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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1923)
ia RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF Child SONG OF LEGION AUXILIARY ren Cry for COULD HARDLY EAT ANYTHING UNTH HE USED rlEIQHIOrlt FOUND IT A WONDERFUL MEDICINE PE-HA 'i fit yT$i wfiffiSfm$i$WJtt bbbbbbV A BbbbbbV. TbW ill H I & H H A mr MOTHER:- Fletcher's Castoria is especially prepcred to rc licve Infants from one month old to Guldren all ages of Consti pation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allayius: Fcvcrish ncss arising therefrom, and, by regulating tlie Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food ; giving natural sleep. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of v!&sVv&&U Absolutely Harmless Np Opiates. Physicians cvcrywlioni rocotmnend it Hard Lying. Some members of the British navy got extra pay for "hard lying." This has nothing to do with spying or other Intelligence work or conducting visi tors over the fleet or writing reports, as might lie surmised. It refers to the dllllcultles of sleeping In a nasty little torpedo boat or similar craft which has not space enough to swing a com fortable hnmmock. The men had to sleep on hard decks and compensation was awarded In addition to ordinary pay. In future all engaged In subma rine work are to have an additional allowance, according to n recent ad miralty order. London's annual dish of meat Is uboiit -100.000 tons. The All-Year Car Jar Economical ju ius'&CNras rHH immnii rwMf-i Chevrolet Is leading In the great shift of public demand to closed cars because this company has the world's largest facilities for manufacturing high-grade closed bodies and is therefore able to offer sedans, coupes and scdancttcs at prices within easy reach of the average American family. Six large body plants adjoining Chevrolet assembly plants enable us to make prompt deliveries of the much wanted closed cars. As soon as you realize that your transportation require ments demand the year 'round, all-weather closed car, see Chevrolet first and learn how fully we can meet your requirements at the lowest cost obtainable in a modern, high-grade closed automobile. Prices f. o. b. Flint, Mich. Two-Pass, nondstcr . . 5510 Flve-1'nsa. Touring . . 525 Two-Pass. Utility Coupo 680 Four-1'uss, Sedamttu , 850 Dealers and Service Stations Everywhere Chevrolet Motor Company Division of General Motors Corporation Detroit, Mich. Re Flcures. The professor in mathemntlcs looked over the first few errors In the stu dent's multiplication problems. "Mr. Sparpendyke," he said, "I see you make 0x7 equal 71." , "Professor, I did that sum hastily, and" "I see I see. Proving that fools multiply rapidly." IMchtnond Times Ispatch. Mother herring lays about 50,000 ,b'gs at one time. Tirst English stamp was black. For a light, sweet dough set ycur sponge tonight with "Qood bread is the pride of the thrifty bride" The wife who is a good bread maker is a real helpmate for the bread winner Send for free booklet "The Art of Baking Bread" Laughter drowns sorrow. Thcro ought to be slwjie where It Is sold at all hours. It is easier for tba uvorage man to draw tlu lino than It la for him not to step over It. The war Iwis modo table linen very valuable The use of lted Cross Hall Blu -will tidd to Its wearing qualities. Use It and see. All grocers. Adver tlscxnent. Mou women snsrx'ct there is some mischief on tap every time their hus bands smile. An elephant will eat -'00 pounds of hay n day. b. Flint, Miclu for Every Family Trantportatlon Flve-Prtss. Sedan . . . $860 Llftlit Delivery . ... 510 Commercial Clmvil . , 425 Utility Express Truck Clmsli 575 Running A-Mokc. , Mandy Howdy, Mstnh; I saw yo' liusbun' down de road a ways an' lio was all tore up! What happened to him? Usa I happened to him. Dat's what ! He ain't done a stroke of work fo' six months an' he came Into do house n-slnglni: a chime an' wif n flower in his buttonhole an' wanted to know why de debbll his dlnnah wasn't ready ! De worm will turn, slstah 1 Do worm will turn. Life. Itecords show that but few vegeta rlnns marry grass widows. Yeast Foam Northwestern Yeast Co. 1730 North Ashland Ave. Chicago, 111. 'Ore. H Le$on it'opy for This Department Supplied bj the American I-Klott News Hcrvlce.) COMRADESHIP SPIRIT SHOWN Minnesota Veteran Receives Wallet Lost During War and Found by Dritlch Soldier. The spirit of comradeship between soldiers of the allied armlet of the World war, as demonstrated by th formation of the Interallied Veterans association, of which the American Legion Is a member body, has been shown In a number of Instances. One of the most Interesting exam ples of this friendly feeling between comrades was revealed In the llndlnjj of the personal wallet of 1'rancls M Kills a veteran of St. James, Minn, by Ilert O'oeke of London, a former British soldier. :ills served with Co. M.. M.lth In font ry, toward the close of the war and was moving up with his company when the (iertnans were turning back through Belgium. He lost his wallet, together with his registration card and other pergonal memoranda on the trip. Recently he received a letter from I'.ert Goeko. under a Loudon date line. The noto read: "I am sending you this wallet which 1 believe to be your property. I trust It finds you alive and In the hct of hoi'Ult after the terrible strife we hao been turough. "I don't know If you recollect travel ing In some box cars through P.elglum In the latter end of V.MS. I. myself, being wounded on the Ypres front, was. after a week or two, discharged from n dressing station and posted as a temporary guard on Vlamuetlnghu siding, where your train was unloaded. On finding your wallet. It has been my ambition since to forward It to you. 1 am Inclosing a photo of myself. Possibly you saw mo while your regi ment was passing my post. . . . Trusting you will drop me a line, I am, yours sincerely. Iiert Oocke." TO FORM SPARTANAIRE CLUB Organization to Give American Boya Character Training, Buslneso Man. agement and Salesmanship. The American I.ifclon Weekly tins formulated plans for the organization of a national boys' club, bused on the tradition of the endurance of the Spar tan boys, to give to .voting Americans n opportunity In character training, business management and salesman ship. The organlatlou is called the '4partanalre club. The following points hnvo been Adopted as the code of theSpartanalre: 1. The Spartanalre puts his whole Vnrt Into everything he does: he ttrlves to bo 100 per cent American. 2. He Is proud of everything he accom--Ilshes; but nevqr brags or gloats over !is success. II. He Is a good sports man and knows how to lose without Thlnlng; he never makes the same tilstake twice. 4. lie plays square and fair In everything he docs; his word Is absolute. f. Ills name Is like a trademark; if he says or does any thing, his friends know he is right. 0. lie studies his mistakes so that he wlh turn them Into victories next time. 7. He does not believe that he Is all-perfect; but he knows that he Is nearer to It today than he was yesterday. 8. He Is always learning something thnt will be of value to him when ho grows older. J). He gets a fell day's value i work', play and rest In every 21 hours. 10. He is never selfish and Is always ready to help others. 11. He Is true blue and his friends are proud of his friendship. 12. lie Is n Srsirtnnalre and he slicks to everything he under takes. HOSPITAL AT CAMP CUSTER New Institution Will Have Thirty Duildlr.Qs Spread Over Tract of 500 Acres. Plans have been drawn for the con struction by the federal government of u million and a half dollar hospital for former service men suffering from nervous and inentnl diseases on the site of the Camp Custer cuntotiment. The hohpltal will have thirty buildings spread over a tract of 500 acres. It la one of llvo for which congress appro priated $18,000,000. The government hospital will have facilities for the treatment of riOO pa tients. It will bo built around a com rnodlous two-story stnuture, winged with general wards on one side and wards for "disturbed" patients on tho other. At one end of the hospltnl group will be located the cottage for tubercular patients, equipped with steeping porches and the most modern methods of treating this disease. There Is a group of buildings for "continued treatment" ciih-r. contain ing large day rooms on the first lloor with wards above. Three separate buildings will provide accommodation1! for nurses, female attendants nnd malo attendants. There will be separate structures for tho vocational training shops, garage nnd repair shops. Has Uniformed Legion Band. Brockton. Mass., Anierlcivn Legion niombeis claim to hnve the only unb formed Legion band In tho state. Twenty-eight musicians, all Legion naires, compose the band. Nearly W per cent of them are overseus men. "The Call of the Flag," Given tc Organization by Author, Used In Americanism Campaign, ' The patriotic appeal of the song, "The fall of the Flag," Is to become one of the factors of the Americanism campaign which is belli;; waged by the American Legion Auxiliary. This song, which has been adopted by the , Auxiliary as Its olllchil composition. I has a stirring air nnd possesses wonN I which create a high enthusiasm among , the hearers. The song was llrst heard by Legionnaires and Auxiliary mem- i hers at the New Orleans convention, where It rovolwd the olllclal endorse ment of the Auxiliary. Mrs. Madge King Johnston, national vice-president and chairman of the Americanism committee of the Aull Jury, plans to make wide ile of the olllclal song In the work which Is be ing undertaken by the Auxiliary along the lines of Americanism. The song Is now being distributed by the na tional organization of the Auxiliary through Its departments and local units. Recent popularization of the song has bec assisted by broadcast ing from varions radio stations throughout the country, particularly , Ats. Madge King Johnston. on 'w.e patriotic holiday, when It was mad a part of a special program. Other ways of putting the composi tion before the public are being urged by Mrs. Johnston mid through her ef forts and those of other members of the committee, local units of the Aux iliary have received the endorsement of many civic, patriotic and fraternal organizations throughout the nation for the new song. Mrs. L. D. West felt of Now Orlenns, who composed the song, turned over Iho plates, rights nnd arrangements for publication of future edIUons ta the women of the Auxiliary. She ad winced considerable money for tho In itial work, but freely gave this. Word lias Jnst been received by Mrs. John ston from New Orleans telling of Mrs. Wostfelfs death shortly after landing from a trip to Kgypt and tho Medi terranean sea. A letter received by Mrs. Johnston told of her pleasure at returning home, and of her Intense Interest In the prog ress of the song. Mrs. Johnston, In a message to national headquarters of the Auxiliary says: "We will now feel that our work Is a sacred obligation bequeathed to us In fulfilling her de sires to aid the boys In this way." Tito Kong may be obtained In sheet music form, orchestrations, bund ar rangements and on player piano rolls. All rights to the composition have been relinquished by the composer vt the Auxiliary. FORD HOSPITAL DOORS OPEN Detroit Inctltutlon to Admit Disabled Var Veterans Who Are In Need of Attention. A personnl plea from Alvln Owsley, national commander of the American Legion, to Henry Ford has resulted In hospitalization for .'!00 disabled war veterans of Michigan. Ford has agreed to throw open the doors oi ins nig nospmii in in-iron m i every disabled ex-service man anil woman In the state, following Com mander" Owsley's statement of the hopeless fight tie Michigan veterans were making because the government failed to simplify the formal proced iipo through which applicants for hos pitalization are forced to go and which hns resulted In long delay in obtninlng relief for the war fighters. After hearing the Legion head's ap peal, Mr. Ford Immediately Instructed the superintendent of the Henry Ford hospital to receive at once any man in need of hospital treatment who could produce proof of war service. The Ford hospital covers 20 acres In tho heart of Detroit. It was used as United States general hospital No. 80 during and e.fter the war. IsVEu ft KV&BBat9UGSBBBSaE3t'r ? taVfv i - f tf bbbbVbl aVaMaaw Form Unlt3 of "Polar Dears." Members of the detachtaent of American troops which served in Rus sia during the World war uro forming ' units of the "Polar Hears." These men Include n number of prominent Legion naires who were on duty In the frozen north while their comrades wero In France. They find much to tall: about, according to reports of their meetings. Hard tack nt S10, cigarettes at $2.fi0 a package, nights In "pup" tents with the thermometer lllrting around f0 be lowthese are among the topics of the former membora of the A. K. F. In llussla. Units of the organization have been formed la Chicago and in rutHili illllli Erring but Polltlo Husband. Mrs. Wish At last I huvo found you out. You wero seen lllrting with a woman yesterday 1 Mr. Wish It was my mistake. She had on a hat exactly like yours. Come with mo and buy an exclusive Paris hat. 1 don't want to bo embarrassed nguln. Loudon Answers. Important to All Women Readers of This Paper Thounnndu upon thousands of women have kidney or bladder trouble and never Buepect it. Women's complaints often prove to be nothing clso but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease If tho kidneys nro not in a healthy con dition, thoy may caueo tho .other organs to become dioeaFcd. You may suffer pain in tho back, head acho and low of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, irri table nnd maybo despondent; it makes any one fo. Hut hundreds of women claim that Dr. Kilmer's Bwamp-Root, by rcstorinR health to the kidneys, proved to be just tho remedy needed to overcome such condi tinny. Iany fend for a sample bottle to bco what Swamp-Root, tho great kidney, liver and bladder medlcino, will do for them. By enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., you may receive sam ple pize bottle by parcel post. You enn purchase mediuw nnd largo siro bottles at all drug stores. Advertisement. Judging From Results. He "That play I saw last night made me think." She "One of those miracle plays, I suppose." WHY TAKE LAXATIVES? D I ceo very by Sclenco Has Replaced Them. Pills nnd snits givo temporary relief from constipation only nt tho expenso of permnnent Injury, says an eminent medical authority. Sclenco hns found n newer, better way a means as slmplo as Naturo It self. In perfect henlth n nnturnl lubricant keeps the food wqste soft nnd moving. But when constipntlon exists this nntural lubricnnt is not BuUlcfent. Doctors prescribe Nujol because It acts llko this nntural lubricant and thus secures regjilar bowel movements by Nature's own method lubrication. As Nujol Is not n medlcino or laxn tlvo, It cannot gripe and, like puro water, It Is harmless and pleasant. Nujol Is used in leading hospitals. Get n bottlo from your druggist toduy. Advertisement. No Tip. Walter "Haven't you forgotten something, sir?" Ilestaurant Patron "More than you ever knew." Modern. "Shall wo sit hero and talk?" "No, thanks, I am so tired. Let us dance Instead." When n mini Is working for himself he doesn't hnve to employ n time keeper. CLEAN SCOUR POLISH with ' AMERICA'S Black - Tan HOME quick It's easy to shine with the Home Wf9aBMlUJaEnMaaH''NI'BB.Ci wSssfiSvifiy bbmXbIbI" ...if MM ariSSSSSMrfl3m'ay aSVJ.siSiaaaa,ltja3 H ii' . I illiiaTiaiilMl BBBBBBBBv tA&tAaMaaJrsVBlt l I wm wf 1 and Utm) and cmM hardlr rat anything until I duiI ru-na. Hootnny appetite wi ftcxxi nii nijruirfiuoti etnrrvrl. I teld my nflghliora and ernrroMof thra fosnit It womlnrful tnf.illclno You ran almya get a doto cf l'ora-D at inj toun no matter nut ths ar fix." MB. T. N, WAfunttin, DoxtJ.liraMCIty.Mo. Catarrh of tho Btomach nnd bowoh) is among tho many forma of catarrhal dlseasen from which n largo number of, people needlessly on (Tor. Fifty years of usefulness is tho guar nutoo behind PE-RU-NA Tablets or Liquid Sold Everyvitisre Enormous Electrical Power. Bavarian engineers are building n tunnel tinder tho Alps, to divert pnrt of the Isar river Into Wnlchen lnko for an mormons hydro-electric plunt. When completed the work, which Is well under way, will furnish enough! electrlcnl power for All t)ie Bnvarlnn railways, Industrial' plants nnd city lights. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ALMS 254 AND 754 PACKAGES EVERYWHERE 1 Vaseline NUlMOt CARBOLATED PETROLEUM JELLY No skin break too small for notice. Be very wary of cuts, scratches and skin abrasions, no matter howslieht. "Vaseline" Carbol ated Petroleum Jelly applied at once lessens the possibility of infection. It comes in bottles at all druggists and general stores. CIIESEBROUGI1 MFG. COMPANY (CooMlMftnl) State St. N err York i Ewry "VaitUnt" froduct l Tcom mtminl vryurr brfiui of its abt lute purity and tlltctlientu. Ladies Can Wear Shoes One cizc smaller and walk in comfort by using Allan's Foot-Base, the antiseptic, healing powder for the feet Shaken into the shoes Allen's Foot Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to corns, bunions and callouses; prevents Blisters, Callous and Sore Spots and gives rest to tired, aching, swollen feet 1,500,000 pounds of powder for the feet were used by our Army and Navy during the War. Sold everywhere. For Free Sample and a Foot-Ease Walking Doll, address Allen's Foot-Ease, Le Roy, N. Y. W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 24--1923. During courtship a man ncuulrcs if lot of good liablis that he has no use for after marriage. Ited tape is one of tho disguises by which Inelllclent officialdom seeks to appear busy. Many a golden opportunity has been wrecked for want of a genius to throw tho switch. Quickly and easily cleans steel knives and forks. Removes stains, grime and grease. Use it for pots and pans, aluminum and all kitchenware. Avoid Substitutes, tho name SAPOLIO is on the package. Blue Band Silver Wrapper. ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS CO., Sole Manufacturers NEW YORK U.S.A. SHOE POLISH I c Vf-fr "- I IK-i .jySn "lyHI tfc2SaM5iO White - Ox-Blood - Brown SlUNOlA and the Shinola Homo Set should be in every home. Every member o( the family can use it for it gives the quick easy shine. The shine that preserves leather and resists weather. SlUNOlA in the handy opening box with the key. Sel. "The Shine for Mine"