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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1923)
RED GLOUDv NEBRASKA, CHIEF fHE RED CLOUD CHIEFS ried Cloud, Nobrnsktx i r3 PI IOKNIX HOSIERY tK... ROBES and BLMNfc&TS I now have a nice c.c.fortment of ROBES and BLANKETS Better get yours before they are oil picked over. Cot my prices on anything In tho Harness Lino before buying. LEE R. WALKER r CRT TtT'l " S3 U' 'HLIMIhU I'WY.M 'JiIl'R.SLM "$ inJkTit7,'3il'ye7fc iA ' W ltS 4f ! t3 i QUVjJU JUIMI hktpiI In tlii' l'oMolllrc nt Hetl lonrt.Nrli .is Hccontl Class Matter' icdunraKnanRravrBii A.B. MoAUTIJUH, Kd! tor and Owner TL M ... i? . immiEiiinm COAL WE CARRY IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES THE FOLLOWING COAL MAITLAND LUMP ROCK SPRINGS LUMP PHONE US FOR PRICES BEFORE BUYING. WE SELL FOR CASH, THAT'S WHY WE CAN SELL CHEAPER Farmers' Elevator mrainiiniiKiin Advertsing Rates Foreign, per column Inch 15c Local, l12J,tl5 LOCAL ITEMS OF THIRTY YEARS AGO j-rs ", W2U " C fZv dam fSlSfif Kodak as you go All roads lead to pictures and pictures lead to our Kodak counter. :" Finishing service that pleases, and Kodak Film in any size arc here for , your use. . ftirts1 '" S ,' ZfAU Autographic Kodaks $6.50 up. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optcmetrist 4 . .- ' ' -. -wrjWifcCWV.I 1 !. J Yg;KTin TriiTj'T'''avSf WWS Once in a Lifetime ihc average family buys a really good range. C Among the "really good ranges," as with everything else, there is one that towers above the rest; one scientifically built to give years additional service; one with a finer finish that makes cleaning it a pleasure. That one is the best and that is the Copper-Clad. Made in'Four Beautiful fin ishes: Gun Metal Blue White, Blue or Gray Porcelain Enamel. We sell 'em. Come in and let us explain. WE GIVE S. & II. GREEN STAMPS li Miss Edith MeKelghun lias returned liotne from Washington, D. C. Henry C. Scott, who has been tnkirg in tho world's fair and visiting friends in Illinois has returned home. Norman Morrison, grandson of I). F. Scamtnou of Itavepna Is in lied Cloud whuro he will remain for tho winter and attend .school. Allie Albright is on the sick list. Den Lindsoy has returned homo from an extended trip to New York, Illinois and other states imbued with the idea that no other state lias the in. (lueeineut to live in that has tho grout state of Nebraska. 20 YEARS AGO Miss Nellie Sherman is home from L'ncolu. Will ICi.i'f eanif down from Kivorton Sittii'iluv. Jnuiei Mitchell was down from Me Cook the llistot the week. Holt 1111 Lttsoti had the misfoituue to dwlucittu his knee-cap 'rui'sday while playing "pull-uwiiy" at the high sehoo'. 10 YKA1LS AGO Prof. Morltz rotm nod home Snturdi y from Oiimlui. Mr. nud Mrs. Phil Trout spent dim diy in .MeCook. I)r S,uideroti and wife have moved Into l)i. doiin-.' residence. Mrs. lleo. Warren and daughter have Mis. Ned Grimes and uhitdieu left t'us morning for Lincoln to visit rula- ti Vl'S. Miss tiertrude Coon teturneJ home 1 10 last of the week from Omaha wl eio she.had b en attending the state toiio' . frs' meeting. , A For the last eight days Central Nebraska's Greatest Store has been a mighty humdrum and whirl o! extensive business. Hords of people crowd the aisles in eagerness to reap the many special offers now laid on the num erous counters. Have you received your share? Have you fully benefitted from this great affair? The excitement will all end at Nine O'clock Saturday Evening The last day the biggest day, be here by all means, you will be surprised at the greatness of this event. STORE HOURS FOR SATURDAY 8:00 a. m. to 9:00 p. m. ffle Pries to All We Give S. & &2 Green Trading Stamps n Aiuuf-i -- T.""1"' "J " MMMMMMwlf PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS 2 -r A h8 II GEO. W. TRINE tBtWuoa vm wow. mm-(&m aohjm4uJi yl-'.YR.M HUKKAU NOT12S (l!y H. P. Kauscli, County Agent) Webster county swine breeders met Saturday afternoon. They will hold n fourth annual boar snlc Saturday, November 17th at lied CJloud, selling Ufi Durocs and 25 Polands. Thco arc the best hunch of boars ever of fered for sale. A real opportunity for breeders and farmers to get a boar. 13oars offered have won prize aL Fairs. Choice boars consigned by follow-'ng breeders: E. A. Sommcrfelt, Blue Hill C. L. Frnsticr, Hetl Cloud; C W. .lolm soii, Guide Hock; Win. Arndt, Blue Hill; M. Hunsieker, Hetl Cloud; Henry Fausrli, Guide Hock; Alex Uucliow, Uluc Hill; Oscar Lea, lied Cloud, Logan Ohmstede, Guide Hock; Geo. inack, lied Cloud and J. II. Kellogg. Red Cloud. Pure llrcd bog sales arc not goinir good this fall, as is usually the ease, u'li'ii t'no market price of hogs ja 'o'i. I'armers arc not liposcd to ray veiy strong prices for breeding stock when tho packers are not pay 'ng -ttong prices for fat stock. This i." a very ltatuvtl and casil; understood condition ard yet it .is entirely illogical. It s when hogs are cheap that breeders should be looking for high clas , pure hrctl atii- miils to build u and imprive thch herds. Whei hog- :u-e bri-ging good prices on the market the pure bred mon hardly have enough animals on hand to meet the demand from the country and they sell high. Just as sure as fate tho hog mark et will re-act after tho present deluge of pork is over. It always has. The time to secure pure bred foundation stock is right now, not after the prices have gone up. """"I" mm ' '' '"" n ' " "ll,,ll",'i " n 1 1'" mi it? , j CTJiamimiBJiiiiiciimomiiima! MEN YOU MAY MARRY jj By E. R. PEYSER I Has a Galoot Like This Proponed 1 to You? Symptoms: Ho dreams idle very Idle dreams. He walks among the cloud. He talks as I if through tissue paper nnd parts his hair wherever fancy dictates. His IJttle patent leather slip- P pers are (liullngH. He Is one 1 little sweetheart. Ho really Is. Ho loves old-fashioned poetry. Modern paintings he fears ho- cause they are "mtite glaring." I IN FACT I This Is a modest and retiring soul a soul of souls. I Prescription for Hi3 Bride: y Outer to him early and $ yc late, hut don't forget t your own soul catering to his. Absorb This: MARRIAGE IS LIKE A PAIR f OF HIGH-CLASS SHOES: M i TWO SO(U)LES ARE NEC I ESSARY. B ( by McCluro Newspaper Syndicate.) " ,3 iUuK!iiiii!u:iiini,iiiii:ii n mijui mi i iin'imjui njin m au rwiiiiiriaiS CITY COUNCIL HOLDS KKGULAH MONTHLY MEETING TJiciu ANNOUNCEMENT Webster County Bank WE WISH to announce that we have opened up a sav ings department in our h.nnk fnr tlm nso of thn rhilfl ren. adults and every one. Thrift r.r.c! savina is something that has been neglected. I We kindly invite you to take advantage of this sav- ings idea and make this your banking home with your I savings no matter how small, you are alwas welcome. f a A saver is a hustler and we are for both. Bank with I us and you can bank on us. I a We welcome every child in the community to become a customer of this new department. j THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK j 1 MCTMiHram LP BAPTIST ; " Bible hchool Ht 10 u. in. Morning service at 11 u in., Subject: "Joyful Subjects of u Glorious King." This church unites in the Union Armistle Service on Sunduy evening, uml in the Union Evnugelistlu services during the next three weeks. There will be Evangelistic mootlngs in this ohuicli five evenings next week, be ginning Monday evening. The sor- mans otoh evening to be delivered by Mis II. O Wilcox The most cordial Invitation is given to all. The weekly meeting for Bible htti-ly will be on NVduoMluy evening at OITi, a' the elinith, ut wluoh all Uml'1um. Id tlix Bible school arc expoctel. C'tid'nil welcome. I. W. EPSON, Pastor. Mayor Mary Peterson called the Council together, in regular session, on Tuesday evening with all members prose, it. The minutes of the October meet ings were read and approved and the report of the City Treasurer pre sented and ordered placed on file. 1 he committee reported they had not been able to get the firemen to the e..i'ts : et. Cliri ty and Hoffman were appoint ed a; a romm'tleo to investigate the rnorJes of "Hell's Half Acre". A motlo ' was made and seconded t mt the clerk be instructed to draw a warrant to pay paving tix now due on city protorty to the amount of SGU0. Carried. Superintendent Bn-.rd advised the plr.c'i g oi' two traffic lights at tho intersection of Fourth Avenue and Seward street, on account of the narrow intersection. Tho following claims were allowed II M. Beard W. A Patten Ghas. Whitaker .. Bert Anderson Mabel Albright Lawrence Doyle Robt. Wishone - S. II. Floratice Mabel Albright . Morhart Bros. Geo. W. Trine ... Grover C:ry .. Frank Cltiusoa Smith Bros Nebr. Mch. & Supply Co, Crane Co Standard Oil Co B. B. Electrical Co. .. . Interstate Mch & Sup. McG.raw Go Korsmcycr Co Line Material Co Sinclar Refininir Co. ... Johnson Oil Refin. Co. 183 69 $150 00 - 110 00 ... 100 00 . . 90 00 .... 30 00 .. 90 00 .... 75 00 .... G98 41 .... 17 45 .... 141 80 G G5 .... 89 70 18 GO .. 49 4G .... 1G 95 17 58 . 439 73 .... 10 45 ... G 72 ... 2 50 !IG 81 8 89 .... 5 50 Co. Fairbanks Morse Co. Midwest Elec. Co. PJarvc Hartman .. Virgil Huff .. Jim Je sen 2GG 25 100 43 3 00 3 00 3 00 Marctut McConkey ......a Gl GO S. T. Mountford - lu l" I). P. Bell 1 20 Clyde Ftwzier . .- - 1 80 John Wilson . . - 7 50 Lew Simpson .. 3 &(1 r T. Sm'th 2 00 Chns. Barrett 1 Globe Indemnity Co. . 10 81 On motion Cotncil adjourned. CLARISSA MAYNARU, City Clerk txuqjaaaiagsraaaasztuMxmiaxaiariarse txisx CALIFORNIA DAYS il ARE WARM AND SUNNY. NIGHTS ARE JUST COM FORTABYL COOL. RIGHT NOW FOLKS OUT THERE ARE MOTORING OVER PERFECT HIGHWAYS, PLAYING GOLF, TENNIS, SPENDING HAPPY HOURS AT THE BEACHES. OR EXERIENOING THE JOYOUS THRILLS WHICH ACCOMPANY MOUNTAIN CLIMBING. PLAN TO GO OUT THIS WINTER. I CAN SELL YOU ROUND Till.1 EXCURSION TICKETS VIA THE ALL YEAR SCENIC ROUTE THROUGH DENVER, COLO RADO SPRINGS, THE ROYAL GORGE, SALT LAKE CITY, LOS ANGELES, AND SAN FRANCIS' O, RE '1UH1NG DIRECT OR (BETTER STILL) VIA THE GREAT PACIFIC NORTHWEST PORTLAND, TA CO.MA, SEATTLE, SPOKANE THE AMERICAN WONDERLAND. THE BURLINGTON OFFERS THE HIGHEST TYPE OF TRAIN SERVICE VIA THE MOST ATTRACTIVE ROUTE. MODERN EQUIPMENT; CONVENIENT, DEPENDABLE SCHEDULES; FAMOUS MEALS. I'M HERE TO ASSIST YOU WITH YOUR PLANS AND MAKE YOUR PULLMAN RESERVATIONS. MAKE USE OF ME. tki ill .ip. e "Wl! N. B.BUSH Ticket Agent. Yes, Garber's Is The Place! To Buy Wall Paper, Paints, And Electrical Supplies. The best place for Picture Framing. Hanson Laundry Under New Management II you have never known the satisfaction of having your Laun dry work done by us, now is a Rood time to try it. Phone us and our wafjon will call. We do Ruff Dry Finish and Wet Wash j Ray Card iU