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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1923)
RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, OHIEF llllllllMl!!flil!lll!ll The Light of Western Stars CHAPTER XIX Continued. 17 Ills white face loomed over hers. She closed hpr eyes, lit! mined kisses upon tier face, lint no more upon her moutli. On her closed eyes, Jior Imlr, her cheeks, lier neck lie pressed swift llpH lips tlmt lott tlielr lire and grew' cold. Then lie released lier, and, lift ing and righting her In the saddle, he Btlll held her arm to keep her from fulling. For h moment Madeline sat on her horse with shut eyes. She dreaded the light. "Now you can't Pay you've never lieen kissed," Stewart said. Ills voice deemed a long way orf. "Hut that was coming to you, so lie game. Ileiu!" She felt something hard and cold niul metallic tin tst Into her hand. He made her Hnri'in close over It, hold It. The feel of II i thing revived her. She opened her cs. Stewart had Riven her hi gun. He stood with his hroad lireast against her knee, and she looked up to see that old mocking tiinile on Ills face. "Co ahead! Throw my gun on me! He a thoroughbred!" Madeline did not yet grasp hs mean- ln. "You can put mo down In that quiet place on the hill beside Monty l'rlce." Madeline dropped the gun with n phuilderliig cry of horror. The sense of Ids words, the memory of Monty, "Now You Can't Say You'vo Never Been KIsBed," Stewart Said. the certainty that she would kill Stew art If she held the gun an Instant longer, tortured the self-accusing cry from her. Stewart stooped to pick up the weapon. "You might have saved me a li 1 of n lot of trouhle," he said, with anoth er Hash of the mocking smile. "You're beautiful and sweet and proud, hut you're no thoroughbred! Majesty Iluininoiid, utiles I" Stewart leaped for the saddle of his horse, and with the Hying mount crashed through the liii'sqiiltos to dis uppear. CHAPTER XX The Secret Told. In the night Madeline fell In the morning she was pale I.nto asleep, anil languid, hut In a mental condition that promised composure. It was considerably after her regu lar hour that Madeline repaired to her ofllce. The door was open, nnd Just outside, tipped buck In a chair, sat Stlllwell. "Muwiiln', Miss Majesty," ho said, ns he rose to greet her with his usual courtesy. Madeline shrank, Inwnrdly, fearing lila old lamentations about Stewart. Then she saw a dusty, ragged pony In the yard and a little burro drooping under it heavy pack. Ilnth nnlmnls bore evidence of long, Ardu ous travel. "To whom do they belong?" asked Madeline. "Them critters? Why, Dunn Mains." replied Stlllwell, with h cough that betra.ved embarrassment. "Is Danny Mains here?" she asked, In suddun curiosity. The old cattlemnn nodded gloomily. "Yep, he's hyar. all right. Sloped In from tlie hills an' he hollered to see Bonltn. He's locoed, too, ntioi that little black-eyed hussy. Why, ho hard ly said, 'Howdy, HIM,' before he tie gun to ask wild an' eager questions. I took Mm In to ;"f Honltii. lie's been there yore'n a naif-hour now." '.Ui'ld footsteps with an accompani ment of clinking spurs sounded In the hull wax, Then a young man ran out upon tho porch. Ho was a handsome, frank-faced hoy. At fright of Madeline lie slammed down Ids sombrero and, lonplng at her. he possessed himself of bnr hands. Ills swift violence not only rdarmed her, but painfully lemlnded her of something she wished to forget. THl cowboy bent bis head and Atr. "t lunula unrt wruus Uuim. umi llli when he straightened up he was cry ing. "Miss Hammond, she's safe nn' al most well, nil what I feared most ain't so, thank Ood," ho cried. "Sure I'll never he able to pay you for all you've done for her. She's told mo how she was dragged down here, how (lone tried to save her, how you spok up for One an' her, too, how Monty nt the last throwed his guns. Poor Monty I We were good friends, Monty an' I. There's Nels an' Nick an' (."one, he's been some friend to me; hut Monty Price was he was grand. He never knew, any more than you or HIM, here, or the boys, what Honltii was to me." Stlllwell's kind and heavy hand fell upon the cowboy's shoulder. "Danny, what's all this queer gab?" he asked. "An' you're tukln' some lib erty with Miss Hammond, who never seen you before. I see you're not drlnkin'. Come, ease tip now an' talk sense." The cowboy's line, frank face broke Into a smile. He dashed the tears from his eyes. Then he laughed. Ills laugh had h pleasant, boyish ring a happy ling. "Mill, old pal, stand bridle down n minute, will you?" Then he bowed to Madeline. "I beg your pardon, Miss Hammond, for seemln' rudeness. I'm Danny Mains. An' Houltn Is my wife. I'm so crazy glad she's safe an' un harmedso grateful to you that why, sure It's n wonder I didn't kiss you outright." "Honltu's your wife 1" ejnculuted Stlllwell. "Sure. We've been married for months," replied Danny, happily. "Gone Stewart did It. Ootid old (!ene. I guess maybe I haven't come to pay him up for all he's done for me! You see, I've been In love with Honltii for two years. An' Oene you know, Hill, what n way Oeno has with girls he was well, lie was tryln' to get Honltn to hnvo me." Madeline's quick, varying emotions were swallowed up In a boundless gladness. Something dnr.k, deep, henvy, unit somber was flooded from her heart. Sho hnd n sudden rich sense of gratitude toward this smiling, clean- fnced cowboy whose blue eyes flnshod through tears. "Danny Mains 1" she said, tremulous ly nnd smilingly. "If you an as glad as your news hu3 nintle me If you really think I merit such a reward you may kiss me outright." With a bashful wonder, but with right hearty will, Danny Mains availed himself of this gracious privilege. Stlllwell snorted. The signs of his phenomenal smile wero manifest, oth erwise Madeline would have thougiit that snort nn Indication of furious dis approval. "Hill, straddle n, chnlr," radd Danny. "You've gone buck a heap these last few months, fret tin' over your had boys, Danny an' Oene. You'll need support under you while I'm throwln' my yarn. Story of my life, HIM." He placed n chair for Madeline. "Miss Hammond, heggln' your pardon again, I want you to listen, also. You'xe the face an' eyes of a. woman who loves to hear of other people's happiness. Hesltles, somehow, It's easy for me to talk lookln at you." Walking off the porch, he stood bo fore the weary horse and burro. With the swift violence characteristic of men of his class he slipped the pack from the burro and threw saddle and bridle from the horse. He untied the pack and, taking a small, heavy sack from It, he came buck u)ion the porch. Deliberately ho (lumped the contents of the suck at Stlllwell's feet. Piece after piece of rock thumped upon the lloor. The pieces wero sharp, ragged, evidently broken from n ledge; the body of them wns white In color, with yellow veins nnd bars and streaks. StUlwell grasped up one rock nfter unother, stnred nnd stuttered, put the rocks to his lips, dug Into thorn with his shak ing lingers; then he lay hnck In his chnlr, head agulnBt the wall, find as ho gapetl nt Danny the old mulle began to transform his face. Danny regarded Stlllwell with lofty condescension. "Now, HIM, wlint'vo wo got here, say, offhand?" "Oh. Lord. Dnnnyl I'm afraid to say. Look, Miss Majesty, Jest look tit the gold. I've lived among prospec tors an gold mines fer thirty years, au' I never seen the heat of this." "The Lost Mine of the Padres!" cried Danny, In stentorian voice. "An' It belongs to me!" Stlllwell made some incoherent sound as lie sat up fascinated, quite beside himself. "Hill, It was some long time ago since .ui saw me," said Danny. "I'act Is, I know how you felt. hecae.Dfi Oene kept me posted. 1 happened to run mtos itnnltu, an 1 wasn't gain to let her ride away alone, when she told me she was In trouble. Wo hit tho trull for the Pehniclllos. Honltii hud dene's horse, an' she was to nieot him til on the trail. W" got to the moun tains nil right, an' nearly Mimed for a few days till Oeno found us. He hml got In trouble hliiMcIf tin' cvuldift fetch much with him. "We made for the crags an built n cabin. I couiii duwu tlmt duv Uuiiu :: :: sent his horse Majesty to you. Never saw Oene so broken-hearted. Well, utter he sloped for the border Honltii nn' I were hurd put to It to keep nllve. Hut we got along, an' I think It wns then she begun to care n little for me. Once I went to El Cajon an' run plumb Into Oene. He was back from the rev olution an' cuttln' up some. Hut I got nway from him nfter tloln' nil I could to drug him out of town. A long time after that Oene trailed up to the crags nn' found us. Oene hnd stopped drink In', he'd changed wonderful, was line an' dandy. It was then he began to pester the life out of mo to make me marry Honltn. I was happy, so was she, an' I was some scared of spollln' It. Heiio's dog-gone hard to buck against I I had to give In, an' I asked Honltn to marry me. Well, she wouldn't at first said she wasn't good enough for me. Hut I saw the marriage Idea was workln' deep, an' I Just kept on be In' as decent as I knew how. So It was my want In' to mnrry Honltn my beln' glnd to mnrry her that made her grow soft an' sweet an' pretty as as a mountain quail. Oene fetched up Padre Marcos, an' he married us." Danny paused In his nurrntlve, breathing bard, ns If the memory of the Incident described had stirred strong and thrilling feeling In him. Stlllwell's smile wns rapturous. Made line leaned toward Danny with her eyes shining. "Miss Hammond, an' you, HIM Stlll well, now listen, for this Is strange I've got to tell you. The afternoon Honltn an' I wero married, when Clone nn' the pndre hnd gone, she left me for n little, nn' when she enme buck she wore some pretty yellow flowers In her hair. She snld some queer things nbout spirits rollln' rocks down the canyon. Then she said she wanted to show mo where she always snt nn' r ulted an' watched for me when I wns awny. She led mo around under the crags to n long slope. It was some pretty tlierc clear an' opsn, with n long sweep, nn' the desert ynwnln' deep nn' red. There were yellow flow ers on thnt slope, the samo kind she hnd in her hair. "When I heard the strange crack of rollln' rocks heard them rattle down un' roll nn' grow fulnt I was some out of my hend. Hut not for long. Them rocks were rollln' nil right, only It wns the wentherln' of the cliffs. "An there tinder the crags was a gold pocket. "Then I was worse than locoed. I went gold-rrazy. I worked like seven teen burros. HIM, I dug a lot of gold benrln' quartz. Honltn watched the trulls for me, brought me wuter. Thut wns how she come to get caught by Put IIuwc nn' his guerrilla. Suro! Put lluwe wns so set on dole' Gene dirt thnt he mixed up with Don Carlos. Honltn will tell you nonio etaggcrltf news nbout thnt outfit. .Tu'st novr my story is till gold." Dnnny Mnlns got up and kicked back his chu'.r. Hlue lightning p'enniH from his eyes ns he thrvit n Wjii1 toward Stlllwell. "Hill, old pal, put her there 'e me vour bund," he said. "You were nlwV.vo my friend. You bail fnlth In me. Well, ; Danny Mains owes you, nn' he owes Oene Stew urt n good deal, an' Danny Mains pays. I wnnt two piirdners to help me work my gold mine. You nn' Oene. Oo fetch him ; nn right here In this house, with my wife un' Miss Huiiiniond us witnesses, we'll draw up u partlnershlp. Oo find him, HIM. I wnnt to show him this gold, show him how Dnnny Mulns pays! An' the only bitter drop hi my cup today Is thut I can't ever pay Monty Price." Madeline watched the huge Stlllwell nnd the little cowboy, both talking wildly, as they walked off arm In arm to And Stewnrt. She Imnglned some thing of whnt Danny's disappointment would be, of the elder man's conster nation and grief, when he learned Stewnrt had left for the border. At this Juncture she looked up to sen a strange, yet familiar figure approach ing. Padre Marcos I Mention of Pndre Marcos, sight of him, had always occasioned Madeline a little Indefinable, shock ; and now, as he stepped to tho porch, n shrunken, stooped, und sad-faced miin, she was startled. The padre bowed low to her. "Senora, will you grant me audi ence? It I n matter of great moment, which you irdght not tare to hae any one hear." WondwSngly Mntlellne Inclined her lend. The padre gently closed one door and then the others. "Senoru, I hnvo come to disclose n secret my own sinfulness In keeping It nnd to Implore your pardon. Do you remember that night Senor Stew art dragged me before you In the wnltlng-rocxi at El Cajon?" "Yes." replied Madeline. "Senora, since, thut night ynu have been Senor Stewart's wife!" Madeline became ns motionless ns -tone. She seemed to feel nothing, only to hear. "You are Senor Stewart's wife. 1 have kept the secret under fear of death. Hut I could keep It no longer. Senor Stewnrt may kill me now. Ah. Senoru. It Is very strange to you. You were so frightened that night, you knew not what huuucuod. Senor J Romance Btj Zane Qreu Coptjriqht Vnj Harper and Brothers 5S III! Stewart threatened inc. Ho forced you. lie made mo speak the service. He made you speak the Spanish yes. And I, Senora, knowing the deeds of these sinful cowboys, fearing worse than disgrace to one so beautiful und so good ns you, I could not do less than marry you truly. At least you should he his wife. So I married you, truly, In the service of my church." "My Ood 1" cried Madeline, rising. "Hour me I I Implore you, Senora, hear me out! Do not leuve me I Do not look so so All, Senora, let me speak n word for Senor Stewart. He was drunk that night. Ho did not know what he wns nbout. In the morning he enme to me, mndo me swear by my cross thnt I would not reveal the disgrace he hud put upon you. If I did he would kill me. Life Is nothing to the Ainericnn vnqiioro, Senoru, I promised to respect bis command, but I did not tell him you were his wife. He did not dream I hnd truly married you. He went to light for the freodo n of my country Senoru, he Is one splendid soldier und I brooded over the sin of my se cret. If he were 1 "etl 1 need never tell you. Hut If he i'ved I knew that I must some tiny. "Senoru, I pray you. do not nilsiin derstiintl my mission. Heyotul my con fession to you 1 I.ave only a duty to tell you of the man whose wife you nre. Hut I tun a priest and I can read the soul. The ways of Ood are In scrutable. I am only n humble Instru ment. You nre a noble woman, nnd Senor Stewart Is a man of desert Iron forged anew In the crucible of love. Qulen snbe? Senor Stewnrt swore be would kill me If I betrayed him. Hut he will not lift his luind against me. I'or the limn hears you a very great and pure love, and It tins changed him. To love you above the spirit of the flesh; to know you nre his wife, his, never to ho another's except by his sncrlflce; to watch you with n secret glory of Joy nnd pride; to stand, while he might, between you nnd evil; to find his happiness In service; to wnlt, with never a dream of telling you, for the hour to come when to leave you free lie must go out and get himself shot! Senora, that Is beautiful, It Is sublime, It Is terrible. It has brought me to you with my confession. So I beseech you In my humble olllco ns priest, ni n lover of mankind, before you send Stewnrt to his denth, to be sure there Is here no mysterious tils pensntlon of God. I pray you, Senora, before you let Stewart give you free dom at such cost he sure you do not wnnt his love, lest you cast awny something sweet und ennobling which you yourself have created." CHAPTER XXI News of Stewart. Winded, like a wild creature, Mntle llne Hammond ran to her room. She felt as St' a stroke of lightning had shattered the shadowy substance of the dream she had inude of real life. I TJio wonder of Dnnny Mulns' story, the strange re?rot witn wnicn sue nail realized her ln.ltmtlco to Stewart, the nsiwntllnpr secret rj wealed by Padre Marcos tlwse wero forgotten In the widen consciousness of her own loo. Sh Pbomted the thought that knocked nt tfc gntes of iier mind. With quiv ering tips slij whispered it. Then she spoke itlovo: "T will wy It hear It. I T love him!" In n nature like hers, where strength of feollag hnd long been Inhibited as n matter of training, such a trans forming surprise ns sudden cnnsrlous nrss of passlonnte love required time for Its awakening, time for Us sway. Hy and by that Inst enlightening mo ment come, nnd Mntlellne Hnmmontl faced not only the love In her heart, but the thought of the man she loved. Suddenly, ns she raged, something In her this dnuntloss new personality took arms against Indictment of Oene Stewart. Her mind whirled nbout him and his life. She turn him drunk, hrutnl ; she saw him nbnndonetl, lost. Then out of the picture she hnd of him thus slowly grew one of a differ ent man weak, sick, changed by shock, growing sttnng, strangely, splr Ituully iilterti, client, lonely lllo an eagle, secretive, tireless, faithful, soft ns a woman, mini ns iron to entiure, nnd nt the last noble. "Oh, It to till terrible!" she cried. "I nm his wlff. Ills wife I Thnt iwet- Ing with him the tnurrlnge thtj his fall, his love, his rise, hi silence, his pride! And I enn ne7er be anything to him. Could I be anything to him? I. Madeline Ilumiiioiiil? Hut I urn his wife, nnd I love him! His wife! I am the wife of u cowboy ! That might be undone. Cun my lovo be un.hine? Ah, do I wnnt anything undotn1? He ts gone. Oono! Could he hnvtj piennt 1 will not, dure not think of that. l!o will come buck. No, he never will come buck. Oh, whnt sliull I do?" And on the morning of the next day, when Mntlellne went nut upon the porch. Stlllwell. haggard und stern, with husky, Incoherent word, handed her u niessago from Kl Cajon. She read ; "HI Cnpltan Stewart captured by rebel soldiers lu flzht ut Axmu Prlctu TmUTuy. He ra rpihwtev tfcc federal ranks, fieateacctf V death Thursday at sunset" CHAPTER XXII Tho Ride. "still wcii-r The old CAcMemnn stood mute be fore her, staring nt her white fuce, at her eyes of flame. "Stlllwell 1 I am Stewart's wife!" "Sly Ouwd, SIIss .Majesty l" ho burst out. "I knowed somethln' turrlble wns wrong. Aw, sure It's a pity " "Do you think I'll let him be shot when I know lilui now, when I'm n longer blind, when I love him?" ihe asked, with pnsslonnte swiftness. "I will save him. This Is Wednesday morning. I have thirty-six hours to save his life. Stlllwell, send for Link and the car!" She went Into her ofllce. Her mind worked with extraordinary rapidity and clearness. Her plan, born In ono llghtiilngllke flush of thought, necessl. tilted the euro fill wording of telegruini to Washington, to New York, to San Antonio. These were to senators, rep resentatives, men high In public nnd private life, men who would remember lier and who would serve her to tlielr utmost. Never before had her posi tion meant anything to her comparable with what It meant now. Never In all i her life had money seemed the power I that It was then. If she hud been poor! A shuddering chill froze the thought nt Its Inception. Siie dispelled heartbreaking thoughts. She leitl power. She hud wealth. She would set Into operation all the unlimited means these guvo her the wires und pulleys und strings underneath the siir- ; luce of political pud international life, the open, free, purchasing value of money or the deep, underground, mys terious, incalculably powerful lnliu- ' once moved by gold. She could navo Stewart. When she went outside the car was there with Link, helmet in hand, it cool, bright gleam in his eyes, and with Stlllwell, losing his haggard misery, i beginning to respond to .Madeline's spirit. "Link, drive Stlllwell to Kl Cajon In ' time for him to catch the Kl Paso J train," she snld. "Wnlt there for his ; return .nnd If any message corner ! from him, telephone It at once to ::ie." i Then she gave Stlllwell the telegrams I to send from Kl Cajon and drafts to , cash In Kl Pnso. She Instructed him j to go before the rebel junta, then sta- , tioned at Juarez, to explain the situa tion, to bid them expect communica tions from Washington ofllclals re questing nnd advising Stewart's ex change as a prisoner of war, to offer to buy his release from the rebel au thorities. There was a erne.', a muffled sound bursting Into a roar, and the big cur jerked forwurd to bound over the edge of the slope, to leap down the long In cline, to shoot out upon the level val ley floor and dlsappenr In moving dust. Sludellne endured pntlently, endured for long Interminable hours while hold ing to hope with Indoinltnble will. No inessnge enme. At sunset she went outdoors, suffering u torment of ncciitnulutlng suspense. Night fell. She prayed for the sun not to rise, not to begin ltgshort twelve-hour Journey towartl whnt might be n fatal setting for Stewnrt. Hut the dawn did lighten. swiftly she thought, remorselessly. Daylight had broken, and this was Thursday ! Sharp ringing at the telephone noil startled her, roused her Into action. She run to answer the call. "Hello hello Miss Majesty!" came the hurried reply. "Tills 's Link tulk ln Messnges for you. Favorable, the operator said. I'm to ride out with them. I'll come a-bummlu'." That was nil. Madeline heard the bang of the receiver as Stevens throw It down. Favorable i Then Stlllwell had been successful. HCr heart leaped It Hear Him!" Love Suddenly she became weak and her hands fulled of their accustomed deftness. It took her whnt seemed a thousand years to drfiss. ilrcukfiist meant nothing to her rxcopt that It helied her to puss dragging minutes. Finally a low hum, innuiulng swift ly to u roar and ending with a sharp report, announced the arrival of tho car. If her feet had kept para with her heart she would have raced out to meet Link. (TO 1 1H CONTINUED.) Single Devotion. "Don't they get on well together?" "I'll say they don't. They have twiu nuws in church " Ufc 'Hal HP St. Louis smoker moves into ) second place "With 405 cans to his credit Mr. Thurston smokes his j way towards tho lead Mr. Byron Thurston of St. Louis li more than qualified for membership in tho Edgcworth Club. But his posi tion in tho championship-smoker class is not so well established. Mr. Thursi ton's interesting letter follows: Hotel Garni, St. Luli, Mo. ' I.trus & Brother Company, juenmona, va. Gentlemen: I have often heard of great imokars o onn kind ot tobacco. t bavo araoked 40S entva of Edi-wort)t riujt Slice 86c alio without changing. Maim If .. I.n .( . !..... mJi ' I would bo clad t& hear from yov, I emoke uiih can ui louncpo in two aaya ana enjoy very pipeful. Youm truly, (Signed) Uyron Thurston. More than a yoar uro an EdReworth smoker from Burlington, Vermont, Mr. II. P. Baldwin, wroto in suggest ing that ho had smoked more Edge worth than any other living man. At that timo ho hud smoked over 1000 cans of tho same size purchased by Mr. Thurston, distributed over a pe riod of nearly a score of years. So while it appears today that Mr. Thurston is well behind tho leader, if he c&ntinuea smoking a can every two days, it may bo only a matter of years before ho will bo well in advance of the entire field. Still, it is a big country and thero are a lot of Edgcworth smokers. You can never tell when n now record will be hung up to bo tho envy of all smokers. Edgcworth has something about it that holds smokers. Not tli at every. ono likes Edge worth, but those who do generally re main steadfast in their loyalty to tho tobacco year after year. If you have never tried Edgeworth, Larus & Brother Company will be glad to send you free samples of both Edgeworth Plug Slice and Ready Rubbed. Then you can smoke a few pipcfuls and judge for yourself whether or not the tobacco is as good as a great many veteran pipo smokers claim it is. Just drop a postcard to Larus $ Brother Company, 80 South 21st Street, Richmond, Va., and tho free samples will bo forwarded to yoq promptly. If you will also include the name and address of your regular tobacco dealer, your courtesy will bo appre ciated. Edgcworth is sold in various size, to suit tho needs and means of Oil purchasers. Both Edgeworth Plug Slice and Ready-Rubbed come in small, pocket-size packages, in attrao tive tin humidors and in handy ini between sizes. ' To Iielall Tobacco Merchants: If your jobber cannot supply you with Edgeworth, Laru3 & Brother Com pany will gladly send you prepaid by parcel post a one- or two-dozen carton of any size of Plug Slice or Ready Rubbed for tho same price you would pay tho jobberr How Old Is That Egn7 Eggs hocreftso In density as they grow oljer. Their age may ho ascer tained by thvlr spcclllc gravity. Melt two ounces of kitchen suit In ? pint o wuter and place the raw eggi In It, When first laid they will de scend o the bottom, when one day old they .vlll almost touch It; when three duyw old they will swim, nnd when oldw will float on tho top. 1iic more the.- project above the water the older tilt' are. A preserved egg will float lover than one untreated, as It Is coat en so ns to make It airtight, thus pre vwitlng change In the contents. Its crocking In hot wuter Is not tine to badness, but to the stune cause the shell being airtight prevents the es cape of gases as they expand with tho beat. New York World. Quick Learner. A ninn who believed he knew nil about parrots undertook to tench whnt he thought to be u young mute bird to any "Hello 1" In one lesson. Going up to Its cage, ho repeated that word in a clear voice for severa minutes, the parrot paying not tho slightest attention. At the Until "Hello " tho bird opened one eye, guzed at tho man, nnd mapped out, "Line's busy." Stray stories. i ,'f FPfe Mire Eiteiier FOR INDIGESTION Bell-ans "mM Hot water Sure Relief v W? IWiM Jk ssi tsaiiaE DUiU si nsS 25 AND 75 PACKAGES EVERYWHERE ---"-" ' '"i is Fragrant and Very Healthful J eio Kc, Oir.frasnt 25 and 50e, Talcwn 25e. m csmmxo Iv7v rw m En Z2A B?SV rfl N Jrthf m W ; f J i