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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1922)
THE OMAHA. BEE: SATURDAY, JULY 22. 1922. THE GUMPS TWtRtS TUV OT5 Sri. LlfilJ Wfc WASN 'T HKb a Vlkit V-C- V1J SAV fifiiACIUlklr'. ixt o. rw. vim x 'vo6 .to r Yom Don't Know How Many : Houses .or Eooms there are to rent how many used cars or typewriters for sale how many opportunities and situations open, until you read thrbugh The Omaha Bee "Want" Ads on this page. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. We Offer For Sale Varmon touring cr 11,000 Franklin touring ton Pearly Sedan t0 Stesrns touring ... 600 Bulrk touring 1(0 i Bul'k Sedan 1.SS0 AH In fine condition And ready to deliver. Scott Motor Car Co., GOia Harney St. - HA. 0010. DON'T MIfiS our big uaed rar .ale. We have real values. Good terms. If you wlah. W still have some FORDS. DOPGES. LIBERTIES AND CHEVROLETS, at from 150 up. OOOD SALESMKV WANTED. Siegfried Motor Co. . 265 Farnam street. REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. Cash or Time. Buy or Sell. Fords, from f50 and up. Dodge. Bulck. and others. 1100 and up. Ford bodies: winter topa. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO., 1318 Harney St. Central Garage. Car and Cash For West side lot, 1920 Paii?e 5. passenger touring car; excellent shape. Price $1,000. JA. 2410 or phone WE. 6250 evenings. "SEVERAL good used trucks,'' standard makes, priced low. W. M. CLEMENT MOTOR CO.. S416 Grant St. Phone. VE. 0967 and AT. 3783. SOME bargaina in used Forda; prompt delivery on new Fords. . M'CAFFRET MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford 6ervlc. Station. 15th and Jackson Ste. DO. $60$ PODGE SEDAN Reflnlshed, seat covers, wire wheels, perfect oonditlon. Cheap, cash or terms. 2063 Farnam St. DO. 89S7 , . WE BUY and aell new and used cars. Cash or time. ' , GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO., 13U Harney St., JA. 348. USED CARS. O. N. Bnnney Motor Co., $554 Farnam.- rKEB lnspeotion and water for all makes battery. Battery and Part Co.. 241$ Farnam St.. AT. $314. USED care; worth your money. The Ne braska Oldsmobll Co.. lata aud Howard Sta. AT.' 17H. BUI A OUT L. SMITH USED CAR. A Saf Investment. Sth and Farnam Sts. Phone DO. 170. LOOK over our list of used cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. $08$ Farnam St. AT. 783$. USED Ford parta at half price. Parts for all standard make cars. Neb. Auto Parts, 1010 Harney St. . ASK about our 6-day Auto Repaint Scrv- Ice. PFEIFFER'S. 2535 Leavenworth. USED radiators, all makes for sale. Green' ough Radiator Repair. S03 Farnam. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Auction! Auction! Our regular auction of high class house hold goods and furniture will be held on . SATURDAY. JULY 22, AT 1:30 P. M. STEPHENSON AUCTION HOUSE, 150 CAPITOL AVE. tVe tiav. a number of consignments, some small and some large, of very good fur niture and small house furnishings. - These must be converted Into cash, for various reasons, by the close of the present week and It Is to your advantage to avail your self of this opportunity to buy good furni ture at verv rock bottom prices. FRANK B. STEPHENSON, Auctioneer. Call AT. 5:65 when you want immediate action on sale of household goods. "VACUETTE. The Non-Electrlo Sweeper. 1614 Harney street, Upstairs. Phone AT. 0050. CITY MATTRESS CO. Uattressea made over. New ticks. Box Springs Repaired. 5 1 1$ Cuming St. AT. 4979. AUCTIONS are held daily and evenings at Dowd's Auction House, 18th and Web ster street. Phone AT. 0966 for details. ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES retailed at wholesale prices. $75 buys . - fhnna Finn tl a III", HOUSEHOLD goods and Icebox, stove. Piano, cheap. 445 Farnam St. FOR SALE rooma of furniture: piano, victrola. etc. AT. 4114. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FLAYER PIANO I have one of the best i.laver pianos made and practically new in Vtoraee In Omaha. Must depose of this at once. Will sacrifice whether for cash or monthly payments Address Mr. Lawrence. 9949 Longwood Drive. Chi- rago. 111. . VRADB your used piano on a new player piano. Balance as low as $10 per month. A. HOSPE5 CO.. 1613 Pouglaa, "MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE RevfrS' wreTmetM cyTnd7 slight- rr used. $60. JA. 1296. VvFRTTHING In Radio supplies. Mail ordfn iolicVted. Omaha Sporting Good. Co.. 180 Harney St. KXPEBT wlnIj?I"jjJ repslrtng. 15th and Hrney. DO- 7- GQOb THINGS TO EAT. Weinehl's Bakery 21J LEAVENWORTH. Saturday Specials DANISH AND HONEY COFFEE CAKE ORANGE CAKE We specialise on French pastries for hotel. m II 1 -J i - " ' APPLES for sale. II busheL 411$ . 5.'d street. KE. I4$. "nirLTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT SCREENINGS. $15. per 10 lbs. W. Wagner. $01 N. Uth. JA. 114.. -FnREftOFFlCE SUPPLIES . -.11 tatea, make desKsi show- trtc Om?hrnx.r. Supply .. Sw. fir Uls PceslM. J A. XJ?2 unnc ikp uv nr NfrAlfc OUR UTTVt - OLD TVUtYll STORE & OFFICE SUPPLIES TTPUWRITERS AND All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Bole stents for the CORONA. Get our Prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Typewriter Exc, JA. 41?o. 1512 Farnam. OUARANTEKD typewriters. $10 end up. Midland Supply Co.. 1404 Dodge St. BUSINESS CHANCES BLACKSMITH, shop for Immediate sale, cheap. Almotft new and fully equipped Blacksmith shop, six lots and five-room house. Shop also equipped with publlo gasoline lining pump, only shop in town Fine opportunity for good blacksmith or garage man. Write or wire, Farmers Stats Manx, Hranisn, nen. OARAGE and battery business for sale; win invoice $4,300; Jl.MJO per month Duxl ness. $1,200 cash will buy. Wire R, E. Ford, $20 Cherokee, St Joseph, Mo. YOUNG man who knows automobiles and Accustomed to hard, dirty work can get business paying $200 per month for $1,500, Box W-120, Omaha Bee. HOTEL and furniture tor Sale; only hotel In live- westers Nebraska town. For par ticular, write W. H. Bryan, Stratton, Neb. FORD agency for sale; well located In central Iowa. For particulars address Y-1956, Omaha Bee. CAFE and bakery for sale, A-l business, located In northwest Iowa. Address Box Y-1954. Omaha Bee. ROOMING HOUSES. FURNITURE of 6-room modern house, close In, 'Income f 70 month, rent $45; also miscellaneous -furniture. JA. 1093. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating, covered buttons, 11 styles; hemstitch ing, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button 4 Pleating Co., $0$ Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. Telephone J A. 1936. NEB.. PLEATING ed Buttons. 1S06 Farnam. 2d Floor. DO. 6070. KODAK FINISHING. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Ensign Co.. 1607 Howard St. DENTISTS. DENTAL, X-RAYS, 50 each. $3 a full set 619 Securities Bldg.. 16th and Farnam. DETECTIVES. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Ex, Bldg., J A. 2056; night, KE. 3812. Independent Detective Bureau, 304 Neville Blk. AT. 6501 ; night, WA. 4045; KE. 046$ JAMES ALLANj, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secufed In all cases. AT, 113$. CONTRACTORS. GARAGEK built, any style and size, $100 up. Concrete work. Mlcklin Lumber Wrecking Co. Tel. WE. 6688. DRESSMAKING. PLAIN snd fancy sewing: silk shirts specialty: work guaranteed. JA. 0736. FURRIERS. TTTTTJG remodeled, relined, cleaned. X1 U XV O Kneeter Alaska Far Co.. 203 So ISth St DO. 783. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney, 17U Dodge, room 209. Also Washington, u. C. 1 help Inventors sell their patents. PAINT AND PAPER HANGING. PAINTING AND PAPERHANQING. Large or small jobs short notice. Good work. CALL AT. 653. PRINTING. EDDY Printing Co. 212 8. 1$ St. Do. $647. MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS. DIAMONDS VM. to buv back at small prorit. unuaa JEWELRY CO., Omaha, Neb., 402 N. 16th St. Telephone DO. 6041. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over In new ticks at half price or new beds. Pillows renovated and made up In new feather proof ticking. Old bed ticks washed. 1907 Cumidg. JA. 2467. DR. Louis N. Smernoff, disease, of women and children. 315 zist or- ai. io. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded al the 5 Sherman Mcconnen urug stores. TREE TRIMMING. n.i ,.4 and Bn.ivin tr.fl RlirlTPrV out specialty. Work done by experts. Call us ror Tree aavice in mn cio m trots. Home Landscape Service. 811 N. 24th St. DO. 6115. WANT TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. AT. $146. ROOMS FOR RENT LOVELY turn, room in 4f?emipark dis trict, on Harney car line. near new Technical high school; suitatle for 1. and very desirable. Phone HA. 0914. BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms In private home for couple, easy walking distance. $3 and up. 2618 Harney St. HA. 0925. HOTEL SANDFORD. 18th and Farnam, HOTEL HENSHAW, 16th and Farnam. Special ratea to permanent guests. NICELY furnished clean, cool rooms, first and second floor; light housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 405 North 19th Street. FURN. rms. with prir. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; pricea reasonable, day or wk. noiei nammon. At. m UNFURNISHED room tor light bouse- kssplng, close In. strictly modern, rea ranabl. rent. Call AT. USO. TWO room., one north and one south, brand new home: strictly modern; walk ing distance. HA. 7427. CLEAN, small rooms, with closet, 13: large room for two, $5. AT. B029. 2209 Davenport street. PLEASANT room, suitable for two. 00 Harney car line. 3307 Lafayette. HA. 6176. BEAUTIFULLY furnished sleeping room; private family; Park East car line. HA. 5381. ' 2SD, 70S NORTH One or two furnished front rooma. In private family. AT. 7331. NICELY furn. room,; private home, con venient to board; modern. HA. 6900. TWO sleeping rooms for rent; modern, cool, desirable. 1"2 N: 19th street. Sol S. 2$th Ave., fur.ished rooms; ladles only: no housekeeping. J A. 2824. NICK larre front rooms, running water. 211 lsia ftrrrj. ri BN isH F.r rfom with kitchenette- 4411 S. Jit A 241. A I . II ft 2 OH, iWHAT A Uf- I w " - WW TtHP. - u saw ROOMS FOR RENT HAMILTON HOTEL FIREPROOF. Farnam at 24th. . t Single' room with private bajh at $10.60 per week; for two, $12.60 per week. Two large outside rooma with bath, 120 per week. A SATISFACTORY PLACE TO LIVE. BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. Large beautifully furnished rooms with all convcnlencoa of a home or a hotel. Im maculately clean, five minutes' walk from heart of city: must b seen to be appre ciated. Space In garage If desired. 808 8. 30th St. Phone JA. 0620. THREE unfurnished rooms. II A. 3204.' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 2820 SHERMAN AVE. 4 rooms for light housekeeping in private home. Modern, no children, electric washing machine. $60 per month. Call WB, 6608. t AND3-ROOM apta., furnished or un furnished; electric lights, gas and phone furnished; walking distance. 646 South 2Hth St., JA. 3161. TWO rooms and kitchenette, first floor. 19; single. $4; electrlo lights, laundry. 2709 Dodge. JONWS ST.. 2424 Two housekeeping rooms and kitchenette. Good shady place. TWO cool, pleasant rooms; also sleeping room, Hanscom Park district. Har. 0515. TWO cosy cool housekeeping rooms; prl- LIGHT housekeeping rooms. AT. 0954. HOUSES FOR RENT VERY nice 6-room house, newly decorated. bath and garage; now vacant. -'OJJ Blerca street. AT. 2826 or AT. 0274. 2603 SHERMAN AVE., 6 rooms, st-'lctly modern, on car; garage: $60 per month. George F. Jones, AT. 6635. FURNISHED HOUSES FIVE rooms, either vacant or nicely fur , nlahed; good Inside and out. 8727 North 44th. Call Eagle Sho. Repair. 223$ Far nam. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Omaha's Largest Rental Agency. Thirty-four ' apartment buildings, 858 apartments, reinforced concrete, abso lutely fireproof. Murphy bed or bed room apartments. Call us, and we will take yoa out. DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY. Fireproof Apartments, JA. 2S05, AT. 8708. corner 17tn ana itowara streets. " Splendid Flat 6S0 Park Ave. 81 room, east expoBur?, private porch. obK tloors throughout; eplendid condition; rent only 160 per moi'th. Payne & Carnaby Co. "OMAHA'S RENTAL HEN." 616 Omaha Nat. Bldg. .JA. 1016. HAMILTON HOTEL FARNAM AT 24TH A beautiful 4-room apartment, consisting of living room, dining room, bedroom and kitchen with built-in pantry and ice box. Newly decorated throughout. It can't be duplicated for the money. Will be pleased. to show It at your convenience Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS, MODERN s-room apt. with garage, $83 per month. 136 N. 33d St. Call Harney 0339 or Douglas 2680. BEAUTIFUL 6-room apartment. $80. Chula Vista, 30th and Poppleton. HA. 1713. MODERN 4 and 7 rooms: low rent, close in. Q. P. Stebblne. 1610 Chicago. NEW cool, modern. 3 and 6-room apt, Mur- pay beds, steam neat. Z2i jj m. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. HUNTER INN Home for the traveling man to leave his wife In comfort and safety. DO. 6960. OFFICE and store room for rent, at Wilk inson Bldg., 12th and Farnam. Inquire of Janitor. FINE 4-room apt., tile bath, halls and sleeping porch. Apply 226 V, N. 23d. NICELY furnished 2-room apartment, modern. 3121 V, California St. FURNISHED modern 2-room apta,; In quire. 3837 S. 23d St. 3 or 4-room furn. apart. WE, 3212. . BOARD AND ROOM ROOM and board for two. 2759 Webster street: HA. 8422. WANT TORRENT Wanted to Rent 10-room ' house, good surroundings. Field Club district. W. Farnam Smith & Co. JA. 0564. INVESTIGATE our low cost plan of han dllng rentals. Edman Erickson. JA. 0415. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT Office Space. Fourth floor Boston ttorv build - inff. 16th and Dour la. 1,000 to 3, 600 square feet of floor spare located oa comer; food atr nd light; can subdivide. Low insur ance rte. account sprinkler. World Realty Company, AT. 3492. World Thester Bldg. FIREPROOF daylight building for rent; 1 to I Individual floor. WE. 3483. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO.. 11th and Jone. St. LARGE corner store, 13th and Jackson. Apply. 1102 Jackson, MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY Itvngcko. MOVING PACKING -STORAGE SHIPPING. Household Goods and Pianos. Reduced Rates This Week to LOS A4GELES snd ST: LOUIS. ' 1107-11 Tloward St. , Jackson !8I. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. BEKLS9 OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. $0$ Sooth Uth. DO. 4143. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving Contract, taken on job or nr. Glob Van 8torag. Co, J A 432$. 4T. !$. :-! Kutli Uth 8t WIFE IS MINNIE! well- rrs coMtwaTo The. oi tVRV -VljAt ttlfc Vtl I lit AAT llii. - -ww n e .lenta T TO Ho? Wo TVt GRNt- rtM JV1T UCKU HIM.EV N YMt ANt THREW THE KV LOANS ON REAL ESTATE ' '$100 TO $10,000 losns made promptly, r. D. WEAD and D. H. BOWMAN. 31(T8. 18th St. Wead Bldg. At 0151. Farm Loans SW? on wester. ranch.a Kinks Investment Co.. 846 Om. Nat'l Bk. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARUs) O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 101$ Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Jackson $711 WE have cash on band to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUOEB. INC. $38 Keellns Bldg. FIRST mortgsgs loans mads promptly on Omsna real estate. onopen at wo. Realtors. J A. 432$. 234 Keeline Bldg, ON IMP. PROPERTY. ' NO DELAY. OaRVIN BROS.. $46 OMAHA NAT Blag. -CHATTEL LOANS . Money to Loan $30 to $500 on Furniture, Pianos, Etc, Less than legal rates, monthly pay ments. QUICK. QUIET AND CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA LOAN CU.. 606 Karbach Block. Tel. JA. 2298 Southeast corner 16th and Douglas Sts. ACREAGE FOR SALE A PUn' APT? tracta, large and small. fl.vXVJUi.jxj Easy payments. Hast- Ings & Heydn. 1614 Harney St. AT. 0"50. BONDS. STOCKS, MORTGAGES GOOD MORTGAGES FOR SALE nn Imnrnvori Ojiiaha. residence and bust ness property In sums from $500 to $20,000. W. T. GRAHAM. 704 Peters Trust Bldg. J. H. MITHEN pays most for LIBERTY BONDS. 921 City Nat l uanK Miag. VACANT PROPERTY $26 DOWN $5 MONTH Fins corner lot. facing south and east. sewer and water In atreet; near car, $460. H. S. MANVILLE. Realtor. AT. 2403 615 Peters Trust Bldg. BUILDING SITE 76-foot east frontage, near 52d and Howard streets. Surrounded by well constructed homes. Taxes paid in full. Owner will sell very reasonable. Call AT. 3024 or WA. 2282. . DUNDEE CORNER LOT. Southeast corner 63d and Dodge, 130 feet on Dodge. Worth $5,000. What Is your ofter? owner, Harney 3933. DODGE STREET CORNER. Beautiful corner lot, southeast corner 53d and Dodge streets, 130x80. Owner, HA. 3923 WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lots in Edgewood: very easy terms. Atlantic 3540. Pnlofnn T vf a 1200 up Small pay IVOIOIUU uuin ment down; esey payi'ients. I'hone Stewart, Ralston 10-W. KANSAS LANDS. SHERIDAN ft)., KAN. 1 or 2 level wheat quarters in same section. 300 A. broke, 20 A. level pasture. Bargain. Terms. W. O. Johnson, owner. Hoxie, Kan. NEBRASKA LANDS CASH FOR YOUR LAND Sales made In 60 counties of Nebraska. jsddress Col. Mark Cafraher, Central City, Neb. P APMQ 5 acres up. Write M. A. Larson. Central City, Neb. your wants for farms, acreage tracts, etc. FARMS, ranches, sale, exchange. Willis Cadwell, Broken How, weo. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 480 ACRES improved Yuma county, Colo rado; 320 acres in wheat; also good in come property in Fremont, Neb. Will ex change for 160 acres in eastern Nebraska or western Iowa. A. B. Tracy, owner, Fremont, Neb. WANTED REAL ESTATE List your home Buy your home, BINDER & OTIS, Real Estate. Loans, Rentals, JA. 2861. CLTAT T?C Fk T Company, Real- UJ.1V-J-XJO, U. . tors. Member. Multiple Listing Exchange. JA. 0046. Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance. 160J City Nat. Bk. AT. 9668. To buy or Fell Omsha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD Members Multiple Listing Ex. JA. 1426. Reed & Co., Real Estate and Insurance, 1207 Farnam St Phone AT. 6146. When buying or selling see First Trust Co., 400 First NM. Bank. - AT. 0729. r,T?TT'C1TTP Realty Co. List with U-KUHliNllj Us for quick results. 1418 First Nat'l Bk. B!g. JA. 1$6$. pTpTT'Cimrn real estate DIIVXllJl 1 Sells, Rents. Insures. 350 Peters Trust Bldg.. JA. 0633. STRAIGHT 6-year loans, per cent. AMOS GRANT CO.. v 201 S 18th, Arthur Bldg: AT. 8380. OEO. T. PORTER ft CO. Real Estate, Rentals Insurance. 106 South 18th. A. 289. NEW homes, completely financed. Pay Ilk rent C. T. SPIER A CO.. Realtor, 204 Peter. Trust Bldg. DO. 4857. GROVE-HIBBARD CO., rrtodecn $2$ Ry, Eichg. Bldg. AT. 4951. HOME REALTY CO. We bay and sell Omaha Homes. AT. 1111. 1(119-20 W. O. W. Bldg. " WANT ( or 7-room. well located. In Don. dee, by the first; bav cash. Box 12L Omaha, Bee. LIST your homes tar sale with us. W have the customers. PAYNE 'INVEST MENT CO. TO SELL quick snd buy right, see Flk ft Price. 81 City Nat. Bank. JA. 2419. UI.ST your property with W. Smith Co.. 122 Faruam St. Farnam LIST your property with R. D. Clark Co Securities Bldg. Willard C. Siabangh. Realtor. J A. 2958. TO SELL Glover ft Morell. AT. 3123. Equitabla Trust Co. Realtors. AT. 284$. YYeatsrn Real tat. Co J A. 3497, Drawn Yvkrc. m6wy to 1 LINCOLN TO CCe IHOfc WTO 0 MOVT PoPVtrVfe. I ON fcvLKM -BwaPlNft IN TV Y0.t ON HIS WANTED REAL ESTATE HOMES for sale. APTS. for rent, W. J. Palmer Co., Real Estate Management Specialists. Keeline Bldg AT. $$60. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY FINK NEW K ELL ASTON R HOME Hix large rooms and eunrutim with French doors; living room, 12x , 18; vestibule snd cloak room; fins oak atalrcase; first floor In oak; second In enamel; garage to mutch house; choice south front lot; paving paid in full; located just off North 20th bonlevard. ThU house has never teen occupied." Built by owner next door, who is a contractor. Price only $7,758; about $1,500 cash, , RASP BROS., 312 Keeline Bldg. AT. 0721. FOUR HOUSES ON LARGE LOTS To rjose on estate we offer a large corner lot and 4 houses, annual in come $1,500. our price only $9,500, about 16 per cent. Can you Invest your money in any better May? Let me show you this property. S. P. BOSTWICK. AT. 1506. 729 Peters Trust Bklg. A WHOLE HOUSE AND A LOT.' 11,000. It's a new house, faces the FonVnelle Park. Small terms will handle. Phone Mr. Chuda, HA. 5308 or office, open to p. m. Amos Grant Co., Realtors AT. snso. :m so. isth St. Fontenelle Boulevard A cozy neat bungalow of 6 rooms and bath; has everything that goes toward making a real home. Price only $6,950. Terms. Eve rings call KE. 6284. J. L. Hiatt Company Jesse L. Hlatt, First Nat. Bank Bldg. AT. 9900. $4,000 Modern house of 6 rooms. Not a new one, but one thatk is In very good condi tion. On a paved street. Haa a garage. $750 down and $40 per month. Call Mr. Weyerman. KE. 4662, or office ipen to 9 p. m. Amos Grant Co., Realtors AT. 8380. 210 S. 18th street. REAL HOUSE BARGAIN. Near 24th and Miami Sts.. 8 rooms, all modern, good condition: full south front lot: all clear, and $1,000 will handle It; balance on terms. Priced so sell. W. T. GRAHAM. Peters' Trust Bldg. NEW 7-room residence, all modersv in Florence. Prlco for quick se.le by non resident owner, at $4,600, $200 or $310 cash, and balance like rent. Possession at once. No colored. Nethaway. KE. 1407- 3336 CAMDEN Ave., 6 rooms, modern with half acre of fruit $1,000 cash, balance monthly. 608 Bee Bldg. JA. 0200. D. E. BUCJK ft CO. buv and sell homes SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY ' A Neat 4-Room House for those who want to secure a home, priced right, $2,350, with terms easy. This nice home with electric lights, basement,- good well and cistern, located 6208 Wil liam St. i Payne & Carnaby Co. 616. Omaha Nat., Bldg. J A, 1016. A Home That Shines N Inside and Out Located at 4430 South 19th St., South Side. Six rooms and sleeping porch. Stone garaee. If you Inspect It you will buy It. W. Farnam Smith & Co. 1320 Farnam. J A. 0564. Eve., HA. 3297. SOUTH SIDE BARGAIN. 6 rooms and bath, $2,300; paved street. AT. 1111. Evenings call. Mr. Wilson. WA. 622; Mr. Ram age, AT. 3982. HOME REALTY COMPANY. WEST SIDE PROPERTY A New Bungalow Very complete. Kellaatona exterior. The house has oak finish, full cemented base ment and most of the new features of present day construction. Price is $5,600. Asking $1,200 and might consider even less. Call Mr. Spink a. AT. 8584, or office open to 9-d. m. Amos Grant Co., Realtors AT. 8.10. 210 S. 18th street. Field Club District Klght rooma and sleeping porch; . 'finished tn beat of pine first floor; white enamel second floor; quar tered tpine floors throughout; hot water' heating plant; garage for two cars; owners atixious tn sell. George & Co., Realtors A REAL BUT. AT $4,850 JJ50 CASH. 6 lsrge rooms and bath. Full basement; east front lot. 50x140: garage. AT. 1111 evenings. Call Mr. Ramaffe. 3982; Mr. Wil son. WA. 6629. HOME REALTY COMPANT. $1,000 CASH will bultd a S-room bungalow to suit. just Mr. blocks to Dundee car. Ask for Carse. AT. 7412 days. LET US SELL YOUR PROPERTY Quick results, straight dealing, costs you nothing unless we sell. Our largo organization is in touch with " hundreds of buyers. Phone or write us and we will call to inspect. Member Multiple Listing ', Exchange -1 PAYNE A CARNABY CO. Z 1 "Your Realtor" ? j 616 Om. Nat. Bldf. JA 1016 "j III 1811 II I I I 1. 1 I I II II I I..; for The Be by Sidney Smith (OopyrMfbl i:m fir Akiotwro A LONG AXt fTttt. 0U(5- ANOTHER. MAN TVt CoVmTKX' - w w r-t w BtfcYWfcAtf- V WEST SIDE PROPERTY Open Tonight, 7 to 8 P. M. I ROOMS,. WEST, $6,210 BRAND NEW, $1,600 CASH Full two story. Has large living room across the front, 12x23 feet; nice dining room, splendid kitchen with abundance of built-in cab inets; 3 good slued bedrooms and . bath upstairs, plenty of big ' closets: clear oak finish and floors on first floor, wlfteo enamel fin- ' l.h and oak floora upstairs. ' ,Full cement basement, furnar heat .Hnd laundry. Corner lot, 60x120. This Is positively the best buv we know for the money In the west psrt of town. Absolutely first clsss construction through out. Let us show you. Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney St. , AT. OOSO. Near Hanscom Park 7 Rooms $6,800 A n-w iieiinii; sunrooin, sleeping porch, buffet built In; grapes, trees and garden : garage and drive RKATj VALUE. Should sell quickly. $2,600 enih. Glover & Spain J A. 2S50. 911-20 City Nat'l. Wanted: Carpenters for Car Work Permanent. Employment 63c PER HOUR Time and One-Half after 8 Hours' Apply at Employment Or fice, C. B. & Q. R. R., First Floor, 1004 Farnam St., Omaha. Office Open Sundays Great Northern Railway Permanent Railroad Jobs in the Great Northwest Machinists Boilermakers ' Blacksmiths Sheet Metal Workers Coach Carpenters Car Repairers Electricians Welders Linemen Helpers Stationary Engineers Stationary Firemen Laborers . Applicants not me- . chanics will be trained and . as they become efficient, will be ad vanced to positions at higher rates of pay. Good wages, time and one-half after 8 hours and for Sundays and holidays. Free transportation, free board, free lodg ing. This is your chance to locate in the prosperous zone of plenty. . Apply to D. W. MORISOfl t Superintendent of Employment Great Northern Railway St. Paul, Minn. WIST SIDE PROPERTY TWQ.iTOnr riuua WITH OARAGE Field Club District . $7,550 We Mor find a ham. that w. . ran offer o reasonable as thi. Iirupsrty. On oast froat. having 4 , sun room. Oak doors, Birch ms hoisnir finish la recepiias) room and living roam. Whit essmsl kltehsa and lutlsr' pantry. Thr whit nmsle4 bed roems ' and bath on second liter. Full bassmsnt, floor drain, sss hsalsr, .to. Usrt$ with drive. In a (rawlnai district, two block to asw Klei.t Club icheM. A. P. Tukey & Son 810 Kirst Nat I Bk. Bid. JA. 4IJI Two Neat Bungalows CATHEDRAL DISTRICT. Rnth strictly up-lo-ths-mlnuts: oak fin ish and floor; bsautlfullr dscorated Snd very complete. On. of $ rooms at $l,T$u; on of $ rooms at $8,100. Vsry saiy terms srrsnged If desired. Why not live westf Hhown by sppolntment. Two phones JA. :ooo po M0. , D. E. Buck & Co., Realtors. 14! Omaha Nat. Bank Kldg. 6 Sunny Rooms Rrand new brick and ksllaiton. Only $5.lio with $l.oo down. .1A. 0416. WET. $181. KB. $0l. The Bee Want Adi are best busi ness booster. BENSON PROPERTY PANDY S-room, modern bungalow; lot 4so; one-half block from rarlina, Trie $3,8(0. C. A. (irlmmel, JA. 1(1.. DUNDEE PROPERTY Dundee Home Ttrlck and stucco, seven rooms, thoroughly -modern; oak and enamel finish; complet basement: double gnrage. Near &2d and Nicholas ts. Price $11,800. ' The Byron Reed Company 1)0. $297. 1811 Farnam St. 3try d. e. buck v CO-C" 12 Families on our prospect fist who muit buy homes by Aug. 1. If you want to sell quick, and your price is reason able, call us today; want 5 and 6-R. homes. 2 phones: JA 2000 or DO 88U0. 62 Realtors -co-operating through multiple listing ex change. D. E. BUCK & CO. 742 Om. Nat. Bank Bids;. ft""FOR QUICK SALES Pa On Account of the mechanical craft em ployes having gone on a strike the Colorado and Southern Ry. Co. will employ in the shops, roundhouse and car de partment at Denver, Trinidad and Cheyenne men suitable for such service. .Board and lodging free under ample protection. Ideal climate And working conditions. Wire or write H. W. RIDGWAY, Supt. Motive Power, Denver, Colo. Wanted Competent Men The Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad Co. will employ competent men for railroad service as follows: MACHINISTS SHEET METAL WORKERS BOILER MAKERS ELECTRICIANS BLACKSMITHS CAR REPAIRERS Standard wirges will be paid under rules and working conditions, with seniority dating from time of employment, as prescribed by the United States Railroad Labor Board. Those wishing to enter the service 'of this Company will rsport to H. G. Bock, General Agent, Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad, 806 Woodmen of the World Building, Omaha, Nebraska. Mec The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad is now em ploying men for its Shops, Roundhouses and Repair Tracks at the standard wage and overtime conditions laid down by the United States Railroad Labor Board. RATES OF PAY PFR HOfIB Boilermakers . 70c Machinists Blacksmiths Electric and Acetylene Welders Pipe Fitters 70c 70c 75c 70c Plumbers : . . . 70c Coach Builders 70c Coach Painters ...... 70c Car Painters 63c Electricians 70c Electric Crane Operators Over 40-ton 66c Under 40-ton 60c Working Seric Hour, will be tho Board and Lodfinf, furnished Young, actiTe men deirinf to (o into railroad icrrica will b bivea an opportunitf for training in steady, desirable employment. Apply at once to F. Newell, Ma.ter Mechanic, First Floor -Burlington Bldg., Tenth and Farnam Street, Omaha. Employnsewt Office Oesa SssMby DUNDEE PROPERTY $1 6-iro t'A.H In best reel. nils! duttl.l on flotent btulsi.rd room. I .lorr fr.ipe. gatsg Immediate $um.ur Pri. e for iim CHARLIES H SIKI.M AN AT til. T.I I'eleis Trust HI. Is. ! iM FLORENCE PROPERTY rirtHAWAT oll ss lr KK 14$ MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY DANDY t-room ue; banal. If sold a befor Taesdar. lies W.ll. Oman. Ms. B91. I Men Wanted for I Service in I Great j Northern ! Railway I At wages authorized by I the United States Rail- way Labor Board. I Machinist ' I Boilermakers Blacksmiths I Sheet Metal Workers I Coach Carpenters I Car Repairers 1 Electricians I Welders TRANSPORTATION J , FURNISHED I For Particulars Write J D. W. Morison I Superintendent of I Employment Great Northern Ry. St. Paul. Minn. Wanted by Missouri Pacific Machinists and Machinists Helpers Boiler Makers and Helpers . Blacksmiths and Helpers Electricians and Helpers Sheet Metal Workers ' and Helpers Car Repairers Car Inspectors For St. Louis, Kansas City, Sfedalia, Omaha, Osawatomie, Coffey ville, Wichita, Little Rock, Texarkana, Monroe, McGehee, Alexandria, and other shops and roundhouses on the Missouri Pacific Railroad. Standard wages and working conditions. Apply 217 South 14th Street, Omaha, Nebs PER HOUR Upholsterers 70c Brass Moulders 70c Fire Builders 38c Roundhouse Service men 35c -Stationary Engineers.. 61c Stationary Firemen. .56 Vie Laborers 35c Coach Cleaners 34c Helpers . 47 Car Repairers 63c Car Repairers (Pas senger) 27a Apprentices J 27e RM.iaary for Maintaaanc of ike and.r impl protection, will V e - I