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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1922)
t ME OMAHA BEE: SATURDAY. JULY 1. 1922. T.W.McCulIough Talks on Forest Work in Nebraska Continental Club llar Bee Man oo FoNuliilititi of Growing Tine in Sand hill Region. At the regular noonday metting of the Continental club in Rrandrn restaurants ycteru;ty. T. V. Mc Cullough of The Omaha Hce gave in intrrrstin. half-hour tallc on the possibilities of the lundhill region of Nebraska in the development of i great forest of yellow and jack pine. He referred to the Ressev diviiion of the Nebraska national forest, lo cated on the Middle Loup river, 2'A mile west of the village of Halscy. "Interest in the afforestation of N'rdrafcka is growing," said Mr. Mo Cullough, who was introduced by K. M. Switzler, president of the club. "This -tate owns more than 600,000 acres of land in the northwestern couutir. It ha been demonstrated that each acre will yield an increment of 1,200 feet of ine lumber a year. This demonstration has bee n made on a tract of more than 8,000 acres already cultivated. lit would take many years to get this vast tract in full growth with pine trees, but it can be done and then the lumber problem in Nebraska will have been solved." The speaker stated that a visit to Cherry and Brown counties would surprise Ncbraskans who have not kept posted in the work being done to increase the timber supply of this state. Masons Here Hold E. K. Long Funeral tnst Rites Are Conducted for V Oldest Nebraska Member ' of Order. Funeral services of E. K. Long, who at the time of his death was the oldest member of the Masonic lodge in : Nebraska, were held at the Masonic temple Friday afternoon by -Covert lodge, No. 11. Master John V. Disbrow was assisted in the - services by Rev. Edgar M. Prown of the Dietz Memorial church. Frances E.'White and George H. Thummel. past grand commanders Of the Nebraska grand lodge, of which Mr. Long was grand com mander in 1881, were present at the services, as was Wilbur W. Day, grtind standard bearer, from Mt. Moriah lodge. 3 Mr. Long was born at Newbury- nr... ! to ..... ftJt l, W.CI93., ill iiuvi ami was a mtui- bef of the Masonic fraternity for 69 years. Several solos were sung at the services by Mrs. Carl Crisman. The pallbearers, all past commanders of Covert lodge No. II, were James Cameron, Thomas Falconer, Fred B.-Lowe, Charles McGill and Edgar N.''-' Bowles. The honorary pall-f....-. ...... t ...i u t r:n:. H. Warwich, John Dysart, Victor White, Ed Willmuth and Dr. Senter. i - Sheriff Summons Masse i ' to Appear in Damage Suit Service was obtained on Jacob Masse, one of the "potash quartet," by a deputy sheriff Thursday, com manding him to appear as one of the aetenaants in a $w,yvi suit tor aam . ages brought by Brady Bros, in connection with certain activities of the Missouri Valley Cattle Loan ji"r-r---- f l.xi CVi Trlan C WT f Vi I tx a r tit .another member j of the "Quartet" and a defendant in the same suit, could not be located by the sheriff's deputies yesterday. Sentence of Roy Stokes Commuted by President According to word received by the United States marshal's office, yes terday, President Harding com muted the 60-day sentence of Roy Stokes, held in jail at Lincoln on a booze charge. Stokes became ser iously ill after spending, a month in iail, underwent two operations in the : hospital and is now in a serious con dition. .He it to be released imme diately,.", the order from Attorney General Daugherty's office, read. Tractor Exhibition to Be Continued Another Day Because of the intense interest in the Fordson exhibition at Twenty first and Leavenworth streets, of ficials in charge have decided not to close the show this afternoon as was scheduled, but continue it through Saturday. ..' Department Orders .' Washington, Jun JO. (Special Tele Cram.) Th commissioner of pension has appointed Dr. C. W. Morrow member of. the pension board at Beaver City, Neb., and Dr. W, W. Sterlen at Slgourney, la. Mrs. l.eora IS. Bowler haa been ap pointed postmaster at Taylor, Loup coun V. Neb., vice Albert P. Alder, resigned. Lovely Healthy Skia KeptSoByCi-tkcra - Daily of the Soap keeps the Un fresh and clear, white tooc-a of the OtatBMnt bow and than ptav Unto akin trvabtoa baeong artooa. Do not f o fact-da tba tqial-y ecanted Otienm TsJccm Former Omahan Kkpirei at Hi Home in Indianapolis D. I., tddy, 55, formerly ton netted with the International Tim Recording company of Omaha, died at his home in Indianapolis Thurs day after a lingmiin illnr, accord ing to word recrived by lilrn Smith, Carter Lale cluh, from hi wife, who it a daughter of Mr. Eddy and who Mas c-IU-4 to Indianapolis by hi critical il!n. Hrsi.r Mr. Mtuih, he i survived by hi widow, two other daughters, Isabella and Irbel of Indianapolis, and one son, Clarence Kddy of South Bend. Ind. Funeral service and burial will be held at Indianapolis. iA national Institution ('jjjSi Jnm Coast ttCoest "l be tier ef the Tana." When Playtime Demand Sturdy Clothes Boys' Wash Suits All Sizes Boyhood's happiest hours are the playtime of sum mer and vacation days. And to get the most out of his play, the boy must have the right kind of play clothes and here you will find a selection that will meet with your approval. All the desired styles, Middy and Oliver Twist; all the wanted colors, guaranteed fast, and all the sought-for fabrics. Now Sped g)9c romningiving &(To. 15th and Douglas ta Harry H. Abbott, Mgr. NOTICE Saturday Exhibition For the benefit of the Captains of Industry as well as Farmers who have been unable to attend the Mammoth Fordson Industrial Exhibition at- 21st and Leavenworth Sts. The Show will be con tinued until 10:00 P. M. SATURDAY, JULY 1st Admission Free Everybody Invited You Will Be Entertained i Cin Q Pk ft Given Away FREE By The Omaha Bee It's easy to get the "Air Bug" set If you'll clip the coupon then let The neighbors know what you Are trying to do. Start now And soon you'll know how Much fun a boy can get From a Custer Air Bug Receiving Set. The Custer Air Bug set consists of: 1 "AIR BUG" 80 FEET COPPER WIRE' 1 TUBE INSULATOR 2 POST INSULATORS The Omala Morning Be. THE EVENING BEE toe- In Omaha Are Going Wild over the CUSTER "AIR BUG" RADIO SET With an "Air Bug" you can "listen in" on all the concerts and reports that are be ing sent broadcast several times a week by The Omaha Bee from the Omaha Grain Exchange Broadcasting Station. It's a really, truly good set, made just on purpose to receive local broadcasting. You don't have to be a radio "shark" to make the "Air Bug" work. Just string up the aerial and make all connections, and the "Air Bug" is ready. All you need to "listen in" is a pair of head phones. This set is surely a dandy, and every boy and girl in Omaha wants one. You'd better get in the swim" and earn an "Air Bug." CLIP HERE- SUBSCRIPTION BLANK Data. THE OMAHA BEE, Omaha, Nab. I want to tea. ".v.-r..- No. and Strati aarn a CUSTER AIR BUG and will assura my lit t la friend of tar support by subscribing to Tha (Morning) (E-ening) and Sunday Bee- for Three Months. 1. Name Address 2. Name Address 3. Name Address 4, Name Address .- 1 Pre-Fourth Sales of Hot Weather Apparel Dresses Worth to $25.00 at $12.75 Second 10 Dozen Oirli' Gingham Dresses; sizes 6 to 14 $3.00 values; special A Saturday at .. PXtlU 200 Voile and Organdie Dressei for the little tots; sizes 2 to 6 ; values to $2.50. Special Satur- (fci PA day, at Dl.tJU Dresses Worth Up to $12.50 at $7.50 10 dozen tissue and im ported gingham dresses; ladies' and misses' sizes and styles, all high class good fitting garments; values to dr? ffA $12.50, at . . P I eUU 150 ladies' and mis rVdrewies in import cd vffiles, iwiws, or gandies, tub ellk, ra tines and gingham f all shades, all sizes; styles fur misses and ladies. In this lot you will iind jane the dress for tho Fourth. DreKsoj in tLii Sot worth to $25. Satur- at .. $12.75 Blouses Worth to $5 92.G9 20 dozen hand made blouses in the taU . lored or lace trim med styles; voiles, batistes and ging ham trimmed ; all sizrs; values to $5.00. Saturday clean up price at ... 75 Girls White Voile and Organdie Dresses In all new, nifty styles; sizes 8 to 14 j values to $8; tjo AO Saturday at .. Pe70 Girls' Khaki Knickers and Middies Just the garments for outings of all kinds; siz es 8 to 16; spe- (JA AO cial Saturday . tP-SetO f vl U II MS $2.69 White Hats The Newest Vote In the Beaha of Millinery A veritable snowdrift of mil llnery at least one would think so at the first glanca of these beautiful white hats they have stopped at nothing to make themselves alluring. Georgette, crepe de chine, taffeta and leg horn In sport shapes and dress shapes the most striking you have ever seen $3.95 $5.00 $7.50 Sale of Sport Hats Saturday $1.95 Presenting a collection of rib bon hats, stripped felts, and novelty materials in soft sport effects with adjustable brims in white and a variety of sport col ors. Just the hat for sport or street wear. Pre-Fourth Sale of Toilet Goods This is the season for face creams and talcums. See these specials Saturday. 10c Pond's Cold Cream, small size ..239 (Oc Pond's Cold Cream, Jarre I" 3Ts) 35c Dag-get Ramsdtll's Cold Cream 25e 15c Daggett A Ramsdtll's Cold Cream , ...59 50c Ingram's Milkweed Cream. t 874 60c Creme Eleaya ........ 39 tOc Pompelan Cream .....874 65c Stain's Theatrical Cream, U lb. Jars at j, .490 SOo Luxor Cold Creme.... 874 $1.09 Krank's Lemon Cream, at 69 25c Mavis Talcums ....... 174 25c Mennen's Talcum I7e) 25c Johnson & Johnson Talcum at 174 20c Kirk's Jap Rose H4 SOc Keep Clean Hair Brushes for 394 75o Mavis Toilet Water.... 294 Omaha'i Real Man's Store Vacation Days Call for Smart Summer Clothes Stetson Hats and Stetson Shoes, Too Manhattan Shifts-a Valuable Asset to the Vacation Wardrobe b Mr vf v - if r All Ready, Men! We're Ready With Your Hot Weather Wearables Be sure to include a Hart Schaffner & Marx Dixie Weave when you pack your bag. They're just the kind of clothes you'll need for lounging around the hotel and for informal "dress up hours." , We have an unusually fine selection of these unusually fine summer clothes; glad to show "you any time. Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits for Men and Young Men .$18 and $20 Newest Sport Suits,' d1 O Cf I Two-Pant Palm C.1 Q 7tS Mohair Palm Beaches, v 1 V Beach Suita ;. , . D 1 0, D Over a Thousand Pairs Men's and Young Men's Pants $3.85 $5.00, $7.50 Values that can not be duplicated near this sale price. The materials are mohairs, tropi cals, worsteds, casslmeres. tweeds, Palm Beaches and Cool Cloths. Erery size. A Sale That Has Made Record Selling $19.75 (For Suita Worth Double the Price) Young men's Suits from Marx & Haas, St Loots a purchase involving thousands of dol larsremarkable values in the wanted weaves and models, on sale Saturday at this remark able low sale price. Do not sign this subscription blank if yon I are now a subscriber to The Omaha Bee. L ; i fStSB