The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 21, 1923, Image 8

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Marriage Is no Joko,
ooplo marry ono.
althu lota of
W. J. Vance Laid to Rest
I Regular service i-ry flist.iuid lliltd
WMIIInm .Jnu.i-. imce, ngul .0 yonf,, Sllllllll. , , ,i., ..,,.. ., ... iil0 Advctitlst
Order and Notice of Probate.
man Is nlwnyn flattered
usl for his advice.
Ono trouble about "direct action"
(8 that It does not. mean work.
0 mouths and 2Sd:iyp, pulsed away l.nt
TlnirNiliiy night m his hotnu in'nr Inn
Mr Vunei' is one of Hie old plum-urn
of this iMwnty having come hole
In the Hiiuiniir nf 1370 later Uklng a
hiomubU'iul iihmi- IiiHvalu which ho re
bhled on until his death.
The funeral services weie hold Sun
dy nfieniocn. J. S. Olllnun assisted
by the IuavHlo Clergymen In chiirgo
after which InttTinent was uiedo Intho
Pleasant Priililc eemelery.
The road to Easy Btroot Is paved
tlth the remains of onny marks.
Hard work anil thrift nrc the only
mro routes to ft leisurely old nfo.
Lota of reform ideas aro good, tho
main troublo Is with tho reformers.
LiULiiLi llCil'JD
c. nr
chinch at 11 a in
Prui'hlng a 11 n. m
You are (wrdiiilly Invited to attend
our hernm".
0 K. Helnlt.-, Putor
State Line
to Red Cloud Tin".-
trip to Smith
Every town needs somo Improve--aonts,
Including u fow cheap funerals.
Tho only safo place for n girl to bo
racclnated nowadays is under her
arrlst watch.
A popular idea nowadays Is that
earth has no sorrows that mono,
tannot hoal.
Tho chief duty of a so-called llvo
flro Is to pile up expenses for some
ano clso to pay.
It is easy to admit
tvrong whon you aro
aaudsomo woman.
that you aro
talking to a
It Is Impossible for any man to
ever got to bo as wise as ho thought
no was at twenty-two.
alesseil to
lot nearly
remarks that It Is more
give than to receive but
so convenient.
If long nklrts stay In Mylo lots of
.vorthy. linrd working moaiiultoes aro
Ikcly to starve to death.
According to the ads till you have
:o do to bo healthy and handsome
is to cat kraut and drink pop.
Ono way to discover who aro your
.'rlends is to hnve a run of extra
ood luck or extra hard luck.
Hank Leggott says ho considers
Anger bowls nn Insult because ho
lover docs eat with his fingers.
N'o ono enn bo quite so uncom
'ortable as a fat woman on a hot
ay with a Ilea under her corsot.
Mr. nnil Mrs. Ernest Davi.-, are the
proud parents of a buby boy born
Jtuiieb Molntolsh mid brothers Peter
and Fruuk spent Saturday in Uratid
Islaud. Thev went via nuto.
. Mr. mid Mrs. Ed. Cook left Sunday
morning for Nowattn, Oklahoma, at
which place they Intend to nmke their
futuro l""-
""" Flonwice McDowell went to
,o" Nebr., Sunday morning to ut.
itlil the funeral of her grand mother,
Mrs. .Mary Jones
Nellie We'd Caster returned to Alinu
Sunday evening where Mie Is teaching
In the Normal school, after spending
the week end with hei mother at th s
George nutl Emily Hailell lett the
last of the week for Long 1-jland, Kan
as, In lehpoiioto a telegram announ
cing the ni'iilh of tlu-n father who re
hhloil ut that place.
tiny Hradbiook left UVdnesdiiy for
llyshiitu, Montana. 'ini-e Sitiinilei.
Uros : Mnidhmok IJ-ot have pur.
elniMHil a lumber yard an. I have taken
p sschi-Iiiii 'f th'i iiiiiii' We wihli them
H. V Ttirnuie mid family left the
llrst of the wee'.; fm Poitlaml, Oregon,
win re th- Intend to iniike tlu-lr future
home Thev leave any numbei of
friends In Hod Uloud who will wish
them hii( cess unit hippiiiehS in their
now home, and who regret their de.
pai tine. Ex-Mayor I) W. Tin nine,
who for yeuis was onu of tho llrm of
Turnure llros , Is a business man of
unusual ability uml leave- vacant a
place In tho business elides of this
city which will be hard to till.
llert Mass went
Mohn Urouti made a
Center Saturday
Mr and Mi- On Pi 111 and
spent Sunday in lied Cloud.
Mr. and Mi-. I. li. Prtiret and
spent Sunday at 1! II. Stone.
Several farmer- in e busy di-oiiitf corn
while others ate puttitiir up alfalfa,
Frank and Fled Iti-owo eneh purchas
ed new mow oi sin Uuir Oak last week.
Little Edna Carper had the misfort
une to full and bteak her aim last
MKs Lnttln Johnston and Jimmle
Mosslnnder were untried in Smith
Center Monday afternoon.
Buick and Ford Crash
East of Red Cloud
What tultrlit have proven a fatal ac
cident oeeured last Saturday night,
about a mile and a half east of Red
Cloud as Ralph (Splde) Newhoii'-e and
the Mis-es Irum and Htith Oattuati
were re' in nl uu' from a dance in tlio
country. They 'owed down on ac
count of the IL-lit of the cars coming
from the opposite diieetiou blludiuu
them, and were running hIoiu in
neutral Iihi a Hoick -i. driven by n
Mr. lliown of Iriiiile ll-ie'i. erashed In
to tlie of the em- diiv-eti by New
liou-iMitnl the oar- went to the ditcli
doing eoiiideralil- I'mnige to both',
nnil In Mime manlier ;ii.le had been
thro Mi out uml fulli d uiil el 'he
front end i.f the Hiiiel,. pretty tmdly
Si-aldeil Ini.ii the luit iv.ilet of the riili.
ntoi, w li le i ne nttier ni'iMipmils, if both
e.u- were mure foituiri e. ti-ng li
seiiuiisly hut t
In the County L'omt of Webster'
County, Nebraska I
In the matter of the estate of .'wain
II Jolmnn Deceased
Ton 1 Poisons Interested in Suld Hs'ate
TAKK Nol'ICE, 'I hat n petition has
been tiled herein, praying for the pro
bate of a cettulu wdtteii instrument,
now on file In this court, purporting
to tie the last will and testament of
Swfilti H, Johnson, Deceased: and t lint
x lid instrument be admitted to pto
bate, titid tuat a Iministration of said
etate b6 gianted to Sophi Johnson,
ns executrix ,
ir Is heieby ouloted that vouuii I ad
poisons interested in mid matter, may
appVar at the County Court room. In
the City of Heil Cloud, In said county
and state, on the '2.'Jd day ot June, 102.1.
at ten o'clock A. M. to show cause If
any theie be, why the prayer of the
petitioner should not be gianted, and
that notice of the pendency of said pe.
titlon, and tne hearlug thereon, be giv.
en to all poisons Interested, by pub-
li-hlng it copy of thU order iu the Red
Cloud Chief, a legal weekly uewspuper
published Ic said county, for three suc
cessive weeks prior to .said day of hear
Witness my hand and the seal of the
County Court thib lstday of June, 19i'J
iSeal ) A. U. KANNEY,
Judire of the County Court.
Howard S. Foe, Attorney.
I Place Your Coal
The Ma
Orders Now
one-Gelatly Co
Sheriff's Sale.
Lots of husbands never think of
stiying anything for their wives ox
opt whon tho stores aro closed.
You never realb.o how limited your
ocabulary is until you run out of
gas nine miles from u filling station.
Non-skid tires aro a blessing but
amo and fortune await the man who
will Invent non-skid fulso teeth.
Most of us onjoy having tho blues
10 much that wo would like to shoot
'Jig fellow who tries to cheer us up.
D.ul would novor got ovor It If
no day In the year wore sot nsldo
mi which ho would bo thought of
Tho man who says boys and girls
ire blggor fools than tlmy used to
30 has forgotten his own youngor
Bill Maupin Intimates that ho
loeBn't believe somo of tho stories Iu
no Bible. If I had Dill's reputation
I'd keep ptlll about yarns told by
itlibT folks.
It was a groat rollof to go to
3erlng onco and oat good meals with
3ut having Aso vVood count every
ilto I took.
(.us Ducchler suggests that forward
ooking bridegrooms provldo a sink
Jig fund for alimony in the house
hold budgets.
Ono editor says ho would go to
Jio movlog oftonor If ho didn't always
lavo to hunt up a billboard to find
tut what Is on.
Woll Know Truss Expert Coming to
E. J. Meiuliaidisajs, the Truss Ex
poit, from Chicago, will poisonally bo
nt the Claike Hotel, Hasting-, Nebr.
on Tuesday and Wednesday only, June
.Gth and 'JTth
Mr. Melnhaidl says "The Vacuum
Shield" will not only hold the Kiiptin-o
perfectly, but will contract the open
ing In ten days on the average case
Usually giving instantaneous relief
withstanding all stralu regardless of
the size and location of the Uupture.
This truss Is positively guaranteed
Caution: Ruptured persons should
bawaro of old-style trusses with un-
derstraps1 These trusses usually place
the pad ou the lump and not at the
rupture opening. This often causes
serious trouble resulting iu strangu
lation aud necessitating ft btirgle-tl
operation. Mi. Melnhardi will te
glad to demonstrate without the use
of surgery, uudioal treatmeut, pre
scrlntlou9 or Injection-, the unusuilly
rapid results produced by ''The ac
cum Shield " These demonstrations
will be given free to all who call at
the hotel from It) A M to 4 P. M. The
largest aud most ditllcult cases, tho-e
following operations, ure especially
desired Business demand prevent
stopping at any other place Hi tins
section and he will be here for two
dates only.
As for me, I'd rather listen to peo
)lo yodlo their soup thau to listen
to tho brand of music that Is usually
served with meals.
If tho next war is fought In tho
ilr, as somo claim, American poli
ticians will supply an unlimited
.mount of tho hot variety.
And then there is tho town that
Jilnks It Is really doing something
hen Its merchants buy a page or
wo of space In a dally or trado
wper for ono lssuo.
avio nwEM v-ee.eerce.
A wostorn
in a Jlshlng
t total
Nebraska editor went
trip lately but It was
failure. Hu forgot his poker
I hnve my furnlturo Insured against
mrglary, earthquakes, lire, Hood, and
joruudoes, but I forgot to Include
A Kansas paper, speaking of a wod
llus, auya tho brlduund guom hnvo
joon frlondn for many years. But
Jiero Is no guaranty that, they will
ntlnue to be friendly.' "
V foO' 1
1 $KrtP
When a farmer takes his produc
to market and sells It for, say. a dol
lar a bushel, ho Is dependent upon thd
honesty of two measures the dollar
and tho bushel.
Tho other day n crossroads store
keeper got Bent to jail for manipu
lating a trick bushol basket with a
falso bottom that would slide up and
down in a way that was grand, gloomy
and mysterious. When using It to
measure stuff ho bought from a farm
er, he'd secretly shovo tho bottom
down until It hold at least a bushel
and a quarter, but ho would only
credit him with a bushel. Tho buying
power of tho farmer's product was
thereby depreciated by about twenty
por cant.
Finally tho farmers theroabout3 got
wise to the fact that tho only way
thoy could got. what was coming to
thorn was to enforce a reliable stand
ard ot measurement. So thoy put a
good stiff jail penalty on using a
fako measure, laid for that store
keeper wtth tho trick baskot and sent
him to prison.
Politicians In Europe have boon
manipulating tho other measure the
money measure In much the same
way. Somo of them In Araorlca want
to tamper likewise wtth tho dollar.
Here Is about tho way It would work
out Supposo, whon tho farmer
brought his product to market, tho
baskot measure was honest enough
and ho got a dollar bill for each
bushol. Ho'd tako his dollars home
and savo thorn. Porhapa he planned
to buy sumo land noxt his own for a
thousand dollars, and tlgurod that In
a year or so he could mako It.
" But meanwhllo tho politicians start
to manipulate the base ot tho cur
rency. Tnoy wouiu cnango u irom us
gold standard to a flat money plan
from a gold guarantee to tho mere
say-so of tho government that a piece
of paper was worth a dollar. Tho
farmer wouldn't be watching the
money-polltlclans. Ho would bo too
busy raising things. At tho end ot
tho year he has his thousand dollars.
Ho takos them to tho landowner and
Bays, "I'll buy your land now hore'a
a thousand dollars."
But the landowner would say, "That
is papor monoy my land Is worth
ono thousand dollars gold tho gov
ernment has printed so much papor
money folks haven't much conlldonco
in It. But I am willing to tako a
chanco If you will glvo mo n dollar
and a quarter In paper monoy for
each gold dollar's valuo ot my land
In othor words, I'll give you my land
for J1.250 dollars paper."
Notice is hereby given that under
and by vliiue of an Older of sale i-stied
from the utllee of CiaiH McMillan.
C erl; of the Distt let Court of tho Tenth
Jniiieinl District within and for Web.
-let county, Nebraska, upon a dioioe
Pi all iiofloii pending therein, wbeiein
.( I ii Kiln in ! iilm'tV ui.d hlmIii-'
Wu'.ter .1 .McCoy el ul are defendants.
I shall oifct for sale at p ililic vonilut.
M-C'Uf.Ing to tlie teltns of suld ileeiee
to the highest biddoi tor e-tsh In Intiid
iMlu s,,uth door of the Couit lloil.-'i
ut lUd Cloud, Neiniiska, (tlni beiu.'
the boildliic wheu-iii tlie last term el
sin! court whs bullion) on the lt'rh daj
ut .luii,. lOJIJ. ut - o'clock p. m of said
day the following desciibed properu.
ti.wit: llieMiuth W e-t Qiiurtei, except
aioiit one and one-half note thereof iu
the southeast corner theieof Used tor a
eemelery, of Section Teu in Township
Four, Range Twelve, Webster county,
Given under my hand this llth day
of June, li2'l
Soft monoy would bo only another
way for tho money-politicians to hand
tho farmer tho samvi dirty deal as tho
baskot manipulator. In tho first caso
the farmer unknowingly gavo a bushol
and a quarter of his product, and In
tho socond caso ho would havo to give
a dollar and a quarter ot his money,
for a dollar's value In return. ,
June IS, 1023
T.ii.s being ono of tho dates fixed
by law for a meeting of Count:
Boaid the Webster County Board of
,.ounty Commissioners met nt l
o'clock p. m. All members piOfCiit.
The uond of H. F. John as Road
Overs-eer of Dist. No. 12 was ii prov
ed by Board
The petition of W. R. Burwell signed
by ,'M legal voter-, and Free Holders
of Inavale Precinct was fled with
Board asking that license to conduct
n Pool and Billard hall in Inavale,
Nebraska, be granted to W. R. Bur-
vvoll Tim Rnnnl snf .TilW- Otli nf O
o'clock p. m. as the time for hearing
any objections to the granting of
A petition signed by R. J. Chaplin
and others was filed by Board ask
ing perm'ssion to play Sunday Base
Ball on the SEVi of section 33-3-10
in Elm Creek precinct. Motion made
and carried that permission be grant
ed said games to be conducted in
accordance with the state law govern
ing such games.
Tlie protest of the International
Harvester Co. against the amount
of tax paid by them for the year 1922
was den'ed and County Treasurer in
structed to take up protest tax re
ceipt and issue recular receipt in
place of Mime. o
The claim of M. MasMnger who
had paid his 1922 Real Estate tax
under protest was denied and county
treasurer instructed to issue regular
tax receipt.
Motion made and carried that for
the purpose of determining salar'es
of Cbunty Officials which nre based
on 'population, that the population
of Webster County is in excess of
12,000. Said figures arrived at by
comparisons of votes cast in past
years in Webster County.
The following claims were audited
and allowed and County Clerk in
structed to draw warrants on the
proper funds in payment of same:
a J. Cox
H. A. Stumpenhorst
T. J. Chaplin
C. A. Waldo
H-. II. dwell .-..
Vera McLcon
E. S. Cox -
Geo. Trine .- .--
G. A. Wells
Peter Knchnns .-
Harm Hopper
Wilbur Peterson
Emil Sack
Rollie Brooks -.
IT. r, Pels ......
II. L. Schonk
Peter Mcintosh
Com. Dist. No. 2
Ed Ilersh
Boom Bros. . .. ....
11. E. Haringtou
Ernest Grnuer ...
C. R. Rnkostrnw
.. 273.35
. 385.00
... 285.00
...$ 21.00
.. 20.50
. 4.80
51 -15
... 52.70
. . 8.00
.... 2G2.50
.... 4.00
... 0.00
... 13 00
... 49.25
. 025
.. 131.00
.... 23 00
... 23.00
... 2.10
... o )
No further business the Board ad
journed to meet July 9-1923.
B. P. PERRY, County Clerk.
Round Trip to
Why Pay Excessive Rates
The Great Northern Steamship Company
Announces that Arrangements are Now
Being Made for Monthly
$ 1 1 0 Round Trips to Europe
Boston Southampton
One Way $65
Couucctini; for
London, Liverpool, Lellavrc
The Company plans to
Boston Gothenburg
One Wsy &7S
Cotinuctiii loi
Chrlltlnnio, Stockholm, Hclsingiors
Danzig, Riga, Copenhagen
carry approximately two thousand passengers
monthly. Make your plans uow for a trip during the coining season.
who wish to visit the battlefields of
Frauce, the Shakespeare country,
Scandinavia, the Lund of the Mid
night Sun, etc. A chance of a life
time! So it would seem; but it is
more than that. The company will
build for a permanent business,
planning on setting a new standard
of high-class ocean travel on a one
class basis. That this can be done
at a fair margin of profit has al
ready been proved and is further
outlined iu our prospectus. You'll
find it extremely intcrcstiug.
A round trip, with all expenses on
shipboard included, at uo more ex
pense than a vacarion right here at
home! To meet the ever increasing
demand iu this country for au in
expensive and at the same time
thoroughly comfortable aud enjoy
able traus-Atlautic voyage, is the
prime object of the Great Northern
Steamship Company. Organized
by progressive business men who
realize the exceptional opportunity
offered for inexpensive travel iu
Europe, the Company will cater to
the thousands of intelligent persons
We havo an opening for an energotlc representative in your locality. This
is an excellent opportunity for a person ot character to build up a
permanent businoss both for himself and tho Great Northern.
13" Cut out and mail with your uamc and address "&
A. Wikstrom
Information Dcp't.
Edmunds Bldg., Suite 54
Boston, Mass.
I am interested iu securing full in
formation regarding a trip to:
(Mark a cross) One way Round trip
Germany ... '
Baltic Provinces
Russia .
United States Service, Inc.
Head Office, Edmunds Bldg.
Boston, Mass.
f Check
Enclose find P. O. Order for
( Draft 1
as payment in j j? (for
units of the shares of The Great
Northern Steamship Company. Inc.
Price per unit $50.00.
(Four Preferred and two Common
Shares to each unit.)
Have Certificate and Receipt issued
-.- ja tkc namc 0f:
Name .-
Street or R.f.d
City or town
State : -
c. - n, o i , The abov.e price quoted for immedi-
Street or R. f. d - ate acceptance only.
When baying on installments 25 per
City or town ccnt 0 purchase price must accom
pany order, balance may be made in
State tea monthly paymente.
Name .
Bible school at 10 a. m.
Morning Service at 11 a.m. Subject:
"The Reign of law; Shall sumptuary
laws be enforced?"
Evening Service 8. Subject: "Some
rollgiou9 fallacies."
Monthly Covenant meetlnp on Wed
nesday evenlug Juno 27th.
The ordinance of the Lord's Supper,
Sunday, July 1st.
Wo nre rejoicing greatly over the
promised success of the Union Vacat
ion Bible school. Very marked enthns-
lusui Is manifested and tho attendance1
U lnrco mid representative. Another
year of as creditable increase and the
bchool will be as popular as tho Chtiu in its best days.
By the wUy'eomo of the guarantors
of the latter are being Interested in
considering the piobabllltlesln thoab
sence of n local manager. Who 19 go
lug to bo hold rebponslblo for the
changed plan? Aro wo going to or
ganize or let the matter drift? Who
Cordial Invitation to all uot attend,
I W. Kdson, Pastor.
10 a. m., Sunday School. Review of
the characters studied during the quar
ter. 11 a. m., Sermon, "Does Education
8 p. m., Program by Youug Folks De
partraent. 8:45 Sermon, "Looking for an Idoal".
The Margin of Safety
Is represented by tho amount of
insurance you carry.
Don't lull yourself Into a fancied
Because fire has never touched yon
It doesn't follow that you're iminuno
Tomorrow -no today, If you have
time aud you better find time
come to the ofllce and we'll write
a policy on your house, furniture,
store or merchandise.
Reliable Insurance
fc .'j