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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1923)
RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. CHIEF . 'f N A 9 f i;i Especially for women who live on farms Aunt Jemima Pancakes thousand- of farm families have them regularly these days. They're so easy to get and their old time Southern flavor makes a hit with everyone. Now, in response to requests, Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour comes in larger packages, nearly three times as large as the regular cartons. More convenient ; more economical. No waste from spilling as with sacks. But the same flour Aunt Jcmima'a famous Southern recipe ready mixed. Ask your grocer for the big Aunt Jemima package. "I'm In lotvn. Honor i3" Auiw Jemima Pancake Flour .r-v. mm Si iCr miA, AMERICA'S HOME SHOE POLISH Black - Tan - White - Ox-BIood - Brown ShMKOlA preserves Icnllier as paint preietves buildings. Quick and easy to use. Xz''22Z"K JmBw Shinei in a hurry. SHINOLA HOME SET d&j&rT.J t ,, , , ' Makei Shining Easy JWJSS Lmb ' W Pol,,"s' Genuine Brutle Dauber ''55lifjWj? jUrf ti the hand. Brings eleant oround the tole and F'mil' the brilliant ShinoU ahino ppliei the polish thor. tl 1amfcg? .., . .. . oiighly. s a "f0"- Th Shine for Mm f- ' SHIP FOUND ON BIG ICEBERG Captain of Steamer Sights Lartje Mass of Ice Carrying Thrce-Masted Schooner. For centuries mystery ships hnve Balled the se:is, guided only hy the winds of clinnce. One of them was found hy u .steamer cnptiiln rounding the Horn recently. While groping his tray Into the open, n gigantic mass of Ice carrying n large tliree-ninsted echooncr, with Its bouts still In the clefts, was sighted. Kfforts were made to tlnd the survivors, hut no trace of them was discovered. Another sea tragedy was added to the already long llfet of those as yet unsolved when a Greenland whaler came upon a strange looking derelict, battered und weather worn, apparently built In the last cen tury and Ice-hound for years. A hoard ing crew found In the cabin the body of a young woman, preserved by the arctic frosts. Near u long-dead lire was the remains of a young man, still holding a Hint and steel. I'opular Me chanics Magazine. Odd Musical Instrument. The ordinary handsaw has appeared as a musical Instrument. One seeker after novelties uses a saw us n violin. After long experience and untiring practice he has actually succeeded In getting an agreeable music from the tool. lie holds the saw handle between his logs, holds the tip of the saw In one hand, and works the usual violin how with the other. The vibrating steel blade emits soft, appealing notes, the pitch of which Is varied by chang ing the curvature of the blade. All sorts of queer effects can be got by adept manipulation of the blade. .Sometimes the music resembles the human voice; ngaln It has the weird wall of the Hawaiian ukelele. When All Signed With Cross. In olden times the signature of the cross, now mnde by persons who arc unable to write, was not ennflued to the Illiterate class. Among the Saxons the mark of the cross, as an nttestatlon of good faith of the person signing, was required to bo attached to the sig nature of those who could write, as well as to btnml in the place of the signature of those who could not write. Detroit News. It Doesn't Last Long, Though. Itudin Do you know what n make up box Is? Kan Yes, n box of chocolates. Telling an Alligator's Age. The width of an alligator's nose be tween his eye teeth Is proper place for determining the reptile's age, accord ing to the experts on such subjects. Afior the reptile Is ten feet long tho nose widens one-quarter of an Inch for each fiO years the alligator lives. Oek lawaha, the largest alligator In captiv ity, weighs 1,400 pounds and Is lll'a feet long. He Is estlmnted to be sev eral hundred years old. Convert OkF Buildings Into Houses for Fowls (Pirpattd l) the I'll I tut Stntra Department uf Acrlculturp ) Many f-rms have old style closed-tip poultry houses, with poor light and eutllatlon, or old sheds and other buildings of little use for other pur poses, that can be remodeled or built over with little dlllleulty Into satlsfue toiy poultry houses for the Hocks this winter. The size and the shape of tho buildings makes little difference, says the Fnlted States Department of Agri culture, but the essential factors are dryness, good entilatloa, freedom from drnfiM, plenty of sunshine, and oom enough to allow tl e birds to move about with freedom and comfort. If new houses are to be built or old buildings comerted Into poultry house', locate them on IiIkIi or sloping ground if possible, but nlwu.vs on dry and well-drained soil. The amount of floor space to be allowed each fowl varies soiuewl at with conditions, hut on a latnfor where the bin's can he out of doors nearly every day the de partment has found that about 2V& square feet of floor space per bird In Hocks of 'JO Is enough. In a vlllago or city or In a climate where there is a good deal of snow, making It nec essary to conllne the bltds closely, 4 or fi square feet per bird Is needed. The Interior of the house should l.e simple, convenient, and easy to clean. The converted poultry house may or may not have a floor. If the house U on dry. sandy soli a dirt floor Is usually quite satisfactory although often morn damp than board or cement lloors. Fresh gravel and sand must be added from time to time to keep them sani tary. If board lloors are used, make them tight and smooth so as to make Hiimii ilt-i- unit p.-isv to ! ran. Ir nos- slide, build hoard lloors 8 or 10 Inches from the ground to allow a circulation of air and to prevent rats from har boring tinder them. Cement floors, es pecially for large houses, are quite satisfactory, as they keep rats out and last much longer than board floors. They must be kept well covered with Utter, however, department workers say, to make them warm and com fortable for the flock. For One. Tho speaker waxed eloquent nnd, after his peroration on women's rights, he said : "When they take our girls. n3 they threaten, away from the co-odu-catlonal college, what will follow? What will follow, 1 repeat?" And a loud masculine voice In the nudlence replied, "I will." Few men are able to appreciate tho humor of n prnctlcal Joke that comes nt them point first. dKH -K m Sijg Why take tne riSKY MANY have found by their own experience that coffee's effect ia harmful. Health authorities warn against risking the growth and devel opment of children with the drug ele ment in coffee. Why take chances with your health, and thus risk comfort, happiness success? There's both safety and satisfaction in Postum as your mealtime drink. You'll thoroughly enjoy its delightful flavor and aroma. Postum contains nothing that can harm you. As many cups as you like at any meal with no penal ties to pay in wakeful nights and day time dullness. Your grocer sells Postum in two forms: Instant Postum (in tins) prepared Instantly In tho cup by the addition of bolllne wntor. Postum Cereal (In packages) for thoso who prefer the flavor brought out by boiling fully 20 minutes. The cost of either form is about one-half cent a cup. 1$ ruxniiT 'Kftfeft? " ii - MtJC-SX.XU m 'J m . t't. iK iasr 1 tM U w 5 s IhstaRt- find MBIYUACI -. ,-w.i hiialw NORSE FINDS A PERFECT REMEDY "Uom my, long experience as a nurse I do not hesitate to say that I con sider Tanlac Nature's most perfect remedy," recently declared Mrs. I. A. notion, 4i!5 l'ontlu- Ave., Seattle, Wtf-'i. Mrs. Harden Is n graduate of the National Temperance Hospital, Chicago, and her wide experience In caring for tho sick lends particular emphasis to her statement. "I hnve used Tanlac exclusively for Beven years In the treatment of my charity patients," continued Mrs. ltor den, "and my experience has been thnt, for keeping tho stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels functioning properly and for toning up tho system In general, Tanlac hns no equal. Recently I had n woman patient who could not even keep wnter on her stomach for Hftecn minutes. Six bottlea of Tanlne Hxed her up so she could eat absolutely any thing. Another patient, a man, seemed tini'.ile to digest any food at all. Three hot i les of Tanlne put him In such line shnpo ho went back to work. These two cases are typical. My confidence In Tanlac Is unlimited." Tanlac Is sold by nil good druggists. Take no substitute. Over -10 million bottles sold. Advertisement. Yv P Mm gne. drlKePl SAY "BAYER" when you buy. Insist I Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Toothache Neuralgia Rheumatism Accept only "Haver" package which contains proper directions. Handy "Ilnyer" boxes of 12 tnblota Also boltlca of 2-1 and 100 Druggist. Atptrln U Uie trail mark of llajcr Uanuraelur of alonoacrUciclJcattr of Billejllcada Voting man, If you can't marry a girl with dollars you are lucky to mar ry one with sense. "Incidental expenses" may multitude of sinful Items. cover n A man usually gets what he deserve In the end, but he manages to get a lot of other things In the meantime Prolonged visits are apt to deal hos pitality it death blow. l.oe may laugh at locksmiths, but be who laughs last laughs best. Classified. "There are three classes of families nowadays. They're either one, two or three-car parage families." Tho prices of cotton nnd linen hnvo been doubled by the war. Lengthen their porvlro hy using Hod Cross Hull nine In the laundry. All grocers Advertisement. Numaer Makes It Good. lie Do you think late hours good for one? She No. but I think they are right for two. are all Comfortable Houses for Ducks Quite Important In cold weather ducks should be kept In the bouse because their feet nro so tender that when they come In contact with the cold ground they suffer greatly nnd hobble along ns If their backs were broken. However, they should not bo kept boused more than Is really necessary. If the roof Is good the rest Is easy. If the weather boarding Is not suf Hciently close to keep out draught! in cold weather, cover the outside with tnrred paper or strip with inth. A board floor Is better than an earth floor because the ducks will often stir up the ground In it very disagreeable manner when there Is the least sign of moisture. Provide sultnhle houses If you wish to be successful. The houses need not be verv expensive, but they should be substantial so that they may be mod for the same purpose several years In succession. Ducks, both old nnd young, should hnve a dry, comfortable place to stny In at night. If forced to sit on the damp ground they are llnhle to be taken with cramps nnd colds In the head. The latter are almost certain to turn to croup. There Is usually some shed or build ing that can be converted Into a duck house at small expense. Whore only n small flock Is kept this plan Is advisable. Directions for Making Coffee. ' Several hunters In the Canadian woods had so enjoyed the coffee made by their guide that when the trip was over they asked for the recipe. "Ver" easy," ho said. "Here bin only one way make coffee. Take trip Into voods, build lire vld pitch pine knots, put on quart water and two handful coffee In pot, an' hit on cover so she no can boll over. Veil cover get too hot for seat of pants, coffee the done." Ifeast Foain coiSVIad Bread making is easy to learn and is in itself an education in other cooking Send for free booklet "The Art of Baking Bread" Lucky Dcqs. A Detroit dad who Is In the market or was for a dog, visited one of the numerous kennels near the city re cently. Almost slmiiltnneouily, as he filtered the yard, :tf dogs', ranging from the grown-ups to pups, let loose a wild barrage of barking, yapping and whining, lie picked the least noisy of the dogs and left, hut not be fore he bad asked: "What do you feed all these animals?" "Well," the owner of the kennels replied, "we feed them bread, meat, rice and milk. They get better food, I suppose, than some poor children, and more of It." Northwestern Yeast Co) 1730 North Ashland Ave. Chicago, 111. Corn Fodder as Litter Is Excellent for Hens Litter Is nlmost Indispensable In every henhouse where eggs are desired, as well as healthy and contented fowls. Some farmers complain nbout using good wheat or oats straw for tho hens to scratch In. In this event, cut corn fodder makes an excellent nnd lasting litter for the poultry house and even If one inuct pay to have the fodder cut, It Is cheaper than other Ut ters. When cut up, ten bundles or corn fodder makes enough litter to cover 400 square feet of floor space. For the same space, when straw Is used, nt least two hales would be required, and this would cost several times as much ns the corn fodder. Fodder Is good not only because of Its cheapness, but also because the hens like to eat the pieces of leaves, thus obtaining somo bulky food, which Is often lacking In poultry rations. The People Themcelves. At un agricultural show In Dublin n pompous member if parliament, who arrived late, found himself on the out skirts of n huge crowd. llelng anxious to obtain n good view, and presuming that he was well known to tho spectators, he tapped a man on the shoulder and ordered: "Make way there!" "Oarnl Who are ye pttshln'?" was the unexpected reply. "Do you know who I am, Mr?" cried the Indignant M. P. "I'm n representa tive of the people!" "Yah!" growled the other; "but we're the bloomln' people themselves." Absolutely Honest. Robert W. Chalmers, whoso vivid portraits of the modern girl have made him famous, said at a dinner party In bis New York homo: "The modern girl has many faults, but nt least she Is open and above board. There's' nothing of the deceit ful puss about her. "On a moonlight winter night In Florida a modern young man passion ately kissed a beautiful modern girl under a palm tree. '"I'll be frank with you,' tho young man said after tho emb-ace was over. 'You're not the first girl I'vo ever kissed, by a long shot.' "She lit a huge and costly clgnrcttc. "'And I'll be equally frank with you,' she answered. 'You've got u great deal to learn oven nt that.' " New York Mall. A Difference. "I low long is It going to take to get through with this case?" asked the client, who was under suspicion of housebreaking. "Well," replied (he young lawyer, thoughtfully, "It'll take me about two weeks to get through with It, but I'm afraid It's going to take you about four years." Green Hag. Downtown Food. A good wife is gratified by hearing her grownup folks scold about th food they "have to cat" downtown. Soldiers' Insurance Problem. Several hundred men In the army nnd navy of the United States In tho World war named as their bencflclnrlwn for government Insurance their par ents living In Uussla. The vetcrunsT bureau cannot pay this Insurance, be cause we have not the necessary ma chinery In Itussla which would he con nected with consular service In that state. It Is presumed that tho fam ilies of these soldiers who have died for their country are In a bad wujr Lav soviet Itussla. , To Build New Electric Line. It Is reported that an electric rath way will soon be constructed from Dultith to tho International bridge, nnd probably extended through to Ft. William, and that the falls on tb Pigeon river will bo developed to pro vldo power for operating It. The project will require co-operation be tween the governments of Canadu und tho United States, tho Pigeon river being an International stream. Enough. "I thought you said your wife would never smoke cigarettes." "I dhl say so, and somo one told her 1 nnhl so" Life. Much Ammunition Destroyed. During the last threo years fiOO.OOO tons of ammunition from Rrltalaw Amcrlcn, Belgium, Rcrmany nnd Rus sia have been broken up In France. J Pure Air Is Essential i to Health of Laying Hen 'yi It has been estimated that the hen consumes twice as much air ns n horso does, pound for pound of weight, nnd three times ns much ns a cow, and yet we seo hen houses with no menns of getting uny puro air Into them except through cracks, which may give n dl- rect draft over some bird. With other conditions favorable to the develop ment of germs, thero soon are colds, roup and brouchlnl disorders of many kinds qA Simple Guide to Proper Food Selection Digestibility-Flavor Character- Z' r j &' ? & Nourishment Grape-Nuts with cream or good milk contains every element necessary for perfect nutrition. Grape-Nuts is partially pre-digested by 20 hours' baking. It is easily assimilated by child or adult. Grape-Nuts, made of wheat and barley, is sweet with natural sugar self -developed from the grain in the making. It has a delightful, nut-like flavor. Grape-Nuts is real food the kind you can de pend upon for strength and energy. Its crisp granules invite thorough mastication, thus help ing to keep the teeth and gums healthy. Grape-Nuts is so compact that a package con tains many servings; and each serving provides unusual nourishment. A portion for the cereal part of a meal costs about one cent. GrapeNof s for health "There's a Reason" Made by Postum Cereal Conipany.c,Baule Creek, Michigan. Gconomy m -JJJHr - """Ow ... i,,' A FOOD CCOHOMV 2 Tlirr-" M Ml .t ftbri Ml