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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1922)
10 HIK OMAHA BEK: SATURDAY. JULY 22. 1922. Technical School Fills Large Place Principal Dwight E. Porter Siyi Local Institution Hai Membership of 2,500. Dwight E. Porter. principt o Omaha Technical High school, en tertained member of the Continental club yesterday noon at the Brandeis restaurant with a ihort talk on "The Trend in Secondary Education." He explained how and why the local public technical and commercial high school hai grown in a decade to an institution with more than 2,500 young men and women who demand something that will fit them for busi- nets or the manual sru, lit referred to Thomas A F.dison hot school education uai limited to l:t tint three grades and ho vet gained a world-wide name as a ard in the application of electricity to the economies of eiie. fiefore the establishment of the technical school in public educational systems, the speaker 4id, (here was a pressing problem on account of many boys and girls who KJ not so beyond the eighth grade, lie as serted that the public technical high school has justified itself. Ice Plant Burnt Sihuyler, Ncb July 21. (Special.) The ice plant of W. B. Smith was completely destroyed by fire. The fire department did not reach the scene until the plant was complete ly enveloped in flames. Some ten thousand tons of ice was stored. There was no insurance. Thresherman Crushed to Death by Machines Aurora. Neb.. Ju!y 21. (Special.) Fred Marlrr,' a thresherman living one mile .omit of Aurora, was fatal ly injured white barking up his steam threshing machine to the separator. The outfit had just finished a run on the larnt oi li. C. Casler. three and one-half miles southeast of tiilt ner, and was hitching p to move to the next job. Marlrr was backing up the engine to the separator. He lie was facing away Irom tHe sep arator and towards the engine and evidently did not notice how close the two machines were to each other. Marlrr was unconscious up to his death and not able to tell what hap pened, but it is believed he was caught between the equipment. He died about one-half hour alter thi aaidcut. fie leaves a wne and (our small children, Contractor to Increase Concrete Bate of Paving A satisfactory adjustment with the National Construction company on the question of correcting deficiencies in the concrete base of the South 1 hirteenth street paving district. Mil- ourj avenue to the city limits, has" been reached, according to City Com mi..ioticr Joseph Koutsky. Tests made in 10 locations showed I that the base was less than contract requirement of six inches in thick- lie. Other tests showed more than six inches, and brought tthe average to more than six inches, according to Koutsky. The contractors have agreed to apply another layer of con crete from one to two inches thick on the entire street. I INJUNCTION in the'district court of the united states for the district of nebraska, omaha division No. 434, Equity, Restraining Order ' CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY, CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS & OMAHA RAILWAY COMPANY, Plaintiffs, i YS. Wm. Richilicu, as Local Chairman of International Association of Machinists at Omaha, . ' Nebraska, Individually and at representative of the members of said Association ; C. C. v HalUr, as Local Chairman, International Association of Machinists, located at Fremont, Nebraska, individually and-as representative of the members of said Association; CharUs J. Hall, as Local Chairman of International Brotherhood of Boiler Makers, Iron Ship Build ers and Helpers of America, located at Fremont, Nebraska, individually and as representa tive of the members of said Association; Harold Williams, as Local Chairman of Inter national Brotherhood of Blacktmiths, Drop Forgers and Helpers, located at Fremont, Ne , braska, individually and as representative of the members of said Association; Charles Adamson, as Local Chairman of International Association of Machinists, located at South Norfolk, Nebraska, individually 'and as representative of the members of said Association; James Brennan, Sr., aa Local Chairman of International Brotherhood of Boiler Makers, Iron Ship Builders and Helpers of America, located at South Norfolk, Nebraska, Individu ally and as representative of the members of said Association; C. B. Jewett, m Locat" Chairman of International Alliance of Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workers, located at South Norfolk, Nebraska, individually and as representative of the members of said Associa tion; Ben Willay, as Local Chairman of the Machinist Helpers, located at South Norfolk, Nebraska, associated with International Association of Machinists, individually and as rep resentative of the members of said Association; J. W. Boyd, as Local Chairman of Inter national Brotherhood of Blacksmiths, Drop Forgers and Helpers, located at Chadron, Ne braska, individually and as representative of the members of said Association; A. F. . Edgerton, as Local Chairman of International Association of Machinists, located at Chad ron, Nebraska, individually and as representative of the members of said Association; H. CronL as Local Chairman of International Alliance of Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workers, located at Chadron, Nebraska, individually and as representative of the members of said Association; Carl Schulse, as Local Chairman of International Brotherhood of Blacksmiths, ' Drop Forgers and Helpers, located at Chadron, Nebraska, individually and as representa tive of the members of said Association; Bert Davis, as Local Chairman of International . Association of Machinists, located at Long Pine, Nebraska, individually and as representa- " tive of the members of said Association; John Bland, aa Local Chairman of Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of .America, located at South Norfolk, Nebraska, individually, and as representative of the members of said Association; Peter Jensen, as Local Chairman of Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of America, located at Fremont, Nebraska, individually . . . and as representative of the members of said Association; James J. Blaha, as Local Chair m5 -j' the Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of America, located at Omaha, Nebraska, individually and as representative of the members of said Association; John A. Schulti, N as Local Chairman of Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of America, located at Superior, ' Nebraska, individually and as representative of the members of said Association ; John H. Stewart, as Local Chairman of Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of America, located at Norfolk, Nebraska, individually and as representative of the members of said Association; H. L. Bond, as Local Chairman of Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of America, located at Long Pine, Nebraska, individually and as representative of the-members of said Associa tion; Frank Ormsher, as Local Chairman of Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of America, ' located at Chadron, Nebraska, individually and as representative of the members of said Association, , Defendants. Plaintiffs upon filing their bill herein, having moved the Court to grant it a temporary preliminary injunction in accord ance with the prayer of the bill, said motion is now set down for hearing on the 28th day of July, 1922, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at Omaha, Nebraska, and it appearing to the undersigned Judge of this Court from the specific facts shown by the verified bill and the evidence offered, that immediate and irreparable injury, loss or damage will result to the applicants before notice can be served and a hearing thereon, in that defendants and others in active concert or participating with them are unlawfully attacking, threatening and injuring plaintiff's employes in their homes and on their way to wofk and returning therefrom; and that these said threats,' attacks and intimidations are causing said employes, because thereof, to remain away from the premises, depots; stations, shops and round houses of plaintiffs, thereby hindering, delaying, interrupting and interfering with plaintiffs' business in the transportation of the United States mails and in the transportation of Interstate Commerce, freight and passengers, and that the defendants and other in active concert or participating with them, have unlawfully assaulted, beaten and threatened to maim and murder plaintiffs' watchmen in and about Hs stations, yards and shops and upon the public highways, and that the defendants and those in active concert or participating with them thus unlawfully acting are not financially responsible and that because thereof and because of the acts aforesaid which the said defendants and others in active concert or participating with them are doing an d unless restrained will continue to do, and said injury to the plaintiffs is irreparable, and that because thereof, restraining order is necessary to prevent irreparable injury to the prop erty rights of the plaintiffs, to-wit: ' Great loss to plaintiffs and great destruction of their property; wrongful and unlawful interference with the conduct of plaintiffs business as a common carrier of interstate commerce and of United States mail; preventing plaintiffs from per forming their duties under the Interstate Commerce Act and other Federal Statutes applicable to railroads; personal injury and loss of life to plaintiffs' employes, for which injuries there is no adequate remedy at law, and because thereof, the appli cation of the plaintiffs for restraining order without notice be and hereby is granted. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that a temporary restraining order be and hereby is issued herein commanding the defendants, hereinbefore described, and any and all other persons in active concert or participating with them,, and all per sons associationg or acting with them in the so-called "strike" of the members of the six federated shop crafts named, and all other persons who are within the District of Nebraska, havifig notice of this order pending the further order of this court to absolutely desist, refrain from in any manner interfering, with the free use and occupation by plaintiffs of any and all their property or premises, of every kind or character, and from interfering with, hindering, obstruction or stopping any of the business of plaintiffs or their agents, officers and employes in the operation of plaintiffs' railroads, or any department or part thereof; and restraining them from such interference; and from destroying, or injuring, or attempting to destroy or injure plaintiffs' property, said order further restraining them from in any manner whatsoever, by use of threats, personal injury, suggestions of danger or threats of violence of any kind, interfering with, hindering, obstruction, or stopping any person engaged in the employ of the plaintiffs, or any person desiring to enter their employment, in connection with their busi ness of the operation, of their lines of railroad in the District of Nebraska; or from inducing or attempting to induce or compel by threats, intimidation, force or violence, or by the fear or suggestion of danger, any person so employed or desiring such employment, so as to cause them to refuse to perform any of their duties as employes, if employed, or to enter such employ ment, if they so desire; and from .interfering with the employes of said plaintiffs in going to or from their daily work, and from either singly or collectively, going to the homes of said plaintiffs' employes, or any of them, for the purpose of intimi dating them, or coercing any or all of them to leave the employment of the plaintiffs, and, as well, from intimidating or threatening in any manner the wives and families of said employes; further restraining them from protecting, aiding or assisting any person or persons in committing any of said acts so restrained as aforesaid; and further restraining them from assembling, loitering or congregating upon, about or in proximity to the shops, roundhousea, depots,-tracks,' yards or other premises of the plaintiffs at Omaha, Nebraska, or elsewhere for the purpose of doing or attempting to do any of the acts so restrained, as aforesaid; and further restraining them from picketing or maintaining at or near the premises of the plaintiffs, or on or near the streets leading to the premises of the plaintiffs, or at each point of ingress or egress to or from plaintiffs' property, premises or places of business, more than one picket or representative, and that all and singular, the defendants other than such single picket or representative, and all and singular the persons in active concert or participating -with the defendants, or any of them, unlawfully, as hereinbefore set forth, are enjoined from congregating or loitering on the property or premises or in the immediate neighboring streets by Which access is had to the property or premises of the plaintiffs, under circumstances where the natural or probable consequence of the same would be in any manner to aid or abet any of the acts or conduct restrained by this order or to interfere with plaintiffs' business. That such single picket or representative of the defendants and the persons in active concert or participating with them hereby allowed shall have the right to observe and communicate t6 those entering or leaving the property or premises of the plaintiffs and to persuade such person, but are hereby enjoined from making their communication to such persons in any abusive, libelous or threatening manner; or from obstructing any unwilling listener by persistent following or accompani ment, and from using any means or doing anything to intimidate any employe or persons seeking employment or having busi ness with the plaintiffs. y And further restraining and enjoining them from doing any act or thing whatever in furtherance of any conspiracy or combination among them, or any of them, to obstruct or interfere with complainant, its officers, agents or employes in the free and unrestrained control and operation of their railroad and the conduct of their business, and from defacing, tearing down, or in any manner or waymutilating any copies of any writ issued or posted hereunder. Service of this order shall be made by copy thereof served on the defendants named in the bill and as to those un known and unnamed, the same to be and become effective upon the publication of the same in the Omaha World-Herald, Omaha Bee and Omaha Daily News, on the posting of a copy of this order in one or more of the plaintiffs' shops in this district; and that the Marshal of this Court is directed immediately to publish and post notices of this restraining order, and that he be- and hereby is authorized and directed to commission a sufficient number of Deputy Marshals to make this order in all respects promptly effective, and to continue the same in effect until the further order of this Court. The plaintiffs, having given a bond in the penal sum of Ten Thousand Dollars, condition according to law, this order be, and the same hereby is made immediately effective. Motion may be filed for dissolution of this restraining order upon two days' notice, as provided by law. This order to remain in effect until th'e 28th day of July, A. D. 1922, and to such further time as this Court may here inafter order in the manner provided by law, of which notice must be taken. This order signed and issued this 18th day of July, 1922, at 10 o'clock A. M. filed July 18. 1922. , J." TV. WOODROUGH, R. C. HOYT, Clerk. Jadee United States District Court. A TRUE COPY Attest R. C. HOYT, Clerk. By JOHN NIC HOLSOX. (SEAL) - In the District Court of the ' United' States, District of Nebraska, Omaha Division 1 NO. 436 EQUITY RESTRAINING OR DER AND ORDER FOR HEARING ON A P P L I CATION FOR A TEMPOR ARY INJUNCTION. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD CORPORATION IN NEBRASKA a corporation, Plaintiff vs. RAILWAY EMPLOYES DEPARTMENT OF THE AMERICAN FEDERA TION OK LABOR, B. M. Jewell, as 1'resldnnt of said reparation and Individually, J. F. McGraih. n Vice President or said Federation and Individually, and J. P' Ott, Secretary-Treasurer of said Federation au! Individually. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MACHINISTS ; William H. Johnston, na President of said Association and Individually; J. 11. Rice, as General Chairman oi aald Association and Individually. LOCAL UNION NUMBER 5S6 of INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MACHINISTS OF FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA; C. T. Heltmao. as Chairman of said Union No. S86 and Individually; C. J. Cowjlll, as Secretary ot said Local Union No. lit and Individually. INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF BLACKSMITHS, DROP FORGERS AND HELPERS OP AMERICA. J. W. Kline s President ot said Brotherhood and Individually; W. M. Langenhennlng, aa General Chairman of said Brotherhood, and Individually. LOCAL UNION NUMBER INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF BLACKSMITHS, DROP FORGERS AND HELPERS OP AMERICA OF FALLS CITY. NEBRASKA; D. E. W'lotet, as President and Chairman of said Local Union Number and Individually; George Hall, as Secretary of said Local Union Number and Individually. INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF BOILER MAKERS, IRON SHIP BUILDERS AND HELPERS .OP AMERICA; J. A. Franklin, as President of said Broth erhood and Individually; C. A. McDonald, as General Chairman of said Brotherhood and Individually. LOCAL UNION NEMAHA LODGE NUMBER 565 INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF BOILER MAKERS, IRON SHIP BUILDERS AND HELPERS OF AMERICA OF FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA; George B. Holland, as President of said Local Union Number 565 and Individually; George L. Jones, aa Vice President of said Local Union Number S65 and Individually; Harvey O. Thompson, aa Secretary of aald Local Union Number 665 and Individually; George Rennau, as Local Chairman of said Local Union Number 565 and Individually. AMALGAMATED SHEET. METAL WORKERS INTERNATIONAL ALLI ANCE; J. J. Hynes, as President ot laid Alliance and Individually; J. T. Pyles, as General Chairman of aald Alliance and Individually. LOCAL UNION LODGE NUMBER 816 of AMALGAMATED SHEET METAL WORKERS INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE OF FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA; W. W. Laing, as President or said Local Union Number 816 and Individually; E. H. Sward, as Vice President of said Local Union Number 816 and Individually; C. F. Sharrltt, as, Secretary of aald Local Union Number 816 and Individually; C. V. McCleary, as local Chairman of laid Local Union Number 816 and Individually. INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS; James P. Noonan, as President of said Brotherhood and Individually; R. N. Pedrick, as General Chairman of said Brotherhood and Individually. - LOCAL LODGE NUMBER 994 INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS OF FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA; Bert Wilkinson, as Recording Secretary of said Brotherhood and Individually. BROTHERHOOD RAILWAY CARMEN OF AMERICA; Martin F. Ryan, as President of said Brotherhood and Individually; S. L. Watts, as General Chairman of said Brotherhood and Individually. LOCAL UNION YAHOO LODGE NUMBER 465 BROTHERHOOD OF RAIL WAY CAR MEN OF AMERICA OF FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA; Ray Griffis, as Presi dent of said Local Union Number 465 and Individually; W. C. McDonald, as Vice Presi dent of said Local Lodge Number 465 and Individually; C. B. Sawyer, as Secretary of said Local Lodge Number 465 and. Individually; G. G. Ulln, as Local Chairman at Falls City, Nebraska, of said Local Union Number 465 and Individually; John Engl, as Local Chairman at Omaha, Nebraska, of said Local Union Number 465 and Individually. A. B. FEDLER, A. L. DUNHAM, L. PYLE, H. J. RICHARDSON, A. W. DUN HAM, W. A. BRIGMAN, R. MAGILL, H. H. MAGILL, A. E. DUNHAM, ALES McCREADY, D. E. WINGET, A. E. DUFF. J. R. HENDERSON, F. SLICKER, A. F. PEMBERTON, H. HENDERSON, B. GOODGER, L. GODFIRNON, C. F. SHARRITT, C. W. McCLEARY, W. W. LAING, U, LUNSFORD. M. W. MORGENSON, G. B. HOL LAND, M. J. WARD, R. N. WILCOX, C. W. JONES, R. E. WARD, G. L. JONES, C. FRAKES, J. FRAKES, J. McKEIVER, P. HUNN, A. LUNSFORD, E. FRAKES, E. D. HATFIELD, B. WILKERSON, G. B. SAWYER, C. D. THOMPSON, E. H. KUKER G. G. ULIN, J. H. STRAWHUN, G. F. BERTRAM, WILBER SCONCE, R. T. GRIFFIS, GEORGE HALL, C. T..HELTMAN, J. C. JACQUENIME, GEORGE RENNAU, T. A. MENZIES, WILLIAM WATSON, PATRICK WATT, JOHN ENGLE, P. CLARK, F. J. - KELLY, C. -CRAWFORD, JOSEPH POLICE, P. McDONALD, M. J. CAIN, LOUIS KANKIN. j To each of the above named Defendants respectively and to all other persons and associations affiliated, acting, combining, conspiring,. agreeing or. arranging with them: , Whereas, the Complainant upon filing its Bill of Complainant herein, having moved the Court to grant it a Temporary Preliminary Injunction, in accordance with the prayer of its Bill, said Motion is now set down for hearing on the 29th day of July, 1922, at 10 :00 o 'clock A. M., at Omaha-, Nebraska. And it appearing to the undersigned Judge of this Court from the specific facts shown by the Bill of Com plaint verified as of fact, and the Affidavits in connection therewith, that immediate and irreparable injury loss, or damage will result to the Complainant before notice can be served and a hearing had thereon in that Defendants and others in active concert or participating with them are unlawfully attacking, threatening and in juring Complainant's employes in their homes, and on their way to work and returning therefrom, ,and that said t threats, attacks and intimidations are causing said employes, because thereof, to remain away from the premises depots, stations, shops and round houses of Complainant, thereby hindering, delaying, interrupting and interfer ing with Complainant's business in the, transportation of the United States mail, and' in the transportation of In terstate Commerce, freight and passenger, and that the D efendants and others in active concert or participating with them, have unlawfully assaulted, beaten and threatened to maim and murder Complainant's watchmen in and about its stations, yards and shops and upon the public highways, and Complainant's employes, and that the Defendants and those inactive concert or participating with them, thus unlawfully acting, are not financially re sponsible, and number many thousands of persons and ass ociations, and that because thereof, and because of the acts aforesaid, which the said Defendants and others in active concert or participating with them, are doing, and unless restrained will continue to do, and said injuries t o the Complainant are irreparable, and that because thereof a Restraining Order is necessary to prevent irreparable injuries to the property rights of the Complain ant, namely, great loss to Complainant, and great destruction of its property, and wrongful and unlawful interfer ence with the conduct of Complainant's business as a common earner of United .States mail, and of Interstate Commerce, preventing Complainant from performing its duties under the Interstate Commerce Act of the United States, and other Federal Statutes applicable to Railroads, personal injury and loss of life to Complainant em ployes, for which.injuries there is no adequate remedy at law, and because thereof, the Application of Complainant for a Restraining Order, without Notice, be and hereby i s granted : IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, that a Temporary Restraining Order be, and hereby is issued herein commanding the Defendants hereinbefore named and de scribed, and any and all other persons and associations in active concert or participating with them, and all persons associating or acting with 'them in the so-called "Strike" of the members of the six Federated shop crafts named and all other persons who are within the Dis trict of Nebraska, having notice of this Order, pending the further Order of this Court, to absolutely desist and refrain from in any manner interfering with the free use and occupation by Complainant of any and all of its property or premises of every kind and character, and from interfering with, hindering, obstructing or stopping any of the business of Complainant, or its agents, officers and employes in the operation of Complainant's railroad" or any department or part thereof, and restraining them from such interference, and from destroying or injuring or attempting to destroy or injure Complainant's property, said Order further restraining them from in any man ner whatsoever, by use of threats, personal injury, suggestion Of danger, or threats of violence of any kind, in terferingwith, hindering, obstructing or stopping any person engaged in the employ of Complainant, or any per son desiring to enter its employ, in connection with its business or the operation of its line of railroad in the Dis trict of Nebraska, or from inducing or attempting to induce or compel, by threats, intimidation, force or vio lence, or by the fear or suggestion of danger, any person s o employed, or desiring such employment, so as to cause them to refuse to perform any of their duties as employes, if employed, or to enter such employment, if they so desire, and from interfering with the employes of said Complainant in going to or from their daily work, and from either singly or collectively, going to the homes of said Complainant's employes, or any of them, or telephon ing to the homes of said employes, for the purpose of intimidating thehi, or coercing them, or any of them, to leave the employment of Complainant, and, as well, from intimidating or threatening in any manner the wives and families of said employes, and further restraining them from protecting, aiding o r assisting any person or persons in committing any of said acts so restrained, as aforesaid, and further restraining them from assem bling, loitering or congregating upon, about or In proximity to the shops, round houses, depots, tracks, yards or other premises of Complainant at Omaha, Nebraska, Falls City, Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, or elsewhere in Nebraska for the purpose of doing or attempting to do any of the acts so restrained, as aforesaid, and further restraining them from picketing or maintaining at or n ear the premises of Complainant, or on or near the Streets iead Ing to the premises of Complainant, or at each point of ingress or egress to or from Complainant's property, premises or places of business more than one picket or representative, and that all and singular the Defendants and all and singular the persons In active concert or participating with the Defendants, o r any of them, unlawfully as hereinbefore set forth, other than such single picket or representative, are enjoined from congre gating or loitering on the property or permlses, or in the imme diate neighboring streets, by vrhlch access is had to the property or premises of Complainant, under circumstances where the na ture or probable consequencesof the same would be in any manoiet to aid or abet any of the acts or conduct restrained by this Order or to Interfere with Complainant's business. That such single picket or representative of the Defendants, and the persons in active concert or participating with them, hereby allowed, shall have the right to observe and communicate to those entering or leaving the property or premises of the Complainant and to persuade such persons, but are hereby enjoined from making their communications to such persona in any abusive, libelous or threatening manner, or from obstructing any unwilling listener by persistent following or accompani ment, and from using any means or doing anything to intimidate any employe or persons seeking employment or having busi- ness with the Complainant And further restraining and enjoining the Defendants, and those conspiring and co-operating with them, from doing any act or thing whatsoever in furtherance of any conspiracy or com bination among them, or any of them, to obstruct or interfere with Complainant, Its officers, agents or employes in the free and unrestrained control and operation of its railroad and the conduct of its business, and from defacing, tearing down, or in any manner or way mutilating any copies of any writs issued or posted hereunder. . Service of this Order shall be made by copy thereof served on the Defendants named in the Bill of Complaint herein, and as to those unknown and unnamed, the same to be and become effective upon the publication hereof in the Omaha World Herald, Omaha Bee and Omaha Daily News and in the Falls City Journal and Falls City News and in the Nebraska State Jour nal and 'n the Lincoln Daily News and on the posting of a co py of this Order in one or more of the Complainant's shops in this District, and that the Marshal of this Court Is directed immediately to publish and post notices of this Restraining Order, and that he be and hereby Is authorized and directed to commission a sufficient number ot Deputy Marshals to make this Order In all respects promptly effective, and to continue the same in effect until the further order of this Court. At the expense of Complainant the Marshal is directed to mail to each of the former employes of Complainant who have gone out on the strike a copy of the Restraining Order. The Complainant having given a Bond in the penal sum of Ten Thousand Dollars, conditioned according to law, this Order be. and the same hereby is made immediately effective. Motion may be filed for dissolution of this Restraining Order upon two days' notice, as provided by law. This Order to remain In effect until the 29th day of July, A. D.. 19::, and to such further time as this Court may here inafter order in the manner provided by law of which notice mast be taken. This Order signed and issued this 20th day of July, 1922. at 11:30 o'clock A. M. - J. W. WOODROUGH. Judge United States District Court, District of Nebraska. 1