme and drew six baae on ball, bat eoald ecor only once. They had 12 men left on baae. Score BOSTON. ST. LOUIS. AB.H.O.A. AB.H.O.A. Powell, cf 4 S 2 Nixon, If 112 Flack, rf 4 1 Smith, cf Hornsby, 2b Mueller, If Fournler, lb Stock, lb f 3 0 4 1 4 1 4 3 1 4 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 I 1 0 1 1 o e Crulae. rf 4 Boeckel. lb 4 Holke. lb 3 Ford, as Kopf. 2b demons, o vOibson. c Lavan, sa North, p Doak, p Barfoot, b wataon.p xChrlst. Total 31 14 24 12 Toporcer.aa iSchulti zMann Totals SS S 27 II xBatted for Watson In ninth. sBatted for Lavan In eighth. zRnn for Schulta In eighth. Score bv Innings: Boston :.. 000 000 010 1 St. Louis o ooo 06X 6 Summary Runa: Boeckel. Flack. Horns hv. Mueller. Fournler. Tooorcer. Msnn. Er. rors: Powell. Kopf. Two-base hits: Stock. Mueller. Home run: Fournler. Stolen h...: Krnif. Olhaon. Sacrifice hits: Kopf. Ford, Smith. Holke. Double play: Muel ler to Hornsby to Clemom. Left on bases: Boston. 12; St. Louis, 4. Base on balls: Off Doak. 2; off Barfoot, S; off North, I. Struck out: By Watson. 2: by North, 1. Hit., tiff I In I Inninas (two on nnna nut In fourth): off Barfoot, "4 in 5 Innlnra: off North. 1 in 1 Inning. Win nlng pitcher: Barfoot.. Umpires: Moran and Hart. Time: 1:42. Giant Las In Sixth. n.,iiM,ni .Tnlv si. Couch outpitched Toney today and the Red won the third m m fc ..el., with the Slants. 5 to 3. The horn team bunched hita In the fifth and sixth inn na and earnea an ineir rune. The score: VHHK I I NLIN.-VATI AB.H.O.A.) AB.H.O.A. B' 2 2 0 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 0 11 1 2 61 Burns, cf 0 3 0 H' lings, 2b Meuael. if 3 2 Duncan.lf 1 Harper.rf 0Fonaeca,2b UHargrave.e 1 14 0 Stengel.rf C'ngh' Snyder, c Oaaton.o' xSmlth Toney.p xToung Barnes.c xR'b'tson Couch. Totals 21 I 27 14 Total 21 7 24 1 xBatted for Gaston In ninth. xBatted for Toney In seventh. xBatted for Barnes In ninth. AAr hv lnnlnra: N.w York 010 000 0203 Cincinnati .000 022 OOx 5 fliimnmrv Runs: ft sen. Aieusei IZI Duncan, Fonseca,- Hargrave,. Plnelll, Caveney. Errors: Bancroft. Caveney. Two-base hits: Fonesca, Couch. Bancroft. Three-base hita: Meuael. Sacrifices: Burns. Kelly. Double play: Kelly to Bancroft to Kelly to Bancroft. Left on base: New Vnrk.'7: Cincinnati. 5. Base on rails: Off Couch. 1; off Toney, 9; off Barnes, 1. Struck out: By Couch, 2; by Barnes, 1. Hit: Off Toney. I In I inning; off Barnes, 0 In 3 innings. Losing pitcher: Toney. Umpires: Rlgler and McCormicK, Time: 1:43. Pittsburgh Cap Third. Pittsburgh. July 21. Pittsburgh made It thiee atraight from Philadelphia by win ning today' game, I to s. the second shut out of th erles. Score: PHILADELPHIA. PITT3BCKGH. AB.H.O.A.! AB.H.O.A. Ranp. 3b 4 0 0 OlM'nvllle. s 4 0 2 I P'klns'n,2b Will'me. cf lit Jicsrey. cr o z 4 1 S OiBlghee. If 2 12 2 0 1 Russell, rf 2 0 1 4 0 2 OITIerney, 2b 2 1 1 3 0 5 4Traynor. ib i 1 1 waiiter, rr Lee. If Fletcher ss Leslie, lb Henline. e Ring, p O. Smith, p xLeb'rv'u Winters, p 2 1 14 llGonch. e 4 3 3 2, Morrison, p 3, 1 0 Totals :a, 1 27 ii Totals 30 4 24 111 xBatted for G. Smith in eighth. Score by innings: Philadelphia 000 000 0000 Pittsburgh 014 000 Olx Summary Runs: Russell. Tierney (2), Traynor. Grimm (2. Errors: None. Two base hits: Ring. Three-base hits: Grimm, Oooch. Stolen bases: Blgbee. Traynor. Sacrifice hit: Morrison. Double playa: Parkinson to Fletcher to Leslie. Tierney to Msranville to Grtmm. Left on: bases: Pittsburgh, 7: Philadelphia. 7. Base on balls: Off Ring. I: off Winters. l:-oft Morrison. 2. Struck out: By G. Smith. 1; bv Morrison. :. Hits: un King. 4 in z 1-3 innings; on w inters, in 1 inning; 011 . Smith. 3 in 4 2-3 Innings. Wild pitch G. Smith. Loainr pitcher: Ring. Um pires: Klem and Pflrman. Time: 1:SS. Bastian and BurdiclvWin Cleveland, O., July 20. Fritz Bas tian and 'Ralph H. Burdick. Indian apolis, national clay tennis cham pions, and Donald Boyd and Stark Frambes. Columbus, were today's winners in the first round of playf- in the inter-city doubles tennis tournament for the championship of the United States. The smashing attack of the Indian apolis duct was too much for Walter Westbrook and Theodore Lightner, Detroit, whom they defeated in straight sets. 4. 6-0. 9-7. BaseBallResuUs 'Smndtntfs WETR.M LRAdl E. Handing. W h. Pet I W. t. Prf. St. Joaah SI ) Httffaloa at 4S .SSI Sioua city SI St .tttiukia. iny 41 II .431 Tulaa II 41 .ll!la Horn. s l .171 Wlcbila II 4k..lllDnvr II II ,117 l'aatardaj'i Rraalta. Buffaloaa. 1, Tulaa, I. U.a Molnai, I; Wichita. 4. , lanvar, 7; Hi. Jiia.pb, 1. Oklahoma City, It; Sioux Ctly II. Tadai'f (iaaaos. . at. Jaaaph at Omaha. Tulaa at D.nv.r. Wichita at Daa MolnM. (No etbar (ama arhtdulad). NEBbUbKA STATE LXAUl'E. Standing. W.L.Pet I W.Lfct Beatrice 7 I .' Kalrbury I .411 Norfolk S I .MH Lincoln I J. leland S S .00 Hastings 4 Yesterday's Rrnalla. . Norfolk, S; Heatings. I, B.atrlce, ; Grand Island, I. ralrbury, 21; Lincoln, I. Today' Came. Grand leland at Beatrice. ' Haannga at Norfolk. ralrbury at Lincoln. .411 .400 RATIONAL LEAGl'E. Standings. W. L. Pct.l W. L Vrt New York II 22 .III Brooklyn 42 41.411 St. Loula II II .alt Pittsburgh 41 44 .41 cnirago 7 f l .34 pnna. 30 t .ill Cincinnati 4T 43 .i2 Boaton 30 II 411 Yesterday' Results. Pittsburgh. I: Philadelphia, 4, Chicago, 1; Brooklyn, 0. St. Loui. I: Boaton, 1. Cincinnati, I; Naw Trk, I. Today's (jamee. Boston at St. Louis. Brooklyn at Chicago. New York at Cincinnati. Philadelphia at Pittaburgh. AMERICA LEAGl'E, Standings, W. L. Pet. W. L. Pet St. Loui 12 27 .184 Detroit 41 IS .101 Waahln'ton 40 41 .411 New York 12 40 .165 Chicago 41 41 .117 1 Boston SI II .427 Cleveland , 41 44 .SllPblla 3141.417 Yea tee day' Ketnlta, New York, T; Detroit, I. St. Louts, 10; Philadelphia, 1. , Cleveland, 1; Washington, 0. Boston, . S; Chicago, 7. Today's Came. Chicago at Boaton. St. Louis, 10; Philadelphia 2. , Detroit at New York. Cleveland at Washington. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Standing. W.L.Pct.l W. L. Pte St. Paul ' 64 35 .1071 Louisville 48 47 .101 Inlana'll 14 38 .1171 Kan. City 4S 13 .46 Milwaukee IS 43 .S61Columbus 38 17.400 Mln'apolla 48 43 .627 Toledo 33 SS .31 Yesterday's Results. , Kansas City, 8; Inillanapolls, 3. St. Paul. 2; Columbus. 1. Louisville. 13; Milwaukee, 10. Minneapolis. 8-4; Toledo, 3-3. Today' Game. Toledo at St. Paul. Columbua at Minneapolis. Indlanapolla at Milwaukee. Louisville at Kansas City. Marx's Homer Wins. Hastings, July 21. Marr's home run in the ninth won for Norfolk, 6 to 5. Two pitchers were used by both clubs. Marr got two home runs and a triple, bcore: NORFOLK. HASTINGS. AB.H.O.A AB.H.O.A Athert' Crann, rf 5 12 0 Mitchell, 2b Marr, 2b Moeller, lb Amen, cf Tomes, If Serb. 3 b Echt.. 2b 0 10 2 6 Clark, c Rouse, rf Graves, cf Federle, p . Dldler, p Gaugh'n, ss G'deville, e Buck., r Wlllets, c Peterson, e Totals 39 12 27 8 zWIglngton .1 I Totals 3 11 27 xBatted for Peterson In ninth. Score bv Innings: Norfolk 201 010 1016 Hastings 001 210 1005 Summary Runs: Atherton, Mitcnen, Marr (3). Clark, Moeller, TomeB. Serb (2), Echtermeyer. Errors: Mitchell, Tomes, Gaughan. Home runs: Marr f2), Echter meyer. Three-base hits: Marr, Bouse. Two ban hit: Serb (2T, Amen, Grave. Sacri fice hit: Graves, Gradville. Bas on balls: Off Buckmaster, 2; off Federle, 5; off Peterson, 1. Stolen bases: Mitchell, Crarm, Clark. Willetts. Struck out: Buck master (2). Federle (2). Dldler .(3). Left on bases: Hastings, 11; Norfolk, I. Passed ball: Clark. Earned runs: Norfolk, 4; Hastings, 3. Umpire: Wheeler. Time: 3:10. . Bcatrtra Flog Islander. Grand Island, ' July 21. Grand Island loss to Beatrice, S to 9. Norton kept his hits well scattered except in the seventh. Quinn' batting and Foulk's home run with two men on bases were features. . . Score: BEATRICE. I GRAVD ISLAND AB.H.O.A. AB.H.O.A D'l'g'ra, 2b 5Roben, rf 3 0 3 1 K'chner, lb Wiggins, rf B'man, cf Fount, rf Brewer,-lb 2 10 0 3 18 8 4 12 0 3 0 0 0 4 115 2 110 S 1 7 7 4 0 10 2 111 2 0 0 0 Speaker, cf Mooney. If P'm tiere, If Qulnn. as Pierce. 2 b Kranda. 3b Parker, 3b Unger, B Norton, p Metz, ss Roberts, c Marquis, p ;Shupe. p Babb, p Total 30 18 27 13 Totals 82 7 27 17 Beatrice ....001 114 0029 Grand Island ,...000 100 310 5 Summary Huns: Delaguerra (2), KIrchner (2), Wiggins,' Bowman. Mooney, Quinn, Unger, Foulk, Falmatlere, Pierce, Kranda. Metz. Errors: Kranda, Roberts, Babb.. Home runs: Foulk, Pierce. Three base hita: Wigglna (2). Two-base hit: Mooney. Sacrifice hit: Norton. Bases on balls: Off Shupe 2, off Babb 1, off Norton 3. Stolen bases: Palmatiere (2). Double plays: Metx to Brewer, Brewer to Met to Brewer, Pierce to Metz o Brewer, Parker to Quinn tot KIrchner, Delaguerra to Qulnn to Kirchner. Runs and hits: Off Norton 5 and 7; off Shape 7 and 13, off Babb 2 and 3. Struck out: By Shupe none, by Babb ngne, by Norton 1. by Marouis none. Left on "bases: Grand Island 7. Beatrice 7. Hit by pitched balls: By Shupe 1. by Norton 2. by Marquis 1. Earned runs: Grand Island 3. Beatrice 2. Winning pitcher: Norton. Losing pitch er: snupe. umpire: Bmiin. Score SS Bon. Fairbury, July 21. Lincoln used five pitchers 1n a futile attempt to stem th batting orgy of r alrbury today and Fair- bury won. 22 to z. jenney held the 8enatora to seven hits while his mates were knocking the ball all over the field. Score : LINCOLN. I FAIRBURY. AB.H.O.A.! AB.H.PO.A. Zinker.3b 4 0 3 4 12 2 Csrr.3b-p 5 o l zici'v'l'nd.Sb 4 S I 1 2 3 1 i -2lM'D'm't.rf S S 2 0 0 5 OiReichle.lf 6 12 0 Gibson. rf-p 4 C'nkey,c-rf 4 0 0 0Wlmb' 5 2 11 0 1 1 5IG'dwln.2t " 8 2 I I 4 5 l' 5 110 1 3 0O'C'nor,e 4 2 0 0 McCoy, lb 4 3 Scott. p 0 0 1 J'ney.p 3 2 0 2 0 01 0 0 0 Totals 42 19 27 11 Jepson.p 0 Bool,rf-c 4 Total 32 7 24 10 ' Score by innings: Lincoln 000 000 300 2 Falrbury 070 201 120x 22 Summary Runs: Conkey. McCoy. Sar- vls, Rooney 2). Cleveland (1), McDermott (61. Keicnie. wimbush (3). Biles (2). O'Connor (3), Jenney (3). Errors: Dye (2, Goodwin. Home runs: O Connor. McDermott Two-base hits: Cleveland. McDermott. Reichle. McCoy. Sacrifice hlta: Cleveland. Bases on balls: Off Scott, 3; off Jepaon, 1; off Jenney. 5; off Gib son. 4. Stolen bsaes: McDermott. Good win. Double Playa: Goodwin to Wimbnah. Jenney to Ooodwjn to Wimbush, 8truck out: By Bcott. l. Hit by pitcher: Reichle by McCoy. Umpire: Johnson. Tlma of game: 2:11. William Tilden Beats Beals in Straight Sets Brookline. Mass.. Julv 20. Will iam T. Tilden. II. Philadelphia, de feated Sydney L. Beals, Boston, 6-0, 6-0, 6-0. in a four-round match in the Longw-ood bowl tennis singles today. Tilden eliminated Beals in 48 min utes, which experts said probably constitutes a record for a three-set match in tournament play. Oakland rYlas. Oakland. Nab. July 21 Oakland d feated Wayne on the local .diamond here Sunday In a pliqfceia baltl between ul livao and Mlldner, 3 la I. litah. Ii Madlaoa. d. Leigh. Net)., July l Leigh won an II Inning game from Madiaon ihia week by th acot of T ta I. rlatl.rl.a fur Madison war ('. Wherle, A. Wherle and Nalley, and for Lena, Linn; llmi.ri and w. Fowlsr. Central t'lly Get It Baa. Central City. Neb.. July Jl. Central City defeated Fairfield In a one-aided gam on th local diamond Sunday by th aeor of II to 0. Bait. rise for Centra City, Hnuee. Martin and West; for Fair field, Fletcher, Sconce and Brown. Gibbon. Ill Nhellaa. T. Shellon. Neb.. July 21. By bunching hlta In the third and alith inning, the Gibbon club cf th Buffalo rounty league defeated Shellon here. 12 to 7. Th hit and rror war equally divided te tween th two club, each team gelling II safe tingle. Millar. H. Conroy and Klmbrough did the battery work for Shellon and Codnar and Johnson for Gib bon. ' ftleala Home. Prasue. Neb.. July 21. Prague defeaUd Valparaiso her y.stenlay la a Saundar County league gam by th acor of I to I. Rusek for Praau Pitched good ball, trlklng out II men. Ty for Valparaiso struck out on man and allowed) one baa on ball. Ha waa hit hard but good field-, Ing held the acor down. F. Vlaaak of Prague atole bom In th tirat inning. Moomfletd Wins. Bloomfleld. Neb.. July IV. Bloomfleld defeated- Center her yesterday In an In tereatlnr game, S to 4. Debry wa on th mound for Coster and was nit tretry. Vnrtk Piatt. Illajlked. Elm Creek. rNeb.. July 21 The Elm Creek team abut out th North Piatt Amarlean Lesion team 1 to O in 11 in ning at th North Piatt fair ground. flvraeaaa Blanked. Neb.. July 21. Burr and Syracuse played the third of a aeries of gam with Syrarue her Sunday after noon. The first two were won by Syra cuse but tha horn team loat this contest. 2 to 0. Twnmwh Win.. Tecumaeh. Neb.. July II. Tecumaeh de feated tha Lincoln Lawior her, I to i, Kddvvllle. 1-. Eddvvlll won from Brady Island at nr.rtv T.i.nri. 14 in 4. Batteries: Eddy- vlll. Horn and Horn; Brady Island, Kratcnnaon ana carter. Genoa Win. Genoa. Keb., July 21. Genoa ' defeated the Monroe-Platte Center ball team on the Piatt Canter diamond Sunday In a hotly-conteited gam by the acore of 4 to I. Batteriea: Genoa, Newell, Harrla and Chrlatenaon; Platte Center, D. Hill and Bruckner. Cambridge Defeat Kanaana. ' The Cambridge team defeated Oberlln, Wan s tn 0. This aa the first meeting oi the teams this year and the first defeat of the Kansas team. Ed Hugg, pitching for Cambridge, let Oberlln down with three scratch his. St. Edward Win. ci xii.ini. .Tulv 21 St. Edward won nnm f h mn.t axctting same of the season here Sunday by defeating Central City. 10 to 1. The locals gamerea eim hits for a total of nine runs in th eighth inning. The feature of the game waa the hitting of F. Fisher, who gathered four hits and a sacrifice in .5 trips to th plate. . McMahon Star In Box. Falls City. Neb., July 2L Cecil Mc Mahon, pitching ace of the Falls city T r,r,at In.t th. .re.ieBt SlOUIld duel of his career when Auburn with Davis of no-hlt fame on the mound, beat him, 1 to 0 In 12 innings her Sunday. For 11 inning the two pitcher mowed down all k-h ,m man reaching third. A single, 'doubl and error gave Auburn the i... m in th. 12th. McMahon made a record of pitching but 10 balls In three successive Innings', while but 44 men faced him In the entire game. He allowed six hits, four of them scratches, while Davis Uowed but four nit ana mniieu the ex-soldiers. Score by innings: . ... " Auburn t"1" "00 ooo nni i i n Legion 000 000 000 0000 4 2 Batterlee: Auourn, uiv aim im,,,-," , Legion, McMahon and Thornturg. Geneva Loses One. Geneva. Neb.. July 21. Geneva !ot to Dehler this week, 4 to I. Williford and nisck worked for Geneva and Johnson and Sours for Deshler. Baird tn Form. H.rtlnrton. Neb.. July 21. Hartlngton defeated Laurel here Sunday. I to 1. with Baird in the box. jonnaon nurieu Laurel. Game Goes Ten Innings. xihinn M.h.. Julv 21. Albion defeated Spalding on the letter's ground Sunday. 6 to 6, in an exira-inmna si".. of Albion opposed Selement on the mound. Atlantic Victorious. Atlantic t. . .Tulv 21. The Merchants Grays of Atlantic defeated the Red Oak Cubs Sunday, to is, wnne noising i. Cubs to seven hits. Tans Stage Fiat Fight. r.fn,H .Tulv 21. Spectators v.rltahle battle roval on the side. line here Sunday over an umptre'e decis ion and caused the Chadron-crawrorrr gam to bo canea oir. i no scoro w to 3 In the seventh when it wss stopped. Pacific Wins. Tnn.llna T. .!,!. 11. Pacific Junction defeated 'the Lloyd 'Construction company of Omaha her sunaay, Jl to i. Win Tenth Straight Game. Walnut, la.. Julv 21..-Caddock's Colts defeated Lltterdale at Carroll Sunday, 6to 6. rowers or wainuc atrucK out 11 men and allowed only five hits. It was Wal nut s 10th consecutive victory. Whiff Eleven Men. Newman Grove. Julv 21. Newman Grove humbled Humphrey In a tight battle here Sundav. 2 to 1. Johnson of Newman Grove fanned 11 men and yielded only three hits. SUver Creek Blanked. Hordville. Neb.. July 21. Hordvllle shut out Silver Creek on Its opponent's dia mond Sundsy. Osburg struck- out 10 men. Baseball Records Made This Date July 22, IMS Most runs, by Indivld usl. In a game. C. Beaumont. Pitts burgh (N. L.) National league record also held by M. J. Tiernan. is. sutton, Jd. j. Kelly, R. L. Lowe. The record la 7, held by Guy Hecker, Louisville (A. A.). 1886. July 22. 1893 Most two hits! by Indi vidual, In a game, 4 T. J. Tucker, Boa ton (N. L.). Record also held by eight other players. Juiy 22, 1899 Six base-hits, in six times at bat C. Beaumont, Pittsburgh (N. L.) (also made aix runa). The record is 7. held by W. Robinson, Baltimore, 1892. July 22. 1905 No-hit game Henley, Philadelphia against St. Louts (A. L ). July 22, 1912 Most times caught steal ing, by individual, in a game, 3 T. E. Speaker, Boston against New York (A. L.). Record also held by five American and six National league players. July 22. 1911 Moat strikeouts, by In dividual. In an Inning, 2 E. J. Roush. Cincinnati, sixth Inning, equsling record J. Oeschger and W. Purteli: Today in Ring History Twenty-Five Year Ago. Kid McCoy knocked out Dick Moore, Buffalo, N. Y., one round. Twenty Tear Ago. Young Peter Jackson won -from Mike Donovan, Loa Angeles. 20 rounds. Nineteen Tears Ago. Young Corbett won from Jimmy Briggs, Boston, 10 rounds. Mghteeo Tear Ago. Jimmy Gardner knocked out Willie Fitx gerald, Butte. Mont., five round. Twelve Tear Ago. Sam McVea won from Peter Rice, Parla, five rounds. I , Nine Years Ago. Kid McCoy won from Barry Thomas. Sydney, N. S. W., 24 rounds. rar Years Ago. Bnnv Leonard knocked Ant Tnuna OradwelI, Jersey City, flv round mi Tales Th tiuffaloas uiansged to break even with the Utlets. Tulaa winning the first enej ia.i game and t'mao cepi-ms double header liraalham mad good on. bead eairh of Mrlaaia' pop-up la th Math Inning. Tat Hnadecnr, firet bsaemad for Oms ha. hi in California. Pnedecer erackad I roupl of rib In a gm with loua. t'lly her during th Parkar laat eerie ted in.n too a vacation. "Whiter" GLlaaoa'e aaa-haad pick, ap of lellrelt' drlv la Iho fifth la nlg waa aa af lha feMarea of lb (ama. Babe" Herman and "I'mp" Ivla don't get (long very well. Th "Babe" nd th "ump' don't m lo agree o what ar and what ar not trikee. W hen Malal Manaa'h lifted th hall aver tha right field fear ta the sec ond Inning yeetorday It centered hla ma aemer of in "Jack Rabbit" Anoaraon I a ody llttl fielder, but not p good with th tick. Th "Rabbit" relied off a couple or good running ratrhea yeai.rday that brought pplua front lb fair fan In tb grandaiand. Loa Daffy, snort editor of th Tnl a Trlbano, who la traveling with tha Oilers. Informed as thai Jack lollveit oaeMera Oataha the meet dangerpo club In th leagao. Thaaka, Jack. "Pug" Griffin didn't fall down yaater day. Th fact of th matter I that "Pug" didn't get but on chaac to g to aecona. , Threw doabte play an lha pari af Wilcox, Glelaaoa aad Hejrsnaa cut m trie of OUer rallies short Boosters Trim Ixsies. j Des Moines, July 21. Pinch-hitter Guy Cooper's single in the eighth in ning today scored the tiein-r and win ning runs in Lies Moines S to 4 vic tory over Wichita. Score WICHITA DES MOINES. AB.H.O.A AB.H.O.A. Oenln. cf 4 S S 1 Smith, cf 111 B'kealey.lf W'hb'n. lb Eaat, rf Berger, aa Butler, 2h Manda, Sb S 1 sio l l Wagner, Ib Horan. rf 1 1 I 2 0 10 Orancy, If 2 2 Gorman, 2b Connolly. 2b Griffin, Turgeon, aa McDonn'l.p S Wilson xCooper Banner. 0 Total 31 11 24 14 Cullop, p Totals SI 10 27 11 xBatted for Wilson la eighth. Score bv innlnaa: Wichita 000 10J 0004 Des Moines 010 020 42x 5 8nmmarv Runs: Washburn. BUtlr, Manda, Griffin, Graney (), Turgeon, Wil son, Cullop. Errors: Connolly, Turgeon. Home run: Granev. Two-base hits; .ast Orlffin. Blakesley. Gorman, Cullop, Tur-I geon. Sacrifice hits: 8mlth. Washburn, Beraer. Stolen bases: East. Wagner, Tur geon. Left on basea: wicnita, ii; pes Moines, s. BirucK out: ar turnip, z; uj McDonnell, 2. Base on ball: Off Cullop, 3; off McDonnell, 2. Hit by pitched ban: McDonnell, by Cullop. Earned runa: wiohit. 3: n.s II nines. 5. Double Plays: Butler to Berger. Umpires: Anderson and Robinson. Time: l:4. TImm noat flalnta. n.nv.e. .Tulv 21. Hovllk of St. Joseph weakened In th fourth and fifth inning and Denver collected aeven run. Salisbury held th visitor to seven Bits ana tnree run. Tommy Long, Denver ngni iieiaer wa th hitting tar of th day, connect ing fnr a trlrjla and two singles. The gam waa called at th end of th seventh on account of rain. Score: ST. JOSEPH. DJSIMVK.K. AB.H.O.A I AB.H.O.A. 3 1 4 0 3omea,lf 3 0 0 0 C'rlden.lf 2 12 2 0 0 5 riaher.rf 3 11 0Long.rf S S 1 0 4 0 0 03hanley,2b 114 2 Stev's' 3 0 1 2P'terson,2b 2 112 M'D'ald,3b 3 10 S 0 10 0 Nufer.Sb 3 12 ziO'Brten.cI I l v o O'b'skLe IIS lParker,e S S I 1 Hovllk.p- J 0 0 USallsbury.p S 1 0 1 xKandler 1 S O 0 . , -H -Totalg 25 1 2111 Total 21 7 II T xBatted for Hovllk In seventh. 9nn hv Innlnaa : St. Joseph 000 100 2 3 Denver 000 430 x 7 Called end eeventh, ram. fliimm.rv Runs: McDonald. Nufer. Gra- bowskl. Gomes. La Salle. Long (2). Shan- lv. Patterson. O'Brien. Errors: Nufer (2), La Salle. Cartwrlght. Earned run: Den ver. 6: St. Joe. 2. Stolen bases: Stevenson, Two-base hits: Shanley, Patterson, Gra- bowshi. ' Three-naae nits: u unen, uing. Home run: McDonald. Sacrifice hit: I.. Salle. Sacrifice flies: Patterson. Ol son. Passed ball: Parker. Struck out: By Hovllk, 7; by Salisbury, 6. Base on balls: Off Hovllk. 1: off Salisbury, 2. Double play: La Salle to Shanley to Cartwrlght. Left on bases: Denver, 3; St. Joseph, 7. Umpires: Holmes and Ormsby. Time: 1:10. Indiana Wallon Packer. Sioux City. July 21. Oklahoma City mimied hlta with walks and won by score or 16 to 12. Four racKer nuriers were ineffective against Indian batsmen. SjA,a' OKLAHOMA CITY.I SIOUX CITY. 1 r ir i tn u r A I - A U . L.J, 4-1.- AU.Jl.V.A. Pitt, It 6 2 2 1 Hatnll., ss 6 2 1 2 Krueg., rf 6 3 3 4IHemin., 3b 5 0 2 2 0 Tate, 3D 2 2 112 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 6 MatUck, cf 5 M'Dan., lb 6 Long, c 4 Wlndle, ss 3 Moore, cf 4 Metx. lb I 0 Osterg., rf Robin., If Palm.. 2b Query, c Wilson, p Davis, p Alien, p a 3 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Young, p 0 Totala SS 17 27 11 Roettg., p Tesar, p xWlllIams Totala 45 19 27 16 xBatted for Tesar In ninth. e Score ov innings: Oklahoma City 000 044 2415 Sioux City 000 230 20512 Summary Runa : Pitt (3), KruSger (4), Tate (3), Felber, McDanlel (2). Lon. Allen, Hamilton, Hemingway, Matties; (I), Metx (2), Oatergard (2), Robinson, Palmer, Query. Errors: Felber, Hamilton. Two- base hits: Moore, Robinson (2), Quern, 2), ostergard, ireiDer, Metx, Palmer, Tate (2). Three-base bits: MsDaniel. Sacrifice hits: Wlndle. Earned runa: Okla homa City, 13; Sioux City, 10. Stolen bases: Moore and Tate. Double plays: Hemingway to Palmer to Metx; Bobinaon to Query; Pitt to Felber. Hits and runs: Off Wilson, 2 and 6; off Davis, 4 and 4; off Roettger, 0 and 1; off Tesar, S and 8; off Allen, 19 and 12; off Young, 0 and 0. Left on bases: Sioux City, 7; Okla homa City, 9. Base on balla: Off Allen, 1; off -Wilson, I; off Davla, 1; off Roett ger, 3; off Tesar, 2. Struck out: By Allen. 3; by Tesaf. 4: by Wilson. 2; by Davis. 0; by Roettger. 0: Wild pitches: Roettger. Umpires: Held and Donahue. Time: 2:35, Golf Course Planned Randolph, Neb., July 21. The formation of a golf club is being pro moted here and several sitel for a course are- under consideration. Buffalo "BUY AND SAVE" BERG'S Semi-Annual Clearance Sale Men and Young Men's Suits Shirts Hats Watch Our Window MIS Faraam St. Childs in Money in Three Races Drive Minerva Gentry to Vic tory and Finishes Serotid and Third in Other Kvent. Kalamazoo, Mich., July 21 The lat day of the Kalamazoo Grand Circuit meeting wai given. over to the pacers with three events put over in (ait time. The free-for-all pace, with six starters developed a real race be tween Jimmie McKerron, Hal Ma hone and Sir Roch. The Ohio geld ing took the first heat after a hard drive, with Hal Mahone close up and the Dean entry in last spot. The Ray entry repeated in the second heat, but was chaied to the wire by Roy Grattan with Sir Roarh third and Hay MaTione at the end of the itring. Sir Roch stepped out and took the final mile, forcing Ray into second position, with Hal 'Mahone in third. The race was paced in an average time of lcV than 2:02. Johnny Quirk and Logan Hedge wood were drawn at the close of the second heart. Roy Grattan ruled favorite at the start. Hal Bee, the favorite in the 2:11 pace, was forced to give way to Henry Direct, except in the third heat, when the Nebraska mare fin ished in front. The Sherwood came home second in the opening heat, but after that was unable to stand the speed. Hal Bee made several bids to win on the stretch, but Henry Direct was able to uncork the neces sary speed to hold the lead except in the final mile.' The 2:14 pace belonged to Minerva Gentry, the favorite, all the way. The Marvin Childs entry waSthe class, winning three straight, while Fagan and Minnie Williams were raced out in an effort to head off the Gentry mare. Summarise: 2:11 pace, three heat, Sparkamtn purse, 12,000: , Henry Direct, s. g., by Walter Dlr . . rect (Palln) .-1 1 I Hal Bee, br. m., by Hal B. (Childs) I 1 The 8herwood, ch. g.. by Norchen (Murphy) ' J. W. S.. br. g., by J. 8. O. (Rayl 2 2 3 Lulu Brooke, br. in., by Argot Hal (McMahon) Jessie Rlggs and Casay Jones also started. Time: 2:044, 2:04V4. I:0SM. Free-for-sll pace, three heats, parse, 11.200: Jimmie McKerron. b. g.. by Jack McKerron (Ray) l 1 1 Sir Roch, b. g.. by St. Roch (Dean) 111 Hal Mahone, b. n. by Argot Hal (Cbfida) S I Roy Grattan. b. g., by Grattan Royal (Murphy) 4 t 4 Johhny Quirk, ch. hk., by Hedge- wood Boy (Egan) or. Logan Hedgewood alao atarted. Time: 2:04. 2:0114, -2:02K. 2:14 pace, three heata. puree, 11,000: Minerva Gentry, b. m., by John R. Gentry (Chllda) 1 1 1 Minnie Willlama, blk. m., by Th Black Bas (Thomas) 2 J Fagan. -b. g., by Walter Direct (Falln)s Baron Brooke, b. h by Justice Brooke (Shlvley) 3 1 Robert Direct, ch. .. by Walter Direct (Ray) a i Time: 2:0614, 2:044. 2:04. Mc Arthur to Meet Everett. Rockford. III.. July 21. Earl Mc- Arthur of Sioux City. Ia was today matched with Stanley Everett of Pe- kin. 111., for a ID-round boxing match at Camp Grant, August 2. SafoorOut Q. Do you hav to go back and .touch the base when a foul ball 1 hit? some times nlavers only go close to the base. A. loa snouia go dock ana tones vm base. Q. Three runnerr on bases. Batter hit the ball and it struck his foot and rolled fair and the umpire called him out. Man on second went to third. Man on third remained there. Catcher picked up the ball and threw to third after touching home. Two runners were on third and the third baseman touched the runner from second and then threw to center field trying to throw to second. Center fielder threw to first and caught the runner off base. Field umpire called runners at third and first out. I don't think he was rrght but I don't know what th ruling should be. Please define. A. No one waa oat bnt the batter for being hit by a batted baU. Th runner remained where they were. Q. Runner on second and third. Ball 1 batted to ahortatop who fumbled it and runner on third atarted home. Short- atop throw to the plate and runner went back to third. . Kunner on secona naa touched third and started back to second. Catcher icaught ' the ball standing on the plat. He threw to third and the runner, who had been on second, started back to second. They tried to catch him but threw wild and never got any runner. Was the runner on third out or safe? Some claim that he waa out when tha catcher caught the ball and th runner from aec- onud touched third. A. No one wa out. There waa no force play. The runners were entitled to their base. Q. Runner on flrat and one on third. One out. Batter hits to short. Runner on third scores easily becauae he Is off to a good start. Shortstop throws to second and the second baseman throws to f irat and gets the batter. Manager of th bat ting aide eays the runs counts. He claims that -the runner was home before the third hand wa out. A. Very likely he was. bat the rale say the ran cannot eoant If the third man I out before he reaches first baae. That Is what happened. I Q. Runner is on third base. Batter hits long high fly to left field. Left fielder goe after ball which strikes on hand and bounce but is caught before atrik ing ground. Runner left third when he saw the ball strike the fielder hand. Manager of turn in field claim double alay. Was he right? A. Ha, The runner may leave the baae the moment that the ball strike the band of the outfielder. Frank Okrie Returns to Omaha Huff aloes Frank Okrie, Omaha lUiffato toiith. paw Imiler, has returned to the rluh. ank blew into town from Detroit Thursday uiKht without informing myotic, even Man ager Burch. When liiime time rolled around yrttrrdav, Okrie breezed in to the club house just like nothing had happened. By reporting to Rurch yeilcrday, Okrie saved him self from being rV7Xr-i'Ov suspended irom WCrity irsanired baseball. Several days ago Okrie asked for permission to visit his family in De troit. He was allowed to go home with the understanding that he would return. Soon after he reached De troit. Okrie wired Hurrh that he would not return. The Buffalo boss immediately informed Frank that he would be suspended if he didn't re port by .Saturday, July 22. Okrie re ported, all right. Wins at Roque Chicago. III., July 20. R. A. Love land of Chicago came to the front with three decisive victories today in the second division of the Amer ican Roqijc league tournament. He reached the top of his form when he defeated VV. O. Smith, 32 to 3. Harry Hayden of Cleveland also continued his winning streak, beat ing F. E. Markham, 32 to 6, and A. Selstrom, 32 to 1. "Ping" Bodie Is Fined for Attacking Razzing Fan San Francisco, July 21. President William H. MoCarthy of the Pacific Coast Baseball league announced to day that he had fined "Ping" Bodie of the Vernon club $10 and had sus pended him for one day for attacking a spectator who had abused the player m yesterday's game at Vernon. U&tiers NATIONAL MSAOTJE. f. AB. K. H.rCT. Horn.hy, St. Loula... Hi Soft IT 141.397 Hollocher, Chicago ..SS S.19 50 1JI M Blgbee, Pittsburgh ..85 SIS 69 1 JW Crime. Chicago ? 290 AT 10S St Johnston, Brooklyn . .19 S19 66 114 Ml AMERICAN LEAGUE. . AB. B. H. PCT. Sialer. St. Loot 9 866 SO 112 .1S Cobb, Detroit ? 805 AT 124 Ml Meuael, Jiew York.... n as T aft .sni Sneaker. Cleveland ..19 !92 S 106 .S60 HeUmann, Detroit . .65 S31 44 117 M Baseball Today Onihi vs. St. Joseph Game at 4. Regular Admlaalon. Sunday Doubl Header Omaha vs. St. Joseph' Firat Game at 2. . Box seats for sale at United Cigar Storea, 16th A Farnam Thrill Throb Smile Tiara On of the biggest and best; entitled: "One Clear Call" With an all-star cast, and Buster Keaton In "The Blacksmith" LAST TIMES TODAY MARY MILES MINTER in "The Heart Specialist" An absorbing screen story 'you'll enjoy seeing. TODAY Mary Anderson "BluebJiri Jr." A Hun version of the high rent . question. On of the best farce comediea en acted on th preaent-day eeraen. Ton a v w a wr-a a All New Six-Act Bill Featuring COSMOPOLITAN DANCERS DUSTIN FARNUM in 'Strange Idola" Last Times TONIGHT Out of the Silent North" tOMORROW CONSTANCE TALMADGE in "Good Night Paur Grand Theater 16th aad Lacaat Reopens Tonight .."Ith FRANK MAYO in The Black BagH