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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1922)
v .Omalian Honored at Convention of Disabled Veterans J. W. Ilanbery, Omala News. pIff Man, Named ' " Senior Vice , Commander. t Sn Francisco. June JO J. W. JUnbury o( Omaha vs nmfd rni- lct rommamJcr of tlie Disabled American Veteran of tlx World War al the iiiiiiuI eonventinn ( the organisation here today. Hit to tion was by a 3 to I vote over Mylr Sweeney o( New York. Hanbury, wno it a reporter lor an omana newspaper, wi wounded at Chateau-Thierry. He was given up for toil and official funeral services for him were held in hit home city of Omaha. C Hamilton Cook of Buffalo. N. Y., wai unanimously elected national commander nf the organisation. 1're vioutly, Cook had nominated Judc Charles R. Marx of Cincinnati, the outgoing -commander, for the posi tion, but Judc Marx refund to run gain. Ralph Horr of Seattle, retiring senior vire commander, in a speech before the nnniinationi were opened, announced that he was not a can didate for office. He (aid that vari ous attacks had been made on hiin and that hs preferred to meet his traducers on an equal footing. Commander-elert Cook went over seas with the 77th division, as a captain in the 308 infantry. He was wounded as Vcsle river but after a term in the hospital returned to his unit against the advice of army phy-N lictans and was gassed in the Ar Konne. He now is in the moving picture producing bussiness in Buffalo. James A. McFarland of Dalton, Ga., was unanimously elected first junior vice commander. Minneapolis was unanimously chosen as the next convention city. Providence, R. I., the only other re maining contestant, withdrawing be fore the question was submitted to vote. It is better to do your best and ex pect the worst than do your worst and expect the best. Charlotte Ob server. DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES MORIN Mrs. 0!i. beloved wife, of Ed ward C. ate years, June IS. She ia survived, beaidee her husband, by in Infant eon, Edward, Jr.; her parenla, Mr. ' and Mre. John Jacobean; one ileter, Miss Cora Maria. Funeral from the residence of Mr. Charles E. Morin, 2IK N. lftth Bt.. Mon day, at 1:10 p. m., to Barred Heart church at S p. m. 'Interment. Holy . Repulcher cemetery. Oentlemen'a mor tuary In charge. STORtK Edwin H., passed on at Chi cago, III., June IS, ate to. . Mr. Btorla la survived by hie wife and one daughter, Edna, of Omaha; one brother, D. I. Storle, Charlton. Ia. Fu neral service from Crosby-Moore Fu- - neral Home, 24th and Wirt, Monday, July I, ISM, at 2 p. m. Interment For est Lawn cemetery. , CHEW Leo, passed on at local boapltal Thursday. June 21. 138. y Funeral services from Crosby-Moore r unvr.4 oomi, sun auu mifc iiienu, Saturday, July 1, 1922, at S p. m. In terment Forest Lawn cemetery. WEDIN Martha M-. ait 66, died at local hospital June 28. 183S. Funeral Saturday afternoon at 2:30 from N. P. Swanson'a chapel, 17th and Cuming Sts. Interment West Lawn cemetery. Friends aro welcome. STARK Delmar H., passed on at local hospital Wednesday, June 28, )2S. Funeral service Falrbury, Neb. Inter ment, Falrbury, Neb. For Information call Crosby-Moore, WE. 0047. STAFFORD Charles, passed on at local hospital June 29, 1922, age 63 years. Funeral notice Ister. For Information call Crosby-Moore. WE. 0047. CARD OF THANKS WE wish to thank our ma ivy friends, espe cially Mrs. J. H. Tipton and Mrs. Walter 8utley,for their kindness and sympathy shown during our bereavement In the audden death of our beloved husband, eon .and brother; also for the many beautiful floral offerings. Mrs. Laura Welton, H. Welton, Ralph Wclton. WE wish to thank our many friends for the beautiful floral offerings during trie rooent lllnesa and death of our husband aod father. George E. Breeden. Mrs. Ctcorge Breeden and Family. BURIAL VAULTS-CEME-TERIES AUTOMATIC aealtng concrete burial vaults Recommended and (or aale by all leading undertakers. Water proof, no ateel to rust, no wood to de ' cay. Insist upon the AUTOMATIC SEAL ING VAULT manufactured by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co . 6210 N. SOtb, Omaha. Tel. Kenwood 1077. Visit Forest Lawn A beautiful new section haa recently been opened in Forest Lawn cemetery (north of city limits). It la but wis dom to select a lot before absolute necessity compels one to do so. Send I tor oooKiet. OREST LAWN CEMETERY ASSOCIA TION. 720 Brandeia Theater Bldg. FLORISTS LEE LARMON ft?; gfi! SAT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS 4V SWOBODA. 1415 FARNAM STREET. L. HENDERSON. 1607 Farnam. JA. ISftS. JOHN BATH. 1S64 Farnam. JA. HO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., Successor to Stack Falconer OMAHA'S BEST. AyAMBULANCESVols3 Thirty-third gad Farnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertaker and Embalmera. Phono HA 03S. Office 2S11 Farnam. Hulse & Riepen, Funeral Directors. ' 2234 Cuming. CROSBY-MOORE JiW.T PERSONALS THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicit, your old clothing, furniture, magaxlne. We collect. We distribute. Phone DO. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our saw home. 111S-1112-1114 Dodge St PRIVATE rest home for aged and Ipvallda Trained nurse Is charge. Terms reaaon able. Webater 6554. t MAGNETIC baths; Violet Ray treatment wnn massages. Ill o. 19th. AT. SI81. THEATRICAL historical masque coatumea. w awq pamea, ai Laewen a, umiu. SULPHUR hatha. Swedish masaare. ehl. ropody. Evenlnga to 3. 30t 8. 30th St. KLECTRIC BATHS for nervousness. WE. 3S1L FISHER hatha, massage, lit Arthur Bldg. V BXPftBT MABSAObT. ATLANTIC SS4S. RENT vacuum cleaners. 71c. HA. IS7L Osteology treatment. Aptmt. AT. St. MASSAtSE. Emma Brett. IT1T Webater. KLBCTRO MASSAGE. Sal Neville Block. MATERN1TT HOME. HIS EmmetC sWK&T massage. SIS No. 17th, Stipulations Made for Arbor Lodge Gift N,luA City, June J9. (Sr eUU Jy Morton, who tendered Arbor Lodge in thi city to the state paik board, has announced that ther were several stipulations to the of fer which the b'urd will pretent at the next sr. ion of the legislature (or its acceptance, Following are the stipulations as contained in the agreement: 1. That the name ( J. Sterling Morton, founder of Arbor Lodue, he preserved through the acceptance by thf state of the hnmrtiean. 2. That Arhor day as a holiday be perpetuated, J. To further the art of aborcul lure. 4. To properly maintain the house and ground. 5, That in consideration of the gift of Arbor l-odge to the state, the people of Nebraska City transfer their title in Morton park to the common wealth. 6. That the state build a per manent road through the park and Arbor Lodge and intersect the Steam Wagon road, northwest of the north entrance of the Lodge. Omalia articles for saleappeal of trained men seeking work houses and BEE WANT AD RATES la pr Una aarh day, 1 or 1 days. I to psr Una .ark day, S to S daya. J Or p.r Una aarh day, T daya or lon(r. Thesa ralaa apply to Tha Sunday B.a aa wall as to Tha Mornlnc and Evsninc lira. All warkriay ariv.rtls.manls appear In both morning and waning- adltlona at Iba ona coil. Tha abova ralaa apply to Want Ada arhtta ara commonly t.rmad "publlo wanla," and do not Inrluda ad vartlslnf or (iploltlnf buainraa. THE BRB rrs.rvaa tha rlrht to dsslf nata wliat consilium a publlo want. Want Ada at tha lollowlnf Offlrni MAIN OFFICE ..17th and Farnam Sts. Houlh Slda 4StS Bouth 14th at. Council Bluffs IS Scott St. Tet.phon. AT-lantlo 1009. Call for Want Ad D.partm.nt. An ax pcrianr.d Want Ad takad will rac.lva your ad and a bill will ba mailed lalar. Tha ratea quotsd abova apply to alther charga or rash ordars. CLOSINO HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition 11:4S a. m. Morning Kdltlon S p. m. Bunday Edition S p. m. Saturday. THB MORNINQ BKK. THF! KVENINO BKE. HHB SUNDAY BEU LOST AND FOUND LOST A pollca dog. waarlng col lar bearing tho Inarriptlon, "Vernallo llsad, 1723 Dewty Ava." Finder plaaaa return tha animal and recalva reward. Walter H. Head, 3722 Dewey Ave. Har nj CSJ. LOST a brown suitcase at corner of 16th and Dougjaa Sts. Initials A. B. C. J. on each end of case. Finder please return. No questions asked. Reward. Boa H 12S, Omaha Bee. LOST Probably near Athletic club, Sat urday nlthi. black onyx bar pin. with pearls. Sentimental value only. Liberal reward. WA. 6207. PARTY known who picked up yellow fox terrier. 2K34 Farnam. Lioenae No. 6(42. Avoid trouble by returning. Har ney 6017. ATTRACTIONS PARTIES desiring conresslona at the bis 4th of July celebration at Nashville, Neb., rail Bill Arland, KE. 4112 V 1. EDUCATIONAL DASf SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry. short hand and typewriting; railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial braiicbea. Write, call or phone Jackson 156S for large Illustrated catalog. Addresa Boyles College Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WANTED Men, ladles end boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-City Barber College. Van Sant School of Bualnesa. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglaa 6890. DO you want to Increase your Income? Write the National Auto. School. 2814 N. 20th St., Omaha, for catalog. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th. Writ for catalog. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. 603 Ka roach Blk. JA. 1081. MALE HELP WANTED EX-SERVICE men wanted to sell an ex srvlcft men's magazine. H. J. Loesch, 725 Temple Court, Minneapolis, Minn. Bricklayers Wanted At on"e, $9 per day, 8 hours' work. Appiy We'.ls Bros., Construction Co., at John Mnr.'ell Plant, Ottumwa, Ia. Radio Salesmen Wanted to sell L-System. Make-A-Set outfits, Set-Aerial phones, complete $5. M. made 160 first day. Experience unnecessary. See Mr. Parkinson at Hotel Flatiron, Saturday all day. y.iIESMEN By a large publishing house, a man, 28 to 38, with selling ability, to travel in central and western states, calling on schools; preferably one who has had high school teaching experience; good salary, permanent position. Write, giv ing particulars. E. M. Moore, P. O. Box IIS, Madison St;., New York City, N. Y. Successful Representative A connection is open for a very competent salesman aa manager for the sales department covering a credit service in the state of Nebraska. The position will require a gentleman who ' haa been succesaful In making more than $5,000 per year. The plans are for building a permanent bualnesa and want someone capable of directing ether salesmen later on. AMERICAN 8ECURITY CREDIT CO., 117 North Broadway, 8t. Louis. Mo. SECRET service men, write A. W. Walker, Dist. Mgr. 10 Secret service men wanted at once. Big pay and ex penses. Easy work. A. W. Walker, P. O. Box 311, Great Bend. Kan. TINNER, plumber and radiator repair man wanted. Steady position lor xirst class mechanic. State wagea and ex perience. Denkman Hardware, Geddes, South Dakota. ! YOUNG MEN WANTED ! tit a a-rmTTT j t wain ixLiLJ io near irom one ambitions young man in each jobbing center who is able to in vest $4,000 in a most profitable and quick moving line of merchan dise. bnoum De ac quainted with druggists in this section. Address Bagby Howe Drug Co., Louisville, Ky. Wanted A single man of good addresa to travel with manager in aaverusing. crew An onoortanltv to learn aalea- manahlp. Must expect ta work, and be hie to furnish character references. See Mr. Coo it this p. m.. S to 4; S turd- may a. m.. 1 to ii. ome notei- SALESPEOPLE wanted for very profitable. permanent and pleasant wort. Training Tree. w. A. Htsennaugn. Hie fft, iiarys. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. THE GUMPS tV CltTAtNlX WVHt T "Ml WSi ncm W tOMMt fcWCfcX f CXU. - HE. COUWO WU BaVTWlNCs 3UtT8 TO THS lQUl-Ow- HE. COUlfc COavy A TUUUJ Of ' tAVtt MQ HA91S M ee MALE HELP WANTED WANTBI Flrat-clasa plsner and atlcker man for position In city. Would prefer man etperirnced In running Isrs hand reaaw. Steady employment to satisfactory . man. H-127. Me. WKAVKHS anil spinners, experienced, steady attractive work, good wages. Ap ply Portland Woolen Mills, Portland, ore FEMALE HELP WANTED WEAVERS and spinners wanted, experi enced. Steady, . attractive work, good wages. Apply Portland Woolen Mills, Portland. Ore. WOMAN Competent, wanted for general housework; reference required, S10S Capitol Ave. SITUATIONS WANTED DAT work for white woman. AT. S43S. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Get Ready for the Fourth See These BAST GRAND CHEVROLET SEDAN, REPAINTED, SPLENDID CONDITION; A BARGAIN. Others, Too FREE LICENSE WITH EACH CAR PURCHASED, Nebraska Oldsmobile Co. USED CARS THAT CAN BE USED. HOWARD .AT 18TH. AT. 1770. REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. Cash or Time. Buy or Sell. Fords, from 160 and up. Dodge, Bulcks aod others, 1101 and up Ford bodies Avlnter tops. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO.. 1318 Harney St. Central Garage. SOME bargains In used Fords: prompt delivery or. new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson Sts. DO. 3500 HUPMOBILE, late 1920 model, must be sold on or before July 3, by army of ficer, on account change of station. Cash offers only considered. Apply Headquarters, Fort Omaha. CHANDLER 1920. 7-passengef touring; perfect condition; original flnQrh; good tires, top, upholstering; a bargain, cash or terms. 2052 Farnam. DO. 8987. FOR SALE A slx-cylnder Kiasel-Kar; good running; condition; cheap for cash. HA. 1320. LOOK over our list of used cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. 205S Farnam St. AT. 7835. FORD parts. Front axle, 34; spindle, $1; front radius rod. $1. Neb. Auto and Parts Co.. 101S Harney St. FORD cara made to start first turn of crank, 3.00. While you. wait. Used Ford Car Co., 1814 Cuming St. WILL take a few good automobiles to sell on commission. Reasonable rates. HA 0800. Blackstone garage. USED Ford parts at half price. Parts for all standard make cars. Neb. Auto Parts, 10K Harney St. rKEB Inspection and water for all makes battery. Battery and Parte Co.. 241 1 Farnam St.. AT. 314. FOR SALE Electrlo car: a bargal. Glen Wilcox. 1100 E. Pierce. Council Bluffs. BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A Safe Investment. 2th and Farnam Sts. Pbone DO. 1970. USED care, worth your money. The Ne braska Oldsmobile Co., 18th aud Howard Sts. AT. j770. USED radiators, all makes for sale. Green-ou-h Radiator Repair. 203S Farnam. ASK about our 6-day Auto Repaint Serv ice. ' PFEIFFER'S, 2525 Leavenworth. BRISCOE touring, fine condition, 3150. WA. 641. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer, 613 S. 24th! ESSEX coach. 1931-2. cash. DO. 4592. NASH coupe, nearly new, JA. 0339. CLOTHING AND FURS DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool Dundee" suits, cheap, alterations free. Northwest Cor. 15th and Harney 8ta. FULL DRESS suits and Tuxedos -for rent. JA. 8128. 10 N. 16th St. I. Feldman. ARMY shoes. S2.S0. 70S No. ltth. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. Weinehl's Bakery 2913 LEAVENWORTH Saturday's Specials DANISH AND HONEY. COFFEE CAKE ORANGE CAKE ANGEL FOOD We apeacilixe on French pastries for hotels and restaurants. CURRANTS for sale at Ihm's Farm. Slat and Military Ave. Telephone WA. 198S. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TRApB your used piano on a new player piano. Balance as low as 310 per month. A. HOSPE CO., 1513 Douglss. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Omaha's Downtown Established Auction HOUSE 1509 CAPITOL AVE. Will hold a regular Friday evening autlon atarting at 7.30 p. m.. and the big week-end aale will be held Saturday afternoon at 1 p. m. Thrifty furniture buyers will find in these sslea many op portunities to aave money. Frank B. Stephenson Auctioneer. 1501 Capitol Ave. AT 1215. One.half block east of the postofflee. . ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES retailed at wholesale prices. $7S buys the best.. Phone Douglas 4423. GOLDEN oak. dining suite, good as new. HA, S082 Monday. Banal n. O THE OMAHA BEE: SATURDAY. JULY 1. 1922. SW&SVi THltO WW TO k HIC. COOi. vra A SOOIMwtVC IMOtUftt MtlH COOL wind,, facto 6015 0J tO IttR 0f U MAAlttVNlS AKt OlTw 0M A 66" want HOUSEHOLD GOODS Auction! Auction! Very eipenslv and staple furniture, runs and furnishings, from several good Omaha homos, to be sold In Dowd's Auction House 18TH AND WEBSTER STS. HATURDAY AT 1 P. M. Including a big lot of high-grade Aimlnster, Wilton Velvet and Bruaael ruga, almost all alses, very expensive overstuffed parlor aultea. In French Val our, cane Inserted parlor suites In ma hogany, 4 hlgh-grada plsnos, 1 player pianos, 3 Standard Talking machines and records. Very expensive American walnut and mahogany dining room aultes. Queen Ann and Lewis XVI period, several good oak dining room suites, mahog any davenport, tables, library tables, writing desks, one good office desk, bookcases, davenporta and duofnlda, beautiful bedroom suites. Including American walnut, mahogany and old Ivory, dressers, chiffoniers, large and taple rockers. Soveral massive brass and Simmons beds, one extra high-grade mahogany twin bedroom suite, kitchen cabinets, gas ranges, llneoleum, pictures, drapes, linens, washing machine, sewing ma chine, electric vacuum clearners, laun dry and garden tools and hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. James L. Dowd & Co. Auctioneers. If you have anything to aell call Atlantlo 0968 or Walnut 8213. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE EXPERT sawing machine repairing. MICKEL9. 15th and Harney. DO. 1973. BOTTLES New and j used Nathan 8telnberg. 101 S Harney. Do. (ISO. HOT air furnace for sale. JA. 2042. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT SCREENINGS, 11.60 per 100 lba. A. W. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. JA. 1142. STORE & OFFICE EQUIPMENT TYPEWRITERS AND All MAKES bought, sold, rented ana repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our pricea before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. ' Central Typewriter Exc, JA. 412. 1912 Farnam. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc., Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., 8. W. Cor. 11th and Douslas. JA. 2724. BUSINESS CHANCES AUTO business; town property for sal consisting of good house, modern garage, two lots; fine location on G. R. High way. Complete stock of tires, tubes snd accessories. Light plant, 110 volt lights the town. 11,800 stock and fixtures. $1,600 cash down, balance subject to long mortgage. Chance for someone, to pay as you go. We do an enromoua business. Kills Auto Garage, Kills. weD, FOR SALE Medium-sized stock of hard ware, furniture and undertaking. In northeastern Nebraska town. Clean stock. Can sell either line separately. Have other Interests. For further par tlculara address Y-1937, Omaha Bee. 18 ROOM ROOMING HOUSE. Brick bldg., steam heat, lease, S75 rent, filled with men roomers, money maker. $2,800. No phone calls answered, deal with owner. 724 North 18th. MEAT market for sale in town of BOO population. First claas market; good farming locality; doing a fine business. For further information address Y-1935, Omaha Bee. CANDY STORE, Including fixtures and stock, for sale at bargain, with lease. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO., 1320 Farnam St. JA. 0564. For Sale Boauty parlor, equipment new and very reasonable; will give free Deauty course to buyer. Box 181 Genoa, Neb. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION, aide, knife, box pleating, covered buttons, all styles; hemstitch ing, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button Pleating Co., 308 Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA. 1936. NEB. PLEATING Zm'X: ed Buttons. 1806 Farnam, 2d Floor. DO. 6670. CHIROPRACTORS. PaTlcrm A. N., Chiropractor, SOS jaribUll paxton block. AT. S747. WE. 6929. Office hra.. 11 a. tn.-6:30 p. m. CONTRACTORS. GARAGES built, any style and site, S100 up. Concrete work. Mlcklln Lumber Wrecking Co. Tel. WE. (651. DANCING ACADEMIES. LEARN to dance; summer classes; 10 les sons, $4. Keep's, 1818 Farnam. DO. S440. DENTIST8. DENTAL X-RAYS. 50 each, $3 a full set. 61S Securities Bldg.. 16th snd Farnam. Dr. R. R Page, Dentist, 642 World-Her-old Bldg. Of. AT. 0661. Eve. KE. 0772. DETECTIVES. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway ux. mag., ja. zue; nignt, KE. 3812. Independent Detective Bureau, 804 Neville Blk. AT. 6501; night, WA. 4045; KE. 046S JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured in all cases AT. 1136. DRESSMAKING. Embroidering, dressmaking. AT. 3717. FURRIERS. JjTTTJC remodeled, rellned, cleaned. U XVO . Kneeter Alaska Fur Co., 503 So 1Mb St. DO. 783. KODAK FIN18HING. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Ensign Co.. 1607 Howard St. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney. 1712 uoage, room zos. Also Washington, v. C. 1 help Inventors sell their patents. OSTEOPATHS. DR. MABEL WESSON, Osteopath, 43 World-Herald Bldg. . At 2360. Ja. C72S. PRINTING. SDDY Printing; Co. SIS SX IS St. Do. SS4t. PAINT AND PAPER HANGING. P. THIESSEN. painting and paperhs ag ing, $5 to SS per room, Including; pa per. Beet work. AT. 27J9. LUPTON Painter; Inside work a spe cialty; cheap for casn AT. S717, IN THE GOOD OLD SUMMERTIME A 6v" UMli A 'GOOfr tvfSvartMtHt NTM SvvtVt tltt hi of- 0O A Ttca' Tfc Pt6T. "fcxiS te OLL- BOX 5 A LOT Of CVOCOUt Wt - Mb T8MN WfU HVCt WABM apartments for rent in m 1 i f (Ad .lii r i j i rjn i it jfi i m w m a esaaa w. things. They are always at your BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS WKDDINO STATIONERY. WEDDING Invitations and announcements printed or engraved; eamplea sent upon request. Brandels Printing department. MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENT!. DIAMONDS pMn'M. to buy hack at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., Omuha, Neb., 40 N. lain HI. Teiepnone im, ovi OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over In new ticks at half price of new beds. Pillows renovated and made up In new feather proof ticking. Old bed ticks washed. 1907 Cuming. JA. I4S7. DR. Loots N. Sinernoff. diseases of women and children. SIS N. 21st St. AT. 8768. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the S Sherman ft McConnell Drug stores. WANT TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New deski, used deaks bought, sold an4 traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. AT. S14S. Call WE. 6441 flrat We pay more for furniture, rugs, stoves, clothes. ROOMING HOUSES. ROOMING house for sale: 10 rooms of beautiful furniture; good home and good Income. HA. 3330. ROOMS FOR RENT GET YOUR ROOM through The Bee furnished room di rectory. Call at office for list of choice desirable rooms In all parts of the city. A service that benefits both advertiser and room seeker. CLAREMONT HOTEL, on 17th, near Jackson, DO. 2736, Reoms and kitchen ette apartmenta. Comfortable and rea- i eonable. Inquire for rates, HANSCOM Park District Pleasant aouth eaat room, 3 windows, all the comforts of a home: private family. Har. 1088. HOTEL SANDFORD, 19th and Farnam. HOTEL HENSHAW. 16th and Farnam. Special rates to permanent guests. FARNAM ST., 2501 Desirable summer room, suitable for two. Choice location, close to business district. AT. 8996. FURN. rmi. with prlv. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; pricea reasonable, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. DESIRABLE rooms for two or three young men. Phone Harney 4643 after 6 p. m., Saturday afternoons or Sunday. UNFURNISHED room for light house keeping, close in. strictly modern, rea aonable rent. Call AT. 3250. hquskeepingrooms THE GUIDE TO ' the better housekeeping rooms la the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for free copy containing desirable vacancies In al) parts of the city. TWENTY-THIRD ST, 3631 S. Two nice large rooms, three-room conveniences, modern home; nice location. MA. 47S2. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Fine furniture cheap. Fine rooms. Close-in. JA. 0652. 2019 California St. SIXTEENTH ST.. 606 N. 3-room apt., for light housekeeping; also two sleeping rooms. AT. 4101. TEL. AT. 9168 2 modern connecting clean rooms, very desirable, close in. FARNAM St.. '2063 Choice Apts.. close-in. BOARDAN D RO O'M TEL. HA. 4604 Hanscom Park dist., beau tiful S. E. rooms,' modern, private home, on car line, with or without board. CAPITOL AVE.. 2887 Private family. good room and boand for two; walking distance. PARK AVE., 810 Attractive room, fur nlshed for 2. Excellent table. HA. 0765. 2417 DODGE Cool room with good board for man and wife employed. AT. 2689. HOUSES FOR RENT NICE 6-room house, modern except fur nace. Reasonable to small family. Call WAL 1938 after 6 p. m. VERY nice 6-room house, newly decorat ed. Bath and garage, $35. 2023 Pierce. AT. 2826 and AT. 0274. FINE 7-rm. house, unfurnished, all mod.; shady yard. 5134 N. 23d. KE. 1826. FURNISHED HOUSES HA. 4311 eve. and Sun.; AT. 6027 Sat. Five large, cool rooms, elegantly fur nished. Reasonable to responsible party. Walking distance. , TWO rooms, either vacant or nicely fur nished; good inside and out. 3727 North 44th. Call Eagle Shoe Repair, 2234 Far nam. TEL. HA. 0336 Furnished house for the summer, 7 -rooms, sleeping porch and garage, $100 month, references required. PERMANENT couple to share widow's home in Dundee; everything furnished. Call after 6 o'clock. WA. 4840. APAWMENTTyORnRENT Apartments 6 Rooms No. 9, Georgia, 1040 South 29th Street ...$65.00 4 Rooms No. 2, Troy, 3009 Harney. 57.60 4 Rooms No. 17, Flo-Les, 20th and Capitol Ave 61.50 5 Rooms No. 16, Kingsborough, 2538 Dodge Street 65.00 S Rooms No. S, Kingsborough, 2538 Dodg- Street 53.00 Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam Bf. TURNER COURT. Very desirable and cool 3-room apt. with 6-room accommodations. Oppo site boulevard and Turner park; 1 block to main garage and car line. O. M. HAUSER, Mgr. 3102 Dodge St. HA 7140. HAMILTON HOTEL Farnam at 24th. Fine sub-baaement apartment wtth 4 rooms and bath; good condition and very desirable at a reasonable rental. FIVE-ROOM APT.. Ben Bolt, 44th and Dodge, about July L South and west exposure; rent $100 per month. WA. OlGi. ' Peters Trust Company, - WHERE OMAHA RENTS. IO Q room modem apartmenta. THE M DRAKJi RENTAL AGENCY. 1701 Howard St. AT. S708. JA. 2806. COMFORT all seasons; screened sleeping porches: S or 4-roora apts. SloyN. 23d. MODERN 4 and T rooms; low rent, closs la, a P. Stebblns, 1410 Chicago. , 1 I TtMi STICKS Ht I cvtE VIMOCXO ro K wttATH Or Twr. itt tHSimiw. r lMOisJN6 . Cmfcin. AT WIM- OU- A UTTV.C BOOM IN THC HOTIV, JtfT TMt 8Q0V- THt 'WOX SH Smniv OH ACL M I0ft AN HtUt IT ABOWT tfCtOtac- A UTTU BRA'S 3 8tt- A AATTtt 9Turrt, y, PfcTRtfttO l.vtN(i BLOCrTTi- A HCt L"Ttt,t Ptt taJtTV THC titMK.UVT., AV.U Of ARROHAHT Trit ONty TVIW6S TOU CAH oraaiiiiii iums m fact, they convey valuable, authentic information about scores of command. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. HAMILTON HOTEL Farnam at 24th. One room, with kitchenette and fifth. Two rooms, with kitchenette and Tlath. All completely furnished, including gas a,nd light. A SATISFACTORY TLACE TO LIVE. HUNTER INN Home for the traveling man to leave his wife Ml comfort and safety. 240$ Dodge St. NEW, unfurnished, cool, airy, light 3, 4 and 6-room Apts, strictly modern; one block Crosstown car, H block park and bathing pool, 2214 I) street. MA. 3004; ONE 3-rooin with 6-room accommodations, furnished npt., for 3 months. O. sr. 1IAUSEK. 8102 Dodge St. HA. 7140. COMFORTABLE 4 -room, furnished apart ment; southeast exposure. Kunaue. Phone Walnut 0156. TWO AND THREE-ROOM apartments, Drown apartments, 608 North 21st St, AT. 7449. BEAUTIFUL 6-room unfurnished apart ment. Chula Vista. 30th and Poppleton; $0. HA. 4336. MOVING AND STORAGE iTTn iVT TTV KTOHAois J. liUUl X A. & VAN CO. MOVINO PACK INd STORAGE SHIPPINO. Household Goods and Pianos. Reduced Rates This Week to LOS ANGELES and CHICAGO. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackson 02S8. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked. rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 80 south itn. u". ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving Contracts taken on Job or hr. Globe Van Storage Co.. JA. 432$. AT. 0230. 520-24 North lith Bt. TO SAVE MONEY ON HAULING CALL BINGO TKANSICEH. UUUU. OSBJ. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT OFFICES FOR RENT. Tel. JA. 4120 Excellent store room, ground floor; also desk and window display apace on Farnam St. Good lo cation. NICE light office, low rent, located on Farnam; telephone and atenographlo service If desired, call at. mi, SUITE of offices facing Farnam St. Very desirable for two doctors. Apply 4uu First Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR RENT Choice small office facing elevator, Apply 400 First Nat. Bank Biag. FIREPROOF daylight building for rent; 1 to 6 individual floors, wis. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO., 11th and Jones St. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE WE have cash on hand tu lpan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE, INC. 638 Keeline Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CU 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 2716. $100 TO $10,000 loans made promptly. F. D. WEAD and D. H. BOWMAN. 310 S. 18th St. Wead Bldg. At. 0151. Farm Loans Neb. farma, ranches. Kloke Investment Co.. 846 Om. Nat 1 bk. FIRST mortgage loans made promptly on Omana real estate, Shopen & Co.. Realtors. JA. 4228. 234 Keeline Bldg. ON IMP. PROPERTY. NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS., 645 OMAHA NAT Bldg. BONDS, STOCKS, MORTGAGES Liberty Bonds StBt J. H. MITHEN pays most for LIBERTY BONDS. 821 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. COLORADO LANDS. COLORADO land, 282 acres, Lincoln Co. Cheap for quick sale. Addresa John M. Hill, Cherokee. Ia, WISCONSIN LANDS. 80 ACRES good, heavy, level, hardwood, fruit land, six miles west of Bay field, Wis., $15 per acre. Inquire of wm. Bushey, Spooner, Wis. NEBRASKA LANDS Douglas County Farm Buy From Owner 160 acres ONLY 3 miles west of Omaha, ONE AND HALF MILES from paved street On main road which is slated for paving next year, 30 acres now in ALFALFA, 10 acres wild hay, 10 acres pasture. Balance in corn. Im provements NEW and of the very best material and construction, all In fine shape. EIGHT-ROOM" SQUARE HOUSE WITH LARGE SOUTH AND EAST PORCH and SCREENED-IN SLEEP ING PORCH. Nice blue grass lawn, Fine shrubbery and shade trees. Nice garden with plenty of grapes, cherries, currants and plums. . Over 100 feet of concrete walk and a 300-barrel cistern with pump in kitchen. Fine solid brick froit cellar. COW BARN WITH 26 STANCHIONS, HOLDS 60 TONS HAY; HOUSE BARN for 20 horses or 10 head horses, balance cattle. Holda 30 tons hay. Large machine barn and large hog house with cement floor. Large dou ble corn crib and granary for 6.000 bushels. Cement block garage with carpenter shop above. Chicken bouse for 1,000 chickens, cement floor. Sum mer house with chimney, amoke house. Wood and coal house and barn, 4 wells and wind mill. FARMER OWNER TURNED DOWN $275 AN ACRE FOR THIS rFARM IN 1914. 1 am moving to the coast and have sold my home and will aell this farm, for 8100 an acre leas than 1t Is worth today. $4,000 cash now, $8, S00 eaah next March. Balance terms. I will sell this In 80-acre tracts If deeired. terms accordingly. This la a fine dairy aod hog farm. , S. S. Montgomery S7S Brandeia Theater Bids.' Omaha, Na Drawn for ( 0H 0 "WOte HU OtfT lf.H M. HOTCV H JWLY PUT OH H Miv.f B0ftRO TO TVt tACVA- JUT I im-a Yuanunur'. A al A UAV SfCWt- Af wcntL vveiga4ti x imi cwmk. A0ONl To tt?ltAT ROsAwC WM- TWCMIN 00 T COMtl WMt Aft A lt)T 05 STT TO VltS NEBRASKA LANDS Do You Want to Buy Land? Tell the number of sores desired, whether Improved or unimproved, loca tion preferred, amount you will pay down, etc, and I will asslat you In lo cating such a farm or ranch as you are seeking. I have no land of my own to aell, nor do 1 represent any land sell ing eomoany. My axalatanre In locat ing a farm or ranch for you ta free. Write Homeflnder, BoxY-182S. Omaha Bee. IARHQ Write M. A. Larson, Central AXViUO city, Neb., your wants for acreage iracta, farma. WANTED REAL ESTATE HOMES for sale. APTS. for rent W. J. Palmer Co., Real Estate Management Specialists. Keeline Bldg AT. 880. List yrur home Buy your home, BINDER & OTIS. Real Estate, Loana. Rentals, JA. 2581. To buy or aell Omaha Real Butate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. JA. 142$. Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance. 1603 City Nat. Bk. AT. SSSS. Reed & Co., Real Estate and Insurance. 1207 Farnam St - Phone AT. 614S. PPTT17TTP Realty Co. List with UIvUlliJMlVJ us for quick results 1418 First Nst't Bk. Bldg. JA. 1SSS. TTPT'l7,Trr REAL ESTATE JJirvxVJJj X i. sell". Rents, Insures. 350 Peters Trust Bldg.. JA. STRAIGHT 6-year loans, 6H per cent AMOS GRANT CO., 201 S 18th, Arthur Bldg, AT. 8380. GEO. T. PORTER CO. Real Estate. Rentals. Insurance. 105 South 18th. , AT. SSSS. NEW homes, completely financed. Pay like rent. C. T. SPIER CO., Realtors, $04 Peters Trust Bldg. DO. 4867. AT-Lantlc 1111 mean HOME REALTY CO., 1019-20 W. O. W. Bldg. We buy and aell Omaha home. WANT S or 7-room, well located. In Dun dee, by the first: have cash. Box 121, Omaha Bee. LIST your homes for sale with us. We have the customers. PAYNE INVEST MENT CO. GROVE-HIBBARD CO., modern houses. 526 By. Exchg. Bldg. AT' 49S6. LIST your property with R. D. Clark Co?. Securltiea Bldg. LIST your property with W. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam St. Equitable Trust Co. Realtora. AT. 2945. Western Real Estate Co JA. 3607. ACREAGE FOR SALE 2,2 Acres $1,450 Located on 60th street, five blocks south of Center streetecar. This is your last chance to buy cioge-ln acreage. The Byron Reed Company DO 0297. 1612 Farnam St Fronts south on the Blvd. at 14th St. Easy terms. AT. 8428. VACANT, PROPERTY $25 DOWN $5 MONTH Fine corner lot, facing south and east, sewer and water in street; near car, $450. H. S. MANVILLE, Realtor. AT. 2403 615 Peters Trust Bldg. Ralston Lots unt SS payments. I hone Stewart, Ralston 10-W. DUNDEE lot. 60x126, on 54th St., near Farnam; choice lot; will consider reas. offer. C. A. Grlmmel, Phone JA. 1615. OWNER will sell three lots 36th St. and boulevard. Kenwood Addition. Very cheap. Address Y-1934. Omaha Bee. WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lots In Edgewood; very easy terms Atlantlo 3640. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY Exceptional Value $4,850 Brand hew bungalow. Well built and finely finished. Five extra fine rooms on one floor. Attic and full cemented base ment. Paved street. Close to car and school. Easy terms. Sunday and eve nings call Grant Benson, Walnut 1580. Benson & Carmcihael 642 Paxton Block. AT. 3540. Tukey Organizes a New Company to Purchase Second Mortgages If. We are now ready to purchase second mort gages of any amount, secured by Omaha real estate, at a reasonable discount. We do not make new second loans, but pur . chase solely those already made. Parties wishing &e use of their money, which is now tied up in such paper, will find a market for same with this company. , TUKEY COMPANY 620 First Nat Bank Bldg. JA ckson 422& 17 Th Be by Sidney Smith' MV THAT TVWO TMAK T . H UL- Ba,Tt&.i 1MT:VUK CA CAMO AND WOT SVtHO TWl UT 6f TWO WVtK Vtt trATrt A COAT OF TAN 0.l UNtN ANw VOf 50 A0te TOR. A TWO HI t VACATIONS NORTH SIDE PROPERTY Kountze Place Living room, sun, dining room, kitch en refrigerator room, and bath, first floor; two large bedrooms and lava lory, second floor. 'k down, enamel up. Oak floors. Full lasement Hot air furnace. Corner lot. Parage. Shrubbery. Hansen Investment Co. 1114-1$ Dnuglaf. Atlantic 006$. Barerain 7 Rooms, Modern, $4,000 will ronsmer even icA it .iu Located on Franklin Just SSFst of 24th St. House In good repair. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., JA. 0564. 1320 Farnam. VICTOR AVENUE. Six rooms all on one floor; S finished In oak and 3 In enamel; Just decorated and painted 2 coats; almost aa good as new; south front; paving all paid; now vacant. About $860 cash will do, balanoe to suit. RASP BROS., tH Keeline Bldg.. AT. 0721. FIVE rooms, up-to-date In every way: Just completed. In Mlnne Luna, near car line and Miller park. Only $5,500, and smell payment. Glover & Morell AT. 862J. 702-704 Keeline Bldg. J-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. A bargain, beautiful location in West Port. Oak floors, oak fin., full cemented basement, only 2 years old. but Just rr decorated. $500 cash. Balancy easy,, Call evenings. AT. 694T. 3336 CAMDEN Ave., S rooms, modern with half acre of fruit $1,000 cash, balance monthly. 60$ Bee Bldg. JA. 0200, GOOD aix-room house, oak finish, double garage and drive, good lot, fine loca tion. KE. 0460. . D. E, JJUCK A CO. buy and aell homes. SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY 3053 8. S4TH ST. 8lx-room bungalow,. $7,260. C. a. Carlberg. Realtor, 312 Brandels Theater Bldg. JA, 0686. W.'iST SIDE PROPERTY 438 N. 38th Ave. -West Farnam Cathedral District We have Just listed this home at a price aurprtsingly low, considering lo cation. Slxe It up today, but arrange with us for Inspection. This ta eight rooms, all modern; four bedrooms, all in good repair. Price for quick sale, $8,00. Qlover & Spain Realtors. '! Jackson 2850. 818-50 City National:! Brick Home Near Bemis' Park Five rooms on one floor, all modern, south front, lot 60x128, 4-car garage, beautiful shrubbery, fruit, trees and, shade, two blocks from car and school,. ' Price reduced to $4,750; $1,000 csah, balanco $40 per month. Eve. Call Booth, V.'al. 5008, Mead, AT 6960. Schroeder Investment Co. JA 3261. BENSON PROPERTY FRUIT FARM In West Benson we have a 2-acre fruit farm with a new bungalow, con sisting of 4 rooms and a sleeping porch. The land has about 16 fruit trees, one fourth aere of strawberries, sonsiderable raspberries and garden. . This is the Ideal place for the man In hg office wishing evening recreation anff a good living. We are asking $4,600 for this, with a first payment of $900. For fur ther Information call Mr. Hanson, WA. 1189, or offic, open to 9 p. m. AMOS GRANT CO.. REALTORS. AT. 8380. 210 8. 18th, Ground Floor. DUNDEE PROPERTY $9,500 TERMS. ; This very desirable home Is located In Dundee Just one block from car. It is surrounded by some of the flneat homes in Dundee. The house is built on a Isrge lot and contains 7 large rooms. Among the numerous features are Its shrubbery; flowers and well kept lawn. Splendid heating plant. Inspection by appoint ment only. Eve., call WA. 5032. J. L. HIATT CO., Jesse L. Hlatt, First Nat. Bank Bldg. AT. MOO. FLORENCE PROPERTY NETHAWAY sells and trades KE. 14SS.. MISCELLANEOUS - PROPERTY C E. BELMAN. real estate, ins. AT. SSSS. t I .'i 1 4