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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1923)
E3 RED OLOUD. NEHltASKA, CHIEF Tornado Destroys Little Town in Kansas TOP COATS OF DISTINCTION; SCHOOL TOGS HERALD AUTUMN i fmammmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmman.-mmmmnn'Tmmmmmmmm If f i If V I- 4! v f Thirty-five persons were Injured Berlously by n tornuilo Unit swept down'on completely demolished ninny buildings In the business nnd residential districts. ,on one of the residence sticets. SUCCEEDS CHRISTIAN To the surprise of nearly everyone, President Coolldgo appointed Canip Oell Bnscom Slemp, former congress man from Virginia, to be secretary to the President. He Is well known In national politics as a southern Ito- Eubllcnn leader. lie succeeds George t. Christian, Jr., who resigned. TO WELCOME THE LEGION '. T?:i': . i ":., a rlvVij't "?, Hero Is Miss Myrtle Miller, one of Ihe San Francisco bathing girls who will swim in tlio aquatic competitions which will form part of the program of tlio American Legion national con rentlon In San Francisco next Oc ober. PERSISTENT STOWAWAY llelug determined to get Into the United States, Oscar Ulgnll of Ger many stowed away 14 times and each time was turned back by the author ities on his arrival. On the last oc casion he wns found In the coal bunk ,era of the S. S. President Fillmore. Unwilling to work his passage, he was placed In tlio brig und put on a ,diet of bread and water. Ho Is to be 'deported agnln. L j k ;-iy !' :'"' . ' j'37 -fc' ' "Cu ?BTa s3 . I i ff? v I Suggests Fine Harding Memorial x mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy ri jkAkfc" -j i ti William Chester McDonald Is seen, strapped to tliu board on which nvo of his twelve yenrs have been spent, holding his most cherished possession an autographed portrait photograph given him by President Hording when ho visited the Children's Seashore Home nt Atlantic City, N. .1., h'.st June. Now ho has proposed to the Philadelphia Sesqulcentcnnlnl committee that n fund no raised, from the pennies of the children of America and other voluntary subscriptions, to erect a children's building at the exposition and dedicate It to the "lover of children, Warren G. Harding." The proposal has been accept ed and Mrs. Winifred Sloner, the author-lecturer, shown In the photograph with little Billy, started the ball rolling with n check for $1.000. Somewhat Stale, Bakers' strike or no bakers' strike, while the country wonders where Us bread Is coming from, Dr. J. Walter Fewkes, director of the bureau ot American ethnology, Smithsonian In stitution, sits calmly nt bis desk and smiles nt a good-sized piece of porous RUbstnncc. Tho piece of brend Is more than COO years old and was dug out of Indian ruins In the Southwest by Dr. Fewkes. ! WM JmSbbI Km aLHHHlllllllllllB . AHLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHv LHIIIIIIIMb 4 tWsm KKL HHIIIIBIVV'' iflSHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH or ; .Mfmm VrTv. - "imBbbwZJ"' caaaaaWy MOM, mmSfvMfi 'M WMMMMMMmi!!3MMMMMMMMvm' MMBmBbfl BMmft--'-i:Mm Getting Their Anti-Typhus Shots f jxit-MMMMMMMMMM T I MMMM' rMMMMMMMMMMMmMMMMMMM S SJflMmlMMMMM& WB hi H JE MbSmMMMMMMM&BKWZv1 l Ba ' &jUtMMMM9$$MMMri ' rK&MMMM T & T 4 Mm tH MaJ. Jus. C. Davis of the army medical department giving recruits Ihe nntl typhus inoculation at the Held hospital of the Citizens' Military Training camp Pluttsburg, N. V. the little town of I.cntl, Knn., and The photograph shows dnmngo doner but It's Bread I ML V VV W TIM? straight-line silhouette that lias been a feature of summer btyles has been accepted by designers as tho underlying mode In the new fall coats that are making their appear ance In the various fashion centers. It Is n fashion that permits many varia tions In length, In sleeves, tu mate rials and In eollnis, so that the chances of Its becoming commonplace are small. The sport Idea In costumes, too, Is retted ed In new weaves In coatings that are particularly well de signed for frosty days on the open road, or for any of the outdoor ac tivities of tho modem young woman. Shnwl nnd mutller collars, wide sleeves, overlapping fronts with side fastenings, rhuracterlr.o tho new mode. In more expensive- models, rock sable, mink, nnd vlatka-dyed squirrel nre HuOHw $ MMmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMm hi 1 1 1 plwJ "TiBiTpSgiS''11' ' " ' Suitable for Maid of &8C1 for the collars and in some cases In trimming tho sleeves. Chinese em broidery, nnd needlework designs adapted from Persian sources lire, ef fectively used on all cloth coats that aspire to more formal and dressy wear. The coat here shown Is suitable for the mnld of sixteen to twenty. It Is developed In a material much like camel's-halr, In a soft brown tone with a faint plaid. The wldo sleeves are ornnimftited with tabs of tho sumo material decorated with buttons of mother of pearl. The pntch pocket nt the right Indulges In a wide box plait and a tab like the ones on the sleeves. Tho coat fastens with a tlo at the left side. Tho small hat with round crown and narrow upturned brim, worn with Warm Things the coat pictured, is typical of this fall's styles, which reveal numerous Bhnpes similar to It. Velvet, duvctlne, lenther, both In the suodo and bright finish, mnko the majority of these chic and becoming hats, and a single feath er fancy or loops of ribbon or velvet trim them. September brlngu school time, hut come compensations also. In Its com pany nro tho first cool, bright days of fall regular playfellows of youth and oven moro enticing than Into sum oior for all kinds of outdoorlng. Moth- UsWWWWvm Ammmmm? YZ.-to MfMMmmmmumWfBmmUMm MMMMMMmWWWW, ) I t 1'- BHKJyi rb;r ' W JKaxMMMMW&MammmmmmmmmBmmML Whkl- ' MMMmWmmW9kmmmmmammm P- SM JlkWSmwmmWMimmmmm i" i :MMmwBBmm BKHH & wmmmmWMmM!mM mkamaBBkmtMMMmmmm fete BmtlWH HBf IfjIhH HIB HTflv ib'l WIW WUBmW Mr "A vBmmS mBSm MMMMMmJ. i,sv Hp MtGZiMF MMMMMMMr 9MMMr HL 'X mWjt WLWf LmwmmJLmW MMMMMMMM fQrfi$.' w MMMmmmkMMMMMMMmW MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMr ers are occupying themselves with school clothes and all that pertains footwear and thereto to headwear, many accessories. Wash dresses, with matching bloom ers of strong cotton cloths, and of other fabrics, form the mainstay of llttlo girls' outerwear for school. An tho days grow cool, scarfs, sweaters nnd short, lightweight coats provide sulll dent warmth until the snow begins to lly. They are all sturdy and nttractlvo and the vogue for matching them up with caps or hats Increases. Many half length, straight coats am mnde of heavy llannel, In plain bright colors, with red a favorite. Angora cloth and jersey cloth servo tho samo puiM)so and tho enps, or turbans, to match are usually niiulo with section, nl crowns and upturned brims. Yarn I From Sixteen to Twenty stltchery or embroider' seems tho most lining of decorations for tho co.y matched sets. A scarf and tun ban of dark blue angora decorated with tan-colored yarn aro shown In the Illustration. Tassels that Mulsh the scarf ends and tho turban are mado of the yarn also. The matched sets appear In tho dis plays of both machine nnd hand-knitted garments and Include sweaters and coats as well as scarfs. Hand crochet contributes some very hand some garments nnd matched sets of all kinds are not by any means con lined to children's wear. Machine knitted sweaters remain the most con venient and trustworthy of garments for school wear and are shown In end less variety of design and color. for Cool Days In footwear It Is evident that t lie. voguo for woolen hosiery, which mnde rapid headway last fall, wns not a passing fancy. It has tho countenanco of even tho most opinionated flappers, slnco It Is borrowed from sports styles which Is a great usset but It also has good sense to recommend It to everyone. , 1923, Western Ntwtpapex tnloa.) Pays to Market Spring Cockerels at Two Pounds With the present price of feeds, says the Ohio Agricultural college, farmers cannot nlTord to keep their spring-hatched cockerels until tlio holiday season to i.ell them. After ft growing cockerel reaches 1', to 2 rounds It Is nu luelllclent consumer of feed for meat production. The price of cockerels Is nlwajs higher during the spring and summer months than In tho fall when many farmers dispone of their surplus cockerels. The slump In price Is du to two causes: (1) The large size cockerel Is less desirable on tho table. (2) Tho cockerel must compcto on th market with the surplus heun, with a resulting slump In price. In case the cockerels art- kept until fall they should bo crate fattened, as they will then bring k premium on the market. The birds Mould be con fined In a small coop or fattening bat tery and fed twice a day on the fol lowing ration: 70 poundn of corn meal, !!() pounds high grade nhorts or mid dllngs, and 10 pounds of wheat bran. This should be mixed with sufllclent sour skim milk or butter milk to mnka a mixture of the consistency of n thick cream. The birds should he starved 12 hours after putting In the crate a ml then fed all they will clean up of the above feed In 10 minutes. The amount of feed fed can be grnd ualy Increased until two full feeds Ik day have been supplied. No water should be given during tho feeding period. A gain of 2.rt to -10 per cent can b made In 12 to 1-1 days. Geese Will Bring Very Good Margin of Profit "One who has not had the pleas ure to watch a little gosling pop out of tho shell and see It grow to ma turlty would bo surprised to knew In bow short n time It Is done. At llrst It Is n llttlo downy fellow, weighing not over four ounces; a round, Huffy little 'ball of wool. Tho wing feathers and breast foathcra start to grow llrst. They will con tinue to have a downy appearance until they become two or threa months eld and then the feathers will begin to replace the down. Dur ing their growth they will generally average an additional pound for each' month, From n commercial stand point the geese will bring u very good margin of profit, for the cost of feed ing them Is very smnll where they can range upon vegetation. The demand Ht tho mnrkets for these fowls dur ing tho holidays Is much greater than tho supply, and the prices at which this product sells at this period should be a good Inducement to those who have tho facilities to ralso mort peese. J i Green Feed Is Valuable " for Its Mineral Matter Clreen feed Is vnluable, not only for Its succulence, which makes It pnlnt nblo to poultry, but also becnuse It contains mineral matter, Including nu tritive constituents, necessnry to sus tain life, promote growth, and assure reproduction. Foremost among thes constituents nre the vltamlnes, the ab sence of which from any ration, wheth er for humans, animals or birds, will ultimately prove fatal. Therefore It behooves every poultry keeper, whether backyarder, specialist, or farmer, to make provision for an ample supply of green feed In some form, and In view of the shortness of our growing season, nnd the late spring experienced this year, no tlm should be lost. Poultry Notes Ducks should be fed wet mashesv principally. Wheat, oats nnd barley are the beBt of small grains for poultry. If your hens do not produce more than ninety eggs' each n yenr they nre not mnklng n profit. Tho early chick Is stronger, more able to overcome obstacles than his later-hatched brother. Hugs, worms and green feed supplement his diet. Clennllness Is essentlnl In raising1 chickens. Sco that nil houses and coops are thoroughly disinfected be fore the chicks nre placed In them. Young ducks seldom thrive on wholo grains of any kind, and leg weakness, tho worst foe of successful duck rais ing, Is sure to result from Improperly bnlnnccd rations. MInorcns arc not considered very good winter layers In cold climates hut make good summer Inyers. Thoy I Inv vrrv lurpe. wliltn shelled petps. It Is of extreme Importance that poultry havo access to plenty of coarse grit, as well as oyster shell and charcoal. Turkeys must have freedom aslnnicH as possible nnd free range In summer If they nre to do well. 'I'hey will do well on tho snme rations as chick . '"-miimM8rCT-;i;'tmareT