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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1922)
c 1 8 Omaha Grain Omaha, July 21 I'ricM of grain rc steady durini in? early trsnion, hue later lurnl we-alc. Kecriuls of whrt were sen 'rally heavier lliau utnl and while 'Here was some export business done me lemand iccm to be insufficient to hold prices up in face of the heavy receipt and favorable rrop news and possibly early settlement w the railroad strike, . .Receipts of wheat in Omaha were 18-4 ran against 245 cart last year, receipt of corn, K8 cart against 117 firs and receipts of oats, J.l can afainst I) ears last year. total fthipmenu were 160 cars acauiat 251 cars a year ago, Cash wheat in the local market was in fair demand and prices were un changed to l-2c lower. Corn sold readily at unchanged to lc tip. Oats were unchanged to 1-Jc up. Kye and oar ley were nominally unchanged. W II SCAT. No. 1 dark hard: I rar (amutty), St !. No. S dark hard: I car (amutty), fin. s .lurk hard: rr. SI. SI: S cart (setiutly), S1.2I; I car. II. SI: 1 car. It. 14. N. 4 ilnrU hard: 1 car (amutty, 10 par cTi! dark). It 21. n 1 hard -Inters S cart, Sl.SSH; t car (tm bill). II. ft. Nn. t hard winter: t rara. II It: 1 car, !.' : 1 car. II. out; 'I cara, 11.01: 1 ear (amutty. ol.l). II. IS; 1 car (amutty), 11.01, fin. S bard winter: 1 car, 11.04; 1 cara, It. "4. No. 4 hard winter: I cart. 11.04; 1 car, II.H'i: I car til tr cnt molaturt), SI. "I; 1 car. It. 01. No. S hard winter: t car (IS par cant RlfllatUro), 1103. Sampl hard wlntar: 1 car, II. OS. 1 yellow hard: 1 ear. 11.45 Vj. N.l yellow hard: 1 car (old). 11.01; ' IS-cars, it. 01: 1 car (amutty). 11.04. .'o. I yallow hard: I cart, 11.04. v CORtf. , JJo. t whltts 4 cara, STtye: I cara. 57c; J far (aperlal billing), S7 4.C No. a whlta: 1 car, STle. Jio. 1 yallow: 3 cara, 5i,e. Sio. 1 yallow: S cara, Se; I cara. IIH'; 1 Mr (special btlllni), Slko: 1 car (apeclal billing). 9c; 4 cara, SSVtc o, s yallow: i car, uttc. Nn. J mixed: X car (near yellow). Me: 1 car (apodal billing), Hfcc; S cara, 57'4x; S cara. SSc: 1 oar. M 44c No. S yellow: 1 car (aour), 57c; 1 car (muity), S7c. OAT "No. S white: S Cara. 3Jtte; 1 car, S3Vic No. 4 white: 1 car, 3Vtc; 1 car (heavy), S.14C Samel white: 1 car draw). 31c OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. I. (Carioti.) Week Tear Today Ago Ago ,..1114 25 245 ... 80 ' 11? ... J3 2 1 .. 1 (10 1,1. ! Week Tear Today Ago. Ann ,.. 49 16 21 J . . M 70 21 .. 33 35 12 .. 0 2 1 .. 0 0 0 'Receipt Wheat Corn . .' Oata Rye Barley Sh'.pmenta Wheat Torn Oate .r. Rye Tlarlnv i'RIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Bushels.) Weelc Year Ago 3.3R8.O0O 071.000 814.000 Year Ago. 1,239,00') 800,000 224,000 Receipts WJieat Crn Oate Today Attn . ..oi2,onn i,4ii.non ..1,093.000 1.020.000 , . (46,000 617.000 week Ago. 037,000 ' 475,000 Shipment Today Wheat 054.000 Corn S04.000 Oata 48S.OOO CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Week Year Ago. 512 110 126 Carlots Today. Ago. Wheat 0 3 25 Corn !93 52? Oata 104 ion KANSA4K CITY, RECEIPTS. , . Week 'Carlots Today. ' Ago. Wheat 3S7 504 Com 41 45 4 . Oata '. 1" J i. ST. 'LOUIS RECEIPTS. , Weelc 4?srlots Today. Ago. Wheat 12 H Corn IS ' SI r,... S9 32 Year Ago. 731 42 1! Year Ago. , 426 52 61 NORTHWESTERN TVlltAl Kr,tE.nis. . Week Tear Carlota Today. Minneapolis . . 232 Duluth 78 Winnipeg 148 Ago. Ago. 273 67 77 197 "4 12 New York Sugar. New York, July !1. Tha raw sugar market was unsettled today and in the absence 'of any definite transactions, it waa difficult to quote prices. It waa gen erally believed, however, that Cuba sold from atore at 6.24c for centrifugal, the mount aald to be about 60,000 bags, while Cubes war offered for August shipment as ' from S 11-16 to 3 23-32c cost and freight, equal to 6.30c and"-5.33c for cen trifugal. Early In the day an output re finer paid 34o cost and freight for 7,600 bata of Cubes for August shipment. .Tha raw augar futures market was ir regular, but In the main lower, owing to the, Increased offering In the spot market. There seemed to be an accumulation of overnight selling orders which caused early declines of 6 to 7 points but around midday there waa a sharp rally on re iteweH general buying and early losses were regained with active positions soiling Sto 6 pointa above the previous close. To ward the close offerings Increased again and prices eased off closing 1 point lower' to S points net higher. July, 3.60c: Sep tember, 3.43c; December, 3.76c; March, S.49c. Tha market for refined was firmer and price unchanged to 20 points higher with fin granulated now listed at 6.80 to. S.SOe and a good inquiry reported. There waa a sale of one lot of Septem ber ia refined futures at 7.16a, an ad i vatic of 16 ' points over the previous close. Final prices were unchangei to ir pointa higher. July, 7.00c; Septem br, 7:15e; December, 7.00c. , : - at Omaha Hay Market. Tralri Hay Receipts are very light and demand la good on best grade at (op quotation. The lower grades are slow le. , Alfalfa Hay Receipts are very light a ad demand fair on top grades and light ofl th lower grades. "Trices below are for carload lota; Up lid pralrl No. 1, 14.0O16.0O: No. 2 alrle. !ll.ooe13.00 No. 3 prairie, 17.00 10 00: midland prairie No. 1. 313 00 1400: No. t prairie, 9.5u12.00; No.- 3 pnlrte, 7.00.00; lowland prairie No; 1S8001S.00; No. S prairie. T.0O8.00. ARaira wo l, su.oupiio.ou; aianaara, IS 604J1J.60; No. S. 10.0011-50: No. sj8.004f 10.00. ,Straw oat, 8.OO9.0O. Wkeat at raw, I7.008 00. . w '. Chicago Butter. Tchlcago, July 21. The butter market ruled generally weak- today. Fancy butter held the strongest position nn the market d It was only steady. Tha market on hvwer acores was entirely in the buyers' favor.- Stocks war liberal and huyera apparently had supplied most of - their naeda for the week. The market on cara centralised was decidedly weak, .with 90 tear offered as low at 331; without at tracting buyer. Eighty-eight and 89 asrs were hard to move at current prices. - Chicago potatoes. Chicago. July SI. Potatoes Good I v- tern!. 78 cara: cars on track. 154; tot tS'S. hiproents. 595 cara; market alightly strong on barrels-; steady on sacks; east- j en shore. Virginia and Maryland Irish j Cslbler. SS.Si04.lS: mostly. $4.004.10; I Kansas sacked Irish Cobblers. S1.954?S05: sacked Sarly Ohio, poorly graded and dirty. $1.24f 1 50; one car ot New Jersey, SS.SS sacks. Irish Cobbler. $5 30; Mta neeota Early Ohio. No. sales reported. LMdott Metal. "liOndon. July 11. Copper Standard. 7. n H. - Electrolytic Spot, f7S. 10: futurs-47i. . . " . m . . . . Tin spot, xtai, ?a, ea; luxures. x-ioi, li. d. Lea Spot, 36. 12s. 4d; futures. 124, a ti . tIinc Spot, It. 12a. Id; futures. 29, 5a Cbirag Produre.- ' Cbicago. July Sl-Butter Slarket low. t; creamery extra. S4c; first. 304? 33c; atcond. SS4S4e: standards. 334 43$4c e.Egs Market anchanged; receipt. 14, 4at rase. - Poaltry Market weak; fowls, Jlc; broilara, 34?27c: roost are. 14c- '. - New Ttk Prwlaee. 4 w York. J sly SI. Batter Steady. Eggt Wk; fresh gathered extra ; first a. 14:tc; firsts. Ill 23c. Poultry Ut. steady: - fowl.. !S42e: drawn d. weak; wester chicken. SI 43c; - ftwrls, lt3c :ben Easy.' K CHy Tnivrr. a City. Mo.. July SI. Eggs lis first., llr Xan Poaltiy Heaa nchoged; broiler le SoSrer to m-hrjg-H S3g2tc attr Unchanged. Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Chicago Grain By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Omaha tie l-4 M ir , Chicati, July 21. Export butineii of war-time proportions, wirtt an ag gregate of more than KXIO.OOO bushels wheat and corn at Chicago, helped the grain markets to make an early advance.. Buying gave out after mid day and selling induced )y rumors that two of) the big eastern railroads have made overtures for a settlement and were adjusting their differences to a selling movement caught the traders long and brought a sharp break. The close was well toward the low point and while July wheat was unchanged distant futures showed losses of W'iVC. Corn lost 'A 'Rite and oats VA GilMc, rye 'A 06 He. Provisions were stronger and lard gained 2tt17Hc.and short ribs 10c for the day. Hedging Kale Small. Local trader and ahortt bought wheat early, advancing price H to ISO with July leading, Hedging tale early war not Urge at uied and wer well taken. CommlMion hou buying waa good and abort Iniereaia ram In around th top while the big eport bualnes failed a bring In general buying and th market became stagnant until sailing of Ilapamlup mmm , r I mA kj hnH.M (with .,- em connection and Vrtce dclind from ll.llVa to l. IIS, carrying th entire grain list down with th close 11.11 , (M il. Th rally at th last waa du to heavy buying by eiport houaet and caah Inter- tata generally. Liverpool wheat price wer IS to Id higher 'at th close, Argentine shipments wer luthter. About SO per cent of th day' arrival of 147 car applied on prevlou tale. Considering th rallroal strike th grain movement I heavy. Jnly tloaet Lower. ' Corn advanced early and loat th gain on local aelllng while cash .housee picked up th offering! and July closed only He lower. On th whole' corn acted wll con sidering th break In wheat. Commission and export buying waa goad at times and country . offeringa moderate. December was under the moat prrasura and closed at practically th bottom. " ' Oats lacked support eicept for a snort prriuil at the opening. Slop order atlling toward th last carried price off aharply with December breaking -Iroin 39 to 374o and Honing there. Inwt imiuatrtca ar-i buying new Nn. 3 white, ahipinenta 10 to 20 deyji at Chicago September price. Hedging salca In ry nffaet the seaboard buying. Kxport bualness waa good and price receaaiona small. Receipt, 15 cars. Tit Note. American Steel A Wire company' crop report say the alight changes that have taken place In crimj condition In the last week have teen for the better.. Potatoes In central statea show remarkable Im provement and crop ahould be a large one. Prospect in the Canadian provinces. saya report to BiTnk of Montreal, continue fAvorabte on the whole. Wheat In most district heading out well, but conditions vary considerably. Extraordinary cropa of all kinds are uniformly reporte'd through out Ontario. Heavy crops are also Indi cated in Quebec and maritime province. Drouth in British Columbia has seriously affected hay and grain. Th Modern Miller estimates wheat crop yield of Kansas at from 90,000,000 to 120,000.000 bushels. In Oklahoma thresh ing his made greater progreaa. Yields re ported generally below normal. Indiana reports wheat of better milting quality than last year with yields moatly favor able. Spring wheat reports favorable. No serious black or red rust damage reported. A number of farmers in Kansas who have made contracts with the Wheat Growers association and are disaatisfied are arranging to take action to prevent being sued. Forty farmers met at Kins Icy Thursday and arranged to fight any suits that may te filed, Australian shipments of wheat for the week were 632,000 bushels,' against 1,208, 000 bushels last year. Total for the year io date. 74,740.000 buihels, againat II, 848,000 bushels last year. The big selling of December wheat was largely responsible for the break in pries and was aald to be ft a large eastern operator. ' CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Grain Co. PP. t-2f. July 21 Art. I Open. I High. Low. Close. - Yea Wht. ' July 1.13 1.141-4 1.12-4 1.13 1.12 Sept. 1.12V4 1.12S 1.104, 1.104 1.12 1.12 1.104 1.124 Dec. 1.14 1.1414 1-UVe l.U 1 13-a 1.14V4 - 1.12 1.134 July .84-4 .84-4 .83 .83, ,.8414 Sept. .82-4 .82 '4 .81 .Sli .SS Dec. 1 .84! -84-4 .83 Vi 1 -834 ,84'4 Corn I I I I I July I .63! .63l .63 .62 ,.63 Sept. .64. .65 "T4 .64 .644 .64 .64 .644 Dec. .61! .62 .61V4 .61 .614 I .62 .6141 Oats I I July I .54 .34 .324 .3241 -33 Sept. .36 .36 .344 .3441 -Wi t I 34 Dec. L -SS's -3 -'5 -374 .39 Lard I I July 111.42 U142 111.40 111.40 11.22 Sept. 111.40 11.60 111,46 111.45 11.32 Rlh3 I ' I July M " I ' 111-40 10.90 -Sept. 111. 60 11.00 111.00 ll. 00 11.90 Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Mo., July 21. Wheat No. i hard, 1.071.30; No. 2 red. $1.07 1.08. I Corn No. 2 white, 68c; No. 2 yellow, 6162c. Hay Unchanged. Kansas City. Mo., Close, July, $1.044; JulvT 21. Wheat September, 11.024: December, $1.04. Corn July. 65 c; no trade; Septem ber, 6674c; December. ,66 c. Minneapolis Grain. " Minneapolis. July 21. Wheat Cash. No. 1 northern, $1.40 1.46'4 1 July, $1.384; September. $1.16; December, $1.13. Corn No. 3 yellowV 684S8c. Oats Np. 3 white, 3031c. Barley 47 J 57c. ' . Rye No. 2. 7880c. Flaxseed No. 1, E.582 .60. St. Louis Grain. St. Louis. Mo.. July 21. Wheat July. $1.094; Septemebr, $1.074 Corn July, 63c; September. 34'63c. Oats July, 35c: September, 354c. Mlnhenvolis Flour; " Minneapolis. Minn.. July 21. Flour irnchenged. to 15c higher: family, patents. $7.656 8.00. Bran $16.0017 00. Jfeir York Produce. New York. July 21. Flour Steady, spring patents. $7.60S.OO. Wheat Spot, easy; No. 1 northern swing, $1.47: No. 2 red winter, $1.27; No 3 hard winter, $1.30; No. 1 Mani toba. $1.50. and No. 2 mixed durum, $1.29, ,c. i. f. track, New York, to ar rive. . ' Corn Spot, steady: No. i yellow and No ! white, 83c,-and No. 3 mixed. 3c, I v-atw -Vnrlr. all rati.' - Oats Spot. -easy: No. 2 white. 46l47c. Lard Firm: middle west.$12.00U.10. Tallow Easy; special loose, 64c; nomi viil: extra, 64c Other articles unchanged. New York Metala. New York. July 21. Copper Steady: - . 'roiyttc. spot snd-lster. 14c. jn Steady: spot. 31.87c; futures. 31.87c, p steady and unchanged. Lead Quiet: spot, 6.706.750. Zv.r Firmer; East St. Louis, spot and v..rbv delivery. 6.80ff 6.85c. Antimony Spot. 5.0095.25c. New York Money. New York. July 31. Money Call, s(eadv; high. 4 per cent; low; 4 pe cent: rating rate. 4 per cent; closing bid, 4 per eeotr offered at 4 per. cent : last loan. 4 per cent: call loans, against acceptances. 3 per cent: time loane eteady; 4 days. . , . . . n rfo,-. , si. nmr r.nT ,11 34 per cent: 90 days. 14 per cent: elx months. 44 per cent; prime mercantile paper. 4j4 per cent. Indoa Wool Auctions. London. July 11. At th wool auction sales todsy 12.607 bales were offered, comprising an excellent selectron. Mediums again aold well at the opening level. Jt"aultr -ourds nd medium ami coarse s-easie were, irregular, the price ruling lightly In favor oT buyers. V York Dried ;New York. July 21. Evaporated Apples Scarce. Prunes -Quiet. pHeots NomiaaL Peache Quiet; Raisin Dull. n 1 1 " Itadea Msnr. London. July 21. Bar silver. 35 d per ounce; roony. 1H per cent: diecamnt rate, short bills. 1 per cent; S months. 1 15-1$ per cent. . Flaxseed. - " Dututh. Minn . Jul 21 Ftxeed Julv. ?2 5; September. 12.46 bid; October. t:.40 asked. . i Live Stock Omh.ttl II. Receipt wrt Of filial Monday,,, Official Tuesday... Official Wednesday Cattle. . 7.(11 llega. . Iheep, ill 1 0.I3 4 HI s J.l io, in u.tis 11,134 1,000 SI 14 4.1 ?a S4.ll 4.40 S4.9S 14 41 0,)t fftril,,, III I III 1,310 Sl.ltl 47.114 13,111 14,70 11.114 Bstimsi rndsy .... !,( ! (hi wee . I".. '31 Same days week, g..l.ls4 am 4y I w ao.,14,70 Mam day I w e a ,11,711 Sam days year t0..ll.44 Receipt and dlepaaitloa of livestock at th Ulan atockyarde, Omaha. Nab., for it noun en.iin at s p. nr. July :, llij: tl faC rtii-Tg V A n LOTS. ' Call! Hoga. ghees. CM. at.' P. Ry S 17 1 Sliaesuii Panne Ry 14 1 I'nion Paclfta R R IT 14 10 ('. N. W. Ry, .at.... T I i . h, w. ny . west , i at ('., HI, P.. M. o. Ry.,., S It !, H. Q. Ry., east 4 C, M. aV y Ry , weat 14 7 ('.. R. I. V , east I Illinois Central Ry.,,., ,, C, U W. Ry Total receipts .inp 134 j llI'0IT10N II K A P. Cattle. Hot. Sharp. Armour 10 Cudahy hacking Co., Dold Packing t o. , , , Morris Parking Co. . Mwirt Co 3. W. Murphy Hwarli i n Lincoln Packing Co. Wllunn Packing Co, . Hoffman Itroa Mldaest Packing Co. P. O'Dea .- in ).4S i,,s;o lit S.004 1,663 100 i .... i 1 !: 414 427 1.204 1.314 .... 1.171 .... I .... 13 4) IS i t . .-. S :i 4-. I 81 132 .... 2 ,. Ill 23 3 101 .... 731 John Roth Stuns .. 1. H. Bulla Dennis Franclt ... Kills 4 Co........ John Harvey . .... T. J.' lnghram P. a Kellogg P, P. l,ewla J. B. Root Co Other buyers Armour to., 8. Falls. ... 4n Parker-Webb. N. P. Co 411 Totals :.614 S.271 (.60S Cattle Recelnta wer 2.300 head. ' Fat rattle showed further loasra of fully IOCS 16o and In extremes 15c from yesterday s ow t me. Demand was Indifferent, and movement almost llfelesa. Hint th best tin: of the week, long fed steer are from 25c to 60c tower, while abort fedt and yearling! have slumped anywhere from 50(6 75c, more than losing th advance noted early In 'he week. Similar decline havo been noted tn ahe atock. Feedera whli h cd vani-.-d S5c or mora th firat part of the week, are closing slow. In sympathy with tn break in Killers. Quotatlona on cattle: Cholc to prim beef eteera, St10.00eil0.35; good to choir beef a:eera, 1191.606 910; fair to good beef eteera, I9.169.50; common to fair beef steer. ft.60(jS.10; cholc to prim yearling, II9.750.50; good to choice 'enrMncs, 189. 0O 9.76; fair to good year lings, 18.2508.15; common to fair year links, 17. 2548. 26; choice to prime heif ers. IS8.750 9.7ft; good to enole neiters, 17.754, 8.75; fair to good heifers. 117.009 7.76; choice to prime cows. II7.258.25; good to choice cows, 6.007.00; com mon to good cows. I4.754$6.00; good to cholco feeders. 17.86(98.60; fair to good feeders. tl7.00ia?7.85; common to fair feed ers, 16.00 1&1 7.00: good to choice atockers. 117.6098.25: fair to good stocken, 6.50p 7.50; common to fair stockera. 5"606.60; stock heifers. 4.506.00: stock cows, 13.76 4.75; stock' catves, 15.6008.00; veal calves. I5.50O9.00: stock bulls. . $5,259 6.50; bulls, stags, etc.. I4.60QI7.50. BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 11 99S 1? 25 32 899 8 00 16. .....1039 8 25 27 1233 8 90 56 1004 9 40 .74 910 9 90 19 1371 111 00 STEERS AND HEIFERS 22. 783 776 8 10 9.. 814 8 2! S 71 8 60 26 HEIFERS. 6 50 "OWS. 3 25 ,7 a 75 2..... BULLS. T63 ...1063 . . .Hit, .1111 .1165 6 5t 6 00 1 1530 4 00 1 800 5 25 Hogs Receipts' were 9.000 head. On comparatively light receipts today, trading was fairly active on all grades at prices ruling generally ateady to 10c higher. Light hoga sold largely at $10.2510.60, with a stop price of $10.55. Medium weight butchers sold largely at $9.75 10.26, strong weights at $9.2529.75, with bulk of good hogs at $9.26 10.40. Heavy mixed and packing grades sold largely at $7. 76 8.75. with extreme heavy .rough kinds t S7.507.75. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. A v. Sh. Pr. 56.. 366 360 $ 7 75 64.. 32? ... $ 7 90 13. .371 4.. 8 00 57. .310, ..: 8 05 55. .317 140 8 10 45. .329 ... 8 15 57. .312 140 8 25 ' 49..3'72 ... 8 50 65,. 280 1J0 8 60 45.. 296 40 8 65 78. .258, ... 8 75' 68. .253 140 9 00 14..23C ... S 60 "6. .231 80 9 80 72. .220 140 10 00 82. .224 110 10 25 84. .202 ... 10 35 22. .165 ... 10 40 83. .195 ... 10 55 Sneep and Lambs Receipts 7,290 head. On a liberal supply of lambs today which proved too heavy or the trade to absorb on the closing session of the week, prices ruled 2550c lower on all killing classes. Fat lambs sold largely at $12.0012.25 with a top pries of $12.50. Feeding lambs wero dull In sympathy with the decline on fat lambs, with best quality quoted around $12.26. Sheep were 26i60c lower, best ewes here today selling at $7.00. Quotations on sheep and - lambs: Fat lambs, western, $10.00012.50; fat lambs, natives, $10.00i12.50; feeder Jambs, $9.00 0 1 2. 25 ; cull lambs, $6.0010.00; fat wethers, $5.508.5O; fat ewes, light, $6.00 7.00; fat ewes, heavy, $4.00 6.00. Kansas City Live Stork. KanBas City, Mo., July 21. Cattle Re ceipts. 2,600 head; quality plain all classes around steady: best steers and yearlings available, $9.25; grass' Texas steers, $6,358)7.50; best vealers, $8.00 8.50; commoTi to medium cows, $4.00 6.25: better grades. $6.006.50; medium grass heifers, $6.006.60; canners and cut .ters mostly $2.50g3.50; common to good bologna bulls, $4.00 down. Hogs Receipts, 2,000 head: fairly ac tive to both packers and shippers; 10c to 30c higher; bulk gooTl and choice 160 to 240 pounders, $10.30(910.50; top, $10.55; shippers took about 850; heavies on sale; bulk of sales. SS.S54S10.50; throwout sows, steady;, mostly $8.00; stock pigs, 1016c higher; best, $10.65; bulk good kind, $10.25 10.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,000 head; lambs, steady to 26c lower; early top na tives, $12.50; sheep about steady; odd lot fat ewes, $6.507.00. Now York Sugar. New York, July 2"l. The raw sugar market was quiet early today. Tha un derttne was a little easier, with spot Cubks offered at 3.11-16. cost and freight, equal to 6.30c for Centrifugal. There was renewed sewing in raw sugar futures during the early operations, with prices selling to 7 to 8 points below the previous close. Near midday there was a rally of 3 to 4 points on covering. 'The market for refined sugar was firm er and prices were unchanged to 20 points higher, with fine granulated now quoted from 6.80 to 6.90c. Refined futures were nominal Sugar futures closed steady : approxi mate sales, 67.700 tons; September, 3.63c; December, 3.76c; March, 3.49c; May, 'S.SOc. Chicago Uratock. Chicago. July 2(. Cattle Receipts. 3.500 head; market, slow; practically un changed; top beef steers. $10.50; bulk, $7.50(89.85; bulk beef cows arjd heifers, $6.007.26; -canners and cutters, mostly $3.003:76; bologna bulls, largely $4.50 4.60; veal calves, $9.00(39.50. Hogs Receipts. 18,000 head; - market opened 1525c higher; closed weak: top, $11.00; bulk butchers, $10.1010.90; pack, ers, mostly $8.258.75; estimated hold over, 8,000 head; pigs, strong to 25c higher; mostty $9.7510.50. Sheep Receipts, 12,000 head: fat lambs. 25 40c lower, sorts considered; western wethers. $13.16; natives, $lt.75 to city butchers; packers' top. $12.60: bulk. $12.60; fat ewes. !550c lower; best lights, $7.00; best heavies, $3.504.60. Sioux City Lire Mock. Sioux City, la.. June 21. Cattle Re ceipts. 1,500 head; market, slow, steady; fed steers and yearlings. $8.001 10.50; grass ateers, and yearlings, $6.50S.00; grass cows and heifers. $4.007.50; fat cows and heifera, $5,0048.50; cannera, $2.253,50; veala, $4,00410.00; feeders, $6.008.00; calves," I4.00&7.50; feeding cows and heifers,' 13.094? 5.25; atockers, I5.50g7.50. ' Hogs Receipts. $.500 . head: market steadyt 25c higher: top. 110.40: bulk of good hogs. $9.010 25; heavy mixed and packing grades. 17.75499.00; native pig. $9.60; stags. JS.00S 6 5. ' Sheep Receipts. 500 head; market weak. a Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah. Ga.. Julv 21. rurnentine Quiet: $1.154 91.11; sales, none: receipt. bDis.: smpments, 1,044 bbla.; stock. 5,882 bbls. , Ros1n--Flrm: sales. 1.17 cask; re ceipts, 859 cask: shipments, 999 xasks; atdVk. 72.74 cseks. Qucte:B. $4.S: D. $510; E. F, CL $5 IS; H. I, IS.JO; K. $5 6: M. $5.40; S $6.1i WG. $4.40; WW. 87.0. v Slav s,jws New York, July 21- Fer'eign Bar Silver, $94C. tiexican Dollar S3 'iHfc UiiAHA BEE;' SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1922. ' Financial By FRANKLIN X. SPRAGUE, Uanaaa tW U4 H ire. New York, July Jl. Kvidrme 01 the continued uncertainty with re gard to the railroad strike and the coal strike, was to be found in the course of stock market trading tmlay. Price were reactionary, and while losses for the most part did not run to large figures, certain of the spe cialties were under proiiotiiiccd pres sure. It could not be said, however, that the market was 'weak for the un dertone was firm and offerings were absorbed without serious price re cessions. Toomc extent at least, the declines were attributable to ac tivity of professional speculators for the decline who saw in the railivnl labor situation a cpudition which ap peared to have the groundwork for successful attack against quotations. Actually there was no great progress made on this side of the market since the short selling failed to bring about any pronounced liquidation. News Vnfavorabl. Whit th news with relation 10 th marfet waa moatly of an unfavoraM character there were rertatn aleailvliiw In. fluenres. not the least of them a ,u in Pennnylvanla atock Io a new high level for th year at 45. Th upturn In Pcnn. sylvania had It Inception In th succca lul manner In which th k.. delt with Its labor difficulties, and It had aomethilic of a aivtunalhWIln tnlM.n. on the gall group where flrmnea prevailed -"'"" iue snowing auvancea for th day: Among th ateclalties and certain nf th mora speculative issues weakness waa ap parent. Crucible stel lost 1 points snd Mexican Petroleum, after mlnv an r,.,i course, showed a loss of 1 pointa at the close. The isauea art under uch a high near OE BDeculatlv. mn huil.lUn . th.. m-ir pric movements often bear little r. latlon to th market as wiini, vtm mnu runoer itorka were heavy In response id wo 01 a runner cut in tiro prices by Foreign KurhimM SCpm. Th foreign extjiaiiges wer firm, but without any major awlngs spparent. 1 n bond market showed further vl dene of th accumulation of first line In. yeatment lasuea. Five of th Liberty bond "I". .Jem 10 B,w hlh records and wht! th balance of the market d,d not show this degree nf strength, prlcea wer ,iiii iniuugngui tne list, - New York Stocks Rang of pricea of the leading stocks furnhihed by Logan & Bryan. 248 Peten RAILROADS. Thursday . c- High. Low. Close, close S"i.f" ?L' ' i"u loo4 101 Haiti. & Oh o 64. 64 61 Eli; Canadian Pacific 140 1394 1394 140 N. Y. Central Chesa. & Ohio .. Ot. Northern minora Central .. K. C. Southern . Lehigh Valley . . . Missouri Paciflo . N. Y. 4 N. H. . North. Pacific ... Chicago & N. W. Penn. R. R. Reading C, R. I. & P Southern Pacific . Southern Railway C, M. & St. P. . . Union Paeiific . ')- aoa so?4 81 . 68 tif 68 69 . 80 80 80 81 .107 107"4 107 1074 . 254 25 26V. 257. oil, , 224 . 304 . 764 ?4 . 45 . 74 . 43 64 64 22 30 76 75 44 74 43 894 24. 64 22 30 77 76 44 74 434 89 25 37 32 29 76 75 44 74 43 894 24 24 . 24 27 ..1424 141 142 142 STREr.a Am. Car Foundry. .166 16S 166 ' 168 54 117 1191 79 32 86 374 78 36 81 Allls-Chalmers , 64 .11? .120 54 54 Am. Locomotive. 116 116 1184 1194 Baldwin Loco... Beth. Steel Colo. F. & Iron. . 79 3l 774 774 31 83 37 ' 314 Crucible , 87 Am. Steel Foundry. 37 Lackaw'a Steel 79 83 37 ?8 36 80 7111 Mldvale Steel 37 36 Pressed Steel Car.. SOW, so Rep. Steel & Iron.. 76 74 744 rty. steel springs.. 107 106 106 107 Sioss-Scheffield .., 49 49 49 V. S. Steel .101 1"074 101 49 101 49 12 Vanadium 48 47 Otis Steel 124 13 COPPERS. ' Anaconda 54 53 63T4 614 37 22 29 .J.. 414 36 29 17 16 124 65 71 43 61 534 61 37 22 30 61 41 36 30 17 16 654 72 43 Am. s. as Ker. Co. . 62 60 374 22 29 41 36 29 17 16 12 Cerro Do Pasco 371 Chili 224 i..nino 30 Cal. & Arizona Inspiration 411 Kennecott 37 Miami 30 Nevada Con...... 17 Ray Con 16 Seneca 124 Utah ........ i-... 66 OILS. General Asphalt.. 721 70 43 61 4 13 Cosden 434 California Petrol.. 61 Island Oil Invincible Oil 13 13 13 168 13 67 74 45 8 28 55 31 183 454 20 684 14 81 134 Mexican Petrol. . .1721 166V, 16 Miaaie states .... 13 Pacific Oil 56 13 13 65 73 44 8 . 26 56 31 55 74 44 8 28 65 31 182 45 20 8 68 14 8 12 Pan-American 75 Phillips ' Pierce Oil 45 8 28 65 31 Pure Oil Royal Dutch ... Sinclair Oil Standard Oiljf J. Texas Co ..!..., 182 1791 . .. 45 . ... 204 45 2(1 Union Oil White Oil . . . 8 S 8 MOTORS. Chandler 69 68 14 ' 14 8- 8 13 13. General Motors. Willys-Overland fierce-Arrow . , White Motor 49 48': 49 48 Studebaker 13774 134 134 137 RUBBER AND TIRES Fisk 15 14 14 39 48 12 14 61 15 40 48 1.3 15 Goodrich 39 Kelley-Sprlngfield 49 Keystone Tire 13 39 48 12 14 Ajax ... ... .... 15 U. S. Rubber 62 61 INDUSTRIALS. Am. Beet Sugar 46 37 43 39 12174, 56 41 16 A., G. & W. I 37 36 43 39 36 Am. Inter. Corp.. 44 American Sumatra 39 43 39 Am. Telephone 122 12174 12174 American Can.... 57 65 56 Central Leather... 41 404 404 Cuba Cane... 16 16 16 Cuban-Am. Sugar, 24 24 24 24 Corn Products 107 105 107 1051 Famous Players- .. 82 824 824- X2A general Electric ..177 176 176 177 Gt. North. Ore. ..105 Amer. H. & U, pfd. 72 U. 8. Ind. Al 62 International Pap. 53 104 104 106 70 594 52 73 79 80 46 66 62 70 61 52 73 79 80 48 56 62 71 59 53 , 73 79 80 46 57 53 42 105 82' 91 Inter. M. M.. pfd Amer. 'Sug. Ref. .. 74 Sears-Robuck Stromsburg Tobacco Products Worthing. Pump . . 80 46 .56 53 wuson co Western Union . . Westing. Electric American Wool. ..62 61 611 90 91 90 MISCELLANEOUS. Amer. Cotton Oil 26 26 26 39 57 39 34 62 38 Amer. A. Chemical 39 Amer. Linseed 38 '62" Union Bag. pfd. . Bosch Magneto .. Brook. Rap. Tran. Continental Can . California Pack . Col O &' El - 26 70 93 4 80 55 146 159 102 122 49 51 6574 28 29 71 71 94 4 81 54 6974 71 93 3 80 54 71 71 93' 4 80 54 Col Graph United Drug .. N'at Enamel . ; United Fruit . Lorillard Tob . National Lead Philadelphia Co Pullman . t. .160 159 .102 101 . 38 38 160 101 38 ..122 120 121 Punta Alegre Sug. 49 South Prto Ric Sg . . Retail Stores 64 Superior SteM .... 33 St I, 8 F 28 Va Car Chm 59 48 48 64 32 27 64 32 27 294 29 Tota les. 720,600 shares. Thurs. Close. .04 .0020 .0833 i 44 Close. .04 .. .0021 .. .0845 ..4.46 Money . Marks . Francs . Sterling . Foreign Exchange. New York, July 21. Foreign Exchange Firm. Gresrt Britain, demand. 11.45: cables $4.45; se-day bill on banks, $4.43. France, demand. .0841 c: cables. .0842c. Italy, demand. .0465c; rubles. .0465 c. Belgium, demand, .0796aic; .cables, .0797c. . Germany, demand, .4020 c; cables. .0020 e. . xHolland. demand, .3885c; cables. .3890c Norway, demand. ,I662c. Sweden, demand, ,2595c. Denmark demand, ,215"c. Switzerland, demand. .1915c 8paln. demand, ,1558c. - Greece. demand, .6308c. Poland, demand. .000140. Cxecho-Slovakia. demnd. .421?c. Argentina, demand, ,3650c. Brazil, demand. .1370c. Montreal, .SS 3-320 New York Bonds (The Bee is the only Omah newspaper which publisher the of ricisl close of the New York Stock exchange bonds.) New York, July SI l.ilieity itauea again featured th bund market today Th on,l 4a inadt a new tup t ling 10, and new maximums wer vaUlillalted by lb firt 4 , at $101 JO. iht nd 4a al 1100 . the third 4', at ll"l 00, aid the foutth 4' at li)0 Intoiiiailunal loan, er only alightly changed. Th tiend, however, waa up ward for I'mlrd Kingdom 6a sf 19:2 and 1929, Japanese firat 4a and -,nd 4a and verl S'lem n municipal, especially Moiaaon , r'ram-nrun Industrial 7s alwi wer strong, Latln-Ameri, ana, how vr, showed no market tendency, Chsntes among domestic raila. Indus trial, snd ullliliea wer vatiabl. but finasl pruea showed a preponderant' nf nomlna gains, M'aha'h first 5a wer substantially better at par and aweral of the secondary mortgagee nf southern roads wer strengthened by the better lone of thou Ikauea in ih stock list. Total soke. lpr value) aggregated SIS.103.oon, An offering nf $1,600,000 firat mortgag 4 per cent bonds at the Intrant Slot or company constituted th only Important naw underwriting. New York. July 21 Following tr In day high, low and closing prices nf bond, nn thS 'ew York stock alchangt. and lh total sales of each bond I'. . Bond,. Kale (In $1.0001 High Low Cloae 328 Liberty 3 .-100,94 100.40 lnO.SO 21 Liberty 2d 4a ....100.70 100.70 100.70 SO Liberty 1st 4.. 101.80 101 14 101.20 S7S Liberty 2d 4t ..100.94 100.74 100.78 1(94 Liberty Sd 4,a ..101.00 100.44 100 4$ 1803 Lltwrty 4th 4 'it. .101.64 l0.1S 101 31 479 Victory 44 100.58 100.54 I00.6S Foreign tiovernment, State and Municipal, 43 Argentine 7 100 100 100 3 Chines Govt Ry, 6s 64 64 64 23 Bern S 111 111 111 16 Bordeaux 4s 84 84 14 7 Copenhagen 6t .. SI SI 91 S Lyons lis 84. 84 44 S Marseilles 6s 84 84 84 14 RI11 tie Janeiro $s..I00 100 100 4 San Paulo 8a 101 101 101 14 Tokio Sa .... 71 71 71 ....111 111 111 .... 91 90 91 29. .101 100 101 4 Zurich St .... . 37 Dept Seine .. 28 Dom Can 6ta 23 Dtch K Ind a 47.. 96 95 S674 95 95 44 Dtch E Ind 6a 43.. 95 34 French Rep 8a 102 102 102 151 French Rep 7s ..100 100 100 io Japanese 1st t. 93 92 93 106 Jspanese 4a . 78 77 78 10, Belgium 7t .. ..106 104 1116 ..101 101 101 ,, 99 98 99 ,. 97 9674 9674 ..110 110 110 .. 79 79 79 ..104 104 104 f.105 106 105 ..109 109 109 ..101 101 101 .100 100 100 b Belgium ts 6 Denmsrk 6s ... 48 Netherlands 4a.. 11 Norway 81 18 Paris-Ly-Med 6s. 4 Rep Chile 8s 46. t Rep Uruguay 8s 11 Queensland 7s . 20 Queensland 6s . . 16 Rio Gr do Sul 8 4 Swiss Con 8s ...11874 118 11874 314 K G B & I 5s 22.110 110 110 1SI K I) B I 59 29.110 110 110 76 K G B & I 6s 37.10 3 74 1 03 103 60 U S Brsxil Ss 102 101 101 5 U S Mexico 5s.. i.. 69 69 69 25 U S Mexico 4s 47 47 47 Railway and Miscellaneous. 3 Ajax Rub Ss 100 99 100 4 Am Ag Chm 7s ..104 10374 104 4 Am Smelt 6 93 92 92, 49 Amer- Sug 6s 103 102 103 11 Am T & T cv 6s. ..115 115 115 17 Am T & T col tr 5s 99 98 99 4 Am Writ Pa 7s.... 86 85. 86 2 Armour & Co 4s.. 90 90 90 52 A T & S F gen 4s.. 94 93 93 13 At Ref 6s '..103 103 103 22 Bait & Ohio 6s iOl 100 100 68 Bait & Ohio cv 4s 8474 84 844 3 Bell Tel Penn 7s. ,108 108 108 16 Beth St p m 5s.... 92 91 91 6 Br.iden Cop 6s 100 100 100 4 Can North 6s 29 Can Pac d 4s . 14 Cent Ga 6 1 Cent Leath 5s... 1 Cent N Eng 4s. . 14 Cent Pac gtd 4s. 9 Cerro Pasco 8s. . 54 Ches -& Ohio cv 5 ..111 111 111 . . 80 7974 7974 ..100 100 100 .. 98 9S 98 .. 68 . 68 68 . . 90 89 89 ..119 119 119 95 95 954 27 Ches & Ohio c 4s. 89 89 89 101 83 60 6974 24 C B & Q ref 6s A. .101 101 61 Chi & E 111 5s 83 82 6 Chi Gt West 4s.... 61 60 67 C M & St P cv 4s 70 69 19 C M & St P ref 4s 65 64 65 2 C & N W 6s 1'0 110 110 5 Chi P.ys 5s 80. 79 79 8.5 "C R I P ref 4s.. 83 82 82 3 Chi & West Ind 4s. 76 75 75 17 Chile Cop 7s 10574 105 10574 27 Chile Cop 6s 92 92 j2 J.1 CUIU 1I1U 3a . . , I' 8 Colo & So ref 4s. 89 89 10 Col G & El 5s 96 96 34 Con Coal Md 6s.. 81 81 72 Con Gas 7s . .' 123 123 43 Cuba Cn Sg d Rs... 86 86 89 96 81 123 86 20 Cuba Cn Sg d 7s. . .. 86 2 Cuban Am Sug 8s. 106 1 Del & Hud cv 5s. . 98 1 Pet Ed ref 6s 103 11 Det Utd Kys 4s.. 83 85 85 106 106 98 98 102 103 83 83 108 108 1 Dlmnd Mtch 7s..ius 5 Dpnt Nera 7s. . 3 Duquesne Lt 6s . . 29 Erie gen 4s 13 Erie pr lien 4s .. 8 Fisk Rub 8s .;. . . 79 Fram I D 7 . . 23 Goodyear T 8s 31 27 Goodyear T 8s 41 107 107 107 .103 103 103 . 55 55 55 . 66 65 66 .10 7 74 1 07 107 . 99 98 98 .101 101 10174 .116 116 116 .112' 1124 112 1 Gnd Tnk Ry c 2 Gnd Tnk Ry C 6s.,.103 103 103 22 Grt North 7s A 110 110 110 21 Grt North 6r B..102 102 102' 31 Hud & M ref 5s A. 85 85 85 46 Hud & M ad Inc 5s. 6474 64' 6474 16 III Cent 5s 101 101 101 1 HI Cent ref 4s 89 89 89 1 111 St d 4s 92 92 92 14 Ind Steel 5s 101 100 1D1 6 Int Met 4s 12 12 12 167 Int R T refN5s..JS 68 69 9 Int M M sf 63 97 3 Int Pap rf 5s B. 87 39 K C Ft S & M 4s-. 80 2 K C So 5s 89 6 Kell Spring T 8s. .108- 96 86 80 89 97 86 80 89 108 108 10 Lacka St 6s 23 100 100 100 1 Lacka St 6s 50 6974 8 9 74 8 9 74 38 L S & M S d 4s 28. 94 62 L S & M S d 4s 31. . 93 94 93 94 93 1 Lehigh Val 6s 103 3 Lorillard 5s 94',; 103 94 107 103 94 5 L & N ref 5s 107 10 L & N unified -4s.. 934 7Mkt St Ry con 6s.. 88 107 93 93 87 88 105 8 Mex Pet 8s ...105 105 18 Mid St cv 5s 89 89 6 M & St P ref 6s., 46 46 89 46 16 M St P &SSM 6s. 10274 102 10274 60, M K & T n p I 5s A 85 84 85 90 M K A T n adj 6s A 57 67 .67 13 M K & T 1st 4s 83 83 83 60 Mo Pac ref 5s 23.. 644 ' 64 64 8 Mo Fnc gen 4s 98 97 97 Z N O T & M inc 5s.. 101 101 101 9 N Y C col 7s 105 105 105 157 N Y C d 6s 106 106 16 1 N Y C con 4s . 92 92 92 V, 19 N Y.Ed ref 6s 109 10944 109 3 N Y Hi's ret 4s ctf. 37 37 37 6 N Y Tel d 6s 49 106 106 106 10 N Y Tel ref 6s 41.. 105 105 106 4 Nor & So- 5s A 69 68 68 57 Nor & West cv 6s.. 111 111 111 10 Nor & West con 4s 93 93 93 34 Nor Pac pr lien 4s., 90 23 NorPaa gen Ss.... 63 1 Nor Sts-P ref 5s A. 91 36 N W Bell Tel- its.. 108 2 O S L gtd 5s elf.. 89 11 O S L ref 4s 92 29 Or-Wsh RR&X 4s.. 83 34 Pac G & El 5s 91 89 89 63 63 91 91 107 107 S9 89 91 92 82 82 91 20 Penn R R 6s 109 108 109 12 Penn R R gen 5s.. 102 102 102 1 Penn R R gen 4s 93 93 93 39 Pere Mara, ref 5s.. 97 98 97 2 Pierce Oil d s 89 89 89 1 Fort RV I,t & F 5s 87 87 87 3 Pro & Ref 8s 102 102 102 18 Reeding gen 4s 87 86 86 1 R O 4 West 1st 4s 80 80 80 4 R I A & L 49.. 81 81 81 is st L, I Mt fls s rer ts s4 ss 49 St L & S F adj 6s. . 80 80 20 St L S F inc 6s.. 70 70 44 81 1, ft 8 F p In 4s A 7374 73 88 80 70 7S 4 St L S W 1st 4s 79i 794 791 177 Seaboard A L con 6s 63 62 62 43 Seaboard A L adl 6s 28 27 27 65 Seaboard A L ref 4s 45 45 45 20 Sharon St Ho 8s A. 99 9874 9914 131 Sinclair OH cv 7S.104 104 104 145 Sinclair Oil col 7s. 99 99 99 5 So Pac cv 4s . . . 4 So Pac ref 4s . . . 17 So Pac col tr 78 So Ry gen 6s. , 57 So Ry con . . ... 92 92 92 ... 90 90 90 x 4s. 89 884 88 ...102 102 102 ... 9 96 97 SUNDERLAND BROS. CO. Are Now in Their New Home Sunderland Building Electric Sifa m Tp) IStk ana "Harney Streets Coel Coke Bi1dinf Material "!t'a Coed If 'SnMaoA SiU If , 4 t tl', tfa It's tl' 94 tl', 3 l4 1 Mm nil 1 al 4 T l"e 7 Ten a Cat tat St Thud Av ad! (a I Third Av tef 4 Tnt4i'cii Prod Ja. , 43 t'n Pae 1st 4e . . . I men Pan v 4 . !0 I 11 Pa ref 4. . 4 I'nion Tnk a'ai fa l td Drug , ! f H Really is. . tl I' H Huh 7. ... It r n Hub 5a , 44 I' H rlleel f j,... 1 , ,l4 J4 tt' , t4 46 94 . t S , t ,lli M 1 II'", 110 tin . S t ' .)" IA 0 . 10 tl 90 ,ll. I: 101 I'lah P I. t n 40 tn s Va.Cr dim 106 1116 3 Va-Cr Chm 1st S. .lot .100 ) on 06 24 Wabash 1st 6a 17 Weat Md Ul 4a, . . 94 Weat Par Sa I Weal I'nlan S . SI Wealing til Ta S Wheel 6 I, V. 4s I Wirk-Kpen hi Ts.. . 2 Wll.u.i C sf 7a. 4 Wll.,)n t cv as, 13 Caechn-Slo 8a ctf . , 44 loin Can $?. . . . 44 Kmn II F 7a, 99 0 , ti . s . 44 16 6 .110 1l II0!4 ,lo, in, ioa aa am. .o 1oo4 loo' l'UV I 6 92', S.' t:. ti . IS . 1 . S . t t 4 9S 9 s 26 binrUIr Crude 6a. 98 Total aaira of bonda lutUy were tit.. 0;,ono compared with SI4,lS.oti prtvloua day and $11,371,000 a year ago, N. Y. Curb Bonds New York, July 21. Transaction on tit New York curb bond market today wer at follow,: IWime.Ur Runila. High. Low. Cloae. i 4 Allied Pk 4a ct 44 t:i 5 Allied Packer a . 95 :', 95 2, Aluminum 7. '24 103 )01 ni 8 Am. Cotlon Oil 6a 99 1 99 1 A. T. V T. 6a. '24 101 mil, (01 . 4 Anac, t'np. ,a ...101 mi ln . ' S Aanac. Cop. 7a. '29 103 '4 103 103 3 Ang. Am. Oil 7t 104 1414 14 13 Armour si Cn, 7s 105 101 nj 3 At. O, W. I. 6 . 61 41 " 61 4 Beth. St. Ta, '23.104 104 104- 4. Beth. Ht. 7a. "30 103 102 103 4 Bkly. I'n. (laa 7 .109 104 109 12 Can. N. R. 6 .49 99 90 1 Can. Pac. 6 101 loiu inn. I 14 Cent. Steel 8a ...105 106 10574 2 Col. a. 8. clfa... 24 3314 S3 It 6 Con. U. ot B !a .105 105 105 3 Con. Tex. 6a ..St 98 98 1 Cop. Ex. A. 8. 24 1024 103 103 24 Cop. Ex. A. 8. 26 104 104 104 2 Cuban Tel. 7a .106 104 106 13 Kmp. O. 4 r. 6s 101 im 101 13 Freep. Tex 7a ..130 127 '27 3 Galena Hlg Oil 7s 105 105 105 28 Good. Tire 7s ..103 103 103 S Grand Trunk 6i 10574 105 10574 5 Gulf Oil 7a ....104 104 104 6 Gulf Oil 6a . ...101 101 101 15 Hood Rubber 7s . 98 98 98 36 Int. R, T. 8a, "23 90 90 90 1 Kan. G. & K. 6s .. 96 96 96 1 Kennec. Cop. 7s .105 105 105 13 Laclede Ga, 7a .100 100 100 25 L. McftN. h. 7s . 99 99 99 14 Llg.-Wlnch. "s ..101 100 1011 2 Magma Cop. 7s .108 10S 108 6 Manitoba Ta 94 9!i 95 7 Mer. & Mfgrs. 7s. 100 99 99 63 Mor. & Co. 7s ..105 1054 105 1 Nat. Acme 7s . 91 97 97 1 Nat. C. & S. Ss .. 98 98 98 3 N. Y.. N. H.&H. 7s. 87 8T 87 1 Phil. El. 6s ..100 100 100 5 Phil. P. 7s, WW 100 100 100 I Proc. & G. 7s' 23 101 101 101 15 P. S. C. of N J 7s 103 102 102 3 Robert Galr 7s ... 98 974 98 6 Sears Roe. 7s, '22 100 100 100 6 Sears Roe. Ts, '23 101 101 101 14 Southw. B. T. 7b .10274 102 102'4 1 St. O. N. Y. 7s, '26 106 106 106 2 St. O. N. Y. 7s, '30 107 107 107 2 S. O. N. Y.-7s, '13 .110 110 110 11 S. O. N. Y. 6s .109 109 109 31 Stew. Warn. 8s .710 109' 110 1 Swift & Co. 7s, '26 102 102 102 , 3 Swift & Co. 7s, '31 103 103 103 1 'Cxe- f 7a 101 101 101 1 U. Oil Cal. 6s ..100 1004 100 7 U. Oil Prod. 8s ..1374, m;, 3 L. R. of H. 7s .105 10474 105 1 iv incnesier s .103 102 102 Foreign Bonds. 13 Argentine 7s, '23 .100 100 4 Can. Steam. 7s . 95 95 inn 9o) lo Mexico Oov.""3s ... 12 3 Russian' 6s .... 16 1 Russian 6s ctfsv. 1514 12 12 154 15 A J P-WISS OS 103 24 V. S.T3razil 7s .. 85 112 102 84 Mhk 3914 40& 116 U. S. Mexico 4s .. 40 'htcaro SttM'kti. Th followinir Quotations arts furnished by Logan & Bryan. Armour & Co., pfd 984 Armour Leather Co.. com 124 Commonwealth Edison Co 130 Linfcy, McNeil & Libby.... 2H Montgomery Ward Co. i 22i National Leather 7 Swift & Co. 101 V Swift IntematlonKl 191A Union Carbide & Carbon Co 56 New YoroU Cott-nn, New York, July 21. The list turned downward after early steadiness In the market for cotton futures today. The opening was slightly heavy at a net loss of 6 to 10 points, but the list early re covered to a level with Thursday's final. What buying there was came chiefly from "Wall street sjiorts and the trade. Heavier pressure --was met - as the session pro gressed and etjriv in the afternoon prices .aroppea aoout vc a .pound under last Right's finals. October' sold off to 22.08c, a net loss or points, ana iJeeenioer was off 29l points. Business was more active on the online, largely caused by week end liquidation on the part of scary longs. Scattered stop loss orders were uncovered in the last hour, and last sales were at the low. off 38 to 48 points net. Spot cotton was ftulet, 40 pointa decline. 22.20c middling uplard. Southern markets: Galveston, 2-.aoe, 4" points decline; New Orleans. 22.60c, 25 points decline; savannah, si. 94c, 00 points decline; Augusta, 22.50c, 50 points de cline: Memphis. 22.50c, unchanged; Hous ton. 22.30c. 45c decline; Little Rock, 22.25c, 10 pointa decline. 'ew York Dry (ioods. New York, . July 21. Cotton goods were moderately active today, prices' holding firm. Export trade, particularly to -South America, showed signs of dropping off. Tropical worsted cloths in the wool goods market sold spiritedly. Burlap markets were active here but quiet in Calcutta. Cotton yarns were more active and high er. Broad silks continued to sell, notably in sports silks division. ill bo 11 y gen 4. , ., , pit Hi. kg t, J IjjpJL fjr Telephone Your Qpi) I Sunday M I "Want" Ad 1 NOW ! BEE WANT AD RATES I i per line aa. h day, I ar I datt, 1 e per Una h day, I ta S dai ISe. linn nn. h l,v. f da, a tit looter. Tbeae rstea apply t .1 h bund,, He wall m Th Mrnin and Kvai"S He. All .! driiemM appear in hiith morning and ,mf dtlon al th en rual. Tha attnv rate apply elrlusHelv I ttanf Ad hnt ' commonly termed "publi wants." and do not Imdud ,rliatng nr (tplaillng lhu- buainas 1 TIIK nKK re. uvea lb lhl la dellg what conitilutei a publle want, DEATH & FUN&RAL NOTICES kATr.V-I'lMil.iln; - ! ),li $ in. hi 1 h, and 1 d: Jul, IS. l.i. al the re.nlrn.e. 11:1 N'uiih i.Ui Hi , ,uivted by na alsiai, tl'a, X Nfroni, vn Uuhir, Sir to. T Maitiu, and one brother, 1 l) M Kaaiiiian, til of Omaha, Mia, Kastinan hea ln, In lb illy far 41 year. Puurral Halurday firnmin at ! 11 from Ih N I'. Hnun.on thapel. Ilth and Cuming Hi, Inlernirnt Fort Lawn cemetery. Prlenda r aslcom. IHIt'utTtK tinier" l ragd '4T.Thurdey a, m , following abort lllnraa. Mb la survived by two allien. Mia W. C. ppeii cer. of New York, and Ulster Mary far mellt. i f Slercy convent, and on broth. r, 1'ennlw .MctJuiie, i,r Ireland, Funeral ervlc Kaiurday, July 22, S a. in, firm Slount Hi. Maryt vnnvtm chapel, Fourteenth and Caitelar. Imentivnt Kia ter's lot. Holy Sepuk hir cemetery. Plraa umlt fioweia HKUilTKtlerlrude. aged '2l yeara, July !, 1922. lleliived daughter of Mr. and Sirs. I. II. Helile, survived by falhel and mnlher, one aimer, Hlell. two broth era, l.eo A., and Thomas It, Funeral from fumlly realdenc. $73$ ft. 24lh airret. Haturday morning at 9:30, to SI, Hrldgeta church at S o'clock. Inter ment Holy Sepulcber cemetery. KWARTZLANDKB Dr. Lou la C July 17, 1923. Funeral rvlee Saturday. I p. tn., from th hnin. 414 N. 30th atrial, lntitnienl Foreat l.awn cemetery. CARD OP THANKS WK wlih'lo thank our friend and neijlT bora for th klndtica and aympathy shown during th Illness of our lelovrd wife, mother end alattr; tlao for th beautiful floral offerings HENRY MUELLER AND FAMILY. WILLIAM OLOE. BURIAL VAULTS. AUTOMATIC Mating concret burial vaulta Recommended and for aale by all leading undertaker. Water proof, no tteal to tust. no wood to de cay. Insist upon th AUTOMATIC SEAL I NO VAULT .manufactured by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co.. $210 N. SOth. Omaha. Til. Kenwood 1077. CEMETERIES. Visit Forest Lawn A beautiful new section hat recently been opened In Forest Lawn cemetery (north of city limit). It lt but wla dom to select a lot before absolute necessity compels one to da so. Head for booklet. FOREST LAWN CEMETERY ASBOCIA. TION. T20 Brandelt Theater BIdf. FLORISTS LEE LARMON fST; M.4.; SAT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HE8B A WOBODA. T41S FARN AM BTREBT. L. HENDHRSON. 160T Farnam. JA. 1S5S. JOHN BATH. 1504 Farnam. JA. 1S0S. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., Succeator to ; Stack A Falconer OMAHA'S BEST. rRERAMBULANCEHlRVo.4B Thirty-third and Farnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertaken and Embalmers. Phone HA 0266. Office 2411 Farnam. Hulse & Riepen, Funeral Directors 32!4 Cumins. CROSBY-MOORE 8i th A Wirt WE. 0047. CUNARD ANCHOR ANCHOR-DONALDSON N. Y. to Cherbourg and Southampton AQUITAN1A .... ..Ausr. 1 Ang. 42 Sept. 13 REREXti ARIA ,.AHg. Aug.!!!) gfpt. 19 MAI RETAMA . ug. IS Sept. 5 Sept. 26 N. Y. to Plymouth, Cherbourg & Hamburg CARONIA July 29 Aug. 31 Oct. 5 SAXONIA Aug. 3 Sept, 9 Oct. 14 N. Y. to Cobh (Queenstown) & Liverpool I.AtJONIA (wew).. Aug. S Sept. 7 CARMAMA Aug.17 Sept.14 Oct. 13 SCYTH1A (new). Aug. 31 Sent. 28 Oct. 26 Sails from Boston July 21. " N. Y. to Londonderry A Glasgow ASSYRIA Aug. 11 Oct. 21 COH'MBIA Aug. 19 Sept. 16 Oct. 14 ALGERIA Aug. 28 Sept. 23 CITY of LONDON Sept. 2 CAM FROM A Sept. 9 Oct. 1 Nov. 4 New York to Vigo. Gibraltar. Naples, Patras. Dubrovnik, Trieste ' ITALIA Aug. 12 Boston to Londonderry & Liverpool EI.YSIA Aug. 1 ASSYRIA Sept. 15 Slops at Glasg-ow. Boston to Queenstown A Liverpool SAMARIA (new)...AusT. 23 Sept. 20 CANADIAN SERVICE; Via Picturesque St. Lawrence Rout Montreal to Glasgow SATtTRMA 'Aug. H Kept. Oct. CASSANDRA . . . Aug. 31 Sept. 29 Oct. 27 Alsp calls st Moville. Ireland Montreal to Liverpool TYRKHEMA new July 29 Sept. 2 Sept.30 Ai.nAiA Aug. ltf epi. sa uct. -i ALSOMA Sept. 1 Oct. 14) Nov. 11 Montreal to Plymouth, Cherbourg and London ANTONIA Aug. 6 Sept. Oct. 12 ANDANIA Aug. 2 Sept. 28 Nov. 4 Apply Company's Local Act. Everywhere ii 11 ' FUNERAL piKECTOBS LARK IN HROTHERS KM Kit I. lilHl.iTnllK till PERGONALS THB iI.VATlUN ndutril hi aall.ii tour M lioihina. futnil ...nn.iitn IVn viillm I. IV dlalrlt" l'n..nn till lilt and eur liua will ). Tail a ott I nn. lit our aaw Bum. UIJ.III4 ld sTUiicTW bh; Vralai Ray lrifnt ih meas I4 " I4h. AT. Hl. , iim mi anTiia. HMlTa maae. ronaiiy r.niga w 'z..w. 7 W oT I . vTh H 1 ' H 44 Vea t e- l i a i a M.irlh Hfl.M l.1.Ji,,i?J,:. UJCtrflllU AlrHII tut Mttiuimii. Vilt. lL . V X I' i: It T SI AH Al 1 K A T L AN T i Si 4S. S'IMI I. II lial ha. MealT, it rh"1' 0111,1 H r NTvcuu'm rleiirt. f Sr. H MAHWAUK.Kinin liTull. I7IT Wl"ir. iuTKiiNrrr liosTy, jsiss:mman. V:XI'KRTmiwas. Si's No. Hlh LOST AND FOUND r.(iST S'naterrler dn near 14th ltd l.savriiwiirih H' . Ian ear. hM with lilaih tan aimla. Ninie l'l. Rewald. I'hon Mini k 44r.i. t'otineU Bluff. riTHT On or li.iui July IJ. on lr cameu brnnch. I, literal reward for re turn of same. VA. 4!6S. ilRrNIil.vriloalon bull, while inlfar, near ly circle nei k, acrew till. N,am. "Spud " Hrwaril, I'all ,IA. 1441. HniiT I'mini brunch rl with pearls, on 46ih anil I'umlnic car. Valued aa keepaak. & reward. WA. 1 tw. LOHT Kmn heller. SSfl pnunda. email horns rinder plena tall MA. 0331. or AT, SISS. UI8T Plr horn-rlmnied laea. near S4th and Woolworth, I M 'MJI UiiflolT"wrTt watch, 8undy. Walnut 4112 K-1. Rewtrd AGENTS WANTED ADF.NTS Your nam brlnut copy Mon-y-Maklns Mesa. Th great SJ.pas asenl and mall dealers' matasln. A. H. Kraus. Kraua BlilK.. Mllwauke. Wit- MALE HELP WANTED ATTK.NT14J.N 8Al,F.8MEN Slen nted tn crry our patntd wlntr cap aa a tldellne. Only 4 eamplea tnd awatrhet. Liberal rommlaalon. Leon Wallace A Mont. :S6-:i Esst 137th' St. New York City. Bricklayers Wanted Union Job. SS per day. S hour work. Wlli allow tranaportatton for men tbl will stay t lesat on month. Muat o flrst-clas mechsnlca. Apply Wlla Bro. Construction Co.; at John JIorMll plant. Ottumws. Ia. HARVEST HANDS WANTED 500 har vest hands. Rood wanes, report In per son to Town Marshsl, Yuma. I'ola. MAN wanted for Nerrsk. acquainted with plumbing and hardware trade, for hlgh-clasa water supply tystem. Muat bo man who r.n handle Jobber it -well aa dealer. Decatur Pump company. Da calur, a IS. - Mechanics Wanted, Experienced. Scott Motor Car Co., 3016 Harney St. Ha. 0010 MEN WANTED. FOR GRAVEL HAULING. Several excellent Jobs open. Men n this 'work now earning 125 to $35 per day. Must be rellsble snd able to buy truck, paying uart rash. balani-e from earnings Quick action Is necessary as limit ed number only can be taken car of. When replying givexphone No. if possible. Addres Box W-110. Omaha Bee. MEN To qualify for positions ir traffic and shipping departments, rallrosa and Industrial, foreign snd domestic ship ping; salaries excellent, with unlimited chance for sdvancement: experience not absolutely necessary, if determination to learn. This Is no employment agency, but a real chance for men with ambition. Answer, giving present employment, age and teiephono number; all information strictly confidential. Address W-143, Omaha Bee. . SALESMEN . One who Is intelligent, conscientious snd a hard worker, to represent a reliable and well established manufacturer in the state of Nebraska. Salary and bonus with ex Un. r,rivnr(d tn reolv give reference, past sales experience, age and telephone number to insure prompt interview, dress Y-1961. Omaha Bee. Ad- SALESMEN WANTED Exclusive terri tory, liberal commission: should hav Ford car" Box W-114. Omaha Bee. WANTED Mail clerk for large Omaha hotel; voung man with some experience preferred: state particular tn first letter. Address Box W-115. Omaha Bee. WANTED man to buy truck and take over transfer business; unusually reasonam terms. DO. 8841. Eve or Sun. HA. 4904. Week days. IJU. essti. FEMALE HELP WANTED ' Typist Wanted Typist wanted who also knows general office work. Must be capable, neat, accurate speedy worker. State experierrc and education. Large office, per manent position. Address Box W-142, Omaha Bee. WOMAN Wanted Capable woman, not un der 30. Business experience unnecessary, in telligence and liking for work essential Right woman will be given a thorough business training, wrth excellent opportuni ty for advancement. Address Y-1960. Oma ha Bee. Give pour phono number. SITUATIONS WANTED Grain Bookkeeper Thoroughly experienced in all dept. ofth business will be available for poaition Aug, 1. .Minneapolis and Omaha raferencet. P. O. Box 434. Minneapolis. Minn. STENOGRAPHER Man, some expert' ence, desires position. Salary S18 wee up. WA. 0991. WANT .1ob working around house for room and board. Box W-116, Omaha Bee. DAY work wanted. References. WE. 60M woman wants dy. wk. KE. 22X4, DAY WORK and sewing. WA. 4S04. ATTRACTIONS DOLLS. BALLOONS, RUBBt BALLS, NOVELTIES, Ask for catalogue. Globe Novelty Co., 1204 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb, THE "Melody Five" Jazi band. Joe Drake, WE. 5372. 1823 N. 23d St. EDUCATIONAL DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete couraea in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry. thort hand and typewriting; railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1645 for large illustrated catalog. Addres Boyles College Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Neb. WANTED Men. ladlea and boya to learn barber trade; big demand; wage while learning: strlrtlv modern. Call or writ 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Brber College. Variant School of Bualnes. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6S40. DO you want to Increase your Incomef Write th National Auto School. 2414 N. SOth St.. Omaha, for catalog. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 8. 14th. Writ for catalog. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, vole and plana 503 Ka'bach Blk. JA. 1081, CLOTHING AND FURS DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For aale. a few unclaimed. all-woo "Dundee" auita cheap, alteration free. sgnnwwi mr. ion, ano ttaraay Bta. FULL DRESS aolta and Tuxdo for rand ' JA SI 28. IPS N. 14th 8t. L Feldman ARMY aho . SS.SS. 144 No. 14ta ' AUTOMOBILES FOk SALE C.'5".1tK: Ford h delivery box. :o BAROA1N. l-all WE 70, VSKD Ford, all model. Co. km Cumin:. laed Ford Car 0'Yi;?,M',x,"" tourtnTfor Ml, cheap.' HOU.I. axpert a.i trimmer. 411 C I4tt V (I rjf L Ik) 1 IUiT J: 1tfV l IJf 1 fTaV. Ill ) if 'v I i.. ' I I CV 4 - T 4