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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1923)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. CHIEF BRANDlfe A) rA Katharine MfiM COI'VKKIIIT IIV KAillAHlNi; M;VI.IN IIUIIT. SYNOPSIS John Inmlln, clKhtccn years old, wlfn nf IMorrc, 1m tlio (IhurIi tcr of Jnlm Carver, who murdered her mother for tulultcry. Her Ifinrly life, with her father, In n Wynniiiii? cabin, tinbrnrnhlo, Joan IravcH It I til to work In a hotel In n. nearby town. Joan meotH I'lerre. and the two, mutually at tracted, are married. Carver tellH l'lcrr-j Mory of Joan's mother. Pierre forffen a cattlo hrand. Frank Ilolllwcll, younjc minister, preentH books to Joan. Plcrro forbid hor to read them. Mad dened by Jealousy, I'lorro ties Jonn and burns the. Two-Par brand Into tier shoulder. Hoar I n if her HcreaniH. a BtrnnKor InirstH Into tlio house and shoota IMerre. Tho BtmtiKor rnvlvcH Joan, tcllliiR her I'lerro In dead, urfres her to ko with him. CHAPTER X Prosper Comes to a Decision. Perhaps, In spite of Ills gruesome boast us to (lend men, It wns us much to satisfy his own spirit ns to cont rol t Jonn's tlutt Prosper actually dlil undertake a Journey to tlio cabin tlmt liail belonged to I'lorro. It was trui flint Pmsper had never been nlflts to Mop thinking, not ko much of tlio tall, Mini youth lying so still across the floor, all Ills lii'iiuty and strength turned to an ashen slackness, as of a brown hand thnt stirred. The motion of those lingers groping for life had continually disturbed him. lie went hack stealthily at dusk, choosing a dusk of wind-driven snow so that his tracks vanished as soon as made. Tho roof of Pierre's eahln made a dark rhino above the snow, veiled In cloudy drift. He reached It with a cold heart ami slid down to Its window, cautiously bending his face near to tho pane. He expected an Interior already dark from the snow piled round the win dow, so ho cupped his hands about his eyes. At once he let himself down out of sight below the sill. There was a living presence In the house. Prosper had seen a bright fire, tho smoke of which had been hidden by the snow fcpray, a cot was drawn up before the tire, and a big, fair young man In tweeds whose face, rosy, sensitive, and quiet, was bent over the figure on the rot. A pair of large, white hands were rarefully busy. Prosper, crouched below tho win dow, considered what he had seen. It Mas u week now since he had left Lnndls for a dying man. This big fel low In tweeds must have como soon after tho shooting. Evidently he was not caring for a dead man. The black head on the pillow had moved. Now there came the sound of speech, Just a bass murmur. This time the black head turned Itself slightly and Prosper Faw Pierre's face. Ho had seen It only twice before; once when It had looked up, tierce and crazed, at his first entrance Into the house, once again when It lay with lifted chin and palo lips on the Moor. Put even after bo scarce a memory, Prosper was tM.ll there Was a Living Presence In the House. startled b the change. Before, It had been the face of a man beside him qolf with drink and the lust of nulmal power and cruelty; now It was tho wistful face of Pierre, drawn Into a tragic mask like Joan's when she canio to herself; n miserably haunted und harrowed face, hopeless m though It, too, like tho oirtsldo world, had lost or had never had n memory of sun. Evidently Uo submitted tc fio dress ing of his wound, but with a shamed and pitiful look. Prosper's whole lm jresslnn of tho roan was chanced, und P W 7 the change there began something like u struggle. lie was afflicted by a crossing of purposes and u stumbling of Intention. He did not euro to risk a second look. He crept away and (led Into the windy dusk. Ho traveled with the wind like a blown rag, and, stopping only for n few hours' rest at the ranger station, made tho Journey home by morning of the second day. And on the Journey he definitely made up his ml ml concerning .loan. Prosper (Snel was a man of deliber ate, though passionate, Imagination. Ho did not often act upon Impulse, though Ills actions were often those attempted only by passion-driven or Impulsive folk. Prosper could never plead thoughtlessness. lie Justified carefully his every action to himself. These were cold, dark hours of delib eration as ho let tho wind drive him across the desolate land. When the wind dropped and a splendid, still dawn swept up Into the clean sky, he was at peace with his own mind and climbed up the mountain trail with a half smile on hlB face. In the dawn, awake on her pillows, Joan was listening for him, and at the sound of his webs she sat up, palo to her lips. She did not know what she feared, but she was filled with dread. The restful stupor that had followed her storm of grief had spent Itself and she was suffering again waves of longing for Pierre, of hatted for him, alternately submerged her. All these bleak, gray hours of wind during which Wen Ho had pattered In and out with meals, with wood for her stove, with little questions as to her comfort, she had suffered as peo ple suffer In a dream; a restless misery like tho misery of tho pine branches that leaped up and down be fore her window. The stillness of the dawn, with Its sound of nearlng steps, gave her a sickness of heart and brain, so that when Prosper came softly In at her door she saw him through a mist. He moved qutckly to her side, knelt by her, took her hands. "Ho has been eared for, Joan," said Prosper. ".Some friend of his came and did nil that was left to be done." "Somo friend?" In the pale, delicate ly expanding light Joan's fnce glenmed between Its black colls of hair with eyes like enchanted tarns. Prosper could see In them reflections of those terrors that had been tormenting her. Ills touch pressed renssuranco upon her, his eyes, his voice. "My poor child 1 My dear I I'm glnd I am back to take caro of you I Cry. Let mc comfort you. He has been cared for. lie Is not lying there alone. He Is dead. Let's forgive him, Joan." He shook her hands a little, urgently, and a most painful memory of Pierre's beseeching grasp came upon Joan. She wrenched nway and fell back, quivering, but she did not cry, only asked In her most moving voice, "Who took care of Pierre after I went away and left him dead?" Prosper got to his feet and stood with his arms folded, looking wenrlly down at her. Ills mouth hnd fallen Into rather cynical lines nnd there were puckers at the corners of bis eyes. "Oh, n big, fair young man n rosy boy-face, serious-looking, blue eyes." Joan wns startled and turned round. "It wns Mr. Ilolllwcll," she said, In a wondering tone. "Old you talk with him? Did you tell him ?" "No. Hardly." Prosper shook his head. "I found out what he had done for your Pierre without asking un necessary questions. I saw him, but he did not see me." "He'll be eomln' to got me," said Joan. It was an entirely unemotional statement of certainty. Prosper pressed his lips Into a line and narrowed his eyes upon her. "Oh, be will?" "Ves. lj.o'1! be tnkln' nfter me. He must 'a' ben scalrt by soniethln' Pierre said In the town durln' their quarrel an' have come up after him to look nut whnt Pierre would be doln' to me. . . . T wlsht he'd 'n' come In time. . . . Whnt must he be think In' of me now, to find Pierre n-lyln there, dead, an' me gone! He'll be tnkln' after me to bring me home." Prosper would almost have ques tioned her then, his sharp face was certainly at that moment the face of an Inquisitor, a set of keen and deli cate Instruments ready for probing, but f-o weary nnd childlike did she look, so weary and childlike was her speech, that ho forbore. What did It matter after all, what there was In her past? She had done what she had done, been what she had been. If the fellow had branded her for sin, why. she hnd suffered .overmuch. Prosper admitted, that, unbranded as to skin, he wns scarcely fit to put his dirty civilized soul under her clean and savage font. Was the big, rosy chap her lover? She hnd spoken of a quar rel between him and Pierre? They would be looking for Joan to come ! Imolt t "n in the town, to some neigh boring ranch. They would make a search, but winter would be against them with Its teeth bared, n blizzard was on Its way. By the time they found hor, thought Prosperand ho quoted one of Joan's quulnt phinaeH to himself, smiling with rudlauco aa ho did so "sho won't bo carln' to leavo mo." In his gay, little, llrellt room, ho sat, stretched out, lank and long, In the low, deep, red-lacquered chair, dozing through tho long day, sipping strong coffee, smoking, read ing. Ho was singularly quiet and con tent. The devil of disappointment and of thwarted deslro thut had wived him In this curcfiilly appointed hiding place stood away a little from lilm and that wizard Imagination of his began to weave. By dusk, ho wns writing furiously and there was a glow of rupture, on his fuce. CHAPTER XI The Whole Duty of Woman. Joan waited for Ilolllwcll and, wait ing, began Inevitably to regain her strength. One evening ns Wen Ho was spreading tho table, Prosper looked up from his writing to see n tall, gaunt girl clinging to the door-Jamb. Sho was dressed In the heavy clothes, which hung looso upon her long bones, her throat was drawn up to support the sharpened and hollowed face In which her eyes had grown very lurg Joan's Eyes Wandered Curiously About the Brilliant Room. nnd wistful. Sho wns a moving figure, piteous, lovely, rather like some grace ful mountnln beast, Its spirit half broken by wounds nnd Imprisonment and human tending, but ready to leap Into a savagery of flight or of nttnek. They were wild, those great eyes, ni well ns wistful. Prosper, looking sud denly up at them, caught his breath. He put down his book ns quietly ni though she had Indeed been a wild, easily startled thing, nnd, suppressing tho impulse to rise, stayed where he was, leaning n trifle forward, lili hands on the arms of his chair. Joan's eyes wandered curiously about the brilliant room and came to him at last. Prosper met them, re laxed, and smiled. "Come In and dine with me, Joan," he said. "Tell me how you like It." Sho felt hor way weakly to the sec ond largo chair nnd sat down faclng hlm ncross the hearth. 'It's right beautiful," said Joan, "an1 right strange to me. I never seen any thing like It before. That" her eyes followed Wen Ho's departure half fearfully "that man nnd all." Prosper laughed delightedly, stretch ing up his arms In full enjoyment of her splendid Ignorance. "Tho China man? Does he look so strange tc you V" "Is that what ho is? I I didn't know." She smiled rather sadly and nshamedly. "I'm nwful Ignorant, Mr Gnel. I Just can rend un' I've only rend two books." She Hushed and bet pupils grew Inrge. Truly, thought Prosper, It wns llki talking to a grave, trustful, and most Impressionable child, the way she sat there, rather on tho edge of her chair, her hands folded, letting every tiling he said disturb and astonish tho whole pool of her thoicjit. At dinner, Piwsper, unlike Ilolll wcll, made no attempt to draw Joan Into talk, but sipped his wine and watched her, enjoying her composed silence and her slow, graceful move ments. Afterward he made a couch for her on the floor before the Arc, two skins and a golden cushion, a rut; of dull blue which he threw over her, hiding the ugly skirt and boots. He took a violin from tho wall and tuned It, Joan watching him with all her eyes. "I don't like what you're plnyln' now," she told him, lmpersonnll und gently. "I'm tuning up." "Well, sir, I'd be gettln' tired of thnt If I was you." "I'm almost done," said Prosper humbly. (TO IU5 CONTINUED.,) How Times Change. Tlio wild life used to consist of hunt ing the game In tho daytime and sleep ing at night, but now it consists of sleeping in the dnytlmo and hunting thi game at night. Cleveland Plain Dealer Too many people use their home as tilling stations who they fill up, rny up and roan on. o? AMERICAN (Copy for This Derartincnt Supplied by the American Legion Nowa Service.) PADDOCK WILL DEFEND TITLE Noted Sprinter Will Compete In Athletic Program at Legion National Convention. With the announcement that Chnrlofl W. Paddock, "Human Flash," will compete, Interest In tho athletic pro gram to bo held during tho American Legion national convention la San I-'ranclsco lias increased among Legionnaires over tho country. Paddock Is known as the highest type of American athlete. In nddl tlon to holding most of tho world's sprinting records, he was a soldier in tlio World war, n writer, leader of boy scout activities and has displayed talent In many other lines. Paddock left high school to servo In the Held artillery during tho war. Ho attended a training school nt Camp Zachary Taylor near Louisville and received a commission of second lieutenant. I! won most of the sprinting ovci.t.s at the Interallied Championship gi ies In Paris and hns since established a number of world'a records In the i'. shes. Tlio famous f Inter told Legion convention ollich... that ho will be nu hand to defend i.N laurels In all dis tances up to lie ! 10-yard dash. Le gionnaires are confident that Puddoel: will celebrate 1 a reunion with World war comrades by smashing some of his present world's records. In addition to the track ana field meet, there will bo numerous othcl athletic events during convention weuk at San Francisco, Including ten nis, baseball, basketball, football, golf, rifle shoot, band contests, drum and bugle corps competitions, swimming and other sports. AH Legionnaires are ellglblo to com pete in the athletic program. PLAN TO MEET "NATIVE SONS" "Mr. Vlcltlng Doughboy" and "Mr. Gob" May Expect Warm Recep tion In San Franclcco. If you are un American Legion "buddy," and expect to attend tho fifth nnnuul convention of the organi zation at San Francisco, you might well begin to rehearse for your ilrst meeting with u "Native Son." California is filled with "Native Sons," especially San Francisco. There are two divisions or varieties tho common or garden type, und the cul tivated variety. The cultivated "Na tive Son" 13 immensely proud of his nativity and parades It on every occa sion by wearing the 'little bear" em blem, marking membership iu tlio "Nn tlvo Sons of tho (Jolden West." Cali fornia does not pretend to comprise nil tho Golden West, but whenever you mention tho (Jolden West, your true Cullfornlan Jumps to his feet and gives three cheers. To hint the Golden West signifies California. Tho cultivated natives, meaning the nutlve sons and native daughters, com prise about 50,000 of the state's great nnd growing population. Numerically they are' but u drop In the bucket. Put It wouldn't do for u minute to tell a native that, at least not one of the cultivated variety. Throughout California parlors have been superseded by living rooms, ex cept in tho circles of tho NSGW and NDGW. Each group or lodge 1b con stituted a "parlor" und all are subject to tho dictates of a grand parlor, pro sided over by a grand president. In California there arc ICO "parlors." San Francisco alone has 28, with a membership of 17,000 In the two or gnnlzatlons In thnt city. Members of the NSGW and tho NDGW might bo termed professional Callfornlans. They make the accident of birth a ritual and Join the order. Perhaps It is a mistake to speak of tho native son and daughter as a pro fessional Californlan. F.very son and daughter of California Is a profession al Californlan. Every one Is a booster. Thej'd as soon think of relinquishing their citizenship as quitting California for keeps most of them sooner. They know California is the greatest state there ever was or ever will be, that California has the finest climate, the grandest scenery, tho richest soil, the huskiest athletes, the most flourishing business, the finest men and most beautiful women, It Is with these pcopla and with that spirit that "Mr. Visiting Doughboy" and "Mr. Gob," who attend tho Le gion convention will collide, when they hit the convention city. Callfornlans are proud of their heritage, proud of their sunsets a ad fogs, cool summers and warm winters, the hotels, cafes and Market street, and everything else that goes to make up Sun Francisco, which If you do not already know It, Is by far tho greater and most Impor tant part of California. When you are In San Frnnclsco, ask any native son for anything you wish, und If you escape without being presented the city hall, or the exposition auditorium, where tho Legion convention Is to be held, It will be because that particu lar native son ian't functioning Just right nt the moment. I.G0M STILL AIDING WAR HEROES Mrs.' Alloo P. Bristol, Through Legion Auxiliary, Continues Efforts In Dehalf of Ex-Service Men. Mrs. Allco P. Urlstoi, chairman of the committee for co-operation witli other agencies from the American Le gion Auxiliary, is continuing u record of servlco work begun nt tlio first call to arms in 1017. Mrs. Hristol, along with it number of other bravo workers of Strut ford, Conn., "carried on" tho home work while the men of that city, many of their own blood, were at the fiont In tho fight. Uy dint of this fcervlce, Mrs. llrlstol, through the American Legion Auxiliary Is still aid ing tho cause of those who did their part for their country. As n recognition of the splendid war work of tho women of Stratford, the selectmen formed un organization which they termed the ''Minute Wom en of Stratford," nnd at the close of tho war, awarded each one of the workers a handsomely engraved cer tificate attesting this service. The work consisted of home relief, sale of Liberty bonds and war saving stamps, and the countless other duties which tho good women of Amerlcn wero called on to perform for the men In uniform. Since the armistice, Mrs. Urlstoi has headed local unit work, and lias h"en Instrumental In many Important nieves for relief of the ex-servico man. It wns through her suggestion, It Is said, that tho men of Connecticut In hos- Mrs. Alice P. Bristol. 'pltals in other states received a cash gift for Christmas. Hut her work aa national cnmmlttecwoman of the Amer ican Legion Auxiliary is another im portant post which lias been Intrusted to her. To Mrs. Hristol 'Vas given the clialr manshlp of a committee .seeking close co-operation with other well-known women's organizations of the country. This committee alms to establish re lationship between all bodies working for civic betterment, rejlef of former service men, and countless other du ties with which the womanhood of America has become associated. Otio of the lirst steps of this com mlttco was to effect liaison between tho American Legion Auxiliary and the General Federation of Women's Clubs. An application for membership In tho federation, through President Kate Waller llarrett was accepted, and the auxiliary mistimed an immediate par ticipation In the councils of federated club work. The Legion's Auxiliary Is also a participant in the National Council of Women, composed of nearly fifty organizations. This council In cludes such organizations as tho Amer ican Association of Uulvprslty Women, International Sunshine society, Ladles 'of tho Maccabees, National Council of Jewish Women, National Congress of Mothers nnd Parent-Teachers' associ ations, National Federation of Music Clubs, National Florence Crlttenton mission, National Kindergarten asso ciation, Needlework Guild of America, Women's Christian Temperance union. Y. W. C. A., and others. During the convention of the aux iliary in San Francisco, the committee plans a "Co-operation Night" at which representatives of practically every body holding membership In the conn ell will be- asked to bo present to hear further plans for service as outlined by tho Legion's Auxiliary. It Is expect ed that n definite program of co-operation will be an outgrowth of tho meeting. Auxiliary olllclals believe thnt beeatiBe the membership of the organization approximates that of most other women's bodies In the coimtry, no constructive program, look ing to progress along the lines indi cated for their work, can be success fnl unless Joined by their organiza tion. Texas Will Have Exhibit. Not only will the traditional "old gray mure" from Texas be there, but a long-horned Texas steer will bo taken by the Lone, Star state Legionnaires to the national convention of the American Legion nt Sun Francisco. Plans for special stunts on tho way to and at tho convention were made re cently by John 0. Townes, Texas de partment TOinmundcr. - Campaign Llei. "I hear ns how the opposln' candi date for mayor is tellln around thnt you're In favor of law and ordor," re marked Two-Gun Geno of Holster, Ariz. "Ho better be careful," retorted the present Incumbent, "or I'll sue him fer criminal libel." The American Le elon Weekly. TT After Every Meal Have a packet in your pocket for ever-ready refreshment Aids digestion. Allays thirst. Soothes tho throat. bAtt fl1ttlllf ClailMM MMvl . iui yuaiuy, naiui dim I IliA CaaIaJ Da.L.nA iiiu wuuiuu rawnugu, get PLEATINGS All widths und all kinds. Cloth-covered buttons. Broad nnd narrow hemstitch ing. Mull orders returned promptly, BENNINGHOFF PLEATING WORKS BOG West B'dvay, Council Bluffi, la. An Egyptologist. Miss Blusox Are you Interested In Egyptian scarabs, Mr. Llttleneck? Mr. Llttleneck Intensely Interested, Miss Blusox. They're my favorite smoke. MOTHER! GIVE SICK BABY "CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP" Harmless Laxative to Clean Liver and Bowels of Baby or Child. Even constipat ed, bilious, fever ish, or sick, colic Babies and Chil dren love to take genuine "Califor nia Fig Syrup." No other laxative regulates tho ten der littlo bowels eo nicely. It,- e wee tens the Btomach nnd starts and bowels acting without griping. Con tains no narcotics or soothing drugs. Say "California" to your druggist nnd avoid counterfeits I Insist upon gen uine "California Fig Syrup" which contains directions. Advertisement If a girl's the apple of a young man' eye ho thinks she Is a peach. Eloquence Is but ordlnnry gab wlthf Its holiday clothes on. Chas. E. Backus Health is the Most Valu able Asset You Have Ncwago, Mich. "Some years ago I tvas troubled with dizziness, palpita tion, loss of appetite and sore and pain ful stomach. I tried the best physicians I could hear of, and also several put-up medicines, but nothing did, me any pood. Some physicians said it was my heart; some said it was my stomach: while others said it was my nerves. I got bo bad I could not work very stead ily! when a friend came to sec me and insisted upon my trying Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I was dis couraged, but tried it anyway, and niter taking the second bottle I felt much better. I then bought six bottles nnd I believe the 'Discovery' saved my life. It was rightfully named 'Golden Medical Discovery.' I would recom mend it to nil who need euch a medi cine. Chas E. Backus. All druKglBts, tablets or liquid; or send 10c to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for a trial pkg. mJrrmm vir 1 1 J m Jj Ni KeepYourSkin-Pores Active and Healthy With Cuticura Soap Sop 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 41-1923. OS,7 ". tho liver -t I r-