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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1923)
-V tjuiu utivotiuni aoihiy VOLUME 51 Dress up for Thanksgiving . A HART SCHAFFNER & MARX SUIT or O'GOAT 927. SO to 45 YOU'LL GET GOOD STYLE and COMFORT YOU GET THE BEST WOOLENS YOU'LL GET ECONOMY THAT COMES FROM LONG WEAR ' REME3ER WT SEL.. NOTHING BUT' WELL --KNOWN LINES OF MERCHANDISE AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE W. G. Hamilton CIo. Co. ""ir - W.V -; I. T. AMACK I. T. AMACK CO. MORTUARY Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Prompt and careful attention given to this kind of work. "Service" our motto. UP-TO-DATE AUTO HEARSE BOTH PHONES 8 Mr Hi, V service si :er. SCHAAF & FUNERAL Licensed Embalmer in Bell80. - For The Best of CoaJ I See I I The Malone Take abvantage of Bargains . m "q E.V.STEINER ! RED CLOUD, NEB TURNER HONE Nebraska and Kansas - Ind. 12 Ox i Us - Gellatly Co. offered by Our Merchants 'A NeuMfrer That Qlres The News FITty-twi Weeks Each Tear Fr 11.50 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. NOVEMBER 15. 1923 Big Musical Comedy Coming Union Evangelistic Meeting i Mrs. A. J. White Dies ' George B Wlntz, producer of "Shu' Tho Union evangelistic meetings Hose A Lytic was horn March 0, fie Along" and "Listen Irene" will sue. wl.loh opened last Monday beginning I3"- In Hoone County, Imlhiun. When mil "Venus" k musical corned v, one of Inutile llapllst church lire starting with small child she moved with her pui thebggest hits showing In this state' " splendid Intetost The church N outs to Linn county, Iowa and at the this- season, at the Auditorium. Sun tilled each night and the evangelist nge of It oars moved to Jewell county, duy. Dec '-'nil. The oste consists if Mrs Wilcox has been preaching deeply ( Kansas, win-to, she with married to Ufl'v P'onlf hiuU No lorchestra. Thevi intei esfliiK and pointed gospel ser. . Adonlium .luds-.n Whlto In the year .'.' ...... . ..... .. . , .. I f. i.i ..-.i... ISM11 art-oniy pniying in wuMiin, i.iut'uin, Hasting". McCouk and Red (.'loud in th s state. American Legion Post 238 Elects Officers Wednesday evening lied Cloud Post i!'!3 met and elected the follow ingoftle ers for the ensuing year Commander Nadore Johnson. Vice Commander It V. Nioho'.son. Adjutant A It McArthur. Finance Olllei'i Harry Yost Chaphiiii II S Foe. Coin's Filing fc-quad Fied Mender s m and Kveivtt Mroup Bugleis Elton Pope an I Paul Pol nioky. The Inavale Barbecue Altho the loads were very muddy Monday morning a large number of people were seen headed for Inavale and by noon a large crowd at that vlll age'to take pirt in the festivities of the day. Hev Henry gave a short Interesting tilk after which the American Legion tiring squad tired tho salute in hohor of iti dead and Faul l'olnicky sounded t.ip. I ll.n l 1. ,,. ,.,.., t i. ., .1 r.f t,.n I ill iMU mi. 'ii. luinii'u i.i :. ... j. siiiduichts, picUlis and ootVeo Viiinsli ed very readily whtiiNhe hungiy ones got up to the set ving line. l'he afternoon was spent in athktie contests mid event was biought to a i close by a dance in the evening All those pi csent seemed to have it good i ii i jThe Armistice Day Service Sunday evening was windy, wet and disagreeable. Tho stoi in reduced the attendance at the Union service, tho Congregational church being about half tilled. The exercises were how ever, of very high order A double quartette led by C. L. Cotting, sang with excellent etroct. Rev. II. K. Tweedy was in charge and Rev I. W. Edson read the 7'2d Pstilm and offered prayer. Ilev C. (J. Nelson, first on the list of speakers, gave a concise history of events leading up to the organization of the League of Nations, and the World Court, and presented an nrray of facts, challenging mid conclusive, that proved to be of very Informing nature, and of deep interest to every person present. Ilev. B. S. Daugherty hud as subjeot: "The attitude of the Religious forces of the Nation toward the World Court," and presented the facts set out by The Federal Council of Churches in Ameri ca, together with conclusions he had reached, which were convincing and revealed tho duty of tho United Slates in no uncertain way. Rev. H. Q. Wilcox was given "The attitude of the "Politics" of the Nut- lun toward the World Court," but ills lemurks were directed generally to the i duty of the citizenship of the nation, and the politicians escaped with but Dori3( the mUe (iaURi,ter of Mr. ami casual mention, his emphasis being tip'MrSi Freu Hc,ig0( was C10SD to take on the duty of the ordinary clti.en to U)e mmbera from the box and 05G055 ;. sou.reot maueis me hi .oml to b(J the ,uck Uckct muj wns the Senate should not count for rb' b M w A Sherwood. Dis- ' much us at picsent. Tho obligat on of i , . . . .... .,.., l , , , , mlayimr her customary generosity, , the ct .en was mide clear and unms. i', , , , ... .. iu tuujiciiy ni.-b uul i.uv.11 tuuunimmn and the Service as a whole was ex - ceedlngly interesilmr. It Is matter of regret that the state of the weather , , , . , , - hindered a full audience. li'iuru wjni u luiiiiiH " siisvii .....v.. j Quito a number of tho Legion loysjt wou,(l b(J ,u.OAU,ni,iUoiis to wsumo, weie present, adding greatly to the In- could continue for the next twelve terest of the occasion. months to come. mens It Is very evident ttiat her mes sges ure gilpplug the hearts of the people from night to night as she so earncsilv nu' ably piesi-nts tho truth. And such line singing us there is each evening Is worth going many ml!- to hear. The laro chorus of lied Cloud's splendid singois led by Mr. Hush ulfurds n prlvelogo that Is not often enjoved In any other meet lug like the one now in progress There ' are solos ai-d nuets and chorus specials J that are as Hue as aiy singing on a lyeoum or Chautauqua program Rev. Mr. Daugheitv with his skilled, well trained voice affoids a rare Unit to the congregation on each evening Ami betides with mi experienced hand he gets the lust there Is in song from the people who are in the audience. Tills evening Mrs (Sallally is on tho program to render one of hei will choseu specials and Mis Hush is re covered sulllelently to preside with her able manner ut the psano which Is a plesisur" to all. These meetings will be held at the liirf.tlfchnrch this week and on Sun day night will he held at the Mctho dist i lunch owing to the larger audi torium. The music committee has secured a new sung book 'Hymns of l'talsu' one ol tho m st recent, song books published by the Hope Pub Co , and there will be plenty ol these to go iiiouiid among the big ctuwd in M Sunday iiighi so come on. tunc up, and s ng. Bvcijbody around the country should ciowd into the Methodist ciuiicii on Minniiy liigm 10 njoy a real gospel heat and each night thou after bo light on l..inl to help make a gietit gospel campaign in lied ( l'oud There is iinqualilidely uot,hiuir wh'eh our town and country need so much as tho gospel of ilgbteousiiess and right living and a real evangelistic meeting along these lues And so it Is deslr able that there should be a generous spirit of coopeiiition and interest man ifested in tho r.viingelistlc meetings now in progress in lied Cloud dust here vsc take occasion in behalf of tli6 pastors to (hunk the ptess of our city for their cordial mid ready co. operation helping to make the cam pill K u of the church a success H. (5. Wilcox, Pahtok iKrmv ifstivitifs rinm.' LLGION I-fc&miTlES CLOSh ON SATURDAY NIGHT The Local American Legion lOSt No. 238 three day Armistice clebra- tion came to a close on Saturday evenintr and besides nffordinir no tttlc merriment, substantially added to the Post's building fund. ' The parlor suite, as previously ad- vert'sed, was given away absolutely free by the business men, in the sale pavilion, at 8:.'J0, with Messrs E. Preston, W. G. Hamilton, Fred Hen derson and Dr. R. S. JIartin n charge Duplicate numbers were placed in a large box, the eleventh one to be drawn to designate the winner. !tne may iirocccitcu io piesem, me suae to the Legion to he sold at aucfon. Ted Harris presiding as auctioneer pi'OVCd Cqual to tllC OCCllsioil illld US '. - icsult of his efforts the Legion's building fund, in this one instance, w strengthened to the extent of !$i:ia.00 and the fest vitiea came to a I . f ,,,. ,,.,,,.1, 133o , Font' children were hum of this union: Samuel Mulvin and Man-ellus Kdwaid twins, the fonuer djing in ii -fnucy, and Flounce (Since, mm Mi, Frank AuiaoU, mid Mrtiy Bl abeth who u.o died when quite young. ; For four ears after their marriage j they lived in Smith County, Kansas 1 they then moved to Webster county, Nebiiisl.a whole they lived until 1!)J1 "hen they moved to Colotado to he near their chililieii She died Nov. f, 1 i2. t at the hospital l Uux'uui. Uulo . following an oper ation She hail been a great sutVeier ciuswd by deciy of the bone for jjio lust ten mouths When a oung woman she iimttd with the Ciiristliin church of which she remained u member until liei doatii She was a tine loving comp in i in, a devoted mother and a consistent christian. Dining her last Illness, tho nicked with pain, she was kind, patient and eonslttwrato to all whoso privilege or duty it was te care for her. Her many fi lends In 1 1 ;i to in, Colo , unite with her former fi lends of Webster county wheie she llveii so iniinv years in ex tending sympathy to the beieuved family. Hei icmiiius wo io laid to rest In tho llaxiinn cotneterv, Ilev. Nickey of the llrethiru chinch conducting the fun urul set vice. Those who came tiotu a 'distance were: Mrs Maiy A. Piittu son t ItiiVL'tiwood, Mo , Mr and Mis, II Ii Hi ubiiker and daughter Veia of McCo.'k. Not r . Win. filtiMiu or Co!o. rndii s-prings, Mr. and .Mis Bdward , White of Atwond, Kansas and their sou La Vet lie of Ft Fltz-iminons and '.Mis C i: White of (Soring, Nebr. HUKKAl' XOTtiS (Ily II. U. Fail ch, County Agent) Members of the Webster county champion high school judging team and tho Nebraska champion team weic guests of the Guide Rock Com munity Club on Tuesday evening. The Guide Rock high school team which won the county championship at the Webster County Agricultural Hoc ety were introduced. They weie: John Yung, Marion Duffy and Clif- j ford Howard. The Nebraska team ( CiqM Means Ue,, c,oud. A,fr0(, Sommerfclt, Illue Hill and Karl Por- tinier. Guide Rock. The neonle of ni,,o 1ntr unit pnrrnniinifv' iii linpk of the team. l Carl Jones, assistant stale club leader was present and presented the Nebraska team with six loving cups and the gold watches recently won at .the Inter-State contest at Sioux City. Eric Ohmstcde ard Allen Vaugjhn, first and second winners in Webster 'county ton litter weie present. I mi.. - t 1. 1... .!.... ..., q I J. nose ooy.s uucu won iuymik tui.-, given by the Hank of Guide UocK lor tiie heaviest litter of pigs at 180 days old. It is inspiu'ng to find hankers like Mr. Auld who look for enough ahead to appreciate the far reaching influence of boys and girls clubs of the community. Money that has been contributed towards stait ing the hoys and girls of our county in p'g, calf and other organizations, will be returned with good inteiest. (The joungstcrs if they have learned I nothing else, have acquired a know ledge of credit that will he most valu able to them in ycvt to co Kvery hank in the county might find t advantageous to invest in tho boys and gills. Tho dividends aio certain. Miss Nellie Kalley went to Hustings, Wednesday where she had her tonsils removod. NUMBER 46 It's What You Think and Say It's wlpjf ynu think and say, my friend, That makes the sort of towuj Tlie people find wheti they move In Or travel up and down. It's jour opinions oft expressed That tell the rest of us If the town i good or if it's bad Or if it's just a muss. You see we get ; our slant on things, We ll'teii to yotn Ule. And o it's s.ut f up m vti To boost and not to wall You have your put to pl.iy. my friend. Like all the rest of folks. A forward look, a forw.itd stride, An achievement, not a hoax. We all can push togther and Then the p'ace will glow To be the kind of tow u we need And tho world arouu I will know. Tout we hiivc di m mil useful part In planting potent koo I: In keeping drones and ers out;. In b.ining gi.ift and gn-ed. This "Mi is ours but wo must koep It w oi thy, ii , "".'I an uppal To alt wljo seek tin) s rt of plao promotes the common-weal. -Foteiight. j Special Notice to Members Garfield Community Church The Finance Hoard will present tho annual budot to the congregation lor Us couecton, cilticlsm and at the moMi'iig setvlee Sunday and ih peciiiily i I'lestull to be piosent. I gueil Finn lice lloind, Frank Alios. C'luiiinniu Dr.ES. V. Nicholson DENTIST Red CfMifrf, Nebrask Sdilk Unddiewiear The Sporto Bloom i.k is a real "find" i.i these days of short skirts. It reaches Just below the knee and is finished with a tailored cuft. The Sports Bloomer comes in the smartest street shades and pink and white as well. Aik to see out otlitr Vanity Faik Silk Undkrutr 15he R. P. WEESNER COMPANY I